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By Richard Trionfo on 2015-09-07 23:01:15
Match Number Three: Ryback versus Seth Rollins in a Champion versus Champion Non Title Match

Rollins goes to the floor before locking up. Seth has a one sided discussion with the announcers that cannot be heard. Rollins returns to the ring and they lock up. Ryback sends Rollins to the mat and Rollins goes to the floor again. Rollins returns to the ring and Rollins with a waist lock and side head lock. Ryback sends Rollins to the mat and then Rollins returns to the floor and he attacks the ringside barrier.

Rollins returns to the ring and Ryback takes advantage in a test of strength. Ryback with a wrist lock and he works on the arm. Ryback gets a near fall. Ryback sends Rollins into the turnbuckles. Ryback with shoulders in the corner. Ryback with an arm bar and he takes Rollins to the mat. Rollins gets to the ropes and Ryback releases the hold.

Rollins with a punch and kick followed by an elbow to the neck. Rollins with punches and Ryback with a Thesz Press and he slams Rollins’ head into the mat. Ryback sets for a suplex but Rollins lands on his feet. Ryback with a chop and wrist lock. Ryback with punches to the shoulder and he sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and gives him a hard Irish whip.

Ryback with head butts and a chop. Rollins tries to get out of the ring and Ryback brings him back in. Ryback with a delayed vertical suplex and he gets a near fall. Rollins with a jaw breaker and he kicks Ryback in the head. Rollins slaps Ryback in the back of the head. Ryback presses Rollins over his head and drops him face first to the mat. Rollins goes to the floor.

Ryback goes to the floor and chases Rollins around the ring. Rollins with a kick to Ryback and then he goes for a slingshot plancha but Ryback catches him. Ryback gets ready to send Rollins into the ring post but Rollins gets to his feet and he sends Ryback into the ring post and then he Irish whips Ryback into the ring steps.

We are back and Rollins with a reverse chin lock on Ryback but Ryback backs Rollins into the turnbuckles to get out of the hold. Ryback charges into the corner but Rollins moves so Ryback goes shoulder first into the ring post. Rollins with a neck breaker for a near fall. Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Ryback with a punch to Rollins’ midsection and then to the top of the head and Rollins goes to the apron. Rollins drops Ryback on the top rope.

Rollins with a springboard knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Rollins with a running forearm into the corner. Rollins sets for another forearm into the corner and he connects. Ryback with a back body drop. Ryback with a flying shoulder tackle and then he wants to go for a power bomb but Rollins escapes. Rollins sets for a Pedigree but Ryback with a back body drop and Rollins lands on his feet. Ryback goes for a power bomb but Rollins escapes. Rollins with a thrust kick and he tries for a super kick but Ryback blocks it. Ryback with a near fall.

Ryback goes up top but Rollins goes up top to stop him. Ryback knocks Rollins off and Ryback goes for a frog splash but Rollins moves and Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins with a baseball slide to send Ryback to the floor. Rollins kicks Ryback off the apron and the referee starts his count. Rollins with a suicide dive that sends Ryback into the ringside barrier.

Ryback gets to his feet and Rollins with another suicide dive that sends Ryback into the ringside barrier again. Ryback gets back into the ring and hits a spinebuster. Ryback sets for the clothesline and he connects. Ryback goes for the musclebuster but Rollins gets to his feet. Rollins lands on his feet when Ryback pulls him up by the ropes. Rollins with an enzuigiri.

Sting appears on the TitanTron and he tells Seth that they are here and they are waiting. Seth says he wants his statue. Ryback with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

After the match, Sting appears on the TitanTron again and he keeps popping up in front of the statue. Sting has a Sting mask and he puts it over the face on the statue.

Seth throws a tantrum that would put Christian, who will be on the Stone Cold Podcast later tonight, jealous.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Seth is in the back looking for Sting and his statue.

The New Day stop by and Big E tells Seth not to be sour while Xavier plays the trombone. Kofi tells Seth not to worry about the past. Don’t forget about your other match because Seth is with his partners, THE NEW DAY.

Seth tells The New Day to shut up.

Seth turns around and it is Edge and Christian. Edge says it has been a while. You had your goon squad cheap shot him and threaten to paralyze him.

Seth said he had to do what it took to get the Authority back in power.

Edge tells Seth he didn’t get the job done, so why not do it now.

Seth says maybe he has a lot on his plate tonight.

Xavier says he has been waiting for this all his life. Xavier says he just got Edge.

Christian says you cannot have a battle without a kazoo. Christian says he has a song for him and it rocks. Edge sings ‘New Day Sucks’.

Big E takes the kazoo and destroys it.

The Dudleys stop by and we have a stare down. Bubba wants to know where they are going. He has something they might want to know. They talked to the Authority. The Prime Time Players have a rematch next week for the Tag Titles. Devon says the winner faces them at Night of Champions.

Bubba tells The New Day now they can leave.

The New Day says they were going to leave. They have things to do and a match tonight.

Bubba says they have a new song . . . GET THE TABLES.

Summer Rae comes out and we go to commercial.

We are back and Summer Rae is in the ring, but first we get the E! News flavored summary of the Summer/Dolph/Lana/Rusev scenario.

Summer says this past week has been the most horrific week of her life. At the center of it all has been a man who does not deserve the scorn that he has been getting. This man deserves an apology. Summer wants Rusev to come out.

Rusev makes his way to the ring.

Summer says that Rusev has been her guiding light and her beacon of hope. He is her lighthouse to guide her through troubled waters. He guided her to look like this and to pose in Ironman Magazine. That is all because of you. You gave her the courage and she says that is why she feels so terrible.

Dolph has been trying to seduce her for weeks and she should have known better. Summer says her innocence has gotten the best of her. To see Dolph in the shower like that with the water glistening down his muscle and the steam on his body. It was all too much. She was so weak. She let Dolph kiss her. Summer says she is so sorry.

She says that she has betrayed Rusev and she will never forgive herself for that. It meant nothing.

Rusev takes the mic and he says that you have betrayded (sic) me but I accept your apology. My sweet submissive Summer, it is not your fault. It is that pathetic pale blonde disgusting Dolph Ziggler who fed you all of these American lies. He is not the victim here, it is you. You are not the only victim in this thing.

Lana is also fed these American lies and is seduced by Dolph Ziggler. They say she is not here because she has a broken wrist. Lana is not here because she has a broken heart. Rusev says that he would never do anything to her like Dolph Ziggler did to you.

Dolph Ziggler comes out and he says that nobody is buying into your lies. Everything you are doing to drive a wedge between him and Lana, it is making them stronger.

Dolph says that Lana has a message for the circus ape with a bikini wax a message. Rusev wants to know what the message is and Ziggler with a super kick.

Randy Orton is in the back with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Orton walks away as we go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Randy Orton versus Sheamus

They lock up and Orton with a waist lock. Sheamus with a drop toe hold into an arm bar. Orton with a wrist lock into a side head lock. Sheamus gets to the ropes and he goes to the floor to yell at the referee. Sheamus gets back into the ring and they lock up again. Sheamus with a side head lock and take down. Orton with a head scissors but Sheamus escapes.

They lock up again and Orton with a side head lock. Sheamus with forearms to the ribs and Orton with a shoulder tackles. Sheamus rolls to the floor. Sheamus looks around and he returns to the ring. Sheamus with a kick and European uppercuts. Orton with a European uppercut and punches. Sheamus goes to the floor one more time.

Sheamus takes the mic and he wants to know what is the matter with the people in the crowd. Sheamus says he does not . . .

Orton comes up behind and he punches Sheamus and hits a backdrop driver onto the ringside barrier. Orton with European uppercuts in the corner and then he climbs the turnbuckles to punch Sheamus but Sheamus with a reverse atomic drop. Orton with a drop kick and Sheamus goes to the floor again.

Orton goes to the floor to go after Sheamus and Sheamus with a uranage back breaker. We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus with a reverse chin lock on Orton. Orton with punches to Sheamus followed by a head butt. Sheamus gets Orton up for a Finlay Slam and he connects. Sheamus with punches to Orton but Orton with a kick and European uppercuts. Orton with two clotheslines and he ducks a clothesline from Sheamus and Orton with a power slam.

Sheamus kicks Orton but Orton with an Exploder for a near fall. Sheamus goes to the apron. Orton pulls Sheamus onto the ropes for an IEDDT but Sheamus stops Orton and Sheamus sets for the forearms across the chest but Orton stops Sheamus with elbows. Sheamus drops Orton on the top rope and Sheamus goes up top.

Sheamus with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Sheamus argues with the referee about the speed of his count. Sheamus with a shoulder into the corner followed by a knee lift. Orton with a power slam and he gets a near fall. Orton with a kick but Sheamus with a power slam. Sheamus goes for a Cloverleaf and he locks it in, but he makes it look like Orton is twisted like a scorpion. Orton reaches for the ropes and he gets there so Sheamus has to release the hold.

Sheamus is sent to the apron but Orton and Orton punches Sheamus. Orton sends Sheamus into the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex and he hits it. Orton gets a near fall. Sheamus rolls to the apron. Orton with a kick to the chest and he sets for the IEDDT and Orton hits it. Orton looks around and he twists to the mat for the push ups that lead into the RKO. Sheamus pushes Orton away and Sheamus with White Noise to Orton for a near fall.

Sheamus sets for the Brogue Kick but Orton moves. Sheamus with a rollup for a near fall. Orton with an RKO and he gets the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match, the Wyatt stuff goes off and the lights go back on and the Wyatts surround Orton. Harper punches Orton and hits a super kick. Wyatt punches Orton. Harper holds Orton for Wyatt to punch him. Strowman stands in the ring while this goes on.

Wyatt rolls Orton into the ring and Strowman stands over Orton and he chokes Orton out. Strowman with a Dominator to Orton.

Coverage continues on Next Page

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