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By Mike Johnson on 2017-07-02 19:35:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of Global Force Wrestling's Slammiversary XV PPV from the Impact Zone at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

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Robert Flores and Don West are the announcers for the pre-show.  It is GREAT to see Don West.

They kicked off with a video package on Alberto el Patron vs. Bobby Lashley.

Allie & Braxton Sutter & Mahabali Shera vs. Laurel Van Ness & KM & Kongo Kong

Allie and Laurel almost went at it before the bell.  Braxton looked strong early before KM.  KM worked him over, but Shera tagged in and nailed a slam.  Kong tagged himself in and took down Shera with a big headbutt.  KM tagged in and hit a splash for a two count on Shera.  Kong tagged in and nailed a big clothesline for a two count.  Shera dropped down into a jawbreaker to escape Kong.

Allie tagged in and went after Laurel, cleaning house.  Allie dropkicked her into the buckles and scored a two count.   Allie went for what appeared to be a Codebreaker but was caught and slammed down.  KM and Sutter tagged in.  Sutter got the better of the exchange early.  KM reversed a whip but missed a big splash into the corner.  KM drilled Sutter down for a two count.  Shera hit the ring, as did Kong.  Kong nailed a big splash in the corner but missed another, crashing over the top and landing on his feet.

Van Ness grabbed Allie and went for a backslide but Allie countered it.  KM confronted her but Braxton drilled him.  Allie nailed the old Spike Dudley bulldog off the ropes, which they called the Allie Drop, on KM and scored the pin.

Your winners, Allie & Braxton Sutter & Mahabali Shera!

All action.  Fun opener.  Flores and West were fine on commentary.

They aired a video package on Sonjay Dutt vs. Low Ki, followed by a video on Rosemary vs. Sienna.  They ran down the rest of the card.


They showed footage of GFW champion Alberto el Patron and Impact champion Bobby Lashley entering the Impact Zone earlier today.

They had a pretty great opening video package showcasing the history of the company and the matches set for tonight's show.

Dave Penzer introduced the heads of Impact, AAA, Pro Wrestling NOAH and Crash Wrestling, which means Ed Nordholm made his official on camera debut for the company.

Impact Tag Team champions LAX vs. Drago & Hijo del Fantasma vs. Laredo Kid & Garza Jr. vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Taiji Ishimori.

Santana and Marufuji statted out and they went back and forth with some nice action.   Santana shoulderblocked him down.  Santana nailed a nice lucha armdrag takedown off the ropes.  They faced off and began slapping each other hard.  Good stuff early on.  Marufuji unloaded with some great kicks.  Laredo hit a nice dropkick.  Ishimori tagged in and looked good controlling him with some hot offense.  I can tell you this - you can feel something fresh in the action already on the show with all these new names.

Ortiz and Ishimori battled, including a nice Northern Lights suplex for a two count.  Garza Jr. broke up the pinfall attempt with a kick to the head.  He and Ortiz battled, including snapping a nice rana.  He used the ropes to moonsault off, sending Ortiz flying with a lucha armdrag.  They faced off but Drago and Fantasma attacked them both.   Drago sent Laredo Kid to the outside with a rana.  He and Fantasma controlled the ring, looking good with knee strikes and lucha takedowns.  Fantasma flipped Drago over the top to the floor on their opponents.  Fantasma teased a dive but was tripped by LAX.

Santana began working over Fantasma with stiff kicks.  LAX worked him over but Drago hit the ring to even the odds.   LAX overwhelmed Drago and nailed several combination moves.  They did some really awesome spots as everyone got more involved.  Ishii and Marufuji wiped out Laredo Kid for a two count.  This match is just awesome.

Drago hit a tornado DDT on Ishimori, diving off Fantasma's body and using it now.  Three talents were battling on the top but then stopped and hit three moonsaults in different directions to wipe out competitors in the ring and the floor.  Lots of big dives.  Fantasma hit a spinning piledriver but Marufuji saved Ishimori.  Fantasma sent him to the floor and hit a big suicide dive to the floor.  Dinamita got involved as did Homicide.  There is way too much going on and all of it is fun and great.

Drago hit a twisting corkscrew plancha to the floor.  Santana and Laredo battled back and forth.  Kid drilled him on the top and nailed a Spanish Fly for a close two count.  The battle continued untl LAX scored the pin on Kid.  Holy hell, I am exhausted from watching this!

Your winners and still Tag Team champions LAX!

This was absolutely great, as in one of the best matches in the last few years of the company.  Just all out balls to the wall action with all sorts of hot action from talents that were all looking to impress.

Konnan said they have a new member joining and when they do, the takeover is complete.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash was all worried when Joseph Park found him and informed him tonight's match against Scott Steiner and Josh Mathews would be No DQ.  Borash freaked out and asked if he was trying to get him killed.  Park told him not to be afraid to call on old friends.  I am hoping those old friends are not Puppet or the Johnsons.

They aired a video piece on Moose and DeAngelo Williams vs. Chris Adonis and Eli Drake.

Grand champion Moose & NFL star DeAngelo Williams vs. Chris Adonis & Eli Drake.

Moose and Williams were accompanied by NASCAR star Austin Dylan and NFL star Gary Barnidge.  They had cheerleaders doing the Moose chant as they danced for the entrance. 

Moose and Adonis started with Moose taking him down.  Drake tagged in and he and Moose went back and forth.  Drake dared Williams to get in the ring and Moose tagged him in.  Drake mocked football drills.   They locked up and Drake grabbed a side headlock and sent him into the ropes for a shoulder tackle.  Williams did a kipup but was kicked in the gut.  Williams gained control and nailed several armdrags.  He looked very smooth for a guy who had never wrestled before.

Moose tagged in and whipped Drake into the corner.  Williams hit a cannonball in the corner.  Moose nailed a hesitation dropkick for a two count.  Drake nailed a Hot Shot on Moose, leading to Adonis and Drake double-teaming him.  Drake went to do a springboard move but slipped and the crowd was all over him despite him doing a good job of recovering it.  Moose nailed a jawbreaker to break free but was caught and slammed by Drake.  Adonis tagged in and kicked away at Moose, who came back with a big clothesline.

Williams tagged in and cleaned house, scoring a two count with a standing moonsault press.  Drake whipped him into the corner but was kicked off during a charge.  Moose and Williams hit back senton splashes.  Williams jumped on Moose's back and Moose hit a back senton splash with Williams assisting.  That was cool.  Williams looks good and is obviously really into this.  Drake has made him look like a million bucks.

Williams hit a sliding kick through the ropes to the floor.  Moose hit a corkscrew dive.   Moose and Williams pulled out a table from under the ring.    Drake and Adonis cut them off.  Williams was sent into the ring steps outside.  Drake nailed an elbow off the ropes as Adonis held him.  Drake and Adonis set up the table.    They placed Moose on the top of the table.  Williams shoved Drake off the top to the floor.  Adonis was distracted by this, allowing Moose to knock him down and place him on the table.

Williams ascended to the top, which got a big reaction, and hit a great looking frog splash but it didn't break the table.  He still covered Adonis and scored the pin.

Your winners, Moose and DeAngelo Williams!

Entertaining match that was laid out exactly as it should have been.  Williams l ooked really awesome in the ring.  With the exception of the table not breaking and one slip on the ropes, it was as good as it could have been as a spectacle.

After the match, someone called an audible and Moose attacked Adonis and Drake.  They pulled Drake back into the ring and Moose powerbombed him through the table.  If at first you don't succeed....

McKenszie interviewed EC3.  He said James Storm was a legend here.  He said that he was a foundation of the company, so he's going to rip apart brick by brick, piece by piece.  He said James is a man but he's going to be emasculated and mutilated.  He said he was the top of the card and "this company needs me."  Good promo.

Coverage will continue on Page 2!

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