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By Richard Trionfo on 2016-09-12 19:55:00

We are back and it is time for the Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho.

Chris says this was supposed to be the greatest Highlight Reel because it would have had the man who Tom Cruise would have played in the movie about his life, or Brad Pitt.  He is talking about his best buddy and the longest reigning Universal Champion Kevin Owens.  Mick Foley ruined it by putting Kevin in a match against Roman Reigns.  Jericho says when you have the highest of the high, you have to go the other way and the lowest of the low.  Jericho lies down on the carpet and introduces Sami Zayn.

Sami thanks Chris for the great introduction and Jericho asks if he should sing Ole Ole Ole.  The crowd sings Ole.

Jericho says that intro was worthy of Sami.  There is a reason why Owens dumped you and does not look at you in the back.  He asks Sami if he has Kevin's phone number and Jericho says he has it and he won't give it to Sami.

Jericho says he wants to know what happened.  It had to be Sami's fault.  

Sami asks if Jericho really brought him out to talk about Kevin.  The only thing he cares about is the Universal title and he will have it some day.  If you want to bring Kevin up.  If he is your best friend and your brother, you truly are a stupid idiot.

Jericho tells the people to be quiet.  He says that Zayn is like all of them.  He is rude and a name caller.  He says that Sami is a taker while Jericho says he is a giver.  He is giving all of the heathens what they want and need. 

Sami tells Chris the gift of Jericho sucks.  He says the only gift that Kevin gave him was showing him his true colors.  Kevin only cares about himself.

Jericho says that Sami is jealous.  He is jealous that Kevin Owens is the longest reigning Universal Champion.

Sami wants to know if any shred of the old Chris Jericho is there.  It was because of Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, and Eddie Guerrero that they are doing this.  It is because you are craftsmen.  You are a six time World Champion and the first Undisputed Champion.  Now you are Kevin Owens' bitch.

Jericho asks Sami if he really believes that.  Jericho says he got a text from Kevin Owens telling him what to expect from Sami.  Jericho says he will show Sami the text and hits him with the phone and then hits a Codebreaker.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus was asked about Cesaro winning last week.  Sheamus says Cesaro got lucky once.  The key is consistency.  He only needs one more win to send the Swiss Miss back to the mountain while he would get a title opportunity.

Match Number Three:  Sheamus (3-1) versus Cesaro (1-3) in Match Five of the Best of Seven Series

They lock up and Sheamus with a forearm to the back.  They lock up and Cesaro with a forearm.  Sheamus with a kick and Cesaro with a clothesline for a near fall.  Cesaro goes for the Gotch Style Neutralizer but Sheamus backs Cesaro into the turnbuckles and connects with forearms.  Sheamus with an Irish whip and shoulder into the corner.  Sheamus with another Irish whip and another shoulder in the corner.  Sheamus with a third one but Cesaro with a European uppercut and he tries for the Sharpshooter but Sheamus gets to the ropes and the floor.

Cesaro with a seated splash off the apron and then he hits a running European uppercut.  Cesaro gets a near fall when the return to the ring.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus has Cesaro on his shoulder for a back breaker but Cesaro escapes.  Sheamus with a knee lift.  Sheamus with a forearm to the lower back and then he connects with a forearm to the back.  Sheamus with a third forearm to the back.  Cesaro wtih forearms and then he blocks being sent into the turnbuckles.  Cesaro sends Sheamus into the turnbuckles and punches Sheamus.  Cesaro goes up top and hits a European uppercut to stop Cesaro.  Sheamus goes for a superplex and Cesaro knocks him off.  Cesaro with punches from the turnbuckles followed by a kick and cross body for a near fall.  

Sheamus and Cesaro go back and forth with European uppercuts.  Cesaro wtih an Irish whip but Sheamus grabs Cesaro and hits a Finlay Slam and gets a near fall.  Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf and Cesaro with a rollup for a near fall.  Cesaro with the springboard corkscrew European uppercut and a near fall.  Cesaro with a Sharpshooter and Sheamus gets to the ropes.  Cesaro with the giant swing, but he can only get him around a few times.  Sheamus with a rollup for a near fall.  Sheamus with a uranage back breaker for a near fall.  Cesaro with a rollup and his foot against the ropes to get the extra leverage and the three count.

Winner:  Cesaro (2-3)

Mick Foley is in his office with Seth Rollins.  Seth says he has a bone to pick with him.  He says he thought he was on the same page as Mick.  Mick kept him from being suspended and gave him a title match.  He wants to know why Roman.

Mick says that Roman was wronged.

Seth says there is no comparison.  Seth says he is the man and you would know it if you binge watched the WWE Network.  Seth says he does not want any distractions and get his hands on the title.  If Mick is not going to do anything about it, maybe we should talk to Stephanie.

Mick says that Stephanie is in Singapore and all Stephanie cares about is wins over Smackdown.

Seth says he will take things into his own hands.

Mick tells Seth not to question his integrity and he wants Seth to say that he won't interfere.

Seth says if Mick is going to continue to support Stephanie, you are a fool.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is official for Clash of Champions.  Sami Zayn faces Chris Jericho.

Tom Phillips is with Nia Jax and he asks her about dealing with Alicia.  Nia says she has dealt with wackos and she does not do crazy.  She will continue to beat up Alicia until she gives up or cannot get up.

Match Number Four:  Alicia Fox versus Nia Jax

Nia pushes Alicia to the mat and then runs her into the turnbuckles.  Nia runs Alicia into the corner and connects with shoulders.  Alicia with a forearm and she goes to the turnbuckles but Nia pushes Alicia to the floor.  Nia goes to the floor and Alicia with a boot to the head and she climbs on Nia's back and chokes her.  Nia backs Alicia into the ring post.  Nia swings Alicia into the ringside barrier a few times.  Nia tosses Alicia by the hair.

Nia with a spear through the ringside barrier.  The referee checks on Alicia.

Winner:  Nia Jax (by referee stoppage)

Officials tell Nia she needs to leave.  Nia walks to the back and we go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look back at Nia Jax' destruction of Alicia Fox.

It is time for the New Day to make their way to the ring.

The New Day give out BOOTY-Os to people along the ramp.

The New Day will defend the tag titles against Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson at Clash of Champions.

Xavier says last week on Monday Night Raw, Gallows and Anderson tried their hands at entertainment.  Entertainment is their thing.  Do not touch their thing.  If you missed it, they brought out the Old Day and let's look at it.  They say they destroyed the footage.

Kofi says that Gallows and Anderson wasted five minutes and thirty-seven seconds of your time.  Can you think of the things you can do in that time?  You could listen to almost any song on Hamilton.  Kofi says you can watch Ravens highlights.  Big E and Xavier ask if they are pandering.

Big E says he wishes he could have Obi Wan Kenobi-ed himself and this was not the skit you were looking for.

Xavier says they could have eaten BOOTY-Os.  Xavier says that was a dumpster fire and it will never happen as long as they are WWE Tag Team Champions.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson come out and Karl says that the New Day panders to a stupid crowd in Baltimore, talk about BOOTY-Os, and wear unicorn horns.  You say they are wasting time?

Luke says they will take the titles at Clash of Champions.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five:  Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson versus Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods (with Big E) in a Non Title Match

Anderson and Woods start things off and Anderson with forearms and then Woods with a float over and drop kick.  Woods with a near fall.  Woods with an arm bar and he connects with elbows to the arm to the tune of "New Day Rocks".  Kofi tags in and he kicks Anderson and Woods with a sliding D.  Kofi with a knee drop and Woods with an elbow off the turnbuckles.  Kofi comes off the turnbuckles and gets a near fall.  Kofi with an arm bar and Gallows tags in and he connects with a shoulder tackle.  Gallows goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Kofi lands on his feet and he kicks Gallows and hits a springboard cross body for a near fall.

Gallows sends Kofi over the top rope and Anderson tags in.  Anderson punches Kofi and kicks him.  Gallows tags in and Anderson sends Kofi into the ring and Gallows with a boot and elbow drops.  Kofi with punches but Gallows with a clothesline.  Anderson tags in and he runs his forearm across the face.  Anderson with a leaping boot in the corner.  Anderson with a reverse chin lock.  Anderson sends Kofi into the corner but Kofi kicks Gallows.  Anderson catches Kofi and hits a spinebuster for a near fall.  Gallows tags in and kicks Kofi off the apron.  

The referee makes his count and Kofi struggles to get back into the ring but he beats the count.  Gallows runs Kofi into the corner and Anderson tags in and drops Kofi gut first onto Gallows' knee.  Anderson chokes Kofi.  Anderson with a knee drop and he gets a near fall.  Anderson sends Kofi into the turnbuckles and Gallows tags back in and he punches Kofi.  Gallows with a slam.  Gallows misses an elbow drop and both men are down.  Woods and Anderson tag in and Woods with forearms and a discus forearm.  Woods puts Anderson into the ropes and Woods with a hesitation drop kick.  Woods knocks Gallows off the apron and then Woods with an Honor Roll for a near fall.

Woods goes for a suplex and Anderson blocks it and punches Woods.  Woods with a forearm and Anderson fires back.  They continue to go back and forth.  Woods with a series of forearms and Anderson with an uppercut.  Woods with an enzuigiri and a springboard DDT. Woods goes up top and hits an elbow drop but Gallows breaks up the cover.  Kofi is met with a super kick as he comes off the ropes.  Woods with a super kick to Gallows but Anderson with a flying boot followed by Magic Killer for the three count.

Winners:  Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Roman Reigns is walking in the back and Tom Phillips asks Roman about his match against Kevin Owens.  Roman says the only thing in his head is getting to Clash of Champions and winning the Universal title.  The only way he does it is by kicking KO's ass.

We go to commercial.

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