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By Richard Trionfo on 2013-05-20 23:03:51
Match Number Three: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) versus Big E Langston (with AJ Lee)

They lock up and Del Rio with a kick and punches. Langston with a knee and he sends Del Rio into the corner but Langston misses a shoulder into the corner. Del Rio with the float over into the cross arm breaker but it is not properly applied and Langston picks up Del Rio and hits a power bomb but Del Rio holds on and Langston gets to the ropes.

Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker on the apron and Langston picks up Del Rio and sends him into the ring post. Langston with a kick to the ribs and he sends Del Rio into the ring and he gets a near fall. Langston with punches to the ribs followed by a back breaker but he holds on and stretches Del Rio over his knee. Del Rio escapes but Langston stays in control of the match.

Langston sends Del Rio into the turnbuckles but he runs into boots from Del Rio and Del Rio with a tornado DDT. Del Rio with clotheslines but Langston stays on his feet. Del Rio with a third clothesline and Langston goes down. Del Rio with a lungblower and he hits a super kick and gets a near fall.

Langston avoids the float over into the cross arm breaker and Langston sends Del Rio to the floor. Del Rio is helped back into the ring by Ricardo and Del Rio with an enzuigiri and AJ rolls the bucket into the ring and Langston with a thumb to the eye and Langston hits the Big Ending for the three count.

Winner: Big E Langston

Match Number Four: Layla El versus AJ Lee

AJ with a clothesline followed by a neck breaker or two and she gets a near fall. Layla with forearms but AJ with a clothesline. AJ skips around the ring but Layla misses one kick but connects with another. Layla dances around the ring and she runs her butt into AJ’s face. Layla with a drop kick but AJ holds on to the ropes.

Layla kicks AJ and slaps her. The referee warns Layla and AJ applies the Octopus and Layla taps out.

Winner: AJ Lee

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Cody Rhodes versus Zack Ryder

The match is joined in progress and Ryder with a hammer lock and Cody gets to the ropes. Cody with an elbow and he Irish whips Ryder. Ryder with an elbow and then he leaps over Rhodes and hits a drop kick. Rhodes with a kick and he sends Ryder shoulder first into the turnbuckles and he kicks Ryder.

Rhodes with a gourdbuster for a near fall. Rhodes with a hammer lock. Ryder sends Rhodes face first into the mat and then Rhodes runs into boots. Ryder with a missile drop kick and Ryder with a running forearm into the corner but Rhodes does not go down.

Ryder sets for the Broski Boot and he connects. Ryder gets a near fall. Rhodes sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and he misses an O’Connor Roll but he does not miss with the Beautiful Disaster and he gets the three count.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

After the match, Ryback makes his way to the ring and Cody Rhodes shows that he is a smart man because he leaves. Ryback enters the ring where Ryder is still on the mat after losing to Cody.

Ryback does a few laps around Ryder and then he rips off his ripped shirt. Ryback with the lariat to Ryder. Ryback with a power bomb. Ryback with the marching muscle buster to Ryder.

Ryder is thrown over the top rope to the floor.

Ryback picks up Ryder and someone is going to ride in the ambulance.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: The Shield has gold while Kofi, Kane, and Daniel Bryan do not.

Dean says that last night, The Shield brought power back to these titles. They are the reason why The Rock lost the WWE Title at Wrestlemania. He had to get surgery. Undertaker didn’t believe and now he is resting in peace. Ryback . . . what they did to him is that they broke him down so much that he felt betrayed and snapped against John Cena. Dean says that they forced John Cena to be carted off last night.

Everyone’s heroes are being brought down one by one by the swift hands of justice.

Seth says that he heard it said that justice is blind, but after what they did last night. Justice can see just fine and everyone can now see what a cohesive unit looks like. They can see the meaning of unbreakable right before them. They can see the future. Seth says that this is just the beginning.

Roman says that the ending stays the same. You put them in front of them and they take them out. The hounds of justice run this yard and they wear the collars to back it up.

The fires of justice are burning bright and they are the flames.

Match Number Six: Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns versus Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, and Kane

Kofi and Ambrose start things off and they lock up. Ambrose with a hammer lock but Kofi with a reversal. Ambrose with a reversal of his own and Kofi with a flying mare and leg trip for a near fall. Ambrose with a leg trip for a near fall. Ambrose slaps Kofi and Kofi slaps back. Kofi with a monkey flip and arm drag into an arm bar.

Bryan tags in and he kicks Ambrose and connects with European uppercuts. Bryan with a knee to the midsection followed by a kick to the back and a knee drop to the head for a near fall. Bryan with a hammer lock but Ambrose with a back elbow and Rollins tags in but Bryan with a drop toe hold and an elbow drop to the back.

Bryan sets for the surfboard but he drives Rollins’ knees into the mat followed by a series of kicks to the chest. Kane tags in and Bryan with a snap mare and Kane with a drop kick for a near fall. Kane with an uppercut and then he kicks Rollins in the corner. Kane with a back elbow for a near fall. Kofi tags in and he connects with forearms.

Kofi with a hammer lock and he takes Rollins to the mat. Kofi with a knee drop to the shoulder. Rollins with an elbow to escape followed by a forearm and shoulder tackle. Kofi with leap frogs followed by a leaping back elbow for a near fall. Rollins runs Kofi into the corner and Reigns tags in and he punches Kofi while Rollins keeps Kofi in the corner.

Reigns chokes Kofi and the referee pulls him out of the corner. Ambrose gets in a few punches and Reigns with forearms to the back. Reigns with a running shoulder tackle. Reigns with a reverse chin lock. Reigns gets a near fall. Ambrose tags back in and he kicks Kofi and he sets for the Regal Stretch but Kofi escapes momentarily.

Ambrose slaps Kofi and then he hits a drop kick with Kofi against the ropes and Ambrose gets a near fall. Rollins tags in and he punches Kofi and kicks him and chokes Kofi in the corner. Kofi kicks Rollins and punches him. Rollins with a flatline into the corner and he gets a near fall. Rollins with a rear chin lock but Kofi gets back to his feet and he punches Rollins.

Seth with a punch and slam but Kofi with a head scissors and he tags in Bryan who punches Rollins. Rollins with an Irish whip but Bryan flips over Rollins and then he hits a flying clothesline. Bryan with a running drop kick into the corner. Bryan with kicks to the chest. Bryan misses a round kick but does not miss the second one and he gets a near fall. Bryan goes up top but Rollins crotches Bryan and Ambrose tags in and he climbs the turnbuckles and connects with forearms to the back before he tries for a superplex. Bryan holds on to the turnbuckles and he drops Ambrose to the mat. Bryan with a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Bryan tries for the No Lock but Ambrose gets to the ropes. Reigns pulls Ambrose to the floor. Bryan knocks Rollins off the apron and we have a standoff in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane is in the ring with Reigns but Kofi tags in and he goes up top for a double sledge to the arm. Reigns with a punch to neutralize Kofi. Ambrose tags in and he punches Kofi and runs his eyes along the top rope. Kofi with an Irish whip and Kofi leaps into the corner and he punches Ambrose before returning to the mat and he connects with a European uppercut. Bryan tags in and he kicks Ambrose.

Bryan puts Ambrose in the tree of woe and he kicks Ambrose in the chest. Bryan with a baseball slide to the head and he gets a near fall. Bryan with punches to Ambrose but Rollins with a knee to the back and Rollins tags in and he goes for a buckle bomb and he hits it and gets a near fall. Rollins punches Bryan and he tags in Reigns. Reigns with a short arm clothesline. Reigns stands on Bryan’s hand and he punches Bryan before applying a reverse chin lock.

Bryan with punches to Reigns but Reigns with a running back elbow and a knee lift. Reigns gets a near fall. Ambrose tags in and he stomps on the midsection followed by a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Ambrose with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Ambrose works on the fingers of Bryan and then he punches Bryan but Bryan blocks a punch and he connects with head butts.

Bryan with punches but Ambrose with a knee and he holds Bryan while Rollins punches him. Ambrose tags back in and he punches Bryan and connects with a head butt. Ambrose taunts Bryan and Bryan with a round kick to the head and Ambrose slumps to the mat. Reigns tags in and he tries to stop Bryan from making the tag but Kane tags in.

Kane with a shoulder to Reigns and then he avoids a splash from Reigns and he hits a power slam followed by an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Kane with another Irish whip and clothesline followed by a side slam but Ambrose breaks up the cover. Kofi tags care of Ambrose and sends him to the floor. Bryan and Kofi with stereo dives onto Rollins and Ambrose.

Reigns punches Kane but Kane with a DDT. Kane gets a near fall. Bryan suplexes Ambrose on the floor while Rollins sends Kofi into the ring post. Kane with a big boot to Reigns and he sets for the choke slam but Ambrose comes off the top and he is met with an uppercut. The referee deals with Ambrose and Rollins with a knee from the top rope to break up the choke slam attempt and Reigns with a spear to Kane for the three count.

Winners: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins

We take a look back at the introduction of Curtis Axel.

Triple H is in the back getting ready and the medical assistant tells Hunter that the doctor does not think Hunter is ready to wrestle tonight. Hunter tells Larry to tell the doctor that if he doesn’t want Hunter to wrestle, he can look for a new job.

We are back and Kaitlyn finally got a phone number for the secret admirer. Natalya tells Kaitlyn that she will get Magnum Khali on the job. Kaitlyn sees Cody Rhodes with his phone and Kaitlyn things it might be him. Natalya runs interference and Kaitlyn takes his phone and realizes it isn’t Cody.

Kaitlyn says that she is glad that it isn’t Cody.

Jerry Lawler tells everyone that there were more than 150,000 votes for Jack Swagger’s opponent and it is . .

Match Number Seven: Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) versus Randy Orton

They lock up and Swagger with a side head lock and take down. Orton with a side head lock but Swagger with a top wrist lock and he takes Orton to the mat. Orton with a rake of the eyes followed by a European uppercut and drop kick. They go to the floor and Orton with a belly-to-back suplex onto the ringside barrier.

Orton returns to the ring and then he goes back to the floor to clothesline Swagger. Orton with a European uppercut on the floor and he gets a near fall when they go into the ring. Orton climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Swagger. Orton with more punches from the turnbuckles. Orton with a suplex.

Orton gets a near fall. Swagger with a kick to the knee and a forearm to the back and kick to the ribs. Swagger with a running shoulder tackle. Swagger with knees in the corner until the referee warns him. Orton with kicks but he misses a clothesline. Orton with a Thesz Press and punches. Orton stomps on the hand but he checks on his knee. Swagger with a shoulder into the knee and then he hyper-extends the knee and he applies a step over toe hold.

Orton pulls the strap to get Swagger closer to him and he punches Swagger but Swagger maintains the hold. Orton with punches to get out of the hold but the damage has been done. Orton sends Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Orton puts Swagger over the apron and he goes for the IEDDT but Swagger gets to the floor and he runs Orton into the ringside barrier and then into the apron.

They return to the ring and Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger returns to the step over toe hold. Orton with punches to Swagger but Swagger with an Irish whip and Orton gets his feet up. Swagger knocks Orton off the turnbuckles and he falls to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger is working on the injured ankle but Orton gets to the ropes. Orton continues to favor his knee and he connects with knees in the corner. Swagger misses a charge into the corner and he goes shoulder first into the post. Orton sends Swagger into the turnbuckle and they go up top and Orton with a superplex and both men are down.

Orton gets a near fall. Orton limps to Swagger and he runs his laces across the face followed by European uppercuts and punches but Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger goes for the double jump Swagger Bomb but Orton recovers and kicks Swagger in the midsection.

Orton with two clotheslines followed by a missed one from Swagger. Orton with a power slam and then Swagger goes to the apron. Orton tries for the IEDDT but Swagger gets back into the ring and he hits a power slam for a near fall. Swagger with an ankle lock but Orton rolls through and sends Swagger into the turnbuckles. Orton with a back breaker for a near fall.

Orton sends Swagger to the apron and the third time is the charm for the IEDDT and then he looks around for the right place to twist to the mat to set up the RKO. Orton cannot gets the momentum to hit the RKO and Swagger ducks it and applies the ankle lock. Orton tries to kick Swagger away and he returns to the hold.

Orton gets to the ropes but Swagger pulls Orton back into the center of the ring. Swagger is kicked to the floor and he returns to the ring only to be met with an RKO and Orton gets the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

We go to commercial.

Match Number Eight: Triple H (with GameFountain) versus Curt Axel (with Paul Heyman)

Axel moves around Hunter and takes a few shots in Hunter’s general direction. Curt turns his back and Hunter puts him into the corner. Hunter with a short arm clothesline. Hunter with another short arm clothesline for a near fall. Hunter sends Curt to the floor in front of Heyman.

Hunter sends him back into the ring but Curt with a forearm and kicks in the corner. Curt with punches and kicks until the referee pulls him out of the corner. Hunter puts Curt in the corner and he punches Axel. Curt with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Curt with kicks and he chokes Hunter in the corner.

Hunter with an Irish whip but Curt with a shot to the jaw. Curt with forearms to the head and then he goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Michael with a reverse chin lock. Hunter backs Curt into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders. Hunter with a facebuster and then he hits the spinebuster and he poses.

Hunter clotheslines Axel over the top rope to the floor but Hunter tries to fix his jaw. Hunter goes to the floor and he sends Axel into the apron. Curt with punches to Hunter but Hunter with a clothesline on the floor and he sends Curt back into the ring. Hunter cannot get back into the ring and he needs to take a breather. Hunter takes a seat at ringside.

He comes out of his corner but he cannot get back into the ring and he falls to a knee. The medical staff checks on Hunter and they say that he cannot continue.

The referee checks on Hunter as well but Hunter refuses the care and we go to credits.

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