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By David C. Hayes on 2015-10-06 08:44:57

It’s 10-03 and Paragon Pro Wrestling returns from Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada!

It's again 6:05 am ET and POP TV intros with AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck”. I tried to stay awake for the new POP game show but failed again.

As always, your announcers for the evening are Todd Kenely and Jeff Akin with Pat Kelley handling our interviews. We find out that Gangrel goes for the American Championship tonight.

Match #1: “The Irish Juggernaut” Mikey O’Shea vs. Kevin Kross.

Kross attacks O’Shea before the bell. The Juggernaut shrugs that off and starts strong. Kross gets in some moves, but the power and relative speed of O’Shea is too much. O’Shea hits the Heavy Artillery for the win.

Winner: Mikey O’Shea

Match #2: Ethan HD with Mike Santiago vs. Mercurio

Both of these high-flying superstars went at it tooth and nail. Both of them exchanged the upper hand, and finishers. Not even the presence of Santiago was enough to tip the scales in favor of either competitor, so this one went to a TEN MINUTE BROADWAY!

Winner: Time Limit Draw

We see that disturbing Corbin talking to the belt video from last week… very Norman Bates-y

Match #3: Gangrel vs. Darrin Corbin for the PPW American Championship

Gangrel, the veteran, started strong and really seemed on point. Corbin scrambled, avoiding ‘the final death’ (in vampire terms) before he was able to squeak through. Finally, a little referee misdirection allows Corbin to blast Gangrel with the belt, unseen, and score the victory.

Winner: Darrin Corbin.

Match #4: Jessy Sorenson and Wes Brisco vs. Hammerstone and Chamberlain for the PPW Tag Team Championship

Brisco and Sorenson work well together and the match up was pretty even. The power moves of Hammerstone and Chamberlain were a nice complement. Team work was on the side of the champs, though. On the brink of Hammerstone eating a Brisco finisher, Chamberlain manages to grab his leg and distract him. This allows Hammerstone the precious recovery time to leap up put Brisco down.

Winners: Hammerstone and Chamberlain

See you next week

David C. Hayes

David was the world’s worst professional wrestler (he has proof), failed comedian and b-movie superstar. He still loves the world of professional wrestling and watches what he can when he’s not writing awesome novels about horrible people. Visit him online at

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