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By Mike Johnson on 2014-06-26 21:33:11

This is part two of the second episode they began filming last night.

Bobby Roode vs. MVP Falls Count Anywhere.  MVP wouldn't come out so Roode went to the back.  They brawled into the building.  The crowd loved the brawl.  Way hotter crowd tonight.  Kenny King attacked Roode but Eric Young hit the scene and ran him off.  Roode worked over MVP with a chair and locked in the Cloverleaf for a submission.  Really fun brawl!

TNA Knockouts champ Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell.  They were having a really good match when The Beautiful People attacked them.  No contest. 

Gunner  & Mr. Anderson vs. Magnus & Bram.  Bram pinned Anderson.  After the match, Bram went to attack Gunner with a piece of metal from under the ring.  Samuel Shaw ran in but was laid out with it.   Bram beat down Gunner.  Abyss' music hit and he came to the ring..  They brawled and Abyss cleaned house. 

Destination X is next.

It opened with Kurt Angle doing the same speech as last night, minus mentioning the names no longer with the company.  Could be a reshoot from last night since the building is way more packaged tonight.

Out comes Dixie Carter with her crew including Snitsky and Big Zeke.  Dixie cut a promo and the crowd was so loud you legitimately couldn't hear her.  I think the promo was that these men were the true stars.  EC3 said they were his Army of Extreme.  They are calling Snitsky by that name but renamed Zeke.  EC3 cut a hell of a promo.  He said this is war and issued a challenge for a final battle.    He said he will put them down forever. 

TNA Tag Team champions The Wolves defeated The Hardys.  Great match and a super hot crowd for everything.   Just an awesome match.  Best match of the taping a so far and by far the best The Wolves have looked here to date.  Tons of near falls and highspots.

Low Ki defeated Zema Ion and Manik. Great stuff.

James Storm introduced Sanada and said the student has now surpassed the teacher. He said he is Sanada's new teacher. Brian Cage vs. Sanada vs. Crazy Steve. Cage did lots of awesome power spots. Sanada wins with Tiger Suplex and a bridge on Steve.

Tommy Dreamer and Team 3D come out. They say they will go to war right now so no one has to wait. EC3's crew came out and said they will do it on Carter time, next week. Bully Ray said no one wants to go to war next week. Ray threatened to start a riot and the crowd wanted that and chanted for it. He said if it's next week, it's going to be an Eight man Extreme Weapons Hardcore War. Ray then swore to God he is putting Dixie through a table.

Samoa Joe vs. Homicide vs. Tigre Uno. Joe cut a great promo saying he told Kurt Angle to put him in the X-Division. He said he is still pro wrestling and he was going to win the X-Division title. Big reactions for Joe and Homicide. Joe pins Homicide. He and Homicide shake hands after. Crowd popped for the reunion of old ROH foes. Good stuff.

The Three-Ways are qualifying matches with the winners facing off for the X-Division title down the line.  I am assuming that will be taped tomorrow.

The crowd is awesome tonight.

TNA champ Bobby Lashley vs. Austin Aries. Aries really took it to Lashley and they had a good match, Aries hit the brain buster for two and went up for the 450 splash. Lashley rolled out. Aries went for a dive and Lashley moved. Aries knocked himself out hitting the rail in brutal fashion. Lashley tossed him in and speared him.  There were a few times where Lashley looked tenative but Aries worked his ass off and there was some really good stuff here.

Best two hours of Impact in forever.

Xplosion - Knox and The Freak defeated The Bromans.

Impact episode, post Destination X.

Hardcore War. Team EC3 vs. Team Extreme. Each man will enter with a weapon. They are doing Wargames like entrances. Dixie Carter is sitting in a balcony with King Mo. Out first is EC3 with a baseball bat. Tommy Dreamer is first for his team with a Singapore Cane. Rhino was next out for Team Carter with a trash can. Devon was next out with a trash can. Snitsky with a hockey stick was out next. Bully Ray with a chain was next. Last for Team Carter was the former Ezekiel Jackson, who had a chair. Last out was Al Snow complete wth the rave lighting and heads in the crowd.  Snow whipped out an Asai Moonsault to the outside.  Spud tries to interfere and gets killed by the ECW crew. Team 3D pin Rhino with 3D. Really Fun brawl with the villains getting the upper hand only for the babyfaces to get fire when the odds evened up.

After the match, Ray asked where Dixie was and the crowd all pointed to her. He promised tonight she was going through a table. She freaked out and said that wasn't going to happen but promised King Mo would knock Bubba out tonight. Crowd was all over Dixie.  The crowd is making the show.

The next segment saw Dixie Carter come out with the Carter Army. She was pissed and fired Snitsky and Zeke for failing and said they were losers and has-beens.  So, they are already done here. She began firing and screaming at the fans and demanded they get out of her venue. Dreamer and Team 3D came out with the table. Ray said he promised something for a long time, that Dixie - the most hated woman in wrestling - is going through the table. Dreamer said he warned her and said she was going through because she represents all that is wrong with wrestling. Mo nailed Dreamer. Bully attacked Mo and took him out. Dixie tried to escape and the entire babyface roster came out and forced her back in the ring. Bully nailed her with a sitdown power bomb through the table as the roster cheered, surrounding the ring. Dreamer took mic and said his work here is done. Bully got the crowd to sing " Ding Dong the Witch is Dead." Everyone celebrated over Dixie, who was stretchered out. The crowd chanted TNA to close the show. A hell of a way to close the show and an awesome spectacle. Just great.

TNA had a hell of a turnaround tonight. Best taping in a long time that I am aware of.

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