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By Mike Johnson on 2017-03-31 15:43:00

Josh Bodom vs. David Starr for Interim British Cruiserweight champion

They went back and forth with some good back and forth action.  Starr hit a good dive to the outside, then returned and hit another big dive.    Starr was shoved off the top.  Bodom elevated him into a knee strike and worked him over.  He went to the top but Starr cut him off and nailed a series of shots to his back.  Starr went for a superplex but was shoved off into the ring.

Bodom rolled through and was going to set up a move but Starr caught him with a chopblock.  Bodom worked him over for a long time until Starr fought back and drilled him with a great brainbuster for a two count.  They battled back and forth until Bodom used the ropes as leverage into a piledriver.

Your winner, Josh Bodom!

This was a hell of a contest.  I got back to my table late after intermission, so I was behind the curve on play by play but this was great.  Bodom is a hell of a hand and Starr just continues to excel.

Rey Fenix vs. Will Ospreay.

Some good  wrestling early followed by some really innovative counters and reversals.  It ended with them avoiding the other and facing off.  Ospreay gained control and tied up Fenix on the mat.  Fenix gained control and sent Ospreay to the floor, nailing a big dive to the outside, then a big swanton back in.  Fenix nailed a cutter for a two count.

Ospreay caught Fenix on the top with a superkick and nailed another after his head was tucked under a turnbuckle.  They whipped out an insane series of big moves and reversals, ending with an Ospreay reverse rana.   They traded some really impressive high flying moves including an insane Phoenix Splash by Ospreay that was a two count.  Fenix with a Canadian destroyer for a two count.  Ospreay finished it with a flurry, including his whirly kick and the springboard cutter for the victory!

Your winner, Will Ospreay!

Unbreakable Fn' Machines Brian Cage & Michael Elgin vs. Shane Strickland & Ryan Smile.

It was very David vs. Goliath early on with Cage using his strength to try and offset the speed and finesse of Strickland and Smile.  Elgin actually whipped out the worm while facing off with Smith.  Smile and Strickland double teamed Elgin, hitting some cool offensive double tema maneuvers.   Elgin finally had enough and drilled them off the apron with a double clothesline.

Strickland caught Elgin with an enziguiri on the apron.  Strickland came off the top and did a moonsault off Elgin's chest to the floor on Cage.  The place went nuts for that.  Elgin and Smile went back and forth with Smile nailing some fast hitting offense before being slammed down.  Elgin held him up for a delayed vertical suplex before handing him off to Cage, who also held him up before dropping Smile down.

Strickland finally tagged in and whipped out some damn impressive offense, scoring a two count with a frog splash style flying bodypress.  Cage caught him but Smile drilled Cage with a kick to the knees, takin him down.  Elgin entered the fray and nailed a big kick, sending Strickland to the floor.  Smile was held upside down for Cage to nail with a dropkick.  Elgin then powerbombed Smile across Cage's knees  They nailed a double clothesline on Smile.  Strickland hit the ring to make the save during a pinfall attempt.  They continued to beat down Smile, who got his shoulder up.

Elgin just decimated Smile and Strickland with hard back slaps and hit a double Fall Away Slam on them both.  Everyone battled in the corner.  All sorts of chaos and big spots.  Smile finally got the pin with a top rope splash on Elgin.

Your winners, Shane Strickland and Ryan Smile!

Good match that lost the crowd when the team they didn't want to see win got the victory.  But, tons of big spots of both power and aerial variety that made this a ton of fun.

British Heavyweight champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Pentagon OM.

ZSJ showed off his technical wizardry early.  The crowd was very pro Zack, even though he is a cocky heel here.  Pentagon came back to cinch in a bow and arrow variation.  ZSJ whipped out several hiptpsses but was kicked and went to the floor.  Pentagon followed and shot him into the ringpost.  Sabre came back to attack his fingers, snapping them on the floor after wrapping Pentagon's arm around the barricade.

Back in the ring, ZSJ continued to manipulate the wrist and fingers.  Pentagon gave him the finger, which only gave Zack another target.   Pentagon made a comeback with a Slingblade and scored a two count.  He argued with the referee over the count.   He went for a double underhook piledriver but Sabre slipped out and wrapped up Pentagon.  They went back and forth until Pentagon nailed the sitdown piledriver on the apron outside. 

Sabre was tossed back in the ring, where Pentagon worked him over with punches to the head in the corner.  Sabre kicked him off during a charge.  He caught Pentagon with a hanging armbar and tried to force a submission, then began tying up extremities.    He rained down with elbows and forced the submission.

Your winner, Zack Sabre Jr!

That's all from Revolution Pro!

I am off to the WWE Hall of Fame! 

Stay tuned for all sorts of coverage from that event here on!  Thank you for your support!

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