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By Richard Trionfo on 2016-05-30 23:03:00

We are back and FINALLY . . . John Cena has returned to Raw.

John says let every nation know if they wish us well or ill, that they will pay any price and bear any burden and meet any hardship.  They will aid any friend and oppose any foe for the success of liberty.

John says there are many brave heroes who have fallen proving those words to be true.  Memorial Day is a celebration of their sacrifices.  John says he is proud to be back home.  John says on this day, it is with the utmost respect that he pays tribute to those who have given up their lives.

John says that liberty is freedom.  It is our pulse and life blood that makes us feel.  You can look how you want and listen to whatever you want.  You can stand on the edge of your chair and scream at the top of your lungs.  That freedom allows John to plant his feet in this ring and say that he is back on Raw.

Now that poses a whole new question.  The question is, does he still belong here?  In his absence a New Era has arrived.  It means new names and new faces.  Those names and faces all think that this is the end of the line for Cena to move on and move out. 

John says new era, old era, whatever era there is, they have to worry about the judgment over what he has done.  John says he will not go quietly into the night.  John says the future must go through him.

AJ Styles' music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

AJ and Cena stand in the ring while they listen to the dueling chants.

AJ tells John Cena that he has been waiting for this moment for a long time.  

John says that it sounds like everyone else has been waiting for this too.

Styles says Cena has a bad rep but he does not understand why.  He heard John was the first to the arena and the last to leave.  He has busted his tail in the ring and out of the ring.  AJ says they have been in two different worlds before, but they are in this ring together right now.  AJ says he respects John's hard work, and so does the locker room.  AJ says he wanted to be the first to tell John 'Welcome back'.  During this part of the promo, the crowd does a regular 'what' chant.

John and AJ shake hands.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson make their way to the ring and Luke tells AJ they agreed to go their separate ways.  You saw what they did to the New Day.  It looks like the way you are going is to suck up to John Cena.

Karl says he thought that was beneath AJ, but apparently not.  Unlike you, they are not here to kiss ass.  They are here to kick it.  Karl says that includes AJ too.

Karl and Luke get in the ring and John and AJ get ready for Karl and Luke but AJ punches Cena and then Karl and Luke join in.  Gallows with a boot to Cena and then Gallows and Anderson punch and kick Cena.

AJ leaves the ring with Karl and Luke, but he returns to the ring to punch Cena some more.

Styles goes towards the back again, but he returns to the ring for more brutality on Cena.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment.

Match Number Five:  Natalya versus Dana Brooke (with Charlotte)

Natalya with punches and the referee pulls her away.  Natalya with a suplex and Dana gets to the ropes.  Natalya is pulled away and Dana with a clothesline and then she chokes Charlotte in the ropes.  Charlotte with a slap to the face when the referee was not looking.  Dana with a handspring splash for a near fall.  Natalya with an elbow and discus clothesline.  Charlotte gets on the apron and Natalya knocks her off and Dana with a Cradle Shock for the three count.

Winner:  Dana Brooke

After the match, Charlotte and Dana attack Natalya.  Charlotte with a back breaker and then Dana holds Natalya while Charlotte chops Natalya.  

Becky Lynch's music plays and she comes to the ring and Charlotte and Dana go into the crowd.

JoJo is in the interview area with Dolph Ziggler and we look at what happened at Extreme Rules.

JoJo asks Dolph about his challenge to Baron Corbin.  Dolph says the Lone Wolf had to hit him below the belt to win.  Dolph says he gets to show everyone what he has learned since age 5.  Dean Malenko was the man of 1000 Holds and you can watch Chris Jericho list off his 1,004 holds.  Baron Corbin does not know about Dolph's 1,005 holds.  Dolph says he wants the world to see what he can do.  He says he will steal the show.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six:  Dolph Ziggler versus Baron Corbin

Dolph puts on the headgear for the 'technical wrestling' component of the match.  Ziggler wtih a kick to the balls and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner:  Baron Corbin (by disqualification)

Dolph gets on the mic and he says Dolph Ziggler has been disqualified and the loser is still Baron Corbin.

We are back and Maryse introduces her husband and your Intercontinental Champion The Miz.

Miz is getting ready for the start of filming of Marine 5.  He says that is what a champion needs to be.  Always in demand.  Don't worry because his baby is right here with him.  Every day that he has his baby is another day he has successfully defended his Intercontinental Championship.  MIz says he needs some rest because tomorrow is the first day of shooting.  We will hear from him each and every week he is out here filming.

Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, and Alberto Del Rio argue over who should start the match.  Chris says this is not the ideal situation.  Chris says he does not like Alberto and he has had issues with his family.  Kevin says he has no problems with Chris because Chris called him a donkey while he called Chris a goat.  Alberto tells them to follow him.  Chris reminds Alberto of who invented Money in the Bank.  He knows what he is talking about.  He knows there are tensions between them, but tonight, they need to make sure Sami Zayn, Cesaro, and Dean Ambrose don't even make it to Money in the Bank.

Chris tells Kevin to watch it and Kevin wants to know what 'it' is.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Becky Lynch will face Charlotte on Smackdown.

Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, and AJ Styles will also be on Smackdown.

Match Number Seven:  Kevin Owens, Alberto Del Rio, and Chris Jericho versus Sami Zayn, Cesaro, and Dean Ambrose

Cesaro and Del Rio start and Alberto with a kick and suplex.  Cesaro with a Euroepan uppercut followed by Irish whips and European uppercuts two times.  Cesaro with a European uppercut to Owens followed by a drop kick to Jericho.  Cesaro with a cannonball to Owens and a drop kick to Jericho.  Cesaro tries for the giant swing but Del Rio gets to the ropes.  Del Rio wtih a kick and he sends Cesaro to the floor.  Owens with punches and Jericho send Cesaro into the announce table.  Del Rio sends Cesaro back into the ring and he hits a double sledge for a near fall.

Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Cesaro and then he kicks Cesaro in the corner and Jericho tags in and chops Cesaro.  Del Rio and Owens attack Cesaro while Jericho deals with the referee.  Cesaro with European uppercuts but Jericho wtih a drop kick.  Jericho kicks Cesaro in the ribs.  Jericho punches Cesaro.  Owens tags in and kicks Cesaro.  Owens with punches and kicks.  Del Rio tags in and he sends Cesaro into the corner and hits a step up enzuigiri for a near fall.

Del Rio with a front face lock and Cesaro blocks a suplex and hits a dead lift suplex and both men are down.  Zayn tags in and he knocks Owens off the apron and clotheslines Del Rio and hits a drop kick followed by punches.  Zayn knocks Jericho off the apron and Zayn with a double jump cross body for a near fall.  Zayn misses the Helluva Kick when Owens pulled Del Rio out of the ring.  Del Rio and Owens argue.  Jericho hits Zayn from behind and Ambrose attacks Jericho.  Zayn with a flip dive onto the arguing trio and we go to commercial.

We are bacjk and Owens with a head lock on Zayn because he is the Headlock Master.  Owens drops Zayn on the top rope and hits a back senton for a near fall.  Owens wtih a kick to the back.  Del Rio tags in and he kicks Zayn in the chest.  Del Rio puts Zayn on the turnbuckles and in the tree of woe.  Del Rio kicks Zayn in the chest and then he punches Zayn.  Del Rio with a boot to the back.  Zayn punches Del Rio but Del Rio with a shot to the knee.  Jericho tags in and kicks Zayn in the leg.  

Jericho chokes Zayn in the ropes.  Jericho with a punch to Zayn and then Jericho goes for a splash against the ropes but Zayn moves.  Jericho holds his knee and Jericho keeps Zayn from making the tag by kicking Zayn in the head and punching him.  Jericho chops Zayn.  Zayn with forearms but Jericho with a punch.  Zayn with an Irish whip but Jericho with a boot and Zayn with a Blue Thunder Bomb.  Ambrose tags in and he connects with running forearms and a cross body.  Ambrose takes care of Del Rio and Owens on the apron.  Ambrose with a forearm and bulldog for a near fall.

Ambrose with chops and he puts Jericho on the turnbuckles.  Jericho escapes a double underhook DDT and Jericho with an enzuigiri.  Ambrose gets his knees up on a Lionsault attempt.  Dean clotheslines Jericho over the top rope and Ambrose hits a suicide dive onto Jericho. Ambrose sends Jericho into the ring and then Owens is sent into the ringside barrier.  Ambrose drops Jericho on the top rope when Jericho goes for a springboard drop kick.  Ambrose with an elbow drop.  Ambrose blocks a Codebreaker but Ambrose bounces into the ropes for the WackyLine but Jericho with a Codebreaker.  Owens tags in but Ambrose kicks out.  Jericho argues with Owens and then Cesaro puts Jericho in the giant swing.  Del Rio with a lungblower.  Zayn with a Helluva Kick.  Owens goes for a Pop Up Power Bomb but Zayn leaps over Owens.  Ambrose with a double underhook DDT on Owens for the three count.

Winners:  Dean Ambrose, Sami Zayn, and Cesaro

We go to credits.

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