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By Mike Johnson on 2012-11-18 20:31:00
Welcome to's live, ongoing WWE Survivor Series 2012 coverage from Indianapolis.

Here is the online pre-game show:

Pre-Game Show coverage

Matt Striker and Scott Stanford are the announcers.

They talked about the injury to Cody Rhodes. They had a vignette where David Otunga was added to Team Dolph Ziggler. No one on the team liked the addition. Ziggler talked up the team saying they were going to be dominant and the match was theirs to win. The rest of the team didn't seem to be behind him.

They aired a video feature on Big Show vs. Sheamus for the World title. 3MB's Jinder Mahal & Heath Slater vs. Cobro's Santino Marella & Zack Ryder

Ryder and Mahal started out. Mahal worked over Ryder early and took him down with a shoulderblock. He shows way more personality in this role. Ryder caught him with a hiptoss and tagged in Marella. Marella used a takedown and locked in a side headlock. Mahal slipped out and took down Marella with a right hand. Slater tagged in but was caught with a hiptoss into an armbar.

Ryder tagged in and continued controlling Slater, covering him for a two count. Slater cut him off and began stomping away at Ryder. He brought him back into 3MB's corner where he and Mahal took turns working him over. Marella tagged in and tried to use the Cobra but Slater cut him off and tore it from his hand. He whipped Marella into the corner and dropped an elbow. Mahal began stomping away.

Marella ducked a clothesline but 3MB avoided a double flying clothesline. They covered Marella for a two count. Slater locked in a headlock but Marella fought to his feet and nailed a back suplex. Slater landed near his corner so he tagged Mahal. Mahal prevented Marella from tagging but Marella escaped and finally made the hot tag.

Ryder took control and nailed a missile dropkick on Mahal, then nailed the Broski Boot on him. He covered Mahal but Slater broke up the pin at two. Marella was tossed out of the ring but Ryder nailed the Rough Ryder on Slater. Drew interfered, allowing Mahal to lay waste to Ryder and score the win.

Your winners, 3MB!

OK match. You can see 3MB is getting over with the crowd as an undercard act.

They plugged the WWE '13 videogame. That is actually a hell of a fun game.

Video feature on the Vickie Guerrero allegtions.

Josh Mathews interviewed R-Truth. Mathews tried to talk to Little Jimmy and Truth asked him if he was trying to say that he trying to talk to imaginary people. Truth cut a decent promo about bringing the U.S. title back to America. Mathews was shocked that Truth said Jimmy was an imaginary character but Truth stopped him and asked what he was talking about because Jimmy was in the bathroom. He demanded Josh to apologize to Jimmy. Up until that, it was a good promo.

Video feature on the WWE title bout.

Rene Young debuted on the PPV channel pre-game show, discussing the show with Scott Stanford.

WWE Survivor Series 2012

The announce team was Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry Lawler.

Survivor Series Elimination: Brodus Clay & Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara & Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd vs. Tensai & Epico & Primo & The Prime Time Players

Kidd started off with Epico.  Kidd took him down with a side headlock.  Epico reversed it but Kidd leapt out of the move and locked in another.  They went back and forth with some good near falls.  Kidd maintained control and tagged in Gabriel who sunset flipped Epico for a two count.

Gabriel worked over Epico and scored several near falls.  Kidd and Gabriel nailed several tag moves and tagged in Rey.  Rey nailed a dropkick but was cut off and dragged back to Tensai's team.  Darren Young tagged in and worked over Rey.  Mysterio used a drop toehold into the corner, then kicked Young hard in the leg.

Sin Cara and Primo tagged in.  Cara hit a slingshot elbow off the ropes, followed by a top rope cross bodyblock for a near fall.  Cara hit a Code Red for a two count but was cut off by a Primo clothesline.  Tensai tagged in and slammed Cara several times.  The crowd booed when he was tagged in and chanted "Albert."

Titus O'Neal tagged in and used an uppercut to lay out Cara.  Primo tagged in and drilled Cara with a big legdrop for a two count.  He cinched in a camel clutch.  Team Tensai continued taking turns working over Cara.  Cara finally nailed an enziguiri on Tensai and tagged in Clay.  Clay cleaned house with a rhino headbutt on Titus and Young and a splash in the corner on Tensai.

Everyone started brawling.  Gabriel and Kidd hit stereo dives.  Rey and Cara then hit stereo Asai moonsaults to the outside.  This left Clay and Tensai in the ring.  They went back and forth.  Clay flapjacked Tensai.  Tensai shoulderblocked him down and nailed a back senton splash for the pin.

Clay is eliminated.

Gabriel and Tensai went back and forth with Tensai drilling him with a big back elbow.  Titus tagged in and locked in an abdominal stretch, trying to force the submission.  Tensai's team continued working over Gabriel.   Gabriel rolled out of the way of a back senton splash and rolled him up, scoring the pin on Tensai.

Tesnai has been eliminated.

Titus immediately cut off Gabriel and choked him against the ropes.   Epico nailed a double arm underhook suplex for a two count, then cinched in a side chinlock.  Gabriel fought his way out but missed an enziguri.   Kidd finally tagged in but was cut off by the former Team Tensai.

Primo kicked away at Kidd in the corner.   Kidd fired back with a series of right hands.   Titus tagged back in.  This has been a decent match so far.  Kidd ducked a charge and O'Neal crotched himself.  Kidd used the ropes for momentum and rolled up O'Neal with the Backlund Bridge for a three count.

Titus O'Neal has been eliminated.

Epico, Primo and Young all took turns working over Kidd.  Epico nailed a series of back suplexes on Kidd, but Kidd slipped out of a third and locked on a Sharpshooter.  Epico tapped.

Epico has been eliminated.

Primo jumped Kidd from behind and locked in a side chinlock.   He worked over Kidd and went to the top for a move but was dropkicked on the way down.  Kidd crawled over and made the hot tag to Rey Mysterio.

Rey kicked Primo away and nailed a flying headscissor takedown, then a kick to the head for a two count.   Mysterio ascended to the top but was cut off by Primo.   Primo set up for a superplex but Rey nailed shots to the mid-section to ward him off.  Rey came off the top with a seated senton and used a Lucha armdrag to set up for the 619.  Primo slipped out and went for a backstabber.  Rey held onto the ropes and used a rolling pinfall combination for the win.

Primo has been eliminated.

This left Darren Young against the other four.  Rey drilled him with the 619.  Cara came off the top with a moonsault.  Gabriel and Kidd each hit top rope dives.  Rey came off the top with a big splash and scored the pin.

Your winners and Survivors, Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara & Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel!

Really good opener.  Lots of good wrestling here and some flashy moves and sequences.  This was a rare case of the added bonus match actually adding something of worth to the show.  Thumbs up to all involved.

Kaitlyn was walking backstage when a hooded woman in a blonde wig attacked her.  She fought off the attacker and ripped off the wig.   It was Aksana who scampered away.  Eve showed up and faked concern so Kaitlyn shoved her down and stormed off.

WWE Divas champ Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn came out with the blonde wig and used it on Eve as a weapon.  Torres was trounced early and tried to run into the crowd but was pulled back.

Kaitlyn beat Eve's head into the mat several times.  Torres kicked her in the gut and then in the head before slamming the challenger's head into the mat over and over.  She covered Kaitlyn for a two count.

Eve choked Kaitlyn while in the corner.  She dropped an elbow across Kaitlyn's back and locked her in a triangle style headscissors.  Eve went to the top but was shoved off, nearly killing her.  She was then shoved off the apron, which looked equally scary.

Eve was tossed back in the ring and began backing off.   Kaitlyn slapped him and used a hair mare, which looked awful.  It was so bad, they did it again and it looked worse.  Kaitlyn used a shoulderblock and a gutbuster for a two count.

Kaitlyn grabbed at Eve's legs while Eve held onto the apron screaming.  She kicked off Kaitlyn and left the ring, nailing the challenger when she followed.  Kaitlyn was tossed back in the ring and nailed with a neckbreaker for a three count.

Your winner and still WWE Divas champion, Eve Torres!

Not a good match.  Eve had some good facial expressions and they tried but this wasn't good.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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