Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, I covered the CM Punk interview on Colt Cabana's "Art of Wrestling" podcast in segments. Following several reader requests, here is the complete recap. You can listen to the excellent interview at www.ColtCabana.com:
The interview opened as CM Punk and Colt Cabana joked that this is only the second time Punk has been on. Punk said he's using Cabana as a platform to speak for the first time. It was Cabana's idea as Punk didn't want it to be a "shoot interview" he got paid for as "money isn't everything", which Colt noted is a theme in his story.
Punk said he's going to talk as openly as he can about his reasons for leaving WWE this week and next week, he'll respond to any emails fans have regarding the situation. Cabana said Punk could have exploded in frustration but was really good about keeping things internal. Punk said that a lifetime of watching others throw things out there led to him instead going dark on Twitter, but now, "f*** it."
Punk said he doesn't know where to start but guesses he will with re-signing with WWE in 2001, referring to it as "talking himself" into signing under the guise of trying to change things, saying that was more of a factor then Vince McMahon convincing him. He said that everyone has said he can't change things sitting at home, but he feels that it took him walking out this past January to actually see any changes and wonders if the changes, some of which took place right after he walked, were to spite him. He said that certain people who deserved where they went got what they deserved. Punk said it's not about him claiming he paved the way like an old timer, but just explaining his experiences.
Punk said he doesn't want to sound bitter, although it's OK to be bitter about things. He said that gives you a chance to work through things and there will be some bright spots, but also some things that really get to him still and he will discuss them. He said he doesn't want this to be "let's bash WWE" because he admits when he was backed into corners by them, he wasn't the easiest guy to deal with.
Punk said he's the happiest today that he's been in at least three years having found things that make him happy. He said that wrestling, which he thought he loved, made him miserable. He said he was miserable, "f*** it, I left, I made myself happy."
Punk said there was a lot of stories making the rounds out there. He said there is an element of truth to all the claims (being banged up, not getting the main event of Wrestlemania, wrestling HHH were three he mentioned) but of them, there wasn't one major factor that caused him to leave. He said he left mainly because of his health and he'll talk about that today.
Punk tells a story about being sponsored when some big money sponsors came to him during the 2011 Money in the Bank era, but Vince McMahon shot down when Punk brought it to the table, yet a year later, WWE allowed it for Brock Lesnar. It's a great story on something he wanted to open up as a revenue stream not for just himself but other wrestlers only to be shot down.
Punk also told a great story about Vince McMahon's reaction to when Punk wanted to walk Chael Sonnen to the Octagon in UFC, which just blew me away. Vince actually tried to claim to Punk that someone could die in UFC and that it was dangerous. Punk's reminded Vince that WWE is dangerous too and someone did die working here. Vince was also appalled that they were letting women fight in UFC as well and Punk's recreation of Vince's reactions really made him sound way out of touch. Punk's follow-up was that a week after he was shot down, Triple H was walking Floyd Mayweather to the ring. Punk said he learned his lesson there, which was that it was better to ask forgiveness then ask permission.
We haven't really gotten into Punk's story and this is already awesome.
Continued on Page 2.
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