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By Richard Trionfo on 2015-07-13 23:08:35
Before our next match, Xavier Woods mentions that this is his home town and the greatest city on the face of the Earth. It is because you know how to stay positive. Big E says this entire city shut down because of one inch of snow, but you still stayed positive. Xavier says even though the Atlanta Hawks were the number one seed and they choked in the playoffs, you still stayed positive. Kofi says speaking of positive. They are 100% positive they will defeat the Prime Time Players and win back their tag team titles.

Big E says at Battleground, Prime Time is out of time. Xavier says that is because . . . NEW . . . DAY ROCKS.

Match Number Two: Mark Henry, Darren Young, and Titus O’Neil versus Big E, Xavier Woods, and Kofi Kingston

Kofi and Titus start things off and Kofi with kicks and Titus blocks it and sends Kofi to the mat. Kofi with a kick and Big E tags in and Titus slams Big E. Titus with a leg drop and Darren tags in and Titus with a gourdbuster of Darren onto Big E and Darren with a seated splash and clothesline that sends Big E over the top rope. Titus with a back breaker to Kofi and he throws Kofi aside. Darren and Titus grab Xavier and allow Mark to press slam him onto Kofi and Big E on the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Woods with a drop kick to Titus’ knee and he tags in Big E. Big E with kicks and Kofi tags in. Kofi kicks Titus until Woods tags in. Woods with kicks and Big E tags in and kicks Titus. Kofi gets Irish whipped into the corner for a drop kick. Kofi with a drop kick and he tries to pull Titus towards his corner and he gets a near fall. Kofi with a forearm to the chest and he hits a running kick to the chest and Woods follows with a kick. Big E with a splash for a near fall.

Big E mocks Titus’ bark and Woods tags in and he punches Titus. Woods with a cobra clutch on Titus. Titus gets Woods on his back and he tries to get to his corner but Woods with punches. Woods mocks the bark and Titus with a clothesline and both men are down. Henry tags in and he clotheslines Woods and follows with an elbow and body block. Woods with a thrust kick and super kick followed by a knee and he gets a near fall but Young breaks up the cover.

Kofi with Trouble in Paradise to Young. Titus with a boot to Kofi. Big E with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Woods gets his boot up and he goes for the Honor Roll but Henry with the World’s Strongest Slam on Woods for the three count.

Winners: Mark Henry, Titus O’Neil, and Darren Young

After the match, Mark joins Darren and Titus in the Millions of Dollars Dance.

We take a look back at last week’s Raw.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Wade Barrett versus R Truth

Truth wants to know what’s up before they lock up. Truth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Truth holds on to the ropes and he does some dancing. Truth with a split and he gets a near fall with a victory roll. Barrett with a boot to Truth. Barrett punches Truth and gets a near fall. Barrett with an Irish whip and back breaker for a near fall. Barrett kicks Truth and goes to the turnbuckles.

Barrett with an elbow drop from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Barrett chokes Truth in the ropes and then he puts Truth in the ropes and connects with knees and then he sends Truth to the apron with a boot and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Truth with punches and he blocks a punch from Barrett.

Truth with forearms and punches followed by a splash into the corner. Barrett with an Irish whip and Truth floats over and sends Barrett into the turnbuckles with a head scissors. Truth with the Lie Detector for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

After the match, Truth goes under the ring and he pulls out his royal towel cape and his Burger King crown as well as the Royal Plunger.

We take a look at two other women in the WWE who are making an impact. We see Lana and Summer Rae and their involvement with the Dolph Ziggler and the fully operational Rusev feud.

John Cena makes his way to the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and John Cena is waiting for his opponent to make his way to the ring.

Rusev’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring with Summer Rae. Rusev says he is the greatest United States Champion ever. He never would have lost his title if not for that blonde headed snake called Lana.

Rusev says USA is why he broke that stupid Dolph Ziggler. He is going to break John Cena tonight.

Kevin Owens’ music plays as Rusev gets into the ring. Kevin tells John many times if someone is going to beat you for the title, it will be him. Kevin says that he can beat Cena tonight for the title and then at Battleground you can get your rematch.

Rusev says no and he tells the stupid whatever he is that Rusev was here first. He wants to know which name is his proper first name.

Owens tells Rusev to take his Lana wannabe and take that flag and stick it up your Chernobyl.

Cesaro’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Everyone has something to say and we get some pushing and then it breaks down to punches. Owens goes after Rusev and Cesaro. Cesaro punches Owens and then Rusev and Cesaro is standing tall in the ring.


We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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