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By Richard Trionfo on 2016-05-30 23:03:00

We are in Green Bay, Wisconsin and your announcers are John Layfield, Michael Cole, and Byron Saxton.

The WWE roster is on the stage for a moment of silence for Memorial Day.

We have a video package for Memorial Day.

Shane McMahon's music plays and he shuffles his way to the ring.

Before Shane can speak, he is interrupted by his sister and co-controling member of Raw, Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie says she knew Shane wasn't going to start withou there.  She welcomes everyone to Raw.

Shane tells Stephanie to keep it quiet and he welcomes everyone, but adds the Foley touch to the welcome.

Shane says the New Era has changed the landscape.  Shane mentions July 19th and how Smackdown will be going live every week.  It means better shows, better match ups and better opportunities.

Stephanie says that is Smackdown, but they are on Raw.  Stephanie mentions that John Cena is coming back.

The New Day interrupt and make their way to the ring.  

Xavier says that when they heard Smackdown was going live, they let out a collective WOW.  Kofi says when they heard that announcement, it stirred up a lot of emotions.  Big E says he was excited of bringing the Power of Positivity to Raw and Smackdown . . . live.

Xavier says as excited as they were, it led to paranoia.  Kofi says that they saw a lot of statements about Smackdown going live and we see clips.

Michael Cole mentions the brand extension.

Big E says question after question has been asked about Brand Extension.

Shane mentions that there will be unique superstars for Raw and Smackdown.

Kofi says he could count on Shane for a good answer, because of the quality of his shoes.

Shane shuffles because he can.

Kofi says The New Day is all about that New Era.  Kofi says he is New Era through and through.  Big E points out Kofi has been here for a decade.  Xavier says Kofi was his favorite in middle school.

Kofi says everyone wants to know where is the New Day going.

Stephanie says they haven't officially made any of those decisions.  You will know in due time.

Kofi says that Stephanie dodged a question.

The New Day play metaphorical dodgeball.

Xavier says you cannot think about breaking up the New Day becuase they are your WWE World Tag Team Champions.

Shane says nothing is not on the table.

Big E wants someone to hold the door.  He asks if there is a chance you can break up the New Day?  Xavier calls Shane and Stephanie monsters and tells them to think about the kids and Francesca 2.  She comes from a broken home and deserves all three daddies.

Stephanie says nothing has been officially decided yet. 

Big E wants to know who will run Smackdown.

Stephanie says they haven't figured that one out either.  It is a work in progress.

Shane says everything will be extremely well thought out.

Big E says he smells some sibling rivalry and then he stirs the pot.  If they could not agree, they would do a . . . DANCE CHALLENGE.

Stephanie says that is ridiculous and she won't do it.  Shane says he is in.

Stephanie laughs at Shane's 'dancing'  'skills'.

Big E would llike Stephanie to take her spot to dance.

Stephanie is interrupted by the Vaudevillains.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One:  Aiden English and Simon Gotch versus Big E and Kofi Kingston (with Xavier Woods) in a Non Title Match

The match is joined in progress and Kofi with a forearm and then English with an Irish whip and monkey flip but Kofi lands on his feet.  Kofi wtih a monkey flip of his own.  Big E and Kofi alternate kicking English in the corner and then Kofi is Irish Whipped into a drop kick.  Kofi takes care of Gotch but English runs into an elbow.  Gotch grabs Kofi's foot and English with a kick.  English punches Kofi and then he kicks Kofi in the corner.  Gotch tags in and gets a near fall and then applies a front face lock.  Gotch with a European uppercut and English tags in.

English with a jab and he gets a near fall.  English rakes at the face and then connects with a knee to the back and he gets a near fall.  Gotch tags in and kicks Kofi in the ribs.  Gotch with a diving head butt and he gets a near fall.  Gotch with punches but he holds on to the leg to keep Kofi from making the tag.  Kofi lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt.  Gotch keeps Kofi from getting to his corner and then Gotch clotheslines Kofi over the top rope to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with elbows.  We see footage from the commerical break when English hit a super kick as Kofi leapt off the ring steps.  Kofi and Gotch are down in the ring and both try to make the tags.  Big E and Aiden come in and Big E with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex or two.  Big E with a shoulder in the corner followed by a belly-to-belly suplex.  Big E with the Warrior Splash and he waits for English to get up. 

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows attack Xavier Woods and then Kofi Kingston.  The referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

After the match, Aiden English and Simon Gotch attack Big E until Anderson and Gallows get in the ring and they leave.  Anderson and Gallow hit the Magic Killer on Big E.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows getting involved in the opening match.

Karl and Luke are walking in the back and Renee Young wants to know what that was about.  Karl says they were showing how much damage they can inflict without AJ Styles by their side.  Luke says their way is putting the New Day and everyone else in the tag team division they are here.  Karl says they are just getting started.

We take a look at last week's interview with Apollo Crews when he was attacked by Sheamus before his match with Chris Jericho.

Apollo Crews is doing push ups in the locker room and Big Show appears and Crews asks if he has a problem with the New Era.

Show says he does not care what they are calling it.

Crews says he did not want to have to beat up Big Show.

Show says that Crews probably wants to beat up Sheamus.  He tells Crews he likes him and his grit.  Sheamus does not want things to change so he will do what it takes to keep the status quo.  Show says that Sheamus is a bully and that is what bullies do.  He says Sheamus will not back down unless you show him.

R Truth and Goldust come to the ring and they will join the commentary for the next match.

We go to commercial.

Tyler Breeze says they will continue their hot streak against the Usos.  Fandango says they will take care of the Usos after beating Molten Poop twice.

Match Number Two:  Fandango and Tyler Breeze versus Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

Breeze goes after Jimmy but misses.  Jimmy with uppercuts to Breeze and Fandango.  Jey tags in and hits a splash but he misses the running butt splash.  Breeze with a kick and Fandango tags in and gets a near fall.  Fandango with jabs and then Fandango looks at Truth and Goldust.  Jey wtih an enzuigiri and both men are down.  Jimmy super kicks Breeze when Tyler tries to pull him off the apron.  Jey with a crucifix bomb on Breeze for the three count.

Winners:  Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

After the match, Fandango and Breeze turn their attention to Goldust and Truth.  Fandango pie faces Goldust and Truth punches Fandango.  Truth Irish whips Breeze into a power slam from Goldust.

Michael Cole brings up Extreme Rules when Seth Rollins returned from injury.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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