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By Richard Trionfo on 2013-10-14 23:00:30
We are back and Stephanie McMahon is walking in the back. She sees Brie and Nikki Bella. Stephanie congratulates Brie on her engagement. She reminds Brie that her fiancé was chanting ‘yes’ over her husband. What will Daniel say after Brie’s match against Tamina. Stephanie says that Nikki is banned from ringside, but AJ will have a good view.

We go to the Goldman Box and Zeb Colter says the government might be shut down. Los Matadores are Los Illegals. They did not sneak across the border, they ran across. They will expose Los Matadores and that is no bull.

Match Number Five: Brodus Clay and Tensai (with Cameron and Naomi) versus Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Clay and Cesaro start things off and Clay with chops and a slam to Cesaro. Tensai tags in and they double team Cesaro. Tensai with punches in the corner. Tensai with a monkey flip but he misses a splash into the corner. Swagger makes the blind tag and after Tensai connects with a shoulder tackle, Swagger goes after the knee and he starts to work on the leg.

Cesaro tags in and he applies the chin lock on Tensai and Tensai’s body turns red. Cesaro with a European uppercut and Swagger tags in and he connects with shoulders. Swagger with the double jump Swagger Bomb and Cesaro tags in and does the leap frog into a double stomp for a near fall. Swagger tags back in and he applies a step over toe hold.

Both men with clotheslines and both men are down. Cesaro tags in and he hits a dead lift side salto for a near fall. Swagger tags back in and he punches Tensai. Tensai punches his way out of the corner and Tensai drops Cesaro across the top rope. Swagger misses a charge into the corner.

Clay and Cesaro tag in and Clay with clotheslines and a head butt to the chest. Clay with a sheeeplex followed by a splash into the corner. Clay with a fisherman’s suplex but Swagger breaks up the cover. Clay takes care of Swagger. Cesaro with a running European uppercut and then he hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer on Clay for the three count.

Winners: Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger

After the match, Cesaro sets for the Giant Swing and Swagger stops Tensai from interfering. Cesaro figures that he has done enough to Clay already so he puts Tensai in the Giant Swing.

We the People . . . go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Tamina Snuka (with AJ Lee) versus Brie Bella

Brie with a forearm and punches. Brie with kicks and an Irish whip followed by a kick that sends Tamina to the floor. Brie with a Thesz Press to the floor and she slams Tamina’s head into the floor. Tamina with a clothesline to the back of the head.

Tamina chokes Brie when they return to the ring. Brie with a version of the Maple Leaf but Tamina gets to the ropes. Tamina with a kick and she sends Brie to the mat. Tamina whips Brie with her vest and then she chokes Brie in the ropes. Tamina gets a near fall.

Tamina with a suplex for a near fall. Tamina with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Tamina with a rear chin lock but Brie with elbows. Tamina with a punch and side head lock. Tamina with a knee followed by an Irish whip but she runs into Brie’s boot. Brie with a missile drop kick and clothesline. Brie with a drop kick followed by a running knee to the head against the ropes. Brie with a second knee and then she goes to the turnbuckles. Brie misses the X Factor and Tamina with a boot to the head for the three count.

Winner: Tamina Snuka

After the match, Tamina picks up Brie and hits a Samoan Drop. Tamina with a shoulder breaker to Brie and then she goes up top for the Superfly splash. AJ with the Black Widow.

Nikki makes her way to the ring to check on her sister as we go to commercial.

We are back and Stephanie and Brad are watching Hunter wrestling Goldberg on his DVD. Daniel Bryan enters and he wants to know what Stephanie is doing with Brie. He calls Stephanie cold and conniving but Brad tries to stop Daniel from going any further.

Stephanie asks Daniel if he has a fiancé to go attend to and she says that she did not cause this.

Match Number Seven: CM Punk versus Curtis Axel (with Paul Heyman) in a Beat the Clock Challenge (5:44 for those playing at home)

They lock up and Punk with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Punk with a leg sweep and a jackknife cover for a near fall. Punk with forearms and chops. Axel with kicks followed by a snap mare and a leaping neck snap. Axel with a slam for a near fall. Axel with another slam followed by a forearm to the head and he gets a near fall. Axel with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot.

Punk with a cross body for a near fall. Axel with a clothesline for a near fall. Axel gets another near fall. Axel with a back breaker but he misses a forearm from the turnbuckles. Punk with knees followed by an Irish whip and running knee. Punk probably with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Punk goes upt op for the elbow drop and he connects but Axel kicks out.

Axel avoids the Go To Sleep and then he hits a snap swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Punk with punches and chops as we get close to the final minute of the match. Axel misses a clothesline to the neck but he hits one to the back of the head for a near fall.

Axel with the Perfectplex for a near fall. Axel tries for another Perfectplex but Punk counters with an inside cradle. Punk with a kick to the head followed by Go To Sleep and Punk gets the three count.

Winner: CM Punk

After the match, Heyman throws Axel’s title belt down and he goes up the ramp.

Punk wants to know where Paul is going because the party just started. Punk says that now he gets to pick the stipulation for the match at the pay per view.

Punk says that this is where Paul becomes proud of him because he learned from Paul. Paul is the genius mad scientist.

Punk says that they will have a handicap match. Paul Heyman Guy Ryback and Paul Heyman versus CM Punk . . . in the HELL IN THE CELL

We go to commercial.

Match Number Eight: Daniel Bryan versus Alberto Del Rio

Bryan with a forearm as the bell rings and then he kicks Del Rio. Del Rio with a kick and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Bryan with kicks in the corner. Bryan with knees followed by a knee to the midsection and kicks to the chest. Bryan works on the left shoulder but Del Rio with kicks to Bryan for a near fall.

Del Rio with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Bryan with a Saito suplex to escape the hold. Bryan with kicks to the chest but he misses the round kick and Del Rio with a lungblower for a near fall.

Del Rio with boots to the head and then he chokes Bryan. Del Rio with kicks and head butts to Bryan. Bryan with kicks to the leg and the referee pulls Bryan out of the corner. Bryan sets for the drop kick into the corner and he misses. Del Rio with kicks to Bryan and we go to commercial while the referee admonishes Del Rio.

We are back and Bryan misses the diving head butt and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to Bryan. Del Rio taunts Bryan but Bryan tries to get Del Rio into the Yes Lock but Del Rio gets to the ropes before Bryan can lock in the hold. Bryan with kicks to Del Rio. Bryan with European uppercuts. Del Rio with an Irish whip but he runs into boots from Bryan. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker followed by a double stomp to the back.

Del Rio with a rear chin lock. Del Rio with head butts and a kick in the corner. Del Rio sets for the running step up enzuigiri but first he mocks the Yes and that allows Daniel to recover and hit a running clothesline. Del Rio with a single arm breaker for a near fall. Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles and he hits a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Bryan with elbows and kicks. Bryan misses a charge into the corner and he hits the ring post with his left shoulder. Del Rio misses the step up enzuigiri and both men are down. Bryan with kicks to the chest. Del Rio with an Irish whip and Bryan flips over and he hits a flying clothesline.

Bryan with a running drop kick into the corner and he lands on his feet. Bryan puts Del Rio on the turnbuckles for a super rana and Bryan gets a near fall. Del Rio with a super kick but Bryan drops down and Del Rio goes to the floor. Bryan with a suicide dive onto Del Rio. Bryan goes up top for a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall.

Randy Orton appears on the TitanTron and he says that he saw what happened to his sweet fiancé earlier. Randy says that he is going to check on her right now to see if she is okay.

Randy enters the room and then he closes it behind him. There is screaming and Del Rio with a rollup for a near fall. Del Rio punches Bryan. Bryan with a round kick to the head and then he leaves the ring and goes to the back.

We see Bryan run through the back to the trainer’s room and the referee makes the ten count.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio (by count out)

After the match, Bryan enters the Trainer’s Room and Orton does not appear to be in there. Orton attacks Bryan from behind and sends him into a Jacuzzi. Brie checks on Daniel and we go to commercial.

We are back and The Shield are in the office talking about what happened to Daniel Bryan. Stephanie tells the Shield that the Rhodes boys beat them already and that is how they got their jobs back. Hunter tells them the tag title match is now No Disqualification.

The Shield leave and Stephanie kisses Hunter because she apparently liked that decision.

We go to a video documenting John Cena’s recovery from his tricep injury.

Match Number Nine: Cody Rhodes and Goldust versus Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns (with Dean Ambrose) for the WWE Tag Titles in a No Disqualification Match

Rollins and Rhodes start things off and Cody with a kick and punches. Rhodes with a hard Irish whip and Goldust tags in and he comes off the turnbuckles with a punch. Goldust with punches to Rollins followed by an Irish whip. Goldust with a snap mare and elbow drop for a near fall. Rhodes tags in and he hits a drop kick for a near fall.

Rhodes with a punch to Rollins. Rhodes with a snap mare and a knee to the head for a near fall. Goldust tags in and they punch Rollins followed by a leaping butt bump by Goldust. Rhodes tags in and he kicks Rollins. Rhodes with a gourdbuster for a near fall. Rhodes with a punch and Ambrose grabs the leg.

Rhodes with an elbow to Rollins but Reigns with a clothesline to Rhodes. Reigns tags in and he kicks Cody. Rhodes is sent to the floor and Reigns with a forearm to the back and then one to the chest.

They return to the ring and Reigns gets a near fall. Rollins tags in and he kicks Cody in the chest. Rollins with punches to Rhodes followed by kicks to the back. Cody with a punch and kicks. Rollins punches back and then he sends Cody into the turnbuckles. Rollins with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.

Rollins with an arm bar on Cody Rhodes elevates Rollins and he tries for the Alabama Jam but Rollins counters with a sunset flip. Cody is able to tag in Goldust who connects with a back body drop and then he puts him in the corner for the Final Cut but instead he connects with a clothesline and bulldog for a near fall.

Goldust misses a cross body when Rollins moves and we go to commercial with Goldust on the floor.

We are back and Reigns has Goldust in the corner and he punches Goldust while Rollins holds him. Rollins tags in and he chokes Goldust. Rollins gets a near fall and Rhodes breaks up the cover and he punches Rollins. Rollins with a quarter nelson and chin lock on Goldust. Goldust punches Rollins but Rollins tries for a hip toss. Goldust with a backslide for a near fall but Rollins with a near fall of his own.

Rollins sends Goldust into the turnbuckles and Goldust punches Rollins but Reigns makes the tag to stop Goldust from making the tag. Reigns with a reverse chin lock on Goldust. Goldust with punches but Reigns with an Irish whip and Goldust with a back elbow off the turnbuckles. Rollins tags in and he knocks Cody off the apron.

Rollins goes to the turnbuckles to mock Goldust’s pose but Goldust with a power slam and both men are down. Rhodes kicks Ambrose away and Rhodes tags in and he punches Reigns and connects with a knee. Cody with the drop down uppercut followed by punches. Rhodes sends Reigns shoulder first into the ring post and Cody gets a near fall. Rhodes with a moonsault for a near fall. Cody stops Ambrose again and then he kicks Reigns. Cody goes to the apron and he hits a springboard drop kick and he gets a near fall. Goldust punches Rollins and he goes to the floor. Rollins and Goldust fight on the floor. Rhodes tries for Cross Rhodes but Ambrose attacks Cody. Ambrose punches Goldust in the corner and then all three members of the Shield attack Cody.

They signal for the Cerberus Bomb but Goldust has a chair and he hits Reigns with it. He hits Ambrose with the chair and then he hits Rollins with the chair. Goldust sends Ambrose to the floor. Reigns takes control of the situation and he sends Goldust to the mat. Reigns says that he never should have brought the chair in. Reigns takes a little too long and he misses. Goldust with a cross body with the chair between him and Reigns and both men are down.

Rollins and Rhodes fight on the floor. Rhodes blocks being sent into the steps and he tries for the Beautiful Disaster off the steps but Rollins with a power bomb into the ringside barrier. Goldust with a reverse atomic drop to Reigns and then he gives one to Rollins followed by an uppercut. Goldust with a clothesline that sends him and Reigns over the top rope to the floor. Ambrose hits Goldust from behind.

Reigns sends Goldust into the apron but Goldust sends Reigns into the ringside barrier. Goldust sends Ambrose into the ring post but Reigns with a spear that sends Goldust through the ringside barrier and into Justin’s cubicle.

Ambrose rolls Rhodes into the ring and he pulls Reigns back into the ring.

Big Show comes through the crowd and he kicks Ambrose and punches him. Rollins comes off the apron and Show catches him and he punches Rollins. Reigns sees Show and Rhodes misses Beautiful Disaster but Show punches Reigns.

Cody covers Reigns for the three count.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Goldust

After the match, Triple H comes into the ring and he is furious.

We go to credits.

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