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By Richard Trionfo on 2016-12-19 23:03:00

The New Day make their way to the ring and there is less of a bounce in their step than the previous 483 days.

Xavier says after 483 days, the historic, legendary tag team championship reign of the New Day has hit a roadblock.

Kofi says they cannot mourn forever.  Ric Flair could not have become a 16 time champion without losing 15 times.  Big E says that will be Charlotte in a month.

Big E says the New Day cannot become your three time champions without losing a few times.

Xavier says they will once again become your WWE World Tag Team Champions.

Cesaro comes out and he is joined by his fellow tag team champion Sheamus.

Sheamus starts to talk and Cesaro stops Sheamus.  He tells him not to do it.  

Sheamus says he is full of positivity tonight because this really is a new day.  It is Day 1 of the reign of the new WWE Tag Team Champion Sheamus.

Cesaro jumps in and they go back and forth saying their names as the crowd reaction changes.

Kofi says after just one day of being tag team champions, they gave you new title belts.  Kofi says they had to walk around with those heavy copper belts?  He says that someone would out New Day the New Day and they are happy it was you.

Sheamus thanks Kofi but Xavier tells Sheamus 'shame'.

Xavier says when they were saying congratulations, they were talking about Cesaro.  Big E says he has cat like reflexes. 

Cesaro says it is good to be strong when you are teaming with this guy. 

Sheamus wants to know what Cesaro is talking about.

Cesaro mentions Sheamus' ego.

Sheamus says he does not care what anyone thinks about him.  He says they are champions because of him so chew on that.  He says the New Day's reign of terror is over.  The 483 days of disgracing the tag titles is over.  Cesaro says they did not disgrace them.  Sheamus says if they can be champions for 483 days, he can hold on to the titles for 20 years.

Xavier says for over 483 days there was music, singing, and dancing.  There were more than 20 New Day shirts made..  There was cereal, there was the Old Day . . . maybe they should forget about that.  They used the Power of Positivity. 

Big E says you will never match their reign because . . . 

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows interrupt.

Karl says he sees a bunch of . . . Luke says nerds . . . in the ring.  It is sadder that the New Day think they are the greatest tag team champions or that Sheamus and Cesaro think they won the titles on their own. 

Luke says if it wasn't for them beating down the Nerd Day, Sheamus and Cesaro would not be the tag team champions.

Epico and Primo come out and they say this is the holiday season so they should not be fighting.  Epico says they have the perfect holiday gift.  Primo says everyone should have fun at the Shining Stars Resort.

Cesaro rips up the brochure and then Primo and Epico attack Cesaro and then we go to commercial (to get ready for the expected eight man tag match).

Match Number Three:  Sheamus, Cesaro, Big E, and Kofi Kingston (with Xavier Woods) versus Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Epico, and Primo

The match is joined in progress and Primo with a side head lock on Kofi and Primo with a shoulder tackle.  Kofi goes for the jumping back elbow but Primo holds on to the ropes.  Epico makes the tag and Epico hits a butterfly face buster and Anderson tags in.  Anderson sends Kofi back into the ring and he gets a near fall.  Anderson punches Kofi and Karl hits a running boot to the head and he gets a near fall.  Gallows tags in and he punches Kofi.

Gallows with a round kick and he gets a near fall.  Anderson tags in and punches Kofi and then he goes for a reverse chin lock.  Anderson with a leg lariat for a near fall.  Gallows tags in and connects with punches and an uppercut.  Gallows slams Kofi and misses with an elbow drop.  Gallows with a kick and Irish whip but Kofi comes off the turnbuckles.  Gallows with a choke slam as we go to commercial.

We are back and Anderson with a head lock on Kofi.  Anderson with a waist lock and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Kofi lands on his feet.  Kofi cannot make the tag.  They go to the turnbuckles and Kofi hits a tornado DDT.  Gallows tags in and he goes after Big E.  Primo and Epico with suicide dives onto Cesaro and Sheamus.  Gallows with a boot and then he gets Kofi up and Anderson hits a flying boot for a near fall.  Anderson runs into a boot and then Gallows is sent to the floor.  Big E makes the tag and he hits two overhead belly-to-belly suplexes followed by a belly-to-belly suplex.  Big E goes for the Warrior Splash but Sheamus tags in.  Epico is sent to the apron for the forearms across the chest.

Sheamsu with a Finlay Slam and then he sets for the Brogue Kick but Primo gets involved.  Epico with a rollup and then Cesaro tags in and they hit a spike White Noise but Primo breaks up the cover.  Anderson hits a running knee to Big E but Cesaro with a pop up European uppercut.  Ceasro sets for the swing on Epico and he sends Epico spinning and then he applies the Sharpshooter and Epico taps out.

Winners:  Sheamus, Cesaro, Kofi Kingston, and Big E

Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady are in the locker room and Enzo takes the blame for Colin's recent problems.  Colin tells Enzo to focus on how much fun they are going to have in Columbus.

Enzo is given a letter and he says maybe it is from Ed McMahon.  Colin points out that he is dead.  Enzo says maybe it is from Vince McMahon.  Enzo says maybe they are getting a raise.

The letter says that he has to undergo sensitivity training because he exposed himself last month.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Neville makes his way to the ring.  We see what happened after the Cruiserweight Title Match.

Neville says last night he single handedly destroyed the Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann and his little buddy TJ Perkins and you people cheered him?  That's rich.  It has been a long time since you people cheered for him.  Usually you only cheer for him when you think he is vulnerable or small or in despair.  He does not want your cheers or your sympathy.  He says you can stick em.  Make no bones about it, this is a warning.  If your little favorite happens to be on 205 Live because it is too bad.  Neville says he is going to obliterate the division.

Rich Swann's music plays and he makes his way onto the stage.  Swann wants to know what happened to the man he looked up to.

Neville wants to know where Swann's respect it.  He took Swann under his wing in Japan and taught him everything he knows.  Your career skyrocketed but where it the respect for the true King of the Cruiserweights.

Swann comes to the ring and he tells Neville he can call himself anything he wants, but as long as he holds this title, he is the best in the cruiserweight division and you cannot handle that.

Brian Kendrick comes out and he tells Swann how dare he talk to Neville like that.  Kendrick says he asked how can you start a cruiserweight division without Neville.  They are both pioneers and this would not be possible without them.  Kendrick says Neville respects him.  

Neville tells Swann he needs to learn his place.

Kendrick and Neville surround Swann and Swann with a shot to Neville but Kendrick takes over.  Neville kicks Swann and TJ Perkins' music plays and he comes to the ring but Neville with a kick to Perkins and he goes down.

Neville and Kendrick stand over Swann and Perkins.

Kendrick with Sliced Bread #2 to Perkins while Neville walks up the ramp.

We go to the Sensitivity Training and Jinder Mahal, Bo Dallas, Darren Young, and Bob Backlund are in there.

Enzo shows up a little late.  He is asked to tell why he is here.

Enzo says he is here today because he showed his co-workers his Italian sausage.  He says it was his partner's fault because he left him out of the locker room.  He is asked how long he has been with his partner and Enzo says he likes girls.

Enzo is told to take a seat and he 'takes it'.

Jinder starts to speak and he is asked how he spells his name and Enzo interrupts.

We go to commercial.

We are back with more sensitivity training but we go to the ring.

Match Number Four:  Titus O'Neil versus Sin Cara

Cara with a springboard cross body and Braun Strowman's music plays and he comes to the ring.

Cara and Titus stand in the ring because they probably missed Braun's earlier comments.  Strowman throws Cara down and then he clotheslines Titus and kicks him to the floor.  Strowman with a running power slam to Titus.  Cara with a suicide dive but Strowman sends Cara to the mat.  

No Contest

Referees come out to hold their arms out to stop Strowman and Strowman does not care so he picks up Cara and carries him onto the stage. 

Mick Foley tells Strowman to put Cara down. 

Strowman reminds Foley that he told him 'or else'.  Strowman tosses Cara off the stage onto a tree and presents.  Strowman kicks some Christmas trees and presents.  

Officials check on Sin Cara while Foley stares at the damage.

Coverage continues on Next Page

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