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By Mike Johnson on 2013-02-02 13:14:20

Rey de Voladores Opening Round: Bolt Brady vs. ACH vs. Lukas Sharp vs. Surfer Mitch

Bradley and Sharp opened up the bout.  Lots of ACH chants.   Sharp called time out and left the ring, opening the door for ACH to get involved.  He nailed Brady with an inverted atomic drop.  Mitch tagged in and nailed a series of armdrags and a splash for a two count. 

Sharp and Mitch went back and forth and exchanged kicks.  Mitch was wiped out with a big clothesline that sent him inside out.  ACH nailed a series of chops on Lukas and drilled him with punches and leaping kickss.  Mitch cut him off during a charge but was sent to the outside.  ACH hit an awesome clothesline that sent him flying feet first through the ropes to the floor.

He nailed Brady with a leaping leg lariat.  He drilled Brady with a right hand then hit an awesome leaping, twisting dive to the floor.  ACH missed a big flying bodypress .  Lukas grabbed him in a Torture Rack with a death valley driver.  ACH was worked over by Lukas but came back with a series of thrusts to the chest.

Brady tagged in and nailed a leaping back elbow.  He nailed a Thesz Press for a two count but Mitch interfered.  Brady nailed a Jay Driller over his own knees for a two count.   ACH cut him off ad whipped Brady into the corner.  Brady caught him coming in with a knee, then nailed diving knees to the mat for a two count.  Brady was drilled by Lukas and pinned.  Mitch then wiped out Lukas and pinned him.

ACH killed Mitch with a series of hard big boots.  ACH nailed Code Red for a two count.   They rebounded off the ropes and nailed a double clothesline.  Mitch used a head scissors takedown to send ACH into the ropes, then drilled him with a dropkick on the apron.

Mitch came off the top with a body press for a two count.  The crowd tried to rally ACH.  Mitch went for a move but ACH battled him off with a series of elbows.  He went to grab Mitch but was suplexed in a nasty way into the buckles.

Mitch went to the top but took too long.  ACH reached him but was shoved off.  He leapt back up and hit a leaping rana and a splash for the pin.

Your winner, ACH!

OK match that got really good when it came down to the last two.  It will be Scorpio vs. ACH later on!

Thanks for logging in, we will be back later with complete coverage of the evening card at 7 PM featuring:

  • WSU Spirit champion Marti Belle vs. Ezavel
  • PWInsider presents the Rey de Voladores finals!
  • Wrestling is Awesome! presents Devastation Corporation vs. Proud Oak & Thunderfrog
  • CHIKARA presents F.I.S.T & Los Ice Creams vs. 3.0 & The Colony.
  • NYWC presents Alex Reynolds & John Silver vs. Tony Nese & Apollyon.
  • Wrestling with Heart features Heidi Lovelace & Mat Russo vs. "The League" of Reed Bentley & Tripp Cassidy
  • Former WWE star Hurricane Helms & Matty de Nero vs. Ophidian and Kobald.
  • EVOLVE presents AR Fox vs. Shane Strickland
  • Fighting Spirit Wrestling will feature The Maximos vs. Angel Ortiz & Mike Draztik
  • IWC presents John McChesney vs. Logan Shulo.
  • CZW presents Latin Dragon vs. Matt Tremont vs. Rory Mondo
  • Resistance Pro features Jay Bradley & Darcy Dixon vs. Robert Anthony & Thunder Kitty.

The shows are free admission, but if you can't make it to Philly tonight, you can order each event for $9.99 or both for $14.95 via iPPV at

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