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By Richard Trionfo on 2016-03-14 23:05:00

Match Number Six:  Dolph Ziggler versus Triple H (with Stephanie McMahon and the GameFountain) in a Non Title Match for a Chance for Dolph to have a Match at Wrestlemania Match

They lock up and Hunter with a side head lock and take down.  Hunter with a shoulder tackle but Ziggler with a side head lock take down.  Ziggler holds on to the side head lock.  Hunter with a shoudler tackle.  Ziggler with a hip toss and side head lock take down.  Ziggler with a shoudler tackle and then he avoids a hip toss and gives Hunter a hip toss and then he takes Hunter down with a side head lock and he gets a near fall.  Ziggler blocks a hip toss but Hunter with a knee to the midsection.  Hunter tries for a suplex but Ziggler lands on his feet and he gets a rollup for a near fall.  Ziggler with a back slide for a near fall.  Ziggler with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.

Hunter with an elbow and Ziggler rolls to the floor.  Hunter sends Ziggler into the ringside barrier and Ziggler holds his neck as we go to commercial.

We are back and Hunter with a key lock.  We see Hunter giving Dolph a gourdbuster onto the ringside barrier during the commercial break.  Hunter with a Divorce Court to Ziggler for a near fall.  Hunter kicks ZIggler in the ribs and then he sends Ziggler's arm into the turnbuckles.  Hunter punches Ziggler but Ziggler punches back. Hunter with a Harley Race Knee for a near fall.  Hunter with another gourdbuster and Hunter follows with a knee drop and he gets a near fall.

Ziggler with punches but Hunter sends Ziggler through the ropes to the floor.  Hunter follows and he sends Ziggler shoulder first into the ring steps.  Hunter slams the arm into the ring steps. Hunter suplexes Ziggler back into the ring from the apron and Hunter goes to the turnbuckles.   Hunter takes his time and he comes off and is met with a boot from Ziggler.  Ziggler with a flying forearm and a flying clothesline followed by a Stinger Splash and a neck breaker.  Ziggler with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.  Ziggler with punches in the corner and Hunter blocks a super kick and Hunter sets for a Pedigree but Ziggler counters with a rollup for a near fall.

Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall.  Hunter with a facebuster but Ziggler with a hesitation DDT for a near fall.  Ziggler runs into a boot in the corner and then Hunter with a spinebuster but Hunter is unable to cover Ziggler.  Hunter picks up Ziggler by the hair and Ziggler with a super kick and he gets a near fall.  Hunter goes to the floor and Ziggler with a forearm to the back of the head.  Hunter is sent back into the ring and Ziggler is knocked off the apron and into the ringside barrier.  Ziggler makes his way back into the ring at nine and Hunter tries for a Pedigree but Ziggler counters with a back body drop.  Hunter holds on to the ropes on a Zig Zag attempt and Hunter hits the Pedigree for the three count.

Winner:  Triple H

After the match, Roman Reigns' music plays and he makes his way to the ring but he finally learned where the entrance is.  Reigns makes his way to the ring and he takes Hunter down and punches Hunter.

Stephanie runs to the back while Reigns pulls Hunter to the floor and sends him into the ringside barrier.  Reigns sends Hunter into the ringside barrier again.  Hunter is sent into the ring post and Reigns with punches.  Hunter is slammed into the announce table.  Reigns sends Hunter over the announce table.  Reigns rearranges the announce table but officials come out and hold their arms out to tell them not to do anything.  Hunter throws a chair at Reigns and then Reigns goes after the officials.  Hunter hits Reigns but Reigns punches Hunter and Hunter is down.

Hunter tries to get away from Reigns but Reigns with a head butt and punches.  Hunter staggers up the ramp and then Reigns follows after him.  Reigns with a punch as they fight by the sound equipment.  Reigns hits Hunter with a case.  Reigns follows Hunter into the back and Reigns sends Hunter into a door.  Security tries to stop Reigns but Roman fights them off.

Hunter gets away from Reigns and he is bleeding.  Reigns throws a trash can at Hunter and Hunter goes down.  Reigns grabs the monitor that Dean Ambrose used against Bray Wyatt at TLC and he hits Hunter with it.

The Usos, Jack Swager, and Mark Henry calm Reigns down as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Roman Reigns'return and everything that happened between them.

It is time for the announcement that Jacqueline will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Goldust is walking in the back and R Truth is in a penguin costume.  Goldust says he gets it.  Since they are in Pittsburgh, he dressed like a penguin.

Truth did not realize they were in Pittsburgh.  He says there is a deeper minute.  The closest thing to a penguin he had in the hood was a pigeon.  When a penguin finds its mate they stay together forever.  Truth asks Goldust to be his penguin.

Goldust thinks about it and he says . . . NO

We are back and Chris Jericho tells a fan to shove his sign.  Chris says he cannot believe that you chose AJ Styles over him.  Chris says he is one of the greatest performers in this business and you chose him.  The response for AJ has been great, but he has not shown it in the ring.  AJ is a hack.  AJ is arrogant and over his head, just like you.  Chris says he had to show who the boss is in the ring.  He has to show who the general is.  He had to show AJ who his daddy is.  AJ is not phenomenal, Chris says he is.

Match Number Seven:  Chris Jericho versus Neville

Jericho pushes Neville and Neville with kicks.  Neville with a side head lock and Jericho with a shoudler tackle.  Neville avoids Jericho's kick and hits a drop kick.  Jericho goes to the floor and he throws the ring steps around.  We go to commercial.

We are back and Neville with a kick but Jericho with a forearm.  Neville with a kick and rana.  Neville rolls Jericho into the corner and Neville has trouble getting to his feet as he holds his ankle.  Jericho with a rollup for a near fall.  The referee tells Jericho that Neville is hurt and Jericho pushes the referee and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner:  Neville (by disqualification)

After the match, Jericho gets on the mic and he says that this is on your hands.  This is what happens when you treat him like a piece of trash.  Jericho says he is the best in the world at what he does.  Jericho tells everyone to chant for AJ Styles and shock of shocks, they do what Jericho wants them to do.

AJ Styles comes out and he is dressed for a fight.

Styles with a forearm from the apron and he hits the Phenomenal Forearm and he stands over Jericho.

It is time for a Public Service Announcement that Dish Network may be pulling some Universal channels including USA.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the announcers talk about what is going to happen on Smackdown.

Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring and he is disappointed by the reaction from the crowd so he has Lillian introduce him again.

Imagine Shane McMahon proclaiming a new WWE on the Raw after Wrestlemania.  He will proclaim new starts and greater matches.  He will mention a new plan that will take WWE into a new stratosphere.  That reality is a dream.  The only person standing in the ring after Wrestlemania will be him.

He will stick out his 52 inch chest and gloat because his son's dreams will be crushed.  His son will no longer want to be in public.  He will be an impotent shell of himself.  If he does venture out, he will say that he was Vince McMahon's son.  Vince says he does not have to put a hand on Shane.  He will have his Instrument of Destruction . . . the Undertaker.

Eventually the lights go out and the building turns blue for the arrival of the Undertaker.

Undertaker makes his way to the ring.

Vince tells Undertaker never to put his hands on him again.

Undertaker removes his leather jacket and then he takes off his hat as only the Undertaker can.

Vince says he will consider that a lapse of judgment and it is probably a lapse of judgment to bring it up again so he apologizes.  Vince says he knows that Undertaker knows him and he has no problem doing the devil's work.  He knows that he will have no problem dangling Shane's flesh from the top of the Hell in the Cell.  He knows that Taker will have no problem slamming Shane into the cell.  He knows that Undertaker will leave Shane in a pool on the floor.

Shane McMahon's music plays and he is able to do the Shane-O Shuffle before coming to the ring to confront his father and opponent at Wrestlemania.  Shane does the Shane-O Shuffle in the ring before he starts to talk.

Shane says that Vince brings up Best for Business and Shane says that Vince is not what is best for business.  He will give the devil his due.  He is in the match of a lifetime at Wrestlemania against the Undertaker.  Shane says he has been watching an immense amount of footage and he has figured out what to do.  He is going to use his mind.  Taker is going to swing but Taker is going to miss.  He is going to make sure that Taker burns so much oxygen he cannot go after him.  Shane says he will turn himself into a weapon.  Shane says he is going to use his heart.  If he has one beat in his heart, he is fighting for his children and the legacy of the WWE.

Taker grabs a mic and he tells Shane that it ain't going to be enough.  Taker tells Shane that what he has are these as he shows Shane his fists.  These are his legacy, more than Wrestlemania.

Shane says that for the last 25 years, you have helped carry this company on your back.  You are the Phenom and the measuring stick.  Shane says he is shocked that Taker is dancing around like a puppet being pulled by Vince.

Taker says that no one controls him.

Shane says that from where he is standing, he sees it a little differently.  He has the misfortune of being Vince's son, but Taker is Vince's Bitch.

Taker tries for a choke slam but Shane gets to his feet and Shane punches Taker.  Vince pushes Shane to Taker and Taker with a choke slam.

Taker looks at Vince and Vince knows it is time to get out of the ring.

Taker stands over Shane and then the building goes blue and we go to credits.



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