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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-10 08:00:00

July 10th

On this day in history in ....

1959 - Duane Gill aka Gillberg during his WWE run is born.

1966 - Mike Durham aka The Public Enemy's Johnny Grunge is born.

1967 - Lou Albano & Tony Altimore defeat Arnold Skaaland & Chuck Richards (subbing for Spiros Arion) for the United States Tag Team Title (precursor to WWWF Tag Title) in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Ironically, Skaaland had become champion when Arion's original partner, Antonio Pugliese, left the company. So, neither of the wrestlers who lost the title were actually part of the team that won the belts.

1981 - Southeastern Championship Wrestling ran Knoxville, TN with the following results at the Chilhowee Park Ampitheatre:

-Tony Anthony & Rick Connors beat Dennis Brown & Keith Larson.
-Tim Horner beat Tony Russo.
-Luke Graham beat Steve Muslin.
-John Studd beat Terry Taylor in a no disqualification match.
-Blackjack Mulligan Jr. beat Mongolian Stomper by disqualification.
-Blackjack Mulligan Sr. vs. Don Carson ended in a double disqualification in a Texas street fight.

1982 - The AWA ran The Sheboygan Auditorium-Armory in Sheboyba, Wisconsin with the following results:

-Buck Zumhofe pinned Sgt. Jacques Goulet in 28:03.
-Rick Martel pinned Bobby Heenan in 9:03.
-Greg Gagne vs. Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie went to a no contest in 19:55.
-Hulk Hogan pinned Ken Patera in 13:17.

1982 - Mid-South Wrestling ran Jackson, MS with the following results from the Fairgrounds Coliseum:

-Paul Ellering beat Billy Starr
-Hacksaw Jim Duggan beat Mike Bond
-Vivian St. John beat Judy Martin
-The Assassin & One Man Gang beat Jesse Barr & King Cobra
-Bob Roop beat Steve Williams
-Buck Robley beat the Grappler
-Mid-South Wrestling North American champ Ted DiBiase beat Iron Mike Sharpe
-Andre the Giant beat Killer Khan
-Mid-South Wrestling Tag Team champs Junkyard Dog & Mr. Olympia beat John Studd & The Super Destroyer.

1983 - WWF ran the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, CT with the following results:

-Iron Mike Sharpe defeated SD Jones.
-Salvatore Bellomo defeated Mr. Fuji via disqualification.
-Swede Hanson defeated Bob Bradley.
-Pete Sanchez defeated Frank Williams.
-Tony Garea defeated Don Kernodle.
-Ivan Putski defeated Ivan Koloff.
-Jimmy Snuka fought Intercontinental Champion Magnificent Muraco to a no contest.
-WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated George Steele.
-Big John Studd and the Wild Samoans (Afa & Sika & Samula) defeated Rocky Johnson & Tito Santana, & The Invaders.

1988 - The first ever NWA Great American Bash Pay-per-view (previous Bash shows were not shown via PPV) was held in Baltimore, Maryland at the Baltimore Arena. Interesting to note, every match on the show went over 15 minutes. The PPV was Jim Crockett Promotion's second attempt at a PPV broadcast and their first to be broadcast via the complete PPV universe.  Here are the results:
- In a dark match, Rick Steiner & Dick Murdoch defeated Tim Horner & Kendall Windham.
- NWA World Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Sting & Nikita Koloff went to a 20-minute draw.
- The Midnight Express (Stan Lane & Bobby Eaton) defeated The Fantastics (Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers) to win the United States Tag Team Title.
- Jimmy Garvin, Ronnie Garvin, Steve Williams & The Road Warriors defeated Kevin Sullivan, Mike Rotunda, Al Perez, Russian Assassin & Ivan Koloff in a "Tower Of Doom" match. Three cages were stacked, with wrestlers entering through the top cage at intervals and battling down the levels. The first team to completely exit the cage first were the winners. Previous, Garvin's valet/wife who was being pursued by Kevin Sullivan, was given control of the cage door, and opened it for the wrestlers to exit. After the match, Sullivan locked himself in the bottom cage with Previous, until Jimmy Garvin and Road Warrior Hawk battled back down the tower so Garvin could take Precious to safety while Hawk beat up Sullivan.
- NWA United States Champion Barry Windham defeated Dusty Rhodes when Ronnie Garvin, Rhodes' friend, took a payoff to knock out Rhodes.
- NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair defeated Lex Luger when the match was stopped by the Maryland State Athletic Commission due to Luger bleeding. Luger had Flair in the Torture Rack at the time of the stoppage, and appeared to be on the verge of winning the title.

1989 - Memphis Wrestling ran the Mid-South Coliseum with the following results:

-Wild Side (Chris Champion & Mark Starr) defeated Action Jackson & Billy Travis
-Jeff Jarrett & Dustin Rhodes defeated Black Bart & Tony Anthony
-Bill Dundee & Ricky Morton defeated the D.I. & Doug Gilbert
-The Black Birds (Iceman Parsons & Brickhouse Brown) defeated Nightmare Freddy & Billy Travis
-Jerry Lawler & Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Dutch Mantel & the Master of Pain
-Bam Bam Bigelow won a 20 man, $10,000 battle royal

1992 - Smoky Moutain Wrestling ran Whitesville, VA at Marshfork High School, featuring the following results:
Hector Guerrero defeated Jimmy Golden via disqualification
Robert Gibson defeated Joe Cazana
Tim Horner pinned Buddy Landell
SMW Heavyweight Champion Brian Lee pinned the Dirty White Boy
SMW Tag Team Champions The Heavenly Bodies, Stan Lane & Tom Prichard defeated The Fantastics, Bobby & Jackie Fulton via disqualification.

1992 - WCW ran Raleigh, NC at the Dorton Arena, featuring the following results:

 -Larry Zbyszko pinned Diamond Dallas Page
-WCW Light Heavyweight Champion Brad Armstrong pinned Jushin Liger
-Ron Simmons pinned Terry Taylor
-WCW World Tag Team Champions Steve Williams & Terry Gordy defeated Marcus Alexander Bagwell & Tom Zenk
-Ricky Steamboat pinned Cactus Jack
-Dustin Rhodes pinned Greg Valentine
-Barry Windham pinned WCW World TV Champion Steve Austin in a non-title match
-Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton
-Nikita Koloff fought WCW U.S. Champion Rick Rude to a double disqualification
-WCW World Champion Sting pinned the Super Invader (Hercules Hernandez)

1997 - Extreme Championship Wrestling ran Wildwood, NJ at the Convention Hall with the following results:
-Little Guido & Tracy Smothers defeated Danny Morrison & Roadkill.
-Mikey Whipwreck & Spike Dudley defeated PG-13.
-Shane Douglas defeated Chris Chetti.
-Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Bobby Duncum Jr.
-Chris Candido defeated Balls Mahoney.
-ECW World Tag Team Champions Buh Buh Ray & D-Von Dudley defeated Axl Rotten & New Jack when New Jack was pinned with 3D.
-ECW Word TV Champion Taz defeated John Kronus.
-Tommy Dreamer defeated Louie Spicolli in an I Quit match.
-The Sandman defeated Rob Van Dam.

1998 - WCW ran "The LA Melee" in Inglewood, CA at the Great Western Forum, drawing a sellout 15,678 fans for an event that also sold via the Internet as an audio PPV where fans could listen to live, streaming commentary:
-WCW TV Champion Booker T pinned Fit Finlay with the missile dropkick.
-Eddie Guerrero pinned Chavo Guerrero with the frog splash.  Aafter the bout, Chavo fought off Eddie and cut off some of his hair.
-Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis, & Ciclope defeated Damien, Villano IV, & V when Guerrera pinned Damien with the Juvi Driver.
-The Ultimo Dragon defeated Dean Malenko via count-out when Malenko left the ring to chase WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chris Jericho backstage.
-WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chris Jericho defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. via disqualification when Dean Malenko interfered and attacked the champion.
-Konnan defeated Vincent via submission with the Tequilla Sunrise.
-Kevin Nash & Lex Luger defeated Bret Hart & the Giant via disqualification when the Disciple and Vincent interfered; after the bout, Konnan helped make the save.
-WCW World Champion Bill Goldberg pinned Curt Hennig with the spear and Jackhammer after kicking out of the Hennig Plex.
-Sting defeated Hulk Hogan in a steel cage match via submission with the Scorpion Deathlock; after the bout, WCW World Champion Bill Goldberg came out to make the save against members of nWo Hollywood and slammed the Giant.

1998 - ECW ran Worcester, MA at the Palladium, featuring:

John Kronus pinned Michael Kovac.
Mikey Whipwreck pinned Mike Lozansky.
Jerry Lynn pinned Justin Credible.
ECW World Tag Champs Sabu & Rob Van Dam beat Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney when Van Dam pinned Mahoney.
Chris Candido & Lance Storm beat The Blue Meanie & Super Nova when Storm pinned Nova.
Masato Tanaka pinned Tracy Smothers.
Taz beat Danny Doring via submission.
Spike Dudley beat Jack Victory via DQ.
New Jack, Spike Dudley, John Kronus, & Tommy Dreamer beat Jack Victory & The Dudley Boyz.

1999 - ECW ran Tampa, FL at the Expo Park, featuring thye following results:
-Vito Lograsso & Rhino defeated Fidel Sierra & Simon Diamond when Lograsso pinned Diamond.
-Super Crazy pinned Little Guido.
-Jerry Lynn pinned Lance Storm.
-ECW World Tag Team Champions Buh Buh Ray & D-Von Dudley defeated Chris Chetti & Nova and Danny Doring & Roadkill in a Three-Way Dance.
-Bubba the Love Sponge fought Bill Alfonso to a no contest in a streetfight.
-Francine pinned Steve Corino.
-ECW World Champion Taz defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri via submission with the Tazmission.
-Jazz pinned Jason.
-Sabu pinned Justin Credible.
-ECW World TV Champion Rob Van Dam pinned Spike Dudley.

2001 - Jeff Hardy defeats Mike Awesome for the WWF Hardcore Title in Birmingham, Alabama.

2002 - NWA:TNA held their weekly PPV from Nashville, TN.  Buck Woodward has filed the following the PPV report:

NWA: Total Nonstop Action for July 10th began with pyro going off as Mike Tenay talked about the title matches on tonight's show. 

They went right into the first bout, for the NWA World Tag Team Championship. Jim Mitchell led out the challengers, Slash and Tempest, aka Devon Storm, the newest "Disciple Of The New Church".  The events surrounding last week's tournament were recapped, then the champions, Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles, came to the ring. 

Lynn started out with Slash, who raked the eyes, but missed an elbowdrop.  Lynn went for a reverse DDT, but Slash lifted him into a slam, but Lynn floated over and hit a bulldog off the ropes for a two count.  Lynn went for a rana, Slash tried to turn it into a powerbomb, but Lynn turned it into a facebuster.  Styles tagged in and hit a somersault senton splash on Slash.  Tempest tagged in, and started mat wrestling with Styles.  Styles hit his rana off the mat, and hit a series of kicks.  Tempest ducked an enzugiri, but was hit with a back kick.  Tempest kipped up on an armbar, and threw Styles facefirst to the mat.  Tempest hit a series of punches and a shoulderblock, but Styles hit a drop toe hold that sent Tempest sliding from the ring.  Styles teased a dive.  Tempest yanked Styles throatfirst across the top rope, and hit a slingshot splash for a two count.  They exchanged chops, and Tempest hit a headscissors off the ropes and a lariat.  They traded chops, and Styles went for a piledriver, but Tempest backdropped him to the apron.  Styles hit a springboard dropkick.  Slash came in, and Styles monkeyflipped him.  Styles and Lynn took over, kicking Slash into Tempest, and sending both opponents to the floor.  Styles dove on them, but was caught, so Lynn hit a slingshot senton onto them to send the pile down.  Tempest got caught with a Lynn legdrop while climbing in the ring, and Lynn then held him for a Styles moonsault.  Styles got distracted by Slash, and Tempest hit a Death Valley Driver on Styles for a two count.  Tempest his a back elbow, and pulled at his mouth.   Tempest and Slash whipped Styles in the corner and hit a double chokeslam for a two count.  Slash hit a whirly-bird slam, but Styles came back and catapulted Slash into Tempest.  Styles hit Slash with a clothesline. Styles finally tagged Lynn, who cleaned house, hitting a swinging DDT on Slash, and a bulldog on Tempest. Slash cut off Lynn's momentum, and Tempest went for a top rope rana, but Lynn shoved him off and hit a clothesline.  Tempest went for a Death Valley Driver on Lynn, but he reversed into a cradle piledriver. Lynn hit it, but Slash stopped the cover.  Styles tagged himself in and hit the Spiral Tap on Tempest for the pin, while Slash yanked Lynn from the ring. 

AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn (who was not overjoyed with the ending) defeat Tempest & Slash to retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles.  Lynn walked off alone, while Styles was still celebrating in the ring. 

The Jeff Jarrett-Scott Hall situation from last week was recapped.  Hall called into the show, promising to take out Brian Christopher, K Krush and finally Jeff Jarrett, in that order. 

Brian Christopher came to the ring, and did an interview.  He talked about growing up in the shadow of his father, Jerry "The King" Lawler. Christopher said accusations that his dad got him in the business was "Bulls***" and laid into Lawler for not being a father to him.  He then said he could finally do what he wanted, like taking things out on Scott Hall, and that Jerry Lawler can "got to hell".  He kept repeating that Lawler was never there for him.  Christopher said he would make it on his own in the business.  He said he was no longer "Jerry's Kid" and that from now on, he is "Brian Lawler". 

Norman Smiley came to the ring for a match with Brian Lawler, who immediately attacked  him.  Norman went for a backdrop, and Lawler grabbed him by the head and tossed him to the mat.  Lawler hit a neckbreaker, but Norman came back with a series of dropkicks.  Norman hit a shoulderblock, and the windup slam.  Christopher slid past Norman, and Smiley took a dance break before hitting a reverse atomic drop and a regular atomic drop.  Norman did the Big Wiggle, but Lawler came back with a DDT. The fans chanted "Jerry's Kid" at Lawler.  Lawler hit a running shoulderblock to the midsection, then choked him with his bandana.  Lawler hit another shoulderblock.  Lawler missed a third, and Norman hit a series of rights, a headbutt, a back elbow and a lariat for a two count.  Norman pounded Lawler in the corner, but Lawler hit a low blow, then the top rope legdrop (he tossed away the goggles) and got the pin. 

Brian Lawler defeats Norman Smiley with a top rope legdrop.  Lawler then got on the mic, and said that Scott Hall was next.  They will wrestle next week. 

In the back, Jeff Jarrett was demanding an NWA World Title shot at Ken Shamrock from Bill Behrens, who stood strong and threatened to suspend him for bothering him.  Meanwhile, behind a door, Jim Mitchell could be heard screaming at someone.  

The history behind K Krush and Hermie Sadler was recapped.  Krush then came to the ring, and ripped on the fans, demanding respect.  Hermie Sadler came to the ring, and the match began. 

Sadler got right in Krush's face, and they traded slaps.  Krush went on the offense, but Sadler ducked a sidekick and Krush crotched himself.  Sadler shoved Krush to the floor, then jumped off the apron with a double axhandle.  Krush grabbed him, and went to punch him, but Sadler moved and he punched the ring post.  Back in the ring, Sadler pounded Kursh in the corner, but Krush came back with a kick to the gut and an ax kick. Krush went for a one finger pin, but Hermie kicked out.  Krush tried a traditional cover, but Hermie kicked out twice.  Krush was told by the fans to "zip his pants" and he did.  Krush hit a powerslam, went for the one finger pin, but Sadler kicked out again.  K Krush applied a figure four, and used the ropes for leverage.  Sadler reversed it.  Back on their feet, Sadler ducked a clothesline, and Krush went for a rana, but Sadler turned it into a powerbomb for a two count.  Krush missed a dropkick, and Sadler hit some weak punches.  Krush pulled Sadler's legs out with a double leg takedown, and used the ropes for leverage to pin Sadler.  After the match, Krush punched Sadler in the head, and Krush was disqualified for it.  Hermie Sadler wins by DQ.

Takao Omori was in the back warming up, when Alicia approached him.  He handed her some money, and bowed to her.

The next match was a tag team bout, with Mark & Jay Briscoe vs. The Hotshots, Cassidy & Chase. Mark started out with Cassidy, trading armdrags.  Jay and Chase tagged in, and Chase hit a spinebuster, but Mark hit him with a springboard dropkick.  The Briscoes were dumped to the floor, and the Hotshots hit simultaneous dives on them. Suddenly, Malice came to the ring, accompanied by Mitchell, Tempest and Slash.  Malice proceeded to destroy all four men.  After clearing the ring, Mitchell got on the mic and said they were not leaving until the "blood of Ken Shamrock" was on the hands of Malice.   Mitchell said if Shamrock did not come to them, Malice would destroy people until he answered his challenge.  Mitchell picked the timekeeper as the next victim, and Slash and Tempest tossed him in the ring.  Malice was going to powerbomb him when Shamrock ran to the ring.  Shamrock was overwhelmed by the three on one, and Malice was going to chokeslam him when Takao Omori came in.  Omori and Shamrock ran off the Disciples of The New Church, then had a staredown.

Goldylocks interviewed The Dupps, who talked about making the Flying Elvises squeal like a pig, while taking turns trying to make out with Fluff Dupp. They also said "if it looks like s***, smells like s***" well, you get the idea.  Probably set a record for saying "s***" on a wrestling PPV.

The Dupps were supposed to be out next, but instead, Jasmin St. Claire came out. Jasmin said she had been watching the show for weeks, and wanted to know if the fans wanted to see some "real T&A". A shirtless man in the crowd started dancing, and got a pop. Jasmin asked for a chair, and sat ring announcer Jeremy Borash in it. She then asked for some music, and started to give Jeremy a lapdance. She took off her thong from under her dress, and stuck it on Jeremy's head. Jasmin started to take her dress off, but Bill Behrens ran out to stop her. Ed Ferrara gave him a spear, and tried to stop him, but Behrens covered her with his jacket and walked her out. Ferrara later said he though Behrens was a fan, and he was trying to stop him.

Then, the Dupps, Stan & Bo, with Fluff, came out, to face Sonny Siaki & Jorge Estrada, the Flying Elvises. The Elvises attacked early, but Estrada was quickly backdropped to the floor. Stan hit a spinebuster on Siaki, and Bo followed with a splash. Mortimer Plumtree came to ringside and joined the announcers. Estrada faced off with Bo, who hit a shortarm clothesline. Plumtree said all was fine with the Johnsons and him. Estrada hit a superkick but Bo came back with a shoulderblock and tagged Stan, who hit a flying shoulderblock and a high legdrop for a two count. Stan hit a forearm, and caught Estrada with a spinebuster for a two count. Bo tagged back in, but Estrada battled back, only to get caught in a powerslam. Siaki broke up the pin, and hit a neckbreaker and faked a tag while the referee was getting Stan out of the ring. Siaki chopped Bo, and he responded in kind. Siaki hit a punch to the head, and a split leg moonsault on Bo, who came back with a spinebuster. Stan tagged in, and went to down on the Elvises. It broke into a brawl, with Estrada hitting a pescado on Bo, while in the ring Siaki hit a pumphandle suplex on Stan. Estrada came in and hit the "Perfect Ten" (Lionsault into a swanton) on Stan for the pin. Siaki & Estrada are the winners.

They went backstage, where Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles were brawling backstage, and Lynn gave Styles a cradle piledriver on a road case. Lynn threw one of the tag belts on Styles and told him to celebrate now, and called him a "glory hog".

Harley Race came down to the ring, representing the NWA, but was not shown on camera. They had a series of graphics, comparing Takao Omori to Ken Shamrock, as it was time for the NWA World Heavyweight Title match.

They started off fast, with Ken Shamrock hitting a DDT for a two count, and pounded Omori with punches, then applied a figure four headscissors. Harley Race was shown at ringside. Omori made the ropes for a break. Shamrock hit punches, but Omori came back with a spinning heel kick. Omori hit forearms, and a dropkick, then applied a rear chinlock. Shamrock battled out, and Omori went for a spinkick, but Shamrock moved and Omori caught his leg on the top rope. Shamrock worked over the leg, and choked Omori on the top rope, then pounded him with punches. Omori kicked away a backdrop and hit a neckbreaker for a two count. Omori hit a full nelson slam, then went to the top rope, but missed the kneedrop. Omori came back with his Ax Bomber lariat, but Shamrock kicked out. Shamrock hit a dropkick and applied a leglace. Omori made the ropes for a break. Omori reversed a whip and hit a back elbow. Omori went for a piledriver, but Shamrock clipped his knee. Omori went for a full nelson, but Shamrock reversed into a Fujiwara armbar, then switched to an ankle lock. Jeff Jarrett ran out and hit both Shamrock and Omori with a chair. He started beating both men with a chair, and Harley Race ran in. Jarrett hit Race with the chair, as well as several security guards that ran in. Shamrock got to his feet, and was wiped out with another chairshot. Jarrett hit one of the guards as he left. I guess the match is a no-contest.

Goldylocks tried to interview Jerry Lynn about attacking Styles, and he said "You want some? Open up and say ahh." and stomped off. Jim Mitchell then came up to her, and told her to inform Jeff Jarrett that he wanted to see him. Then, Goldy discovered Bill Behrens in the back, tied, gagged and with "FU" painted on his stomach.

The X-Division contender match was the main event of the evening. Six men, and when you are pinned, you are eliminated. The first eliminated is the number six contender, the second the number five, etc. all the way to number one. Low Ki, Kid Romeo, Tony Mamaluke, Elix Skipper, Jerry Lynn and Chris Daniels, with tag rules, and two men in the ring at the time.

Romeo started with Daniels, hitting some shoulderblocks while working on the arm. They traded hammerlocks, and Romeo hit a shoulderblock, and the two traded reversals until Damiels hit an armdrag and Romeo responded with a dropkick. Skipper tagged in and faced off with Daniels, landing on his feet on a missed moonsault and hitting spinkick for a two count. Daniels came back with a shortarm clothesline, then tagged in Tony Mamluke. Tony hit a knee to Skipper's gut, Daniels gave him a rolling necksnap, and Tony covered for a two count. Mamaluke hit a Northern Lights suplex on Skipper for a two count. They traded reversals, and Mamluke got a rollup for two, then dropkicked Skipper's legs out from under him. Skipper tagged in Lynn, who decked Mamaluke and hit a shoulderblock. Lynn hit a monkeyflip, but Mamaluke landed on his feet and hit an armdrag, but was caught in a backbreaker on a hiptoss attempt. Lynn hit a twisting backbreaker and tagged in Low Ki. Low Ki unloaded with kicks on Mamaluke, including one right to the head for a two count. Mamaluke pulled Ki into the ropes, then hit a German suplex for a two count. Mamaluke hit a double arm DDT into a guillotine choke, but Low Ki escaped. Mamaluke tagged in Daniels, who stomped Low Ki, and hit a tilt-a-whirl slam on Low Ki for a two count. Low Ki came back with a kick to the head and tagged Romeo. Romeo pounded and chopped Daniels, who came back with a dropkick and tagged Lynn. Lynn stomped Romeo, and applied the spinning Gory Special. Romeo escaped and applied his own Gory Special, but Lynn turned it into a sunset flip for a two count. Lynn booted a charging Romeo and hit a tornado DDT for a two count. Lynn tagged Daniels, who missed a top rope headbutt. Romeo tagged Lynn, and Daniels took Lynn to the floor with a bodyscissors. Daniels missed a baseball slide, rammed Lynn into the apron, and hit a springboard moonsault on Lynn. Romeo dove off the top rope on both men, then Mamaluke hit a dive on the pile. Then Skipper and Low Ki simultaneously dove on the pile. A huge brawl broke out, while Lynn and Daniels got back in the ring. Lynn caught Daniels with a guillotine legdrop on the ropes, then as Lynn went to the top rope, Mamaluke crotched him. Lynn fell to the floor, and was counted out.

Jerry Lynn is eliminated, and is the number 6 contender.

Mamaluke went to work on Daniels, hitting a gourdbuster, and a Russian legsweep. Daniels tagged Skipper, and Skipper hit the Overdrive/Play of the Day (twisting Rocker Dropper) and pinned Mamaluke.

Tony Mamluke is eliminated, and is the number 5 contender.

Low Ki went to work on Skipper, and when he whipped him into the ropes, Skipper fell through and landed hard on the floor. Low Ki went after him, and brought him back in. Skipper went for the Play of the Day again, but Low Ki blocked him, lifted him in a fisherman's buster position, and rammed him into the turnbuckles. Low Ki hit some kicks, and went for a springboard kick, but Skipper bridged back to duck it. Skipper hit a belly to belly, and a top rope dropkick, but Ki fell into the corner and tagged Daniels. Skipper hit a double underhook suplex and a reverse vertical suplex on Daniels. Daniels hit a reverse DDT. They traded attempts for a suplex, then Skipper went for a leapfrog, but Daniels caught him in a fireman's carry and dropped him with Last Rites (reverse DDT/neckbreaker combo) for the pin.

Elix Skipper is eliminated, and is the number 4 contender.

Romeo went at it with Daniels, hitting a bulldog, then knocked Low Ki off the apron. Romeo went to the top rope, but Daniels crotched him. They fought on the top rope, and Romeo hit a Kryptonite Krunch off the top rope, but Daniels thought he had pinned him anyway. Low Ki tagged in off the limp Daniels, and kicked Romeo from behind. Low Ki applied the Dragon Clutch, and Romeo tapped out.

Kid Romeo is eliminated, and is the number three contender.

Low Ki went to pin Daniels, but he got his foot on the ropes. Low Ki pulled him to the center of the ring, but Daniels kicked out. Low Ki hit some chops, but Daniels responded and returned fire. Daniels hit a legsweep, and went for a double springboard, but Low Ki stopped him. Low Ki went for the Dragon Clutch on the ropes, but Daniels knocked him off. Daniels hit the double springboard moonsault, but Ki kicked out. Daniels went for a suplex, but Low Ki floated over. The two went into a series of pinfall attempts. Daniels went for the Last Rites, but Low Ki reversed into the Dragon Clutch, but Daniels snapmared out of it. Daniels put Low Ki on the top rope and gave him a palm thrust. Daniels pulled Ki off the top rope with a cross armed slam (Fall From Grace). Daniels went for the Last Rites, but Ki kicked up and hit Daniels right in the head to escape it. Low Ki then hit a Ki Krusher, and got the pin.

Christopher Daniels is the number two contender, and Low Ki is the winner and the number one contender to the X Division Title.

Sonny Siaki and Jorge Estrada came out and attacked Low Ki and Daniels. Siaki said the NWA didn't want them to be part of the X Division, but they are making themselves part of it. Elix Skipper came out, but the Elvises laid him out as well. Mamaluke and Romeo hit the ring, and Siaki and Estrada left. The fans chanted "Low Ki" as the announcers began to close out the show.

Jeff Jarrett came out, and said that he wanted a title match next week. He started ripping on some of the Tennessee Titans at ringside. The Titans jumped the wall and started to beat up Jarrett. Jim Mitchell and his crew ran down, and suddenly we had Malice and Jeff Jarrett brawling into the crowd as the show ended.

2004 - Pro Wrestling Guerrilla "The Reason for the Season" in Los Angeles, CA at the Hollywood Los Feliz JCC featuring the following results:

Quicksilver, Scorpio Sky, Shane & Shannon Ballard defeated Charles Mercury, Chris Bosh, Disco Machine, & Topgun Talwar at 12:02
Puma defeated Brad Bradley at 6:28
NWA: TNA X-Division Champion AJ Styles defeated Rocky Romero at 17:44
Colt Cabana defeated Babi Slymm and Excalibur in an elimination match at 11:28
Scott Lost defeated Joey Ryan at 19:18
Super Dragon defeated CM Punk at 27:29
Bryan Danielson & Christopher Daniels defeated ROH World Champion Samoa Joe & Ricky Reyes at 21:39
Frankie Kazarian defeated PWG Heavyweight Champion Adam Pearce in a steel cage loser leaves town match to win the title at 23:46

2005 - Combat Zone Wrestling announced their annual Tournament of Death event would be moved from Delaware to the ECW Arena in Philadelphia after the State Athletic Commission agreed to lax rules regarding death matches.   That agreement soon went the way of the Dodo Bird and the event was quietly moved back to Delaware, where it has remained to date.

2007 - Rob Van Dam spoke out about the WWE version of ECW and his decision to leave the company during an interview with The BBC.  Mike Johnson penned the following recap of the audio interview:

Van Dam, who comments earlier  in the interview about his personal burnout and needing time away from wrestling, said one of the factors in that burnout was the weight of responsibility for the ECW re-launch on his shoulders.   He noted that he was concerned about bringing back ECW because the original players were the only ones who could do it and they were "limited" at that point, but quickly got excited about the idea of finding younger stars to become a new, modernized version of ECW.

He noted that all eyes were on him because his entire WWE run, he was "bitching he missed ECW" and it was on his shoulders to carry the re-launch.  

Van Dam said the "new ECW sucked."  Van Dam said that when the brand was re-launched last summer, they were struggling to bring up the live crowds but the advertising and budgeting for the live shows were "reduced to an offensive level.  Paul Heyman and myself were so disgusted by it that we would both talk about quitting.  Paul left before I did and I knew I only had a matter of time before my contract was up."

Van Dam said he would have liked to have seen WWE "utilize the phenomenon that was ECW" and that fans would stop him to tell him they loved the old ECW but didn't like the new version.  Van Dam said that he went to Vince McMahon "on a few occasions and told him this isn't going to work and the ECW crowd isn't going to like that.  To my dissatisfaction, I learned that his vision of this new ECW was nothing at all like my vision.  Nothing at all like the original ECW fans wanted or expected.  It was also something that he wasn't going to be able to force the original ECW fans to expect, so his reaction was, 'Screw them, I own the world, here's this new ECW.  I'm going to get a whole new audience of new kids and new adults and they're going to like this new ECW like they like Raw and Smackdown because it's a new alternative.'  In the long run, as we all know, it's looked at as a lesser product.  It never should have been that way.  I saw it coming, I saw it happening and now I see that it did happen.  Now that it's still happening."

Van Dam also noted that as his contract expired, "I honestly felt like I was abandoning the ECW project.  Sabu left.  I feel that he left because he knew I only had a few weeks left and he didn't want to be there anymore.  I'm concerned about Sandman.  The Originals being put back together - me, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman - was that like being thrown a bone, to me and to the ECW fans saying, 'We know the new ECW sucks compared to the old ECW, but here's a little something for you guys that want to hold onto the past.'  It works.  They know how to throw me a bone every once and a while to get me to give that much more and I kept giving and giving but the fact is, they killed ECW.  They being WWE, way before I did.  I walked out with a clear conscience on that."

2007 - World Wrestling Entertainment signed Teddy Hart to a developmental deal. Hart has already reported to Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida.  The controversial but extremely charismatic and talented Hart was the talk of the Internet at various times in recent years for antics in Ring of Honor, TNA, Jersey All Pro Wrestling and MLW, among other promotions.  Hart would not make it to the main roster before being released for the second time from a developmental contract.   The planned Hart family stable would instead feature Harry "DH" Smith, Nattie "Natalya" Neidhart and TJ Wilson aka Tyson Kidd.

2007 - United States Congressman Cliff Stearns of Ocala, Florida told the Baltimore Sun that he believes Congress should be looking into holding hearings about the steroid use in professional wrestling, as they did for Major League Baseball several years ago.  "Between 1985 and 2006, 89 wrestlers have died before the age of 50," Stearns told the paper via email.

"Of course, not all of these deaths can be attributed to steroid use. However, this abnormally high number of deaths of young, fit athletes should raise congressional alarms."'

"At this time, I do not believe that the new House majority sees steroid use as a serious issue.  I urge Chairman [Bobby] Rush of the Commerce, Trade & Consumer Protection Subcommittee to hold a hearing to determine the prevalence of steroid use in professional wrestling and the means of ending their use."

2007 - The Associated Press released the following:

Some tests in Benoit case complete, officials mum on results

Associated Press Writer

ATLANTA - Some of the chemical tests on the bodies of pro wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife and son have been completed, but officials were mum Tuesday on what the results show.

A spokesman for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, John Bankhead, told The Associated Press that his agency was waiting for all the tests to be complete before sharing the results with investigators in Fayette County.

"We're going to discuss what we find with local investigators and they can determine what they want to release," Bankhead said.

District Attorney Scott Ballard did not immediately return a page to his cell phone seeking comment.

Police have said Benoit strangled his wife and son, placing Bibles next to the bodies, and then hung himself on a piece of exercise equipment in his suburban Atlanta home the weekend of June 22.
Authorities found anabolic steroids in Benoit's home, leading officials to wonder whether the drugs played a role in the killings. Some experts believe steroids can cause paranoia, depression and violent outbursts known as "roid rage."

Since the deaths, toxicology tests have been conducted on Benoit's body to determine if steroids or other drugs were present. Blood-alcohol tests also were conducted on his body, and chemical tests were conducted on the bodies of the wife and son, Bankhead said. The wife's body was decomposed, preventing some tests on her body from being done, though Bankhead declined to be specific.

The GBI has been handling the testing for general drugs and alcohol, while an outside lab was hired to do the testing for steroids, Bankhead said. He declined to name the lab or say which of the tests have been completed.

"There is going to be some interpretation of what was found," Bankhead said, without elaborating.

A federal agent's affidavit said Benoit's personal doctor, Phil Astin, prescribed a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids to Benoit every three to four weeks between May 2006 and May 2007. It says that during a probe called "RX Weight Loss," Benoit was identified as an excessive purchaser of injectable steroids.

The affidavit also says that "Astin has been the subject of concern for excessive and/or suspicious prescribing activity by the Carrollton, Ga. Police Department and local area pharmacies."

Authorities have not said what "RX Weight Loss" refers to.

Astin has told the AP he prescribed testosterone for Benoit, a longtime friend, in the past but has not said what, if any, medications he prescribed when Benoit visited his office June 22, the day authorities believe Benoit killed his wife.

Last week, Astin was charged in a federal indictment with improperly prescribing medication to two other patients, but not Benoit. Prosecutors have said more charges are possible.

Astin pleaded not guilty at his first court appearance. His lawyer, Manny Arora, told AP on Monday that Astin has no plans at this time to change his plea to guilty, but he didn't rule out the idea down the road. A pretrial hearing in Astin's case is set for July 19.

A sheriff's official said Friday that Astin also is being investigated in the February 2006 death of another wrestler, Michael Durham. Ballard has not returned calls seeking comment on the status of that case.

2007 - WWE broadcast ECW on Sci Fi.  Buck Woodward filed the following TV Report:

CW on SciFi for July 10th started with a brand new show opening.  Joey Styles & Tazz welcomed us to the show, and pointed out that ECW Champion Johnny Nitro would have his first "taste of Extreme Rules" match tonight against Tommy Dreamer.

Matt Striker's old classroom set was in the ring, and Striker brought out his "worst student", the Boogeyman.  Striker said normally a student brings a gift for the teacher, but he has a gift for Boogeyman.  Striker revealed a fishbowl filled with worms.  Boogey reached in and stuck a handful in his mouth.  Striker said Boogey has been giving him "lessons in worms" and we saw how Boogeyman "wormed" Striker two weeks ago.  Striker said that worms are hermaphadites, as Boogey had another mouthful.  Striker tried to explain the Boogey what exactly he was putting in his mouth all the time.  Striker said worms are cold-blooded and so is Boogey's actions towards him recently.  Striker said it all stops now, and out came Viscera.  Without a shirt.  Vis has lost weight, but not that much.  Striker introduced him as "Big Daddy V".  Boogey lunged at Striker, but Viscera slammed Boogey on Striker's desk, which didn't break.  Big Daddy V then threw him into the chalkboard twice, breaking it the second time. Boogey fell to the floor, and Striker and Big Daddy V stood triumphant.

A Triple H promo video aired.

Elijah Burke vs. Balls Mahoney

Burke hit some knees to the gut and head at the start, then worked over Balls in a corner with forearms.  Burke missed a shot and Balls hit a series of punches, with the fans chanting along.  Balls missed the big wind-up punch, and Elijah downed Balls with some quick punches.  Burke went for his towel, but the referee took it from him.  While the referee discarded the towel, Burke choked Balls.  Burke elevated himself in the corner for a drop down elbow on Balls for a two count.  Burke applied a Cobra Clutch, but Balls got to his feet and punched out of it.  Balls hit a pair of clothesline, then hit a series of lefts.  Balls hit the wind-up punch this time, then slammed Burke.  Balls went to the top rope, but missed the legdrop.  Elijah pulled down the knee pads and hit the Elijah Express (double jumping knee) to Mahoney's chest and got the pin at the three minute mark.

Winner: Elijah Burke

They showed a video package on Tommy Dreamer, comprised entirely of footage from the original ECW, putting over that Dreamer was the "heart and soul" of the original ECW.

CM Punk was shown heading to the ring.

CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards

I believe this is the sixth time in the history of ECW on Sci Fi that we are seeing this match.  Punk leads the series, 5-0.

Punk grabbed a headlock at the start, then hit a shoulderblock when Richards shoved him off.  They traded armdrags and legsweeps, then Punk hit a shot to the gut and a neckbreaker.  Johnny Nitro was shown watching a monitor in the back.  Punk hit a kick to the back of the leg, then hit an enzugiri for a two count.  Punk slammed Richards and delivered a legdrop for a one count.  Punk applied a chinlock, and when Richards stood up in it, Punk hit a forearm to the chest to knock him down.  Punk went for a slam, but Richards floated over it and hit some kicks to the back, including a kick to the back of the head for a two count.  Richards scored another two count with a neckbreaker and applied a chinlock.  Richards went for a kick, but Punk caught it and locked on a leglace.  Richards used his free leg to kick out of it.  Richards grabbed a front facelock, but Punk punched out of it and hit a back suplex.  Punk applied a single leg crab, but Richards rolled through it and tried to kick free.  Punk grabbed the other leg and catapulted Richards into the corner.  Punk hit a jumping knee to the back of the head, then one to the front of the head.  Punk then hit a bulldog for a two count. Punk hit a double underhook backbreaker for a two count.  Punk went for a clothesline, but Richards blocked it and hit a faceplant, then applied a variation of the Koji Clutch.  Punk struggled in the hold, then got his foot on the ropes. Richards went for a tornado DDT off the middle rope, but Punk pulled Richards off the ropes into a fireman's carry and hit the Go To Sleep for the win at the seven minute mark.  6-0.

Winner: CM Punk

Punk gestured that he wants the ECW Title.

Backstage, The Miz was talking to Kelly Kelly.  Brooke showed up and asked Kelly to introduce them.  Miz introduced himself to Brooke.  Layla was there and said hello as well.  Miz left to get ready for his match, and Layla made fun of Brooke for having a crush on Miz, as she remarked how cute he is.

The Miz vs. Nunzio.

Extreme Expose was watching on a monitor in the back.  Miz and Nunzio traded waistlocks and reversals on the mat.  Miz hit a walking the ropes side mare to take Nunzio to the mat.  Nunzio used knees to the gut to get out of the headlock and hit some forearms and kicks.  Miz reversed a whip, hit a backdrop and a dropkick (sort of).  Guido hit a double boot on a charging Miz from the corner, then stood on the back of his head and choked him on the bottom rope.  Nunzio applied a rear chinlock, but Miz fought out of it.  Nunzio hit a suplex then applied a headscissors.  Nunzio switched into a chinlock chant, and there was actually a "Guido" chant from some fans.  Miz broke out and hit some forearms, then a pair of flying forearms.  Nunzio went for a whip in the corner, but Nunzio jumped onto the second rope and hit a clothesline.  Miz hit a Rocker Dropper, with some difficulty, for a two count.  Miz drove Nunzio's head into his knee, then hit a neckbreaker, which Joey called the Mizard Of Oz, for the pin at the six minute mark.

Winner: The Miz.

Extreme Expose danced.

They recapped the opening segment with Matt Striker, Boogeyman and Big Daddy V.

ECW Champion Johnny Nitro vs. Tommy Dreamer - Extreme Rules

Tommy Dreamer came to the ring with a shopping cart full of weapons before the commercial break.

After the break, Johnny Nitro made his entrance, as Dreamer spread the weapons all over the ring.  Dreamer swung a Singapore cane at Nitro as he got on the apron, and Nitro jumped to the floor.  Dreamer went to the outside as Nitro was taking off his coat and attacked him.  They brawled in the aisle, with Nitro getting the better of it.  Nitro slid into the ring and began tossing most of the weapons out.  Nitro grabbed a crutch, but missed with it and Dreamer hit some punches and a hiptoss.  Dreamer picked up the crutch and hit Nitro across the back with it.  Dreamer hit Nitro in the leg with the crutch, then brought it down across Nitro's knee.  Dreamer applied a Texas Cloverleaf variation, and Nitro made the ropes, but the referee told Nitro it was Extreme Rules, so there was no break.  Dreamer let go of the hold and went for a weapon, but Nitro cut him off and threw him into a corner.  Nitro twisted Dreamer's arm and flipped him to the mat, then hit him across the back with the crutch.  Nitro broke the crutch across Dreamer's arm, then kicked it.  The announcers put over that Nitro had hurt Dreamer's arm last week in their singles match.

Nitro hit a series of kicked to the arm, but Dreamer finally caught one, picked up Nitro and hit a fallaway slam.  Dreamer clothesline Nitro over the top rope and to the floor, but Nitro hit him with a street sign.  Nitro hit a slingshot kick to knick Dreamer to the floor.  Nitro put a chair around the neck of Dreamer and rammed him into the ringpost. Nitro got on the security wall and hit a corkscrew moonsault on Dreamer on the floor. Nitro covered Dreamer on the floor for a two count. Nitro and Dreamer made it back into the ring, and Nitro continued to attack the arm of Dreamer.  Nitro got on the second rope, but Dreamer slammed him off.  Nitro fought back with forearms and elbows, but when he charged Dreamer in a corner, Dreamer lifted him and crotched him on the top rope.  Dreamer hit a pair of trashcan lid shots on Nitro.  Dreamer put the lid on the top turnbuckle, then dropped Nitro headfirst on it.  Dreamer hit a reverse DDT for a two count.  Dreamer went for a trashcan lid elbowdrop off the second rope, but Nitro moved out of the way.  Nitro hit Dreamer with the lid and went to the top rope, but Dreamer hit him with the lid, crotching Nitro on the top rope.

Dreamer put a trash can on the head and body of Nitro, and hung him in the Tree Of Woe.  Dreamer hit a baseball slide dropkick, crushing the can on Nitro.  Dreamer set up a trash can and a chair in a corner.  Nitro reversed a whip, but Dreamer stopped himself and lifted Nitro for a slam.  Nitro floated out of the slam and went for a kick, but Dreamer blocked it.  Nitro caught Dreamer with a drop toe hold, and Dreamer went into the trash can and chair.  Nitro got the pin with his foot on the bottom rope (which doesn't matter, since it is Extreme Rules) at the nine minute mark.

Winner: Johnny Nitro.

Nitro walked off with the belt to end the show.

2008 - TNA announces they will debut at the Manhattan Center in New York City in September 2008.

2008 - Ric Flair's finance company, "Ric Flair Finance" officially shuttered operations due to the state of the weak economy.  A website devoted to the company was changed to list information for the agent responsible for booking Flair's personal appearances.

2009 - TNA ran Hamilton, Ontario.  Devin Cutting sent the following report:

Total Nonstop Action
Friday, July 10th, 2009
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Eric Young beat Suicide by pinfall. After the match, Young pinned Earl Hebner.

Angelina Love beat Taylor Wilde by pinfall.

Homicide beat Consequences Creed by pinfall to retain the X Division Championship (even though Homicide's title win hasn't aired on TV yet).

AJ Styles & Daniels beat Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe. The match ended with Styles pinning Angle.

Jay Lethal beat Sheik Abdul Bashir by pinfall.

Beer Money beat Team 3D to retain the Tag Team Championship. The match ended with Bashir interfering & James Storm pinning Brother Ray. After the match, Bashir tried to celebrate with Beer Money, but Beer Money threw him back into the ring & Team 3D put him through a table.

2010 - The Northeastern independent wrestling community gathered to pay tribute to the late Michael "Trent Acid" Verdi at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA, raising money for his funeral costs at the first-ever "Acid-Fest."  Mike Johnson filed the following live report:

There are times in life where all sides have to give up all the politics and garbage that often pervade professional wrestling.  The passing of Michael "Trent Acid" Verdi was one of those reasons and obviously, one of the saddest reasons of all.  However, in a lot of ways, Verdi's passing provided a chance for everyone and everything he cared about to congregate together in a celebration of his life on Saturday 7/10 at the former ECW Arena.

Whether it was Verdi's closest friends in the business, family that never really understood how important he had become to the local independent scene, those who had worked him in the past coming out of retirement for one day only, those who came from his real life to see a glimpse of why wrestling was important to Verdi, or just fans who wanted to say goodbye to someone they cared about, they were ALL at the Verdi memorial show, en masse.

The show was full of feel good moments.  There were no real heels and the theme of the day was thanking Verdi, remembering Verdi and mourning Verdi, all at once.  Just about every match ended with the competitors embracing and showing tribute to their friend.  It was hard not to get choked up by a locker room so full it was impossible to walk two steps forward without seeing a face you hadn't seen in forever or getting lost in the mass of humanity.

It was said after his death that Michael Verdi's family and friends didn't really understand that he was a wrestling star.  They thought it was some local lark or hobby.  As crazy as it sounds, knowing he was appearing on television weekly in the early part of the decade and that he was one half of the hottest team in CZW when they moved into the ECW Arena, just a few blocks from where they lived, they really didn't.  After today, the family certainly knew and were personally blown away by the level of emotion and the amount of money raised in Verdi's name.

The show was technically a CZW show, although in a classy maneuver, they ignored political issues and invited anyone and everyone who wanted to be there to work the show.  Johnny Kashmere, who has a long list of issues with the promotion, was heavily involved in the promotion and in booking talents.  Honestly, there were far too many talents on the show, but if there was ever a reason to have that problem, it was to honor someone like Verdi.

The details of the matches aren't really as important as the fact that the local wrestling community, past and present, came out to help and support the family of Michael Verdi.  They all had their reasons, and people will always look for ulterior motives I am sure.   Tomorrow, all the heat and politics can return and we can go back to business as normal, but today, everyone should all be applauded for a job well done.

Full results of the Trent Acid Memorial "Acid-Fest" at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA, before an estimated crowd of 650 fans:

*CZW owner DJ Hyde came to the ring to Trent Acid's theme song "The Chase", flanked by B-Boy, Homicide, Adam Flash, Missy Sampson and Nick Berk.  Hyde said that everyone in the ring was responsible for today's gathering to take place and said that he didn't want today's event to be seen as a "goodbye" but as a "thank you."  Hyde introduced an awesome music video of Trent's work in the ring set to a song by Pearljam, which was Acid's favorite musical group.  Hyde said that he wanted everyone to remember Acid for what he gave to professional wrestling and for the fact that he truly loved his fans.  It was a really classy speech, culminating with Hyde announcing that Acid would never be forgotten as they unveiled a banner for Acid in the building's Hardcore Hall of Fame.

*Helter Skelter (who knew Acid from grade school on) won a Trent Acid Memorial Royal Rumble, last eliminating former WWE star Big Vito.  Skelter was managed by Missy Hyatt.  There would no way to recap every single person who was involved in the match as it was seemingly a "cast of thousands" as I've never seen as many people in the locker room of the Arena, for any show, as I did before the Rumble.  There were a lot of names from all aspects of Acid's career - from his own students to friends like the Messiah to those who shared locker rooms with him, like the Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz and Jumbo Joe Guns.  There were so many, entrants were coming out 2-4 at a time.  Everyone came out to "The Chase."

*Nick Berk & Z-Barr defeated Robby Mireno & Don Montoya, who were managed by "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter.  Montoya has lost an incredible amount of weight from the time he was wrestling regularly on the independent scene.   Barr and Berk were playing babyfaces here.  Mireno was one of the few performers able to actually get heat on the show since everyone was there to enjoy themselves and remember Verdi, which is quite the feat.

*In a six person tag bout, "Acid's Angels" Amy Lee & Missy Sampson & Annie Social defeated Alere Little Feather & Roxxie Cotton & Detox when the babyfaces all piled on top.

*The SAT defeated The Carnage Crew, The reunited Hit Squad and The H8 Club, managed by Dewey Donovan and Justice Pain. It was the first time the Hit Squad had teamed in about six years. The SAT have put on weight, so seeing them standing on the top rope with Monsta Nack to do a Spanish Fly was quite the sight and I have to believe everyone was scared the ropes would snap. Tony Devito took the mic after the bout and said that while they fight every night, tonight they fought for the memory of their "brother" and told Acid they loved him.  Joel Maximo took the mic and said that over the last few years, the SAT have been up and down the East Coast wrestling all of the teams in the ring as well as the Backseat Boyz, Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere.  He said that pound for pound, Acid was one of the best wrestlers in the world and that his memory will live on in everyone's hearts and minds and that he thanked Trent for making a mark in wrestling like many never would.  Justice Pain then asked the crowd to make this an annual event so they could always remember Trent Acid.

*Lou E. Dangerously (Lou D'Angeli aka Sign Guy Dudley) came out for a Danger Zone segment.  Dangerously noted that he wasn't out there as Sign Guy or as Lou E. but as himself, a guy who was lucky enough to grow up in Philadelphia and see some of the greatest wrestling come in and out of the city of Brotherly Love, from WWF in the Spectrum to the NWA in the Civic Center.  He then introduced his guest, someone who has given a lot to the city of Philadelphia, ECW founder Tod Gordon. Gordon came out and spoke to Philadelphia-born stars like JT Smith and the Sandman and said Trent was another just like them and someone who was truly special. Gordon and Lou then presented a plaque to Trent Acid's parents, for Acid's lifetime achievements in professional wrestling, for his work ethic and for the memories he provided, from Acid's "promoters, fellow wrestlers and fans."  It was a classy moment.  Dangerously then thanked Tod for everything he did for wrestling in Philadelphia and told Gordon he learned about brotherhood and respect from pro wrestling and he has great respect for Tod.   As Tod left the ring, Dangerously teased hitting him with a telephone but Gordon caught him.  Tod then threatened to punch Lou but in the end they smiled and hugged.  Funny.

*Homicide and B-Boy defeated Sonjay Dutt & Ruckus.  There were some anti-TNA chants when Homicide and Dutt faced off, but Homicide shushed them and noted tonight wasn't about TNA.  Really good back and forth match.

*Johnny Kashmere, with Donnie B, pinned Devon Moore.  Don Bucci, former manager and Phoenix Championship Wrestling promoter, is now a police officer and returned for one night only.  He originally put the Backseat Boyz together as it was his idea for the boy band gimmick with Verdi, who suggested Kashmere.    They played off of the legitimate heat between Moore and Kashmere from a falling out years ago.  The plan was to have CZW founder John Zandig involved to make it a three-way but he is still too beat up from the back issues stemming from a car wreck that it wasn't possible.  Zandig was not at the show.

The show ended with the locker room returning to the ring.  CZW owner DJ Hyde announced they had raised $7,540 for the family and immediately had them presented a check from CZW.  The show ended with a ten bell salute for Acid so he could "main event one last time" in the Arena where he made his name,

Notes: Verdi's family was placed in the front row and many of the wrestlers paid personal tribute to them as they left the ring....The show featured a $10 suggested donation.  All of the boys who performed on the show donated $10 to work the show as well in a show of respect for Acid's memory... The planned four way elimination match was turned into a single elimination bout due to the show running behind schedule....They sold Acid-Fest t-shirts and programs to raise money for the family as well....The show was filmed by several different companies for a future DVD release....A WWE watch designed to look like a spinner belt that was said to have been donated by John Cena was auctioned off to raise funds as reported the following: "Notably absent was Billy Reil. Reil decided late this week not to attend the event due to unspecified issues with Johnny Kashmere. Kashmere reportedly made it clear that Reil wasn't welcomed at the event, which is inexcusable considering how close Reil was with Verdi dating back nearly 20 years. Reil posted this on his Facebook account shortly after the event ended: Wants to personally thank the boys and the fans for honoring my friend today. While I was not physically there today, rest assured that my thoughts and spirit were with each and every one of you. Thank You for making these past 15 years so memorable. It's been a honor and pleasure to have met, worked with, laughed and cried with all of you. T. Acid 4 forever."

2010 - Consequences Creed, currently WWE developmental talent Austin Creed, won the 2010 ECWA Super 8 tournament, which would prove to be the final tournament held under the leadership of ECWA founder Jim Kettner, who would sell the company and retire a month later.  Mike Johnson filed the following live report:

Jim Kettner's East Coast Wrestling Association held their 14th Annual Super 8 Tournament on Saturday 7/10 in Newark, Delaware at the Boys & Girls Club, drawing 300-400 fans.  The Super 8, at one point, received the lion's share of online acclaim and buzz.  It was considered the best of the best when in terms of revolutionary, athletic independent wrestling and with good reason.  Over time, promotions like Ring of Honor and scores of similar tournaments began to sprout up.

What was once unique was now one of many, many similar products, so Jim Kettner changed gears and moved away from promoting that style and promoting directly to hardcore online fans, a smart move as less and less from that audience showed up for the tournaments.  Instead, Kettner refocused on his own local audiences, working to insure that the fans that are his monthly bread and butter are catered to with characters and storylines.  While it might not result in hundreds of Internet postings about his product and promotion, it's still a formula that works and gives the audience one hell of a bang for their $17 admission.  Onto the report:

The promotion held a "Fan Interaction Night" before the show itself began, with wrestlers signing and taking part in games like trivia, Pictionary and the like.  The kids in the crowd were loving the hell out of it.

ECWA champion Mega came to the ring and welcomed everyone to the Super 8, then introduced former competitors in the tournament who were present at the show.  Last year's winner, Nick Logan, brought the tournament trophy to the ring.  They then introduced this year's field of competition.   The promotion then did a ten bell salute in honor of Trent Acid before the show as well.  Acid was a former ECWA Tag Team champion and competed in the 2000 Super 8 tournament.  They played the national anthem, then aired a video feature to catch everyone up on storylines.  At the onset, they aired a "In memory of" graphic for Acid, Jeff Peterson and Steve Bradley.


Scott Wright vs. "Eugene" Nick Dinsmore

Wright is a longtime regular here as a heel and cut a promo saying he was a serious wrestler and that's why he was in the Super 8.   He said you wouldn't be seeing any super heroes or wrestlers with facepaint in chains tonight in the tournament, then demanded his opponent be revealed.  So, of course, it was Eugene.  He was billed under the spelling U-Gene, but I'm using the WWE spelling.  Wright's response was hilarious.  They locked up and Wright caught Eugene in a side headlock, then shoulder tackled him down.    They then went into some comedy spots where Eugene tricked Wright into punching the mat, then rode him like a horse.  Eugene played to the crowd, only to be caught with a clothesline.  Wright worked over Eugene with punches, then a back elbow for a two count.  Wright controlled Eugene and scored several near falls.   Eugene made a comeback with a Lou Thesz Press and the People's Elbow.  Eugene went for a piledriver but Wright escaped and turned it into a swinging neckbreaker.  Eugene came back with a back suplex and set up for Sweet Chin Music, then nailed it, complete with the stomps, for the pin.    Mostly comedy for the kids but a nice opener for the audience ECWA is promoting to.

Your winner, Eugene!

"Yours Truly" Alex Reynolds vs. Chris Wylde

Reynolds is a Long Island native who was trained by former ECW champion Mikey Whipwreck.  He came out to Italian music with a suede jacket and a white scarf wrapped around his neck, doing a snobby gimmick.  Think early Hunter Hearst Helmsley.  Wylde is a regular on the Northeast independent scene who's also wrestled for XCW in Germany.  Wylde controlled the match early with some hiptosses and armdrags.    Wylde used a armdrag takedown and Reynolds rolled out of the ring, where he was hit with a baseball sliding kick to the floor.  Back in the ring, Reynolds caught Wylde with a nasty guillotine legdrop, then a dropkick.  He cinched in a side headlock but Wylde fought his way out of it, then backdropped Reynolds.  Reynolds made a comeback and scored several near falls.  He worked over Wylde with an armbar as Wylde fought back.  Wylde was finally able to kick Reynolds as he charged and nailed a high cross bodyblock for a two count.  He barely nailed a leg lariat for another near fall.  Reynolds went for a discus punch but was blocked and hit with an enziguiri for a two count.  Wylde charged Reynolds but was caught and powerbombed into the corner.  Reynolds covered him for a two count.  Wylde ended up on the apron and avoided another guillotine legdrop, then hit a sunset flip bomb from the outside into the ring for the pin.  Some missed spots but not a bad athletic match.

Your winner, Chris Wylde!

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Chase Del Monte

Both are regulars here.  Ciampa is from the New England area, was originally trained at Killer Kowalski's school and has worked in Ohio Valley Wrestling as Thomas Penmanship.  Ciampa went to the finals in last year's tournament, losing to Nick Logan.  Del Monte does the high power ring entrance, dancing and playing to the crowd while Poison blares.  Ciampa tried to bully Del Monte early, but Monte wasn't having it.  Del Monte went for a superkick but missed.  They went back and forth until Del Monte caught Ciampa with a rana.  He went to the floor, where Del Monte nailed a dive over the ropes.  They battled on the floor, where Ciampa nailed a suplex.  Back in the ring, Ciampa stomped the hell out of Del Monte.  Del Monte came back with a leaping hurancanrana off the top rope, then went back to the ropes.  Ciampa grabbed his legs and snapped him off the ropes.  He locked in a variation of the Walls of Jericho but Del Monte finally made it to the ropes.  He dragged Del Monte back to the center and turned it into a Sharpshooter, then worked him over with a series of elbow strikes.  Del Monte came back to drive Ciampa off the ropes face first into his knees but Ciampa kicked out.  Del Monte set up for the superkick but missed.  He set up Ciampa for a Killswitch, then swung him into a neckbreaker.  Ciampa kicked out at the last minute.  Chase went to the top but Ciampa grabbed him and nailed his finisher, Project Ciampa, a powerbomb where he drops the opponent down over both of Ciampa's knees for the pin.   Good match.

Your winner, Tommaso Ciampa!

Kingpin Brian Milonas vs. Austin Creed

Creed is the former TNA star Consequences Creed.  Milonas is from the New England area, having trained initially at Killer Kowalski's school and has worked for NECW and other area promotions.  He had a Jim Neidhart-esque beard and a burly body.  The story here was Creed's finesse vs. Milonas' sheer power.  Milonas shoved down Creed and attacked him before the bell, talking a lot of trash while doing so.  He picked up Creed for a powerbomb but it was turned into a Frankenstein.  Creed peppered him with punches and Milonas powdered to the floor.  When he returned, Creed caught him with a drop toehold.  Milonas fought back and quickly began to control the match, working over Creed and holding him off-balance with his power.  He locked Creed in a bear hug to wear him down.  Creed fought his way out but soon was trapped again.  They worked the submission hold for quite a while.  Creed finally escaped but was caught with a swinging sideslam for a two count.  Milonas charged Creed in the corner but Creed caught him with a kick.  He came back with a big dropkick and then a big flying forearm.  Creed made the big comeback with a series of hot moves, then went to the ropes with a big missile dropkick.  He charged Milonas but was caught with a kick to the gut.  Milonas worked over Creed, getting several near falls.   He went to the middle turnbuckle for a splash but missed.  Creed made his way to the ropes and came off with a DDT, scoring the pin.  Despite their obvious style differences, I thought they worked a hell of a heel vs. babyface match.  Milonas is one hell of a worker.

NO DQ: ECW Mid-Atlantic and Tag Team champions Aden Chambers & Ryan Rush & Julian Starr vs. Matt & Bryan & Nick Logan

The storyline here is that Chambers, Rush and Starr are representing the fictional West Coast Wrestling Alliance, who are heels against the ECWA and have captured the championships.  The Logans won a rematch by DQ last time but the belts still returned to the "West Coast", so now there are no disqualifications.  The  Logans hit the ring with chairs and run the WCWA out of the ring.  They did a triple dive out of the ring and then brawled all around ringside.  It was a fun brawl.    When they finally returned to the ring, the referee rang the bell.   The Logans cleaned house early until Chambers laid out Nick Logan, who is an amateur as opposed to a "professional" wrestler.  He was set up on the turnbuckles but escaped and powerbombed Chambers through several chairs in the ring.  He came off the top rope with a senton but immediately grabbed his neck, went down and didn't get back up.  Matt and Bryan worked over Team WCWA and got the pin.  They began celebrating but realized something was wrong.  The promotion immediately cut the music and they called for EMTS.  The promotion called for an intermission as Nick was stretchered out and to an ambulance that was outside the venue.  Fans chanted "Logan" as he was taken out.  The entire moment was treated like it was deadly serious, but it was entirely a planned angle to continue the storyline.  The match was a fun brawl, a little out of character for ECWA but very good.  The angle was very well done as well.


Chris Wylde vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa attacked Wylde at the bell and hit a Facewash in the corner.  Wylde came back with a series of chops.  Ciampa drilled him with a clothesline and Wylde took a 360 bump.  Ciampa began to work over Wylde with several submission variations.  Wylde came back with a series of suplexes.   Ciampa snapped his neck over the ropes and Wylde went to the outside.  He slammed Wylde's back over the apron while they were on the outside, then rolled him in for several near falls.  Wylde came back with a leg lariat and a sitdown powerbomb for a two count.  Wylde went to the top rope and scored with a diving head butt.  He sold the brunt of the impact, then covered Ciampa for a two count.  Ciampa came back with a Torture Rack into a powerbomb.  Ciampa went for his finisher but Wylde escaped and hit Sliced Bread #2 for a two count.  Ciampa nailed Project Ciampa and scored the pin.  Good, fun athletic match!

Your winner, Tommaso Ciampa!

Eugene vs. Austin Creed

Eugene came out with his hair slicked back.  They shook hands at the bell.  They locked up and Eugene complained about the break.  When they locked up again, Eugene complained about a thumb to the eye.  Heel turn?  Eugene caught Creed with a top wristlock and pulled Creed's hair to yank him down.  He began playing heel screaming that he didn't pull the hair.  He then raked Creed's back with his fingernails.  Creed came back with a backslide for a one count.  They went back and forth with forearm strikes.  Creed finally took over, catching Eugene in a hammerlock and forcing him to the mat.  He dropped down while holding the move and used his legs for additional leverage.  Eugene powered out and pulled him up into a powerbomb position and slammed him.  Eugene nailed a superkick and scored a two count.  He went for a moonsault but missed.  Creed came back with a twisting DDT off the ropes for the pin.  Good back and forth match.  Eugene worked really, really hard.

Your winner, Austin Creed!

ECWA Summit

The promotion's annual Royal Rumble, insuring that everyone on the roster gets a chance to perform on their top show of the year.  Unlike many indy tournaments, this is intricately booked so there are no "dead spots" or moments where stars are standing around with their thumbs up their rear wondering where to go and what to do.  Like always, Kettner told a story.  Magnum, who was managing the WCWA team earlier, came out and cut a promo saying he doesn't have a contract here but promised he was going to earn his way back in.  The second out was Cha Cha Chance, who got a big pop coming out as he was a surprise and has been off serving in the military in recent months.  Magnum lowblowed him but Chance came back with the ButtButt in the corner.  He tossed Magnum.  The third out was Mr. Ooh La La, who had his usual problems getting into the ring.  He finally did and attacked Chance.  The fourth in was Bazooka Joe.  La La was out almost immediately.   Fifth was Travis Blake.  Sixth was J.J. The Ring Crew Guy.  Seventh was Glen Osbourne.  Ninth was Simple Simon  who does a fun comedy gimmick.  Tenth was Courageous Cruz, the ECWA's superhero character. Twelfth was Gus Grand  .  Lucky #13 was Sean Royal.  #14 was Andrew Ryker.  #15 was Corey Blaze.  #16 was Tim Richards.  #17 was Jason Lee.  #18 was "Coach" Jim Shorts.  #19 was the masked El Mariachi.  The final competitor was Jason XXL, a seven footer.  At this point, all the eliminations were coming really fast.  No one was able to move Jason XXL.  The Coach eliminated himself in order to get around dealing with the giant.  It came down to Jason, Chance and Mariachi.  Chance was dumped over by the Giant.  Mariachi ordered Jason to leave the ring and he eliminated himself.  It was your typical Summit with all the characters getting a cameo/

Your winner, El Mariachi!

Mariachi began dancing to "Rico Suave" and then thanked everyone in broken English.  He then unmasked everyone for giving him a really good chance, unmasking himself as Magnum.  He laughed at the fans saying he was back now and introduced Jason XXL as his new protégé.   He then challenged ECWA champion Mega to face Jason XXL when they return.  Mega, who had been watching the show from a table at ringside all night, made his way to the ring with the title belt.  He and Jason had a faceoff, but the entire locker room came out to separate them.  Mega asked the crowd who wanted to see him "kick his butt" and they popped.


Austin Creed vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa attacked Creed as he came out of the entranceway but Creed fought him off.  The referee rang the bell.  They battled back and forth on the outside.  Ciampa got the better of Creed.  He went to the top rope and moonsaulted off, nailing Creed as he made his way back to his feet.  Creed was tossed back in the ring but Ciampa wasn't able to score the pin.  He began working over Creed's back with knee strikes.  Creed came back with a series of boxing combinations in the corner, punching the body and head as Ciampa went down.  Creed picked up Ciampa and drilled him backwards into the corner.  He whipped Ciampa into the opposite corner and nailed a dropkick.  Creed came back with a series of kicks to the body, then nailed Creed with a Facewash.   He drilled Creed with a second.

Creed made a comeback, chopping away at Ciampa, who fired back in kind.  They went face to face challenging the other and measuring for harder chops.  Ciampa finally got the better of the exchange but was caught with a back elbow.  Creed hit a series of armdrags and hiptosses.  Ciampa came back with a leg lariat.  Ciampa went for the submissions, working over and cranking on Creed's neck.  Creed reversed it and began working on Ciampa's neck and arms.  Ciampa came back with a modified Texas Cloverleaf.

Ciampa began measuring Creed with stomps and kicks.  He began chopping Creed, who began firing himself up and finally nailed a stiff leg lariat.  Creed covered Ciampa for a near fall.  Creed dropkicked Ciampa into the corner and kipped up.  He and Ciampa battled back and forth.  They battled in the corner and Ciampa slammed Creed down with a Emerald Frosion type of move for a two count.  The crowd popped for the near fall.

They battled again in the corner.  Creed punched Ciampa off to the mat and nailed a flying elbowsmash.  Ciampa kicked up.  He nailed Creed with his knees and went for the Ciampa Project, but Creed escaped.  He captured Creed again and nailed another but Creed kept kicking out.  Creed made a comeback and pressed and slammed Ciampa into TKO.  Creed scored the pinfall.

Your 2010 Super 8 winner, Austin Creed!

ECWA champion Mega came to the ring to present Creed with the trophy.  The other competitors and the rest of the ECWA roster surrounded the ring to congratulate and applaud Creed.  They picked Creed up on their shoulders.  They handed Creed the mic and thanked the fans who came out to this "glorious night" and all of the other competitors.  He thanked everyone for allowing him to come into their homes and to let him compete tonight.  He told Ciampa that he was taken to the limit by him and would love to do it again down the road.    Creed wished everyone a good night and thanked them for coming.  A classy way to end the evening.

Notes: ECWA will return to Newark, DE at the Boys and Girls Club on Saturday 8/14...The promotion sold Super 8 T-shirts and DVDs of last year's tournament...In a nice "family friendly moment", they announced the names of fans in attendance who were celebrating birthdays....For more on the promotion, visit

2011 - TNA presented the 2011 Destination X PPV in Orlando, Florida.  Mike Johnson filed the following PPV report:

TNA Destination X opened with an Abyss-spotlighted video featuring scenes inspired by Boris Karloff’s Frankenstein. It was a great video.

We went to Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash. They stated Taz was “on assignment.” They talked about the return of the X-Division’s six-sided ring. They played it up as if Brian Kendrick was out to take the X-Division title back for the Abyss. Borash and Tenay came off pretty polished early.

Samoa Joe vs. Kazarian

Immediately, Kazarian attacked Joe in the corner. They went back and forth slugging it out with punches and chops. Joe went for a choke but Kazarian slipped out to the outside. Joe went to follow but Kazarian went to the ring. He went to take out Joe but was caught and nailed with a running kick. Joe and Kazarian battled back and forth on the outside until Joe raked his eyes.

Joe whipped Kazarian towards the ring. Kaz leapt onto the apron but Joe avoided a kick and Kazarian crashed and burned. Back in the ring, Joe muscled him into the corner and drilled him with an big strike.

Joe went for the Facewash but Kazarian broke free. Joe caught him with an inverted atomic drop off the ropes and began working him over. Kazarian battled back but was caught with a running elbow. Joe snapmared Kazarian over and drilled him with chops to the back and a kick to the chest.

Joe scored a two count. He went for the choke. Kazarian escaped but Joe drilled him with a running lariat. Fans began to chant, “Joe’s gonna kill you.” He set up Kazarian for a muscle buster, chopping him hard as he was set up on the top rope. Kazarian kicked off Joe and nailed an awesome springboard dropkick.

Joe and Kazarian battled back and forth with strikes in the middle. Joe rebounded off the ropes but was caught with a slam and nailed with a springboard legdrop. Kazarian nailed a tornado DDT for a two count. Big “Let’s go Joe” chant.

Joe elevated him to the apron but Kazarian nailed him with a springboard DDT for another two count. Joe nailed Kazarian and went to the second rope but was nailed with a leaping enziguiri. Kazarian went for the Flux Capacitor but Joe fought him off. Joe drilled him to the floor and nailed a great elbow suicida to the outside. Joe went for a powerbomb in the ring but Kazarian landed on his feet. He nailed Joe and went for the Fade to Black. Joe reversed it and powerbombed Kaz, then turned it into an STF.

Kazarian bit Joe’s finger to break the move. He charged Joe but was caught with an Uranage in the corner. Joe went for the rear naked choke. He grabbed Kazarian with a body scissor in the center of the ring. Kazarian tried to battle to the ropes but looked as if he was fading. Kazarian forced himself forward and made it to the ropes. Joe held onto the hold despite the referee’s count. Joe began arguing with Earl Hebner.

Joe went for the choke again but Kazarian slipped out and caught him with a forward roll, pinning Joe.

Your winner, Kazarian!

Samoa Joe looked shocked and upset over the loss. The storyline there is that Joe is questioning himself after all the recent failures.

Very good opener.

Before we go forward, I have to say that while I am missing Taz, as he would have been great here as an analyst. Both Borash and Tenay were great on commentary, talking about the history of both men and their importance to different eras of the X-Division. You can tell their goal is to make the division “legit” and they are treating it as very important. Borash is a hell of a lot better than you’d expect with giving out history and is more polished than you’d think while Tenay is playing more of a straight announcer (as opposed to cheerleading babyface announcer) and is coming off great.

They showed old clips of the first AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels match that featured the X-Division in the main event.

They showed Christopher Daniels arriving at the building.

We saw clips of Eric Young approaching Curry Man, Sangrieto and Suicide, who were signing for fans. He asked them to be his tag partner tonight. Curry explained he had to go to Tokyo for a match right after this, while Suicide is injured and Sangrieto doesn’t have a visa, which is why they are only signing. Shark Boy showed up and said he’d be Young’s partner tonight.

Douglas Williams vs. Mark Haskins

Borash explained that Haskins wowed fans on the TNA UK tour and now he would have a chance to do that tonight. Williams took the mic and said that after the tour, everyone was telling him that Haskins was the next great X-Division star and he agrees, but Haskins is no Douglas Williams. He said that it’s one thing to wrestle in front of your hometown, but another to wrestle on PPV.

Williams, who sent Brutus Magnus and Rob Terry to the back, took Haskins to the mat and worked over his arm early. Haskins caught him with a forearm but Williams drove him down in the corner with one of his own. They went into a great back and forth exchange with near falls. Johnny Saint would be proud.

They did some more good mat wrestling. Haskins caught him in a front facelock. Williams muscled him against the ropes. Haskins used the ropes and leapfrogged over Douglas, then monkeyflipped him. Williams went to the outside. Haskins went on the offensive but Williams grabbed his ankle and tossed him back onto the apon.

Williams suplexed Haskins on the floor and tossed him into the ring for a two count. Williams worked over Haskins on the mat, including a sideways bow and arrow. Haskins began nailing Williams with kicks from the mat but Williams worked him over. Williams used the Gori Guerrero Especial, then rammed him backwards into the buckles.

Williams set up Haskins on the buckles for a superplex but was fought off and nailed with a missile dropkick in the corner. Haskin and Williams exchanged headbutts, forearms and uppercuts in the middle. Haskins got the better of him and nailed a running back elbow. He used the ropes for a running clothesline, scoring a two count.

Williams went for the Chaos Theory but Haskins evaded it and nailed him with an Ace Crusher for a two count. Williams drilled him with a series of strikes, then climbed to the top. He leapt into the ring but was caught with a kick as he came down.

Haskins went to the top but slipped. The crowd turned against him for that. He went for a shooting star press but missed. Williams rolled up the dazed Haskins and scored the clean pin.

Your winner, Douglas Williams!

Solid match. Lots more matwrestling and European inspired wrestling than you would usually see in the States, so it was pleasant to watch. Haskins seemed nervous.

Socal Val interviewed Austin Aries. Aries said that people are watching because wrestling matters. He said that he wants everyone who paid for the show to pay attention and for everyone watching an illegal stream to choke and die after they pay attention. He said that he’s not a spot monkey and not a vanilla midget but the best wrestler in the world today. He said that he can go with anyone on the Impact Wrestling roster and while the others in the ring with him are good, they aren’t great like him. He promised to get the contract.

Austin Aries, Mark Haskins and Shark Boy are trending worldwide on Twitter.

Generation Me vs. Shark Boy & TNA TV champion Eric Young

Jeremy and Shark Boy started out but Young then immediately tagged in. Young is doing his silly stuff, immediately tagging back out. Jeremy nailed Shark with several shots but was then stomped in the corner.

Shark Boy nailed him with a Thesz Press and tagged in Young. Young nailed a double sledge hammer off the ropes. Max tagged in and took over on Young. They went back and forth, exchanging arm drags and leg sweeps. Young caught Max in the head with a kick and an inverted atomic drop.

Shark Boy tagged in and took a bite out of Max’s rear. Jeremy tagged in and eventually caught Shark Boy with a sleeper. Shark Boy fought out of it but Max nailed him. Boy finally caught him with a clothesline and made the hot tag to Young, who had disrobed to reveal new colorful tights underneath.

Young hit some hot offense. Jeremy nailed a Faceplant on him, then a moonsault off the apron to Shark Boy on the floor. Jeremy and Max set up Young but Shark Boy nailed Max with a stunner. Young drilled him with a wheelbarrow faceplant and scored the pin.

Your winners, Eric Young & Shark Boy!

Lots of silliness here but some decent action. OK match.

They showed Daniels and Styles vs. AMW in the past.

Daniels was backstage going over interviews he needed to do with a stagehand. AJ Styles entered and greeted him, asking if he was ready to do this. Daniels said that he was and asked Styles not to mess him up too badly. Styles said we’d have to see what happens. They played it up like friendly competition.

SoCal Val interviewed Zema Ion. He said that it’s the biggest night of his life and all that’s standing in his way is three of the best wrestlers in the world. He said that he knows no one believes he can win, but he’s going to show the world they are wrong. Promo was OK. He looks like a young Atlas Da Bone in OVW, but not as charismatic.

Ultimate X to crown number one contender for X-Division championship: Shannon Moore vs. Robbie E (with Cookie) vs. Alex Shelley vs. The Amazing Red

They noted this was the 25th Ultimate X match. Sounds to me like TNA should be doing an Anthology DVD set.

All four began brawling in the ring. Moore took out everyone with different moves. He whipped E into the ropes but it was reversed. He came back with a spinkick. He went to climb up but was cut off by Red.

Shelley tried to climb up but was nailed with a spinkick while on the top rope. Robbie climbed across the cables but was pulled down by Red and nailed with a huge spinning kick. Red climbed to the top but was caught and slammed off by Shelley.

Shelley drilled E with a kick, sending him off the apron, then worked over Red in the corner with chops and kicks, then snapped Red with a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Shelley caught Moore trying to climb to the top rope but was nailed. Shelley tried to use him as a base to climb up but E nailed him. Shelley caught E with a STO into the buckles. He nailed a sliding dropkick into the corner on E and Moore.

E went for a sliding kick but Moore pulled the apron back and caught E in it. He worked over Robbie. Shelley got involved but Moore overpowered him and dove off the apron. As all this is going on, Red tried to maneuver the wires but Moore caught him and tossed Red into Shelley. Moore nailed leg lariat on Shelley in the corner.

Moore looked up at the X but Red came off his back with a shooting star on Shelley. E clotheslined both Red and Moore as they faced off. With everyone else down, E tried to maneuver the ropes. Red caught him in the middle, pulled him down and nailed him with a quartet of spinkicks.

E caught him and whipped Red into the ropes. Red leapt and nailed a spinning corkscrew plancha onto Moore and Shelley. Fans chanted “Go Red Go”, which was the chant Don West used to lead.

E tried to ascend but was taken out by Moore. Moore climbed up and actually went over the ropes to the top of the UX structure. Red began to follow him. Shelley tried to as well but Cookie grabbed his leg…in front of the refere…who did nothing.

Red began climbing across the cables as Moore tried to drop down from the metal structure. Shelley began to fire away at Red with kicks. Red fell to the ring below. Moore dropped down but was fought off by Shelley with kicks. Moore crashed and burned.

Shelley pulled down the X and captured the win.

Your winner, Alex Shelley!

Decent match but not the off the wall insane stuntshow that have been the calling card of the UK match. I thought the ending was creative but I never felt there was a big dramatic build to the match. Some nice bumps and dives but not memorable in comparison to the history of the match.

Chris Sabin, who Shelley dedicated the match to, came out and celebrated with his partner on the stage.

They showed highlights of Styles vs. Daniels at Final Resolution 2009, which was an awesome match.

Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam

Dueling chants for each man. Van Dam and Lynn played to the crowd early. They did their back and forth sequences. The announcers noted the match was originally scheduled for the Hardcore Justice PPV last year but Lynn trained so hard, he blew out his back.

Lynn worked over Van Dam’s arm but RVD legsweeped him and locked in an armbar. Borash said this was a match a lot of people, including himself, wanted to see for a long time. Borash mentioned his Forever Hardcore documentary while talking about their rivalry.

Lynn went to the top but was caught with a rolling kick. RVD went for a superplex but was shoved off to the apron. They battled on the apron but Lynn was clotheslined over the top into the ring. RVD worked him over in the corner, then whipped Lynn into the corner.

They went back and forth exchanging moves, with the story being that they knew each other so well, they could counter the other. They exchanged strikes, ending with Van Dam sending Lynn to the outside with a kick. RVD teased a dive but Lynn avoided it. RVD held the ropes open for Lynn to return.

They returned to the ring. RVD offered a handshake but Lynn grabbed him and tossed him to the outside, where Van Dam nailed the guard rail. Lynn drilled him with a sliding kick to the outside of the ring. Lynn nailed a flip dive off the apron on Van Dam.

Lynn brought him back into the ring, covering Van Dam for a two count. He stomped on RVD’s face and covered him again. They go back and forth. Lynn nailed a suplex with a bridge for a two count.

RVD rallied back. They both went for a hiptoss but Van Dam drilled him with a kick and rolling thunder for a two count.

They battled to the outside. Lynn ate the railing. Van Dam draped him over the railing and nailed the corkscrew guillotine legdrop.

Van Dam tosses Lynn back into the ring and nailed a slingshot legdrop. Van Dam called for the Five Star Frog Splash but when he went to the top, Lynn shoved him off the top rope to the floor.

Lynn grabbed a chair and brought it into the ring. The referee tried to tell him not to use it. Van Dam went for a Van Daminator but Lynn ducked and dropped the chair. Lynn legdropped Van Dam onto the chair, busting him open right above the eye.

Lynn brought another chair into the ring. Van Dam nailed him and went for a monkey flip on the chair but Lynn evaded it and used a sunset flip to send RVD sailing across the ring onto the chair for a two count.

Lynn went for the chair but RVD nailed the Van Daminator. RVD nailed the Five Star Frog Splash and scored the pin.

Your winner, Rob Van Dam!

Good back and forth match with a lot of nostalgia for those of us that lived through the ECW era. For all the talk of the physical freak that Ric Flair is, Jerry Lynn has to be right up there as he still looked and worked like it was 15 years ago. That man may never hit a peak. I am a big fan of the old series, so I am probably looking at this from a different POV than some, but this was pretty entertaining.

Jack Evans was interviewed. He said that there are times you have to give your all and see what happens, and this is one of those days. He said he was getting the contract and apologized in advance to the others.

Low Ki vs. Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion vs. Jack Evans

All four circled the other. They all whipped out a ton of cool moves early. Ki chopped away on Ion but was caught with a knee in the corner. Ki drilled him and covered him for a two count.

Ki worked over Evans in the corner but was snapped backwards by Aries. Aries raked him across the back, then nailed Evan and Ion as well with rakes. All three came back to nail dropkicks on Aries, sending him to the floor.

Ki broke up an Evans pinfall on Ion, then chopped away at him. Evans kicked Ki off but was slammed into the apron by Aries. Ion nailed a kick to Aries.

Evans went to dive into the ring on Ki but Aries’ grabbed his leg. Evans kicked him off and went for a moonsault but Aries evaded and drilled him into the apron.

Ion locked a forward choke on Ki but Aries dropkicked him in the face. He covered Ion but his leg was under the ropes. Ki stalked Aries but Evans nailed a flying dropkick.

They went back and forth. Ki trapped Evans in the Ki Klutch while Aries trapped Ion in the Oriental Torture Device. They trash talked each other while trying to get their man to submit. Aries broke the hold and attacked Ki. They chopped and kicked each other back and forth.

Aries caught Ki with a double sledge. Aries went for a brainbuster but Ki kneed him while upside down and went for a suplex only for Evans to come out of nowhere and wipe them out. He went for a comeback but Ion nailed a Hostile Makeover, a belly to belly that drives the opponent onto his knee.

Aries cut off Ion and drilled him with the Pendulum Elbow. Ki drilled Aries with a double stomp and covered him for a two count. Evans was shot into the ropes and landed on Ki’s shoulder, turning it into a rana. He went for a dive but Ion held the ropes down and crashed outside. Ion went for a dive but Aries tackled him and covered Ion for a two count.

Aries went for a crazy highspeed dive but Ki kicked him in the forehead. That looked nasty. Evans hit a twisting kick off the top on Ki but was drilled by Aries with a roaring elbow. The crowd chanted, “This is awesome.”

Aries tried to cover them as the audience chanted, “Sign them all.” The crowd then chanted, “This is wrestling.”

Ion and Aries squared off. Aries was backdropped over to the apron. He grabbed Ion and nailed a hangman’s neckbreaker across the ropes. Aries went to the top but was caught with a cartwheel kick in the corner. Ki covered Aries, who kicked out.

Ki dragged Aries to the middle of the ring. He went to the top for the Warrior’s Way but Evans springboarded off the top rope to catch Ki with a top rope rana. He called for the 630 splash but Ion nailed him. Ion nailed a 450 splash on Ki but Aries made the save.

Evans went for the 630 but Ki pulled his knees up. Aries worked them both over, then nailed a brainbuster on Ki and scored the pin.

Your winner, Austin Aries!

Incredible balls to the wall, super hot, stiff and fast action. GREAT stuff.

The crowd chanted "thank you all." Aries was interviewed after the match. He asked if anyone was surprised and said he was the greatest man who ever lived. He signed the contract and headed to the back, reading it.

They aired a backstage promo with Abyss talking about warfare. He said that Brian Kendrick's strategy is to stand toe to toe with Abyss as some sort of moral victory for the X-Division. Abyss said that he may be right but tonight is going to be the final rights and burial for "your" PPV, Destination X. He said that when it's time for Kendrick to die, he'll make it quick, but not too quick. Great promo.

”Sign Them All” is now trending on Twitter. I certainly hope TNA will take heed to that chant.

TNA X-Division champ Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick

Kendrick was drilled with shots by Abyss but refused to lay down and kept leaping back to nail Abyss, only to be shot back down.

Kendrick bit Abyss to escape a chokeslam but was nailed and tossed out hard to the floor. Abyss asked if this was all the Division had but Kendrick started nailing him. Abyss shoved him backwards into the railing and challenged the crowd.

Abyss drilled Kendrick across the chest with a hard open hand chop. Abyss charged him in the corner but Kendrick drilled him, only to be kicked down. Abyss nailed his running Avalanche in the corner. Abyss dropped down to read “The Art of War” for spiritual inspiration.

Kendrick nailed several kicks but was slammed back down. Abyss rained down on him with punches in the corner. Kendrick nailed him with a forearm that dazed Abyss as he was reading the book. That busted him open. Kendrick challenged Abyss. They battled back and forth until Kendrick nailed a flurry of offense, sending Abyss out of the ring to the floor.

Kendrick nailed a dive to the outside on Abyss. Kendrick nailed a series of kicks to the face. He nailed a flying bodypress into the ring on Abyss for a two count. Abyss backdropped him over the top onto the apron. Kendrick landed on his feet and nailed a missile dropkick for a two count.

Kendrick went for Sliced Bread #2 but Abyss caught him and positioned him for Shock Treatment, and nailed it. He covered Kendrick for a two count. He whipped Kendrick into the corner where Earl Hebner was. Kendrick stopped short but Abyss nailed a running clothesline, nailing Hebner. It didn’t look good.

Kendrick nailed Sliced Bread #2 but there was no referee. Eric Bischoff came out and went off on Kendrick. Kendrick nailed him. Immortal attacked Kendrick. Several X-Division guys hit the ring but were tossed. A second wave (everyone except Samoa Joe) brawled with Immortal and ran them off.

Kendrick came off the top and caught Abyss with a forward roll, scoring the pin.

Your winner and new X-Division champion, Brian Kendrick!

The X-Division talents all held Kendrick up on their shoulders as confetti rained down.

Abyss shoved down Bully Ray on the ramp.

Brian Kendrick is now trending on Twitter.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

They locked up and muscled their way back and forth across the ring. Styles caught him with a top wristlock and forced him down to the mat. Daniels reversed but was caught with an armwringer.

Daniels used a trip and grabbed a side headlock. Styles slipped out and applies one of his own. They go back and forth with arm drags and hiptosses. Styles catches Daniels and applies an armbar.

They continued to go back and forth with reversals and takedowns. Daniels went to the outside and Styles went for a dive but Daniels escaped. They continued going back and forth until Styles drilled him with a dropkick for a two count, then locked on a rear chinlock.

Lots of back and forth chants from the crowd. Daniels nailed a suicide dive on Styles. Daniels follows up with a flying headbutt. He tosses Styles into the ring and nailed a back suplex. He nailed a second, then a third, covering Styles for a two count.

Daniels drilled him with a backbreaker and scored another two count. Daniels snapped his neck. Styles made a comeback and locked on a Crowbar armbar but Daniels grabbed the ropes.

Daniels and Styles battled on the apron outside. Styles suplexed Daniels on the apron outside. Daniels recovered first and brought Styles into the ring, working him over in the corner.

Daniels locked in the Kokina Clutch but Styles made his way to the ropes, draping his leg over it. Daniels nailed him with a Death Valley Driver for a two count. Styles fought back on his knees, going back and forth with chops until Styles nailed Daniels with an enziguiri.

The referee began counting both out but they made it to their feet. Styles cleaned house. Styles went for the springboard forearm smash but slipped and Daniels sidestepped him. Daniels went for a suplex but Styles reversed it.

Daniels went to the ropes but Styles was ready for him, slamming Daniels down with a sitdown bomb for a two count. Styles went for a punch but was caught with an STO. Daniels locked on a triangle choke but Styles powered up and dropped Daniels off of him to the apron.

Daniels comes back and nails several palm thrusts, dazing Styles in the corner. Daniels went for a Dragon Sleeper but was sent over. Daniels ascended in the corner but Styles drilled him with several shots and tossed him from the corner. Daniels went for a back elbow but Styles hit a springboard into an inverted DDT.

Daniels came back with another STO and Uranage. Daniels went for the BME but Styles got his foot up. Styles nailed the Styles Clash for a two count.

Daniels nailed Angel’s Wings on Styles for two count. He went to the top but was cut off by Styles. They battled on the top. Daniels went for Angel’s Wings off the top but was backdropped off. Styles nailed the Spiral Tap for the win.

Your winner, AJ Styles!

VVery good, physical match. They worked a long pace, building it slowly and adding it big moves.

Styles offered his hand to Daniels. Daniels turned away but then took it. He raised Styles’ arm and left. Styles sat in the ring as we went off the air.

2012 - SHINE Women's Wrestling announces plans to hold their first event in Florida.  The promotion is designed as a sister promotion to both SHIMMER and Dragon Gate USA.

2013 - WWE broadcast NXT.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

Last week, Bo Dallas successfully defended his NXT Title against Antonio Cesaro. This week, the tag champions team with Bray Wyatt against Corey Graves, Adrian Neville, and William Regal. What will happen in the other semi-final match in the NXT Women’s Title Tournament?

We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Tom ‘Bubbles’ Phillips and Brad ‘Do I get a promotion on this show too’ Maddox.


Match Number One: Summer Rae versus Emma in a Semi-Final Match in the NXT Women’s Title Tournament


They lock up and Emma backs Summer into the corner but Summer is the one with the clean break. Summer pushes Emma into the corner and sends her into the turnbuckles. Summer slams Emma’s head into the mat and she gets a near fall. Summer kicks Emma and gets a unique near fall. Summer chokes Emma in the ropes.

Summer gets another near fall. Summer kicks Emma and she hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Summer with a leg drop to the arm and she applies an arm submission. Emma gets to her feet and she gets a near fall but Summer sends Emma back to the mat. Summer stretches the arm but Emma gets back to her feet. Summer kicks Emma away and Emma with a rollup for a near fall.

Summer with a drop kick and she gets a near fall. Summer with a reverse chin lock. Emma gets to her feet and she gets out of the hold. Summer with an Irish wihp but Emma moves out of the way and Emma with a shoulder from the apron and she slides under and gets a near fall. Emma with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles followed by a cross body in the corner and she gets a near fall.

Summer with a kick and she goes for a sunset flip but Emma drops down and gets a near fall. Summer is able to get Emma over for a near fall. Emma rolls back over and gets the three count.


Winner: Emma (Advances to the Finals to face Paige [in two weeks])


After the match, Emma dances, but Summer will not let her steal the spotlight and she attacks Emma. Paige comes to the ring and Summer leaves. Paige checks on Emma and they show some professional courtesy. Paige leaves the ring and Emma dances.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bayley is with Dusty Rhodes. Dusty talks about her energy and he tells her to look past her loss to Alicia. Dusty wants to know why Bayley would want to hug Alicia. She tells Mr. American Dream and Dusty tells her to call her Dusty. She says that she is so excited to be in NXT.

Bayley is speechless and we see why. Ric Flair enters with his daughter Charlotte.

Dusty says that he was talking about her debut and he is looking for her opponent. Bayley volunteers to be Charlotte’s opponent.

Dusty likes this and they shake hands.

Bayley asks Mr. Nature Boy for a wooo. Ric gives her a few wooos. Flair leaves and Bayley woos too.


Match Number Two: Sami Zayn versus Leo Kruger


Leo sits in the corner and he takes his time getting up. They take their time locking up but Zayn with a rollup for a near fall. They lock up again and Kruger works on the wrist. Zayn rolls through and he escapes with an arm drag. Kruger backs into the turnbuckles.

Kruger with a kick to the midsection and he applies a side head lock. Kruger with a shoulder tackle but Zayn with a series of arm drags and then he spins around Kruger and hits another arm drag. Zayn climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Kruger in the corner but Kruger grabs Zayn and hits a revere atomic drop.

Zayn with a leg lariat and Kruger goes to the floor. Zayn goes for a suicide dive but Kruger with a forearm to the head and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kruger is in control of the match and he connects with a series of forearms while the referee tries to pull Kruger off Zayn. Zayn with chops but Kruger with a chop and kick of his own. Kruger with a snap mare and he gets a near fall. Kruger with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

Kruger with a hammer lock and Kruger with a knee to the shoulder. While Kruger holds on to the hammer lock on one arm, he has the other arm in a wrist lock. Kruger with a knee drop to the head. Zayn punches Kruger but it has little effect. Kruger with a hard Irish whip into the corner followed by a punch. Kruger with an Irish whip and Zayn floats over. Kruger with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Kruger argues with the referee before going to the turnbuckles and he misses an elbow drop when Zayn rolls away. Zayn with a clothesline or two and then he hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Kruger sends Zayn into the turnbuckles but Zayn with an elbow and then Zayn hits a cross body from the second turnbuckle and gets a near fall.

Zayn runs into a boot from Kruger and Kruger sends Zayn shoulder first into the ring post. Kruger with a Fujiwara arm bar and Zayn fights to get to the ropes or escape the hold. Zayn gets his foot on the rope to force Kruger to release the hold. Kruger tries for a slam but Zayn escapes. Kruger with punches and elbows but Zayn is able to hit the Blue Thunder Driver for a near fall.

Zayn goes up top but Kruger stops him and Kruger hits a superplex. Kruger waits for Zayn to get up and he hits a divorce court and then he applies the GC3 and Zayn taps out.


Winner: Leo Kruger


Adrian Neville, Corey Graves, and William Regal are in the interview area with Renee Young. Renee asks if the war with the Wyatt Family ends tonight. Adrian says that tonight is just a taste of what they have in store for the Wyatt Family. They are ready and next week, him and Corey will become the new Tag Team Champions.

Corey says that there has been a lot of talking. Tonight, he will let his fists do the talking.

Regal says that when he was born, the doctor slapped his behind and then he broke the doctor’s fingers and head butted him. Regal says that the best thing the Wyatt Family can do is take the hiding that they will be getting and stay down.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Enzo Amore has something to say before his next match. He says that what Mason did last week to them was pure manure. He says that Mason hit him in the chin with a cheap shot. He says that they don’t like Mason. He says that one plus one equals 3.14 and it is time for Mason to eat some pie.


Match Number Three: Mason Ryan versus Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady


Ryan goes after Cassady and Amore climbs on his back but Ryan takes care of him. Colin and Enzo with punches and forearms to Ryan. Ryan with a double shoulder tackle and then he Irish whips Amore into the turnbuckles. He does the same to Cassady in the opposite corner. Ryan with a clothesline to Cassady in the corner.

Amore tries for a cross body but Ryan catches him. Cassady with a boot to Ryan and Amore gets a near fall when he falls on top of Ryan. Colin and Amore with forearms to Ryan. Enzo traps Ryan in the corner while Cassady works over Ryan. Ryan has Cassady up for a slam but Amore clips Ryan and Cassady gets the three count.


Winners: Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady


We go to commercial.

We are back and Dusty Rhodes is in the interview area he says that it is great to be the NXT Commissioner. Great decisions make great matches and make great entertainment. Things have gotten out of hand with Antonio Cesaro, Leo Kruger, and Sami Zayn. Next week we will get a true number one contender. All three men will be in a Triple Threat Match and the winner is the Number One Contender.

Bray Wyatt says that his heart bleeds for Regal, Neville, and Graves. No matter what they do to them, they keep fighting back. For what? For a foolish sense of pride? In time, they will realize that this was all a mistake. They will realize that he is a wolf, raised by the lambs. This will be the end for them and that time itself belongs to Bray Wyatt.


Match Number Four: Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan versus Adrian Neville, William Regal, and Corey Graves


39:55 Rowan and Neville start things off and Neville with punches but Rowan sends Neville into the turnbuckles. Neville with kicks to Rowan followed by a drop kick. Neville with a kick to the leg and Regal tags in. Regal with a kick and European uppercut. Regal with forearms to Rowan followed by knees and another forearm. Graves tags in and he punches Rowan in the corner.

Rowan with a shoulder tackle and Harper tags in and he connects with a forearm. Harper tries for a slam but Graves escapes and he hits a drop kick. Graves chokes Harper in the ropes and then he tags in William Regal. Regal talks to the referee while he kicks Harper in the head. Neville tags in and while Regal talks to the referee, Neville does the same thing Regal did. Harper gets to the floor and the Wyatt Family discuss strategy.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Harper works over Neville in the corner. Harper with an Irish whip but Neville flips over and connects with a drop kick to the knees and then one to the head. Neville gets a near fall. Harper with a rake of the eyes and then Wyatt punches Neville while the referee deals with Graves and Regal. Wyatt makes the tag when the referee is looking and he uses his weight to drop down on Neville.

Wyatt sends Neville into the turnbuckles and Harper tags back in. Harper keeps Neville from making the tag and he connects with a European uppercut. Harper with head butts and a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Harper picks Neville up by the hair and then sends him back to the mat. Rowan tags in and Harper with an elbow and he sends Neville to Rowan for a slam and Rowan gets a near fall.

Rowan with a knee to the midsection followed by a pump handle back breaker. Rowan gets a near fall. Rowan stands on the back of Neville’s head and he applies a single leg crab. Rowan with an elbow drop. Wyatt tags back in and he connects with a punch and head butt. Wyatt walks across Neville’s chest. Wyatt with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Neville with punches but Wyatt stands between Neville and his partners.

Neville tries for a crucifix driver but Wyatt holds on and he turns it into a back drop for a near fall. Harper tags back in and Neville with a jawbreaker. Nevile tries to leap over Harper but Harper catches him and Harper drives Neville into the mat and he gets a near fall. Harper with a hammer lock and arm bar.

Harper tries for a delayed vertical suplex but Neville with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Neville is sent to the apron and he connects wit a shoulder to Harper. Neville with an elbow to Rowan. Neville slingshots into the ring but Harper catches him. Neville with kicks and he avoids an elbow drop.

Regal tags in and he kicks Harper and connects with forearms. Regal with an Irish whip and forearm followed by knees and an Exploder. Regal takes on Rowan and Wyatt in the corner. Regal with a front face lock and a knee to the head followed by a running knee to the head. Rowan breaks up the cover and Graves goes after Rowan and they both go over the top rope to the floor.

Neville with a corkscrew plancha that hits Rowan and Graves on the floor. Wyatt tags in and he picks up Regal. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail and gets the three count.

Winners: Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan

We go to commercial.

2014 - WWE ran Tokyo, Japan.  Katuyuki filed the following results:

Dolph Ziggler beat The Miz in the opener.

Big E and Kofi Kingston teamed up to beat Luke Harper and Erick Rowan.

Adrian Neville beat Sami Zayn to retain the NXT Title.

Roman Reigns teamed with Dean Ambrose to beat Seth Rollins and Kane by DQ when Rollins used the Money In The Bank briefcase.

Rob Van Dam beat Cesaro.

Paige beat Alicia Fox.

John Cena beat Bray Wyatt to defend the WWE Title.

2014 - TNA broadcast Impact Wrestling.  Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

Welcome to the Impact Wrestling Report here on!

We start tonight's show off with a rundown of tonight's series of title matches and the #1 contender's battle royal, then Kurt Angle comes out to welcome us to the Champion's Showcase. He runs down tonight's title matches, then asks Willow to come down to the ring to speak with him. He knows what Willow is all about and how Jeff Hardy had to find a place of darkness to deal with Dixie Carter and MVP, but he's in charge now and he needs the most competitive wrestler in the business: Jeff Hardy. He's not asking Willow to leave forever, just for tonight, and he asks if Willow will consider that. Willow doesn't speak, but seems to agree with that and shakes Angle's hand.

The Wolves are backstage, and they're...WALKING!

Austin Aries is backstage and says Kurt Angle finally gave him his rematch with Sanada. He created option C, so while there will be 20 man in a battle royal to earn a title shot, he's one man and he's going to beat Sanada to become the X Division Champion, and then he'll have all the options in his hand when we get to Destination X.

TNA World Tag Team Title Match: The Wolves vs Brutus Magnus & Bram

Magnus starts by powering Davey Richards into the corner, but Davey uses his speed to maneuver Magnus into the Wolves corner and work him over with kicks. Bram gets the same when he comes in to try and help, and the Wolves are in complete control as they easily wrestle circles around Magnus and Bram. The challengers finally get an advantage by trapping Davey in the ring apron and taking free shots, then Magnus slams Davey hard on the floor and dumps him back into the ring to take more punishment from Bram. Davey's in trouble for a couple of minutes before making the hot tag to Eddie, who comes in and lights Bram up with strikes. Eddie connects with a missile dropkick, then hits a top rope Frankensteiner for 2. The Wolves dump Magnus and Bram to the floor and hit stereo dives, then Davey rolls Bram inside and goes for the top rope double stomp. Bram dodges and goes for a gutwrench powerbomb, Davey slips out and gets a backslide, but Davey isn't the legal man. Eddie is, and he dives in and gets a jackknife rollup on Bram for the win.

Winners: The Wolves

Bram is pissed that he lost, and he proceeds to beat the ever-loving CRAP out of the Wolves until Magnus literally drags him out of the ring.

Bobby Roode is backstage and says he got some retribution against Kenny King last week, but he wants MVP and he's calling him out tonight.

Bobby Roode comes out to the ring and asks the fans if they've ever wanted something so badly that they would do anything to have it. He feels that way about the TNA World Title, and he sat home for two months because MVP was the boss and he saw Roode as a threat. He has news for MVP: his threat is standing in the middle of the ring, and he's not his boss anymore. He wanted a match with MVP last week and MVP hid behind a doctor's note, so this week, he's going to give MVP until the count of 10, and if MVP doesn't come out here by 10, he's going to go looking for him and kick his ass. MVP comes out in a wheelchair at 5, and says he didn't take anything away from Roode, and if anything, Roode took something away from him because he was days away from being cleared when Roode attacked him and reinjured the knee so badly he couldn't even get an MRI. Roode says he doesn't care because he's going to come kick his ass, and begins making his way up the ramp. Kenny King comes out of the crowd to attack Roode, but Roode sees him coming this week, lays King out, then brings MVP to ringside and dumps him out of the chair. King is up and nails Roode from behind with a chair, then holds him for MVP to take free shots. Young goes at it with King and lays him out, then turns his attention to MVP, who backs off to the corner. Young almost has his hands on him when Lashley comes out of nowhere and spears Young into next week.

James Storm sits down with Sanada backstage and says that Sanada has put a lot of pressure on himself. If he loses that title, he brings disgrace on his country and his mentor. He knows Muta uses that title to control him, and he knows Muta is coming to New York to see him defend it, but Storm likes what he sees and hopes he wins tonight. Sanada gets up to get in his face, but Storm pushes him back into his chair and tells him not to choke.

Kurt Angle is backstage and says he knows what Willow is all about, but he thinks he got through to Jeff Hardy, and he thinks we're going to see him in the battle royal tonight.

X Division Title Match: Sanada vs Austin Aries

They do some basic chain wrestling to start with neither man able to get a sustained advantage. Aries suddenly gets a takedown and gets Sanada right in the Last Chancery, but Sanada quickly makes the ropes. Sanada gets a leg ride and rolls Aries around the ring before cradling him for 2 and then clotheslining him to the floor. Sanada tries a springboard, but Aries shoves him to the floor and then comes off the top rope with a double axhandle to the floor. Aries hits a pumping elbowdrop for 2, but comes off the top rope with a crossbody and eats a dropkick from Sanada. Sanada rolls Aries out to the floor and comes off the apron with a somersault dive, then rolls Aries inside and springboards off the ropes with a Tatanka chop for 1. Aries grabs Sanada and goes for the kneebreaker/suplex combo, but Sanada rolls through into a sunset flip for 2. Aries blocks a Tiger suplex and tries the IED, but Sanada gets a boot up, hits a backbreaker, and goes up for a moonsault. Aries nails him and drops Sanada face first on the top turnbuckle. Aries hits the IED, goes for a brainbuster, Sanada slips out and gets a Tiger suplex for 2. Sanada with a backbreaker and hits the moonsault, but Aries is out again at 2. Sanada looks pissed and slams Aries, but misses another moonsault. Aries drills Sanada with a roaring elbow, hits the kneebreaker/suplex, another IED, the brainbuster, and Sanada kicks out at 2. Aries goes right to the top, hits the 450 splash, and regains the X Division Title.

Winner and NEW X Division Champion: Austin Aries

Awesome match! The last few minutes were great, felt like it could go either way and all the false finishes were great.

Bully Ray is hanging out in the staircase and says he has some stuff to say about Rhino tonight.

We look back at last week when Rhino returned to TNA and gored Bully Ray, then we go back to Bubba in the stairwell. He thought he knew Rhino after the 20 years they've been up and down the roads together, and he wants to talk to Rhino man-to-man, face-to-face in the ring tonight.

We go to Ethan Carter III, who says that Rhino is going to reveal Bubba for the man we all truly know he is tonight.

To the ring, where Bully Ray comes storming out to the ring and says that Bam Bam Bigelow gave him some great advice about only needing the fingers on one hand to count the true friends he has in the industry. He thought Rhino was one of those friends but he was wrong, so since he knows Rhino is here tonight, he wants him to come out and give him answers right now. Rhino does come out...but brings EC3 and Spud with him. The crowd informs Rhino that he sold out as Bubba tells Rhino that he should beat the crap out of him right now, but he wants to know why he did that to him after all their history in the business. Rhino tells Bubba to shut his mouth so he can give him answers. When he was sitting at home watching TNA, he knows that Bubba is a con man. Devon isn't here anymore because he conned him, he conned Paul Heyman, and he conned Dixie Carter. Bubba says Rhino sold out and that this is just pure jealousy. Bubba is in the Hall of Fame because the fans think he should be, but Rhino says the fans know nothing. Bubba says Rhino is responsible for his own career, he's the reason he got fired from WWE, he's the reason he got fired from TNA, and why he was once hardcore but is now just a bitch. EC3 tells Bubba that Rhino's real family is in Detroit and needs money to keep a roof over their head, money that Bubba stole from him by hogging the spotlight. He paid Rhino to do what he did last week, and he's going to keep paying him to take Bubba out. Bubba tells EC3 that he's going to take him out, but he doesn't get a chance because Rhino gores him into next week, and then the three of them put the boots to Bubba. Tommy Dreamer suddenly runs in and nails Rhino with a Singapore cane, but EC3 heads for the hills before Dreamer can nail him too.

The Beautiful People are backstage complaining about tonight's match being a four way and wasting all that effort on Stiffler last week. Velvet says her flirting with Kurt didn't work either, and that her boobs are real...they're DAMN real. Angelina says she'll just have to break her own record tonight and win a seventh Knockoots Title.

Willow is sitting around in the rafters thinking about who he's going to be in the main event tonight.

Knux is backstage giving the Menagerie a pep talk before tonight's main event battle royal.

Knockouts Title Match: Gail Kim vs Angelina Love vs Brittany vs Madison Rayne

Brittany jumps Madison on her way to the ring, and the match basically starts in the aisle and then moves into the ring. They pretty much pair off with Gail and Madison on one side, and Angelina and Brittany on the other. Angelina and Brittany get rid of Gail and double team Madison, but wind up turning on each other and Gail comes in with a flying dropkick to both girls. She nearly pins Brittany with a moonsault, and then everyone hits one big move after another on each other until Gail hits Eat DaFeet on Angelina for the win.

Winner: Gail Kim

Willow's mask is backstage, and it's...HANGING! Is Jeff Hardy going to be in the battle royal?

Austin Aries says it seems like every year this time of year, he has the X Division Title and that means power. He's going to Destination X in New York City and cash it in for a shot at the World Title. The X Division is once again relevant and great, and he has all the options in his hand.

Bobby Roode is backstage and says that MVP and Kenny King are a distraction, but he has to go out there and beat 19 other guys, so they're the last thing on his mind right now.

We go to a promo video of MVP putting over what a badass and great athlete Bobby Lashley is while Lashley works out in the gym.

It's main event time!

20 Man #1 Contender's Battle Royal

Sure enough, Jeff Hardy is in the house tonight as the last entrant into the battle royal, and we're off. Battle royals are impossible to do play-by-play on, so I'll just hit the important stuff. Crazy Steve goes out first, followed by Jessie Godderz and DJ Z. The Freak goes out right after him, and then Knux. Okay, well at least the dead weight is going quickly. And why would any of those guys deserve even a shot at a title shot? Bram dispoes of Tigre Uno, then Sanada and Magnus, who start brawling on the floor. Ken Anderson gets dumped by James Storm as Bully Ray has Ethan Carter III in trouble on the apron. Gunner goes out as well thanks to Storm, and Hardy clotheslines Bram to the floor. Bubba tosses Ethan to the apron, but Spud hangs onto him for dear life as Bubba stomps on them both. Abyss comes out and goes after Bram, beating the crud out of him all the way to the dressing room. MVP saves Kenny King from elimination, and King tosses Manik out from the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back and are informed that nobody was eliminated during the break. Bully Ray no-sells some chops from Spud and gives him the crotch claw, then press slams him to the floor. Bubba clotheslines EC3 and they both go over the top and to the floor and they're done. We're down to Kenny King, Jeff Hardy, Bobby Roode, Jeff Hardy, and Eric Young. Roode gives King a spinebuster, but MVP hits Roode with his crutch and King is able to toss Roode. Young quickly swoops in and tosses King, and it's down to Eric Young and Jeff Hardy. Young hiptosses Hardy to the apron, but Hardy makes it back in, whips Young to the corner, and he Flair flips to the apron, slides back in under Hardy, and tries a charge. Hardy dodges and Young barely manages to hang on after sailing over the ropes, but Hardy comes off the top with a dropkick that sends Young to the floor to eliminate him.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Fun main event, though I don't like how you know who is going to win nearly every battle royal before it starts these days. Jeremy Borash asks Jeff Hardy how it feels to win, and he says it feels great because he's going to be the next World Champion. Borash says Lashley is a tough competitor, and Hardy says he's extremely tough, but he can get extremely rougher than most, and next week, the Creatures should we go again! Bobby Lashley comes down to the ring and goes nose-to-nose with Hardy, holding the belt up to his face as we call it a week.

2014 - WWE broadcast NXT.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Rich ‘Back in the Full Sail’ Brennan, Jason ‘I’m Back’ Albert, and Renee ‘See me on Superstars tomorrow’ Young


Match Number One: Bayley versus Summer Rae in a Number One Contender Match


Summer misses a charge into the corner when Bayley moves. Bayley sends Summer’s head into the turnbuckles and then she goes into the middle turnbuckle in another corner. Bayley sends Summer into the bottom turnbuckle and gets a near fall. Bayley with a wrist lock but Summer with an Irish whip. Bayley with an elbow and an arm drag.

Bayley with a drop toe hold and then she floats over and applies an arm bar. Bayley with another float over and then Bayley slams Summer. Summer goes to the floor and Bayley follows. Summer gets back into the ring and she connects with a bicycle kick and gets a near fall. Summer stretches Bayley but Bayley gets her shoulders off the mat to avoid being pinned in the hold.

We se Charlotte in the back looking at a monitor.

Back in the ring, Bayley gets a near fall. Summer slams Bayley’s head into the mat and then she pulls Bayley’s headband off. Summer stretches Bayley in the ropes and she gets a near fall. Summer drives Bayley’s head into the mat and she gets a near fall. Bayley with a waist lock but Summer with a modified DDT and she rolls through. Bayley blocks the round kick and Summer’s face is sent into the mat.

Bayley backs Summer into the corner and she connects with a series of shoulders. Bayley with running double sledges to Summer and then Bayley with a running shoulder into the corner and a back elbow. Bayley with a suplex for a near fall. Summer with a spinning back heel kick for a near fall.

Summer runs into a boot from Bayley and then Bayley with a back elbow. Summer escapes the belly-to-belly suplex and Summer hits the Summer Crush and gets the three count.


Winner: Summer Rae


We see Charlotte in the back and she is still watching the monitor.

Rich mentions the post match attack by Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd.

Adrian says that what happened was cheap. Do you think you are brave or clever. Sami says that he should have seen that coming. Everyone is seeing what type of guy Tyson is. He is shocked that Justin got brainwashed. Sami says this isn’t the last time you have heard from them.

Devin Taylor is with Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd. She asks Justin about what happened. Justin says that he made a choice not to be a loser. He is back in NXT after four years. It is not a slag on NXT because the talent is phenomenal. They are not on the same level as Justin and they don’t have his skill or looks. Tyson was right and it took that loss to get to him. To get ahead in life, you have to break some rules.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Eden announces that Tyler Breeze has entered the building.


Match Number Two: Sin Cara versus Wesley Blake


They lock up and Cara with a wrist lock and arm drag. Cara with a rollup for a near fall. Cara with a rollup for another near fall. Blake with a forearm and he gets a near fall. Blake with an uppercut but Cara sends Blake over the top rope to the floor. Cara with a suicide dive onto Blake. They return to the ring and Cara punches Blake.

Blake with a punch to Cara and he hits a Divorce Court for a near fall. Blake with knees to the arm and he gets a near fall. Blake with a key lock. Cara gets to his feet and he gives Blake an arm drag. Cara with a drop toe hold followed by a kick and a springboard forearm and clothesline. Sin Cara with a springboard cross body. Cara with a handspring back elbow for a near fall.

Cara goes to the apron and he hits an enzuigiri and then Cara goes up top for a swanton and gets the three count.


Winner: Sin Cara


Tyson Kidd is in the back and Natalya stops by. She tells Tyson it was strange with the interview. Tyson says that he was ambushed. Natalya says that she thought it came off that it is her fault. Natalya says that she doesn’t want to be a part of this if Tyson continues this attitude. Tyson says that he would love for her to be at ringside with her, but it is up to her.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Summer says that she should be the number one contender. Sasha is shocked that Summer won. Summer says that they can still hang out, but Sasha says that is what Charlotte said. Summer tells Sasha that she will want to hang out with her when she wins the title.

CJ Parker comes to the ring and he has something to say. Parker says that he said some things last week that he is not very fond of. He wants Xavier Woods to come to the ring.

Xavier makes his way to the ring.

Parker says that he doesn’t want things to get out of hand. He has been gone for a while and he was a little overzealous and overconfident last week. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins and he said some things he shouldn’t have.

Xavier says that CJ was a little excited after his match and he popped off like a twelve year old. Woods says that he is not an idiot and he uses logic. Logic is the only thing keeping him from ripping that rainbow colored bird’s nest off the top of his head.

Parker says that he came out to say he was sorry, bury the hatchet, and offer an olive branch. He wants peace and he suggests that Woods accept it. Parker offers his hand and Woods thinks about it for a moment.

Woods responds with his own peace sign and he starts to walk out of the ring, but Parker hits Woods from behind and he tells Woods that he didn’t want it to be this way. He wanted to say he was sorry.

We go to commercial.

We are back with some black and white footage of the Vaudevillains. Aiden says that they will be the greatest team in the land while Gotch says that they will be champions. They laugh and say excelsior.

Rich, Renee, and Jason talk about the Vaudevillains.

We have a video package for the Ascension. We see highlights of the match from Takeover against El Local and Kalisto.


Match Number Three: Bull Dempsey versus Angelo Dawkins


They lock up and Dempsey with a side head lock but Dawkins with a reversal. Dempsey with a take down into a wrist lock. Dawkins with a forearm and arm drag but Dempsey holds on to the side head lock and Dawkins takes him over. Dempsey with a forearm and Dawkins tries for a sunset flip but Dempsey drops down and then he connects with elbows.

Dempsey with a reverse chin lock and forearm across the chest. Dempsey with a head butt and a series of elbow drops. Dempsey runs his forearm across the face. Dempsey sends Dawkins into the corner and he punches Dawkins in the ribs. Dawkins with punches but Dempsey with forearms. Dawkins with some jabs and a drop kick but Dempsey with a back elbow. Dempsey waits for Dawkins to get up and Dempsey with a splash into the corner followed by a power slam for the three count.


Winner: Bull Dempsey


After the match Dempsey gets on the mic and he says that he is the wrecking ball. He will not stop until he is NXT Champion.

Sami Zayn is in the interview area with Adrian Neville. Sami asks Adrian what possessed him to help Sami last week. Adrian says that they go way back and if anyone attacks Sami, he has his back. Adrian wants to know what is next. Sami says that he will give the mic back to Devin and they will go to the ring to show Justin and Tyson what they are all about.

We go to commercial.


Match Number Four: Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn versus Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel (with Natalya)


Kidd and Neville start things off and Kidd with a wrist lock and he takes Neville to the mat. Neville with a reversal and Kidd goes to the mat. Neville with a wrist lock and he tags in Zayn. Zayn with elbows to the arm and he tags Neville back in. Neville with an elbow to the arm. Neville with an arm wringer and arm bar. Neville with an arm bar and he tags in Zayn. Zayn with an elbow to the shoulder.

Zayn with a chop in the corner. Zayn with a snap mare and knee drop to the arm. Zayn rubs his knee across the elbow to add more pressure. Kidd with a knee to the midsection and Gabriel tags in. Zayn with a hip toss and he gets a near fall. Neville tags in and Zayn with a slam and Neville with a corkscrew moonsault off Zayn’s back for a near fall. Neville with a front face lock.

Neville starts to work on Gabriel’s arm but Gabriel tags in Kidd. Kidd kicks Neville in the midsection. Kidd with punches and an Irish whip but Neville floats over and hits a cross body for a near fall. Zayn tags in and he chops Kidd. Zayn with a punch and arm bar. Kidd backs Zayn into the corner and Kidd misses a punch and Zayn with an elbow. Zayn fights out fo the corner but Kidd sends Zayn over the top rope to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Gabriel with a near fall on Zayn and then he traps the arms. Kidd tags in and he kicks Zayn and connects with forearms. The referee warns Kidd but Kidd with a series of kicks in the corner. The referee warns Kidd again and Gabriel gets a shot in while the referee was not looking. Gabriel tags in and he hits a drop kick while Kidd holds Zayn. Gabriel gets a near fall.

Gabriel with forearms and Kidd tags back in. Gabriel with a snap mare and then Kidd and Gabriel with kicks to Zayn for a near fall. Kidd with a front face lock and he keeps his body between Zayn and Neville. Gabriel tags in and he punches Zayn in the ribs. Gabriel with a slam to Zayn followed by a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Zayn with elbows but Gabriel keeps Sami from making the tag.

Zayn avoids a splash in the corner and Neville tags in. Neville with a series of kick followed by a drop kick to the head. Neville with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Neville kicks Kidd to the floor and then Neville with a pop up sit out power bomb for a near fall. Kidd pulls Gabriel into his corner so he can make the tag.

Kidd with a springboard move but he is met with a super kick from Neville and Neville gets a near fall. Neville pulls Kidd into the corner for position for the Red Arrow but Gabriel distracts Neville and Kidd with a drop kick into the ropes. Kidd with a springboard elbow drop for a near fall.

Zayn breaks up the cover and then Zayn drops down and Gabriel goes to the floor. Kidd tries for a suplex but Neville lands on his feet. Zayn makes the blind tag and he hits a cross body while Neville hits a suicide dive onto Gabriel on the floor. Zayn with punches to Kidd but Kidd rakes the eyes. Zayn sends Kidd over the top rope to the floor. Zayn looks around and he hits a flip dive onto all three men.

Zayn rolls Kidd into the ring and Kidd holds his knee. Natalya checks on Tyson and Sami waits to see what the situation is. Kidd tricks Sami but Zayn blocks the punch and Zayn hits Kidd and Kidd knocks Natalya off the apron. Zayn and Kidd look concerned and Kidd goes to the apron, but it was a trap and he gets the three count with a rollup.

Winners: Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel

After the match, Tyson checks on Natalya as we go to credits.

2009 - BAR Wrestling ran Los Angeles, CA.  Eric Denton sent the following report:

BAR WRESTLING ran Wednesday 7/10 in Los Angeles featuring the following results:

*Reno Scum beat Luke Hawx and PJ Hawx.

*Heather Monroe and Jake Atlas beat Jessicka Havok and Nevaeh.

*Daga won a 4-Way Match over Eli Everfly, Teddy Hart, and Dave Crist.

*Peter Avalon and Ray Rosas beat Rich Swann and Willie Mack.

Joey Ryan, Scorpio Sky, and Luchasaurus beat Eli Drake, Chris Dickinson, and Mike Verna..

Sami Callihan pinned Killer Kross.

Tessa Blanchard, Keira Hogan, Su Yung, Scarlett Bordeaux pinned Brian Cage in a Lap Dance Match.  I kid you not.  The loser had to give lapdances to the winner.  This was done as Cage was getting married the next day to Melissa Santos.



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