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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-07 08:00:00

July 7th

On this day in history in ..

1977 - Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeat Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum for the AWA World Tag Team Title in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

1983 - Jim Crockett Promotions ran Norfolk, Virginia headlined by NWA U.S. Champion Greg Valentine & Jake Roberts defeating Ric Flair & Roddy Piper via disqualification and NWA World Champion Harley Race defeated Wahoo McDaniel

1984 - Jim Crockett Promotions ran Greensboro, NC at the Coliseum, featuring:
-Sam Houston defeated Ali Bey.
-Tom Shaft defeated Kurt Von Hess.
-Buzz Sawyer defeated Johnny Weaver.
-Rufus R. Jones defeated Jesse Barr.
-Adrian Street defeated Paul Jones via disqualification.
-Jimmy Valiant defeated Kamala.
-Tully Blanchard defeated Ricky Steamboat via disqualification.
-NWA World Champion Ric Flair defeated Wahoo McDaniel.

1985 - Jim Crockett Promotions ran the Memorial Auditorium in Greenville, SC with the following results:
-Pat Tanaka & Denny Brown fought Gene Ligon & John Tatum to a draw.
-The Barbarian defeated Sam Houston.
-Nikita Koloff, NWA Tag Team Champions Ivan Koloff & Krusher Kruschev defeated Jimmy Valiant, Buzz Tyler, & Manny Fernandez.
-Buddy Landell defeated Ron Bass.
-NWA World TV Champion Dusty Rhodes defeated Abdullah the Butcher via disqualification in a bullrope match.
-NWA World Champion Ric Flair defeated NWA US Champion Magnum TA via disqualification.

1986 - Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated NWA World Champion Ric Flair, Ole & NWA TV Champion Arn Anderson in the main event of a Jim Crockett Promotions in Rocky Mount, N.

1987 - Jim Crockett Promotions ran San Francisco, CA at the Civic Auditorium with the following results:
-Misty Blue defeated Kat Leroux.
-Big Bubba defeated Chris Adams.
-Barry Windham defeated Black Bart.
-Mike Rotunda fought Dory Funk Jr..
-Jimmy & Ron Garvin defeated Ivan Koloff & Manny Fernandez.
-Dick Murdoch defeated Steve Williams.
-NWA U.S. Champion Nikita Koloff defeated Arn Anderson.
-The Road Warriors defeated NWA U.S. Tag Team Champions The Midnight Express, Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane.
-NWA World Tag Team Champions The Rock N' Roll Express, Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated NWA World Champion Ric Flair & Lex Luger.
-Dusty Rhodes defeated NWA TV Champion Tully Blanchard in a non-title steel cage match.

1988 - Jim Crockett Promotions ran Raleigh, NC at the Dorton Arena with the following results:
-Kendall Windham fought Rick Steiner to a draw.
-Brad Armstrong defeated Cruel Connection #1.
-Ron Garvin & Mighty Wilbur defeated Larry Zbyzsko & Al Perez.
-Jimmy Garvin defeated Dick Murdoch.
-Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated the Sheepherders.
-NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda defeated Steve Williams via disqualification.
-NWA U.S. Tag Team Champions Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers defeated Jim Cornette, Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane in a handicap match.
-The Road Warriors defeated Ivan Koloff & the Russian Assassin.
-Dusty Rhodes, Lex Luger, Sting, & Nikita Koloff defeated NWA World Champion Ric Flair, NWA US Champion Barry Windham, NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard.

1990 - WCW held their Great American Bash Pay-per-view at the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. Here are the results:
- In a dark match, David Sierra defeated Mr. X.
- Doug Furnas defeated Dutch Mantel.
- Mike Rotunda defeated The Iron Sheik.
- Brian Pillman defeated Buddy Landell.
- NWA World Tag Team Champions Doom defeated The Rock N' Roll Express when Butch Reed pinned Gibson with a second rope shoulderblock.
- Paul Orndorff, Junkyard Dog & El Gigante defeated Sid Vicious, Arn Anderson & Barry Windham via DQ when Vicious threw JYD over the top rope.
- Harley Race defeated Tommy Rich.
- Big Van Vader, in his WCW debut, defeated Tom Zenk in two minutes with a big splash.
- Rick & Scott Steiner defeated The Freebirds (Jimmy Garvin & Michael Hayes).
- U.S. Tag Team Champions The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) defeated Tracey Smothers & Steve Armstrong when Lane superkicked Smothers from the apron and Eaton rolled him up for the pin.  The match is considered one of the best matches of 1990.
- U.S. Champion Lex Luger defeated Mark Callous (the future Undertaker) with a clothesline.
- Sting defeated Ric Flair to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Junkyard Dog, Paul Orndorff and the Steiners were at ringside to prevent interference, and Ole Anderson was handcuffed to El Gigante.  At the end of the match, Sting missed a Stinger Splash and Flair went for the figure four, but Sting cradled him into a small package for the win.

1990 - WWF ran Calgary, Alberta before 4,500 fans with the following results:
-Shane Douglas pinned Paul Diamond.
-The Barbarian pinned Jimmy Snuka.
-Dino Bravo pinned Tugboat as Jimmy Hart held Tugboat's foot down from outside the ring.
-The Bushwhackers defeated Greg Valentine & the Honkytonk Man via disqualification.
-Jake Roberts defeated Dino Bravo (substituting for Bad News Brown).
-Buddy Rose defeated Jim Powers.
-WWF champion the Ultimate Warrior pinned Rick Rude.

1990 - WWF ran South Bend, Indiana at the Joyce Athletic & Convocation Center with the following results:
-Haku defeated Jim Brunzell.
-Nikolai Volkoff defeated Boris Zhukov.
-Earthquake defeated Jim Duggan.
-WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition defeated Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart.
-The Warlord defeated Pez Whatley.
-Hillbilly Jim defeated Black Bart.
-WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect defeated Tito Santana (substituting for Brutus Beefcake).

1991 - WWF ran Lowell, MA with the following results:
-Jim Neidhart pinned Hercules.
-Marty Jannetty & Jim Powers (substituting for Shawn Michaels) defeated Pat Tanaka & Col. Mustafa (subsituting for Kato).
-Big Bully Busick pinned Koko B. Ware.
-Jimmy Snuka pinned the Barbarian.
-Typhoon pinned Tito Santana.
-The Big Bossman defeated the Mountie in a steel cage match.

1991 - WCW ran Richmond, VA at the Coliseum before 2,500 fans with the following:
-Terrance Taylor defeated Brian Armstrong.
-Johnny B. Badd defeated Big Josh.
-Tom Zenk defeated the Diamond Studd (Scott Hall).
-Mchael Hayes defeated Steve Armstrong.
-Rick Steiner & Sam Houston defeated The Hardliners, Dick Murdoch & Dick Slater via disqualification.
-WCW TV Champion Steve Austin fought Bobby Eaton to a 15-minute time-limit draw.
-Ron Simmons & Missy Hyatt defeated Arn Anderson & Paul E. Dangerously.
-Dustin Rhodes defeated Ricky Morton via disqualification.
-Sting, WCW U.S. Champion Lex Luger, the Yellow Dog (Brian Pillman), & El Gigante defeated Barry Windham, Nikita Koloff, Kevin Sullivan, & the One Man Gang in Wargames.

1992 - WWF ran Davenport, IA at the Palmer Auditorium before 2,500 fans with the following results:
-Kato pinned Jerry Stevens.
-The Nasty Boys defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware.
-Nailz defeated Jim Brunzell (substituting for the Big Bossman) at 3:28.
-WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret Hart pinned Shawn Michaels at 17:26.
-Rick Martel defeated Tatanka via countout.
-The Legion of Doom defeated the Beverly Brothers.
-The Ultimate Warrior pinned Papa Shango.

1992 - WWF ran Allentown, PA, drawing a sellout 3,100 with the following:
-Tito Santana pinned the Brooklyn Brawler.
-The Undertaker pinned the Berzerker.
-Kamala pinned Kerry Von Erich.
-The Natural Disasters defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted DiBiase & IRS via count-out.
-Virgil defeated Skinner.
-Davey Boy Smith defeated Repo Man.
-WWF champion Randy Savage & Sgt. Slaughter defeated Ric Flair & the Mountie when the Mountie was pinned.

1994 - WWF ran Valley Forge, PA, drawing 200 fans with the following results:
-Jim Powers defeated Damien Demento.
-The Mighty Doom defeated Little Leopard.
-Sgt. Slaughter defeated Quebecar Pierre.
-Iron Mike Sharpe defeated Glenn Osbourne.
-Heidi Lee Morgan defeated Rusty Thomas.
-Bob Backlund defeated Greg Valentine.

1994 - WWF ran Landover, MD at the USAir Arena before 1,800 fans:
-The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Kwang.
-Duke Drose defeated Rick Martel.
-WWF Tag Team Champions the Headshrinkers defeated Double Trouble (subsituting for the Heavenly Bodies).
-Randy Savage defeated Jerry Lawler.
-Nikolai Volkoff defeated Virgil.
-IRS defeated Tatanka via disqualification.
-Yokozuna defeated Typhoon.
-WWF champion Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart.

1994 - Smoky Mountain Wrestling ran Harlan, KY with the following results:

The Dirty White Boy defeated Kendo the Samurai (Brian Logan)
The Thrillseekers, Chris Jericho & Lance Storm defeated Well Dunn, Steven Dunn & Timothy Well in a penalty box match
SMW Tag Team Champions Brian Lee & Chris Candido defeated Scott & Steve Armstrong
Tracy Smothers defeated Bruiser Bedlam in a dock match

1995 - WWF ran Indianapolis, IN at the Market Square Arena before 3,600 fans with the following:
-Fatu defeated Rad Radford (Louie Spicoli).
-The 1-2-3 Kid defeated the Brooklyn Brawler.
-WWF Women's Champion Alundra Blayze defeated Bertha Faye.
-WWF champion Diesel defeated Psycho Sid in a steel cage match.
-WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith.
-Shawn Michaels defeated WWF Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett via countout.
-The Undertaker defeated Kama in a casket match.

1995 - SMW ran Clinchport, VA with the following results:

Boo Bradley (the future Balls Mahoney) defeated Killer Kyle
Tracy Smothers & the Dirty White Boy defeated the Headbangers
Brad Armstrong fought Buddy Landel to a double disqualification; the match was to determine the new SMW Heavyweight Champion
USWA Tag Team Champions The Rock N' Roll Express, Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated Al Snow & Unabom via count-out
Brad Armstrong won a pole battle royal

1996 - WWF ran Providence, RI at the Civic Center with the following results:
-Duke Drose pinned Leif Cassidy with a powerslam as Cassidy came off the top.
-Salvatore Sincere (sub. for Owen Hart) pinned Barry Horowitz after Horowitz failed a crossbody off the top.
-Henry & Phinneas Godwinn defeated Skip & Zip and WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns in a non-title match; the Body Donnas were counted-out after they and Kloudy chased Sunny backstage; Phinneas pinned one of the champions with a roll up after Sunny returned ringside and accidentally slapped one of her wrestlers.
-Jake Roberts pinned Justin Bradshaw (sub. for Davey Boy Smith) with the DDT.
-The Undertaker defeated Mankind via count-out after hitting him with a chair on the arena floor.
-WWF Intercontinental Champion Ahmed Johnson pinned Goldust with the Pearl River Plunge.
-Steve Austin pinned Savio Vega in a No DQ match following a low blow and roll up.
-Marc Mero pinned Hunter Hearst Helmsley with a roll over into a bridge.
-WWF World Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Vader with the superkick.

1996 - WCW Bash at the Beach was held in Daytona Beach, Florida at the Ocean Center. Here are the results:
In matches shown on TBS' The Main Event:
- Jim Powers defeated Hugh Morrus.
- Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WCW World Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat via DQ.
- Bobby Walker defeated Billy Kidman.
- The Rock N' Roll Express defeated Scott Norton & Ice Train.
- Eddie Guerrero defeated Steven Regal.
In matches shown on the Pay-per-view:
- Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Psicosis by reversing a Splash Mountain attempt into a rana.
- John Tenta defeated Big Bubba Rogers in a Carson City Silver Dollar match after hitting Rogers with a sock filled with silver dollars.
- Diamond Dallas Page defeated Hacksaw Duggan in a Taped Fist match with a Diamond Cutter.
- The Nasty Boys defeated The Public Enemy in a Double Dog Collar Chain match when Sags pinned Rocco Rock after a double clothesline with the chain.
- WCW Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko defeated Disco Inferno with the Texas Cloverleaf.
- Steve McMichael defeated Joe Gomez with a tombstone piledriver.
- Ric Flair defeated Konnan to win the U.S. Title with his feet on the ropes for leverage after Woman had hit Konnan with her shoe.
- The Giant & Kevin Sullivan defeated Arn Anderson & Chris Benoit when Giant pinned Anderson with a chokeslam.
- Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & their mystery partner vs. Randy Savage, Sting & Lex Luger went to a no contest. The Outsiders had promised a third member, but it wasn't until the end of the match, when Hulk Hogan came out and legdropped Randy Savage, that it was revealed. Hogan, Hall and Nash continued to beat down Savage and Sting (Luger had been stretchered out early in the bout). Mean Gene Okerlund then interviewed Hogan, Hall and Nash, as the fans threw garbage into the ring. Hogan declared that he was the third Outsider, and the NWO (New World Order) was formed.

1997 - WWF ran a TV Taping in Edmonton, Alberta at the Northlands Coliseum with the following results:

-Steve Gillespie defeated Steve Rivers
-Bret Hart, WWF Intercontinental Champion Owen Hart & WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith defeated Steve Austin & the Legion of Doom.

Shotgun Saturday Night:

-The Legion of Doom defeated Steve Rivers & Ken Johnson.
-Kama defeated Dale Hutchinson.
-Ken Shamrock defeated Salvatore Sincere via submission with the ankle lock.
-WWF Intercontinental Champion Owen Hart defeated Flash Funk.

Raw is War:
The Great Sasuke pinned Taka Michinoku at 5:46.
Savio Vega fought Crush to a double countout at 2:24 after other members of the DOA and Los Boricuas began brawling at ringside.
WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Finals: WWF Intercontinental Champion Owen Hart & WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith defeated Farooq & D-Lo Brown via count-out at 6:50.  They earned the chance to face Steve Austin and a mystery partner the following week.
Brian Christopher defeated Eric Shelley.
Steve Austin pinned Hunter Hearst Helmsley with the Stunner.
Bret Hart pinned Goldust by blocking a sunset flip at 10:21; after the bout, the Hart Foundation brawled with the Legion of Doom and Ken Shamrock.

1997 - WCW ran a Monday Nitro taping in Memphis, TN at the Mid-South Coliseum, drawing 7,799 fans with the following results:

-Public Enemy defeated Harlem Heat (with Sister Sherri Martel) at 4:55.  After the bout, the Heat fired Sherri (Sherri's last appearance for WCW).
-Konnan defeated Joe Gomez via submission at 3:11.
-Juventud Guerrera & Hector Garza defeated Villano IV & V at 6:16 when Guerrera pinned Villano V with the 450 splash.
-Buff Bagwell & Scott Norton defeated Eddie & Chavo Guerrero Jr. at 8:01 when Bagwell pinned Chavo with the Buff Blockbuster; after the bout, Eddie and Chavo argued backstage over the loss.
-La Parka (Diamond Dallas Page under a mask) pinned Randy Savage at 3:10 with the Diamond Cutter; after the bout, La Parka took off his mask to reveal himself as DDP.
-Psychosis & Silver King fought Glacier & Ernest Miller to a no contest at 2:17 when Mortis & Wrath interfered.
-Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Chris Benoit & Steve McMichael at 9:16 when Rick pinned Benoit after Kevin Sullivan interfered and hit Benoit with a chair.

1998 - WCW ran a Saturday Night taping in Macon, GA at the Coliseum with the followng results:
-Public Enemy defeated Judo Suwa & Sumo Fuji.
-Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Lenny Lane.
-Mike Enos defeated Bobby Blaze.
-Ernest Miller defeated Johnny Swinger.
-Raven & Horace defeated Perry Saturn & Van Hammer.
-Scott Putski defeated Julio Sanchez.
-Jim Neidhart defeated the Renegade.
-Disco Inferno & Alex Wright defeated Disorderly Conduct.
-Norman Smiley defeated the Gambler.
-The Ultimo Dragon defeated an unknown.
-Chris Jericho defeated an unknown.
-Jim Duggan fought Stevie Ray to a double disqualification.
-Perry Saturn defeated Sick Boy.
-Scott Putski defeated Bobby Eaton.
-Barry Darsow defeated Jim Powers.
-Rick Fuller defeated Doc Dean.
-Chris Adams defeated Barry Horowitz.
-High Voltage defeated Villano IV & V.
-Steve McMichael defeated Julio Sanchez.
-Roadblock defeated an unknown.
-Fit Finlay defeated Jerry Flynn.
-Scott Hall defeated Konnan.
-WCW World & US Champion Bill Goldberg defeated Scott Hall.

1999 - WCW ran Montgomery, AL at the Civic Center with the following results:
-Jerry Flynn defeated Lord Steven Regal.
-Psychosis & La Parka defeated Silver King & El Dandy.
-Jim Duggan defeated Brian Adams.
-WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman defeated Eddie Guerrero & Chris Jericho when Kidman pinned Jericho; prior to the bout, Jericho cut a promo saying if he was pinned in the match then he would quit WCW (Jericho's last appearance).
-Konnan defeated Curt Hennig.
-Buff Bagwell defeated WCW TV Champion Rick Steiner in a non-title match.
-Booker T defeated WCW Tag Team Champion Diamond Dallas Page.

2000 - Extreme Championship Wrestling ran a ECW on TNN taping in Poughkeepsie, NY at the Mid-Hudson Civic Center with the following results:

Danny Doring pinned Bill Wiles
 Simon Diamond & Swinger defeated Prodigy & Prodigette
Nova & Chris Chetti & Chilly Willy defeated The FBI
C.W. Anderson defeated Kid Kash
ECW World champion Justin Credible defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri
ECW World TV champion Rhino defeated Raven in Raven's final bout for ECW.
Tommy Dreamer & Jerry Lynn defeated The Baldies
Rob Van Dam defeated Balls Mahoney

2001 - WWF ran North Charleston, SC at the Coliseum with the following results:
-Tajiri pinned Raven after William Regal distracted Raven from ringside.
-Rhyno pinned Test with the Gore.
-Molly Holly defeated Ivory.
-The Acolytes defeated Jerry Lynn & Bull Buchannan.
-WCW Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Gregory Helms.
-WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz defeated Edge & Christian, Matt & Jeff Hardy, and Crash & Hardcore Holly in an elimination match.
-Hugh Morrus defeated Mark Jindrak (sub. for Buff Bagwell).
-WCW Tag Team Champions Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo defeated Kanyon & Shawn Stasiak.
-WCW World Champion Booker T defeated Lance Storm; after the bout, Kurt Angle came to the ring and hit the Olympic Slam on Booker.
-The Undertaker & Kane defeated Diamond Dallas Page & Mike Awesome when Awesome was pinned moments after DDP walked out of the match.

2002 - WWE Raw at Wildwood, NJ:
-Tommy Dreamer, Shelton Benjamin, & Sean O'Haire defeated Justin Credible, Steven Richards, & Crash Holly.
-WWE European Champion William Regal defeated Bubba Ray Dudley.
-WWE Women's Champion Molly Holly & Jackie Gayda defeated Jackie & Linda Miles.
-Steven Richards pinned WWE Hardcore Champion Bradshaw to win the title.
-Crash Holly pinned WWE Hardcore Champion Steven Richards to win the title.
-Chris Nowinski pinned WWE Hardcore Champion Crash Holly to win the title.
-Bradshaw pinned WWE Hardcore Champion Chris Nowinski to win the title.
-WWE Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam defeated Brock Lesnar via disqualification.
-D-Lo Brown pinned Shawn Stasiak.
-Matt Hardy pinned Raven.
-Eddie Guerrero pinned Spike Dudley.
-Booker T defeated the Big Show in a No DQ match.

2002 - WWE Smackdown ran Savannah, GA at the Civic Center with the following results:
-Val Venis & Randy Orton defeated Rev. D-Von & Deacon Batista when Val pinned D-Von with the Money Shot.
-Chuck Palumbo, Billy Gunn, & Rico defeated Rob Conway, Farooq, & Nick Dinsmore following the Doomsday Device on Conway.
-The Hurricane pinned Albert with a school boy roll up.
-WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble pinned Billy Kidman with a backslide and having his feet on the ropes for leverage.
-Christian & Lance Storm defeated Mark Henry & Sho Funaki when Christian pinned Henry following a superkick from Storm.
-Rey Mysterio & Shannon Moore defeated Tajiri & Chavo Guerrero Jr. when Rey pinned Chavo with a Frankensteiner off the top.
-Hardcore Holly pinned Test with a roll up after the referee shoved Test.
-Rikishi defeated Kurt Angle via disqualification after a low blow.
-Torrie Wilson defeated Dawn Marie (substituting for Stacy Keibler) in a Bra & Panties match.
-WWE Tag Team Champion Edge pinned Chris Jericho with the spear as Jericho prepared to use a chair.

2002 - WWE broadcast Velocity.  Matt Zylbert filed the following TV report:

WWE Velocity
Hosted by Michael Cole and Al Snow

Hello all and welcome back to writing's excellence of execution. As you know, I am your esteemed reporter, Matt Zylbert, and THIS is the 'five-star' Velocity report that I'm sure you look forward to reading every week. This week on Velocity, there were FIVE big matches, so let's get right on to it by sending it down my man, TONY THE CHIM, for our opening bout...

Tajiri vs. Billy Kidman
Now this is the way to kick things off. For those who have forgotten, or just never knew, these two put on an excellent 15-minute wrestling clinic back on the first edition of Velocity, and hopefully, these two can repeat that very performance. Before the match though, Michael already gets on my nerves, saying how Kidman better watch out because Tajiri has been on a real role in the past two weeks. Huh? His last two victories came against Hugh Morrus and Albert, and that's certainly nothing to brag about it. So to him, if I were to go and out-wrestle a warthog and a grizzly bear, I would be on a roll too? Yeeah.

To the match now as we get some nice basics at the start, leading into a few quick pinfalls from each man for one and two counts. Kidman would end up taking control with a huracanrana, before nailing the Japanese Buzzsaw with a dropkick, sending him to the outside. The former Cruiserweight Champion continues his offense with a pescado, but as he tries to send his opponent into the steps on the follow up, Tajiri stops, and then leapfrogs Kidman over him and face-first into the steps. Back in, Tajiri gets in some chops, and goes for the TUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHRANTULA (Man I miss K.K.), but Kidman counters. However, Tajiri would put it on anyway from the apron moments later, and of course, has to break it up at three. Tajiri then goes for the cover, but gets two, and then has to resort to EVERYONE'S favorite move, the chinlock. Yay. And to make things interesting, he did a snapmare before that, but I feel the need to mention it right here. Anyway, as expected, Kidman punches his way out of the chinlock, and follows up with an enziguiri, to which Michael says, "You could hear that throughout the arena!" Even the people in the very last rows? I don't think so. Back to the match as Kidman continues to make his presence felt with a flying head scissors take-over, before working a tornado bulldog from the second rope for two. Hey, that's Crash Holly's finisher! Wow, I thought I was the only person that was inspired to act like Crash. Heh, Kidman would lose control right after, as Tajiri ducks a clothesline, and blasts his foe with a superkick for a near fall. Tajiri now goes for his back handspring elbow, and Kidman avoids, before taking Tajiri down and posing for the crowd. This allows Tajiri to recover and roll-up Kidman for two. He then goes for a powerbomb, but Kidman turns it into a face-buster, which gets a count of two on the pin after. That move beat Chavo Guerrero on the last Jakked/Metal, but that match went much longer then this has been so far. Anyway, Kidman goes up top now, and Tajiri ends up shoving the ref, which SHOULD be a disqualification. As Kidman comes down, Tajiri sprays him with GREEN mist (Velocity color!), and follows up with the Kick of Death for the win. This match started out hot, but not enough time was given to equal their performance from the first Velocity. Still good, however, and Tajiri continues on his "roll."
Winner: Tajiri


Hardcore Holly vs Chavo Guerrero
I've said it every week, so I'll say it again: Chavo Guerrero has the best music! Come on, how can you disagree? I mean, it's so good, and even though he hasn't admitted it yet on Velocity, Al Snow even loves it. How do I know, you ask? Well on the last edition of Jakked/Metal, K.K. said he did, and of course, Kevin Kelly does not lie. He is a good journalist/broadcaster, unlike someone named Michael Cole.

To the match as we have a battle of Tough Enough 2 Trainers here, and as Hardcore offers a handshake, Chavo slaps his hand away. That's the way Chavo! Unfortunately for the Guerrero, Hardcore retaliates with a slap to the face, showing that ruthless aggression! Who does he think he is? John Cena? Anyway, Chavo gets the boot up and into the face of Hardcore to take advantage, but is unable to follow up, as he misses a ram in the corner. Hardcore capitalizes with some hard knife-edge chops across the chest of Chavo, before taking him down with a clothesline. Hardcore tries to continue in control, but as he runs towards Chavo, the should-be Cruiserweight Champion pulls the ropes down, and Bob ends up going over and to the outside. Chavo follows with a modified baseball slide using the ropes, before heading outside with a plancha. Back in the ring, Chavo works on Hardcore in the corner with chops and kicks, and meanwhile, Michael brings up how Eddie Guerrero and how he's from the RAW roster. Oh yeah, that really means something. What's gonna happen if you appear on the other show without anyone knowing? Nothing. Just ask Chris Benoit, Linda Miles, The Rock, and I'm pretty sure there have been some others. Back to the match as Chavo tries to continue his offense with a dropkick, but Hardcore catches him, and slingshots him into the corner. Hardcore  would follow up with a big backdrop, before executing a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. After that "best dropkick in the business," Hardcore gets another two-count. By the way, I have to disagree with him having the best dropkick. He USED to have the best one, but look at some of the other dropkicks. Maven has a great one, as does Randy Orton, and so does Chavo, although he never uses it. And you can't leave out Lance Storm. I guess Michael Cole is too ignorant to realize that. Chavo comes back into the match with a thumb to the eye (My favorite move), before taking down Holly into the second buckle with a drop toehold. However, Holly would reverse a whip attempt, and gets Chavo up for the Alabama Slam, but the Guerrero grabs the ropes to counter. That doesn't do him good though, as it allows Holly to set him up for that kick to the groin, which he connects on. "Wrack 'em up boys," says Al. Heh. Holly would follow with a powerbomb for another two count, and as Chavo tries to come back with a flying head scissors in the corner, Holly catches him and gets him set for the Alabama Slam once again. Chavo counters it for the second time with a roll-up, this time, and gets a two count. The former Junior now gets on Bob's shoulders, which wouldn't be a very smart move. Holly gets Chavo in position again for the Alabama Slam, and he is able to hit it for the 1,2,3. Third time's a charm, I guess. Anyway, good match here with lots of back and forth action.
Winner: Hardcore Holly


Slam of the Week: On Smackdown, Edge and Hogan capture the WWE Tag Team Championship from Billy and Chuck, thus all but officially destroying the Tag Team Division. Hey, the WWE didn't know what they were doing with the Tag Team Division, and now they put the icing on the cake by putting it on a team that doesn't even exist. Nice job, Booking Team.... idiots.

Albert vs. Rob Conway
You have gotta be kidding me. WHAT, may I ask, is the point of having Albert in heel vs. heel matches.... for the THIRD consecutive week? Conway was portrayed as an excellent heel in his debut with Randy Orton a few weeks ago, and I enjoyed it. I actually praised how the WWE put him over as a heel, especially when he faked his injury. But now they're putting him, in what will most likely be, another one of those famous Albert squashes with a fellow heel. Once again, nice job Booking Team, and I hope you can tell I'm being sarcastic.

To the match as Conway doesn't even get a chance to enter the ring, as Albert immediately shoves him off the apron and into the barricade. Conway rebounds by sliding in through Albert's legs, and delivering some punches to that hard cranium. Albert would get in a knee to the mid-section, but as he gets Conway up for a powerslam, the newcomer gets off his shoulder and performs a diving shoulderblock right into Albert's leg, before knocking him completely down with a dropkick for a two count. On the follow up, Albert takes control with a bicycle kick for a near fall, and then sends him to the outside, where he rams him into the post. I don't know why I wrote this down, but it was very easy to hear this one person clap, which I found funny. Guess there are other fans of the Albert Squash but me. The action would head back inside, where Albert goes for the pin and gets a count of two. Meanwhile, on commentary, Al mentions how Ringling Brothers Circus would have interest in Albert, "The Dancing Bear." Heh, I wanna see a match between Al Snow and Albert, right here next week on Velocity on the NEW TNN! Paying attention to the action again, Albert connects on his "I-Like-Screaming-Very-Loud-When-I-Squash-You-In-The-Corner" ram, and did I mention that Albert screams REALLY loud? It's funny though. Heheh. Albert now puts on a bearhug, and Michael actually asks Al, "What exactly does a bearhug do to your opponent?" WELL, I didn't expect Michael to know that one, because after all, he's a disgrace of a commentator and all. And in an even funnier manner, Al actually explains what it does. HA! Anyway, Conway breaks out with punches and gets in a boot to the face twice in the corner, before executing a drop toehold to send Albert into the buckle. Conway continues with his token jobber offense with a flying forearm, and then a dropkick to the knee. More punches from Conway lead to a tornado DDT from the top, which gets a close two count. Conway now goes for a superkick, but Albert catches the foot, and goes for a Baldo Bomb. Luckily for Conway fans, the jobber avoids it, and then hits the superkick. He tries to capitalize, but runs right into a big clothesline from the North American Grizzly, and Albert follows with Godfather's version of the modified backbreaker to pick up the win. Well, I guess Conway has been reduced to jobber status, and this comes after the Booking Team used him well in his debut with Orton. Well, with the WWE Booking Team, don't expect good things to last. And oh yeah, Albert breaks his losing streak, and even more surprisingly, he didn't need a match with Funaki to do so.
Winner: Albert

People's Moment: The Rock puts an end to the Kiss My Ass club, as he stuffs Vince's visage right into the behind of Rikishi. No, the people weren't cheering because Vince kissed Rikishi's rear. They were applauding because that stupid Kiss My Ass club angle ended. It was funny the first time when Regal did it, but when you OVERUSE an idea, it will backfire right in your face. This is one of the main reasons why the ratings go down. I mean, one of my theories is that WWE uses their main guys too much. In the old days, a TV main event with Hulk Hogan and Bad News Brown, although they weren't even close in terms of status, was acceptable and fun to watch. But when you have the same main events every week featuring the same guys, yeah, it will work the first few times, but then it blows up in your face in the long-term. And oh yeah, that's why PPVs aren't as good. Most PPV matches have been repeated in the past, and thus, you have overused matches on a PPV event that should feature NEW, and ORIGINAL action.


For whatever reason, Michael and Al show us the nWo interview from RAW, but thankfully, it's cut short to showing only Shawn's announcement that HHH will be joining the nWo. If that means Triple H is off Smackdown, fine, but if it means the nWo is coming to the Smackdown roster... oh boy. I'd rather watch Mabel back in his days of being King over The Big Show, and I think I prefer the Red Rooster over X-Pac. Plus who the hell does Kevin Nash think he is yelling as Big Show like that? If I were Big Show, I wouldn't take that from a crippled "leader," who may I add is very overrated and can't do crap in the ring. Come on Big Show, you can take him. And may I ask, what was a RAW segment doing on a Smackdown show? Look ma, another flaw from the "Brand Extension."


Mark Henry vs. Christian
"It's US vs. Canada in this one," says MC. What?? Are you kidding me? How the hell can he actually admit to letting Mark Henry represent the US in this one? Good god. If anyone asks, I'm Canadian, ok? And oh yeah, for some background information, these two had a match on Smackdown not too long ago, which Henry won with the bearhug I believe. The only thing lower I can recall from Christian was that time he jobbed to Hugh Morrus on Jakked/Metal a few months ago. And for some extra info, these two were both in the final Jakked/Metal main event in a tag match, which saw Mark Henry toss Christian around like a rag doll. Luckily, Test and Christian (Pre-Canadian) won that match, and there was even some interference from the Godfather!

To the match now as the World's Strongest Man tosses Christian in the corner, showing off his strength. A "USA" chant starts, and I can't believe the crowd would actually motivate Henry to represent our country. Ugh. Christian would get in a headlock at this point, but Henry uses his strength once again by putting Christian on top, and patting him on face. Uh-oh, I sense a temper tantrum coming on. Christian throws a mini-temper tantrum, and that throws him off his game. He runs right into a Mark Henry shoulder block, but would gain control with a kick to the face soon after. As he tries to whip his opponent though, Christian ends up being sent over the top rope via Henry. On the outside, Mark Henry blocks a punch, and then gorilla presses Christian. He tosses him so that he drops neck-first into the ropes, and then bounces back into gorilla press form! Henry now walks up the steps with Christian still in gorilla press form, and slams him back in. Christian would get in some offense at this point though, as he manages to distract the ref and get in a low-blow with the foot at the same time. Canadians actually are clever. Christian now gets some punches in the corner, before taking Henry down with a clothesline from the second rope. On the pin after, Henry powers out at two, as Christian ends up being thrown over referee Mike Chioda. Nice. The multi-time Tag Champ now heads outside, where he gets a chair, and Chioda takes it away from him and slams it on the ground, rather than putting it back. I sense foreshadowing involving that chair. Hmmm. Back to the action, as Christian heads up top, only to be caught by Henry on a crossbody attempt.He puts him back on his feet, so he can knock him down with a shoulder block. The former Nation of Domination member then follows up by tossing Christian high, and I mean HIGH, in the air, so that he lands on his stomach. If Chris Leary were here, he would say Christian got a lot of frequent flyer MYERS. And ya know, I actually prefer him over Cole. Cole is just THAT bad. Anyway, Henry sends Christian into the corner so he can squash him like a pancake, and then as Christian goes down, Henry walks on him to go up to the second rope. Christian rolls outside, and as Henry tries to pull him back in, Christian grabs the chair and nails the American with a weak chair shot to the head. And somehow, the referee was somehow shoved in this whole thing. Christian goes back in, rolls Henry up, and puts his feet on the ropes for leverage to get the three count. Good to see the right man went over here.
Winner: Christian


Cole and Snow show the ending of the Angle/Taker match, which ended in a draw after Undertaker submitted to a normal arm-bar (Triangle choke, whatever) as Angle was pinned 1,2,3. That's pretty pathetic that our champion couldn't even withstand the hold three more seconds while the pin was being registered. At least he's losing the title at Vengeance.


Clip of Noble introducing Nidia to her new home, and their full-size bed. I have a question: How does winning a title allow you to pay for a house, a car, and a full-size bed? Do you get a "raise" or something? I guess if the Cruiserweight Title can get you a trailer park home, then I wouldn't be surprised to see the Undisputed Title get you a mansion.... ALONG with the Jacuzzi.

Jamie Noble w/Nidia vs The Hurricane- WWE Cruiserweight Championship
THIS is the re-match from the King of the Ring, but it's no big deal to me. I remember on an edition of Jakked/Metal back in February, the re-match of the Tazz and Spike/Dudleyz Tag Title match from the Royal Rumble was held then, so this is nothing new to me. Neither is Velocity. Jakked/Metal IS, and will always be my favorite wrestling show of all-time. Yup, even more than Saturday Night Main Event, even more than Superstars, even more than Bobby Heenan's Prime Time, even more than Mania with Todd Pettingill, and even more than that Tuesday Night show, featuring those hilarious skits with Mr. Fuji and Don Muraco. I saw tapes of them, and I don't think The Rock could be funnier. Then again, Don Muraco is the REAL Rock... so, I don't know what literary term you use for that.

To the match as Jamie "Get the K Out!" Noble pearl harbors his super-hero of an opponent at the start. And by the way, I came up with the "Get the K Out!" nickname for those wondering. If you see another reporter or columnist using it, yours truly came up with the name. :) Noble continues his hot start with punches and a kick to the face, but loses control as the Hurricane nails his foe with a flying HurriClothesline. Some HurriPunches later lead to a fireman's carry, and then another one, before Hurricane hits a kick to the back of the head. Hurricane goes for the pin on the follow up, but Nidia has the ref distracted, which also distracts Hurricane, and allows Noble to take control with a dropkick to the left leg. From here is mostly total borefest, as Noble combines lots of holds on the left leg for damage. Meanwhile, Cole mentions Nidia is turned on by aggression, like we didn't know that already. But what about RUTHLESS aggression? Nobe continues his advantage with more kicks to the leg, before putting on a modified ankle lock. Back on commentary, Snow talks about how Nidia is nothing like how she used to be on Tough Enough, and for whatever reason, Michael says he needs a psychiatrist. No Michael, YOU need a psychiatrist, trust me. Anyway, Hurricane counters the hold into a pinning predicament for two, and Noble would stay in control with kicks to the leg, before working yet another hold. Hurricane punches his way out, but would fall victim to another hold on that left leg. I think it's an unwritten rule that you MUST work on the left part of the body. Hurricane starts to make a come back, chopping his way out of the hold this time, and then performs a sunset flip for two. Cole mentions how that was almost a big upset, even though we're supposed to believe Hurricane and Noble are equal. Man, what an IDIOT. I think he really wants me to come to Connecticut, and punch him in the face. Hurricane ducks a clothesline at this point, and hits his HurriNeckbreaker. Both men are down, and Hurricane gains the upperhand with punches and a powerslam for a near fall. Hurricane follows up with a blockbuster from the second rope, and Michael once gave it a goofy name known as the "overcast." He hasn't said it since, thankfully. After backdropping Noble over the top rope, Hurricane leaps from the top rope and on to Noble for some more offense. Hurricane now tries to suplex Noble, but Nidia holds Hurricane's foot, causing him to fall. However, Hurricane would stay in control, getting the champ in position for the HurriChokeSlam. When he gets him up though, Hurricane's left leg collapses, and this allows Noble to get Hurricane on the mat with a leg takedown, setting him up for the Trailer Hitch to pick up the submission win and retain the title. Pretty good match, but could've been better.
Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble

Cole and Al shill for Confidential, as well as The Rock's return to Smackdown this week, and that wraps things up.

With another five-star report in the books, this is Matt Zylbert wishing you guys and gals a great week, and I'll see ya next week. Peeeaaaace.

2002 - WWE broadcast Heat.  John Keane filed the following TV report:

Heat Report for 7/7/2002.
Matches taped on 7/1 in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Your Announcers are Jonathan Coachman and D’Lo Brown. 

Pyros explode, Coach and D’Lo welcome us in, we go to work…

1st Match: Trish Stratus vs. Victoria. Jacqueline is ref.

(Commentary: I’m pretty sure Victoria was last seen on WWE TV way back when The Godfather joined Right to Censor. She was involved in the ‘Save the Ho’s’ angle, and ended up being put through a table by the ‘Goodfather’ and his pals.)

Big pop for Trish, crowd quiet for Victoria. Jaw jacking to start, followed by a slap to the face by Victoria. Lockup follows, Victoria throws on a side headlock, Trish elbows out, Victoria goes off ropes, sends Trish down with a shoulder, covers for 2. Up, Victoria re-applies headlock, Trish shoves her off, Victoria off ropes, Trish drops to mat, Victoria goes over, off ropes again, Trish up, sharp hiptoss sends Victoria down. Up, Trish sends her back to canvas with a dropkick. Again up, Trish lays in a slap to the face, followed by forearm shots. Trish attempts whip, reversed, Trish off ropes, Victoria sends her down with a back body drop. Trish down, Victoria drops the elbow, covers for 2. Victoria scores a nice pair of snap suplexes, followed by a duo of 2-counts. Victoria gets in Jacqueline’s face about the‘slow’ counts, Trish takes advantage, rolls Victoria up for 2. Up, Victoria quickly clotheslines Trish to canvas, drags her back up, tosses Trish head first into turnbuckles. Victoria lays in boots, applies heel choke until warned off by Jacqueline. Victoria brings Trish up, whips her to opposite corner, charges, Trish sidesteps, Victoria into turnbuckles. Trish lays in chops, attempts whip, Victoria puts on brakes, clotheslines Trish to mat. Victoria gets in boot to back, brings Trish up, slams her right back down. Victoria to apron, goes for senton splash over top rope, Trish rolls clear, Victoria down and up. Trish up, blocks forearms, scores own, lays in elbows to Victoria’s face. Trisf goes off ropes, flying clothesline sends Victoria down. Up, Trish lays in more elbows, tries whip, reversed, Trish off ropes, ducks a clothesline, scores enzugiri, Victoria down for 2. Trish goes to top turnbuckle, Victoria up, Trish scores flying crossbody, covers for 2. Victoria rolls through, gets a 2-count of her own. Up, Victoria gets in classic hair-pull slam, lays in boots, brings Trish up, tries for whip, Trish puts on brakes. Trish gets in boot to gut, Stratusfaction, Victoria down for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Trish Stratus.

Coach and D’Lo praise Victoria’s efforts in her first (TV) match. Break.

Time to recap Raw. As the n.W.o. were assembled in the ring, Shawn Michaels announced the faction would soon have a new member-the currently injured HHH.

Our announcers ponder Shawn’s announcement and its possible veracity. Back to work…

2nd Match: Shawn Stasiak vs. Johnny ‘The Bull’ Stamboli.

Crowd despises Shawn, Johnny gets small pop by default. Lockup, clean break, another lockup, they exchange arm-wringers and hammerlocks, Shawn gets to ropes, ref calls for break. Shawn gets in a cheap elbow to face, the 2 separate, again lock up, Shawn forced to corner. Ref calls for break, Shawn gets in boot to gut, slaps on a side headlock, Johnny breaks out, Shawn goes off ropes, shoulders Johnny down. Shawn off ropes, goes over Johnny, off again, Johnny up, scores hiptoss/armdrag takedown/dropkick series of knockdowns. Shawn peevishly exits the ring for a breather, re-enters, another lockup, exchange of waistlocks, Johnny shakes Shawn off, sending him through ropes back to the outside. Shawn takes another breather…

(Commentary: At this point, our announcers mention that Shawn appears to be dropping his ‘Planet Stasiak’ goofiness.)

Johnny to ropes, Shawn grabs his left leg and drags him outside. Shawn lays in forearms, scores a suplex, Johnny down outside. Shawn re-enters, Johnny slowly to his feet, Shawn exits, rolls Johnny in, lays in boots, Johnny crawls to corner, ref warns Shawn off. Shawn brings Johnny up, sets him in corner in tree of woe, Shawn goes outside, grabs Johnny around face, bending his back against the ropes. Shawn breaks hold at 5-count from ref, re-enters, Ref tries to free Johnny, Shawn shoves him aside, lays in boots, drops Johnny to mat as ref counts 5. Shawn brings his opponent up, Johnny gets in series of boots and forearms, attempts to bring Shawn up-can’t do it, looks like his back is hurt. Shawn takes advantage, elbows Johnny down, again lays in boots until warned off. Johnny slowly up in corner, Shawn scores with a forearm, whips him out and right back in. Shawn scores Sidewalk Slam, just gets 2. Shawn applies a surfboard, Johnny gets to feet, reverses, scores modified belly-to-back suplex. Both men down, Johnny crawls to corner, Shawn up, goes back to the laying in of the boots. Shawn brings him up, gets in elbow to face, whip Johnny to opposite corner, charges, Johnny sidesteps, Shawn into turnbuckles. Johnny gets in a belly-to-belly suplex out of nowhere, both men again down. Up, the 2 exchange punches, Johnny whips Shawn off ropes, scores the back body drop, Shawn down and up. Johnny whips Shawn into corner, scores the Stinger Splash, whips him to opposite, another SS, Johnny hits a running bulldog, Shawn down for 2. Johnny goes off ropes, drops the elbow, Shawn evades, Johnny to canvas. Both men up, Shawn scores with a spinebuster, just gets 2. Shawn getting steamed, attempts to bring his opponent up, Johnny counters with small package, another 2 count. Both up, Shawn attempts whip, Johnny puts on brakes, scores what Coach refers to as the ‘fuggetaboutit’ (looks like a sit-down Rock Bottom), Shawn down for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Johnny ‘The Bull’ Stamboli.

(Commentary: Shawn should consider getting Ted DiBiase as a manager. Maybe the Million Dollar Man could buy him a win.)

Johnny gets a decent pop for the victory. Break. (During which airs a commercial hyping the WWE debut of Rey Misterio Jr.)

More Raw recap. In last weeks Main Event, Jeff Hardy challenged The Undertaker for the Undisputed Championship in a ladder match. ‘Taker got the win after pretty much pulverizing his opponent. As ‘Taker left up the ramp, Jeff got on the mic to inform the champ that he hadn’t been broken and was still standing. ‘Taker returned to the ring-to raise Jeff’s arm in a show of respect. Break.

Slam of the Week: On Raw 2 weeks ago, Tommy Dreamer defeated Raven in a ‘Loser Leaves Raw’ match.

Backstage, Terri interviews Raven. He feels that he’s been unfairly treated, citing his banishment from Raw as being brought about by a whimsical decision by Vincent K. McMahon. He also vows revenge on Tommy.

Which leads us back to the ring…

3rd Match: Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer.

Mixed response for the sole exclusive member of the Heat roster, good pop for Tommy. Raven starts off by ranting at Tommy and spitting in his face. Tommy wipes at the spittle, takes a taste-he nods his approval, then lays Raven out with a forearm. Up, Tommy lays in punches, Raven to corner, goes down. Tommy gets in a few kicks, brings Raven up, tries for whip, reversed, Tommy to corner, Raven charges, Tommy connects with a shoulder, Raven staggered. Tommy gets in boot to gut, goes off ropes, Cactus Clothesline sends both men over top and out of ring. Raven down, Tommy gets his customary drink from a fan, plus an order of fries in a cup takes a big sip, Raven up, gets the shpritz, Tommy politely returns drink, then lays into Raven with the cup of fries. Tommy slaps on a headlock on his dazed opponent, slams him into guard wall. Tommy enters ring to break up the DQ count, quickly heads back out, charges his staggering opponent-yep, cagey ol’ Raven playing possum again, he scores a drop toe hold to send Tommy face first into ring steps. Raven scores the leg-sweep into guard wall, rolls Tommy in, follows, gets in a 4-count of mounted punches, ref warns him off. Tommy up slowly, Raven brings him to corner, goes behind to 2nd turnbuckle, plants knee to back of neck, falls, Tommy gets sent face first to canvas.  Raven covers for 2, brings Tommy up, whips him to ropes, scores knee to gut. Another whip/knee to gut, Tommy doubled over, Raven gets in running knee to face, Tommy down, Raven covers for 2. Tommy crawls to corner, Raven rakes the face, takes another warning, breaks hold. Tommy to feet, Raven scores straight punches, Tommy ducks one, brings Raven up, hotshots him onto top rope, both men down. Both up, Tommy in corner, Raven charges, Tommy gets a boot up. Raven staggered, Tommy gets in punches, boot to gut, sends Raven down with swinging neckbreaker. Both men down and up, Tommy clotheslines Raven down, brings him up, whips him off ropes, scores powerslam, Raven down for 2. Tommy sets him in corner, goes to 2nd turnbuckle, gets in a 4-count of punches, appears to try to bite face, thinks better of it, breaks off, goes to center of ring. Raven charges, Tommy scores a spinebuster, just gets 2. Tommy brings Raven up, whips him off ropes, brings him up in Death Valley Driver attempt, Raven rolls through, scores boot to gut, sets for Raven Effect, takes too long, Tommy scores DDT of his own, Raven down for another 2. Tommy brings Raven up, goes for whip, Raven puts on brakes, scores boot to gut, Raven Effect, Tommy down for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Raven.

Coach and D’Lo voice their displeasure with the matches ending (guess they can’t stand to see the heel get a clean win). Break.

People’s Moment: The Rock, doing commentary at ringside for the HHH/Undertaker match at King of the Ring, took a cheap shot from the Dead Man. Rocky retaliated by hitting the ring and scoring a Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow on ‘Taker.

Smackdown recap next. In last weeks Main Event, Kurt Angle got a title shot with ‘Taker. Match had an extremely controversial ending-Kurt had his shoulders pinned to the mat as he had ‘Taker in what Tazz referred to as a ‘triangle choke’. ‘Taker tapped out as the ref counted 1-2-3 on Kurt. After 2 refs hit the ring and raised each competitors arms in victory, the official ref ruled the match a draw. ‘Taker retains the Undisputed Championship.

Coach and D’Lo remind us that The Rock will be facing ‘Taker at the upcoming Vengeance PPV with the title on the line. Break.

WWE Rewind: After suffering a loss to Bubba Ray and Spike Dudley on Raw last week, Chris Benoit and Eddy Guerrero got a measure of revenge. Spike was sent through a table, and Bubba Ray got hit with a Frog Splash from Eddy as Chris had the Crippler Crossface applied.

4th Match: Matt Hardy vs. Steven Richards.

Big pop for Matt, mild heat for the former Right to Censor leader. Lockup, Steven slaps on a side headlock, Matt elbows out, shoots Steven off ropes, Matt falls to canvas, Steven off again, Matt up, scores armdrag takedown. Steven down and up quickly, another lockup, Steven forces Matt to corner, ref calls for break. Steven goes for the cheap forearm, Matt blocks, scores punch to forehead. Steven retreats to opposite corner, Matt scores with a knee, punch, tries for whip, reversed, Matt into corner, Steven charges, Matt sidesteps, Steven into turnbuckles. Matt goes off ropes, clotheslines Steven don for an early 2-count. Matt brings him up, gets in another shot to forehead, whips Steven to ropes, Steven holds on, Matt charges, Steven dumps him over top and out of ring. Matt re-enters, Steven lays in boots, Matt slowly gets to feet, Steven scores boot to gut, snap suplex, Matt down for 2. Matt to corner, Steven gets in a straight punch, snapmare, Matt groggy, Steven applies a full nelson/camel clutch combination, Matt slowly to feet, attempts to elbow out, Steven scores hair-pull slam. Steven brings him up, slams him back down, goes to 2nd turnbuckle, attempts splash, Matt gets a boot up to Stevens face, both men down. Both up at the count of 6, Steven misses with roundhouse punches, Matt scores with same, Steven down, Matt brings him up, whips him off ropes, scores back body drop, Steven down and up. Matt again whips Steven off ropes, sends him down with a shoulder, Matt drops the flying fist, covers for 2. Steven to corner, Matt whips him to opposite, charges, Steven gets both boots up to Matt’s face. Matt staggered, Steven charges, guess Matt knows the playing possum routine too, he hits Steven with a SWEET hiptoss into a neckbreaker. Both down and up quickly, Matt sets for Side Effect, Steven elbows out, ducks a clothesline, tries for superkick, Matt catches his boot, spins him around, hits the Side Effect-JUST gets 2. Matt up first, Steven rakes his eyes, whips Matt into corner, scores a boot to gut as he bounces back in, sets for neckbreaker, Matt evades, slams Steven to canvas. Matt goes to 2nd rope, drops the leg, covers-AGAIN just gets 2! Matt freaking out, brings Steven up, sets for Twist of Fate-Steven evades, shoves Matt, toward ref in the corner, Matt puts on brakes, turns-STEVEN scores Side Effect, covers for 2! Steven going totally nuts, goes up top as Matt gets to feet, attempts flying double axehandle-Matt scores boot to gut as he lands, Twist of Fate, Steven down, Matt covers, 1-2-3. VERY cool match!

Winner: Matt Hardy.

During the match, Coach and D’Lo rightfully praised the excellent officiating of legendary bastion of sportsmanship and fair play referee Nick Patrick. Hype for tomorrow nights Raw ends the show.

Good show this week. I especially want to thank WWE for giving Johnny Stamboli new entrance music-it was a generic thing, but light years better than the cheesy Italian restaurant piece they had him coming out to last week (sorry Matt). Main event was excellent, all others were good, hype and recap weren’t overdone.

2002 - WWE's Smackdown brand ran Savannah, GA with the following results, filed by Clinton Baker:


Clinton Baker sent this report.

Here are the results from the WWE house show in Savannah, GA featuring the Smackdown crew.

Big Valbowski & Randy Orton d. D-Von & Batista - Valbowski hit D-Von w/ the money shot for the win.

Chuck, Billy, & Rico d. Faarooq, Rob Conway, & Nick Dinsmore - Chuck & Billy hit Conway w/ the doomsday device for the win.

Hurricane d. Albert - Hurricane won the match with the rollup only to be beat up afterwards by Albert.

Jamie Noble w/ Nidia d. Billy Kidman - Noble won w/ a backslide and his feet on the ropes to retain his title.

Christian & Lance Storm d. Mark Henry & Funaki - Storm hit Henry w/ a low blow and superkick allowing Christian to get the pin.

Rey Mysterio Jr. & Shannon Moore d. Tajiri & Chavo Guerrero - Rey pinned Chavo after a top-rope huracanrana.

Hardcore Holly d. Test - Test shoved ref only to be shoved back into a rollup from Holly.

Rikishi d. Kurt Angle - Angle got DQ'd after hitting Rikishi w/ a low blow. Post match saw Angle get the stinkface only to return and lay out Rikishi w/ a chair while he was dancing.

Torrie Wilson d. Dawn Marie - Bra & Panties match that pretty much served its purpose.

Edge d. Chris Jericho - After a ref bump, Jericho used a chair on Edge, only to get a two count from another ref. After Jericho laid out the other ref, Edge speared him after he tried to use the chair again.

For the most part, all the matches were good, especially the cruiserweight tag match w/ Rey Jr. & Shannon Moore.

Jonathan Weber and Chris Miller sent this report.

Location: At the Savannah Civic Center
Attendance: Around 3500-4000 people out of a possible 8000
Note: Upper deck was probably 1/6 full, lots of empty seats.

Match # 1: D-Von and Batista v Big Valbowski and Randy Orton
Before the match started Dvon let us all know that we were all fornicators. 
--big pop for Valbowski
--good heat for D-Von, loud "Devon Sucks" chants
--Val wins with the money shot with batista and Orton on the outside

Match #2 : Billy/Chuck/Rico v Faarooq, Conway and Dinsmore
--Billy and Chuck really playing up the "gay" gimmick
--After the 3rd minute, Billy left the ring to get his shoulder looked at by Rico and then later by a security guard (able to get him to rub his shoulder down)
--Chuck had Dinsmore in a belly to back suplex position and began to hump dinsmore, then dinsmore reversed roles and chuck bent over to receive
--Billy, Chuck and Rico finished with doomsday device with Billy from the top

Match #3: Albert v Hurricane
--First off, Albert needs some more clothing
--Loud "Shave your back" chants 
--chokeslam spot by hurricane
--Hurricane wins with a schoolboy
--post match, Albert gets hurricane up for outsider's edge but only puts him on his left shoulder and then sat down into a backbreaker type move, also a baldo bomb after that

match #4: Noble v Kidman for the cruiserweight championship
--noble wins with backslide and feet on the ropes
--Kidman had an awesome move, he had noble in a fireman's carry into a neckbreaker on Kidman's knee
--Good match

Match #5
Mark Henry and Funaki v Lance Storm and Christian
--Lance hits a superkick on Henry, Christian rolls Henry up and they get the win
--Christian let us know: "If I hear you chant USA one more time, Lance and I will jump over this barricade and kick all of your asses!"
--Note: Mark Henry took 0 bumps!!

Match #6
Chavo/Tajiri v Rey Misterio Jr. and Shannon Moore
--Rey and Shannon win with Rey hitting a dragonrana on Chavo for the win. Shannon and Tajiri on the outside (Shannon did a flip over the tope rope on Tajiri)
--Big pop for Rey
--Good match 

Match #7
"Match of the Night", just kidding
Test v Hardcore Holly
--Hardcore wins with a rollup

Match #8
Rikishi v Kurt Angle
--Rikishi wins by DQ, a low blow by Angle
--Big pop for Rikishi
--Lots of heat for Kurt (lots of "You Suck" chants)
--Kurt told us "Let me put this in your words Rikishi. There ain't no way you're gonna back that ass up, mister!"
--Kurt hit a belly to back suplex on Rikishi, quite impressive
--Still had What? chants
--Post match: Rikishi dancing, Kurt hits him with a chair and lays him out

Match #9
Bra and Panties match
Dawn Marie v Torrie Wilson
Torrie wins

Match #10
Main Event
Edge v Chris Jericho
--Edge wins with a spear
--Jericho told some fan to "sit down you toothless idiot before I come over there and kick your ass!"
--good match, lots of near falls

Overall, a pretty good house show, they haven't been to Savannah since 1995 I think, so the crowd was pretty hot all night. 

2003 - WWE Smackdown ran Cleveland, OH at the Gund Arena:
-Sable defeated Torrie Wilson, Nidia, and Dawn Marie in a bikini contest; John Cena was the special MC for the event and originally named Torrie the winner until Sable arrived at ringside; after the bout, Billy Gunn chased Cena from the ring.
-Doug & Danny Basham defeated Spanky & Sho Funaki.
-Albert pinned Orlando Jordon.
-The Acolytes (with Zach Gowen) defeated Johnny Stamboli & Chuck Palumbo.
-Billy Gunn pinned John Cena.
-WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin defeated Chris Benoit & Rhyno after Benjamin used one of the title belts as a weapon.
-WWE Smackdown World Champion Brock Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle and the Big Show by pinning Show with the F5; after the bout, Lesnar and Angle hugged and shook hands.

2003 - Booker T defeats Christian for the WWE Intercontinental title in Montreal, Quebec, ending Christian's second run with the title during a broadcast of Raw.  The complete results of the TV Taping that evening saw:

-Pierre Oulette defeated El Tornado

Sunday Night Heat:
-Scott Steiner (w/ Stacy Keibler) pinned Ruffy Silverstein.
-WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Sylvian Grenier & Rene Dupree defeated Bobby Rude & Textbook; Steven Richards did guest commentary for the bout.
-World Heavyweight Champion Triple H pinned Maven with the Pedigree.

-Booker T pinned WWE IC Champion Christian to win the title with the scissors kick at 13:18; the challenger originally won the match and title moments earlier but the contest continued since Christian's foot was on the bottom rope during the cover.
-Rosey (w/ Teddy Long & Rodney Mack) pinned the Hurricane at 1:42 with a Samoan Drop; after the bout, the victor turned on Long but was attacked by Mack.
-Val Venis & WWE Women's Champion Gail Kim defeated Steven Richards & Victoria when Kim pinned Victoria with a hurricanrana into a cover at 3:42.
-Test pinned Kevin Nash with a boot to the face at 1:47 after pushing an interfering Trish Stratus into Nash; after the bout, Test pushed Trish into the ringside barrier.
-Chris Jericho defeated Mark Jindrak via submission to the Walls of Jericho at 3:45.
-Molly Holly defeated Trish Stratus via submission with a neck hold at 3:59; due to prematch stipulations, Molly earned a women's title match for the following week.
-Rob Van Dam & Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Ric Flair & Randy Orton when RVD pinned Orton with the Five Star Frog Splash at 5:39 after Spike Dudley interfered and pushed Orton off the top.

2004 - TNA held their weekly PPV in Nashville, TN.  Mike Johnson filed the following PPV report:

This week's edition of NWA:TNA from Nashville, TN opened with Larry Zybyszko saying that everyone involved in TNA is working hard. Zybyszko said, "Don't pirate the show, just enjoy it."

They aired a video feature on the developments that took place on last week's PPV.

Michael Shane and Kazarian vs. Shark Boy and D-Ray 3000

They went right into the first match as Shane and Kazarian came to the ring first with Traci Brooks. Mike Tenay and Don West noted that Shane and Kazarian are pushing an "anti-AJ Styles bandwagon" smear campaign. Shark and Kazarian started off, with Shark Boy working off his arm. Kazarian backed him into a corner and nailed him with several kicks to the midsection. Shark Boy took D-Ray's pic and tossed it at Kazarian. A confused Kazarian caught it and then caught a dropkick to the face. D-Ray tagged in but was caught with a knee and taken down. Shane tagged in. Shark Boy used D-Ray's head as a battering ram and took out Shane. Shane was knocked to the floor. Traci Brooks got too close to Shark Boy outside the ring and he bit her on the behind, then did the same to Shane. Kazarian tagged in and hit a slingshot legdrop. Kazarian and Shane double teamed on Shark Boy. Shark fought back, but Shane took down D-Ray to prevent a tag. Shane hit a snap suplex on Shark Boy. Kazarian tagged in and locked in a side chinlock. Shark Boy tried to fight his way to his feet but Kazarian cut him off and slammed him. Kazarian came off the top. Shark put his foot up but Kazarian evaded it. Shark Boy hit a neckbreaker. Shane and D-Ray tagged in. D-Ray cleaned house on both guys and hit a suplex on Shane for a two count. Kazarian broke up the pin, so D-Ray went after him. This allowed Shane to hit the superkick and score the pinfall. Your winners, Michael Shane and Kazarian! This was a decent opener.

As Kazarian and Shane left the ring and went up the aisle, David Young in street clothes made his way to the ring. Mike Tenay noted Young, who lost his TNA job, was backstage trying to talk to Vince Russo earlier. Young threw Shark Boy out of the ring and started screaming at referee Mike Posey. Young grabbed him and slapped him, upset about being dropkicked several weeks ago. Posey ripped off his referee's shirt and began brawling with Young. Posey dropkicked Young in the knee. He pulled Young's shirt over his face like a hockey fight and began beating on Young. The NYC hit the ring and beat down Posey. They noted Glen Gilberti was now on the Gutcheck list of those in danger of losing their spot. The NYC destroyed Posey. The NWA officials, D-Ray and Shark Boy finally got the NYC and Young to leave the ring.

Ken Shamrock was featured in a pre-taped backstage promo saying he conquering the Octagon and tonight, he was going to conquer TNA's Hexagon.

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviewed Monty Brown. Brown said that he and D'Lo Brown are as different as night and day. He said D'Lo Brown was a little kitty sitting in the house while Monty is on the prowl day and night. Monty said that he would grab D'Lo by the jugular and given the pounce tonight. Monty said after he beats D'Lo and remains undefeated, he will be watching the Gauntlet as he wants to be the NWA champion. Brown began ripping on the different competitors in the match. NWA champion Jeff Jarrett got in Brown's face and said that when you talk about the NWA title, you mention Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett said that tonight he was going to send Shamrock back to the Octagon. He said that everyone will find out that the Elite Guard are loyal to him and only him. He said that Vince Russo would learn that Jarrett is the smartest man in wrestling. Monty Brown told Jarrett that he may be king of the mountain, but Brown ruled everywhere. Jarrett told him that Monty needed to worry about D'Lo Brown because he didn't think Monty could get the job done. Brown glared at him as Jarrett walked off.

They aired a video feature on the Monty Brown vs. D'Lo Brown Match

Monty Brown vs. D'Lo Brown - There Must Be A Winner

Monty made his way to the ring first. D'Lo came out and they faced off in the ring. Mike Tenay noted that neither man could afford a loss. They began battling back and forth with punches. Monty went for the pounce but D'Lo sidestepped it and began nailing a series of chops. Monty hit a dropkick and knocked D'Lo to the floor. They brawled to the announcer's table. Monty pulled a table out from under the ring and slid it into the ring. As he set it up, D'Lo returned to the ring and caught him offguard. D'Lo set the table up in one of the corners. He tried to whip Monty into it, but was caught with a shortarm clothesline. Brown continued to beat on D'Lo. D'Lo hit a jawbreaker on Monty while D'Lo was on the apron. They brawled to the floor, with Monty slammed into the guard rail. They brawled up the aisle onto the stage. They brawled to the left side of the stage and back into the crowd. Monty went to slam D'Lo into the rail but it backfired. D'Lo returned to the stage and dove off with a clothesline to the floor on Monty. Monty and D'Lo brawled through the crowd. Monty whipped him over the railing and back to ringside. Monty tossed D'Lo back inside the ring. Monty hit an overhead suplex on D'Lo for a two count. D'Lo took Monty out with a clothesline and went to the top. Monty cut D'Lo off while he was on the top ropes. Monty went for a suplerplex but was shoved off. D'Lo went for a senton but Monty moved. Monty hit the pounce, sending D'Lo crashing through the table in the corner. Monty scored the pin. Your winner, Monty Brown! I love Monty's persona, but this didn't seem to click at all, not even during the brawl.

They aired a pre-taped promo with BG Jammes talking about the Gauntlet. Jammes said that every dog has its day and today may be the day of the dog.

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviewed Dusty Rhodes and Larry Zybysko. Larry said that he was proud to be with TNA tonight and it was a major night with the Gauntlet for the Gold. Larry predicted a new champion. He said that he was here to help Vince Russo run TNA as Russo has earned his respect over the last year by running TNA the right way. He said that after he helps Russo, he wants a favor because he remembers the knot in the back of his head (from Jeff Jarrett's guitar shot on Impact!) Dusty Rhodes discussed Jeff Hardy, and said that Jeff has everything he wanted in the contract that Dusty brought to his house. Dusty said that he wants a response from Jeff Hardy in seven days. So, the update on Jeff Hardy again is there's no update. They are doing a good job stretching this out, but I hope they signed Hardy or else TNA is going to look really, really bad.

Trinity & Big Vito vs. Sonny Siaki & Desire - Mixed Tag Match

This is Vito's in ring debut for TNA. Desire and Siaki dared Vito and Trinity to get inside the ring but they stalled. Mike Tenay noted that Kid Kash is still suspended and they weren't able to get an update. Well, that's a storyline for sure now, although I suspected (and reported) that I believed it was. Vito and Siaki went back and forth with Siaki trying to get a quick pin. Trinity tagged in and wanted to face Siaki, who was surprised. Desire tagged in, so Trinity tagged back out to Vito. Vito hit a sideslam on Siaki. Vito set up Siaki for a top rope hurrancanrana by Trinity. Trinity and Vito put the boots to Siaki. Vito hit his trademark right on Siaki. Trinity took a cheap shot at him as well. Vito slammed Siaki. Vito missed a top rope headbutt. Siaki hit a rolling neckbreaker. Vito and Siaki battled back and forth. Siaki hit a backdrop on Vito and chopped him down. Siaki unloaded with chops and scored a two count. Trinity tried to interfere but Siaki moved. Trinity hit Vito instead. Desire speared Trinity. Desire dropkicked Trinity and took her out of the ring. Siaki hit a Samoan Drop. He went to the top but Vito, trying to get up, shoved the referee into the ropes. Siaki slipped and crotched himself. Vito hit a DDT for the pin. Your winners, Big Vito and Trinity!

Vito and Trinity attacked Desire but Irish Pat Kenney hit the ring with a green belt and lashed them, rescuing his partners.

In a pre-taped promo, Konnan ran down the list of championships he has held and promised he was taking the NWA title now.

A video feature on the Erik Watts vs. Abyss and Goldilocks feud aired.

Backstage, Scott Hudson asked Goldilocks what was next. She laughed that she loved being rich and was going to rejoice in the fact that Erik Watts will never return to TNA because she owns his contract. She told Watts' wife to enjoy having him on the couch at home. Goldilocks said that she was buying a X-Division object in a "few days." Abyss was lurking in the background. Hey, what happened to her multiple personalities? Why am I even caring enough to ask?

They aired a video feature on the recent developments in the X-Division since AJ Styles returned and won the X-Division belt.

Mike Tenay introduced Kazarian and Michael Shane, who came to the ring with Traci Brooks. Tenay said that they requested air time and TNA has given it to them to air their grievances. Brooks said that they are not the only wrestlers who have issues with AJ Styles. Michael Shane said that backstage there are 100s of wrestlers who have signed a petition to kick Styles out of the X-Division. Tenay dared him to name one so he named Kazarian. Kazarian claimed that there was a NWA rule that prohibited a wrestler from returning to the X-Division once he moved onto the Heavyweight division. Tenay said there was no such rule. Shane and Kazarian said that the only difference between them and the rest of the locker room is that they have the guts to say how things really are. Brooks said that they wanted to see results. Jerry Lynn came to the ring as the fans chanted his name. Lynn said that when TNA started, he felt the same way. He said that he wondered who the hell AJ Styles was that he deserved all the praise he had out of the gate. Lynn said that he and Styles fought all over the building and made sure Styles paid his dues. Lynn said that Styles earned and deserves everything he has achieved in TNA. Shane and Kazarian insulted Lynn and joked he shaved off his goatee to look younger. Lynn pointed out that he made me an older wrestler but he's beaten both Kazarian and Shane. He said that Kazarian and Shane are afraid of Styles. Kazarian said that the X-Division has discipline and he's going to teach it to Lynn. He slapped Lynn, who attacked him. They jumped on Lynn. AJ Styles hit the ring to make the save. Kazarian and Shane attacked Styles, but Christopher Daniels and Primetime made the save. Chris Sabin and The Amazing Red came out on the stage and stared down Kazarian and Shane as they exited. Good segment building the factions in the X-Division. I wonder how Kid Kash feels sitting at home watching this, knowing this feels like a takeoff of his comments about the promotion "protecting Styles."

They aired a pre-taped promo with Ron Killings warning Jeff Jarrett that he's coming for the belt tonight.

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviewed NWA Tag Team champions America's Most Wanted. He asked Chris Harris if America's Most Wanted didn't take the Naturals seriously. Harris said that the Naturals stole their belts and ring attire and now they have AMW's attention. He promised that tonight they were getting revenge. James Storm said that they were going to take out The Naturals tonight and get their belts back.

They aired a video feature on the America's Most Wanted vs. The Naturals feud.

NWA Tag Team champions America's Most Wanted vs. The Naturals

Right after the ring introductions, Andy Douglas hit James Storm with the NWA Tag Team championship belt. The referee didn't see it. The Naturals scored the pin and won in 12 seconds. They ran off as Mike Tenay screamed that they had stolen the belts again. Your winners and new NWA Tag Team champions, The Naturals.

They aired a pre-taped promo with The Elite Guard noting that tonight, it's every man for himself.

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviewed all four members of Team Canada and Scott D'Amore. D'Amore said that their issues last week were settled. He asked why there were no Canadians in the six-way X-Division last week. They promised to win the three-way X-Division tag match tonight and sang the Canadian national anthem.

Team Canada's Bobby Rude & Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin & The Amazing Red vs. Primetime & Christopher Daniel - Tornado Three-Way

This was Daniels' return to the ring from his separated shoulder. The shoulder was taped up. The rules were that three men would be in the ring at the same time. Red, Williams, and Daniels started first going back and forth. Daniels flinged Red into Williams. Red hit a sunset flip on Daniels. Primetime, Rude, and Sabin tagged in and they went into a series of back and forth three-way variations. Sabin hit a hurrananrana on Primetime. Primetime hit an inverted suplex on Sabin, draping him across the ropes. He hit a glancing legdrop on Sabin. Daniels and Primetime doubled on Bobby Rude, who kicked up. Red hit spinkicks on Daniels and Rude. Red went for his sunset flip powerbomb on Rude, but Daniels grabbed him and hit a DDT. Sabin was knocked to the floor. Team Canada began working over Daniels' shoulder. Petey Williams worked over the shoulder. Daniels locked on a sleeper to cut him off. Everytime Sabin tried to get back into the ring, he was cut off by Bobby Rude. Sabin hit a sunset flip over the ropes into the ring on Daniels, who hit a German suplex on Rude as he was pulled over. Primetime tagged in and hit superkicks on everyone. Williams took him down and scored a two count. Primetime put Williams on the ropes. Everyone joined in, leading to a huge pyramid with Williams and Primetime being suplexed off. Daniels and Rude went back and forth in the ring. Williams hit a flying bodypress off the top on Primetime. He hit a side Russian legsweep for a two count. Skipper held Williams up in a suplex for Daniels to come off the ropes with a clothesline. Daniels slipped but saved the move, turning it into a spear off the ropes. Sabin and Williams went back and forth, ending with Sabin hitting a spinning fisherman's suplex. He went to the top but Scott D'Amore shoved him off. Williams hit the Canadian Destroyer on Sabin. Primetime clotheslined Williams over the top to the floor. Daniels hit the Best Moonsault Ever on Rude and scored the pin. Scott D'Amore began screaming outside the ring, irate. There was a small "Welcome back" chant for Daniels. Team Canada laid out everyone else and celebrated, waving their flag. Your winners, Christopher Daniels and Primetime. Way too much going on to keep up with and the best match on the show thus far.

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviewed NWA Tag Team champions The Naturals. The Naturals noted that they went from being the team about to be fired to being "The Team." They dragged Vince Russo in front of the cameras and asked him to celebrate. Russo said that he's trying to do things on the straight and narrow and the Naturals are running around stealing things from the locker room. Public Enemy would be proud! Russo said that they will have a non-title ladder match next week with AMW's ring outfits above the ring. Russo said that if AMW wins, they will get a NWA title match the following week. The Naturals said that if they win, AMW ends up on the Gutcheck list. Russo said, "If you win." America's Most Wanted attacked The Naturals and dragged them into the crowd. James Storm hit Chase Stevens with a chair in the crowd. Chris Harris began beating Andy Douglas with a chair in the bleachers. AMW continued to beat down The Naturals. Security tried to separate everyone.

A pre-taped promo aired with Jeff Jarrett declaring that he will be the past, present and future of TNA.

Mike Tenay and Don West did the hard sell on the AJ Styles website, Jeff Hardy's decision in seven days, Impact! and next week's PPV. AJ Styles came out in street clothes with a ring mic. He said that he was going to nip everything in the bud. He said that Michael Shane and Kazarian have a problem with him being in the X-Division championship. He ran down his championship wrestling and said he won those belts because he can. He said that he was inviting Shane and Kazarian to wrestle him and if either could beat him, they can have a X-Division championship match. Michael Shane and Traci Brooks came out on the stage. Shane said that if AJ is so phenomenal, he can wrestle each of them. He suggested that Styles wrestles one of them at the start of a show and then the other at the end of the night. Styles said that it sounds like a plan, but added the stipulation that if he defeated them both, they were out of "his" X-Division. Kazarian tried to attack Styles from behind but Styles caught him. Shane caught Styles from behind but Styles fought back and clotheslined Shane over the ropes. He hit the discus clothesline on Kazarian. Shane pulled Kazarian out of the ring but Styles dove over the top to the floor on them. Security pulled everyone apart. Fun segment.

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviewed Ken Shamrock. Shamrock said he wasn't part of any team and when he got into the ring, he was doing it all for himself.

They aired a video feature on the Gauntlet For the Gold

Gauntlet for the Gold: NWA champion Jeff Jarrett vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Ron Killings vs. Chad Collyer vs. Konnan vs. BG Jammes vs. Onyx vs. Hotstuff Hernandez

Eliminations are done via over the top rope until it gets down to the last two men, at which point it becomes pinfall or submission. The first man out was Elite Guards' Hotstuff Hernandez. Number two was Ron Killings. Mike Tenay noted that the Guard contacted Jeff Jarrett about coming to TNA as a way to get their foot into TNA. Onyx was #3 and they worked over Killings. Killings came back with a DDT on both. #4 was NWA champion Jeff Jarrett so it was three on one for Killings. Konnan was #5. Konnan cleaned house ands set up Onyx and Hernandez for flying legdrops by Killings. Konnan almost had Jarrett over, but #6 was Chad Collyer, who made the save. #7 was BG Jammes so Shamrock was last. Konnan was tossed over the top but it was missed by the cameras. Shamrock was the final competitor and hit the ring, cleaning house on the Elite Guard with suplexes. Shamrock acted like he snapped and hit Jammes hit a belly to belly suplex. He hit a kick on Killings. The Guard and Jarrett forced Shamrock over the ropes to eliminate him. He loudly screamed, "F***" as I am sure TNA management fainted and wondered who was going to explain their "family friendly" product to Shamrock. Shamrock began kicking the ring steps and slammed a chair on the announcers' table. Don West ran away in fear but returned to commentary. Shamrock went nuts and locked the ankle lock on Chris Vaughn of TNA security on the stage. Shamrock left. Collyer, Onyx, Jammes, and Hernandez were eliminated, so the last two are Killings and Jarrett. Jarrett locked in the figure four as Onyx and Hotstuff Hernandez came back to the ring. Killings had Jarrett pinned but was pulled out of the ring by Hernandez. Onyx tossed Jarrett the NWA championship belt. He hit Killings but BG Jammes broke up the pin. Collyer handed Jarrett a guitar. Shamrock hit the ring and grabbed the guitar. He acted as if he was going to hit Jarrett, but instead hit Killings. Jarrett scored the pin as Mike Tenay screamed in shock. Your winner and still NWA champion Jeff Jarrett!

2006 - WWE Raw ran Barrie, Ontario with the following results:
-The Highlanders, Robbie & Rory McAllister defeated Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch.
-Harry Smith (DH Smith) defeated Rob Conway.
-WWE Women's Champion Mickie James defeated Trish Stratus.
-WWE IC Champion Johnny Nitro defeated Shelton Benjamin and Carlito.
-Randy Orton defeated Jim Duggan.
-Triple H & Ric Flair defeated WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Kenny, Mitch, Nicky, Mikey, & Johnny in a handicap match.
-John Cena defeated WWE World Champion Edge in a non-title Streetfight.

2006 - Full Impact Pro ran Inverness, Florida with the following results:

Kenny King defeated the Canadian Cougar at 7:46
Alex Porteau defeated Kory Chavis and Sal Rinauro at 6:07
Shingo Takagi defeated Homicide at 11:53
Davey Richards defeated BJ Whitmer at 10:43
Chasyn Rance & Steve Madison defeated Erick Stevens & Seth Delay at 10:27
FIP World Champion & ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson defeated Colt Cabana at 23:43; only the FIP title was on the line
FIP Tag Team Champions Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy defeated Phil & Sean Davis

2007- WWE ran a combined Smackdown & ECW event in Tupelo, MS at the BancorpSouth Arena, drawing 2,132 fans with the following results:
-Tommy Dreamer & Stevie Richards defeated Elijah Burke & Kevin Thorn when Richards forced Burke to submit.
-Chuck Palumbo defeated an unknown.
-Michelle McCool defeated Victoria.
-Brett & Brian Major (Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins) defeated Dave Taylor & Paul Birchill.
-WWE US Champion MVP defeated Matt Hardy and Finlay.
-ECW World Champion Johnny Nitro defeated CM Punk.
-Chris Masters defeated Jimmy Wang Yang via submission with the full nelson.
-Batista pinned World Heavyweight Champion Edge in a non-title match with the sit-down powerbomb.

2007 - WWE Raw ran Mexico City, Mexico at Palacio de los Deportes before 14,389 fans:
-Super Crazy pinned Santino Marella at 7:09 with a moonsault.
-William Regal pinned Val Venis with a shoulderbreaker at 13:00.
-WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch defeated Paul London & Brian Kendrick when Cade pinned Kendrick.
-Bikini contest - Jillian Hall vs. Maria vs. Melina vs. Mickie James.
-Carlito pinned Daivari at 5:32 with the Back Stabber.
-Jeff Hardy pinned Snitsky at 10:32 with the Swanton.
-WWE World Champion John Cena, Bobby Lashley, & Rey Mysterio defeated Randy Orton, Booker T, & Umaga at 22:05 when Cena scored the pin with the FU.

2009 - WWE Raw ran Melbourne, Australia at the Rod Laver Arena with the following results:
-Goldust (with Hornswoggle) defeated The Brian Kendrick.
-Sheamus defeated Jamie Noble.
-Santino Marella defeated Chavo Guerrero.
-Cody Rhodes (with Ted DiBiase) defeated Carlito (with Primo Colon).
-WWE US Champion Kofi Kingston defeated William Regal and The Miz.
-Mickie James defeated WWE Divas Champion Maryse in a non-title match.
-The Big Show defeated MVP.
-Triple H defeated WWE Champion Randy Orton via disqualification.

2008 - reported that Scott D'Amore, who had been working with TNA for a number of years as a backstage agent (most recently with the TNA Knockouts division) was on his way out of the company and was expected to finish up at the end of the month.

D'Amore left to devote more time to his businesses in Canada. The departure was said to be on good terms, although the caveat there is that D'Amore always had heat for one reason or another in recent months.

D'Amore had previously worked on camera managing Team Canada and when that unit was ended in storylines, he moved to a behind the scenes role. He was also part of the creative team several years back before Vince Russo and Dutch Mantel were brought on board.

D'Amore operates a sports bar out of Windsor, Ontario and heads up Michigan/Ontario independent promotion Border City Wrestling. He's had a hand in training a number of current TNA stars, including Chris Sabin, Petey Williams and Alex Shelley, among others.

2008 - Gene Snitsky suffered a broken nose, courtesy of a CM Punk GTS.
2008 - WWE broadcast Raw on the USA Network.  Richard Trionfo filed the following report:

Last week, many wrestling fans experience the thrill of victory when they saw CM Punk successfully cash in Money in the Bank to win the World Heavyweight Title. Then they had to feel the agony of defeat when Bradshaw challenged for the title. The mass exodus of fans did not occur when CM Punk retained in the main event thanks to John Cena and Cryme Tyme. Who will face Punk for the title at The Great American Bash? Will we hear from the newish World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase? How is Vince McMahon doing two weeks after he was crushed by the Raw set? Will we hear anything about the break up of Edge and Vickie since we saw the Raw Recap during last week's Smackdown? Who is next to face Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Title?

We start off tonight’s show with a look back at last week’s big announcement by Edge that he was never going to give anyone on Raw a title match. Then we saw Batista attack Edge and CM Punk took advantage of the situation to win the World Heavyweight Title. We hear Punk talk about how awesome he felt, until the wrestling audience got sick at the thought that Bradshaw would become champion and Punk would get Ortoned. We see Bradshaw force Cena out of the building, only to return with Cryme Tyme.

We are live from New Orleans, Louisiana and your announcers are Jerry 'Who wants some beads' Lawler and Michael 'Who Dat' Cole.

Stephanie McMahon mentions how last week her brother Shane, the show last week was in chaos. Stephanie wants everyone to work as one.

Vickie Guerrero is in the ring and she is in her wheelchair. She wants everyone to be quiet since she has something to say. With all due respect to Stephanie McMahon, she reminds everyone who she is and that she is still the General Manager of Smackdown. She is here to protest CM Punk becoming the World Heavyweight Champion. She will not leave the ring until he surrenders the title to her. She also demands an apology . . .

CM Punk comes to the ring and he has his title belt. Punk holds the belt in Vickie’s face as he celebrates in the ring. Vickie wonders how CM Punk could celebrate. She points out that Punk unfairly took advantage of a semi-conscious beaten up Edge to win the title. Vickie says that Edge’s world is falling apart and she tells Punk that Edge called off the wedding. Punk says that Vickie is going to find it tough to find any sympathy about her and Edge. Punk says that he probably did both of them a favor. Punk reminds Vickie what the stipulation for Money in the Bank means and then he points out that what goes around comes around because he did what Edge did. Vickie says that none of Edge’s opponents were getting married. Punk suggests that Vickie can get married again and find someone to pretend to be in love with her to get to the top. Punk suggests that Vickie and the Great Khali would make a cute couple.

Vickie rises from her wheelchair and slaps Punk before sitting down again. Punk says that Vickie won herself a one way ticket back to Smackdown.

Before Punk can do anything Bradshaw’s music plays and the JBLimo comes out and Bradshaw emerges with a mic. Bradshaw says that Punk bought himself a one-way ticket to the end of his brief title reign. If not for Punk’s illegal interference, he would be standing there as world champion, where he rightfully should be. Bradshaw challenges Punk for the title which belongs to him. Bradshaw says that if Mr. McMahon was here.

Punk points out that Vince is not here and Bradshaw had his chance but he lost. Bradshaw says that he did not lose. Bradshaw says the illegal interference cost him the match. Bradshaw says that there is a man with a vendetta against him . . .

That brings out John Cena. He has a big announcement. Cena says that Bradshaw is sick and has the ifitwasn’tfors. Cena gives a few of his own. Cena tells Bradshaw that if he wants to play the blame game to take it somewhere else. Cena tells Bradshaw to shut up and listen to the World Heavyweight Champion. Cena congratulates Punk and Punk thanks him. Cena says that since there are no McMahons here, nobody is in charge. Cena suggests that they figure this out like men. Cena says that there are two of them to challenge for Punk’s title at the Great American Bash. Cena suggests that they could go the boring route and have a “rock/papers/scissors” game or they can have a number one contender match.

Before anyone can agree to anything, we haven’t had enough people come out so Batista joins the fun. Batista says hello and he wanted to join the fun. Batista tells Punk that he went through hell to win Money in the Bank and he deserves the title. Batista wanted to say hello to his good friend Vickie and he asks how she is doing. Batista reminds Vickie that she made him miserable on Smackdown. Batista says that he feels bad that Vickie’s life is falling apart. On second thought, he is happy that Vickie’s life is going to hell. Batista tells Punk that he was able to cash in the Money in the Bank because of what he did to Edge.

Bradshaw says that the only way to see it is the way that he says it. Batista threatens to beat up Bradshaw if he interrupts him again.

Cena suggests a Triple Threat Match to determine who faces CM Punk at the Great American Bash. Bradshaw wants to know why Cena is asking Batista because he is in charge since Vince is not here. Bradshaw is about to accept the match, but . . .

Kane’s pyro goes off and he comes to the ring. Kane says that he wants in too. Punk says that we have a Fatal Four Way.

We wait to see if anyone else comes out to the ring to throw their name in the hat, but since nobody else has come out in the last minute, we finally go to commercial.

We are back with footage from last week when Santino Marella welcomed Rey Mastrio back to Raw.

Match Number One: Rey ‘Mastrio’ Mysterio versus Santino Marella
Santino poses in front of Rey and pushes him into the ropes. Rey with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and then he tries for another head scissors but he drops Rey on the mat. Santino with knees to Rey for a near fall. Santino with a head butt to Rey’s midsection. Santino with a camel clutch to Mastrio. Santino with another forearm to the midsection and another camel clutch. Rey sends Santino into the ropes in 619 position but Santino recovers and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Rey with a kick to Santino’s leg followed by a kick to the head and running back elbow. Rey with a double stomp onto the chest of Santino for a near fall. Rey goes to the apron and he hits a springboard seated senton. Rey with a drop kick to the back and Santino goes into the ropes as only Rey’s opponents do. Rey with the 619 followed by a frog splash for the three count.
Winner: Rey ‘Mastrio’ Mysterio

We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you missed the first 25 minutes of the show, there is a Fatal Four Way to determine CM Punk’s opponent.

Todd Grisham is with CM Punk and Todd asks Punk who he would like to face. Punk starts his answer and a light falls. Punk says that he would love . . . Gene Snitsky stands next to Punk and he says that he did not get a title shot after being drafted to Raw last year. Snitsky says that last week was a fluke. Punk suggests that they meet in the ring tonight.

Mickie is with John Cena in the back and they talk about Bourbon Street. Kelly stops by to talk about their tag match. Cena wonders how Kelly got to Raw and Kelly doesn’t know if she has a contract. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jillian Hall is singing while Layla wonders what she got into.

Match Number Two: Jillian Hall and Layla versus Kelly and Mickie James
Mickie and Jillian start things off and Jillian works on the arm. Mickie reverses and has Jillian in a side head lock followed by a take down. Jillian with a head scissors but Mickie escapes the hold. Jillian with a shot to the midsection. Mickie with a drop kick to the knees and then another drop kick. Mickie knocks Layla off the apron. Jillian tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Mickie gets out of the hold. Mickie with a kick and then Kelly is tagged in with a sunset flip. Kelly with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and a rana for a two count. Kelly with a forearm to Jillian. Jillian sends Kelly to the apron and Kelly with a shoulder, but Layla knocks Kelly off the apron. Jillian rolls Kelly back in and she kicks Kelly and slams her head into the mat. Jillian tosses Kelly by the hair and then gets a two count. Jillian works on Kelly’s back but Kelly gets to her feet and escapes the hold. Jillian punches Kelly in the head. Jillian with a knee to Kelly and then she runs Kelly into the corner. Jillian with an Irish whip and then she tries for the handspring back elbow but Kelly anticipates the move and gets the three count with a victory roll.
Winner: Kelly and Mickie James

After the match, the music for the JBLimo plays and it comes out again. The driver runs to the back instead of getting Bradshaw’s door open as we go to commercial.

We are back and Bradshaw comes out and wonders what the deal is with the limo being out without him. Bradshaw checks the doors and he cannot get in. The door opens and it is John Cena with a tire iron. Cena points out that Bradshaw had him thrown out for his protection. Cena says that for Bradshaw’s protection, he brought out the limo. Cena points out that there are strict laws in Louisiana and he is going to find some people who can help it make inspection.

Cryme Tyme emerge from the other side of the limo and they have some equipment with them to repair the car. Cena says that you cannot drive a limo in Louisiana without a passenger side mirror. JTG removes the mirror from the limo. Time for the windshield to be broken and it is ventilated. Cena mentions that the tinting is illegal. Time to break some windows. Now it is time for a custom paint job from the resident Earl Scheib, Cryme Tyme and John Cena. Cena wishes Bradshaw luck in the Fatal Four Way.

In case you missed it last week, or earlier tonight, it is time for the video package that opened tonight’s show when CM Punk won the title and then almost lost it to Bradshaw.

We go to commercial as Punk comes out and poses on the Limo Formerly Known as the JBLimo.

Match Number Three: CM Punk versus Gene Snitsky
They lock up and Snitsky sends Punk into the corner. Punk with a series of kicks. Snitsky charges into a boot and then Punk comes off the turnbuckles but Snitsky catches him and runs Punk into the turnbuckles. Snitsky with boots to Punk and the referee separates them. Punk with punches to Snitsky but Snitsky with a knee to Punk. Snitsky with a slam and elbow drops. Snitsky with a bear hug to Punk. Snitsky with a back elbow to Punk but he misses a leg drop. Punk with forearms followed by an enzuigiri. Punk goes to the apron for the springboard clothesline. Punk with the running knee into the corner followed by the bulldog and it is time for the final move of doom, the Go To Sleep and it connects for the three count.
Winner: CM Punk

Shawn Michaels walks in the back and he stares intently as we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back at Chris Jericho’s problems with Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels comes to the ring. Shawn says that last week Chris Jericho challenged him to a match and Shawn accepts the challenge.

Chris Jericho comes out and he is joined by Lance ‘Richie Sambora’ Cade and they join Michaels in the ring. Jericho says that he knew that Shawn would accept the challenge. Even though Shawn’s eye is worse than he is letting everyone know, his desire to satisfy the fans is greater. Jericho reminds Shawn of the pep talks he was giving Shawn during the Stretcher Match at the pay per view. Jericho says that Shawn is going into the match at a huge disadvantage. If he loses, he is the injured legend who pulls out all of the stops to give the fans a classic performance. Jericho wonders at what sacrifice he is making this. He wonders if Shawn wants to be a martyr. If Shawn gets hurt, will the fans visit him in the hospital, pay his mortgage, or pay Shawn’s children’s education. Chris says that him and Cade see what Shawn is all about. He tells Shawn to be a martyr, but eventually he will be swept under the carpet and will be forgotten.

Shawn says that he thought Jericho despised him because he thought he was a liar or a phony. Shawn says that Jericho knows that there is no one who is more real than him. Shawn says that he could leave this business today and he will be remembered forever. He has been through everything and through all of that, in the eyes of the people, they . . .

Chris says that they give him a free pass and it isn’t right. Shawn reminds Chris that he is HBK. Chris says that it is not fair and Shawn agrees. Shawn says that Jericho is the epitome of success. He held every title he went after and he made a lot of money. He did everything he could accomplish in this business but in spite of all of that, he is not content. He has no peace. In spite of all of his accomplishments, and no matter what he achieves, Chris Jericho will never be Shawn Michaels. We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Charlie Haas versus Kofi Kingston
Has with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Kingston with a hip toss but Haas with a knee and forearm to the back. Haas with a chop and then he chokes Kingston in the ropes. Kingston with punches to Haas followed by chops. Haas with a forearm to the back followed by a kick. Haas with a cravate followed by knees and kicks to Kingston for a near fall. Haas with a reverse chin lock and he applies extra pressure to Kingston’s back. Kofi gets to his feet but Haas with a kick to the head. Haas with jabs in the corner. Kofi with punches but Haas with a boot to the head. Kofi with a cross body and back elbow followed by a drop kick. Kofi with a leaping leg drop to the chest and then he tries for the leap into the corner but Haas tries for a power bomb. Kingston with Trouble in Paradise for the three count.
Winner: Kofi Kingston

After the match, Paul Burchill comes out and hits a neck breaker followed by the curb stomp. The referee tries to get Burchill to leave the ring.

Batista is bouncing in the back and someone gets in the camera shot and does the Batista gun entrance before running away when security sees him. Batista is in shock for a second before bouncing again into commercial.

Match Number Five: Batista versus Bradshaw versus John Cena versus Kane in a Fatal Four Way to determine the Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Title at The Great American Bash
Bradshaw attacks Cena as he enters the ring and then it separates into Kane and Cena in the ring while Batista and Bradshaw fight on the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane has Cena in a reverse chin lock but Cena escapes. Kane with a back elbow a Batista stands over Bradshaw in the corner. Kane with an uppercut to Cena while Bradshaw connects with a knee to Batista. Kane works on Cena’s face. Batista with a spinebuster to Bradshaw and Kane breaks up the cover and choke slams Batista but Cena breaks up the cover. Cena with punches to Kane but Kane grabs Cena by the throat. Cena gets out of the choke slam and tries for an FU but Bradshaw with a boot to Cena. Bradshaw and Kane with big boots to each other at the same time. Bradshaw misses a clothesline but Cena hits a flying shoulder tackle on Bradshaw. Cena with a leap frog neckbreaker to Kane followed by an FU to Batista but Bradshaw breaks up the cover. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cena punches Bradshaw followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Kane with a desperation clothesline from out of nowhere. Batista punches Kane followed by an Irish whip and running clothesline. Batista with a clothesline to Bradshaw followed by another one to Kane. Batista with a drop toe hold and boot to Kane followed by a spinebuster to Cena. Bradshaw with a Clothesline from Wall Street on Batista. Cena puts Bradshaw in the STFU but Kane grabs Cena by the throat and then Bradshaw. Cena and Bradshaw with a double shoulder tackle to Kane and then Cena and Bradshaw punch each other and go to the floor. Cena gets Irish whipped into the ring steps. Batista tries for the Batista Bomb but Kane sends Batista into the turnbuckles. Batista is sent into the ring post. Bradshaw grabs the ring steps and he hits Cena in the head with them. Kane with an uppercut to Bradshaw followed by a few more that send Bradshaw into the crowd. Kane goes up top for the jumping clothesline but Batista moves out of the way. Batista with a spear for the three count.
Winner: Batista

Kane cannot believe what happened and he attacks the other ring steps. Kane goes to the announce table and he says something. Kane asks if he is alive or dead. Kane with a big boot to a production assistant and then he goes after Lillian Garcia. Kane throws another ringside worker around. Kane asks Michael Cole if he is alive or dead and he grabs Cole by the throat. Cole says that he does not know what Kane is talking about. Kane says that this is his last chance to give him an answer. Kane tries to choke slam Cole but Lawler clips Kane. Kane attacks Lawler and punches him and asks him if this is funny. Kane with a running boot to Lawler’s head and then we go to credits with Kane walking up the ramp.

2009 - Edge underwent surgery to repair his torn Achilles heel.  The surgery and recovery would keep him out of the ring through the 2010 Royal Rumble.

2009 - The Hollywood Reporter reported that Cookie Jar Entertainment, a Canadian-based company, is putting together an English-language version of AAA Lucha Libre.  Along the way, that concept would be changed into Lucha Libre USA, which had a seven episode run on MTV2.

2009 - WWE issued the following press release:

Jim Connelly, Former NFL Executive, Joins WWE®

STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. has named Jim Connelly as Senior Vice President, Consumer Products. Connelly will oversee WWE's Global Licensing, Home Entertainment, Book and Magazine publishing. He will report directly to Donna Goldsmith, Chief Operating Officer.

Connelly spent nearly 25 years with the National Football League, where his last position was Managing Director of NFL Europe/NFL Europe League (EL). His responsibilities included all NFL business, brand, marketing, media, fan and player development initiatives in the UK and Europe including the launch of two new EL franchises.

Connelly also held the position of SVP of Consumer Products, where he negotiated first time license agreements with the three largest global footwear/apparel makers and positioned the NFL as the first sports league to introduce a TV home shopping program on QVC. In addition, he served as VP, International Marketing, and Senior Marketing Manager for Corporate Sponsorships.

“We are thrilled to be able to tap into Jim’s extensive experience in marketing, consumer products and branding,” said Donna Goldsmith, COO, World Wrestling Entertainment. “As a proven and recognized business leader both in the U.S. and in Europe, Jim’s business acumen will be an asset in furthering our consumer products business globally.”

After leaving the NFL in 2007, Connelly was a founding partner with The Convergence Network executive search group and also Brand Art LLC where he was appointed the global licensing agent for St. Andrews’ new golf and lifestyle product businesses.

Connelly has a MBA from The College of William and Mary and a BA from Georgetown University.

2011 - TNA broadcast Impact.  Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

Welcome to the Impact Wrestling Report, back with the regular number of commercials, here on!

We start with a recap from last week when Crazy Joker Sting assaulted and terrorized Hulk Hogan to try and get him to turn good again.

We then go to the Impact Zone where Bully Ray is in the ring with Gunner and Scott Steiner, and calls Ken Anderson out to the ring to discuss how egregiously the Yankees blew their game against the Mets on Sunday. Anderson stops at the top of the ramp, gets his special mic, and reminds Immortal of his name, THEN he heads to the ring to chit chat with Bully Ray. Bully Ray mocks Anderson's catchphrase and tells Anderson (or, as he put it, you jackoff) to shut his mouth and listen because a lot of people are pissed off at him. He asks Anderson if he's noticed Sting running around attacking people, and asks what makes him think that he can beat Sting next week? He can't because Anderson needs Immortal as much as Immortal needs Anderson and the TNA World Title, and Immortal will have his back as long as he makes them happy and takes Sting out. Steiner tells Anderson that he has to decide if he's with them or against them, and then Gunner reminds Anderson that tonight will be all of Immortal against Sting and Kurt Angle, and Immortal wants an answer by the end of that match, or Immortal will make sure he never sees the light of day on Impact ever again.

Gunner says to hit Immortal's music, but instead we get Sting's music and we see Crazy Joker Sting up in the rafters laughing at Immortal. The lights go out, and when they come up, Kurt Angle is in the ring and lays out Steiner and Gunner while Bully Ray runs. Angle tells Anderson that he has a decision to make tonight, and not to make it hard on himself.

James Storm is backstage with Bobby Roode and asks him if the arm is okay, and Roode says not really, but he needs points.

Time to catch up on the Bound For Glory Series with last weekend's events in Brooklyn and Asbury Park, and Crimson is back in first place with 24, closely followed by Gunner with 21.

Bound For Glory Series: Robert Roode vs Crimson

Crimson takes Roode down with a shoulderblock, targeting Roode's bad arm, but Roode comes back by whipping Crimson to the ropes and wiping him out with a back elbow. Crimson doesn't miss a beat, ramming Roode into the corner and laying in some shoulderblocks, but Roode reverses to shoulderblocks of his own, then hits a snapmare and Mr Perfect necksnap for 2. Crimson catches Roode on a leapfrog attempt, dumps him throat first on the top rope, then hits a flying shoulderblock that sends Roode tumbling to the ring apron. Crimson brings him back in with a Falcon Arrow suplex for 2 and then ties Roode up in a three quarter nelson, ramming knees into the forehead of Roode and turning it into a swinging neckbreaker that only gets 2. Crimson ducks a wild swing and hits a T-bone suplex for 2, but Roode gets his elbow up on a charge in the corner and comes off the second rope with a Blockbuster. Both men get back to their feet and Roode unloads with right hands and gets a spinebuster, but hurts his arm and hesitates before covering just long enough to get a 2 count. Roode tries a Perfectplex, but Crimson slips out and gets a schoolboy rollup, and Roode rolls right through at 2 and gets a Fujiwara armbar. Crimson makes the ropes and heads to the apron, then hits a HUGE shoulderblock to the ribs from the outside, Roode dodges the Red Sky but gets rammed into the corner and then Crimson hits the Red Sky for the win.

Winner: Crimson

Crimson extends his lead to 31 points to Gunner's second place 21.

We see a quick video profile of Tony Nese, who is in tonight's Destination X tournament match, then Abyss is freaking out because he can't find his mask, and we see Brian Kendrick wearing it while walking around the back.

We see a video package of Jack Evans, who will be making what I believe is his TNA debut tonight in the Destination X tournament.

Brian Kendrick is in the ring with Abyss' mask and promises to give it back if Abyss will come out and hear him out. Abyss comes out with a towel slung over his head (didn't he have a red mask or something last time someone stole his mask? And haven't we seen his face before?), and Kendrick says stuff that basically amounts to Abyss' ego keeping him from doing what he can to help the X Division, and he wears the mask to hide the pain within. He wants to help Abyss shed his ego and fulfill his potential, but his mission is to beat him for the X Division Title. He hands Abyss the mask back, Abyss puts it on (I would have put itching powder or something in it first), and Abyss bears me out on that by laying Kendrick out, then taking him to the outside and beating him up more out there. He tosses Kendrick back in the ring and Kendrick tries to fight back, but Abyss continues beating him down and flattens him with Shock Treatment. He goes to leave, but comes back and gives Kendrick the Black Hole Slam, THEN leaves.

Jesse Sorensen is backstage, he's from Texas, and he's going to be in the Destionation X tournament tonight.

Destination X Tournament: Tony Nese vs Jesse Sorensen vs Jack Evans

Evans gets a big reaction from the crowd, and they do a three way Greco-Roman knucklelock. They roll each other up until Neese LAUNCHES Evans to the floor and then Sorensen small packages him for 2. Evans kicks Nese in the face and then gets a rolling senton from the apron for 2. Evans uses various acrobatic stuff to dodge around Nese's stuff and wipes him out with a dropkick, but then Nese rips his head off with a clothesline for 2. Nese goes up top and Sorensen hits a leaping enziguiri that sends Nese to the floor and takes him out with a dive. Yes, you know what this is setting up for: Jack Evans slingshots onto the top rope and hits a 450 dive that wipes both guys out. Evans tosses them both back in (great planning) and covers Sorensen for 2, Nese for 2, Nese dodges a carge in the corner and then destroys Evans with a running forearm for 2. Sorensen boots Nese in the head and kills Evans with a Wave of the Future, but Evans gets his foot on the ropes for 2. Nese pops Sorensen into the air and flapjacks him and then gets a bridging German suplex, but Evans hits a standing 450 on Nese for 2. Sorensen puts Evans up top but Evans dumps him to the floor. Nese hits a leaping enziguiri on Evans and tries a superplex, but Evans hits a gourdbuster into the ring and finishes Nese with a 630.

Winner: Jack Evans

Not surprised at all that Evans won, but he impressed the hell out of me here because I'm so used to seeing him blow a million spots per match. He actually looked solid.

The British Invasion (all three of them) are backstage talking about how they need to win the title back so they're taken seriously again, but first Doug Williams needs to make his mark at Destination X.

Speaking of Destination X, we go to comments from Alex Shelley, Amazing Red, Robbie E, and Shannon Moore, who are all in this weekend's Ultimate X match.

Velvet Sky is backstage talking about how she's done taking **** from anyone, and she'll sound like a total ***** saying this, but she's smart and beautiful because she suckered them into this stipulation and will cleanse TNA two ugly hogs at a time.

Sting is backstage singing on top of the lockers, and Kurt Angle asks him if he's okay. Sting says he's doing great because next week is Midsummer Nightmare, and he's going to win the title back and get the power back in his court. Angle says Sting is out of his mind and he doesn't think he can trust him tonight, but Sting says he knows exactly what he's doing, then starts singing again as Angle walks off. Sting keeps singing and talking to himself for about another thirty seconds after Angle leaves until we cut back to the ring.

Velvet Sky vs ODB & Miss Jackie

Velvet doesn't come out from the entrance, and instead runs out of the crowd and wipes Jackie out with a chair, then nails ODB with it. She comes in with shoulderblocks in the corner on ODB and wipes her out with a clothesline. Velvet lets out a big “WHOOOOOOOOO!” as she chops ODB in the corner, then continues to unload on ODB with the heavy artillery. ODB has gotten literally no offense in so far as Velvet hits a bulldog, but Jackie comes in and nails Velvet from behind. Insert your own joke there. Jackie throws Velvet across the ring by the hair, but Velvet clotheslines her and gets a full bodyslam and goes for the cover, but ODB dives across the ring to break the count. She tries a charge in the corner, but Velvet moves and goes back after her, but Jackie blindsides her again. Velvet finally nails Jackie with a clothesline and then dodges a chairshot from ODB, and ODB knocks Jackie out. Velvet kicks ODB to the floor and hits her spike DDT on Jackie for the win.

Winner: Velvet Sky

By virtue of this win, Velvet Sky has forever rid TNA of the twin scourges of ODB and Miss Jackie. ODB says, and I quote, “YOU AIN'T GETTING RID OF ME, YOU LOOSE HUSSY! BAAMMM!”

Pope and Devon are backstage and Pope tries to solidify their partnership by offering him shades, but Devon says that he better not think of doublecrossing him, and walks off.

Christopher Daniels talks about he's been a wrestling fan his whole life, but AJ Styles has been more consistent than him. This Sunday is about proving himself, and he wouldn't put his body through what he has for the last 18 years ifh e didn't care so much about wrestling and being the best.

Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn vs Rob Van Dam

Daniels and RVD start, but RVD quickly tags out to Lynn and lets him go at it with Daniels. They do a quick back and forth exchange and Daniels scores with a leg lariat for 1. Lynn gets a big flying headscissors and sends Daniels into the corner where AJ tags himself in. Now AJ and Lynn, who certainly have history with one another, go at it with some chain wrestling. Lynn gets a flying victory roll for 2 and they wind up in an indy standoff. Lynn points over at RVD, and AJ walks over to tag him in and now RVD and Lynn will face off for the first time in ten years on TV. Way to go, TNA! They do a quick back and forth sequence with neither guy able to connect on anything, and then Daniels tags himself in off of Lynn and takes RVD out with an STO. Daniels with a running forearm in the corner, but RVD gets the stepover leg lariat and a standing moonsault, then hits Rolling Thunder for 2. Daniels hits a jawbreaker, but RVD takes Daniels out with a spinkick to the chest. Daniels makes a hot tag to AJ and RVD tags out to Lynn, and now Lynn takes AJ out with a leaping enziguiri and puts him up top and hits a super Frankensteiner. Daniels tags himself in and drop toeholds Lynn into the second turnbuckle and then hits the second rope curb stomp for 2. RVD comes in and nails Daniels, but AJ wipes him out with a springboard forearm, but Lynn hits an inverted suplex that dumps AJ onto the top rope. Daniels hits a uranage on Lynn and tries the BME, Lynn moves so Daniels goes for the Angel's Wings, but Lynn hit an Air Raid Crash. Unbeknownst to Lynn, RVD had blind tagged himself in and comes off the top rope with the Five Star Frogsplash and gets the win.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

So you beat one of the guys in your main event on TV on the go home episode. Brilliant!

Bound For Glory Series: Matt Morgan & James Storm vs The Pope & Devon

Okay, so in tag matches in the Series, only the person scoring the fall earns points, not his partner. Pope gives one of Devon's sons his Pope shades on his way to the ring, causing Devon to look concerned. Devon and Storm start us off, and Storm kicks him in the gut and gets a shoulderblock for 2. Morgan tags himself in and nails Devon with a back elbow and a big slam, then hits a legdrop off the ropes for 2. Morgan sets Devon up for the machine gun elbows, but Storm tags himself in and promptly takes a flying shoulderblock, slam, and leaping headbutt from Devon for 2. Pope frantically yells for the tag, so Devon obliges and Pope quickly winds up on the receiving end of a hiptoss and tags right back out. Devon stares out at Pope and Storm sneaks in with a rollup for 2, then tags out to Morgan, who now hits the machine gun elbows. Morgan gets a side suplex for 2 and tags out to Storm, but Devon gets the boot up on a charge and gets a shoulderblock off the second rope, then makes the tag to Pope. Pope comes in with a flying clothesline, then an inverted atomic drop and clothesline. Pope dropkicks Morgan off the ring apron and goes up for the ten punches on Storm, but Storm ducks a shot and gets a lungblower and goes for the cover, but Morgan drags him off at 2. Storm and Morgan get into a shoving match, allowing Devon to sneak in and attack, but Morgan hits a clothesline that sends both of them to the floor. Storm and Pope hit heads and Pope goes out to the floor as we see Morgan holding his knee in pain, and Morgan's production distracts the referee so Pope can nail Storm with one of the tag title belts. Storm is out, but Pope tags out to Devon and lets him come in to get the win.

Winners: The Pope & Devon

Devon still looks like he's wondering what Pope's game is, but Devon has now miraculously risen to a second place tie with Gunner.

Ken Anderson is backstage, and he says that he's not a good person to give ultimatums to, just ask his former employer.

Jeff and Karen Jarrett are at the Sport Palace in Mexico City, and Jeff's looking at the glass as being half full, and next week when they return to the Impact Zone, they're going to throw a fiesta like it's never seen before. Karen says they have something for all the members of Immortal, and Jeff has something even bigger for Hulk and Eric.

Sting is backstage letting Hulk Hogan beat the crap out of him with some really fake sounding punch sound effects like in a movie, and Hogan grabs Sting's bat and comes after him. Sting says “oh, crap!” right before Hogan cracks him with it and reminds Sting that he'll never embarrass him again.

It's main event time!

Kurt Angle & Sting vs Abyss, Gunner, Scott Steiner & Bully Ray

Sting obviously doesn't come out since he just got knocked out backstage, and Steiner blindsides Angle. Angle comes back with an overhead release suplex on Steiner for 2. Bully Ray tags in, tears Angle's shirt off, and chops him hard on the chest. Ray with a neckbreaker for 2 and goes for the Bubba Bomb, but Angle reverses to a German suplex. Gunner tags in and Angle quickly backdrops him and hits a snap suplex for 2. Angle tosses Gunner to his corner and lets him tag Abyss in, and Abyss tries a powerslam, Angle slips out, Abyss tries a chokeslam, but Angle rolls out of it and gets Abyss in the anklelock. The rest of Immortal comes in to go after Angle and make him break the hold, and Abyss is able to tag out to Steiner, who comes in with a belly to belly suplex for 2. Gunner comes in and puts the boots to Angle and drills him with a back elbow for 2. Ray takes a chain and goes to hit Angle with it, but Ken Anderson's music hits and he comes down the aisle. Ray is distracted by his entrance and allows Angle to hit an Angle Slam on Ray, then hops up on the apron and extends his hand. Angle tags him in and clears out Immortal and sets up for the Mic Check on Ray, but changes his mind and gives it to Angle instead. He “tags” Angle back in and drags him out to the middle of the ring so Bully Ray can cover him for the win.

Winners: Immortal

Immortal seems confused with what happened and ask Anderson what his deal is, and he responds by leaping into the arms of Abyss with his hands raised in victory. Immortal celebrates as Hulk Hogan comes out to the top of the ramp and applauds his boys.

2012 - Dara Singh was hospitalized following a heart attack.

2013 - Championship Wrestling Hollywood TV aired.  Steven Ronquillo filed the following report:

Hector Canales is in the backstage area and he is looking for the Nobodies. Last week Canales cost the Nobodies a win when he was pinned in a six man tag team match. Canales tries to enter the locker room where the Nobodies are but the door is locked. Canales begins to ask for someone to open the door and then begins to scream.

Kevin Douglas vs. Hobo (w/ Manimal)

The match gets started and both men are having trouble finding the upper hand. Douglas with a side headlock but Hobo pushes him off the ropes only to go down from a Douglas shoulder block. Douglas goes off the ropes again but Hobo gets up and they crisscross in the ring ending with an arm drag by Hobo that sends Douglas out of the ring. Douglas is back in the ring and Hobo attempts a roll up and gets a two count. Douglas sends Hobo to the corner but is met with an elbow. Hobo hits a bulldog on Douglas and Douglas rolls out of the ring. Hobo gets out of the ring and goes after Douglas. Hobo tries to Irish whip Douglas to the ring post but Douglas reverses it and sends Hobo right into Manimal. Hobo is upset at Manimal and Douglas sends Hobo back into the ring. Manimal looks upset and tries to apologize to Hobo. Douglas scoops up Hobo and connects with a Michinoku Driver. Douglas is feeling it and puts on his red cape. Hard elbows to the back of the head of Hobo. Douglas whips Hobo into the corner and Douglas follows with a big boot. Douglas with a headlock but Hobo escapes off the ropes but is met with a dropkick from Douglas. Douglas works the arm of Hobo. Hobo goes off the rope and Douglas connects with a Polish Hammer followed by a two count. Douglas climbs to the middle turnbuckle and jumps right into Hobo’s foot and Douglas is down. Hobo with a series of strikes and hits a clothesline. Hobo with an atomic drop to Douglas. Hobo tries for a side suplex but Douglas escapes. Manimal climbs onto the ring apron and tries to pick up Hobo to his feet. Douglas tries to push Hobo into Manimal but Hobo moves and Douglas sends Manimal to the outside floor. Douglas is dazed from running into Manimal and falls to the mat and Hobo covers him for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Hobo

Outside the ring Manimal is not happy about being sent to the floor by Douglas and looks to be upset at Hobo. We go to commercial.

Fern Owens vs. Mikey O’Shea

Match starts off with both men exchanging forearm shots. Owens connects with some chops to O’Shea but the chops are not doing anything to O’Shea. O’Shea sends Owens to the corner and connects with his own series of chops. O’Shea sends Owens to the ropes and O’Shea bends over for a back drop attempt but Owens with a kick to O’Shea’s chest. O’Shea stands up straight scoop slams Owens. O’Shea off the ropes and connects with a cannonball. Owens is in the corner and O’Shea runs over but Owens moves out of the way. Owens to the middle turnbuckle and connects with a shoulder block and covers O’Shea for a two count. Owens goes back to the middle turnbuckle and jumps right into the arms of O’Shea and throws him for an overhead belly to belly suplex. O’Shea hits the Gunslinger for a three count.

Winner via pinfall: Mikey O’Shea

Jeff Risnik interviews O’Shea and asks what’s next for O’Shea. The crowd chants “You should be champ!” O’Shea says the crowd just answered the question. O’Shea said the plate is currently empty and the main course he is looking for now is championship gold. O’Shea says if you are the TV, Heavyweight, or Tag Team champions that their day of reckoning is upon them. We go to commercial.

Leo Blaze and Othello (w/ Stu Stone and Heather Lynn) vs. SoCal Crazy and Famous B

Blaze and Crazy start off the match. Lots of quick moves from both guys to start things off. Crazy tags Famous. Crazy lifts Blaze in a vertical suplex position as Famous hits a cross body from off the top rope. Famous with kicks to Blaze and places Blaze in a headlock. Famous has Blaze in a wristlock and makes the tag to Crazy. Crazy to top rope and connects with a double axe handle to Blaze’s arm. After a series of quick moves Blaze catches Crazy for a back breaker and gets a two count. Blaze makes the tag to Othello. Outside the ring Heather Lynn slaps Crazy in the face. Othello with a body slam to Crazy. Othello makes the tag to Blaze. Stu Stone distracts the official and Othello stomps on Crazy from the outside apron. Snap suplex from Blaze and gets a two count. Othello is tagged back in the match and connects with a kidney punch to Crazy. Crazy is in the corner and Othello with a hard right hand. Crazy in the corner and Othello runs towards him and is met by Crazy’s feet. Othello tries again and Crazy connects with a kick to the face of Othello. Crazy runs right into Othello and is thrown for an overhead belly to belly suplex by Othello. Blaze tags back in and slaps the face of Crazy. Blaze whips Crazy to the opposite corner and runs into him with a clothesline. Blaze whips Crazy again to another corner of the ring but this time Crazy gets his feet up and pushes Blaze away. Crazy with a summersault and connects with a cutter to Blaze. Both men are down but make the tag to their partners. Famous in the ring hits a pair of dropkicks to Blaze and Blaze is out of the ring. Othello comes in the ring and stares down Famous. Famous with some strikes to Othello but the big man is not moving. Crazy comes in the ring and he and Famous start kicking the legs of Othello as they try to take the big man down. Famous goes off the ropes and Crazy lifts him up and Famous with a kick to Othello’s chest. Crazy goes off the rope and does the same and Othello lands leaning on the ropes. Crazy tries to go off the ropes again but is caught by Blaze who gives Crazy a back breaker. Famous goes off the top turnbuckle but is caught by Othello who grabs Famous by the throat. Othello lifts Famous in a fireman’s carry and slams Famous face first to the mat. Othello picks up Famous and connects with a punch to the heart for the win.

Winners via pinfall: Leo Blaze and Othello

We go to commercial

Back in the ring Stu Stone letting everyone know that the Family Stone means business. Stone brings out his best friend James Morgan to the ring who he calls the “Real Scrap Daddy.” Morgan comes to the ring wearing a robe similar to the one that Adam Pearce wears. Stone wants someone to come out to the ring and challenge Morgan to a match. Out comes Mike Santiago. Stone ask Santiago if he is prepared to take on Morgan and Santiago says he is.

James Morgan vs. Mike Santiago

Match starts and Santiago immediately goes after Morgan in the corner but Morgan throws Santiago into the corner shoulder first. Morgan picks up Santiago for a shoulder breaker and pulls him up after the two count. Morgan applies the cross face chicken wing and Santiago taps out.

Winner via submission: James Morgan

Stone announces Morgan as the next Heavyweight Champion. Morgan says he has nothing to say to the idiots in the crowd. Morgan says he has done everything he has set out to do from working commentary to being in the Family Stone. He says his most proud moment was when he retired Adam Pearce and took his robe and his name. Mikey O’Shea enters the ring. Othello and O’Shea stare each other down. Stone tries to tell O’Shea they have no issue but O’Shea takes the mic away from Stone. O’Shea tells Morgan that he will drop him on his ass. O’Shea and Morgan stare each other down. Morgan says the only thing O’Shea can wreck is a double-double. Morgan says he’ll accept the challenge next week. O’Shea says he’ll bring the beer. We go to commercial.

Ethan HD vs. Ian W. Sutton

Ethan slaps Sutton across the face to start the match. Sutton with a back drop to Ethan and scoop slams him and follows it with a leg drop. Clothesline by Sutton in the corner. Ethan with a back stabber to Sutton. Ethan hits an enziguri to Sutton. Hard European uppercut by Ethan. Sutton goes to the top and hits a cross body. Ethan spring boards off the rope and hits a knee to Sutton’s face. Ethan is caught in a fireman’s carry and Sutton hits a back breaker for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Ian W. Sutton

We go to commercial

Nick Madrid vs. Pinky (w/ the Nobodies)

As Pinky is making his way to the ring Madrid dives off the top rope onto the Nobodies. Madrid with body kicks to Pinky outside of the ring. Madrid to the apron and connects with a flying knee to the face of Pinky. Both men are in the ring and the match officially starts. Madrid enters the ring by connecting with a missile dropkick to Pinky. Madrid with a flying spear into Pinky in the corner. Pinky rolls outside the ring. Madrid with a baseball slide and dropkick to members of the Nobodies outside of the ring. Madrid with a drive over the top rope onto Pinky and Brian Weston. Pinky is yelling at Madrid to hit him and Madrid connects with forearms. Pinky takes control and hits hard strikes on Madrid on the ring apron. Back in the ring Pinky connects with elbows in the corner. Pinky with a choke to Madrid. Pinky goes for a suplex and it is successful but only for a two count. Madrid starts to fight back but Pinky with a big boot to Madrid. Pinky with a running forearm sends Madrid to the mat. Hector Canales comes out wearing a pink cape and pink trunks. Canales is screaming from the outside that he wants to help. Canales wraps the dog chain around his fist and offers to punch Madrid. Pinky brings Madrid over to Canales but Madrid ducks and Canales hits Pinky in the face with the chain. Canales is in shock. Madrid with a tornado DDT. Madrid to the top turnbuckle and connects with a splash and gets the pin.

Winner via pinfall: Nick Madrid

Canales is in the ring and is apologizing to Pinky. Pinky tackles Canales to the floor and is about to punch him but Pinky stops. Pinky and the rest of the Nobodies leave the ring.

You can watch new episodes of Championship Wrestling from Hollywood every Sunday morning at 1 am PST on KDOC in the Los Angeles area and on MAVTV every Sunday morning at 5 am PST. Also, catch new and past episodes online at

2014 - Wrestle-1 in Japan announced that Seiya Sanada has signed a contract with TNA, but will still make appearances in Japan as well. Sanada has already won the X-Division championship since debuting in TNA.

2014 - WWE broadcast Raw.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

WWe begin with a look back at what happened last week on Raw with the announcement of the WWE World Title Match and Seth Rollins attempt to try to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase, only to be stopped by Dean Ambrose.

We are in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and your announcers are John ‘Poutine’ Layfield, Michael ‘Bigger Screwjob was taking the Expos’ Cole, and Jerry ‘Roi’ Lawler.

Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring and he has something to say.

Roman says that unlike some people, he comes to the ring with a point. He says that Triple H says that he was put in the match at Battleground because it is best for business. Maybe he can neutralize John Cena. Maybe Triple H thinks Kane can neutralize him, but he cannot. That would mean that Randy Orton would walk out with the WWE Title, but he won’t. Roman says that he assesses and attacks. That will not happen.

Roman says that he is a wanted man, but he has a hair trigger. Roman responds to the fans chanting ‘Cena sucks’ when John is not even in the ring. Roman says that he doesn’t care if the Authority is here because they are irrelevant. He does not care what Randy Orton thinks. Roman says that he is the next WWE Champion and you can BELIEVE THAT

Kane’s pyro goes off and he stands on the stage.

Roman asks if Kane is standing in for the Authority since they aren’t here. He says that Kane looks like Triple H’s lap dog. Roman says that Kane is Randy Orton’s bitch.

Kane makes his way to the ring and Reigns meets him at ringside and Reigns with punches and kicks. Kane with a punch and he sends Reigns into the ringside barrier. They go into the ring for a moment but Reigns clotheslines Kane over the ringside barrier and into the crowd. They continue to brawl in the crowd.

They return to the ringside area and Kane sends Reigns into the post. Kane rolls Reigns into the ring and officials make their way to the ring to try to separate Kane and Reigns. Kane with a choke slam to one of the referees and Reigns punches Kane.

Agents make their way to the ring to try to stop this situation. Finlay pushes Reigns and then Reigns takes care of Jamie Noble. Reigns with a spear to Finlay and then he hits a Superman Punch on Kane.

We go to commercial.


Match Number One: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan versus Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso in a Non Title Match


Harper and Jey start things off and Harper with punches but Jey punches back. Jey with a cross body and punches followed by a thrust kick and Jimmy tags in when Harper goes to the floor. Jimmy and Jey with a double clothesline that sends Rowan to the floor. Harper backs Jimmy into the corner and Harper with forearms. Harper with a punch followed by an Irish whip but Jimmy slides into the corner and he connects with an uppercut but Harper with a punch of his own.

Rowan tags in and he chokes Jimmy in the ropes. Rowan works on Jimmy’s neck. Rowan misses a leg drop and Jey tags in. Jey with a kick and clothesline to Rowan from the front and back. Jey with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Rowan with an Irish whip and running shoulder tackle to Jey. Rowan gets a near fall and he tags in Harper. Rowan with a punch and then he tags in Rowan.

Harper with a fallaway slam and Rowan with a splash for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rowan gets a near fall on Jey. Rowan with a double atomic noogie. Rowan pushes Jey into the corner and Harper tags in and Rowan misses a splash into the corner when Jey moves. Harper misses a boot in the corner and Jey tries to get to his brother. Harper misses an elbow drop and Jimmy tags in and hits a cross body followed by clotheslines to Harper. Jimmy punches Rowan off the apron. Jimmy with uppercuts to Harper followed by a Samoan drop.

Jimmy with a corkscrew senton onto Harper after Harper gets up for the butt splash. Rowan goes to the floor after Jimmy and Jey with a plancha onto Rowan. Harper with a kick to Jimmy for a near fall. Harper sets for a suicide dive but Jey with a punch an Jimmy with a super kick for a near fall. Rowan sends Jey into the ring post and Jimmy gets crotched. Harper with a sit out power bomb but Jey breaks up the cover.

Harper sends Jey into the ropes and Harper goes to the floor. Jimmy and Jey with a double super kick. Rowan grabs Jimmy and then Jey with a baseball slide but Harper with a discus lariat for the three count.


Winners: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan


After the match, Jimmy tells the referee that he was the legal man in the match (which is true)

It is time for the first of many plugs throughout the night about the free week to sign up for the WWE Network.

Randy Orton is in the office telling Kane that Roman Reigns had the nerve to attack him. Orton says that if anything else happened, he would have been out there. He knows that Kane has his back at Battleground. Kane says that the title is coming back to the Authority at Battleground.

Seth Rollins says that he likes the solidarity. He says that everyone needs to have each other’s back. Seth promises that he will think twice before cashing in his briefcase if either of them win the title at Battleground.

Randy says that he is starting to hate that kid. Kane says not as much as he is starting to hate Randy.

We go to commercial.


Match Number Two: Nikki Bella versus Alicia Fox in a Both Women Have One Arm Tied Behind Their Back Match


Alicia refuses to get her arm tied and she kicks Nikki. Alicia kicks Nikki to the floor. Alicia runs Nikki into the ringside barrier and then she slams Nikki’s head into the ringside barrier. Nikki gets a shot in on Alicia but Alicia with kicks. Alicia goes under the ring and she opens a few Red Bulls and pours them on Nikki.

Alicia jumps angrily on the ring steps and then we go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev and Lana are in the ring. Lana addresses the people of Canada and she tells them to accept the leadership of the World’s True Peacekeeper Vladimir Putin.


Match Number Two: Rob Van Dam versus Rusev (with Lana)


Van Dam with punches and kicks. Rusev sends Van Dam into the corner but misses a splash. Van Dam with a thrust kick but Rusev stays on his feet. Rusev sends Van Dam to the apron and then Van Dam with a DDT for a near fall. Van Dam goes up top but Rusev throws Van Dam to the mat and then he hits a clothesline to the back of the head. Rusev kicks Van Dam and then he puts Van Dam against the ropes and connects with knees. Rusev with a fallaway slam.

Rusev with a rear chin lock.

We get comments from Zeb Colter about his challenge. He tells Rusev to face Swagger at Battleground.

Van Dam gets to his feet and he hits a jawbreaker. Rusev with a back elbow followed by kicks to Van Dam. Rusev says something to Van Dam and Van Dam with punches. Rusev with a knee to the head. Rusev sends Van Dam into the turnbuckles and he connects with kicks. Rusev with a front face lock. Van Dam with punches and a kick. Rusev catches Van Dam but Van Dam with kicks and he gets a near fall. Van Dam with a series of kicks but Rusev blocks a kick.

Van Dam with a kick and he goes up top for a side kick and he connects. Van Dam goes for Rolling Thunder but Rusev moves and Van Dam lands on his feet. Rusev with a jumping thrust kick and then he gets the signal from Lana. Rusev with a foot to the back and then he applies the Accolade and Van Dam taps out.


Winner: Rusev


Randy Orton walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened at the start of Raw with Kane and Roman Reigns.


Match Number Three: Randy Orton versus Dean Ambrose


Ambrose dares Orton to punch him and then he tells him to cross the line. They lock up and they go into the corner. Orton tries to wrap the arm in the ropes but Ambrose gets away. Orton goes to the floor. Orton returns to the ring and Ambrose with an arm bar and then he works on the wrist. Ambrose with a hammer lock.

Orton with an elbow to the head and then Orton wrings the injured arm and he applies a hammer lock. Ambrose with a drop toe hold and then Ambrose rubs his forearm across Orton’s face. Ambrose with shoulders in the corner. Ambrose runs his forearm across the face and then he hits a short arm clothesline. Ambrose with a boot to Orton followed by a knee drop.

Orton sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles. Orton climbs the turnbuckles and then he punches Ambrose. Ambrose sends Orton into the corner and he climbs the turnbuckles for a series of punches and then he runs Orton’s face across the top rope. Ambrose with a drop kick to Orton against the ropes. Ambrose with a boot to the abdomen and then Ambrose with a figure four on the legs and then he applies a cross arm choke.

Orton with an arm drag followed by a clothesline. Orton sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles. Orton with a European uppercut followed by punches in the corner. Orton with more kicks and the referee warns Orton. Orton poses and that allows Ambrose to recover and he takes Orton to the mat and he punches him. Ambrose clotheslines Orton over the top rope and we go to commercial.

We are back and Orton with an arm bar on Ambrose. We see footage during the break of Orton sending Ambrose shoulder first into both sets of ring steps. Ambrose with a head butt, but Orton with a drop kick for a near fall. Orton with the Garvin Stomp and then he slams the arm into the mat. Orton with a Fujiwara arm bar. Orton with a knee drop with the arm trapped and he continues to work on the arm.

Ambrose punches Orton but Orton with a knee and an arm wringer. Ambrose with a DDT and both men are down. Ambrose with punches to Orton followed by a running forearm or two. Ambrose with a flying clothesline followed by punches. Ambrose with kicks in the corner. Orton tries for the back breaker but Ambrose escapes and applies a figure four leg lock.

Orton tries to get out of the hold, but Ambrose is able to keep it applied. Orton grabs the injured arm and Orton gets to the ropes. Ambrose releases the hold and then he goes up top. Orton stops Ambrose coming off the turnbuckles and Orton with a drop kick for a near fall. Orton goes to the turnbuckles to pose. Orton with a European uppercut but Ambrose bounces off the ropes with a clothesline.

Orton avoids the Dean Driver but Orton goes after Ambrose and Ambrose ducks and Orton goes to the floor. Ambrose sends Orton into the ringside barrier. Ambrose grabs a chair and he throws it into the ring. Ambrose sends more chairs into the ring and then he brings Orton into the ring but Orton goes to the floor. Orton with a kick and then he sends Ambrose shoulder first into the ring post.

Orton sends Ambrose into the Roberts Area and then he goes for a Super IEDDT and connects. The referee starts his count when Orton gets back into the ring. Ambrose gets back into the ring before the ten count. Orton with a boot to Ambrose and then he sends Ambrose to the apron for an IEDDT but Ambrose gets into the ring and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Ambrose with a backslide for a near fall. Orton with a kick to the face and an RKO for the three count.


Winner: Randy Orton


Renee Young is with John Cena in the interview area. She asks John about the pressure on him at Battleground as well as his match against Seth Rollins. John says that he is the biggest target in the WWE. He has a briefcase over his head. He has a match at Battleground where he can lose the title without losing the match. He has to keep his head on a swivel.

John says that the titles are a symbol of handling his business.

Roman Reigns wishes John luck in his match.

John says that he doesn’t need luck tonight.

Roman tells John that he will need a ton of it at Battleground.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Fandango is at ringside. He says that he is in the battle royal at Battleground.


Match Number Four: Alberto Del Rio versus Dolph Ziggler in a Number One Contender Match for the United States Title on Main Event Match


Del Rio with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ziggler with punches followed by an elbow drop. Ziggler goes for a baseball slide but Del Rio pulls the ring skirt and then Del Rio hits an enzuigiri and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with punches. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a punch and he tries for a drop kick but Del Rio moves.

Ziggler with a cross body and punches. Ziggler leaps into the corner but Del Rio pushes Ziggler into the ring post. Del Rio with an inverted superplex and then Del Rio waits for the super kick but he does not pull the knee pad down. Del Rio avoids the hesitation DDT but Del Rio misses the float over for the cross arm breaker. Ziggler hits the hesitation DDT and gets a near fall.

Ziggler avoids the tilt-a-whirl back breaker and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Del Rio with an arm breaker and then he misses an enzuigiri in the corner. Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall.

Fandango dances on the announce table and that distracts Ziggler long enough to allow Del Rio to connect with a super kick and he gets the three count.


Winner: Alberto Del Rio


After the match, Fandango dances some more.

We go to the back where Stardust blows some dust. He asks ‘what’s your sign?’ The roads that we have traveled are going to require something bizarre.

Goldust says that there is nothing more bizarre than them. Where they are going . . . we don’t need roads.

It is written in the stars.

Goldust says that they will never forget the name of . . . Goldust . . . StarDust.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Fandango is spinning in the back. Layla wants to know what Fandango is doing out there. Is he jealous that Dolph kissed Summer? She asks Fandango what his motivation was. Fandango says that Dolph embarrassed him last week. Layla says that she does not know what she would do if he still cared for Summer. Fandango says that no one will cut in on their dances.

We see Fandango look at something and it is Summer.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring and he says that the last time he left this ring, he did not think that he would ever be back. Jerry thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers. What happened that night, put a damper on a special night for two countrymen of yours, Pat Patterson and Bret Hart.

Jerry brings out Bret Hart.

Bret says merci for the people of Montreal. No matter what happened here in the past, it is always an honor to be back in Montreal. He says that he speaks from the heart, if he could have one more match and lace up his boots one more time, it would be in Montreal in front of the greatest fans in the world. Bret says that he is getting goosebumps like when he was WWE Champion.

Bret’s music plays again and Bret SandHart comes out and he introduces himself as the Best There Is, the Best There Was, and the Best There Ever Will Be. Sandow says that he has one regret and it is not tapping out to his own hold to his idol Shawn Michaels. It isn’t that he was so embarrassed that it was an elaborate screw job that everyone bought into.

The biggest embarrassment was being proud that he came from a third world country like Canada. He also regrets that he never got to stand in the same ring as Damien Sandow.

Sandow says that he knows talking has never been his strong suit . . .

Bret punches Sandow and he says that punching was his strong suit.

Sheamus makes his way to the ring and he fist bumps Bret Hart as Bret goes to the floor.

We go to commercial.


Match Number Five: Sheamus versus Damien Sandow in a Non Title Match


The match is joined in progress and Sandow is on the floor and he brings Sheamus out of the ring and Sandow sends Sheamus into the ringside barrier. Sandow sends Sheamus back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a forearm to the back. Sandow with a reverse chin lock. Sandow with a knee to the midsection. Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and then he goes to the turnbuckles for the Hart forearm from the turnbuckles.

Sandow sets for the Sharpshooter but Sheamus grabs Sandow by the beard and Sandow has a kick blocked. Sheamus pushes Sandow to the mat and he goes to the apron. Sheamus with the forearms to the chest with about 17 or 18 of the ten forearms. Sheamus pounds his chest and he hits the Brogue Kick for the three count.


Winner: Sheamus


Renee Young is with The Miz in the interview area. Miz stops Renee from asking a question. Miz has a letter from a fan. He reads the letter and it was a fan glad to see Miz back, only to be interrupted by Chris Jericho. The fan wants Miz to take care of Chris Jericho. Miz says that Jericho could have done damage to his face. What about the moneymaker? What about the Marine franchise. Think about what the fans would lose. What about little Johnny Russo. When it comes to this fist, Chris Jericho is ready for his close-up.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what you can get if you take advantage of the free preview of the WWE Network.

We are also told that Bret Hart will be a guest on the Highlight Reel on Main Event.

We have the WWE Rewind of Chris Jericho’s return to Raw . . . and Miz’ too. Plus we see what the Wyatt Family did to Chris Jericho.


Match Number Six: Chris Jericho versus Miz in a Battle of Multi-Platform Superstars


They lock up and Miz with a side head lock. Miz with a shoulder tackle and kicks to Jericho. Miz with more kicks but Jericho with chops. Miz avoids a punch from Jericho but he gets clotheslined over the top rope to the floor. Jericho with a springboard drop kick to knock Miz off the apron. Jericho goes to the floor and he tries to send Miz into the ring post but Miz blocks it. Jericho sends Miz back into the ring.

Jericho with a kick and a bulldog. Jericho goes for the Lionsault but Miz pushes Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Miz checks on his face. Miz runs Jericho into the apron and then back into the ring. Miz punches Jericho followed by a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Miz with a reverse chin lock.

Jericho with chops and a running forearm and shoulder tackle. Miz sends Jericho over the top rope but Jericho lands on the apron and he goes up top and hits a chop to the top of the head. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but Miz powers out of the hold. Miz with a kick and he gets a near fall. Miz goes for the Awesome Clothesline but Jericho moves. Jericho with an enzuigiri for a near fall.

Jericho kicks Miz. Miz with a kick to the knee followed by a DDT for a near fall. Jericho with a rollup for a near fall. Jericho tries for a drop kick but Miz stops short and Miz with a figure four leg lock. Jericho gets to the ropes and Miz releases the hold. Miz with kicks to Jericho. Jericho with a punch and then he puts Miz in the Walls of Jericho and Miz taps out.


Winner:Chris Jericho


The lights go out and Bray Wyatt is at ringside. He says that we are all waiting for Chris to come save us. He was wondering how is it that you plan to save an entire universe when you cannot save yourself. Will it be your words that can protect you from me. Last week, in that very ring, he proved that actions speak much louder than words. Actions speak eternities to people with no tongues. He tells Chris to say what he needs to. He will hold it against Chris and he will never . . . eeeeeeeeeeeeeever let Chris forget it.

The people that Chris used to call Jericholics, they sing to a different tune. He says that he has the whole world . . .

Chris tells Bray to shut the hell up. He says quiet Wyatt. He agrees with everything that Bray says. His actions are this. Since it is just the two of them, he will come up the ramp and beat his ass.

The lights go out and then we see Harper and Rowan appear behind Wyatt.

We go to commercial.

Paige interrupts Justin Roberts and does the introduction for AJ Lee.


Match Number Seven: Naomi and Cameron versus AJ Lee and Paige


Naomi and Paige start off and Naomi with an arm drag and snap mare followed by a double knee drop for a near fall. Cameron yawns instead of tagging in and Paige gets a near fall with a rollup. Naomi with a sunset flip but Paige rolls through and kicks Naomi and gets a near fall. Paige with a head butt and she stomps a mudhole in Naomi.

AJ tags in and she avoids a clothesline. AJ with a head scissors and a running spin kick for a near fall. AJ with a front face lock and a guillotine while Cameron is applying make up so she cannot make the tag. Paige tags in and she kicks Naomi. Naomi with a kick but Paige with a clothesline. Cameron tags herself in even though she was nowhere near the tag rope. Paige with the Paige Turner for the three count.


Winners: Paige and AJ Lee


After the match, Naomi has something to say to Cameron about her behavior. Cameron pokes Naomi on the forehead and then Cameron pushes Naomi but Naomi pushes back. Naomi and Cameron fight in the ring and Naomi gets in a few nice shots. The referee finally separates them but it does not last long and Naomi goes after Cameron again.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Extreme Moment: Kofi’s victory over Cesaro last week and Cesaro’s post match physicality.

Paul Heyman introduces himself and he reminds us that he is the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. He is the advocate for BROCK LESNAR, the man who conquered the Undertaker’s streak at Wrestlemania.

Cesaro interrupts and he says that you cannot talk to these people in English, they are French Canadians, but they don’t even speak French, they speak Quebecois. The French cannot stand them and neither can the rest of Canada. Cesaro insults the people of Montreal in French.


Match Number Eight: Kofi Kingston versus Cesaro (with Paul Heyman)


Kofi with a drop kick to Cesaro and Cesaro goes to the floor. Kofi with a baseball slide and then he sends Cesaro into the announce table. Cesaro hits Kofi as he comes back into the ring. Cesaro with a double stomp off the apron and then he hits a dead lift side salto onto the apron. Cesaro runs into boots and then he goes for a cross body but Cesaro catches him. Cesaro counters a sunset flip. Cesaro presses Kofi over his head and he hits a gutbuster. Cesaro with a double stomp for a near fall.

Cesaro goes into the corner and Kofi with a rollup for the three count.


Winner: Kofi Kingston


After the match, Cesaro attacks Kofi and sends him into the turnbuckles. Big E comes to the ring and he hits a body block and Cesaro leaves the ring.

Big E and Kofi want Cesaro to come back to the ring.

John Cena is in the locker room and Seth Rollins enters. He says that just because they have a match, they cannot have a civilized conversation. He knows that John doesn’t trust him. Tonight is not about cashing in, it is about who is the best. When he beats the greatest WWE Champion of all time, maybe he will cash in. What if John gets injured? Maybe he will cash in. John’s days are numbered. If it isn’t him, maybe it is Kane or maybe it is Randy Orton.

John tells Seth that he is full of crap and he tells Seth that he is good. He knows what the Authority sees in him. He tells Seth to remember the days when he was scrapping for everything as part of the Shield. Now Seth has a contract with a guaranteed title match. Tonight, Seth has a guaranteed match against a champion and John guarantees it will be the fight of his life.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Roman Reigns will face Rusev on Smackdown.

Bo says he never ducks out of a challenge. He takes on all comers. Any time, any place. He simply . . . BOLIEVES.


Match Number Nine: El Torito (with Diego) versus Bo Dallas


Torito runs around Bo and Bo tells him to stop. Bo gets on his knees to make things on equal height. Torito whips Bo with his tail and he slaps Bo. Bo gets gored in the groin. Torito shimmies and he goes to the floor. Torito slaps Bo from the apron and then Bo pushes Diego and then Bo punches Torito.

Bo with a BoDog for the three count.


Winner: Bo Dallas


After the match, Bo does his victory lap and he knocks down Torito as he goes past.

We go to commercial.


Match Number Ten: John Cena versus Seth Rollins in a Non Title Not Yet Cashing In Match


They lock up and Rollins with a side head lock and Cena with a hip toss. Cena with an Irish whip and Rollins avoids the bulldog. Rollins with a kick and neck breaker for a near fall. Rollins with a punch to Cena and we go to commercial.

We are back and Cena with a one arm suplex and both men are down. Cena misses a splash into the corner and Rollins with an Asai DDT for a near fall. Rollins kicks Cena and then he goes to the floor and connects with a forearm across the chest. Cena with a side slam and both men are down. Cena blocks a kick and he gets Rollins up for an Attitude Adjustment but Rollins escapes and hits a DDT and gets a near fall. Rollins talks some trash about the briefcase while he kicks Cena.

Rollins slaps Cena but Rollins tries for a kick and it is blocked. Rollins misses an enzuigiri and Cena hits a power bomb for a near fall. Cena goes up top but Rollins with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall. Rollins misses a splash and Cena hits the two flying shoulder tackles. Cena with the Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the five knuckle shuffle and he connects. Cena gets Rollins up for the Attitude Adjustment and Rollins lands on his feet. Cena applies the STF and Rollins tries to get to the ropes.

Cena pulls Rollins into the center of the ring and he reapplies the STF. Cena releases the STF because Kane’s pyro hits and he walks at Kane speed to the ring. Meanwhile, Seth Rollins is STILL IN THE RING. Randy Orton attacks John Cena and the referee may have stopped the match.


Winner: John Cena (by disqualification)


Roman Reigns’ music plays and he makes his way to the ring at his on pace. Kane goes after Reigns but Reigns with a Superman punch to Kane and then one to Orton. Rollins hits Reigns with the briefcase and then he hits Cena with the case.

Rollins brings a referee to the ring because the one who did the match isn’t good enough.

Before Seth can officially cash in, Dean Ambrose attacks Seth Rollins and he clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor and Ambrose goes to the floor like Mick Foley. They fight up the ramp.

Cena gives Orton an Attitude Adjustment. Kane grabs Cena by the throat and Reigns spears Kane.

Reigns raises Cena’s hand, but Cena sees the smile on Reigns’ face. Cena raises Reigns’ arm. Reigns’ raises Cena’s arm again as they continue to one up the other.

We go to credits.

2017 - WWE ran Madison Square Garden with the following results:

Mike Rome was host.

*Shinsuke Nakamura pinned Dolph Ziggler with Kinshasa.  Nakamura MSG debut.

*R-Truth pinned Goldust with his axe kick.

*Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose defeated Samoa Joe and WWE Intercontinental champ The Miz. Joe MSG debut.

*WWE Cruiserweight champ Neville pinned Cedric Alexander with feet on the ropes.  Alexander MSG debut.

*AJ Styles defeated Kevin Owens to win WWE United States championship after flying forearm.  The crowd went nuts for this and kept waiting for the decision to be overturned. 

*Bayley, Sasha Banks, Mickie James defeated Raw Women's Champion Alexa Bliss, Emma and Nia Jax when Banks used Bank Statement on Emma.  Bayley MSG debut.

*Finn Balor pinned Karl Anderson in like 90 seconds.

*RAW Tag Team champions Sheamus and Cesaro defeated The Hardys.

*Roman Reigns pinned Bray Wyatt with spear.  Braun Strowman hit the ring to music and attacked Reigns.  Several babyfaces came out to help but were laid out.  Seth Rollins hit the ring but Bray attacked him.  Roman made the save and they ran off Braun and Bray.  Fans chanted for Shield.  Rollins took mic and said that they hear the fans.

 MSG return is 12/26.  Pre-sale code HOLIDAY.  It is a Tuesday so it will be a Raw house show.

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