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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-23 08:00:00

July 23rd

On this day in history in ....

1960 - Al Perez is born.

1974 - Sonny Siaki is born.

1979 - Perro Aguayo Jr. is born.

1984 - WWF held "The Brawl To End It All" match between Wendi Richter, accompanied by Cyndi Lauper, and WWF Women's Champion The Fabulous Moolah, managed by Capt. Lou Albano. This was the first major event in the "Rock N' Wrestling Connection", and the bout, held at New York's Madison Square Garden, was aired live on MTV, drawing a 9.0 rating. Here is the full card (only the main event was shown on MTV):
- Paul Orndorff defeated Chief Jay Strongbow.
- WWF World Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Dick Murdoch defeated Sgt. Slaughter & Terry Daniels.
- Bob Backlund defeated Butcher Vachon via submission.
- Tito Santana vs. Cowboy Bob Orton, Jr. went to a time-limit draw.
- WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated Greg Valentine.
- WWF Martial Arts Champion Antonio Inoki defeated Charlie Fulton.
- The Iron Sheik defeated Tony Garea.
- Samoan Sika defeated Ron Shaw.
- Samoan Afa defeated Rene Goulet.
- Antonio Inoki won a 20-man battle royal.
- Wendi Richter defeated The Fabulous Moolah to win the WWF Women's Title.

1989 - WCW held their Great American Bash Pay-per-view at the Baltimore Arena, in Baltimore, Maryland. The show, which was headlined by Ric Flair's return to action against Terry Funk after several months on the sidelines selling a neck injury suffered at the hands of Funk, is generally considered the first "successful" PPV from a financial standpoint in WCW history. It was also a critical success, with many saying it was the best Bash card ever. Here are the results:

- Sid Vicious & Danny Spivey won a two-ring 13-man "King Of The Hill" battle royal. Vicious won in ring one, and Spivey won in ring two, and the two were then supposed to face off, but manager Teddy Long instead said that his team would split the money, and he took the "King Of The Hill" crown.

- Brian Pillman defeated Bill Irwin with a top rope flying bodypress, jumping from the ropes of one ring to hit the move in the other ring.

- The Skyscrapers (Spivey & Vicious) defeated The Dynamic Dudes (Johnny Ace & Shane Douglas) when Sid pinned Ace after a powerbomb.

- Jim Cornette defeated Paul E. Dangerously in a Tuxedo match when Cornette kicked powder in the face of Dangerously (that Paul was about to throw) and ripped off his tuxedo.

- Rick & Scott Steiner (in Scott's PPV debut) defeated Mike Rotunda & Kevin Sullivan in a Texas Tornado match when both Steiners pinned Sullivan. Sullivan was going for a slam on Rick when Scott hit them with a top rope bodypress, and the Steiners stayed on top of Sullivan for the pin.

- NWA Television Champion Sting defeated The Great Muta when he pinned him with a belly-to-back suplex. However, replays would show Muta's shoulder up, and Sting's shoulders down, so the TV title would be held up pending a rematch (which Muta would win).

- NWA United States Champion Lex Luger defeated Ricky Steamboat via DQ. This was supposed to be a no-disqualification match, but Luger refused to wrestle unless the rules were changed. Steamboat agreed, and during the match, Luger grabbed a chair. Steamboat took it away and hit Luger with it, and was disqualified.

- The Road Warriors, The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) & Steve Williams defeated The Freebirds (Jimmy Garvin, Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) & The Samoan Swat Team in a Wargames match when Hawk forced Garvin to submit to a Hangman.

- NWA World Champion Ric Flair defeated Terry Funk. Flair was going for a figure-four, when Funk reversed it into a small package, but Flair reversed to small package back, ending up on top for the three count. Post-match, a wild brawl ensued with Flair, Funk, The Great Muta and Sting.

2000 - WWF held their Fully Loaded Pay-per-view in Dallas, Texas at Reunion Arena (which in the 80's was a major venue for World Class Championship Wrestling).  Here is Tim Whitehead's original report on the show:

Thumb's up! WWF bounced back from their King of the Ring slump with a strong PPV effort for Fully Loaded (7/23 from Reunion Arena in Dallas). After the first several matches the show was beginning to look as if it might be mediocre, but the upper card was great and turned things around 100%. The one complaint that might be heard is that in all three matches where mid-card guys were being elevated to main event status, the established star went over. That is standard WWF operating procedure, and just as Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Rock had to job to Steve Austin in the beginning, the same will be true for Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, and Kurt Angle in their feuds. It's really no different in concept that the many jobs Kenta Kobashi did for Mitsuharu Misawa in All Japan before finally getting the big win, or years ago when guys like Jack Brisco had to chase after the World Title for a year or more before getting the win. Commentary on the show from Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler was very good.

THE HARDY BOYZ & LITA defeated TEST & ALBERT & TRISH STRATUS in 13:10. Matt Hardy and Albert started off. They messed up one spot and then Matt took a bad looking bump to the floor. Matt hit a legdrop off the second rope on Test. Jeff did a somersault legdrop and hit a plancha. Matt scored a quick two count on Test with an inside cradle but Test came back and nearly took Matt's head off with a boot to the face. Trish accidentally slapped Test. Lita tagged in but Trish tagged out. The Hardys & Lita did an innovative triple suplex spot. The heels got heat on Jeff and he took some scary bumps. Test powerbombed him but missed the elbow off the top. Jeff kicked Test in the chops and hot tagged Matt. There were a series of near falls, followed by Matt hitting the twist of fate on Albert, which looked like it hurt. Lita hit a cross body to the floor on Albert and hit Test with a DDT and a huracanrana. Lita is a little fireball and I'd like to see her in Japan with some of the girls like Chikayo Nagashima. They could turn her into a great worker. Albert walloped Lita and Test slammed her, so with Lita down, Trish wanted in. She bulldogged Lita and scored a two but Lita recovered and superplexed and moonsaulted Trish for the pin. This got great heat. Afterward, Test & Albert beat up the Hardys and Trish whipped Lita with a strap across her back, which they sold as being bruised from the bump through the table on Nitro. A good opener, but it was followed by three straight matches with no heat.

Edge told Mick Foley that Christian was suffering from food poisoning and they couldn't defend their World Tag Titles. Mick was skeptical but Edge told him to get an EMT if he didn't believe him.

Undertaker arrived on his motorcycle and spotted Kurt Angle. He chased Angle through the building on the motorcycle but Angle escaped.

TAZZ beat AL SNOW in 5:19. Snow got the upper hand early and Tazz bailed out. Snow scored two with a powerbomb. They may be trying to build Snow up a little as Lawler kept admitting that he was impressed by Snow's performance here. Snow got several twos, including one following a moonsault but there was zero heat. Snow brought Head in but Tazz caught him with a chop block. Snow threw two kicks but Tazz blocked a third and choked Snow out with the Tazzmission.

Foley brought an EMT to Edge & Christian's locker room. Christian was in the bathroom and making sounds like he was throwing up. Foley said he must really be sick and apologized for doubting him and cancelled their title defense.

HHH & Stephanie were relaxing in their locker room. Flowers kept being delivered for her and HHH asked who was sending them. Steph didn't know and said she thought HHH had sent them. HHH said he was going to send her flowers but hadn't sent these particular flowers.

PERRY SATURN defeated EDDIE GUERRERO in 8:09 to capture the European Title. Chyna came out looking pissed and slugged Saturn. She chased Terri down but Saturn saved her and Terri fled to the back. Eddie and Saturn brawled to the ring to start the match. The match was technically okay but had no crowd heat. Saturn bumped out and Chyna lariated him for a spin bump. Eddie hit a cross body and a huracanrana. Saturn hit a powerbomb. Eddie hit a Tornado DDT and Saturn came up juicing. Saturn went for a moonsault but Eddie rolled clear. Saturn then rolled clear on Eddie's frog splash attempt. Eddie knocked Saturn off the apron. Chyna went after him but he threw her across the announcers' desk. With the ref distracted, Terri came back out and kicked Eddie in the crotch and Saturn pinned him with the elbow off the top.

Foley sneaked back into Edge & Christian's locker room and found them celebrating the cancellation of their match. Christian tried to act sick again and ran into the bathroom stall and was "throwing up" but Foley looked over the top and saw that Christian had a bucket of water which he was pouring into the toilet to make the sound effects. Foley reversed his decision and said the match was back on.

Undertaker was being interviewed. There was a monitor nearby and on it he saw Angle getting on his motorcycle. He went after Angle again but Angle fled.

THE ACOLYTES defeated EDGE & CHRISTIAN by DQ in the WWF World Tag Title match in 5:31. Edge said that Christian really was sick because being in Dallas is enough to make anyone sick and that if JFK hadn't been assassinated there, he'd have committed suicide. That was pretty tasteless. Bradshaw put Dallas over for all the Cowboys' Superbowl wins and also mentioned Dick Murdoch, Bruiser Brody, the Von Erichs, and the Freebirds. He said the Acolytes would make Edge & Christian their personal bitches. This got a pop but the match itself had no heat and ended lamely. Basically, they brawled for a few minutes. These teams aren't exactly designed to work well together. Bradshaw got tied up in the wrong corner but eventually hot tagged Faarooq. Edge dragged Bradshaw out and rammed his head into the timekeeper's head. Faarooq hit a killer bodyslam on Christian but Edge hit Faarooq with the ring bell for the weak DQ to save the titles.

They did a promo from WWF New York (I'm getting tired of these) where Big Bossman carded a guy at the bar.

HHH was still wanting to know who sent all the flowers. He found a card among them and it wished Stephanie and "her man" well and was signed "It's true, it's true". HHH became furious and wanted to know why Kurt Angle was sending her flowers. Steph didn't know so HHH said he'd find out himself and stormed off looking for Angle.

Meanwhile, Undertaker was still chasing Angle, but Angle ambushed him and hit him in the knee with a wrench.

VAL VENIS defeated RIKISHI in a cage match in 14:09 to retain the IC Title. A good match which helped revive the show. Val tried to climb out immediately but Rikishi pulled him down. Rikishi pounded Val down and tried to climb out but came back down himself when he saw Val trying to escape through the door. Val rammed Rikishi into the cage. Rikishi came back but Val used a low blow to keep Rikishi's ass from being rubbed in his face. Val threw a great lariat and Rikishi spin bumped, which was cool. Val scored two with an elbow off the top. Rikishi got crotched trying to climb out. Val juiced after being rammed into the cage. Rikishi put Val down with a Samoan drop and an ass drop. Rikishi started out the door but Trish slammed in on his head. Lita ran out with a strap and whipped Trish up the ramp to the back. The ref took a bump when Val tried to climb out but was pulled back down. Rikishi then climbed the cage, but instead of climbing down the other side, he did an amazing splash like Jimmy Snuka years ago from the top onto Val. Actually, it was more comparable to Aja Kong than Jimmy Snuka. The spot deservedly got a huge pop, as it was amazing from a guy that big. Rikishi started out the door again but this time Tazz ran out and KO'ed Rikishi with a TV camera (same as when Val won the belt on Smackdown) and Val crawled on top for the pin.

They aired a SummerSlam promo with Chyna and some of the other girls on a beach and Lawler said there would be puppies, cats, and beavers at the show.

Undertaker was still stalking Angle. He passed one of those workplace "accident free" signs (you know, where it says this workplace has been such-and-such number of days accident free) and he erased the number.

HHH went to the room where the flowers had been originating, assuming it was Angle's locker room. It turned out to be Chris Jericho's. Jericho was waiting for him and left him laying, so this was a cool trick ambush.

Shane McMahon got in the ring wearing a Rock T-shirt. He challenged Rock to a match. Rock came out but didn't get in the ring since he suspected it was a trap. Rock called Shane a pussy. Chris Benoit then appeared on the Titantron. He was in Rock's locker room and began ripping up Rock's expensive silk shirts and other clothes. Rock ran back there but Benoit was gone and his wardrobe was in tatters.

UNDERTAKER defeated KURT ANGLE in 7:35. This one had surprisingly little heat. UT really can't do much in the ring anymore. Angle arrived with a wrench but UT nailed him and they brawled. UT pounded Angle down and would have pinned him twice but each time lifted him up by the hair. UT said "f*** you" to the ref, which Ross apologized for. Angle bumped out but managed to retrieve the wrench, which he used on UT's bad knee again. Angle worked on the knee, again to no heat. UT did the traditional babyface comeback and won with a chokeslam and the Last Ride (powerbomb), which did get a pop.

HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY defeated CHRIS JERICHO in the "Last Man Standing" match in 23:09. Jericho, whose ribs were taped to sell the beating on RAW, attacked HHH and dropkicked him out. He followed up with a springboard dropkick and an elbow off the top. HHH dropped Jericho across the rail and on the stairs on his bad ribs. HHH unwrapped Jericho's bandages and choked him with them. Stephanie slapped Jericho. HHH suplexed Jericho on the ramp. Stephanie had a big smile on her face when HHH was on offense. Jericho hit a spinkick and went for the lionsault but HHH got his knees up and Jericho landed on them with his injured ribs. Jericho went down in pain but beat the count and got up at nine. Jericho did a crotch chop to show he was still alive. HHH Pedigreed him but Jericho again got up at nine. HHH hit Jericho with a chair across the back. The ref and HHH struggled over the chair, allowing Jericho to get it. He hit HHH with a hard chairshot and HHH juiced a fountain. Jericho bulldogged HHH on the chair and threw him from the ring. HHH recovered and was about to Pedigree Jericho on the stairs but Jericho backdropped him. Each man hit the other with a monitor and both went down for a nine count. Back in the ring, Jericho hooked the Walls submission. HHH tapped but it didn't count, as you could only win by the ten count. Stephanie went in and Jericho put her in the Walls but HHH made the save. HHH swung a sledgehammer (which he got from under the ring) at Jericho but hit the post. Jericho got the hammer and hit HHH in the stomach with it. HHH recovered yet again and suplexed Jericho through the announcers' desk, which JR sold big. Both went down but HHH barely beat the count and got up at nine. Very dramatic ending with Stephanie in tears wiping the blood off HHH. A great match!

ROCK beat CHRIS BENOIT in a total match time of 22:05 to retain the WWF World Title. Benoit came out wearing the tattered remains of one of Rock's silk shirts. Shane distracted Rock and Benoit attacked. Rock rallied and pounded Benoit down. Rock chased Shane, which enabled Benoit to recover. Shane took a bump off the apron. The crowd was into this match, as they were the previous one. Rock went for a crossface but Benoit escaped. Benoit pounded Rock down for some near falls. He hit Rock with the title belt but still only got two. Rock scored two with a powerslam. Benoit hooked the sharpshooter and JR mentioned that he was trained in the Hart dungeon. Rock escaped the hold. Shane pulled down the ropes and Rock bumped over. Rock and Benoit brawled on the floor. Back inside, Rock locked the figure four but Benoit made the ropes. They went out again and brawled through the crowd. They returned to the ring and traded pin attempts. Benoit hit the flying head butt and both went down. Rock hit a spinebuster and the People's Elbow and would have scored the pin but Shane distracted the ref. Benoit scored two with a superplex. Benoit brought in a chair but the ref, Earl Hebner, took it and threw it down. Shane got it and laid Hebner out from behind. By the time Hebner revived, Rock had gotten the chair and was chasing Shane with it so Hebner thought it was Rock who hit him. Rock put the crossface on Benoit and he tapped. Hebner signaled for the bell and it looked as if Rock had won but instead Hebner DQ'ed Rock for supposedly using the chair and since the special rules allowed the title to change on a DQ, Benoit was declared the champion at 19:26. Rock tried to protest but Shane juiced him with a chair. Mick Foley then emerged to a big pop and said Rock had not used the chair and ordered the match restarted. Benoit was furious but had no choice but to get back in the ring. He hit Rock with the multiple suplexes and hooked the crossface but Rock made the ropes. Rock then won with a Rock Bottom out of nowhere for the pin at 2:39 into the restart period. The ending was a little "gimmicky" but it was a very good main event to finish the show with two hot matches.

2002 -  Flash and B.J. Payne were cut from the WWE developmental roster.

2002 - Jerry Jarrett issued the following "Status Report" on NWA: TNA:

Status Report on NWA-TNA from Jerry Jarrett
New Venue: 
We are delighted with the new look of the Arena in Nashville. We are really excited to be returning to a building with such pro-wrestling tradition. There are few great wrestlers who have not had matches in this Arena. The sense of tradition will be with us tomorrow night for our July 24th program. Mike Tenay is looking forward to reminding fans of the great wrestlers who have performed in the Arena.

Television: We are excited that several television stations have contacted the offices of NWATNA about the possibility of airing our Saturday television show. We are exploring the possibility of offering the show in syndication.

Pay-per-view buy rates: We are eager to know exactly the number of buys our first show generated. Complete numbers will not be available for another 4 weeks. We are please with the current projections which are based on about 2% of the systems.

Talent: We are pleased with the number of wrestling talent who have expressed an interest in joining our NWATNA rooster. We are only 5 weeks old and have attempted to showcase as many of the great wrestling talent as is possible in such a short time. We are happy to announce that the depth of great talent is much deeper that we have been able to present. We look forward to presenting many more wrestling stars over the next few weeks and months. We feel that the cream of talent will rise to the top.

Product Awareness: We have experienced a huge problem internally with our marketing. We are working with In-Demand, our PR firm, and our entire staff to correct these problems. We are so thankful for the loyal fans who have offered to help "get the word out." Please contact us here at the site, if you desire to help us on a local level.

Talent Availability: If you are in the wrestling event business and desire to book NWATNA talent on your events, please feel free to contact us for details.

Personal message to our fans: When we began this project, we had great hopes that there were many fans who would appreciate an alternative wrestling program. To all of you who have supported our Wednesday's pay-per-view program, we want to express our sincere thanks. You have helped us turn hopes and dreams into reality. I personally want each of you to know that we will work each and every day to produce the very best wrestling show that we can.

Jerry Jarrett

2008 - Dawn Ostroff, entertainment president of CW, explained why the network was keeping the low rated "Gossip Girl" while dropping the high rated Smackdown, stated "There was virtually no flow between the audience that watched WWE and anything else on CW. We decided the most important criterion is branding the network."  Smackdown would move onto MyNetworkTV before landing on its current home on SyFu

2008 - The following was on the site. "All WWE television programs are rated PG in recognition of the growing appeal of our programs to all ages and as intergenerational family viewing. If parents make the decision to allow their children to watch our programming, we encourage those parents to watch with their children. We urge parents who allow younger children to watch our programming to explain that what our Superstars do on television should not be emulated or attempted in real life."

2008 - WWE updated their Wellness Policy:

In addition to amendments to its Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy, WWE has undertaken several enhancements to its overall Talent Wellness Program since its inception in February 2006. Updates include:

    Retaining ImPACT Inc. to manage operations and administration of the Talent Wellness Program. Through ImPact, WWE obtained the services of Dr. Joseph Maroon as the program’s Medical Director. He will coordinate a team of physicians and medical personnel for program implementation.  Here's a link to the current WWE Talent Wellness Program Medical Team.
    Publicly announcing suspensions of performers. As of November 1, 2007, suspensions resulting from violations of the Talent Wellness Program have been announced publicly. More than 30 suspensions have been issued since the start of the Talent Wellness Program.
    Adding new drugs to the list of banned substances in the program. Anti-estrogens have been added to the list of banned substances due to their ability to be used to mask the effects of steroid use.
    Mandatory pre-contract cardiovascular, drug screening and physical exams for potential new performers.
    Mandatory cognitive tests for performers to monitor brain conditions. WWE is now using The ImPACTâ„¢ Concussion Management Program for all WWE performers. The ImPACT program is used by the National Football League, the National Hockey League, Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer, and the NCAA.
    Expanding drug treatment services to former performers. For the past 20 years, an important component of WWE’s efforts to deter its performers from abusing drugs has been its commitment to assist performers in receiving appropriate drug rehabilitation and treatment programs. WWE has expanded this offer to include any individuals who had ever performed under contract to WWE during their careers. More than 500 letters were sent out to former performers in September 2007. So far, more than a dozen former performers have sought assistance, and we continue to receive calls to our 24-hour hotline inquiring about the program.

2009 - WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper plead not guilty on charges of one misdemeanor count of driving under the influence and one count of driving without a valid license on 7/2.

2009 - TNA broadcast Impact on SpikeTV.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV Report:

We start off tonight with a look back at Victory Road. We see Taz make his debut and he joined the Main Event Mafia. They have all the titles now.

We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Mike ‘New World’ Tenay and Don ‘Main Event’ West.

We start off with the man of few words from Victory Road as Taz makes his way to the ring. Taz gives a history lesson and he mentions that he wrestled for a little promotion called ECW and during his time, he sustained some career shortening injuries that prevented him from competing and performing in front of everyone as a wrestler. That was cut short for him and then he spent some time calling hundreds of matches in the WWE. Taz says that there was a little bit more that he could do. Taz says that he turned on TNA and he sees the raw and untapped force. Taz says that it took him back a decade. He saw the second coming of Taz. What he saw was Samoa Joe. He says that even though him and Joe had a lot in common, there is one difference between them. Joe would show remorse for his opponents while Taz says that he never showed remorse. Taz reached out to Samoa Joe and he told Joe that he would take him to the next level. Being over with the guys in the back does not make you money and give you titles. You don’t need to be Mr. Popular. Taz says that he became the teacher while Joe became the student. Then Joe got on everyone’s radar. The one man who pursued the most aggressive to secure Joe’s services was the thirteen time champion Kurt Angle. For that, Joe and him are forever indebted to Kurt Angle and the Main Event Mafia. Tonight Joe brings some loco to the Mafia because he will become the X Division Champion. Taz tells Homicide to beat Joe if he can, and survive if he lets you.

Joe comes to the ring for his match.

Match Number One: Samoa Joe versus Homicide for the X Division Title

Homicide tries for the leg and Joe with a kick. Joe with knees but Homicide with an arm drag but Joe responds with one of his own. Joe and Homicide each with leg sweeps but Joe misses a kick and Homicide goes to the floor. Homicide avoids the Suicide Dive and Homicide hits the tope con hilo that grazes Joe’s back. Homicide rolls Joe back into the ring and he punches Joe. Homicide tries for a monkey flip but Joe pushes Homicide off and then Joe with an STO. Joe punches Homicide and then Joe with the chop, kick, and knee drop combination. Homicide with a punch to Joe but Joe with a power slam for a near fall. Joe with the abdominal stretch to Homicide but Homicide with a punch as he escapes. Homicide tries for a clothesline but Joe stays on his feet. Homicide gets the same result for a second one but Homicide decides to try a jumping back elbow and he gets a near fall. Joe runs into an elbow and Homicide hits a tornado DDT for a two count. Joe with a head and arm Joeplex and then Joe with the face wash. Joe decides to punch the referee. Homicide tries for the Gringo Killer and Joe escapes the hold. Homicide tries for the Ace Cutter but Joe counters with the choke. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Homicide by disqualification

After the match, Taz signals and Joe continues the attack. Joe with a clothesline and the Fujiwara arm bar. Homicide taps and there is some strange music playing and Hernandez is back making his way to the ring. Joe stands like his mentor as he waits for Hernandez to enter the ring. Taz tells Joe to walk away.

Jeremy Borash is with Mick Foley in his office. Jeremy asks Mick where things stand with him and Kurt Angle. Mick says that he went to Nashville. He is still here and apparently Angle is the golden boy in the eyes of management.

The Main Event Mafia walks to the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and the members of the Main Event Mafia who were not in the opening match come to the ring. Kurt Angle has the mic and he says that it was a bit comical when they came to the building tonight because everyone in the back was on their best behavior. He would feel the same way if their career was on the line. Kurt says that nobody is going to be fired. Kurt says that he is very compassionate and he cares. That is why the Main Event Mafia and the Board of Directors want to give everyone the best possible show. Angle says that everyone thought that they would go to Nashville with a list of demands. There were no demands because the front office worked with them. What would happen if the Main Event Mafia decided to leave TNA. He says that there would be a bunch of losers and it would be like the Titanic. Angle says that TNA needs the Main Event Mafia. Kurt says that they have a special present for the fans. Scott Steiner, Booker T, and Kevin Nash are willing to put their titles on the line. With Jeff Jarrett at home and Sting thousands of miles away licking his wounds, there is only one person left to deal with. That person is Mick Foley. Kurt wonders what does Mick Foley really do. He says that Mick is not the wrestler he once was and he is taking up too much space in the back. Angle says that those are the opinions of the front office and not him.

Mick Foley comes out and Kurt asks Mick how his ankle is. Mick says that everyone makes mistakes and he says that last week he said that Mick Foley was not going to tap, but Mick reminds Angle that he made Foley tap. Foley says that he wanted to go home and hide his head, but that was until Angle messed with the front office and conned them into thinking that the company needed the Main Event Mafia. Mick points out that everyone in the Main Event Mafia backed it up while the other people dropped the ball. Mick says that while he was kicking Angle’s ass around the ring, he was the man he used to be. Foley says that the Main Event Mafia being indispensable is a joke.

Angle says that Foley has been working the front office for ten months. Angle says that if it wasn’t for him and Joe outsmarting Foley in the King of the Mountain, Foley would still be working the front office like he has for years. Angle tells Foley to look him in the eye because he is the man and he says that he could kick Foley’s ass if he wanted to. Angle says that he is not going to do it because there is one more thing that he wants. Angle has a set of keys and they are the keys to Foley’s office. Angle says that they are going to put the keys on a pole and in order to get his office back along with some dignity, Foley has to climb the pole and grab the keys.

We go to commercial.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight Moment of Brutus Magnus announcing a union with the Main Event Mafia. Next week, the British Invasion faces Team 3D for the IWGP Titles.

We run through the card for tonight.

Match Number Two: Kevin Nash versus Amazing Red for the Legends Title

Nash lets Red get the first shot in and Red punches him in the head. Red with more punches but Nash with a knee. Nash with knees in the corner and then Nash poses. Nash with a biel that sends Red across the ring. Red with kicks to the leg and punches but Nash with a knee and it is jackknife power bomb time and then he thinks about a second one and takes Red to the mat for the three count.
Winner: Kevin Nash

Lauren is in the back with Hernandez and she welcomes him back. Hernandez talks about the changes in TNA while he was out. He tells Jarrett and Foley that he has their back. Hernandez says that he will be the new TNA Champion. Homicide stops by and wonders what Hernandez was doing out there. Hernandez says that he was saving Homicide’s life. Homicide has some words for Hernandez in Spanish and we go to commercial.

We are back and Mick Foley is in his office with Jeremy Borash and Jeremy is trying to tell Foley that he has no chance. Foley says that his ankle is moderately sprained. Jeremy asks Mick if he is going to put it all on the line tonight. Foley says that Angle can take his title and his dignity by making him tap. He can take his office, but he cannot take the picture. Foley says that we should settle everything with something on a pole. Foley’s security come in and they say that they are there for Foley. Foley tells them to take the ‘MEM’ off their shirts.

Booker, Steiner, and Sharmell are in the dressing room and while Booker is trying to do his best Mush Mouth imitation, Steiner says that they have their opponents. We go to commercial.

We are back and Lauren is with Traci Brooks in the back. Traci says that she has been in Hollywood and she has a huge project coming up in the future. Traci says that she heard about the battle royal and she wants her job back as Knockout Law to protect the girls from the Main Event Mafia.

Match Number Three: Booker T and Scott Steiner versus Mick Foley Security (Rocco and Sally Boy) for the TNA Tag Titles

Booker and Sally Boy start things off and they lock up and Booker with a knee on the break followed by punches and chops. Booker with a super kick and he tags in Steiner. Steiner with a kick to the ribs. Steiner with a belly-to-belly suplex followed by punches and then Steiner spits in Rocco’s face. Booker tags back in and he punches Sally in the ribs. Booker with a chop followed by a back heel kick and Rocco enters the ring to break up the cover. Steiner comes in and he chops Sally followed by a clothesline. Steiner with the flex elbow and push ups while the ref still counts. Steiner punches Sally but he charges into a boot and Rocco tags in. Rocco knocks Booker off the apron and then he hits a splash in the corner. Rocco with a slam and then he goes up top. Rocco hits the splash and Sharmell pulls the referee’s leg. Booker with a Bookend and then Steiner with the Flatline for the three count.
Winners: Scott Steiner and Booker T

Jeremy is in the back with Eric Young and Eric enters Mick’s office. Mick is staring at the invisible pole in his office. Eric says that it is important and Mick says that thinking about climbing a pole is more important. Eric says that he has been unprofessional and the personal issues between him and Jeff should never have been brought up. Eric says that he watched the pay per view and he saw Foley fighting for the life of TNA in the ring. Eric says that he was one of the TNA originals and he was a part of the Front Line. Eric says that he could lose everything and he is sorry and he is ready to go back to work. Foley asks Eric if he wants to be the ‘mystery’ member of the Originals.

We see Sarita walking in the back. Kong is also walking. More women are walking. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Angelina Love beating Tara for the title, but Slick Johnson had some insects on him, and the spider too.

Tara is with Lauren and Lauren wonders why Tara is part of the Battle Royale because the winner represents the Main Event Mafia. Tara says that she could use the money to give to a charity. Tara says that she is here to be number one in the number one company. Tara says that the Main Event Mafia does not have enough for her to be a part of. Tara says that Slick can get some Poison free of charge.

Match Number Four: Women’s Battle Royal for $50,000 and a spot in the Main Event Mafia

The participants in this match are Tara, Angelina Love, Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, Awesome Kong, Alyssa Flash, ODB, Sojo Bolt, Daffney, and Taylor Wilde.

They all pair up in the ring as Taylor tries to eliminate Daffney and she succeeds. Angelina kicks Tara in the corner while Kong presses Madison Rayne and slams her onto Daffney on the floor. Slick is out there to get some help for Madison. Wilde kicks Flash in the leg. ODB is sent over the top rope but Cody Deaner catches ODB and returns her to the ring. Slick Johnson sends Cody to the back for interfering. Bolt is sent to the apron by Wilde and then she is kicked to the floor. Flash and Sarita battle in the corner. Velvet charges at Tara and she is sent to the apron. Velvet is punched off the apron by Tara.

Kevin Nash comes out and he has the check.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Angelina Love is holding on to the ring. We see Taylor Wilde and Alyssa Flash get eliminated during the commercial. Angelina Love is eliminated from the match.

We are down to four as it is Kong, Sarita, ODB, and Tara. They all attack Kong but Kong fights back and she slams Sarita. Tara tries to eliminate Sarita but Sarita rolls back in. Tara sends Sarita into the turnbuckles. ODB is in the ropes and Kong eliminates her. Tara has Sarita in the ropes but Sarita gets back in the ring and she hits a drop kick. Kong eliminates Sarita.

We are down to our final two and it is Kong and Tara. Kong and Tara exchange punches and Tara with the advantage. Kong gets Tara on her back and Kong throws Tara to the ropes but Tara tries to pull Kong out by the hair. Traci Brooks helps eliminate Tara and Kong.
Winner: Traci Brooks

Meanwhile, we see Tara and Kong battling at ringside with security trying to separate them.

Tara wants to know what is going on and she is in the ring with Slick Johnson. Tara punches Slick and then hits a low blow. It is time for Tara to bring out Poison, but Slick gets out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back and Angelina, Velvet, and Madison are angry that they lost. Angelina says that they should be servicing the Main Event Mafia. Velvet talks about the obstacles they are facing. Lauren brings up the way they used the referees at Victory Road. Velvet has nasty things to say about ODB and from out of nowhere Cody Deaner arrives and he wants a fight to protect his woman’s honor. Angelina, Madison, and Velvet try to sweet talk Cody and Cody has bought into their comments. Velvet knees Cody in the solar plexus region and then they leave when ODB arrives.

It is time to talk about the ten man tag match later tonight and the Pole Match.

Mike Tenay announces that the main event for Hard Justice will be Kurt Angle versus Sting versus either Matt Morgan or A.J. Styles in a two-out-of-three match series.

Lauren is with the TNA Original team and she asks A.J. about the recent announcement. A.J. says that this is not about Matt Morgan because they all dropped the ball at Victory Road. They are on the same page tonight and they take back TNA.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Big Rob Terry, Doug Williams, Brutus Magnus, Kiyoshi, and Sheik Abdul Bashir versus A.J. Styles, Robert Roode, James Storm, Eric Young, and Daniels

Young and Bashir start things off and they each work on the arm and then they alternate waist locks. Storm tags in and he punches Bashir. Storm with a flying forearm and Roode is tagged in and they hit a double suplex. Time to remember their team name. They send Kiyoshi into Bashir and then they throw him out of the ring. Styles tags in and he kicks and slams Bashir followed by a phenomenal knee drop. Daniels tags in and he gets Bashir up for a belly-to-back suplex and Styles makes it a spike maneuver. Daniels with an Arabian press to Bashir. Daniels with punches to Bashir and Rob with a punch and Kiyoshi tags in. Kiyoshi chokes Daniels in the ropes and then he works on the back and hits a clothesline. Rob tags in and he biels Daniels across the ring. Rob with a clothesline. Daniels punches Terry and he barely budges. Daniels tries for a cross body and he bounces off Terry and Rob poses. Magnus and Williams tag in and they hit a double clothesline and then they do their pose in the middle of the match. Magnus with a slam and Williams is tagged back in. Williams with a knee in the corner and then Williams sends Daniels into a boot from Magnus. Williams with a knee from the turnbuckles. Daniels sends Williams into Terry on the apron and Daniels with an enzuigiri and Styles and Magnus are in. Styles with clotheslines to everyone and then Styles with a phenomenal forearm for a near fall. All ten men are in the ring and Young sends Magnus into Styles. Young hits Styles from behind and then he piledrives Styles to allow Magnus to get the three count.
Winner: British Invasion, Kiyoshi, and Sheik Abdul Bashir

After the match, they celebrate with Eric Young.

We go to Mick Foley in the locker room and he is not happy as we go to commercial.

We are back and the winners of the last match are still celebrating. Eric Young tells Jeremy to shut up. Eric says that they are the World Elite and everything in TNA is going to change forever. Foley goes after Eric Young and security has to separate them.

Match Number Six: Kurt Angle versus Mick Foley in a Keys on a Pole Match

Angle punches Foley but Foley punches back. Foley sends Angle into the turnbuckles and then he punches Angle. Angle punches Foley and then he kicks Foley before returning to the punches. Foley punches back and he hits a series of punches in the corner. Foley with a running knee in the corner and Angle is down. Foley starts to climb the pole but Angle pulls Foley back to the mat and punches Foley. Foley sends Angle out of the ring with a clothesline and he climbs the pole. Angle pulls Foley off. Angle punches Foley and then Angle decides to go for the pole. Foley punches Angle and then Foley tries for a superplex and hits it. We go to commercial.

We are back and Foley with a kick and the double arm DDT. Foley points to the sock and he has it. Foley puts Angle in the mandible claw. Angle tries to fight out of the hold but Foley reapplies it. Angle is down in the center of the ring and he goes to the pole one more time.

Joe runs to the ring and he is followed by Scott Steiner and the rest of the group. The referee calls for the bell.
No Contest

After the match, everyone attacks Foley. Angle gets on the mic and he says that Victory Road and tonight was not enough. Foley’s next card will be his last card.

Music plays and it is Bobby Lashley. The Main Event Mafia is happy to see Lashley come to the ring. Lashley is slapping hands with the fans so he must be part of the Main Event Mafia because that is what Jenna did on Sunday. Lashley hugs the members of the Main Event Mafia and then Angle gives Lashley the thumbs down. Lashley gets ready to punch Foley but Lashley turns around and punches Angle. Lashley hits Steiner, Joe, and Booker. Foley punches Nash and Lashley is in Foley’s corner.

2010 - Randy Savage makes his final wrestling-related public appearance via video, when he announces his action figure will be included in the WWE action figure line produced by Mattel:

2010 - TNA ran Bloomington, TL.  Adam Bockner filed the following live report:

TNA performed for no more than 2,000 people, although the crowd stayed hot all night and made lots of noise. I'd have to say because of the fan interaction and the fun matches, this is my favorite of the three TNA shows I've now been to (including Bound for Glory 2008), and one of my top five since I started attending in 1998.

To get them going, Jeremy Borash said the fans needed to make noise to win backstage passes. A staff member ran out from the back and said that AJ Styles didn't want anybody backstage. JB said he didn't care, until AJ Styles finally came out and said he wasn't going anywhere.

This led to the entrance of "The Freak" Rob Terry for the first match. Terry hit a few power moves on AJ Styles. AJ eventually outsmarted and overcame Terry by rolling him up and grabbing his tights. After the match, Terry grabbed the backstage passes and handed them out at ringside.

JB introduced Earl Hebner for the next match. Hebner mocked the Bret Hart ring entrance by stretching his hands out, taking off his official shirt and revealing a shirt that said, "Damn Right I Did!"

TNA Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne defeated Taylor Wilde in a fun match that focused more on Rayne's heel interactions. Very good stuff, I thought. She didn't touch anybody, screamed bloody murder at times, and had that prissy attitude about her. At one point, Rayne ran into Earl Hebner, who grabbed her, swooped her down, and planted a big kiss on her to a huge pop.

Next, JB announced that Slick Johnson was born and raised in Bloomington. I hadn't heard that one before.

Mr. Anderson defeated Desmond Wolfe with the mic check. Fans we were near kept heckling Wolfe and shouting, "Nigel!" Before the match, since the mic didn't come down from above like Anderson expected, he made JB hand it down to him and proceeded to cut a promo about his Assholes.

Jeff Jarrett defeated Kevin Nash with the Stroke. Didn't Kevin Nash make enough money that he doesn't have to be wrestling on house shows? Jarrett seemed to have fun here. Nash went on the ropes and got a lot of cheers, but Jarrett did the same and got booed. He smiled as he came down and they locked up.

After intermission, Beer Money defeated Ink Inc after using almost every heel tactic in the book. I had a lot of fun watching these guys make illegal tags, seeing James Storm drink some beer after tagging out, Robert Roode spit on a fan, and lots of distraction. The finish came when Storm spit beer into Jesse Neal's face as Roode hit a low blow on Shannon Moore, and Beer Money hit their powerbomb/neckbreaker on Moore.

Jeff Hardy defeated Abyss in a monster's ball match, which saw the use of a garbage can, two lids, a wet floor sign, and thumbtacks. I was really surprised to see the tacks on a house show. Jeff was crotched on the turnbuckle when Abyss poured them out. As Abyss prepared for a slam, Hardy pulled off a sunset flip onto Abyss and into the tacks, setting up for the Swanton Bomb.

Before the event, Mr. Anderson was signing autographs on the floor as Don West promoted his insane deal to the house - a brand new RVD t-shirt with 4 DVDs for 20 bucks.

At intermission, Madison Rayne signed while Earl Hebner was getting rid of his "Damn Right I Did!" t-shirts for half-price, since, as DW put it, he'd blown all his money on fast cars and cheap women, alleging he had 36 illegitimate children.

After the monster's ball match, Ink Inc signed autographs on the floor while fans could get their pictures in the ring with Jeff Hardy for $20. JB pulled a few tacks out of Hardy, and Hardy's right hand was bleeding so he had to shake with his left.

The US Cellular Coliseum also passed out flyers on cars noting that WWE SmackDown will be taping there on Sept. 21, 2010. This will be WWE's first television taping at the arena.

Quick results:

TNA Global Champion AJ Styles d. "The Freak" Rob Terry by rolling up Terry with his tights to retain.
TNA Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne d. Taylor Wilde by pinfall to retain.
Mr. Anderson d. Desmond Wolfe by pinfall after the Mic Check.
Jeff Jarrett d. Kevin Nash by pinfall with the Stroke.
Beer Money d. Ink Inc by pinfall after a low-blow and a double-team.
Jeff Hardy d. Abyss by pinfall after the Swanton Bomb onto Abyss in the tacks.

2010 - wwe broadcast Smackdown.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are live on tape from Little Rock, Arkansas and your announcers are Todd ‘When do I get to announce a PPV’ Grisham and Matt ‘If you want to call a show with Lawler and Cole, go ahead’ Striker.

We begin with Todd and Matt talking about Kane’s victory in the Money in the Bank match at the Money in the Bank pay per view, and Kane cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase to defeat Rey Mysterio to become the new World Champion at Money in the Bank.

The new World Champion wastes no time coming to the ring and he is going to address the Smackdown audience. Kane says as a child, he would take his goldfish and pinch its tail as he held it high above its bowl. He watched it withering in pain, gasping for air, and slowly dying. Kane says that is how he has felt for the last thirteen years until last Sunday night. That was when seven bruised, battered, and lifeless souls were laid to rest with their bodies piled on top of each other as he won the Money in the Bank contract. Then he did something unprecedented. He made history. He cashed in the Money in the Bank contract that same night to become the World Heavyweight Champion. It was the most gratifying moment of his career.

Kane says that Rey put up a valiant effort against Jack Swagger but his moment of glory was quickly extinguished when Swagger fastened the ankle lock on Rey like a deadbolt, almost ripping Rey’s ligaments into tiny pieces of fragmented shrapnel. Poor little Rey and his ankle. When he came out to help, Rey’s gratitude shined bright on his face and the fans applauded. Rey’s gratefulness and appreciation quickly turned to horror when Kane came out to challenge him for the championship. When he towered over Rey and grabbed him by the throat, he could feel Rey’s pulse throb in his hand, his eyes nearly pop out of his head. Then he choke slammed Rey through the mat with all of his force. That would have been enough but then Kane says his primal animal instincts took over and he scraped up Rey’s remains and dropped Rey on his head to become World Heavyweight Champion. The crowd applauded again.

Kane tells Rey that he did what anyone in his position would have done . . . even Rey. Kane says that he did it better. Kane says that he did it. He says that he didn’t do it for himself. Kane says that he did it for his brother. [While Kane is talking we see the footage of Kane dealing with his brother’s demise and the attempts at finding out the identity of the person who attacked his brother] He brought the World Title to where it rightfully belongs. He brought it to the dark side. Then he went to his brother’s bedside to share his victory. Instead of an overwhelming feeling of pride and adulation, Kane says his soul was overcome with shame and sorrow because his once all powerful brother laid there, unable to appreciate the momentous occasion. His eyes were still closed and his body was still limp and unresponsive. Kane says that he vowed that nothing and no one would tear this Holy Grail from his grasp. Kane says that his brother’s assailant is still at large and he will not rest until he finds the culprit. He will not rest until he finds the one who put his brother in a vegetative state. He says that he will not rest until he finds the one who is responsible for his brother’s demise. Hell will reign supreme when the World Champion finally achieves his vengeance.

Kane unleashes the pyro from the turnbuckles before he leaves the ring and walks to the back.

Todd mentions that Jack swagger and Rey Mysterio will meet in a two-out-of-three falls match to determine the number one contender for the World Title at SummerSlam.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: Matt Hardy and Christian three weeks ago on the Peep show which saw Matt Hardy’s unprovoked attack on Christian. Then we see Matt and Christian working together in a tag match two weeks ago when Christian decided to cost them their match.

Match Number One: Matt Hardy and Christian versus Drew McIntyre and ‘Dashing’ Cody Rhodes

McIntyre and Hardy start things off and they lock up. McIntyre tries to punch Hardy instead of giving a clean break but Hardy moves and punches Drew. Hardy works on the arm and puts Drew in an arm bar. Matt follows that with a short arm clothesline and front face lock. Christian tags in and he punches Drew a few times before going to a side head lock. Christian holds on when Drew tries to get out of the side head lock. Drew tries to escape again and Christian with a side head lock take down. Drew backs Christian into the turnbuckles and Drew kicks and punches Christian. Drew runs into a back elbow and Christian goes to the turnbuckles for a drop kick and gets a near fall. Drew with a punch and a short arm clothesline before he tags in Rhodes. Rhodes with an elbow and punches to Christian but Christian responds with a flapjack to Rhodes. Hardy tags in and they send Cody into the turnbuckles and Christian hits a running cross body into the corner off Hardy’s back. Hardy with a snap mare and a near fall.

Hardy puts Rhodes in the corner and Christian tags back in. They hit a double back elbow and then Hardy tags back in and Matt punches Cody. Hardy with an Irish whip but he runs into a knee. Drew tags in and he kicks Hardy in the head. Drew tries for the Future Shock DDT but Hardy back body drops Drew over the ropes to the floor. Cody is thrown over the top rope as well when Cody tries to interfere. Matt with a baseball slide to Cody to knock him off the apron. Christian hits the double jump cross body onto Drew and Cody as we go to commercial.

We are back and Cody with a kick and punch as the advantage shifted to Rhodes and McIntyre during the commercial break. Rhodes with forearms in the corner followed by an Irish whip and side Russian leg sweep. Cody stands over Matt and then he tries for the rolling Ric Flair knee drop but he may have taken too much time because Hardy is able to move out of the way. While Cody holds his knee, Hardy tags Christian back into the match. Christian with punches to Cody followed by a knee to the midsection. Christian puts Cody in the ropes and then he jumps on Cody’s back before he slingshots to the floor but Drew gets close enough to stop Christian from connecting with the punch to Rhodes. Rhodes with the Alabama Slam for a near fall. Rhodes with a boot to Christian and then he tags Drew back in and he kicks Christian. Drew kicks and punches Christian in the corner and the referee warns him. Drew goes to the floor and he connects with a forearm across the chest as Christian falls to the floor. Drew with a kick to Christian and then they return to the ring.

Drew gets a near fall and then he tags Cody back into the match. Cody with a gourdbuster and then he hits the Ric Flair rolling knee drop for a near fall. Cody with jabs to Christian and then after Christian misses a punch of his own, Rhodes with a drop kick to Christian’s back and Christian’s throat hits the ropes and Rhodes gets a near fall. Drew tags back in and he puts Christian in an arm bar before tagging Cody back in. Cody kicks Christian in the corner and he slaps Christian in the back of the head as Christian gets back to his feet. While Christian holds on to the ropes, Cody kicks Christian in the midsection. Christian tries for another Alabama Slam but Christian rolls through. Each man with a clothesline and they are down.

Drew tags in and he keeps Christian from making the tag. He sets up for the Future Shock DDT but Christian escapes the hold and he tags Hardy into the match. Matt has taken off his shirt while on the apron to show that his ribs are taped. Mat with punches followed by a roaring forearm and side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Matt with an elbow to the head and then Matt with a neck breaker for a near fall. Matt sends Drew to the turnbuckles and then Matt goes to the turnbuckles and hits a tornado DDT. The referee feels that it is more important to talk to Cody about being dashing in the ring without being the legal man than to make the count so we will not know if Hardy would have gotten a three count on McIntyre because of the referee being out of position. Matt goes after Cody and Cody yells at Matt for going after his face. Drew tries for the Future Shock DDT again but Matt counters and gets a near fall after a small package. Rhodes breaks up the cover as well and Christian enters the ring and punches Cody. Things get a little out of control in the ring and Matt accidentally punches Christian. Matt with a Side Effect to Cody but Drew with a boot to the side of the head for the three count.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre

After the match, we get a look at Hardy’s punch of Christian and Striker wonders if it was intentional or an accident.

Christian returns to the ring and Matt backs up. Christian picks Matt up and Christian offers his hand to Matt. Matt thinks about it and they shake hands.

Jack Swagger is in the interview area with Josh Mathews. Josh mentions that Jack can avenge his loss at Money at the Bank later tonight when he faces Rey Mysterio for a shot at Kane’s World Title at SummerSlam. Josh says that Jack must feel fortunate about the opportunity. Jack snaps back at Josh and wonders how he can feel fortunate. He says that he was robbed by that dirty worm, Rey Mysterio. Rey took a page out of the book of one of the dirtiest liars and cheats in WWE history, Eddie Guerrero. Jack says that he had Rey in the ankle lock and he says that he could taste his second World Title on the tip of his tongue. Jack says that Rey purposely unlaced his boot in order to slither out like the snake he is. Jack wants Josh to admit that it was unfair. Josh points out that while Jack may consider it unfair, some might call it clever. Jack says that where he comes from, it is called cheating. Jack says that it was clever that Rey lost his title later in the night to Kane because he almost snapped Rey’s ankle in two. That is clever. He says that Rey won’t be able to lie, cheat, or steal tonight. He says that Rey won’t be able to walk after the first fall. He will dominate the match. Not only will he break Rey’s ankle, he will shatter it. Jack says that he will do the same to Kane at SummerSlam. Jack says that he is going to put Kane in the same place that Kane put his father. He is going to put Kane in the hospital. We go to commercial.

We are back and DID you Know that WWE has worked with the Make-A-Wish Foundation for more than 25 years.

We see a graphic for the two-out-of-three falls match later tonight with footage of what Jack has done to Rey’s ankle and Matt Striker wonders if Rey’s ankle will be a factor in the match as well as Jack’s anger at losing to Rey at Money in the Bank.

It is time for another Alberto Del Rio video package. Alberto walks into his house and he looks at a statue. He says that he is the bravest of the brave. He says that bravery is an extraordinary attribute that lies in the heart of extraordinary men. He says that bravery is more than facing overwhelming odds. It is more than spitting in the eye of adversity. Bravery involves breaking boundaries, abolishing cultural stereo types, and competing with so much passion and cajones that people say that you have changed their lives forever. They write letters, name their children after you, and sometimes send you gifts like the statue that is in front of him. He says that he is the bravest of the brave.

Michelle and Layla are in the back and they are celebrating Layla’s title win at Money in the Bank. They drink some champagne. Michelle says that Layla is the best friend and co-champion she can have. Layla says the same thing. Michelle says that she has a gift for Layla and Layla has a gift for Michelle. They give each other half of a locket that fits together perfectly.

Teddy Long enters the room and Teddy congratulates Layla for successfully defending the Women’s Title on Sunday. Teddy tells them to enjoy their celebration while it lasts because Layla will be defending the title against Tiffany. Teddy leaves and Michelle and Layla are outraged that Teddy would steal their lines and then they throw out a playa and Holla.

Kofi is getting his neck brace taken off by the medical staff as he gets ready for his match and he walks with Michael McGillicutty as we go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Kofi Kingston with Michael McGillicutty versus Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero

Dolph with a single leg take down but Kofi escapes. Kofi with a waist lock and take down but Dolph escapes. Dolph with a waist lock but Kofi with a standing switch. Dolph with a kick to the midsection followed by a punch to the head. Dolph with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Kofi with a series of leap frogs followed by a back elbow. Kofi leaps into the corner and punches Dolph before getting out of the corner and connecting with a European uppercut. Dolph with a kick to the chest and an elbow to the back of the neck as Kofi holds his head. Dolph with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Dolph stands on Kofi’s neck and then he throws Kofi to the floor. Michael checks on Kofi and Vickie comes over and yells at Michael. Vickie tells him to leave and the referee obliges Vickie’s demand. Michael says that he isn’t doing anything wrong as he leaves.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dolph has Kofi in a reverse chin lock. Kofi with punches but Dolph sends Kofi to the mat again. Dolph with a Rocker Dropper for a near fall. Dolph punches Kofi in the head as he continues to work on the neck. Dolph with an elbow drop to the neck. Kofi with kicks to the leg followed by punches to the ribs. Ziggler with a rear chin lock and he puts his knee on Kofi’s neck for extra pressure. Kofi with more punches but Dolph with a kick. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Dolph with another neck breaker and then he returns to the chin lock with his knee on Kofi’s chest. Dolph with kicks to Kofi followed by a choke in the corner. Dolph gets a near fall and then he chokes Kofi in the ropes. Dolph gets another near fall on Kofi. Dolph returns to the neck with a modified camel clutch. Kofi gets to his knees and then to his feet but Dolph with elbows to the neck. Dolph stands on Kofi’s throat and the referee warns him. Dolph takes too long for the leaping elbow drop and Kofi moves out of the way. Kofi with a boot to a charging Ziggler in the corner. Dolph with a kick and then he tries for another neck breaker but Kofi counters with a back slide and gets a near fall. Kofi with chops to Ziggler followed by a drop kick. Kofi misses the leaping clothesline the first time, but he does not miss the second time. Kofi punches Ziggler and the referee warns Kofi. Kofi hits the leaping clothesline on Dolph and then hits the Boom drop. Kofi prepares for Trouble in Paradise but Dolph moves out of the way. Dolph tries to throw Kofi over the top rope to the floor but Kofi skins the cat. Dolph talks to the referee to allow Vickie to grab Kofi’s ankle. Dolph hits the Zig Zag and Dolph gets ready for the sleeper and he locks in the sleeper. Kofi tries to fight out of the hold, but Kofi goes out after Ziggler applies a body scissors.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Ziggler grabs the Intercontinental Title belt and he brings it into the ring and puts it on his shoulder. The referee takes the belt when Ziggler tries to leave the ring with it.

Big Show is walking in the back and he sees Rosa jumping rope in the back. We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Big Show unmasking CM Punk last week on Smackdown when Punk was caught on the Mega Ladder.

Match Number Three: Big Show versus Luke Gallows with CM Punk, the unknown masked member, and Serena

Before the match starts, Punk says something to Luke and Luke goes to the floor. The masked member of the Straight Edge Society goes into the ring and he takes Gallows’ place in the match.

Show with a chop but the masked man with a punch. Show puts the masked man on the turnbuckles and chops him. The masked man with drop kicks to the knee but Show grabs the masked man by the throat and takes off the mask to reveal that it is Joey Mercury. Luke gets on the apron and he sends Joey into Gallows and then Show with another chop. Show puts on Joey’s mask and he punches Joey and he gets the three count.

Winner: Big Show

We go to commercial.

We are back with Dashing Cody Rhodes’ Grooming Tips. Cody says that there is nothing more disgusting than gnarly walrus like nose hairs. Cody says that he is here to show us how you can be ‘dashing’. Cody talks about men who have hairs dangling from their nostrils. Cody says that the last thing you want your woman to worry about when you go in for that first intimate kiss is those curved feelers on the inside of your nostrils. Cody brings out some nose hair clippers and shows us the proper procedure. He says that everyone is one step closer to being dashing.

It is time for the Raw Rebound.

Matt and Todd talk about how we will know Kane’s opponent for SummerSlam by the end of the night so we go to the back to get some comments from Rey Mysterio.

Josh approaches Rey and he asks if Rey can handle this match tonight after what happened the last few weeks. Rey says that he is in a lot of pain, and he was getting the feel of being World Champion. His story as World Champion was just getting started but it was taken in the blink of an eye. Rey says that he probably wouldn’t have done what Kane did on Sunday, but he is not Kane. He says that he is not happy with what happened on Sunday. He says that he has to beat Swagger twice tonight in order to make things right. The next time he meets Kane in the ring, it will be a different story. It will be a story with a happy ending.

We go to commercial.

We are back and are reminded that the military gets free tickets to WWE events.

It is time for another Alberto Del Rio video package. He asks if when you look at yourself in the mirror, are you ashamed of what you see? He asks if you look at yourself and wonder what happened? He says that is because most people are weak. They are weak in the body and mind. He says that you take no pride in yourself. Meanwhile, Alberto says he takes tremendous pride in himself. It is in the way he dresses and talks as well as his physical appearance. He asks if you cannot love yourself, how can anyone else love you. Alberto says that he has no problem saying that he loves himself. He says that is because he has the one thing that most people do not have. That is pride. Alberto says that he takes pride in himself.

Match Number Four: Jack Swagger versus Rey Mysterio for the Number One Contender Spot in a Two-Out-Of-Three Falls Match

They lock up and Swagger sends Rey into the turnbuckles. They lock up again and Swagger takes Rey into the corner but he misses a charge into the corner and Rey with a rollup. Rey with kicks to Swagger’s leg but Swagger with a punch that sends Rey to the mat. Swagger sends Rey into the turnbuckles followed by an Irish whip but Swagger runs into an elbow. Rey with a head scissors take down and then Rey ducks down as Swagger goes over the top rope to the floor. Rey with a baseball slide to Swagger as we go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with a front face lock take down followed by a forearm across the back. Swagger stands on Rey’s chest. Swagger with a hard Irish whip and he gets a near fall. Swagger punches Rey in the head followed by a knee in the corner. Rey with a drop toe hold that sends Swagger into the turnbuckles. Rey goes up top but Swagger is able to get up because Rey took too long to get up and Rey is crotched on the top rope. Swagger with a gutwrench slam and then he turns his focus to Rey’s injured ankle. Swagger with a body scissors on Rey and he grabs Rey’s ankle and Rey gets to the ropes and Swagger has to release the hold. Swagger tries to use the ring post and he sends Rey’s injured ankle into the ring post. Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger with a DDT to the injured leg as he tries to hyperextend the knee. Swagger kicks Rey in the chest as he wears down his opponent. Swagger gets a near fall.

Rey with kicks to Swagger but Jack with forearms to the back. Rey with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Rey with a kick to the head and Swagger is a bit disoriented. Rey with a kick followed by a wheelbarrow attempt but Swagger with a front driver. Swagger puts Rey in the ankle lock and Rey tries to get to the ropes but Swagger pulls Rey into the center of the ring. Rey makes it to the ropes and Swagger refuses to release the hold before the referee gets to five and he calls for the bell.

Winner of Fall Number One: Rey Mysterio by disqualification [Mysterio 1 Fall; Swagger 0 Falls]

Rey falls to the floor as the referee admonishes Swagger and we go to commercial.

Fall Number Two

We are back and Rey makes it back into the ring and Swagger goes after Rey. Swagger misses charges into the corner and Swagger hits the ring post. Rey goes up top for a head scissors and Swagger falls into the ropes. Rey tries for the 619 but Swagger grabs Rey and puts him in the ankle lock and Rey tries to fight out of it briefly but he decides to tap out.

Winner of Fall Number Two: Jack Swagger [Mysterio 1 Fall; Swagger 1 Fall]

Fall Number Three

The referee keeps Swagger away from Rey between falls. Rey goes to the floor to try to regroup.

Swagger kicks Rey in the ankle and the referee warns Swagger while Rey is holding the ropes. Swagger grabs Rey and Swagger goes to the floor while Rey is on the apron. Rey tries to kicks Swagger off but Swagger with a power bomb to the tailbone. Swagger sends Rey into the ring and Swagger does too. Swagger with the double jump Vader Bomb and then he gets up to hit another one. Swagger gets a two count. Swagger tries for a third one but Rey is able to get his feet up and Swagger is knocked loopy. Rey goes up top for the seated splash but Rey gets up gingerly and holds his ankle. Swagger tries for the Doctor Bomb but Rey escapes the hold and gets a crucifix driver into a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match, Swagger cannot believe that he lost. Swagger grabs Rey and he slams Rey’s knee into the mat.

Kane’s pyro goes off and Swagger punches Kane but Kane punches back. Kane with a choke slam to Swagger and Swagger goes to the floor.

Kane sees Rey down on the mat and Rey backs into the corner. Kane stands over Rey and brings Rey to his feet. Rey hobbles because he does not know what Kane is going to do. Kane raises Rey’s hand before leaving the ring.

Kane returns to the ring and Rey is able to get to the floor. Kane brings Rey back in. Kane tries for a choke slam and Rey with a head scissors that sends Kane into the ropes and Rey hits a 619. Rey hobbles up the ramp with Kane in the ring.

We go to credits.

2011 - WWE champion CM Punk appeared a an AAW show in Illinois to show respect to Gregory Iron, a wrestler with Cerebal Palsy, who teamed with Colt Cabana during the show. He did not come out with the title.

2011 - WWE Smackdown ran Pittsburgh, PA.  Joe M. filed the following results:

1. Ted DiBiase won a 12-man battle royal to earn a shot at the Intercontinental title.

Tony Chimel introduced Kaitlyn as the special guest host. Melina and Tamina confronted her before being run off by Natalya and AJ.

2. Natalya and AJ beat Melina and Tamina.

3. Jinder Mahal pinned Tyson Kidd.

After the match, Wade Barrett attacked Kidd as he was being helped back to the dressing room. Barrett then challenged Sheamus to a match.

4. Sheamus pinned Wade Barrett. There was a big "Let's Go Sheamus" chant.

5. Rey Mysterio pinned The Miz. Before the match, Miz talked about the WWE Title tournament on RAW. He boasted that he wouldn't choke in the finals--obviously a reference to the Steelers losing in Super Bowl XLV. Miz then tore up a "Ray (sic) Mysterio" sign.

Kaitlyn hosted a dance contest in which the winner got to go backstage.


6. Mark Henry pinned Daniel Bryan.

7. Intercontinental champion Ezekiel Jackson beat Ted DiBiase by submission. A guy in my section kept yelling "You suck, Ted!" Ted turned in our direction and yelled "I don't suck!"

8. Randy Orton beat World champion Christian by DQ. Before the match, Tony Chimel introduced Bret Hart, who was wearing a Sidney Crosby jersey, as the special ringside enforcer. Toward the end of the match, Bret stopped Christian from bringing a chair into the ring. Orton pummeled Christian for several minutes after the match was over, throwing chairs into the ring and hitting him with a Singapore cane. Orton and Hart walked around ringside shaking people's hands to close the show.

2012 - WWE's flagship series Monday Night Raw broadcast it's 1000th episode.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

Tonight’s show starts off with a look at some of the moments from the first 999 episodes of Raw.

We are live from St. Louis, Missouri and your announcers are Michael ‘Only 1000 more episodes until Raw 2000’ Cole and Jerry ‘The Millennium King’ Lawler.

Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring. Vince thanks everyone and welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw. He brings out Degeneration X.

Shawn Michaels and Triple H make their way to the ring. Shawn stops Hunter before doing the crotch chop and he gets a few mics. Shawn gasps for breath and then he says that he is feeling ‘this’. He says that it feels like he is missing something. Shawn has his pants on and his underwear, but he feels like something is missing.

Hunter says something is missing. Hunter says that Shawn has all of the gratuitous merchandise on. Hunter thought there were more of them.

Shawn thinks about it and Hunter asks if there were more of them. They point to the entrance and Sean Waltman, Bill Gunn, and Road Dogg enter in a jeep.

We get a super crotch chop with accompanying pyro.

Road Dogg tells St. Louis that they are going to take them on a Missouri boat ride straight down memory lane. Road Dogg does his New Age Outlaws introduction.

Hunter wants to know if we are ready or if we are rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrready. He says that he will see us at Raw 2000. Hunter wants to know if we are ready to . . .

Suck It.

Billy says that it is his part but Shawn says that it is his part because he started this. Hunter tells Billy not to let Shawn lose his smile again because he does weird things like posing for Playgirl. Shawn says that he was young and he needed the money.

Hunter tells them to do it together.

They are interrupted by Damien Sandow. He wants to beg our indulgences and he introduces himself as the intellectual savior of the unwashed masses.

Shawn says that he would like to hear Damien out.

Damien says that this is what Raw, the WWE, and society at large has disintegrated into. Common degenerates whose sophomoric behavior has plagued humanity and brainwashed the masses to appreciate this crass conduct.

Shawn says that it is true about him. Shawn says that he is going home and to church to ask for forgiveness.

Damien says that he knows that they can eviscerate him like common trash. If they do so, Damien says that he will not be a victim, he will be a martyr for anyone who appreciates a sophisticated mind.

Hunter says that he has made some good points, but they will discuss things.

They discuss things and break their huddle.

Hunter tells Damien that they have decided. Shawn with Sweet Chin Music and Hunter with a Pedigree. Billy tells Damien that they have two words for him . . . SUCK IT.

They take off Sandow’s robe and throw him to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jim Ross makes his way towards the ring to join Michael and Jerry at the announce table.

We see footage of Rey’s return to Raw last week after Alberto Del Rio’s match with Zack Ryder.

We also see footage from last week when Dolph Ziggler questioned Jericho’s ‘touch’ only to be given a Codebreaker.

Match Number One: Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, and Sheamus versus Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, and Chris Jericho with Ricardo Rodriguez and Vickie Guerrero


The match is joined in progress and Ziggler is tagged in and he kicks Cara followed by a snap mare and leaping elbow drop. Ziggler tags in Jericho and Chris with a snap mare and reverse chin lock on Cara. Cara with punches and a rollup for a near fall. Jericho with a drop kick and then he points at Sheamus.

Jericho with a slam and he does the classic Jericho pose cover. Del Rio tags in and he kicks Cara in the ribs. Del Rio with an Irish whip and running kick into the corner for a near fall. Del Rio with knees to the lower back and then he applies a rear chin lock with his knee in Cara’s back.

Cara with punches but Del Rio sends Cara into the corner. Cara gets his boots up and hits a tornado DDT and both men are down. Jericho and Sheamus tag in and he hits a series of running double sledges followed by a running shoulder into the corner followed by a knee lift. Sheamus escapes a slam but Sheamus with two uranage back breakers. Del Rio breaks up the cover but Rey sends Del Rio to the floor and hits a seated splash. Sin Cara with an enzuigiri that knocks Ziggler off the apron. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but Sheamus escapes.

Sheamus blocks a Codebreaker but he misses a Brogue kick. Ziggler punches Jericho when he sets for a springboard drop kick. Sheamus knocks Ziggler off the apron and Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for the three count.


Winners: Sheamus, Sin Cara, and Rey Mysterio


We go to commercial.

We are back and the booth is two men again.

Jerry and Michael talk about Tout and we see some thoughts on the wedding from some of the WWE Universe.

Michael says that we have a special guest from Los Angeles. Charlie Sheen is on Skype. Charlie congratulates them on their 1000th episode. He says that he would fit in well with Degeneration X. Charlie says that he would have made a good home in WWE.

Michael talks about the wedding between Daniel Bryan and AJ Lee. We see a video package showing us the most electrifying couple in the history of sports entertainment.

AJ is in her dressing room and she talks about how special it will be. She asks Layla what she thinks. Layla asks AJ if she wants to go through with this. AJ wonders why people are calling her mentally unstable. She tells everyone to look outside and Jim Duggan is out there. Then Roddy Piper and R Truth are playing jump rope with Little Jimmy.

Mae Young is in the hall with her hand and he is all grown up.

Layla wishes AJ luck tonight and leaves.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we have a delivery from a Sonic waitress.


Match Number Two: Jack Swagger versus Brodus Clay with the Funkettes


Before the match, Brodus Clay brings out Dude Love.

Swagger misses a splash into the corner when Brodus talks to Dude Love. Brodus with a sheeeplex and a splash for the three count.


Winner: Brodus Clay


After the match, Dude Love introduces Mr. Socko to Jack.

Triple H is in the back with Trish Stratus and she talks about doing yoga. Trish has Hunter bent over doing some yoga and the members of DX enter and they say that they will be in the backdoor or the rear to wait for him.

X-Pac asks Trish what is up and Trish is not comfortable around him.

Daniel Bryan is in his tuxedo and he is with some people dressed in white.

We have a poll and a commercial.

We are back and it is time for a wrestling wedding so what can go wrong?

Jerry Lawler is in the ring and he brings out the reverend for the ceremony and it is Slick.

Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring and he Yeses down the aisle in his very dapper white tuxedo.

AJ comes down the aisle/ramp to the traditional wedding march in a very traditional wedding dress.

Slick starts the ceremony and says that everyone in the crowd are witnesses to this ceremony. Slick says that marriage is a sacred institution. He says that marriage should not be entered into lightly. It is between two people who are in love.

Slick asks if there is anyone who objects to speak now or forever hold their peace.

Daniel tells AJ that he knows that they have had their ups and downs but he loves her. He says that he will always love her. He promises that once he slips the ring on her finger and they are announced man and wife, a new chapter is going to begin for both of them. Daniel says that he will finally have everything that he has ever wanted.

Slick asks Daniel if he will have AJ to be his lawfully wedded wife and he says Yes.

AJ says Yes before Slick can even ask her.

AJ stops Slick before he pronounces them man and wife.

AJ says that she wasn’t saying yes to Daniel. She was saying yes to someone else.

Daniel is in shock at this announcement.

She says that it is another man. Another man who made a proposal to her earlier tonight.

Vince McMahon makes his way onto the stage. Vince says that it was a business proposal. In the interest of making Raw 1001 and beyond more interesting, he brings out the new General Manager of Raw . . . AJ.

AJ gives Daniel her bouquet and skips around Daniel and leaves the ring.

Daniel cannot believe what just happened as AJ skips up the ramp and starts Yesing on the stage.

Daniel attacks the wedding accessories in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Daniel Bryan is still in the ring yelling ‘NO’ while referees try to get him out of the ring.

CM Punk comes out to talk to one side of the love triangle after Bryan was left at the altar.

Punk tells Daniel he didn’t come out here to rub it in Daniel’s face, but Daniel did just get stood up at the altar. Punk says that it couldn’t have happened to a better guy. Why wouldn’t AJ want to marry such a nice guy. Punk says that he would have thrown a fit like Bryan because AJ as the general manager probably does not bode well for Bryan’s future on Raw.

Punk tells Bryan to throw a tantrum while he continues to be the WWE Champion and best in the world.

Bryan says that Punk isn’t even the best in the ring tonight. Bryan tells Punk that not only is he better than Punk, he is the greatest WWE Superstar of All Time.

The Rock comes out and interrupts the battle of who is the Best in the World.

Rock tells Daniel Bryan that he doesn’t get to say who the Greatest of All Time is . . . they get to say who the Greatest of All Time is. Rock throws out a FINALLY and the crowd is in his hands.

Bryan stops the Rock and he says that he doesn’t know who Rock thinks he is.

Rock stops Bryan and he says that you don’t cut the Rock off like that.

Bryan and Rock stare each other down and says that you don’t cut the Rock off like that. It was right here where Rock won his first WWE Championship. Rock says that he isn’t here right now to talk to Frodo. The Rock is here to talk about the WWE Championship.

Rock says that at the Royal Rumble, whoever the WWE Champion is will go one-on-one with the Great One and they will defend the title against The Rock.

Punk says that is good news for Rock and him because he tells Rocky that ‘whoever is WWE Champ’ is in the ring with him. Punk says that he will beat John Cena and if Rock wants a shot at the Royal Rumble, he wishes that it was tomorrow because he likes the idea of Rock versus CM Punk. He says that he will beat the Rock at the Royal Rumble.

Rock tells Punk that it was right here that Rock won his first WWE Championsip, it would be fitting that he will look Punk in the eye that at the Royal Rumble, he will be the next WWE Champion.

Daniel Bryan jumps in and says a few NOS. This is supposed to be about him. This was supposed to be the greatest night of his life. Bryan tells Rock that he will fight him. Not only will he be the champion, he will be the face of the WWE.

Rock asks if he is looking at the face of the WWE. He says that we are looking at what would happen if a homeless lumberjack banged an oompa loompa. He then starts an Oompa Loompa song and says that Bryan looks like a troll from Lord of the Rings.

Rock wishes Punk luck against Cena and then he says that he brought a wedding gift for Bryan. Rock gives Bryan a Rock Bottom and then he tells everyone to smell what he is cooking before leaving the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with our guest ring announcer, Bret Hart.

Bret says that one of his greatest moments was when he won the Intercontinental Title for the first time against Mr. Perfect.

Match Number Three: Christian versus The Miz for the Intercontinental Title


Christian with a waist lock but Miz with a standing switch and side head lock. Christian with a shoulder tackle and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a missile drop kick. Christian runs into a boot. Christian sends Miz over the top rope to the floor. Christian goes up top and hits a cross body and we go to commercial with Christian holding his knee.

We are back and Miz works on the injured ankle. We see footage from the commercial when Miz sent Christian into the ring steps. Christian with an inverted DDT and then he connects with an uppercut from the floor, but he does not slingshot to the floor like he normally does.

Christian with a cross body for a near fall and then he goes up to the turnbuckles for a corkscrew back elbow. Miz misses a punch and Christian with a back heel kick and sunset flip for a near fall. Christian with a sunset flip but Miz rolls through and kicks Christian to get a near fall. Miz with kicks to the leg and he wraps the leg in the ropes.

Christian with a punch and tornado DDT for a near fall. Christian sets for the spear but Miz stops him and hits a DDT for a near fall. Miz sets for the Awesome Clothesline but Christian moves. Christian tries for the Killswitch but Miz sends Christian into the turnbuckles. Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count after Christian’s knee buckles when he lands on his feet after escaping a suplex attempt.


Winner: Miz


Miz gets on the mic after his victory and tells everyone that he is the Intercontinental Champion and he is awesome.

Charlie Sheen is back and he says that he is a fan of the Rock and he is looking forward to seeing him at the Royal Rumble. Sheen calls Daniel Bryan a weasel and says that Daniel has some anger management issues. Charlie calls Daniel an oompa loompa.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Regis Philbin talks about how he was a fan his entire life. He mentions his appearance at Wrestlemania 7. He talks about the many wrestlers who have been on his show through the years.

It is time for Triple H to come to the ring in a more serious tone because he has to deal with Brock Lesnar and his challenge for SummerSlam.

We see the footage from three months ago when Lesnar attacked Triple H.

Hunter asks everyone if they are having a good time. Hunter says that he had his fun so it is time to pick up the intensity a bit. Hunter says that he knows that Brock Lesnar is here. He wants to fight Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. Hunter says that he wants an answer and he wants it now.

Brock Lesnar’s music plays and Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring.

Hunter says that he came out to talk to the horse’s head, not the horse’s ass.

Paul says that he is impressed with Hunter’s negotiating stance since the last time. He says that his client Brock Lesnar is here. Paul asks Hunter if he wants to fight Brock and main event at SummerSlam. Paul tells Hunter that Brock’s answer is . . .


Hunter says that he is tired of that crap. If Lesnar doesn’t want to come out like a man, he will get Brock.

Paul reminds Hunter that he already has two lawsuits against him and WWE and now he wants to risk a third. He asks if that is good for business.

Hunter says that he doesn’t care. He wants to know if Brock is such a coward he doesn’t want to come out and say it to Hunter’s face. He asks if Brock is a bully or a coward. Is Brock afraid of him?

Paul wants to know if Hunter is going to resort to name calling to get Brock to fight him. He wants to know if that is the way Hunter tells his kids to behave.

Hunter tells Paul not to talk about his family.

Paul says that he shouldn’t have brought up Hunter’s children because of the sins of the parents fall upon the children.

Stephanie McMahon comes out to the ring and she is not in a gregarious mood tonight.

Stephanie tells Heyman that he does not talk about her children ever again. She tells Paul if he wants to make it personal, these lawsuits are not about Brock, but about Paul’s failures as a businessman in WCW, ECW, and WWE.

Stephanie says that as a visionary, Paul is looking in the rear view mirror.

Stephanie says that her dad had the guts to step in the ring with her husband, unlike Brock. Stephanie says that Paul’s children are ashamed of Paul because they know that their father is nothing more than a professional parasite. Stephanie slaps Paul in the face.

Paul goes to the apron and he re-enters the ring. If this is how bad Stephanie wants it. Does she want her husband get hurt? Paul says that the match is on.

Paul applauds Stephanie and he says that she did it again and she got what she wanted. It is what her father taught her. Stephanie attacks Paul and punches him.

Brock’s music plays again and he comes out and does the Brock Bounce.

Lesnar sends Hunter into the corner and he punches him. Hunter with a kick and punches of his own. They exchange punches and Hunter with a knee. Hunter with a kick and punch followed by a clothesline that sends Brock over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back with more Tout comments. We even get comments from Kofi Kingston.

Michael mentions the poll for who they want to see in a dream match on WWE13 and the winner is Steve Austin versus John Cena.

We take a look back at the feud that put Raw on the map, Steve Austin versus Vince McMahon. We see Stunners, the concrete in the Corvette, the zamboni, the beer truck, and more stunners.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at some of the media coverage of Raw 1000.

Santino Marella and Hornswoggle come to the ring and they have the new Brawling Buddies action figures.

Howard Finkel is in the ring to do the announcing duties for the next match.

Heath takes the mic from Howard Finkel and he says that everything that happened to him on Raw is in the past. The only thing that you are going to remember is his match tonight. His victory is going to be epic. He challenges a legend in the back to a No Disqualification Match.

Lita comes out and Heath asks her if she thinks she can beat him. He accepts the challenge.


Match Number Four: Heath Slater versus Lita in a No Disqualification and No Count Out Match


Lita gets the mic and she tells him that for this match, she hired a little protection and it is the APA.

Slater goes up the ramp but Road Warrior Animal comes out and he is joined by everyone else who has kicked Heath’s ass. Vader and Sid send him back into the ring. Lita with a kick and Twist of Fate. Bradshaw with the Clothesline from Hell. Lita goes up top for a moonsault and the three count.


Winner: Lita


After the match, they all stand over Heath and Ron Simmons lets out a DAMN!!!

In case you missed it earlier, we see Vince McMahon’s announcement of the new General Manager during the wedding when we found out that AJ Lee will be in charge.

Then we see what Rock got for Daniel Bryan as a wedding present.

Sean Mooney is with Daniel Bryan and he asks Daniel about tonight. Daniel says that this entire night has been tainted. AJ humiliated him. Rock attacked him. Charlie Sheen called him an oompa loompa. Who is Charlie to do that. Bryan says that Charlie Sheen needs life management. If Charlie Sheen was standing where Sean is standing now, he would slap the Yes Lock on faster than Charlie could say ‘winning’.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole is with the 100 millionth social media follower. Michael asks Alex Guerrero Jr. if he is excited to be here. Michael tells Alex that he can be honored that he was interviewed by Michael Cole.

It is time to look at some of the catchphrases over the 1000 episodes of Raw.

Zack Ryder is in the back with John Cena and Gene Okerlund. Zack says that Gene Okerlund was behind GTV. Gene says that he wasn’t even working for the company at the time.

Rock enters the area and Zack and Gene know that it is time to go.

John tells the Rock that it has been a long time.

Rock wishes John luck tonight and tells him to have a great match.

John reminds Rock about his announcement about getting the title match at Royal Rumble. Cena says that he will be cashing in so he can get one more shot at the Great One.

Rock says that he cannot tell Cena how much he is looking forward to that.

We go to commercial.

Jinder Mahal says that there will be no match because for 999 episodes, the six of them have been given no opportunities. They take their own. Jinder is with Drew McIntyre, Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins, Hunico, and Camacho.

Undertaker’s music plays and the pyro appears on the stage along with the smoke and the Undertaker makes his way to the ring.

The Forgotten Six are forgotten for a moment but we see them at ringside.

Taker and Kane punch Reks, Hawkins, Mahal, Hunico, Camacho, and McIntyre. Kane grabs Hawkins and Taker grabs Hunico and we get stereo choke slams.

Taker and Kane signal that it is time for some tombstone piledrivers.

We go to footage from a Be A Star rally in St. Louis.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Charlie Sheen is back with Michael and Jerry. Michael brings up what Daniel Bryan said about Charlie. Charlie says that he is going to shake Bryan so hard that his beard will fall off. Charlie tells goat face that he is not hard to find. Jerry asks Charlie if he is challenging Daniel to a match and Charlie tells Daniel that he can translate it however he wants.

We go to footage from last week’s Raw when John Cena made the announcement that he would cash in tonight.


Match Number Five: John Cena versus CM Punk for the WWE Title


Punk offers his hand and Cena accepts so this will be a match of honor.

They lock up and Cena with a side head lock. Cena with a shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Cena with a side head lock. Cena with another shoulder tackle. Cena blocks a hip toss but Punk gets a near fall with a backslide. They lock up again and Punk works on the arm and applies a hammer lock.

Punk with an abdominal stretch and he works on the ribs with an elbow. Cena with a hip toss to escape and he tries for the STF but Punk kicks Cena away. They lock up again and Cena backs Punk into the turnbuckles and Cena with a clean break. Punk with chops and knees to Cena. Cena with a kick and forearms followed by punches. Cena sends Punk into the turnbuckles followed by a side head lock take down.

Punk with a belly-to-back suplex and Punk with a kick to the back. Punk with a back breaker for a near fall. Punk with a reverse chin lock but Cena gets back to his feet. Cena with a kick to the midsection and then we see punches exchanged by both men.

Punk and Cena add some kicks to the punches. Cena with the advantage and Cena with the two flying shoulder tackles but Punk escapes the Blue Thunder Bomb. Punk with a leg lariat followed by a clothesline but Punk misses the swinging neck breaker. Punk with a running knee into the corner and Cena counters the bulldog with the Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena tells Punk that he can’t see him but Punk with a kick to the face and then to the back of the head.

Punk tells everyone that someone is going to go to sleep. Punk gets Cena on his shoulders but Cena pushes Punk into the referee and the referee is down. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment and would have gotten the three count.

Big Show comes to the ring and while Cena checks on the referee, Show hits Cena with a spear when he returns to the ring. Show waits for Cena to get up for the knockout punch. Cena gets up and Show connects. Show leaves the ring.

Punk doesn’t really know what to do and he goes to check on the referee. Punk rolls the referee back in and since it has been so long, Cena kicks out at two. Punk picks up Cena and gets him on his shoulders for the Go To Sleep but Cena counters and puts Punk in the STF. Big Show comes back to he ring and he attacks Cena. The referee calls for the bell.


Winner: John Cena by disqualification


After the match, Big Show attacks John Cena and Punk thinks about what to do over the situation. Show slams Cena and then Rock’s music plays. Rock runs to the ring and he goes past CM Punk. Rock punches Show and then he hits a spinebuster. Rock sets for the People’s Elbow but Punk with a clothesline to Rock.

Punk waits for Rock to get up and he mocks Rock and then hits the Go To Sleep.

We go to credits.

2013 -TNA released Jesse Sorensen.

2014 - TNA's John Gaburick announced that Brooke Tessmacher, Seiya Sanada and Samuel Shaw all signed new deals with the company.  Only Tessmacher would remain with the company a year later.

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