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By Mike Johnson on 2014-09-14 18:16:37

Open The Freedom Gate champion Ricochet vs. Uhaa Nation

Ricochet was unable to use his speed and finesse to throw Nation off early. Nation cut him off and began suplexing him and throwing him around, but was only able to score a one count. Nation nailed a big gutwrench overhead suplex and locked in a rear chinlock.

Nation suplexed Ricochet again for a two count. He picked him up for an extended vertical suplex. Ricochet tried to escape but Nation's power was too much. Nation went for a move but Ricochet faked him out. Nation stopped on the apron and went for a moonsault but Ricochet moved. He hit the ring and nailed an awesome springboard shooting star press to the floor as the crowd chanted, "Holy sh**."

Ricochet tossed Nation back into the ring and drilled him with a kick. Nation seemed to be favoring his knee, which he once had surgery one. Ricochet drilled him and worked the knee over, using the ropes for leverage. Ricochet backed him into the corner and dropkicked the knee.

Ricochet nailed a springboard knee strike. They battled back and forth. Ricochet caught him with an Ace Crusher for a two count. He charged Nation and nailed a shooting star press for a two count. Ricochet tried to whip Nation out of the corner but he was too strong. Ricochet went for a move but was caught with an enziguiri for a two count. Nation went to the top and muscled him up for a superplex for another two count.

Nation went for a press slam but Ricochet slipped free. He nailed a series of kicks but missed an enziguiri. Nation went for a German suplex but Ricochet landed on his feet. Ricochet nailed a Northern Lights suplex and a big brainbuster. He went to the top for the shooting star press but Nation kicked up.

Ricochet went for a move but it was blocked. Nation missed a clothesline but caught Ricochet with a pair of powerbombs. He pressed and dropped Ricochet then nailed a standing moonsault but Ricochet caught him with a leg submission. Nation made it to the ropes.

Ricochet nailed him but was drilled with a right hand. They battled back and forth with strikes. Nation finally drills the champ with a right hand that sends him to the mat. Ricochet kicked him low in the knee and went for a move but was caught and drilled with a tombstone that looked brutal. Ricochet kicked out at the last second.

Nation went to the top for a big splash but missed. Ricochet nailed a spinning enziguiri. Ricochet went to go for the ropes but Nation cut him off. Ricochet drilled him with a kick to the head and sails with a 630 splash for the pin.

Your winner and still DGUSA Open the Freedom Gate champion, Ricochet!

After the match, Nation handed Ricochet the championship and raised his arm.

Ricochet took the mic and said that despite what you may read, he is here to stay for good. He asked everyone to give it up for Uhaa Nation (who had gone to the back). He said Nation has only been wrestling for four years and is one of the best in the world. He then said that Fox said he wants a title shot and he wants Fox but there's no way Fox is taking it from him either. He closed out by saying he is here to stay not just in EVOLVE and Dragon Gate Japan but Dragon Gate USA. He said he was the best in the world and he was here to stay.

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