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By Mike Johnson on 2024-10-15 08:00:00

October 15th

On this day in history in ....

1951 - Mae Young defeats Cora Combs to become the first NWA Florida Women's Champion in Tampa, Florida.

1963 - Bobo Brazil defeats Tim Anderson in Tampa, Florida, reportedly the first professional wrestling match to take place in Tampa involving African-American wrestlers.

1967 - El Nazi defeats Mil Mascaras to win the Mexican Light-Heavyweight Title in Mexico City, Mexico.

1970 - Akio Kyo defeats Marie Vagnone for the WWWA World Title in Tokyo, Japan.

1971 - Former WWF star Joey Abs is born.

1979 - Jerry Lawler defeats Bill Dundee in Memphis, Tennessee to win his fifth Southern Heavyweight Title.

1981 - The Junkyard Dog & Mike George defeat The Samoans (Afa & Sika) to win the Mid-South Wrestling Tag Team Title in Jackson, Mississippi, ending the second reign for the Samoans.

1982 - Tama Tonga is born.

1988 - Michael Hayes & Steve Cox defeat The Samoan Swat Team (Fatu & Samu) for the World Class Tag Team Title in Dallas, Texas, ending the SST's second reign and beginning their own second run with the belts. On the same show, Jeff Jarrett defeats Eric Embry for the World Class Light Heavyweight Title, ending the second of Embry's five reigns with the belt.

1988 - Hurricane Castillo, Jr. & Miguelito Perez defeat Bobby Jaggers & Dan Kroffat in Bayamon, Puerto Rico for the WWC Caribbean Tag Team Title, ending the second reign of Jaggers & Kroffat.

1998 - X-Pac defeated D'Lo Brown for the WWF European Heavyweight Title in Chicago, Illinois. This marked the beginning of the second reign with the belt for X-Pac, as well as the end of Brown's second reign.

2002 - NWA Wildside TV aired locally in Georgia.  Larry Goodman filed the following TV report:

Dan "The Dragon" Wilson did a solo introduction for this hour of "the number one pro wrestling alternative" NWA Wildside. The other half of the announcing team, Steven Prazak, was said to be running late. Wilson recapped the highlights of last week's show: Iceberg pinned Rick Michaels with the Ground Zero splash. AJ Styles beat Adam Jacobs with the help of John Phoenix. Styles denied the rumors that he was now aligned with the NWA Elite. The Briscoe Brothers were disqualified in a three-way against Lost Boyz and T-N-T to eliminate them from the tag title match at the Wildside 3rd Anniversary Show.

Wilson previewed this week's show, featuring David Young defending his NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title against Rainman and match number four in the best of five series for the World TV Title between Caprice Coleman and Tony Mamaluke. With Mamaluke leading 2-1, one more win would bring him his first title in Wildside.

1) Caprice Coleman beat Tony Mamaluke to even their best of five series for the World TV Title at 2-2 (1:28). Mamaluke was heavily favoring his left knee. Coleman hit a springboard dropkick at the opening bell and went right to work on the injured body part. Mamaluke's knee gave out on an ill-advised leapfrog attempt. Coleman took Mamaluke off his feet with a chop block and softened him with kicks to the knee and head. Coleman submitted Mamaluke with a cross between a stump puller and a standing figure four leglock.

Mamaluke got on the mic at ringside. He said despite the bad leg, he was a man and he wasn't going to mistreat the fans with a horrible performance. Mamaluke said he didn't want to wait until the anniversary show. "Let's settle this tonight." Prazak called it a bad career move.

2) Coleman submitted Mamaluke in 7:07 to win the best of five series 3-2 and retain the World TV Title. Interesting psychological match built around Mamaluke's knee problem. Crowd didn't seem sure just how to react to the face taking advantage of the heel's injury. The commentary set up a potential face turn by Mamaluke, talking about a newfound respect for his gutsy performance. Wilson said he had never seen Coleman so aggressive.

They exchanged punches until Coleman once again took out the leg, this time with a sweep kick. Coleman did a standing somersault senton for a two count. Coleman grapevined the leg. Mamaluke was in agony. Coleman fired some jabs, taking advantage of Mamaluke's lack of mobility. At the two minute mark, Coleman took a flying bump and got hung upside down in the corner. Mamaluke landed kicks to the gut, a European forearm and a pair of chops. Mamaluke went for his high angle back suplex, but the knee gave way. Coleman landed on top for a two count. Mamaluke used a drop toehold to drop Coleman's throat across the rope and hit the Sicilian Slice legdrop to the apron. That also hurt his knee. Prazak said that Mamaluke must not thinking straight due to the pain. Mamaluke went for a mat version of the cobra clutch. Coleman got a ropes break. They did a running the ropes spot, where Coleman went through Mamaluke's legs and landed a kick to the bad knee, to set up a reverse Thermal Shock. Good near fall. Coleman went to the top. Mamaluke shoved the ref into the ropes to crotch Coleman. Mamaluke hit a superplex and locked on the Sicilian Sleeper (guillotine choke). Wilson made the point that Coleman's losses in the series came as a result of not being able to break that hold. Coleman's looked like he was going out, but he raised his arm the third time. Coleman flipped over into a bridge to score a two count and was able to get to his feet. Coleman hit a Northern lights suplex but Mamaluke hung on. Coleman finally broke the hold by ramming Mamaluke's back into the turnbuckle. Both men down. Mamaluke used the ropes to slowly prop himself back up. Coleman was waiting for him. He to hit the Thermal Shock to win the series. Coleman stayed down on the mat, hugging the strap and pumping his fist. The segment closed with Coleman going over to help Mamaluke back to his feet.

3) Jimmy Rave beat Jeremy Lopez & Slim J in a three-way elimination style match to retain the NWA World Junior Title (7:50). Mostly very good stuff. Wilson called this mix "the light, the darkness and the middle ground." He said J's antics had gotten Wildside kicked off the UPN affilate in Roanoke (WDLR), but they weren't too much for TNA, where he recently debuted. J's quest for the Wildside Junior belt was furthered when he eliminated Lopez from the match.

Good heat to open the match. Rave and J locked up while Lopez lounged in the corner. A fine sequence of chain wrestling came to an abrupt (and painful looking) halt when J mule kicked Rave in the nutsack. Lopez laughed at Rave. J and Lopez went back and forth with chain moves. Wouldn't you know it? J landed a mule kick on Lopez that was well south of the border. J taunted Rave and Lopez by grabbing a handful of his goods. J signaled for Rave and Lopez to go at it and went to observe from a seat at ringside. Rave and Lopez exchanged slaps and forearms. Advantage Rave due to his shirt. J charged into the fray and took a double team backdrop to the floor. Lopez countered an Irish whip with a boot to the gut. Rave countered a Yakuza kick with a snapmare into a pinning combination. Lopez dumped Rave. J hit a springboard huracanrana on Lopez for a two count. They did a beautifully timed set of three-way reversals that set up Lopez for a roaring elbow on J and a clothesline on Rave. Lopez covered Rave for two. Lopez took over on J. He went for the Texas cloverleaf. Rave crashed and burned on a flying crossbody Lopez locked on the hold. Rave went for a Shining Wizard enzuigiri off the ref's back. Nice idea, too bad it missed. Prazak called it a grazing blow. They all stayed down a long time selling the spot. Triple kip up! J landed a roundhouse on Lopez and the 3-6 Mafia kick on Rave. J slammed Lopez and dropped Rave on top of him with a top rope Ace crusher. J pinned the Wildside Junior Champion at 5:32.

J opened up on Rave. J hit an awesome Red Alert (sunset powerbomb) on Rave for a near fall. Rave came right back with a hammerlock-headscissors cradle for a near fall. Rave whipped J from pillar to post and speared him in the corners. J slapped Rave in the mouth "like a punk bitch." Rave clotheslined J out of his boots. J blocked Rave's tilt-a-whirl move, blocked a Northern lights and hit a swinging cradle brainbuster. Rave threw a foot over the ropes to prevent the pin. J got Rave up on his shoulders for the Anger Management. Rave blocked it and tried for a tornado DDT. J countered that with a kick to the nutsack. J landed a roundhouse dropkick with Rave seated on the top rope. J climbed up for a hurancanra and Rave countered with a Northern Lights bomb off the top for the pin.

Mamaluke tipped his hat to Coleman in a seated backstage promo. Mamaluke said no excuses. Coleman was the better man mon this night. Mamaluke put over the tradition of the NWA, bringing up past TV champions Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson. Mamaluke said no way the knee injury was going to stop him. Mamaluke said he was going to be back, albeit with more respect for Coleman, to unleash the Italian Monster. Mamaluke looked to be in pain as he struggled to stand up.

4) Future Shock (Jay Freeze & Brandon P) beat Scottie Wrenn & Tank via a count out. This was billed as the acid test for Future Shock, trying to earn respect against large and very brutal opponents. Good setup for a chickens*** count out victory. Close to seven minutes clipped here, so that only the first twenty seconds and the ending aired.

Wrenn and Tank kicked the crap out of Future Shock as they hit the ring. Future Shock bailed out. Commercial break with some major clipping. Hot tag to Wrenn. He gave Freeze a gorilla press facebuster. Visual fall, as ref Speedy Nelson was outside the ring, where P was posting Tank. Wrenn hit the Psycho Slam on Freeze. 1..2..P pulled Nelson out. Prazak asked about the expiration date on that move. P celebrated too long. Wrenn nailed him in the back with a baseball slide. Wrenn and Tank caught P's head in a forearm sandwich. Four-way battle on the floor. Future Shock were getting the worst of it, but they wound up back in the ring just in time to beat the 10 count.

Both teams cut backstage promos to set up a rematch at Wildside Version 4.0. Wrenn and Tank were first up. Wrenn looked like he was ready to explode. "Future Shock, you're happy with that? The way you gain respect is to pin shoulders or make people submit." Wrenn issued a challenged for a rematch at the anniversary show. P said nobody in Wildside was going to hold them down. He claimed they took Wrenn & Tank to school. Freeze said you might call it luck, you might call it a fluke, but Future Shock were calling it a win. He said they would be waiting for Tank & Wrenn at the anniversary show.

5) David Young versus Rainman (with Bailey) was a no contest I guess (4:55). Wilson said Young was fresh off a tour of Japan for Zero One. Wilson said Young was sporting a "piano keyboard front grill" courtesty of Masato Tanaka, who knocked out one of his teeth with a roaring elbow. Young worked as Steve Corino's tag partner against Tanaka and Shinjiro Otani in several matches on the tour.

Strong heat to open this match as well. Rainman covered his ears. They tied up to a stand off. Rainman slapped Young. Young slapped Rainman even harder. Young grabbed a side headlock out of the second tie up. He put Rainman down with a pair of shoulder tackles and went for a quick cover. Young reversed Rainman's hiptoss attempt. Rainman landed on his feet. Young ducked a clothesline and dropped Rainman on his head with a release German suplex. Bailey got on the apron to buy time for Rainman. Young was ready for Rainman's Pearl Harbor job. Bailey tried to tie up Young's arms, but he gave them the double noggin knocker. Young pummeled Rainman at ringside. Rainman got the advantage after being tossed back inside. He hit a corkscrew dropkick for a two count. Rainman rained down blows from the mount. Rainman whipped Young into the corner and followed him in with a clothesline. Rainman pounced on Young with a choke hold. Rainman did a spinwheel kick for a two count. Rainman with a scoop slam and a slow climb to the top. Young crotched Rainman on the top rope and climbed up to meet him. Rainman shoved Young off. Rainman went for a tornado DDT. Young blocked it and countered with an overhead belly to belly that flipped Rainman onto his head. That was the cue for John Phoenix to hit the ring. Phoenix superkicked Young, while Senior Official, Andrew Thomas stood by smiling. Wilson was going berserk about Thomas, as Phoenix continued his attack on Young. Adam Jacobs hit the ring on Phoenix and only then did Thomas call for the bell. Young kicked Rainman in the testes. Prazak sounded like he was feeling Rainman's pain.

The faces cleared the Elite out of the ring. Young called for the mic. He challenged the Elite to an impromptu tag match. Bailey accepted.

6) Jacobs & Young beat Rainman & Phoenix (with Bailey). The first half was shown along with the finish. With the exception of the botched finish, what aired looked good.

Jacobs immediately went on the offensive against Phoenix. Jacobs dropped his head and got caught with a boot. Phoenix punched and chopped. Jacobs reversed a whip and Phoenix moonsaulted to his feet. Jacobs gave him a reverse DDT across the knee, followed by a sitout reverse DDT. Jacobs used a Japanese armdrag and a pair of right hands. Phoenix missed with a spinkick. Jacobs connected on a flying clothesline and made the foot tag to Young. Wilson said the foot tag was Wildside's contribution to wrestling. Young caught Phoenix with a swinging inverted side slam that was pure power. Two count only. Phoenix escaped Young's spinebuster and potatoed him with a spinkick. Tag to Rainman, who used a blatant choke on Young while Thomas argued with Jacobs. Wilson said Thomas only had his spot because he was Bailey's driver. Phoenix took a big flip bump in the corner, but he stayed on Young with a dropkick to the leg. Phoenix and Rainman worked over Young's hamstrings. Rainman did the old flying hamstring snap maneuver. They doubled on Young in the corner while Thomas held Jacobs back. Phoenix locked a single leg crab on Young. Returning from commercial break, Iceberg had joined Rainman for a ringside attack on Young. Inside the ring, Phoenix went to powerbomb Jacobs onto a chair. They had some kind of a problem on Jacobs' counter, and Phoenix just dropped him on the chair. Jacobs got up and gave Phoenix the Stroke onto the chair for the 1..2..3. Thomas couldn't believe that he had counted the pin on Phoenix. Michaels came out swinging a baseball bat to save Young.

Bailey promised "a crimson flood with all your blood." Bailey played CEO and made three matches for the anniversary show: Michaels would face Rainman in a Dark City Death Match, Jacobs would meet Phoenix in a loser leaves Wildside match, and Young would put his title on the line against Iceberg with no DQ and no count outs. Michaels accepted for the faces. "Damn it, let's do it right now." The show closed old style, with all six men going at it as the show ran out of time.

2002 - Ring of Honor High Impact TV aired on TV 48 in Philadelphia.  Phil X.filed the following TV report:

Ring of Honor High Impact TV Episode #7
10/15/02 on WGTW Channel 48 out of Philadelphia/Burlington, PA

Segment #1- This week's show begins where last week's ended. Christopher Daniels is cutting a promo with Simply Luscious and Xavier saying how Ring Of Honor throws all these obstacles at The Prophecy, but they now control the Heavyweight and Tag Team Titles. Daniels then jumps up and says "What the hell are you doing here?" to a man off camera.

The opening montage for High Impact TV is then shown.

Segment #2- Daniels is still looking off camera. Jay Briscoe is then shown and he confronts Xavier. Mark Briscoe then appears and tells Jay not to ruin the family name again. Christopher Daniels tells Jay that if he wants a title shot against Xavier, he has it. Daniels says that the sun won't shine on Jay twice.

Segment #3- Divine Storm (Chris Divine & Quiet Storm) (with Brian XL) vs. Joey Matthews & Christian York. The action starts quickly and York executes a drop kick off the top rope on Storm for an early 2 count. Storm tags in Divine but York regains control. The match got a little sloppy but York got Divine in an inverted Boston Crab and then turned it into a pendulum. Divine Storm execute a good double team maneuver on York for a 2 count. York hits a flying lariat out of the corner on to Storm but was still unable to make the tag as Divine threw York to the outside. Brian XL goes into the ring and dives to the outside onto York. Divine and Storm are upset as Brian XL as he just violated one of the Codes of Honor. Divine hits a nice sit out powerbomb on York for a near fall. Divine puts York on the top rope but York counters it with a knee to the groin from the top rope. York finally tags in Matthews as Divine tags in Storm. Matthews takes out both Storm and Divine with clotheslines. Matthews hits a duck under reverse neckbreaker on Storm. York and Matthews hit a full effect side slam on Storm as Divine makes his way back into the ring. Storm calls for the Storm Cradle Driver but Matthews blocks it. Storm then makes Matthews tap out with a leg scissors leg lock.

Segment #4- Michael Shane and Bio-Hazard are shown arriving in Boston. Shane talks about how he now flies to the cities and gets put up in hotels since he has an ROH contract. Shane tells Bio-Hazard to get his bags and park his car.

Segment #5- Michael Shane (with Bio-Hazard) vs. Paul London. Rudy Boy Gonzalez is at ringside for this match. Shane attacks London from behind after the handshake. Michael Shane, the nephew of Shawn Michaels, takes control early, but makes the mistake of then turning his back on London who gets himself back into the match. It's even early on until London flips Shane over the top rope and on to Bio-Hazard. London then jumps out through the middle rope taking out Shane and Bio-Hazard. London hits Shane with his nice looking shooting star press dropkick. London then kicks Shane in the back of the head and gets a 2 count. London jumps to the top rope and Shane vaults London off the top rope and through the guardrail and in to the crowd. Shane whips London into the corner but London moves when Shane charges in. Shane goes up to the top after kicking London in the face. London kicks out Shane's leg crotching him. London climbs to the second rope and goes for a superplex but Shane pushes him off and hits an X-Factor for a 2 count. Shane then works on London's legs. London reaches for the ropes as Shane stretches him. London eventually does reach the ropes breaking the hold. Shane goes for a powerbomb but London rolls through it and gets another 2 count. London hits a spin kick on Shane knocking him out of the ring. London goes for a moonsault to the outside and hits the guardrail. Shane grabs his ankle and is screaming in pain. London rolls Shane into the ring. Shane continues to scream in pain as Steve Corino and Donnie B. escalate the seriousness of the injury from a broken ankle to a broken leg within seconds. London goes over to check on Shane and Shane rolls him up for a pinfall. Shane celebrates with Bio-Hazard and shows everyone that his leg and ankle are just fine. Simply Luscious makes her way to the ring as Donnie B. says "that's your girlfriend Steve Corino!". Luscious grabs a mic and says "on behalf of Christopher Daniels, I would like to extend an invitation to you to join The Prophecy". Rudy Boy Gonzalez grabs the mic and tells Shane he does not need that. Shane superkicks Luscious right under the chin. Rudy Boy looks happy that Shane decided not to join The Prophecy. Shane then superkicks Rudy Boy. Bio-Hazard and Shane then beat up Rudy Boy with Shane hitting the Picture Perfect Elbow from the top rope.

Segment #6- Christopher Daniels is backstage talking to Simply Luscious. He says he is watching High Impact TV and sees that on 11/9 he has to defend the tag team titles against Low Ki and Doug Williams. Daniels says that the trophy says The Prohecy are the tag team champions and any members can defend the titles. Daniels said they will defend the titles in a 6 man match. Daniels tells Low Ki and Doug Williams to pick a partner and by the end of the hour he will announce who will be on his team.

Ring of Honor then runs another promo for the 11/9 show updated to include a "?" for the 3rd members of each team of the tag title match. Very nice touch as little things like this often are not kept up with on indy tv shows.

Segment #7- (From Pro Wrestling Zero One)- Masato Tanaka vs. Shinjiro Ohtani. These two will be teaming up on 11/9 to take on Steve Corino and Spanky. This match is from 7/31/02 and is a Fire Festival Block A match that aired on Samurai TV (the Japanese version, not the Philadelphia/Burlington version known as Channel 48) on 8/9/02. They lock up and Ohtani backs Tanaka into the ropes and slaps him in the face. Tanaka then backs Ohtani into a corner and slaps him back. Ohtani gets Tanaka in a Tree of Woe and drop kicks him in the face busting him open. Ohtani works the cut and digs his fingers in it (as is well documented by the 7 photographers taking a picture of it at the time). Ohtani continues to work over Tanaka in the corner with a boot to the face. Tanaka blocks a boot to the face and throws Ohtani to the mat and then spears him when he gets up. Tanaka hits a Roaring Elbow but is caught and suplexed when he went for another. Ohtani hits a Yakuza kick, Tanaka elbows Ohtani, Ohtani hits another Yakuza kick, Tanaka elbows Ohtani again. They then begin to slap each other. They run the ropes and Ohtani slaps Tanaka hard sending him to the mat. Ohtani yells "yajsdfjas aiasdfa" and whips Tanaka into the corner and follows him in with a big boot. Ohtani goes to run at him again but is met with an elbow and a suplex which causes the announcer to say "asfa sooo affa Al Gore aoesf ower twtiiq" ... I swear I heard Al Gore in there. Tanaka suplexes Ohtani off the second rope but is slow to make a cover and only gets a two count. Tanaka is bleeding heavily and appears to be weak and slow due to his blood loss. He is able to hit a Blockbuster (or "Akita kita kita" as the announcer said) though and gets a 2 count. Ohtani hits a spinning heal kick on Tanaka but can not make a cover. Ohtani gets to his feet first after "Ohtaniing up". He hits a vicious full nelson suplex on Tanaka and then gets him in a cobra clutch type submission. Tanaka's head is a bloody mess as he tries to reach for the ropes. Ohtani pulls him to the center of the ring and keeps the hold on. Tanaka tries for the ropes again and makes it this time. Ohtani hits a springboard dropkick to the back of Tanaka's head and then hits a powerbomb for a 2 count. Ohtani begins a kick attack to Tanaka's upper body but is caught when he runs the ropes and tries for a Yakuza kick. Tanaka suplexes him and goes to the top rope and nails a frog splash. Ohtani kicks out after one. Ohtani powerbombs Tanaka and gets a 2 3/4 count. Tanaka is losing a lot of blood and both men are tired and weak. Ohtani hits another spinning heal kick but is then met with another Roaring Elbow for a 2 count. Tanaka nails Ohtani with 3 vicious clotheslines with the third one taking him off his feet. Tanaka makes the cover after the third and gets the pinfall victory!!

Segment #8- This aired right after the ring intros of Segment #7. Low Ki and Doug Williams announce that their partner will be the man who destroyed Daniels and Morgan's tag trophy ... Mike Modest!!!! Another promo was then aired for the 11/9 show with one of the matches being "Christopher Daniels & Donovan Morgan & ? vs. Low Ki & Doug Williams & Mike Modest". I am liking the very up to date graphics.

Segment #9- Christopher Daniels (with Simply Luscious) are backstage talking about their 11/9 match. Daniels says "do you actually think Michael Modest will lead you to tag team glory? I just picked the toughest man on the planet.". Luscious says "Joe, just remember, no shaking hands this time." Samoa Joe says "you (Luscious) don't tell me what to do, and you (Daniels) pay me and I will get the job done!"

NOTES: Ring of Honor returns to the Murphy Recreation Center in Philadelphia, PA on Saturday, November 9th at 5:00pm. ROH Heavyweight Champion Xavier vs. Jay Briscoe; ROH Tag Team Champions Christopher Daniels & Donovan Morgan & Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki & Doug Williams & Michael Modest; Steve Corino & Spanky vs. Masato Tanaka & Shinjiro Ohtani; Alexis Laree vs. Allison Danger; #1 Contenders Trophy Gauntlet Series Match between American Dragon, Paul London, A.J. Styles, C.M. Punk, Amazing Red, and Michael Shane; Homicide vs. Izzy. For more info call 215-891-9404

I like how ROH saved some stuff for their TV show, such as matches for the 11/9 card. It's nice to watch a show and not know everything that is going to happen. Good idea to save some stuff for the TV show and not give it all away online before hand. Also, the Ohtani vs. Tanaka match was a nice touch and had the old school "Coming soon ...." feel to it that I used to look forward to on NWA and WWF TV. I've sent out some emails in the past that were negative to ROH and how they handle certain outside of the ring issues. This TV show just drives my point home. As long as they keep putting on good TV like this and having good shows that their fans like, they should not have to worry about any other feds. Stick to making your own product better and let others do what they want. I will be attending my first ROH show on 11/9 and I am looking forward to it

2005 - WWE issued a press release touting that Wrestlemania 22 in Rosemont, IL sold out in "two minutes."

2006 - Longtime WCW undercard performer "Jumping" Joey Maggs passed away.  Maggs, real name Joseph Magliano, was believed to be 37 years old at the time of his death. Best known as an enhancement talent in WCW, he appeared on several Clash Of The Champions specials, and was one half of the masked "Creatures" tag team (with Johnny Rich) that lost to Big Josh & PN News at the Halloween Havoc '91 PPV.
Maggs broke into the business in 1987, working the Memphis-based USWA territory. In between WCW stints, he returned to the USWA in 1990 as a member of Eddie Gilbert's Memphis Mafia. He also wrestled for a short time under the ring name "Hotshot" Joey Knight.

2006 - Combat Zone Wrestling ran Middletown, Delaware.  Ed Sherriffs filed the following live report:

Combat Zone Wrestling followed up their tag team tournament with an outdoor event entitled 'Fear' in Middletown, Delaware on 10/15. Of course, being in Delaware, ultraviolence is allowed. To recap, Last Team Standing saw The Kings of Wrestling crowned Tag Team Champions of CZW, Sabian return to the company, Nick Gage went a little crazier, Onyx and Rain Man showed up to claim the BLK OUT mantle, and Eddie Kingston retain his title over Necro Butcher. Some of the storylines from that event followed over to this one.

Onyx and Rain Man came out and challenged the BLK OUT to follow and have a match. Ruckus and Sabian made their way to ringside, but refused to fight. Ruckus wondered who they were, saying, "We're the BLK OUT. You guys are just black." Onyx and Rain Man wouldn't leave without getting a fight, so the new CZW Tag Team Champions obliged them.

Onyx & Rain Man vs. The Kings of Wrestling

Hero and Rain Man started off, with Hero doing some stretching on the newcomer. Castagnoli and Onyx came in to show off their respective power. The tried to knock each other over with shoulder blocks, but neither man would give. Claudio: "You're a big one." The Kings then cleaned house with a couple of double team moves. Onyx came back in and used Castagnoli's delayed suplex against him for a two count. Castagnoli was then worked over by his opponents. A spinebuster from Rain Man got two. When Hero made the hot tag, he cleaned house. A kravate-plex got two. Onyx and Rain Man were able to double team him, though, with Castagnoli on the outside. A sitout powerbomb by Rain Man, and double team sitout by both men only got two. Castagnoli broke up the double team with a big european uppercut. The Kings of Wrestling won when they hit the Hero's Welcome, Kings of Wrestling Edition (aided rolling cutter).

Your winners, The Kings of Wrestling!

Chris Cash Memorial Scholarship Grudge Match: George W. Baus vs. WHACKS

Horrible match. Barbed wire and a staple gun were used, but this wasn't anything special as both men are very green. WHACKS won with a senton splash off the top rope as Baus was covered with a barbed wire board.

Your winner, WHACKS!

Niles Young vs. Luke

They lock up and trade headlocks and arm wrenches to start. A dropkick by Luke forced Young to bail. When he came back in the ring, Young got a side Russian legsweep for two. A superkick by Young also got two. Luke overcame distraction from Young's valet and won when he hit the Judgment Slam.

Your winner, Luke!

Falls Count Anywhere Tables, Ladders, & Chaos Match: BLK OUT (Ruckus & Sabian) vs. Human Tornado & Drew Gulak

This match came about when Tornado was kicked out of BLK OUT during his first night with the group. Pre match, Ruckus said he wasn't feeling the chaos stipulation of the match. Sabian and Tornado were getting ready to lock up when 'Beat It' started to play over the loudspeakers. Human Tornado began to show off his dance moves, but got clotheslined for his efforts. After BLK OUT combined for a stereo dropkicks, Ruckus screamed, "Chaos!" They went to work on Tornado. Ruckus got a backflip avalanche off the top rope. Sabian gave him a purple nurple. Chaos, indeed. Tornado recovered when he dodged a charge in the corner and gave Ruckus a drop toe hold to his partner's groin. He then did his front split low blow on Sabian. Gulak got the hot tag, but the offense didn't last long. Tornado was set up on a table that was lying outside the ring. Sabian did the Black Jesus Stomp, but the table didn't break. Sabian tried again with a seated senton, but it still didn't break. Tornado was just left laying this time. BLK OUT dragged Gulak over to the U-Haul truck and set him up on a table. Sabian went to the top of the truck and came down with a splash, and still the table didn't break! Sabian pinned Gulak for the win.

Your winners, the BLK OUT!

Post match, Gulak is carried out on a board to sell the devastation of the move.

Anything Goes Iron Man Title Match: LuFisto (c) vs. Beef Wellington vs. SeXXXy Eddy

Pre-match, Eddy tried to convince LuFisto to drop the title. She called him crazy and called for more light tubes in addition to the ones already in the ring. LuFisto took a ton of abuse early on. She was suplexed and spinebustered onto light tubes and her back immediately started to bleed. Eddy and Beef then started to fight each other. Eddy dodged the ass punch by pulling his tights down, exposing his bottom. When he turned around to brag, LuFisto smacked his still exposed behind with a light tube. Beef then ass punched LuFisto as the referee held a pair of light tubes across her behind. Eddy took a ton of abuse at this point as LuFisto got a huracanrana off the top rope and Beef hit an elevated Moneymaker off a pair of chairs. He went for the pin, but LuFisto broke it up and gave Eddy an Emerald Fusion for the win.

Your winner, LuFisto!

Post-match, Eddy put over LuFisto and said she has proven herself capable of beating any wrestler. The recap of the match really doesn't give what she did justice. She took some abuse and hit some great spots of her own.

DJ Hyde vs. Mana

This was billed as a barbed wire match, but it was just a couple of barbed wire boards. Before Mana came out, Maven Bentley got on the mic and imitated Armando Alejandro Estrada, saying Vince killed Mana's gimmick. Last month at the New Alhambra Arena, DJ Hyde defeated Mana, and the prior night to this event, Mana foiled Hyde's attempt to become Iron Man Champion.

They started off with the stiff punches, headbutts, and chops right away. It didn't take long for the brawling in the crowd to begin. Hyde was thrown across multiple rows of chairs. Hyde countered by throwing a trash can at Mana. After more brawling, Mana put one of those big, plastic trash cans on Hyde and smashed him with a chair, which broke the trash can. Back in the ring, Hyde got the advantage and speared Mana through a barbed wire board.

Your winner, DJ Hyde!

Post match, Hyde sandwiched Mana between two boards and gave him a seated senton off the top rope.

Street fight: Dead Presidents vs. Necro Butcher & Danny Havoc

Necro brought a pumpkin to the ring and put it to good use by throwing it in the groin of one of his opponents. He retaliated by stabbing Necro in the head with forks. Necro hit his trademark spot of trading punches while sitting across from his opponent. He called for a chair, and soon enough, fans all over were throwing them into the ring and the Dead Presidents were buried beneath them. Havoc did a moonsault onto the pile and got the 'pin'.

Your winners, Necro Butcher & Danny Havoc!

Much time was spent afterwards clearing the chairs from the ring. The Dead Presidents got another 'Don't Come Back' chant. At least fifty chairs were thrown on them. It was fortuitous that it happened to be time for the intermission.

Barbed Wire Ropes Match for the Ultraviolent Underground Championship: Nick Gage (c) vs. Drake Younger

The ring cables were taken down and replaced with barbed wire. Younger had nothing covering his chest while Gage wrestled with a long sleeve shirt and jeans. Initially, both men spent time avoiding going into the wire. Eventually, Younger got tied up in it. Gage whipped him through the barbed wire to the outside and dug it into Younger's forehead. Younger set up a table with tacks on it and gave Gage a flying body press to take both men through it. LuFisto came down for a run in to get some revenge on Gage, who has gone after her the last two shows. In the ring, Younger gave Gage a leg drop from the top of a ladder onto a barbed wire chair for two. Gage went for the choke breaker, but Younger blocked and gave Gage the Cradle Shock onto the barbed wire chair to pick up the victory.

Your winner, and new UVU Champion, Drake Younger!

After the match, Gage rails on the fans and begged someone to come in the ring. Some idiot fan obliged, but was thrown out by security before he had a chance to get the crap kicked out of him. Gage then complained about fans going home and posting on the Internet. He used some very harsh language to get his point across.

CZW returns to the New Alhambra Arena on 11/11 for Night of Infamy. Cage of Death is on 12/9.

Notes/Thoughts: Attendance was about 150 and the show started over an hour late....Fear was held outdoors at the Frightland fairgrounds. If you were just taking your kids to some rides and games, you couldn't miss the wrestling that wasn't more than 100 feet away. I wonder how some parents must have felt....I had to question the wisdom of having Onyx/Rain Man come in and made to seem like a big deal one night, and only to be jobbed out the next afternoon....Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Human Tornado wrestled four matches in about a twenty hour span....LuFisto is not a woman wrestler, she is a wrestler period. Some of the abuse she takes a lot of men supposedly tougher than she is never would. It's really wild to see her work. It's not unbelievable that she is defending a belt against men because she mostly is the brunt of their offense, but takes advantage when the situation presents itself....These had to be the worst tables on record. It looked painful seeing the wrestlers take these moves with no give from what they were lying on....I always cringe when these chair tossing frenzies happen. All it takes is one moron with bad aim and the company has a nice lawsuit on their hands. I don't think Necro encouraged it, he was just asking for ONE chair, and when the guy in the audience threw it in, which he shouldn't have done, everyone played follow the leader...I was very happy to see Younger win the match. I hate seeing wrestlers take bumps into tacks or barbed wire with shirts on....MOTN honors go to Mana and DJ Hyde, who had a great brawl for the second month in a row. The three way for the Iron Man was good, but was too sloppy at points and dragged at others...Questions about the event? Email me at

2007 - Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton headlined Raw in Great Britain.  Richard Trionfo filed the following report:

We move one week closer to Cyber Sunday and we now know the three men who the fans will select to face Randy Orton for the WWE Title. Will we find out any more matches for the pay per view where the fans choose what is going to happen? Will we see Triple H respond to the attack that he received from Umaga? Will we hear from Shawn Michaels after his triumphant return last week on raw? Will the Highlanders continue to try to get a title match against Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch? What will happen when raw comes to us from across the Atlantic?

We start off with a look back at last week when Vince McMahon wanted everyone to shake Randy Orton's hand to show respect to the new champion. We see Randy Orton go towards the back to get Triple H but he is stopped by the presence of Shawn Michaels who made his return to Raw.

William Regal is in his office and Randy Orton enters. Orton tells Regal that last week Triple H was supposed to be the first man to shake his hand, but instead he was attacked by Shawn Michaels. Orton says that if anyone is going to make a decision about who he is going to face it should be William Regal, not the fans. Randy Orton says that there is something that the UK fans can agree on and that is to see the WWE Champion wrestle. Orton says that he needs a warm-up match for Cyber Sunday. He says that the rogue fans in England would enjoy seeing a Triple Threat Match with Jeff Hardy facing Ken Kennedy facing Shawn Michaels. Regal says that he has an announcement to make.

We are live on tape from Birmingham, England and your announcers are Jim 'BBQ Bangers and Mash Ross and Jerry 'I am watching the Indians game right now' Lawler.

William Regal comes out to address his subjects and he says that it is wonderful to be home. He promises a great show this evening. It looks like the WWE Champion likes to do things in three so that is what he is going to get tonight. He will face each of his potential opponents for Cyber Sunday tonight.

Match Number One: Jeff Hardy versus Randy Orton in a Non Title Match
They lock up and Hardy with an arm drag. Orton backs Hardy into the corner on a collar and elbow tie up and Orton punches Hardy. Orton with an Irish whip but Hardy moves out of the way and Hardy with two more arm drags into an arm bar. Orton with another Irish whip and he charges into a boot and then he clotheslines Orton over the top rope to the floor. Hardy with a baseball slide into Orton and then Hardy with a pescado onto Orton and we go to commercial.

We are back and Orton has Hardy in a reverse chin lock. Hardy tries for a slingshot move back into the ring but Orton hits a drop kick that sent Hardy back to the floor. We return to live on tape action as Hardy gets to his feet and he connects with elbows. Orton with a power slam for a two count. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Hardy followed by a leaping knee drop for a two count. Orton returns to the reverse chin lock. Orton with a forearm to Hardy's but Hardy with a flying clothesline and both men are down. Hardy with a clothesline and flying clothesline for a near fall. Orton with an Irish whip but Hardy climbs the turnbuckles and hits Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Hardy with a mule kick followed by a hesitation baseball slide. Hardy goes up top but Ken Kennedy comes to the ring to distract Orton. Orton crotches Hardy and then Orton waits to hit the RKO and he hits it for the three count.
Winner: Randy Orton

We see Jerry Lawler vote for Orton's challenger at Cyber Sunday. We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the streets of England.

Santino has a mic before his match and he says that it is good to be back in Europe and the only thing more beautiful than Europe is his Maria. Santino says that England cannot compare to Italy. Santino says that everyone must have finished watching The Condemned.

Match Number Two: Santino Marella with Maria versus Val Venis
Val punches Santino and chops him at the start of the match. Val with an elbow when Santino charges into the corner. Val goes for a springboard move but Santino clips him and works on the knee. Santino gets a near fall as he applies more pressure to the knee. Santino with a single leg crab on Venis. Val tries to get to the ropes and he finally gets to them as Santino separates the hold. Santino with a kick to Val's leg but Val responds with a chop. Santino with more kicks to the leg and then he continues to work on the leg but Val pushes him off. Val with a chop followed by a running clothesline and back elbow and double sledge. Val tries for a half nelson back breaker but Santino blocks it and then Val tries for a sunset flip but Santino drops down and he uses the rope for additional leverage to get the three count.
Winner: Santino Marella

It is time for the latest Diva Search: The Silicone Menace segment and it is time for the swim and rescue challenge. The next challenge involves Diva Interrogation.

We see Carlito in the back with Coach and they comment on Carlito's little apple. Carlito says that everything is small just like Hornswoggle. Carlito wants to know how it felt for Coach to get beaten by Hornswoggle with his own cane. Coach says that he has a plan to get Hornswoggle in the right place at the right time. Hornswoggle comes up behind Coach and Carlito. Hornswoggle takes the apple and leaves. Coach follows after him again. We go to commercial.

We are back and Coach is chasing Hornswoggle through the building and then they go into catering. Hornswoggle throws food at Coach and then he takes Coach down on a table. Coach apologizes to everyone and then he leaves.

Jim Ross talks about how Vince McMahon wants to make Triple H's life miserable. We see footage from last week when Hunter faced Randy Orton and Umaga only to be attacked by Umaga with a chair and then with the Samoan Spike.

Vince is in Regal's office and Vince asks Regal how old the Queen really is and Regal wants to know "which one" of Queen Elizabeth, George Michael, and Elton John. Vince wonders where Triple H is, but Regal says that after the drubbing that Triple Haych received from Umanaga, he got the night off. Vince wants to know who this Umanga is. Vince says that he will have something to show Triple H and it involved Umaga.

Ken Kennedy walks in the back as we go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Ken Kennedy versus Randy Orton
They lock up and Kennedy with a side head lock and Orton reverses with a side head lock of his own. Kennedy with a top wrist lock and rollup for a near fall. Kennedy with a side head lock. Kennedy with a shoulder tackle and a near fall. Kennedy returns to the side head lock. Orton punches Kennedy and then he slams Kennedy's head into the turnbuckles. Kennedy blocks a punch and he connects with a forearm. Orton with a thumb to the eye but Kennedy blocks the standing drop kick for a two count. Kennedy with knees to Orton followed by a forearm and punch. Orton punches back and then he connects with a European uppercut and a second one that knocks Kennedy to the mat. Orton with a form of the Garvin Stomp on Kennedy but Kennedy sends Orton into the turnbuckles and gets a two count with a rollup. Orton escapes the fireman's carry slam and hits a back breaker. Kennedy hits the fireman's carry slam but Jeff Hardy interferes and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: No Contest

Hardy hits a Swanton and then he punches Kennedy. Orton goes after Hardy but Hardy moves and Orton goes to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Vince McMahon walks to the ring with emphasis. Vince says that he sometimes amazes himself with his promotional genius. Vince talks about his creation, Cyber Sunday. It is a WWE fan's dream come true where the fan determines match ups and stipulations. The British crowd throws in a few whats. Vince says that Triple H will be facing Umaga. Umaga comes to the ring and there is a wrestler in the ring.

Vince says that one of the stipulations the fans will choose is a Street Fight and Vince says that it is a brutal match. Vince says that there is a demonstration and the participant with Umaga is Andy Simmons. The bell rings and Umaga chops Simmons and then throws him out of the ring. Umaga chokes Simmons with the camera cord. Umaga tosses Simmons over the announce table and then Umaga decides to rearrange the announce table before throwing a chair into the ring. Umaga sends Simmons back into the ring. Umaga gets Simmons up and hits a Samoan Drop onto the chair for a three count.

Vince tells the referees to stop helping Simmons to the back. Vince says that there is another stipulation the fans can choose and that is a First Blood Match. Vince says that there is going to be another demonstration and it is a First Blood Match. The bell rings and Umaga puts Simmons in the Tree of Woe and then he hits a diving head butt on Simmons. Umaga with the running butt splash. Vince tells Umaga to finish him off and Umaga with the Samoan Spike and he hits about seven or eight and then Simmons starts to bleed from the mouth.

Vince says that this kid is hurt as the referees try to take him out of the ring to the back. Vince watches as the medical staff checks on him. Vince has them take him out of the ringside area, but Vince stops him and mentions that there is a third option for the fans. That option is a Steel Cage Match. The cage is lowered and we have the official Cage Lowering Music of the WWE. Vince stops the cage from lowering and Vince has Umaga attack Simmons and throw him into the ring and the cage is lowered.

We take a look back at the Street Fight and First Blood Match and Vince calls Simmons "Triple H".

Umaga enters the cage and Vince tells Umaga that it is Triple H. Umaga gets Simmons on his shoulder and Umaga runs to the cage and sends Simmons into the cage. Vince tells Umaga that he wants more of a demonstration. Umaga sends Simmons into the other side of the cage. Vince tells Umaga to get and him because he is convulsing. Umaga presses Simmons over his head and then he throws Simmons into the cage. Umaga leaves the cage. We go to commercial.

We are back and Coach continues to chase Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle moves a trash can in the way of Coach. Hornswoggle finds a tricycle and rides away while Coach tries to ride a bike after him and he goes past Ron Simmons. We wait for the DAMN moment.

Jillian Hall comes to the ring and she takes the mic and says that before her match, she wants to tell Lillian Garcia that her musical performance last week was pathetic. She says that everyone hated it and everyone can tell that she was lip synching because it was so obvious. We see footage from last week's performance. Jillian calls Lillian's band the biggest group of fake musicians. Jillian says that people don't even understand Spanish. True musicians are based on how they sing without a band. Jillian says that she will sing a capella in a language that everyone can understand . . . British. Jillian sings something resembling a Spice Girls song. She is interrupted by the entrance music for her opponent.

Match Number Four: Jillian Hall versus Candice Michelle
Jillian attacks Candice before the bell rings and tosses her by the hair. Jillian with an Irish whip but Candice floats over in the corner and hits a Kool Krush. Candice with a kick and an Unprettier for the three count.
Winner: Candice Michelle

Beth Phoenix is in the back and she says that next week, she will be facing Candice Michelle for the Women's Title. Beth says that you will get down on your feet and worship her because she is beautiful, or she makes you. Next week, we will see Candice get down on her knees.

We return to the arena and Candice is dancing up the Rawest Ramp in Sports Entertainment.

Cody Rhodes is in the locker room and Bob Holly enters and he asks Cody why he is challenging him again. He asks Cody if he enjoys getting beaten up. Cody says that he wishes that Holly knew now what he didn't know then. Cody says that he can beat Holly and earn his respect. Holly asks Rhodes if he thinks he can beat him; and then Holly says that he has been beating up people before he was swimming below his daddy's polka dots. Holly says that he wants to see Rhodes fired up in the ring and he slaps Rhodes in the face. Holly says that is what he is looking for. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smackdown Rebound with footage from the main event when Finlay and Rey Mysterio battled to see who would face Batista only to see Undertaker get involved after the referee was knocked out.

Jim Ross says that Taker will face Batista at Cyber Sunday and we will get to choose the guest referee and the choices are Steve Austin, Mick Foley, and Bradshaw.

We see footage from last week when London got hurt against the Highlanders and the Highlanders' victory over them.

The World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch come to the announce table.

Match Number Five: Rory McAllister with Robbie McAllister versus Brian Kendrick with Paul London
Kendrick with punches to Rory followed by forearms. Kendrick with a kick to the leg followed by punches. Rory with a head butt and running double sledge. Rory with a kick to Kendrick and then he gets a near fall. Rory with a forearm to Kendrick followed by a kick to the head. Kendrick kicks Rory off but Rory sends Kendrick to the floor. London is sent back to his corner so he cannot help Kendrick. Kendrick tries to get back into the ring and Rory with a near fall. Rory with a rear chin lock with his knee in Kendrick's back. Kendrick punches Rory but Rory holds on to the rear chin lock. Kendrick punches Rory but Rory with a knee to the midsection. Rory with an Irish whip but he charges into a knee from Kendrick. Kendrick follows that with a jumping leg lariat. Robbie comes into the ring and London pulls him out to the floor. Rory attacks Kendrick from behind. Rory with a slingshot reverse suplex for the three count.
Winner: Rory McAllister

After the match, Cade and Murdoch applaud Rory's performance. The Highlanders approach Cade and Murdoch and then they walk away.

We take a look back at the video package that started tonight's show. We go to commercial.

We are back and Todd Grisham is with Shawn Michaels in the interview area. Shawn Michaels says that he made his return last week but that was only the beginning. Every time that Orton turns around, he will be there. He kicked Orton's teeth down his throat last week and he might do it tonight. Shawn says that you cannot kill what is not your creation. At Cyber Sunday it will be HBK in the saddle again, kicking his teeth in and it will be for the WWE Title.

Hornswoggle continues to be chased by Coach and Hornswoggle enters the Divas locker room. Coach goes in after him and Hornswoggle emerges, followed shortly after by Coach.

Time for the latest viral video and Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross wonder what it is about.

Hornswoggle has entered the arena and Coach chases after him. Hornswoggle goes under the ring and Hornswoggle waits for him on the other side. Coach pulls out a detonator and puts it in the center of the ring. Coach says that he has had it. Coach lifts the plunger and then there is no explosion. Coach tries again and he gets the same result. Coach checks the wire and he goes under the ring. Hornswoggle emerges from under the ring and he sees the device in the ring. Hornswoggle enters the ring and he tries the detonator and it works as the picture goes out briefly and there is smoke under the ring. Coach emerges as Hornswoggle goes up the Rawest Ramp in Sports Entertainment. We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at Cody Rhodes' attempts to beat Bob Holly and his failures.

Match Number Six: Cody Rhodes versus Bob Holly
Rhodes with forearms to Holly followed by a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Holly sends Rhodes over the top rope but Rhodes skins the cat. Holly with a running double sledge to the top of the head followed by a series of chops in the corner. Rhodes with a kick and chop of his own. Holly with a kick and forearm to the back. Rhodes with a cross body for a two count but Holly with a clothesline. Holly stretches Rhodes in the ropes and connects with forearms across Rhodes' chest. Holly with a snap mare into a reverse chin lock. Rhodes punches Holly but Holly with a forearm to the back. Holly puts Rhodes in the ropes and he sets for the kick to the solar plexus. Holly gets Rhodes up for the Alabama Slam but Rhodes counters with a sunset flip. Rhodes with an inside cradle for a two count. Rhodes with a crucifix bomb and a back slide for two counts. Holly with a kick to Rhodes and then he misses a charge into the corner and Rhodes with a rollup for a two count. Holly with a drop kick to Rhodes. Holly goes up top for a cross body but Rhodes rolls through for a two count. Holly hits the Alabama Slam for the three count.
Winner: Bob Holly

Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton are walking in the back in split screen as we go to commercial.

Match Number Seven: Shawn Michaels versus Randy Orton
Michaels and Orton start off with a flurry of punches and Michaels takes control as Orton leaves the ring. Michaels meets Orton on the floor and punches Orton. Orton is rolled back in and Orton misses a clothesline and Michaels with a rollup for a two count. Michaels with chops to Orton. Michaels with a rollup for a two count but Orton with an elbow. Orton punches Michaels in the head and then puts Michaels on the top turnbuckle. Orton tries for a superplex but Michaels holds on to the ropes and he punches Orton and punches Orton off the turnbuckles to the mat. Michaels hits the elbow drop and it is time to get ready for Sweet Chin Music, but Ken Kennedy comes to the ring.
Winner: No Contest

Orton and Kennedy attack Michaels but Jeff Hardy comes to the ring to go after Kennedy. Orton catches Hardy and tosses him over the top rope to the floor. Orton lays in wait for Shawn Michaels but Michaels pushes Orton into Kennedy and then Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music.

We go to credits while Michaels talks trash to Orton.

2008 - New Yorker Magazine interviewed actor Richard Belzer about his new book "I Am Not A Cop" in the latest issue, bringing up the famous incident where Hogan once injured Belzer on the set of Lifetime's Hot Properties talk show.  Belzer recalled, "Yeah. In 1985 I was the host of a talk show Hot Properties on Lifetime. Hulk Hogan was on the show. He put me in a headlock and rendered me unconscious and let me fall to the ground. I split my head open and got nine stitches — and this was on live TV. My wife and I sued and settled out of court a few years later. We then put a down payment on a house in France."  When asked if he and Hogan were on speaking terms, Belzer quipped, "He split my head open. I haven't spoken to him in 23 years."

2009 - TNA presented a "Super Impact" on SpikeTV.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We begin tonight’s show with a video package promoting the three hour Impact leading up to the three hour Bound for Glory pay per view.

We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Mike ‘Bound for Rollercoasters’ Tenay and Taz.

The Main Event Mafia are already in the ring and Kurt has the mic. He says that he is dressed for battle. He reminds us that he usually preaches to everyone in a suit and tie talking about the wonders of the Main Event Mafia. Tonight is a special night because he faces A.J. Styles. He is not here to talk about A.J. He wants to talk about the one year anniversary of the greatest group of men to be assembled as one. Bound for Glory will be their one year anniversary. Bound for Glory is the biggest pay per view of all. Kurt says that he wants to make sure that his warriors are ready. Kurt says that he came out here for them. Kurt reminds Kevin Nash that he is the Legend’s champion because he is a legend. He tells Kevin that he will beat Hernandez and Eric Young at Bound for Glory. Kurt reminds Samoa Joe that he has Bobby Lashley, one of the most dominant MMA fighters. He wants Joe to bring his Nation of Violence to show why he is the most dominant wrestler. Kurt talks to Steiner and Booker and talks about their success in the ring. He wants them to do what they do best. He wants them to win. Kurt says that as the godfather of the Main Event Mafia, he will keep his end of the bargain by beating Matt Morgan and wearing him down. He says that he will get his shot at his TNA title.

A.J. Styles comes out and he is joined by Matt Morgan, Bobby Lashley, Hernandez, Robert Roode, James Storm, and Team 3D. Ray wants to know if everyone else is as tired as he is of having to listen to Kurt Angle. Ray introduces the TNA champion, A.J. Styles and gives him the mic. A.J. wants to make sure he heard Kurt right to know if Kurt said that this was a make or break pay per view for the Main Event Mafia. A.J. says that it is a break pay per view for the Main Event Mafia. A.J. says that they are three days from the Main Event Mafia ceasing from existing.

Matt Morgan heads to the ring and he is joined by the rest of the troops and we have a brawl in and out of the ring. The Main Event Mafia are out of the ring and security finally makes their way to the ring once everything is done.

Joe and Lashley fight through security on the ramp and we go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Super Impact Moment of the brawl.

We see footage of problems between Tara and Kong last week during Tara’s match with ODB.

Match Number One: Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, and Lacey Von Erich versus Awesome Kong, ODB, and Tara

Tara and ODB argue but Kong attacks both of her partners and she leaves. Lacey holds ODB while Velvet and Madison kick her. Kong attacks Tara on the floor and sends her into the guardrail. Meanwhile, Velvet with a drop kick to ODB for a near fall. Kong leaves with Saeed. Velvet with forearms to ODB and Madison is tagged in. Madison and Velvet with a double side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Madison with forearms to the back and a kick to the head. ODB blocks a kick and hits a clothesline. Tara and Velvet tag in and Tara with punches for all of her opponents. Tara with a kick to Velvet and then she hits a suplex and kips up. Tara pulls Velvet into position and sets for a moonsault but ODB tags herself in. Tara pulls Velvet off ODB’s shoulders and the partners attack. Tara with a super kick and Velvet with the three count on ODB.
Winners: Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, and Lacey von Erich

Lauren is with D’Angelo Dinero and he does a live spot for 6 Hour Energy Drink. She asks Dinero about his match with Daniels tonight and the Ultimate X match on Sunday. Dinero says that he does what is righteous. He is in the process of rising to his throne. He has Lauren feel the electricity and power coming from his heart.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Lauren is with Bobby Lashley in the hall about his stretcher match with Rhino. Lauren asks Lashley how he can stay so cool with his match on Sunday. Lashley says that he is cool. That means that Rhino has room to attack Lashley. Rhino tells Lashley that he won’t make it to Bound for Glory.

We have an Ultimate X video package.

We see footage of Joe allowing Lashley to get involved in his match with Red and his title loss.

Match Number Two: Amazing Red with Don West versus Suicide for the X DivisionTitle

They lock up and Suicide with a biel. Suicide avoids an arm drag but Suicide misses a flip leg drop. Red misses a standing moonsault but both men try for drop kicks at the same time. They lock up and Suicide with a waist lock take down. Suicide with an uppercut. Red with a hip toss and arm drag followed by a drop kick. Suicide with a punch and then he drives Red into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall. Suicide drops Red on the top rope and then he misses a kick. Red with a corkscrew plancha onto Suicide. Red goes up but Suicide catches Red. Red with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Red with an Irish whip and he tries for a monkey flip but Suicide gets him on his shoulder and hits a fireman’s carry slam and goes to the apron for a slingshot leg drop for a near fall. Suicide goes up top but Dinero pushes Suicide off the turnbuckles and the referee calls for the bell.
No Contest

Dinero kicks Suicide and then hot shots him on the turnbuckles and Dinero tries for the running knees but Red with a drop kick to make the save for Suicide.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jeremy Borash is with Don West and Amazing Red. Don says that he is the biggest Amazing Red fan and he talks about the heart that Red has. Don says that Red came to him to be his official promoter. Don talks about the Ultimate X Match to determine the Number One Contender. Red told Don that he was never in an Ultimate X Match and now the match is for the X Division Title.

Eric Young comes to the announce table. Mike brings up the ‘war’ between the World Elite and the Main Event Mafia. Eric says the war is over because he said they won.

Hernandez sees Eric at the announce table and he tells Eric that out of respect for Mike and Taz, he will wait until Bound for Glory to break every bone in his body.

Match Number Three: Hernandez versus The British Invasion in a Gauntlet Match

Hernandez faces Doug Williams first and Williams tries for a sunset flip but Hernandez stays up and hits overhead throw. Hernandez with a back body drop and Williams with a back elbow from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Williams with an elbow to the back of the head. Hernandez fights back but Williams rakes the eyes. Williams avoids a suplex and hits European uppercuts but Hernandez with a Pounce for the three count.

Williams with a clothesline to the back of the head and Brutus Magnus is victim number two. Magnus with a kick and a running boot. Magnus poses and then he tries to win the match but he can only get a two count. Magnus with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Magnus punches Hernandez and then Hernandez with a cross body. Hernandez with the slingshot shoulder followed by clotheslines and a Stinger Splash. The shirt comes off and it is time for the biel. Hernandez with the border toss for the three count.

It is now time for Big Rob as he sneaks into the ring and he hits a clothesline and he poses because he hit a clothesline. Rob with a knee and forearm to the back. Hernandez punches back but Rob with a body block. Rob with shoulders in the corner and then he climbs the turnbuckles for punches. Rob poses one more time and that is a mistake because Hernandez hits a sit out powerbomb for the three count.
Winner: Hernandez

After the match, Eric Young attacks Hernandez with a kendo stick. Magnus and Williams return to the ring and they hit a corkscrew back elbow from a Hart Attack position. They stand over Hernandez as we go to commercial.

We are back and Mike talks about an interview he did about the Tag Title match. He is with a member of each team on the split screen. Mike asks Ray about the fact that this is the last match involving these four teams. Ray says that from a ladder match to Full Metal Mayhem, they are used to this type of match since everything is allowed. They have one thing on their mind. That is to recapture their tag titles that they have been screwed out of. Mike asks Roode if they can work together with Team 3D. Roode says that it would be to their advantage to work together, but it is every team for themselves. Roode points out that they could win both titles and they are going to try to win both titles. Mike asks Booker about the problems between them and the British Invasions. Booker says that Mike should have asked him first. Magnus interrupts Booker and Mike mentions that the other four men are brawling in catering. We leave the Hollywood Studios Squares for the food fight. All eight men get involved. Tables, ladders, and chairs are involved in this brawl.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kurt Angle bounces around in his locker room. We go to another commercial.

We are back and we go to A.J. Styles with Lauren. She asks him about his match with Sting, but wonders why he isn’t waiting to meet Kurt Angle. A.J. says that Kurt would not take no for an answer. A.J. says that he is a fighting champion. Sting is the icon while Angle is considered the best in the sport. A.J. points out that he is the champion. A.J. says that him and Angle need to know who the best is. It might affect his title match with Sting, but only if Kurt Angle is right. A.J. says that he does not see it happening.

We see footage of Homicide’s attack on Willie Urbina last week.

Match Number Four: D’Angelo Dinero versus Daniels

They lock up and Dinero with a knee and a running knee into the corner. Dinero with chops. Daniels with arm drags but Dinero with a knee and Daniels with a drop kick. Dinero with a thumb to the eye that the referee did not see and then he kicks Daniels. Dinero with a boot to the head followed by an elbow drop for a near fall. Daniels with a punch but Dinero with a palm thrust. Dinero uses some trickeration and he chokes Daniels and then snap mares him followed by an elbow to the head. Dinero chokes Daniels with his knee and then he kicks Daniels in the back before putting Daniels in a camel clutch. Daniels with a neck breaker followed by a forearm and double sledge. Daniels with a leg lariat and then he hits a running forearm into the corner. Daniels with a punch. Dinero fights off Daniels but Daniels with a uranage and he wants to hit the BME but Dinero grabs the leg and hits an STO for a near fall. Daniels with an STO of his own for a near fall. Daniels with a sunset flip but Dinero with a jackknife cover. Daniels bridges out and hits Angels Wings for the three count.
Winner: Daniels

After the match, the lights go out and Suicide comes out again. Suicide stands next to Daniels and Suicide clotheslines Daniels and Suicide with a Kudo Driver and Suicide is Homicide. Homicide is chased out by security.

Mick Foley has a large bucket of popcorn as he walks through the back. We go to commercial.

We are back and Mick Foley has his popcorn instead of a barbed wire baseball bat. He takes his seat in his recliner in the ring. Mick puts on his homemade masks and he says that it is scary and spooky. Mick says that anyone could pretend to be Mick Foley, even Chris Parks. Mick says that with Monster’s Ball on the horizon with Dr. Stevie as the guest referee, he wants to talk about Abyss and how he is a blatant Mick Foley knockoff. He wants everyone to watch the screen to recap some of Abyss’ biggest hits. Mick is interrupted by Abyss who is in 3D as he gets closer to Mick. Abyss knocks Mick over with the barbed wire baseball bat. Mick tells Chris to watch the screen. We hear a woman crying and we see Dr. Stevie. Stevie reminds Chris about what he said before Victory Road. Abyss is at a crossroads not knowing what to do. Abyss goes to the back and Mick eats some popcorn as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jeremy Borash is interrupted by Homicide. He says that they will not be getting rid of him. Homicide says that he will be at Ultimate X on Sunday. Homicide says that he knows who Suicide is. Security is back and they get a hold of him.

Match Number Five: Hamada versus Alyssa Flash in a Falls Count Anywhere Match

Flash attacks Hamada on the stage and she kicks Hamada. Flash gets a near fall and then she gets a table from under the ring. Flash kicks Hamada and then puts the table against the ring post. Hamada with a back spin kick to Flash. Hamada with punches and then she tries for an Asai Moonsault but Flash pulls her off the apron. Flash with a clothesline and then she hits a curb stomp. Flash gets a near fall. Flash with forearms as they fight up the ramp. Hamada with a forearm of her own. Flash and Hamada exchange forearms on the ramp and Hamada with the advantage. They fight at the edge of the ramp and Hamada pushes Flash off the ramp. Hamada with a hilo off the stage but she can only get a two count. Hamada sets up the table. Flash with a forearm but Hamada with a spin kick. Hamada puts Flash on the table and Hamada goes to the turnbuckles but Flash recovers and she kicks Hamada. Flash tries for a suplex through the table but Hamada with a DDT on the apron. Flash is put back on the table and Hamada hits the Moonsault from the turnbuckle through the table for the three count.
Winner: Hamada

Jeremy is with Kurt Angle and he asks Kurt about his match with A.J. and wonders if it has taken away from his focus on Matt Morgan. Kurt says that he will beat A.J. Styles and then he will soar into Bound for Glory with a win over the so called champion. Kurt says that A.J. and Matt are good, but they are not Kurt Angle. Angle says that he is the best. Angle says that he will show A.J. why he does not deserve to hold his title. Matt will learn a more valuable lesson on Sunday. You don’t cross the godfather. We go to commercial.

We are back and the ambulance is here. That can only mean one thing. The Stretcher match is next. We go back to commercial.

We are back and do you remember Rhino’s attack on Bobby Lashley?

Match Number Six: Rhino versus Bobby Lashley in a Stretcher Match

Rhino with a forearm that knocks Lashley off the apron and into the guardrails. Rhino with punches and then he sends Lashley into the ring. Rhino with kicks to Lashley’s ribs. Rhino continues to work on the ribs and he kicks Lashley. Rhino with punches to the ribs. Lashley with an elbow and a clothesline. Lashley throws Rhino over the top rope to the floor. Lashley with a forearm to the back and then he sends Rhino into the apron. Rhino with a forearm to the ribs. Rhino is sent into the guardrail. Lashley sends Rhino into the guardrail. Lashley puts Rhino on the stretcher but Rhino gets off the stretcher and he punches Lashley. Rhino with punches. Rhino tries for a GORE but Lashley moves and Rhino hits the wall hard. Lashley with punches and then he pulls Rhino on the stretcher. Rhino gets off the stretcher and he hits Lashley in the knee with the stretcher. Rhino tries for a Gore and Lashley with a kick and then a full nelson slam onto a guardrail. Lashley sends Rhino onto the stretcher and Rhino is put into the ambulance and the ambulance leaves.
Winner: Bobby Lashley

We see Abyss looking for Lauren and he thinks he found her.

We go to commercial.

We are back and So Cal Val is with Bobby Lashley and she asks him about his match with Joe and if he has any comments. Lashley asks Joe if he is ready to tap out. Joe attacks Lashley and chokes him out. Joe tells Lashley that he left him with one last breath, but he will take it on Sunday.

It is time to run through the card for the pay per view.

Abyss has found Lauren, but it is really Daffney in a blonde wig. Stevie attacks Chris Borden but Abyss fights back. Foley hits Abyss with the barbed wire baseball bat.

A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle are walking in the back as we go to commercial.

Match Number Seven: Kurt Angle versus A.J. Styles

They lock up and Angle with a clean break. Angle with a waist lock but Styles with a standing switch and Angle with a take down and Styles tries to escape and he gets to the ropes. They lock up again and A.J. tries for a fireman’s carry but Angle blocks it. Angle with a side head lock and take down. Styles with the phenomenal drop kick and Angle goes to the floor. Angle makes his way back into the ring. Angle with a kick and European uppercuts. Styles with a kick and slam and he hits a phenomenal knee drop for a near fall as Angle returns to the floor to stop any momentum that Styles could get. Angle wants a test of strength and A.J. obliges. Angle gets the advantage but Styles gets back to his feet but Angle with a kick and then he sends Styles over the top rope but Styles lands on the apron. Angle with forearms but Angle comes off the ropes and Styles flips back in and hits a clothesline. Angle goes back to the floor. Styles goes to the apron as Angle returns to the ring. Styles tries for a springboard move but Angle hits Styles and Styles hits the ropes and goes to the floor. Angle waits for Styles to get back into the ring. Angle with a somersault dive onto Styles and both men are down.

Angle runs Styles into the apron and then he rolls Styles back into the ring. Angle gets a near fall on Styles. Angle with a back breaker for a near fall. Angle stretches Styles while having him in a chin lock. Styles with elbows but Angle with a snap tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Angle with a suplex and a near fall. Angle with a waist lock on Styles but Styles gets to his feet and he backs Angle into the turnbuckles. Styles punches Angle but Angle with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Styles punches Angle but Angle with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and Angle poses before recovering on the ropes. Angle chokes Styles in the ropes. Angle with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Angle with a body scissors. Angle turns it into a side head lock. Styles with a chop after escaping the hold. Angle with a chin lock and Styles with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.

Styles with clotheslines but Angle sends Styles to the apron. Styles with a phenomenal springboard forearm but he can only get a two count. Styles sets for the Styles Clash but Angle blocks it. Angle catapults Styles into the turnbuckles and then Angle with a release German suplex that sends A.J. onto his chest but Styles kicks out. Angle tries for the Olympic slam but A.J. escapes and hits a Pele Kick for a near fall. Styles goes up top but Angle joins him and hits a super belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. Angle tries for the Olympic slam but Styles with an arm drag and discus clothesline but he can only get a two count. Styles tries for the Styles Clash but Angle with a back body drop. Styles tries for a sunset flip but Angle rolls through and applies an ankle lock. Styles with a rollup for a near fall. Angle with the Three Rivers German suplex combination and Angle can only get a near fall. The straps come down and he waits for A.J. to get up and Angle does Orton pushups. Angle tries for the Olympic slam but A.J. counters and hits the Styles Clash but Angle kicks out. Styles goes up top but he is stopped by a kick from Angle and Angle with the Olympic slam but he can only get a two count. Angle goes for a moonsault but Styles moves out of the way. Styles goes to the apron and he hits the springboard 450 splash. Styles makes the cover but Angle gets his shoulder up. Styles puts Angle on the top turnbuckle for a superplex but Angle pushes Styles off. Styles sets for a tombstone piledriver but Angle counters and so does Styles. Angle rolls through into an ankle lock. Angle grapevines the leg and Styles is going to tap but time runs out.
Time Limit Draw

After the match, Sting comes to the ring and A.J. wants nothing to do with Sting.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to look at highlights from the Styles/Angle match.

It is time to take a look at the Lashley/Joe match. We start off with a look at Lashley training. He is called a hybrid athlete and the first to compete in professional wrestling and mixed martial arts. Lashley says that you only live once and you have to do what you can. He talks about his passions in wrestling and mixed martial arts. We see footage from Lashley’s victory over Bob Sapp. Lashley says that he is glad to have a comeback after taking a leave of absence. Joe says that all of Lashley’s wins in mixed martial arts, Samoa Joe is wrestling. Taz says that Lashley is ready for any athlete but Joe has been on a mission while having one of his best years. He thinks that Joe will get the upset victory. We see Lashley at home with his family and he talks about his family. Joe says that Lashley cannot train enough for the pain to go away. Joe says that he is focused on Lashley. He says that Lashley will find out that facing Samoa Joe in a wrestling ring will be tougher than anyone else he faces.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look at the Monster’s Ball Match. We hear Abyss talk about how Mick Foley is the greatest hardcore wrestler of all time when you consider what he has done to himself. We see footage from Hard Justice when Abyss helped Mick Foley. Mick says that he always wanted to be a hardcore wrestler and Abyss was probably the same way. Mick says that this is probably Abyss’ biggest match of his career. Mick says that he will show that he still has it. Abyss says that there will be blood and carnage.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to look at the Kurt Angle/Matt Morgan match. Angle says that he is the best and Matt Morgan agrees. Angle says that he never won at Bound for Glory and he has to prove himself to be considered the greatest wrestler in the world. Morgan says that there is no better professional wrestler in the world. Angle says that he gives everything in the ring. Matt talks about his physical condition and Angle says that Matt is what a giant should look like. Dixie comments on the match as the best versus the future. Matt says that this match is the most important thing in his life right now. Matt says that he respects Angle but he will also hand him his ass. Mike Tenay says that this is the chance for Morgan to go to the next level. Morgan says that a victory over Angle will help his career. He is doing everything to train to show the world. Mike says that he thinks it will be a more emotional match. Angle says that he wants to have his best match at Bound for Glory. Taz says that he thinks it is Matt Morgan’s time. Matt says that he has to beat Angle and beat him convincingly.

Jeremy Borash is with Kurt Angle and he asks Kurt if the match went a few seconds longer if he could make Styles tap. Angle says that while there was no official winner, everyone knows who won that match. Angle proved that he is the greatest wrestler on the planet. Angle asks how the TNA champion will take the result. Jeremy says that he has never seen Kurt Angle any more confident. Angle says that he beat A.J. and then he will beat Matt Morgan on Sunday. Then he will get his title back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the TNA Title match. Sting says that he almost destroyed himself, not wrestling. When you have fame, power, and notoriety you don’t know what can happen. He says that he almost lost his family. He says the bad parts can wear on you but the people keep you going. Sting says that he never forgot and is looking forward to one more hurrah. Taz says that Sting is a living legend. Mike Tenay calls Sting ‘Mr. October’ of TNA. A.J. says that to beat Sting, he has to be on top of things. Styles says that if he gives Sting an inch, he does not know what can happen. Taz says that he thinks A.J. will beat Sting. Taz talks about how Sting kept A.J. from leaving TNA. A.J. talks about Sting’s record at Bound for Glory, but it does not worry him. Sting says that it does matter and it would be nice to keep the streak going. Mike says that he hopes it is not Sting’s final match, but only Sting can answer that question. Sting says that he has been thinking about when the end will happen. He says that he does not want to embarrass himself. Dixie says that she has tried to convince Sting to come back for one more year and she does not know if he will come back.

Jeremy is with A.J. Styles. Jeremy asks A.J. if the match went a bit longer. A.J. stops Jeremy and he says that he did not win the match and he did not lose it. A.J. talks about how he was emotional when he took the match with Angle. A.J. says that he has to prove he is the best and he is wrestling Kurt Angle three days before his biggest match against Sting. He says that he needs to learn from the match.

We go to credits with everyone talking about how big Bound for Glory is for TNA.

2009 - WWE broadcast Superstars.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off tonight with a Raw match and it will determine the final member of Team Raw at Bragging Rights.

Match Number One: Mark Henry versus Chris Masters in a Bragging Rights Qualifying Match

They lock up and Masters tries to push Henry away and he barely budges. Masters poses and Henry is not impressed. They lock up again and Henry sends Masters to the mat. Masters with a shoulder tackle or two. Masters goes to the floor because he does not want to feel another shoulder tackle. Masters returns to the ring and he punches Henry but Henry will not go on the Irish whip. Henry takes Masters down and gets a near fall. Henry with a nerve hold. Masters tries to get to the ropes but Henry pulls him back into the center of the ring. Masters returns to the floor and he drops Henry on the top rope. Masters with a shoulder and he tries for something resembling a sunset flip but Henry will not go down until he drops down on Masters. Henry stands on Masters chest. Masters is back on the floor and Henry goes after him. Henry tries to run Masters into the ring post but Masters is the one who sends Henry into the post. Masters returns to the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and Henry has Masters in a bear hug. We see footage from the break when Masters tries for a splash off the apron but Henry caught him and sent Masters into the apron. Masters with a drop kick to the injured knee and then Masters with a forearm off the turnbuckles before going back to the leg. Masters jumps around and sets for the Master Lock but he cannot get the hold applied. Masters decides to take advice from Lawler and he returns to the leg with elbow drops to the knee. Masters continues to work on the knee. Masters with a step over toe hold but Henry kicks him off and Henry with clotheslines. Henry cannot get Masters up because of his knee but Henry can get Masters up for a power slam and get the three count.
Winner: Mark Henry

It is time for Ask the Divas.

Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson are walking in the back.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Vladimir Kozlov with Ezekiel Jackson versus Tommy Dreamer

Dreamer goes for a waist lock but Kozlov with a hip toss. They lock up again and Kozlov backs Dreamer into the turnbuckles. Kozlov pushes Dreamer but Dreamer pushes back and then Dreamer with punches. Kozlov runs into an elbow but Kozlov with a shoulder tackle and Kozlov raises his arms because he can. Dreamer with a kick and cross body for a near fall. Dreamer taunts Kozlov and Kozlov charges at Dreamer but goes over the top rope to the floor. Dreamer with a baseball slide to Kozlov and Jackson. Dreamer gets greedy and misses a dive from the apron and hits the announce table. Dreamer favors his elbow and Kozlov focuses on the injury. Kozlov with head butts and then he returns to the elbow. Kozlov with a knee but Dreamer with an inside cradle for a near fall. Kozlov with a divorce court and then he returns to an arm bar. Dreamer punches Kozlov but Kozlov with an arm drag and he returns to the arm bar. Kozlov misses an elbow drop. Dreamer with punches but Kozlov with an Irish whip. Kozlov misses a charge into the corner and hits his shoulder in the ring post. Dreamer with a knee lift and then he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a clothesline. Dreamer with a drop kick for a near fall. Dreamer climbs Kozlov in the corner but Kozlov sends Dreamer to the apron. Dreamer with a shoulder and a stunner on the top rope. Jackson pulls Dreamer’s injured arm and Kozlov with a head butt to Dreamer. Kozlov with the spinebuster for the three count.
Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

After the match, Jackson gives Dreamer a uranage followed by some taunting by Kozlov.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Jack Swagger video package.

We have the Iron Man of Iron Man Match video packages.

The Miz has joined Todd Grisham at the announce table for our next match.

Match Number Three: John Morrison versus CM Punk

They lock up and Morrison with a side head lock and take down. Morrison with a shoulder tackle and kick to the head. Morrison with a side head lock take down. Morrison blocks a punch and connects with one of his own and gets a side head lock take down. Punk backs Morrison into the corner and then he connects with a knee and kick. Punk with a back kick but Morrison with a flapjack and a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Morrison returns to the side head lock. Punk with a belly-to-back suplex and then he applies a side head lock. Morrison with a kick to Punk but Punk with a power slam for a near fall. Morrison is sent to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Punk has Morrison in a body scissors. We see footage from the commercial break when Punk hit a gourdbuster on the ring steps. Morrison with an elbow drop but he lands on Punk’s knees and Punk gets a near fall. Punk sends Morrison into the air and he lands hard on his injured ribs. Punk with a baseball slide and Morrison goes to the floor. Punk tries to suplex Morrison back into the ring but Morrison escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup. Punk gets a near fall. Punk with an abdominal stretch. Morrison with a hip toss to escape the hold. Punk misses a charge into the corner when Morrison moves and Punk goes into the ring post. Morrison with a forearm and punches to Punk. Morrison with a leg lariat for a near fall. Punk with a punch but he misses a roundhouse kick and Morrison with a spin kick to the back. Punk with an inverted suplex for a near fall. Punk with knees to Morrison in the corner and Punk with a knee into the corner but Morrison sends Punk away on the bulldog attempt. Morrison with the Shining Wizard but he can only get a two count. Morrison with a slam and then he tries for the corkscrew split legged moonsault but Punk gets up and crotches Morrison. Punk tries for a super belly-to-back suplex but Morrison with elbows and Punk goes to the mat. Miz comes into the ring and he kicks Punk to get Morrison disqualified.
Winner: CM Punk by disqualification After the match, Morrison hits the springboard spin kick and then he poses as we go to credits.

2010 - The third Viva La Lucha PPV "Retribution" debuted on PPV.

2010 - TruTV debuted the second season of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory.

2010 -Ring Roast 3, honoring Jim Cornette, was held in Monroe, NJ, featuring Dennis Condrey, Bobby Eaton, Nick Dinsmore, Missy Hyatt and many others.

2010 - Ring of Honor ran Dayton, Ohio.  Brian Reiss filed the following live report:

Pre-show match: Bobby Dempsey and Mike Sydal defeated two wrestlers whose names I couldn't understand.

Mark Briscoe defeated Mike Mondo. Mike got quite a few "Spirit Squad" jokes thrown at him.

Daizee Haze defeated Lady Jojo, formerly Sojourner Bolt in TNA.

Trial Series Match: Colt Cabana defeated Andy "Right Leg" Ridge. The first half of the match was a perfect comedy/wrestling blend. Andy was trying to be serious, but Colt was just toying with him, not letting Ridge get any offense in, and playing up to the crowd. Then at one point, Ridge kicked Colt in the face, and that's when it got more heated and serious. Some great exchanges, but Colt got the win. Afterward, Colt put over Andy a little bit.

Kevin Steen and Steve Corino defeated Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly. Steen came to the ring holding a "Vote Kevin Steen for Magistrate District 1" sign (it was a legitimate sign, as there really is a Kevin Steen in Ohio running for that position). He incorporated the sign into his promo, saying that a magistrate is a judge, and that he's judging us all. After some more talking, he turned over the mic to Corino, who was very entertaining in his promo as usual, heeling everyone in sight, especially into a fan wearing a Colt Cabana shirt. A few of us sitting at ringside and I think this "fan" was a plant for the TruTV reality show "All Worked Up", as the ROH security guy has been featured on that a handful of times. This was actually a very good and entertaining match with some great back and forth going on, and the in-match chatting between Steen and Corino was classic.


Ricky Reyes defeated Metal Master. Only thing worth noting was that another fan/suspected plant tried to get into it with Reyes, who then challenged him to get in the ring. The "fan" jumped the rail, and was promptly met by the security guy. The non-ROH cameras followed that mess. I don't believe that was a shoot, but that's just me.

Jay Briscoe defeated Rhett Titus. Great match. At the end, Jay offered to shake Titus' hand, but Titus blew him off, shoving s couple ringside officials along the way.

Homicide defeated Kenny King. Another Great match. The finish had Rhett Titus come down to the ring, but to no success. After the match, Titus and King beat down on Homicide. Jay Briscoe came back with a chair and ran the Up All Night Express out. Homicide seemed offended that Jay came to help him, saying he doesn't need help. Just before the two could go at it, several officials came out to break up the fight.

Kings of Wrestling defeated Davey Richards and Christopher Daniels. Awesome match. Richards and Daniels only slightly showed conflict during the match. Lots of action and healthy amount of false finishes. After the match, the KOW bragged that they have successfully defended the titles 9 times. Daniels and Richards then said that they never tagged before and came this close to winning the belts. They then hyped their one-on-one match in Chicago, followed by Richards putting over the crowd to end the show.

2010 - TNA ran Racine, Wisconsin.  Joel Croyle filed the following live report:

Jeremy Borash comes out and says he is going to give people free backstage passes...a slew of "TNA officials" come out saying "he" says no way. Eventually Jarrett comes out and says JB is not giving out passes and takes them from JB. Samoa Joe comes out. While trying to get away from Joe, Jarrett goes to sit on the top rope. Joe grabs JJ, slams him down..all of a sudden there is a ref, and apparently it was a match...who knew...Joe wins. Match was exactly 5 seconds long, literally. JoetTakes the backstage passes and hands them out with JB, who continues to do so all night.

Next match is the cruiser weight title. Williams vs. Lethal. This was the most technical match of the night and I think it was the longest. Jay Lethal wins with his finisher, retaining. This was extremely strong. These two worked really hard and really well together. Williams is the next rising star if they give him the chance.

Love vs. Rayne for the knockout title. Really great back and fourth in this one. The crowd was really into this bout. Rayne had some amazing spots, their was a great "back stretch" in the middle that Love got out of. Essentially Rayne just caught Love the right way and planted her, could have gone either way. Raybe retains.

Beer Money vs. Young and Jordan. This was a pure comedy match with Young trying to tag in beer money so it would be three on one vs. Jordan. Though it was pure comedy, it is obvious Beer Money is the best tag team in the business today. At one point Young stole Storms beer and started drinking it. Classic stuff. Storm also mistakingly ripped the "" banner from his apron side and played it off to the crowd by trying to cover it up whenever the ref would come by.
by the end of the match Roode had been pantsed, Jordan had been "tripple teamed", Storm lost his beer and then we found out EY was wearing beer money underwear. Beer Money wins with their finisher on Young after Young thought he had befriended them.

Before the show Rhino did autographs, at intermission Rayne did .

After Intermission we had Matt Morgan vs. Rhino. Rhino lost with Morgan's finisher. It was fairly short and it seemed like they both were struggling to make things work.

Hebner has a new t-shirt they were selling for 10 bucks and he was autographing. It looks like a ref shirt with hebner across the back and in the front it says "yes I did it"

The main event was Abyss vs. Tommy Dreamer in a monsters ball match. trash cans, chair, lids, a ring bell to the groin, comes Mr. Anderson from the back...nails Abyss with a chair. Dreamer covers. Dreamer wins.

At the end they said that everyone could go backstage because backstage was coming to us. A bunch of the wrestlers came out to sign autographs. If you paid 20 bucks you could go in the ring with Mr. Anderson, get a picture, etc.

I met Jeff Jarrett, shook his hand , got an autograph. Honestly he was the most gracious wrestler I've ever met, and I have now met a few across time.

Good show. Was hoping to see others and it seemed short. But it is pretty obvious TNA takes care of their fans in any way they can.

2010 - WWE broadcast Smackdown.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off with the Undertaker standing on the roof of the Rose Garden in Portland.

We are live on tape from Portland, Oregon and your announcers are Matt ‘I know 33 people who aren’t Cole Miners’ Striker, Todd ‘Can I Talk This Week’ Grisham, and Michael ‘Like a Virus’ Cole.

All three men wonder what Taker is doing on the roof and what it means for later tonight.

Teddy Long is in the ring and he has an announcement to make. He says that it is that time of year again. Not Christmas, but Bragging Rights. Last year, Smackdown brought the Bragging Rights trophy home and this year will be no different. We see the six men and the mysterious seventh man on Team Raw on the TitanTron. Teddy reminds us that Big Show is the team captain for Team Smackdown. He says that we will find out in a series of qualifying matches tonight.

Match Number One: Rey Mysterio versus ‘Dashing’ Cody Rhodes in a Team Smackdown Qualifying Match

Cody works on the wrist and arm that Alberto Del Rio previously injured. Rey rolls through and uses the ropes to escape with an arm drag. Rey runs towards Rhodes and Cody with a punch and Cody gets a near fall. Cody with a punch to the face and then he hits a gourdbuster on Rey and gets a near fall. Rhodes kicks Rey’s arm and then he connects with a forearm that knocks Rey back to the mat. Cody tries for a suplex but Rey escapes. Rey with a drop kick to the knees and Rhodes falls into the ropes. Rey starts the run for the 619 but Cody goes to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rhodes with a rear chin lock on Rey and he has his knee in Rey’s back. We see footage from the commercial break when Rey tried for a springboard move but Cody countered with a round kick that knocked Rey down. Rey gets to his feet and he counters and gets a near fall with a bridge. Cody with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Cody with a knee to the back as he applies a surfboard. Rey with kicks but Cody blocks a punch and applies a cross face chicken wing and body scissors on Mysterio as he works on the injured arm some more. Rey struggles to get to the ropes but he is successful in getting Cody to break the hold. Cody with kicks to the arm and then he punches Rey in the head.

Rhodes with a rolling knee drop to the back of the head and he gets a near fall. Rhodes with a punches to Rey after pushing Rey into the ropes. It works a second time but Rey with a kick on the third attempt. Cody tries for a wheelbarrow suplex and he hits it. Cody makes the cover but he takes too long and Rey kicks out. Cody pulls Rey towards the corner and Cody goes to the turnbuckles for a knee drop but Rey moves out of the way. Rey with a drop toe hold that sends Cody into the turnbuckles. Rey goes up top with a seated senton. Rey with a springboard cross body but Cody rolls through and gets a near fall on Rey.

Rhodes with a punch to the midsection and then he gets a sunset flip but Rey rolls through and kicks Cody to get a near fall. Rey with a drop kick to the knee one more time and then he hits a springboard leg drop on Rhodes but he can only get a two count. Rhodes with a drop down uppercut and then he tries for the Alabama Slam but Rey gets out of the hold. Rey with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors followed by the 619 and diving splash for the three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

We go to commercial.

We are back and we go to Big Show’s locker room and he has Hornswoggle and he is still in his blue face paint and Viking hat. Show wants to know if Hornswoggle ate all of his candy and he tells Hornswoggle that if he eats it all, he will get fat.

Kaval enters the locker room. Kaval says that he knows that Show is the captain at Bragging Rights and he says that if he is given the chance, he will contribute to the team. Show says that Kaval is new here, which Kaval acknowledges but he says that he can contribute to the team. Show tells Kaval to slow his roll. Kaval says that everyone starts off slow and he asks Show what he did in his first match. Show tells Kaval that he won the World Title. Kaval reminds us that he won Season Two of NXT and he knows that he can help.

Show says that he is looking for seasoned veterans. Kaval wants to know if Show is saying that he isn’t big enough. Show says that Kaval wouldn’t last five minutes with him. Kaval says that he thinks he can. Kaval suggests that if he lasts five minutes with Show, he should be added to Team Smackdown. Show tells Kaval that if he can last five minutes, he has earned his spot on the team.

Kaval leaves and Hornswoggle grunts and Show says that he is not a heightist.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paul Bearer has the urn and he tells Undertaker that the time for the final reckoning is nigh. He says that he presents the instrument of his ultimate destruction. He offers Taker one last opportunity to take back the holy grail in a fight with his son, the Devil’s Favorite Demon . . . Kane. The winner will be World Champion and the loser will be buried alive. There will be a gravesite at Bragging Rights where Taker will meet his end inside a crypt.

Paul says that Taker will accept the challenge because of Taker’s pride which is his downfall. Pride made Taker vulnerable to the attack that left him in a vegetative state on Memorial Day. It was pride that led to Taker’s humiliation at the hands of Kane at Night of Champions. It was pride that allowed Paul to fool him and shatter him at the side of his son at Hell in a Cell.

Paul says that because of his pride Taker, will be beaten, broken and incapacitated, but that will be the start of it. While Taker is still breathing, he will be pitched down a filthy pit, a grave for the damned. A wormhole with room enough only for Taker to suffer. By then, Kane will scoop up the earth and shovelful by shovelful it will cover Taker’s flesh until he is buried in darkness. Paul says that Kane’s plan is almost complete. When they arrive tonight and Kane calls Taker to destiny’s door, we will see the shell of a man that Taker has become. The Devil’s Favorite Demon will tower over him. Paul says that he looks forward to that glorious moment.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that a lot of kids participate in the Wrestlemania Reading Challenge.

Big Show is introduced and he comes to the ring. He joins the announce team for the next match.

Match Number Two: Jack Swagger with the Swagger Soaring Eagle versus Montel Vontavious Porter in a Team Smackdown Bragging Rights Qualifying Match

Porter punches Swagger and kicks him in the corner and the referee warns him. Porter with a drop toe hold and then he hits a running boot to the head and Porter gets a near fall. Porter punches Swagger but Swagger sends Porter shoulder first into the ring post. Porter sends Swagger into the turnbuckles and then Porter with a boot to the head. Porter with a clothesline or three. Porter sends Swagger into the air and then he hits the facebuster and tries for the Ballin’ Elbow. Porter hits the elbow and then he waits for Swagger to get to his feet but Swagger goes to the floor.

The Eagle gets in the way and Porter kicks the Eagle and sends him over the announce table. Swagger sends Porter into the ring post and then they return to the ring and Swagger puts Porter in the ankle lock and Porter taps.

Winner: Jack Swagger

Swagger does a few laps in the ring after the match to celebrate. Swagger then checks on the Eagle.

We go back outside and Undertaker is still standing on the roof of the building. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Make a Wish video package.

Match Number Three: Alberto Del Rio versus Chris Masters in a Bragging Rights Qualifying Match for Team Smackdown

They lock up and Del Rio backs Masters into the corner and Del Rio kicks Masters and tries for a suplex but Masters blocks it and he gives Del Rio a jackhammer for a near fall. Masters tries for the Master Lock but Del Rio gets to the ropes before it is locked in. Del Rio drops Masters’ arm on the top rope and then he kicks Masters. Del Rio works on the arm and he stomps on the elbow and gets a near fall. Del Rio with a key lock on Masters but Masters with punches. Del Rio with a knee to Masters. Masters with a Samoan drop and both men are down. Masters with clotheslines but Del Rio hits Masters in the arm. Masters with a one arm power slam and he gets a near fall. Masters tries for the Master Lock again but Del Rio with a double knee arm breaker and then he locks in the cross arm breaker and gets Masters to tap out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match, Del Rio goes to the floor and Show offers his hand to Del Rio to thank him for being on the team. Del Rio winks at Show and refuses to shake his hand. Show is impressed with Del Rio even though he did not shake his hand.

With Big Show at the announce table, it is time for a look at Knucklehead.

Edge is walking in the back and he sees Rosa Mendes stretching as we go to commercial.

We see footage from last week when Kaitlyn interfered to help Dolph Ziggler beat Montel Vontavious Porter last week on Smackdown.

Match Number Four: Edge versus Dolph Ziggler in a Team Smackdown Qualifying Match

They lock up and Edge with a waist lock. Ziggler with a standing switch. Edge with an arm drag take down into an arm bar. Edge punches Ziggler and kicks Dolph. Edge punches Ziggler in the back and we see Vickie and Kaitlyn in the back watching on a monitor.

Edge with forearms to Ziggler followed by an Irish whip. Edge slides under Ziggler and Edge trips Ziggler. Edge sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Edge with a head butt but Ziggler with a forearm and he chokes Edge in the ropes. Ziggler with a snap mare and then he hits a leap frog neck snap and gets a near fall. Ziggler with a chin lock and arm bar on Edge.

They get back to their feet. Edge Irish whips Ziggler and Dolph goes to the floor. Edge with a baseball slide that takes Ziggler down. Edge sends Ziggler back into the ring and Edge takes too long to get back into the ring so Ziggler is able to recover and he kicks Edge and then hits a neck breaker on Edge as he continues to work on the surgically repaired neck. Ziggler gets a near fall on Edge and then he kicks him in the chest. Ziggler with another near fall. Ziggler with an elbow drop but Edge with punches. Edge with an Irish whip but Dolph with an elbow. Dolph goes to the turnbuckles but Edge kicks Dolph off the turnbuckles and Dolph goes to the floor. Edge tries for a spear on the floor but Dolph moves out of the way and Edge hits the ringside barrier. Dolph with a Zig Zag into the steps.

Ziggler returns to the ring and Edge is on the floor but he is able to get back into the ring before the ten count. Ziggler shows his frustration with punches and kicks to Edge as we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a reverse chin lock, arm bar, and body scissors. Edge gets back to his feet but Ziggler with elbows to the neck but he misses a splash into the corner. Edge with a flapjack and both men are down. Edge with a few clotheslines followed by a face plant for a near fall. Ziggler with a kick and he gets a sunset flip but Edge rolls through and he catapults Ziggler into the ring post. Edge with an Edge-o-Matic and he gets a near fall.

Ziggler punches Edge and then he tries for a sleeper but Edge is able to prevent Ziggler from locking it in. Edge with an Impaler DDT for a near fall. Ziggler sends Edge into the turnbuckles and Ziggler tries for another Zig Zag but Edge holds on to the ropes. Edge pulls his hair to signal that he is getting ready for the spear. Ziggler leap frogs Edge and then Ziggler goes to the turnbuckles but when he comes off the turnbuckles, Edge hits a Spear for the three count.

Winner: Edge

After the match, Big Show applauds both men’s performance from the match.

We go back outside and Undertaker is still maintaining his perch on the building to protect Portland from evil.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Five: Big Show versus Kaval in a Five Minute Challenge for Kaval’s shot at Team Smackdown for Bragging Rights

Show offers his hand and Kaval shakes it. Kaval with a kick to the leg but Show blocks another kick and he connects with a chop. Show with another chop in the corner. Show stands on Kaval’s back. Show picks up Kaval and then he sends him back to the mat. Show stands on Kaval. Show with a punch to the midsection and then he picks Kaval up for a slam. Kaval struggles to get up and he punches Show in the hip a few times but Show with a forearm to the back.

We are halfway through the match and Show with another chop to Kaval’s chest. Kaval pushes Show and flails to punch him. Show puts Kaval in the corner and he chops Kaval one more time. Show with a biel that sends Kaval across the ring. Show picks up Kaval and he pushes Kaval over the top rope to the floor. We are under a half minute and Show brings Kaval back into the ring. Kaval with kicks and then he drop kicks Show in the knees when Show charges into the corner. Kaval with a kick from the turnbuckles and then he takes Show down with a knee. Kaval blocks a choke slam attempt and he last the full five minutes.

Winner: Kaval

After the match, Show shakes Kaval’s hand and helps him up and raises his arm.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kaval is still in the ring.

Tyler Reks comes out and Kaval has a shocked look on his face.

Tyler says that it is so sweet that WWE’s favorite new superstar has a spot on Team Smackdown. He says that it is a joke. Tyler says that he is the breakout superstar. He says that if anyone deserves a spot on Team Smackdown it should be him. He can beat giants and he knows that he can beat Kaval.

Teddy Long comes out and he tells Tyler that he cannot let him face Kaval after going five minutes with Big Show.

Kaval says that he doesn’t need a babysitter and if Tyler wants his spot, he will have to come in the ring and take it from him.

Teddy allows the match to happen.

Match Number Six: Tyler Reks versus Kaval in a Kaval’s spot on Team Smackdown is on the Line Match

They lock up and Reks sends Kaval into the turnbuckles. Kaval with kicks to Reks and Kaval goes to the turnbuckles. Kaval tries for the Warrior’s Way but Reks moves. Reks with a shoulder tackle and then he kicks Kaval. Reks with a Burning Hammer for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Reks

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Cody Rhodes Grooming Tip. Cody shows us photos of dirty finger nails while he talks about long, dirty, filthy, unkempt finger nails. They are a turn off for today’s modern man. Cody shows how to clip a finger nail properly without damaging your cuticles. Cody says that he uses an emery board instead of a nail file when he is done clipping his finger nails. He shows us the proper technique. He says that sometimes he adds clear nail polish and he says that nail polish isn’t just for women. It gives the nails a sparkling shine. We are now one step closer to being dashing.

Match Number Seven: Drew McIntyre versus Kofi Kingston in a Who is the Final Man on Team Smackdown at Bragging Rights Match

They lock up and Drew backs Kofi into the turnbuckles and he connects with a knee instead of a clean break. Drew with kicks to Kofi and then he sends Kofi to the mat. Kofi runs Drew into the turnbuckles and then he punches Drew until the referee pulls him out of the corner. Kofi sets for his leap onto the turnbuckles but Drew sees it coming and he gets up his boots for Kofi. Drew gets a near fall on Kofi. Drew goes to the floor and he punches Kofi. Drew suplexes Kofi onto the apron and then they return to the ring and Drew gets a near fall. Kofi holds on to the ropes and then when Drew tries for a belly-to-back suplex, Kofi counters with a lateral press and a near fall. Drew with head butts to the midsection followed by a punch. Kofi floats over Drew and then he hits Trouble in Paradise for the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

We see the participants of Team Smackdown.

Undertaker has decided to enter the Rose Garden and we see him walking as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kane and Paul Bearer make their way to the ring.

Kane says that facts leave no room for arguments. Everyone hopes that his brother is more determined, more powerful, and more evil than ever. However, the facts are that he is a despondent, dejected, former shell of himself. The fact is that he is superior to his brother. The fact is that he is superior to everyone. The only thing that anyone has ever succeeded at is their relentless quest for mediocrity. They fail at everything else, just like his brother has failed to reclaim the World Title. First he failed in a No Holds Barred Match, then he failed at Hell in a Cell, and then he will fail at Bragging Rights. Kane says that everyone tries to use Undertaker to escape from their failed existences, their dead end jobs, their unattainable dreams, and their rudderless lives. Kane says that he forces everyone to face reality and there is no escape. Kane says that everyone would salivate at the opportunity to see the Dead Man destroy the Devil’s Favorite Demon. Deep down, they all know that it is never going to happen. If there is anyone watching who still believes that the Undertaker . . . the Phenom, can do anything to stop him, their hopes are going to be buried alive, just like his brother.

Paul approves his son’s comments once Kane is done.

The crowd chants for the Undertaker and then the gong goes off and the lights go out.

Undertaker’s pyro goes off and he makes his way to the ring.

Taker and Kane stand face to face in the center of the ring. Taker looks at Paul Bearer and the urn and then back to Kane. Taker kicks and punches Kane as Paul gets out of the ring. Taker with punches and kicks in the corner and then he connects with an uppercut. Taker with jabs and kicks and Kane gets to the floor.

Undertaker summons the fire from the ring posts as Kane and Paul Bearer retreat to the stage. Taker sets off pyro on the stage in front of Kane and Paul Bearer and both men are in shock.

Taker poses in the ring and we go to credits.

2011 - AWE presented their first, and to date, last PPV, Night of the Legends.  Mike Johnson filed the following PPV report:

The PPV featured a 30 minute pre-game show, featuring promos from Finlay, Hacksaw Duggan and The Rock N' Roll Express. The promos and the presentation were old school as you can expect but also entertaining.

Kevin Nash cut a promo on The Rock N' Roll Express, referencing what they did to "Marvin" (promoter Marvin Ward, who was Nash's original partner but was attacked and laid out by the Express) but never explained who Marvin was or why a new viewer should care who about it.

They replayed the promos three times.


Former WCW announcer Chris Cruise welcomed everyone to the PPV stating that "AWE is made in America." He was flanked by Dutch Mantel and Larry Zbyszko. They noted that their first match was a bout that was originally scheduled in 1999 but would take place tonight - Dreamer vs. Funk. Zbyszko said that time only fears the pyramids and Terry Funk. They talked about the main event.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Terry Funk - No DQ

Chris Cruise kept referring to Funk as a former NWA champion. I guess the fact these guys were both former ECW champions as well? The announcer claimed that Funk and Dreamer didn't want to wait, which is why this is opening the show.

Funk called for the mic as the bell rang. He was playing heel. Funk said that he wanted to tell Tommy and the fans something. He said that he got a physical from a doctor who told Funk he was too old to wrestle but Terry wanted to come here for Virginia and for Dreamer. He said Dreamer said he's been Funk's friend since he had pimples and greasy hair. Funk said he might be 105 but they say the older you get, the meaner you get and he struck Dreamer with the mic.

Funk tossed Dreamer to the floor and worked him over with right hands, then tossed him into the barricade. Dreamer nailed Funk with a fan's soda and nailed several right hands. He slammed Funk into the ringside table, flipping it over. He tried to whip Funk into the table but Funk reversed it and Dreamer took a flip bump into it on the floor.

Funk started throwing chairs at Dreamer and gave him an atomic drop on the railing. He then chopped Dreamer off the railing. Funk tossed Dreamer back into the ringFunk began peppering him with headbutts. He hurt his own head doing it. He started nailing headbutts on all fours. Dreamer ended up on the outside. Funk followed and tossed Dreamer into the railing again.

Funk argued with fans, allowing Dreamer to get a drink and spray it into Funk's eyes. Several chairs were tossed into the ring. Dreamer tried to send Funk into a chair which fell over. Dreamer fixed it and rebounded off the ropes but it fell again. Dreamer took a step toehold into the chair. Funk began beating Dreamer's leg with the chair. Funk locked on the spinning toehold. Dreamer responded by nailing him in the head with a chair.

Dreamer nailed Funk again and small packaged Funk, pinning him. It looked like the referee screwed up the call.

Your winner, Tommy Dreamer!

Funk attacked the referee and threw him across the ring hard.

Funk threw a chair at Dreamer and walked off.

It was an OK brawl but the finish sucked. Really short and disappointing given all the history involved.

Chris Graham interviewed Jamin Olivencia. He was asked what he had in store for Sonjay Dutt. He said that he beat Dutt the first time they wrestled and Dutt has to cry and whined about it. He said he used to be a loser and complained too but one day, he woke up and realized who he was and after that day, he became a winner. Olivencia cut a good promo. He said that if Dutt wants him tonight, good, he wants that too. Graham called him on cheating last time and he said, forget about the past. He said Dutt is going to wish he was Olivencia tonight. He promised to have the whole world notice and that he would change the atmosphere at any given moment.

They went to Bill Apter, interviewing Sonjay Dutt for his response. He said that Jamin figured it all out and said that he wants to be a liar and a cheater too. He said that he's going to show Jamin that he's fine being him and on the biggest stage of them all, Jamin better have his "A" game ready. Dutt said that he's the best high flying wrestler in the world.

Sonjay Dutt vs. Jamin Olivencia

They had some nice back and forth wrestling early. Olivencia has a really good swagger to his work. Olivencia escaped a side headlock and tackled Dutt. Dutt slapped him and drilled him with a dropkick. He nailed another and Olivencia went to the floor. Dutt went for a dive but Olivencia ran out of the way. He hit the ring and nailed a flying punch on Dutt.

Olivencia worked over Dutt in the corner but Dutt fired back. He went for a springboard move but Dutt's legs were grabbed and he was slammed down hard to the matt. Olivencia covered him for a two count. He worked over Dutt with shots to the chest and the punch.

Olivencia suplexed Dutt and nailed a running splash for another two count. Olivencia scored several two counts but couldn't get the job done. Olivencia slammed his hands down on the mat in frustration. He grabbed a side chinlock. Dutt fought his way out and nailed a rana, sending Jamin to the outside. Dutt hit a springboard moonsault off the top rope to the floor.

Dutt rolled him back in and covered Jamin for a two count. Jamin cut him off and nailed a running splash in the corner. He went for another but was hit with a Yakuza kick. Dutt hit a springboard splash but Olivencia kicked up at the last second.

Olivencia missed a charge in the corner. Dutt nailed a kick using the ropes for leverage. They went back and forth with strikes. Olivencia went for a back suplex and Dutt slipped out, almost being dumped on his head in the process. He struck Olivencia and both were down and nearly counted out by the referee.

They went back and forth with forearm strikes. Dutt went for a sunset flip but Olivencia grabbed the ropes. The ref kicked his arms off and Dutt scored a two count. Olivencia collided with the referee and hit his finisher, the O Drop, scoring the pin.

Your winner, Jamin Olivencia!

Good back and forth athletic match. Nice showing from each man.

Zbyszko and Mantel tried to tell Olivencia that Cruise was burying him.

They showed some replays after the match.

Some guy named Hank came out and said he wanted to watch Perry Saturn. He buried Saturn. They later started calling him Rick Garrison and stated he was the AWE President.

CW Anderson was interviewed backstage. He said that every PPV he's on, he has the match of the night and he's going to do the same thing. Anderson was told the pressure was on him and he asked how that could be since Saturn hasn't been in the business for the last nine years. Anderson said when he was done, Saturn can go back to living under the bridge he was under all this time.

Perry Saturn was interviewed. Saturn acted like he didn't know who Anderson was and joked around. He said that he was going to be serious for a minute. He said that Anderson could kick his ass, "but he's going to have to."

CW Anderson vs. Saturn

Saturn was way heavier than he ever was during his legitimate career. He was running around like a fat Rick Steiner early. Saturn shoulderblocked Anderson and peppered him with punches in the corner. He nailed a T-Bone Tazplex on Anderson.

He nailed a head scissors, sending Anderson to the apron. Saturn nailed him with a punch off the apron. Anderson grabbed a chair. Saturn went for a dive but Anderson cracked him in face with the chair. The shot cut Saturn open hardway above the eye. Anderson brought him back into the ring and nailed a big right hand. He ran Saturn shoulder-first into the turnbuckles.

Anderson began working over Saturn's arm, focusing on it. Saturn fired back but Anderson went right back after the shoulder. He grabbed an armbar and cinched it. Anderson nailed him with a big right and covered him for a two count. Anderson tossed him to the outside again. Anderson used the ringpost to snap Saturn's arm.

Anderson snapped Saturn's arm over the ropes. Saturn went to the floor, hurt but returned to the ring. Anderson grabbed the arm and went back to work on it. Saturn fought back and nailed several right hands. Anderson cut him off with a right his own and covered Saturn for a two count, then went back to the armbar again.

Anderson kept beating on Saturn's armbar. Saturn went to the floor. Anderson slammed Saturn's arm on the stairs. They must have been told not to say ECW on the broadcast as there were some clumsy references to "wrestlers who changed the business" a few times by Chris Cruise. Saturn made a comeback (including blowing right through Anderson's superkick) with a series of rights and a clothesline. He covered Anderson for a two count.

Anderson came back with the spinebuster for a two count. Anderson went for a backdrop but Saturn sunset flipped him into a lousy looking finish.

Your winner, Perry Saturn!

They tried to paint this as some great comeback for Saturn, but the reality was that Anderson carried the entire thing while Saturn showed up in pretty bad shape and his timing was waaaay off even for a pretty basic match. They were probably going too long too. Anderson's work was good.

Chris Graham interviewed Mohammad Akbar. They showed a promo from a previous show where he cut a pretty good promo saying he was made rich by America's addiction to Oil. He then cut a good promo saying America plundered and rape the natural resources of the Middle East for America's benefits and that ends tonight. He said his name means Mohammad the Great and he is the champion of his people's cause. He said AWE is his platform to change things. He said he was going to take out Hacksaw Duggan. He promised we'd all know Akbar means the great.

Bill Apter interviewed Hacksaw Duggan. He said he was on an Akbar hunt. He said he's not an old timer sitting around feeding the ducks. He said he's been fighting tough guys from all over the world. He said when he comes out, there will be thousand of people chanting "USA." He said that he's going to be lacing up his boots and people will be chanting. He said fans ask him if he ever gets tired of fighting in the ring. He said he never does because it's his life's work. He said he was going to kick open the doors and kick Akbar's head in. Duggan can still cut a hell of a promo.

Mohammad Akbar vs. Hacksaw Duggan

Akbar started cutting a promo about how he was rich thanks to oil money. Duggan cut him off on the screen and pulled out Old Glory, leading chant of "USA". Duggan stomped to the ring.

Akbar nailed him as he got in the ring but Duggan fired back, backdropped him and chased Akbar out of the ring. Duggan led a "USA" chant. Akbar charged back in but was nailed again. Akbar worked him over in the corner but Duggan fought back and nailed a series of hiptosses. Akbar ran off again.

Back in the ring, Akbar cut off Duggan and choked him on the mat. Akbar locked in a side chinlock. Duggan made a comeback but missed a charge in the corner. Akbar locked on another side chinlock. Akbar tried to slam him into the tunbuckles but Duggan blocked it and started cleaning house.

Duggan nailed a running clothesline and scored the pin.

Your winner, Hacksaw Duggan!

Your basic Hacksaw vs. foreign menace match but it was fine for what it was meant to be.

Backstage, Akbar claimed there was shady officiating and that's why he lost. He said he couldn't believe he lost his PPV debut and promised Duggan hadn't seen the last of him. Duggan, in the ring, responded, "Blah Blah Blah Blah" and led another "USA" chant.


Chris Graham interviewed Alex Silva. He was asked about Finlay. He said he's not really about talking the talk but is more about walking the walk. Silva said he was going to show Finlay what he has in store in the ring. Silva has a good muscular look. His promo was pretty generic.

Bill Apter interviewed Finlay. Finlay said he's heard a lot about Silva and he's really talented but questioned if he really thinks Finlay is going to go home to his family and admit someone put him out of the business. Finlay said he's run across people like him for years that make all those claims but he's still here. Finlay said he's a wrestling ambassador and he's pities Silva. He said Silva is going to have to deal with the best wrestler he'll ever step into the ring with and will have to tell his children that Finlay tore him apart.

Dave Finlay (with Tammy Sytch) vs. Alex Silva

Silva and Sytch each cut short promos. Sytch said she was the original Diva and a 2011 Hall of Famer but she was here to be with the future of the business.

They locked up and Silva backed Finlay into the corner then broke clean. Finlay grabbed a side headlock. They went for test of strength and Finlay began tying him up and working him over. Other than William Regal and Daniel Bryan, I don't think anyone is as good as Finlay mechanically in the ring. It's just so good to watch.

Silva went to the outside but returned to the ring, where Finlay took him down. Silva slipped out and grabbed Finlay in a head scissors. Finlay rolled out and grabbed a side headlock. Finlay shoulderblocked Silva down while rebounding off the ropes but Silva rolled out to break up the momentum.

Finlay snapped him down with a single leg takedown and tied up the leg. Finlay began dropping knees across his shin and ankle. Finlay locked up his leg but Silva grabbed the ropes to break it. Finlay used a waistlock takedown. He covered Silva and nailed a series of European uppercuts.

Finlay used a headlock takeover but Silva reversed it. Nice clinic from Finlay so far. Silva scissored Finlay's head. Finlay tried to bridge his way out of it. They went back and forth. Finlay ended up on the outside. Back in the ring, Finlay used an armdrag and floated over, locking in a rear chinlock. Finlay scored a two count and went back to the rear chinlock, controlling Silva on the mat. Larry Zbyszko actually did a great job explaining what Finlay was doing.

Finlay scored several more near falls but Silva kept kicking out. Finlay nailed a neckbreaker for another two count. Tammy Sytch complained to the referee. Finlay landed on his leg while going up and over in the corner and went down hurt. The referee backed off Silva. Finlay tried to walk on the leg but was limping. The referee backed off Silva and Sytch slapped Finlay while he was on the mat.

Finlay tried to get back on his feet but went back down in the corner. Sytch grabbed at Finlay, choking him. Finlay rolled to the outside, trying to walk it off. Silva went after him on the outside as the referee checked on Finlay but was held back by the ref. Silva grabbed the mic and asked if that was how Finlay was going to do this. He said Finlay was a shark who wasn't scared of anyone but yet, in front of all the fans, he was being a coward. Finlay, who was being walked out, turned around. Silva said if he wants a fight, let's go.

Finlay returned to the ring but Silva took his led out immediately. Silva worked him over, driving the leg into the mat. Finlay went to the floor again, where Sytch slapped him. Silva worked over Finlay in the aisle. Finlay rolled back into the ring, where Silva covered him for a two count and then used a leglock.

Silva locked in an anklelock. He then went to work on Finlay's knee, snapping it. Finlay finally mounted a comeback but was nailed by Silva. Finlay caught Silva inside the curtain of the ring apron and worked him over with a series of body shots. Finlay went to return to the ring and was sent back outside. They battled to the announcing table. Silva kicked at Finlay's leg. Back in the ring, Silva went for a chop block but Finlay stepped away from it and started coming back with shot after shot. One of them bloodied Silva's nose.

Finlay nailed a forward roll for a two count. He mounted a comeback but Sytch nailed a lowblow and Silva rolled him up and scored the pin.

Your winner, Alex Silva!

Match was OK but it seemed like they were building to the fake Finlay injury spot and never got there. Sytch added nothing to the bout. Finlay's work was just awesome in the ring. Silva had a good showing as well.

Silva, with his nose swollen and bloody, cut a promo mocking Finlay and saying he beat him. Finlay went to the back. He cut a promo saying that he's done dirty things too and what comes around, goes around. He said Silva had better have left the building or Finlay is going to drag him back to the ring and beat him across the building.

Short Sleeve Sampson vs. Abo Shongo

They announced Shongo but Sampson came out instead. He cut a promo to get the crowd into it. Shongo is 5'7. He worked over on Sampson in the corner with kicks and punches. Sampson went up and over to avoid and charge and nailed a running headbutt to the corner.

Sampson grabbed Shongo's neck with his legs and sent him to the outside. Sampson teased hitting a dive to the floor but Shongo ducked down. When he went to return to the ring, Sampson crotched him with the rope. Sampson kicked him hard and covered him but was kicked off onto the ref. The ref tossed him back and so on and so on.

Shongo nailed Sampson with a clothesline and slammed him down. He measured Sampson and nailed a running kick to the back. He locked in a cravate and then a Dragon Sleeper. Sampson kicked Shongo away but was caught with a clothesline for two count.

Shongo went back to the Dragon Sleeper, which Zbyszko called "a neck hold." Really. Sampson fired his way out but was caught while attempting a high cross bodyblock. He was nailed with the World's Strongest Slam. Sampson was covered but Shongo pulled him up for a two count. Shongo went for a move but landed on Sampston's shoulders and was dropped down forward on his face.

Sampson nailed an airplane spin. He bulldogged Shongo and went for the Worm but Shongo rolled out of the ring. Sampson nailed a dive to the outside, which the cameras pretty much missed. Shongo went for powder but missed and had it kicked into his face. Sampson hit an X-Factor and nailed a top rope splash for the pin.

Your winner, Short Sleeve Sampson!

Cruiser said he hoped Sampson had a future in the "AWA." Whoops!

For a PPV billed as "wrestling the way it used to be", this really stood out as this stranghe hybrid of midget comedy and Sampson working a competitive bout with someone much larger than him. Not entertaining but you have to respect the effort Sampson put in. They seemed to be out there way too long, just like the previous match so the timing on the PPV got screwed up somewhere.

They showed some clips of Nash laying out Ricky Morton with a chair. Apparently they played the wrong clip. They then showed the right clip of the Rock N' Roll Express attacking Marvin Ward. The Midnight Express made the save, then attacked Ward as well and the Midnights and the Rock N' Rolls worked over Ward. Diamond Dallas Page finally made the save.

Chris Graham interviewed The Rock N' Roll Express. Morton said, "What do you want me to say. I'm here." He walked off. Gibson said he had Morton's back forever and would tonight and warned the mystery partner he had to deal with Gibson.

Bill Apter interviewed Kevin Nash. He said that ten years ago, Morton had a tirade against him for some reason. Nash said he had nothing to talk about tonight. He said this was sports-entertainment and this was payback. He said Morton was going to get what he wanted. He said it was about time Ricky Morton did what a man was supposed to do and man up. He said he just hoped that it didn't end with one of Morton's kids crying over his body begging him to get up. He told Morton that this wasn't bullshit and no joke. He said Morton made it personal and now he has to deal with it, Nash said that he can walk the streets of Detroit alone. He said someone might kill him one day, but it won't be tonight. He warned Morton to watch out.

The Rock N' Roll Express vs. Kevin Nash & Mystery Partner

The mystery partner was Diamond Dallas Page. They had just started when Marvin Ward came out and announced it was going to instead be a singles match with Morton vs. Nash. He said it was Nash's idea. He told DDP and Gibson that they were paid and to take the night off.

He then announced it was Morton vs. Nash in a No DQ match. He then told the referee to get lost. He announced Ronnie Garvin was the special guest referee to make sure no one interferes. This entire scenario is just entirely strange to watch unfold.

Kevin Nash vs. Ricky Morton

Morton went after Nash, who laid him out and nailed him with a knee in the corner. Nash controlled him but Morton cut him off and nailed a side slam. He covered Morton for a two count.

Nash ripped one of the turnbuckles off the corner and nailed Snake Eyes. Morton was busted open. Nash picked up Morton and dropped him over the exposed turnbuckle again. Morton went to the floor. Nash rammed his head into the ring steps.

Nash continued working over Morton who started to fire back with right hands. Nash egged him on so Morton fired against him. Morton started kicking at Nash's knees, taking him down. Morton started firing away with a series of shots to the head and knee. Nash actually went down before Morton's last kick. Ooops!

Nash caught Morton with a chokeslam but Morton kicked up at two. Nash took the mic and said that he needed to know what Morton's problem with him is anyway and he needed to know before Nash finished him off. Morton pulled himself up. He said that he gave himself and his life to the business. He said that everything he is about is this business. He said a number of people in the business raised him and you might think its about the money Nash made, but its not, because Morton was before that time period. He said that its about the love for the business. He said Nash may not remember but he was a prick and an asshole, and not just to Morton. He said that he came out here to get his ass kicked tonight to prove a point to Nash. He said he loves this business and that's what this is all about.

Nash said that if that's Morton's problem, then "we don't have a problem." He said if it was about the money, he'd be sitting at home at the beach with his wife and son. He said that after 30 surgeries, he doesn't do this for money. He said that he might be a better businessman than Morton but that's not something Nash can control. He said they don't have a problem.

Nash offered his hand and Morton took it. Nash kicked him in the gut and powerbombed him. Nash took the mic and said that of course its about the money. He said the people needed to shut up because why else do you go to work? He told the fans to keep buying his merchandise and that the economy sucks but not for him.

Nash walked off. He was counted out. In a No DQ?

The winner by countout, Ricky Morton!

Morton sat there bleeding. Robert Gibson returned to the ring to check on him.

The announcers signed off and we were left with highlights from the evening as credits ran.

Uh....OK? Terrible main event.

2013 - Kris Zellner reported the following....Juan Alvarado Nieves otherwise known as El Brazo brother of Brazo de Oro, Brazo de Plata, et al passed away last night from complications of diabetes at 52 years of age.

El Brazo, who was still working fairly regularly as both himself and in his exotico gimmick of La Braza has been dealing with diabetes for the past few years and he went into a coma, which he didn't recover from.

El Brazo was the 2nd oldest son of legendary luchador Shadito Cruz behind Brazo de Oro but he made his debut later than his brothers Oro & Brazo de Plata as he didn't debut until August 1980.

They would quickly form one of the most dominant trios teams of their era where Brazo was like the enforcer of the trio as Plata was the flashy fat guy and Oro was the technician facing such great trios teams such as Los Cadetes del Espacio, Los Fantasticos, Los Infernales, Los Misioneros de la Muerte, & Los Villanos which would become their eternal rivals.

El Brazo was the glue that held the team together and his ring attire proved that as arm sleeves represented each of his brothers (Gold & Silver.) The Brazos were 1/2 of the final teams in the inagural Mexican National Trios Titles tournament where they were defeated by Los Infernales (MS-1/Pirata Morgan/Satanico) on March 8th, 1985 at Arena Mexico in an era where guys were working back and forth between the two major promotions in EMLL & UWA who while rivals were sharing talent.

The Brazos would finally win the titles at their homebase of El Toreo de Cuatro Caminos in Naucalpan on December 8th, 1985 before trading the belts with Dos Caras/Los Villanos III y V the next couple of months.

After winning them back on February 23, 1986 they would hold the belts for the next 9 months defending against such teams as Los Villanos (I/IV/V) and Atlantis/Rayo de Jalisco Jr./Ultraman before losing the titles to The Kiss/Ringo Mendoza/Rayo de Jalisco Jr..

1987 saw the Brazos concentrate more on their homebase and they would feud with Los Misioneros de la Muerte (Negro Navarro/El Signo/El Texano) for their UWA Trios Titles which they would finally win on August 14th, 1987 but then it wasn't long before their blood feud with Los Villanos would really get going and they would go to war with each other for the next year plus with the Villanos winning the titles on May 30th, 1988.

That wasn't all as they would build up to one of the most legendary mask matches of the decade which took place on October 21st, 1988 at Plaza de Toros Monumental in Monterrey. This was a total bloodbath seeing both families doing whatever they could to keep their treasured masks but the royal family of the UWA promotion would come out on top in the end and the Alvarado brothers would lose their masks.

1989 would see the Brazos, now unmasked making a huge impact on the lucha scene as they kickstarted a new feud with El Triangulo de la Muerte (Kahoz/Loco Zandokan/Rambo) over the UWA Trios Titles having great matches throughout the year trading the titles as well as becoming more of a threat in EMLL where they would have a legendary series with Los Bucaneros (Hombre Bala/Pirata Morgan/Verdugo) ending up with Brazo & Plata taking Bala & Verdugo's hair on November 17th, 1989 at Arena Mexico.

1990 saw the Brazos resume their war with the Villanos over the UWA Trios Titles over the latter part of the year and it was also at this time that they were working fairly regular in Japan for the new lucharesu promotion headed up by Gran Hamada called UWF. 1990 was also when the UWA started showing signs of becoming extinct and the Brazos started spending most of their time working in EMLL but Brazo would have two big hair matches under the UWA banner where he took Blackman's hair on February 7th, 1990 at Arena Naucalpan but losing his hair to Villano I on November 16th, 1990 at Toreo de Cuatro Caminos in Naucalpan.

1991 saw EMLL create a new series of titles with the CMLL name which was their own version of world titles and yet again it was the Brazos meeting the Infernales (MS-1/Pirata Morgan/Satanico) in a tournament final which took place on November 22nd, 1991 at Arena Mexico. The Brazos spent most of the next year plus feuding with the Infernales and Los Intocables (Jaque Mate/Masakre/Pierroth) over the titles and it was at this time with the invention of the lucha skits headed up by EMLL booker Antonio Pena which saw the Brazos get over huge with the fans with Super Porky as the face of the group.

The Brazos would win the CMLL Trios Titles from the Intocables on April 6th, 1993 and they would defend the titles for the next calendar year against a wide variety of opponents but one defense in particular was especially fun for them as they would face two of their other brothers in Brazo de Platino & Robin Hood who was teaming with Kendo at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo on March 8th, 1994.

The Brazos would finally lose the titles to La Ola Blanca (Dr. Wagner Jr./Gran Markus Jr./Hijo del Gladiador) on April 22nd, 1994 at Arena Mexico which kind of marked a shift from the Brazos as a dominant trio to becoming an attraction as Porky was now clearly a star on his own, sort of leaving his brothers behind.

Brazo would still have big matches on his own as he would start a feud with a rising star in Hector Garza in 1995 culminating in losing his hair to Garza on August 4th, 1995 but it was earlier in the year that he had perhaps his biggest win as in a rare matchup he fought his brothers Oro & Plata in a 3 way hair match where he would come out on top over his brother Oro.

1996 saw Brazo yet again losing his hair this time to Rambo at Arena Mexico on March 22nd, 1996. This was his last major match in EMLL as it wasn't long before he would go on his own although he would still team with his brothers on indy shows although their relationship would become strained leading to issues between them that lasted for years.

Brazo would eventually jump to AAA in 2002 where he became a good name to have on the card although not pushed very high but he was good for a hair match which saw him getting shaved by Zorro, Heavy Metal, & Elegido in multi-man steel cage matches over a 6 year period from 2002-2008.

The highlight of this run though was when Brazo de Plata jumped to AAA and it revived his own career in a way as he was able to work with his brother again, but of course they would turn him rudo and he feuded against him which led to a multi-man steel cage match at Guerra de Titanes 2008 which saw Elegido not Porky take Brazo's hair.

Brazo saw in 2011 that he was floundering on the cards so he decided to create an alter ego in La Braza where he became an exotico working with all of those guys and putting on a lot of comedy matches.

His last hair match took place in that gimmick on September 7th of this year where after yet another multi-man steel cage match, he lost his hair to AAA referee Hijo del Tirantes.

2015 - WWE NXT ran Cocoa Beach, Florida at the Cocoa Armory.   Andrew Twiss filed the following live report:

Dasha Fuentes is your host and ring announcer for the evening.

- Bayley is introduced and cuts a babyface promo, putting over the entire roster at NXT Takeover and the NXT Women's Division. She is interrupted by Cameron, who talks abput how she is a main roster diva and better than Bayley. Bayley offers Cameron a match which leads to.....

- Bayley def. Cameron. Decent match. Bayley is always solid and the difference in skill level was plain to see. Cameron was okay in some parts and a little lost in others. Cameron has been back at the Performance Center recently, so hopefully she can improve with experience. As of right now, she's a work in progress.

- Levis Valenzuela Jr. def. Elias Samson. Samson played a short song before the match, putting Cocoa Beach down. Pretty basic match, but fun nonetheless.

- Gionna Daddio and Aaliyah (the former Jasmin Areebi, although I don't know if this is the correct spelling of her new name) came out for a promo. They put over the former women on the roster like Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Sasha Banks. They also talked about being the youngest divas on the roster. They were interrupted by Emma and Eva Marie. Emma talks about how she started the Divas Revolution and Eva talked about being the star of Total Divas. They attacked Gionna and Aaliyah with Emma locking Aaliyah in the Emma Lock until refs broke it up.

- Jason Jordan and Chad Gable def. Blake and Murphy w/Alexa Bliss. Fun match. Blake and Murphy were bumping all over the place and Jordan and Gable are just so good. Really good stuff.

- Apollo Crews def. Baron Corbin. Another really good match and Corbin is really coming into his own. He controlled most of the match until Apollo made the comeback. Crews using that powerbomb finisher on Corbin is impressive.

- The Vaudevillains def. Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder to retain the NXT Tag Team Titles. Another really good match. Dash and Dawson are just so good in the ring. These guys could have an awesome title match on NXT tv.

- Solomon Crowe def. Hugo Knox. Crowe is sporting a new look with a partially shaved head and eye makeup. Match was ok, but the ending was weird. Knox went for his split legged moonsault finisher but completely missed on the landing. He went for a pin, Crowe kept kicking out and the ref kept counting until 2. Knox went to the top, was knocked off, and Crowe locked on the Crowebar for the win.

- Gionna stormed back out to the ring and demanded Emma and Eva come back out and fight. Eva and Emma came out and confronted her, but Gionna revealed she had a partner. Out came Asuka and a match ensued.

- Gionna Daddio and Asuka def. Eva Marie and Emma. Decent match. It dragged a little in the middle while Emma and Eva worked Gionna over. Eva looked alright. She looked more natural with her personality tonight,  which is good progress. Gionna eventually made the hot tag to Asuka who started laying into Eva with kicks. Asuka got the upper hand and tagged Gionna in, who hit a top rope cross body block on Eva for the win. Asuka looks like she has no problem adjusting to WWE and fits right in.

- NXT champion Finn Balor def. Tye Dillinger. Before the match, Tye called Dasha over and handed her a sign with a 10 on it. He told her that every time he pointed at her, she needed to hold it up. Early on, with Tye having the advantage he would point over to Dasha and she would reluctantly do it. Once Finn got the advantage, she did it more enthusiastically along with the rest of the production crew and the merchandise team, who all held up their own home made 10 signs. The match itself was fine, albeit a little short. Tye worked the knee until Finn got the upper hand and hit the Coup de Grace.


- Crews were still filming for the Breaking Ground series at the event. I was told that the show on Saturday at the Orlando Armory will be the last day of shooting, at events at least.

- Sam Roberts and Scott Hall were both in attendance.

- Meet and greet before the show was: Scott Dawson, Dash Wilder, and Peyton Royce.

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