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By Richard Trionfo on 2014-03-14 22:20:29
Welcome to’s coverage of FIP’s Everything Burns 2014 from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.

Lenny Leonard is in the ring to welcome everyone and he introduces Mister Saint Laurent who makes his way to the ring. Lenny mentions that Mister Saint Laurent has purchased some pay per view time on this show.

He says that he is not happy and he knows that his happiness is so important to him. He is not happy because he does not control the FIP World Heavyweight Championship. He takes the title very seriously because it means everything to control it. He is expanding the MSL Universe tonight. First, he brings out Chasyn Rance.

Mister Saint Laurent says that there must be a Canadian as the FIP Champion. He brings out Kennedy Kendrick.

Larry Dallas comes to the ring. He says that he knows how important the title is to MSL. The FIP Tag Titles were his world. It is fitting that tonight is Everything Burns. He has gone all over the world and he went to the Bahamas and he found the greatest gift that the World has given to him. He brings out Nikki Needs.

Larry says that he found out that titles mean nothing. He will bring out his stable. Larry says that in a one night tournament, he won the FIP Bahamas Title. Larry says he wants to defend the title every night.

Mister Saint Laurent says the he would never complain about the eight ounces of foam that Larry has on his shoulders. He declines the offer.

Josh Hess comes out and he says that MSL’s apology is accepted. He wants a shot at Larry’s title.

Larry says that you have to be ranked in the top ten internationally to have a title match. He needs to prove it to him.

Match Number One: Josh Hess versus Jack Gallow

Hess goes into the ropes after Gallow goes for Hess’ legs. They lock up and Gallow sends Hess to the mat. Hess with a chop and he celebrates. Gallow runs Hess into the corner and he connects with shoulders and punches. Gallow with a belly-to-belly suplex. Gallow misses a splash and Hess with a leg lariat.

Gallow with a German suplex. Gallow with a heel hook and Hess taps out.

Winner: Jack Gallow

Larry says that he will give Josh a shot at his title.

Match Number Two: Josh Hess versus Larry Dallas

Larry with a bronco buster and then he goes to the turnbuckles but misses an elbow drop. Gallow spears Hess and Dallas gets the three count.

Winner: Larry Dallas

Match Number Three: Blake Edward Belakushe versus Aaron Epic

They lock up to a stalemate. Epic with a wrist lock and he takes Blake to the mat. Epic with a side head lock take down into an arm bar. Epic with an arm drag and drop kick to Blake. Epic with an Irish whip and forearm into the corner. Epic with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post with his shoulder. Blake with an arm bar while in the ropes.

Blake with a European uppercut and then he chokes Epic in the ropes. He wraps the injured arm in the ropes and he kicks the ropes for a near fall. Blake continues to work on the arm. Blake with a Fujiwara arm bar and he bridges on Epic’s back. Blake with a double underhook but Epic escapes and hits a back elbow. Blake continues to work on the arm but Epic with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Blake and Epic exchange forearms and chops. Epic with a rollup and a forearm for a near fall. Blake with a snap mare and forearm followed by a Burning Hammer for the three count.

Winner: Blake Edward Belakushe

Blake is interviewed after the match and asked about what the fans can expect. Blake says you can expect a lot more.

Match Number Four: Aaron Solo and Jonathan Cade versus Juicy Product (David Starr and JT Dunn)

Dunn and Cade start things off and they lock up. Dunn with a waist lock but Cade with a standing switch. Cade rolls through and reverses into a wrist lock. Cade lands on his back and hits a head scissors followed by a drop kick. Starr tags in and Cade with forearms and kicks in the corner followed by an enzuigiri.

Solo tags in and they hit a double back elbow. Solo with a side head lock followed by a leg lariat to counter a leap frog attempt. Solo kicks Starr in the corner and Cade tags in. Dunn with a double stomp after Starr trips him. Dunn tags in and they hit a double drop kick for a near fall. Dunn with a chop and he tags in Starr who connects with a head butt to the ribs. Starr with a snap mare and then he runs the ropes before applying a reverse chin lock.

Starr and Cade with chops and forearms exchanged. Starr sends Cade into the wall and then Dunn with a leg drop off the apron onto Cade. Dunn gets a near fall. Cade with a chop and then he drives Dunn into the mat for a near fall. Solo tags in and Dunn blocks it. Dunn accidentally knocks Starr off the apron. Solo with a neck breaker. Solo with a knee in the corner but Starr with a forearm and Dunn with a super kick. Starr with a German suplex but Cade breaks up the cover.

Starr sends Cade to the floor and then Starr and Dunn with forearms for the three count.

Winners: David Starr and JT Dunn

After the match JT Dunn is asked about the team and he says that they are the next FIP Tag Team Champions.

Match Number Five: Earl Cooter versus Maxwell Chicago

Before the match starts, Maxwell wants to know how everyone is. Maxwell tries to get the people in the VIP area to like him so he wants to buy them all beers. Maxwell mentions his winning streak, but then he lost to his girlfriend Jessicka Havok. Then he lost to Jeff Foxworthy over here. Suddenly he lost all of his marketability. Tonight at the Orpheum, he is starting another winning streak. It will start right now.

Earl attacks Maxwell as the bell rings and he punches Maxwell in the corner. Maxwell with clotheslines and then a buttefly suplex. Maxwell kips up after a few attempts. Maxwell teases a dive to the floor but he isn’t too confident getting through the ropes. Maxwell tells Earl to stand in place. He gets to the floor and hits a standing Thesz Press.

Maxwell rolls Earl back into the ring and he connects with an elbow in the corner. Maxwell with an Irish whip and Earl with a back elbow and flying clothesline. Earl with a snap mare and leaping neck snap. Earl with a drop kick for a near fall. Earl with an uppercut and then he chokes Maxwell.

Earl with a back elbow and then he goes up top. Maxwell crotches Earl and then he takes his phone from the referee. Maxwell hits a Snapchat neck breaker. Maxwell tells Earl to stay down and he gets a near fall. Maxwell with an Irish whip and he blocks a kick from Earl but Earl with a kick to Maxwell. Earl misses a moonsault.

Earl blocks a thumb to the eye but Earl takes Maxwell’s nose. Earl blocks neck breaker attempts and then he stomps on Earl’s foot. Maxwell with an inside cradle but Earl counters with a neck breaker from a suplex for a near fall.

Maxwell with a Side Effect for a near fall. Maxwell gets another near fall and then he complains that he has no moves left. Maxwell misses a handspring back elbow by a few feet and then Cooter gets Maxwell on his shoulders but he gets the referee next to him so the referee accidentally gets knocked out.

Cooter gets a chair from ringside while Maxwell checks on the referee. Maxwell charges into the chair and goes down. Cooter gets the three count.

Winner: Earl Cooter

After the match, Moose makes his way to the ring and Earl says that he don’t want no trouble. Moose with a spear to Earl. Moose stands over Maxwell, who is shaking in fear. Moose gives Earl a spinebuster.

Match Number Six: FIP Florida Heritage Championship Match: Gran Akuma versus Lince Dorado

Akuma offers his hand and Dorado hugs Akuma into a rollup for a near fall. They lock up and Akuma with a waist lock into a wrist lock. Dorado with a reversal into a hammer lock. Akuma with a side head lock into a drop toe hold. Akuma with a bow and arrow but Dorado with a lateral press for a near fall.

They have a test of strength and Akuma with the advantage but Dorado with a bridge. Dorado gets to the ropes. Dorado with a waist lock but Akuma with a wrist lock. Dorado works on the legs. Akuma tries for a cross arm breaker but Dorado fights it off.

They lock up and Akuma with a hip toss but Dorado lands on his feet because that is what cats do and he gets a near fall. Akuma with an arm bar and Dorado stomps on his foot. Dorado with a kick followed by a monkey flip but Akuma lands on his feet. Dorado with an arm drag that sends Akuma to the floor and Dorado with a suicide dive onto Akuma.

Dorado with a European uppercut on the floor and then he hits a slingshot senton for a near fall. Dorado with a dive for a near fall. Dorado with a suplex and a moonsault for a near fall. Dorado with a shoulder and chop. Dorado with another chop. Akuma with a sunset flip but Dorado rolls through and kicks Akuma to get a near fall.

Dorado rolls to the floor and Akuma follows. Akuma with a chop and kick to Dorado. Akuma with a kick to the back and then he applies a Boston Crab and then he applies the Liontamer. Akuma gets a near fall. Akuma with a surfboard and then he applies a Dragon Sleeper. Akuma with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Akuma with kicks to the chest but Dorado with a chop.

Akuma with a kick to the head. Dorado with chops but Akuma with forearms. Akuma with a brainbuster for a near fall. Akuma with a Gory Special but Dorado escapes and he sends Akuma to the floor with an arm drag. Dorado misses a baseball slide but Dorado with a kick and an Asai Moonsault.

Akuma returns to the ring and Dorado hits a cross body for a near fall. Dorado with chops followed by a handspring back elbow. Dorado runs into boots from Akuma but Dorado with a palm thrust. Dorado with a double jump super hurricanrana for a near fall. Dorado with uppercuts. Akuma with a kick and German suplex followed by a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Akuma tries to get Dorado on his shoulders but Dorado escapes and hits a Michinoku driver for a near fall. Dorado goes up top and Akuma moves. Akuma with an enzuigiri from the apron followed by a missile drop kick to the back. Akuma with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

Akuma sets for a tombstone but Dorado counters with a flip tombstone for the three count.

Winner:Lince Dorado

Lince is asked about his victory. He says that he is going to have a pint of milk and go play with some yarn when he gets home. He is proud to be a champion. There is nobody who is going to take this title from him.

Match Number Seven: SHINE Championship Match: Ivelisse versus Leva

They lock up and Ivelisse with a side head lock. Leva with a wrist lock but Ivelisse with a rollup for a near fall. Leva with a reversal. Leva with a hammer lock. Ivelisse with a hammer lock but Leva with a drop toe hold. Ivelisse with a rollup for a near fall and then she applies a front face lock.

Leva with knees to the arm and a Fujiwara arm bar. Ivelisse with a leg sweep into a top wrist lock. Ivelisse gets a series of near falls. Leva with shots to the arm and then she works on the shoulder. Ivelisse tricks Leva, who is dressed like a Ghostbuster that there is a ghost to take advantage. Leva with a rollup for a near fall. Leva with a double stomp to the back. Ivelisse punches Leva with Leva with a forearm. Leva with an X Factor for a near fall. Ivelisse with a clothesline.

Ivelisse with forearms followed by a springboard cross body for a near fall. Ivelisse with a camel clutch. Ivelisse gets a near fall. Ivelisse with a kick to the back. Ivelisse with a kick to the chest for a near fall. Ivelisse with more kicks and an arm bar. Ivelisse with a rollup for a near fall.

Ivelisse with a chop followed by a Dragon Sleeper but Leva kicks Ivelisse. Ivelisse misses a charge into the corner and Leva with kicks. Ivelisse with a kick to the chest followed by a drop kick. Leva with a Stroke for a near fall. Leva gets Ivelisse on her shoulders but Ivelisse with a crucifix for a near fall.

Leva sends Ivelisse into the turnbuckles and then she hits a pendulum kick. Ivelisse puts Leva on the turnbuckles and Leva with a kick and double stomp for a near fall. Ivelisse lands on her feet when Leva pulls her up. Ivelisse with a rolling mare and kick for a near fall. Leva with a super kick. Leva tries for another one but Ivelisee blocks it and she kicks Leva in the head. Ivelisse with a guillotine but Leva sends Ivelisse into the turnbuckles.

Leva with kicks to Ivelisse but she misses a charge into the corner and Ivelisse with a sunset flip for the three count.

Winner: Ivelisse

Ivelisse is asked about her victory. She says that Leva is a great champion but the Shine Title will stay around her waist.

Teddy Stigma, Eddie Graves, and Jonny Vandal come to the ring and surround Leva. Trina Michaels comes up behind Leva. Leva attacks Trina and then Graves grabs Leva. Leva with chops but Stigma with a boot to Leva.

The Submission Squad of Pierre Abernathy, Evan Gelistico and Gary Jay make their way to the ring and we have our next match.

Match Number Eight: The Submission Squad (Perre Abernathy, Evan Gelistico and Gary Jay) versus Jonny Vandal, Teddy Stigma, and Eddie Graves (with Trina Michaels)

Graves with head butts to red haired guy and Stigma holds him but Graves knocks Stigma off the apron. Jay hits a plancha onto everyone on the floor. Trina spits something in Jay’s face and then Stigma with a plancha. Vandal with a bicycle kick and Graves gets a near fall.

Stigma chokes Jay in the ropes and Vandal with a kick. Vandal tags in and he punches Jay. Vandal and Jay exchange chops. Graves tags in and hits a suplex. Stigma tags in and he slams Jay. Graves with an elbow drop from the turnbuckles and Stigma gets a near fall. Stigma with a kick and he punches Jay. Jay with a snap mare.

Stigma tags in and he connects with a forearm. Stigma kicks red and hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Jay with a spinning side slam and both men are down. Pierre tags in and he hits clotheslines and then he knocks Graves off the apron with a forearm. Pierre with a forearm to vandal and then Evan with a splash and a near fall. Vandal sends Pierre into Evan for a near fall. Stigma with Eat Defeat and then Graves and Vandal with a double team move for a near fall on Evan.

Evan with a punch to Vandal and then Jay with a boot to the head and Evan with a knee. Pierre with a TKO for a near fall. Evan kicks Pierre and Stigma with a knee to Pierre. Graves with a clothesline to Jay and everyone is down. Trina distracts Evan and he goes for the chest. Stigma and Graves with a boot and Side Russian Leg Sweep to Evan and Vandal gets the three count.

Winners: Jonny Vandal, Teddy Stigma, and Eddie Graves

After the match, Stigma and Graves have a message for Dos Ben Dejos. Graves says that they will be waiting.

Match Number Nine: Super Stiff Challenge: Roderick Strong versus Biff Busick

They lock up and Busick with a clean break. They have a test of strength. Strong takes Busick to the mat and Busick with a bridge. Strong gets a near fall. Busick gets to the ropes and Strong releases the hold. They lock up and Busick with a side head lock and Strong with a head scissors. Busick escapes. Strong with a wrist lock.

Strong keeps Busick on the mat while he works on the wrist. Strong with a boot to the chest and Busick gets into the ropes. Strong with a wrist lock but Busick with a snap mare and head scissors. Strong escapes and he applies a bow and arrow. Strong gets a near fall with a rollup. They lock up again and Strong with a sunset flip for a near fall. Busick with a near fall and then they exchange near falls. Strong floats over and Strong with a knee that sends Busick to the floor.

Strong follows Busick to the floor and Strong with a chop. Strong with another chop to Busick. He continues to chop Busick s they go around the ring. They go up to the stage and Strong with another chop. Strong throws Busick off the stage and to the floor. Busick drops Strong on the top rope and then he throws a chair into the ring.

Busick chokes Strong and then he kicks the chair that he brought into the ring to the floor. Busick with a European uppercut for a near fall. Busick with a sleeper. Strong with a snap mare followed by a kick and enzuigiri. Strong with a rollup for a near fall. Busick with a kick and both men are down.

Busick goes to the apron and he chokes Strong. Strong with a kick but Busick with a knee. Busick with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Busick tries for another suplex but Strong blocks it. Strong with a suplex to Busick. Busick with a knee and he returns to the sleeper. Strong escapes a wheelbarrow suplex attempt and hits a half nelson back breaker.

Strong with chops followed by a clothesline. Strong with a knee in the corner followed by a forearm but Busick with a super kick. Strong with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Busick with an elbow but Strong with an enzuigiri and knee followed by an Olympic Slam for a near fall. Strong sets for the Gibson Driver but Busick blocks it by dropping down. Busick with a back body drop.

Strong tries to get Busick on his shoulders and Busick escapes with a half nelson suplex and he get a near fall. Strong with a chop and Busick with a European uppercut. They go to forearms as the exchange continues. Strong with the advantage but Busick with a knee to the midsection followed by a running European uppercut. Busick with a delayed Doctor Bomb for a near fall.

Busick puts Strong on the turnbuckles for a half nelson superplex but Strong with elbows and he drops down from the turnbuckles and Busick gets crotched. Strong with a chop to the back and then to the chest. Strong and Busick exchange shots on the turnbuckles. Strong with a knee followed by a back breaker on the top turnbuckle for a near fall.

Strong with a rollup but Busick kicks out and applies a choke. Strong rolls through and gets a near fall. Strong with a chop but Busick with forearms. Strong with a knee and chop followed by Death By Roderick and a Sick Kick for the three count.

Winner: Roderick Strong

After the match, Roderick talks about Biff Busick and how he has been impressive in the ring. Strong thanks everyone for coming out.

Match Number Ten: CZW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Drew Gulak versus ‘The British Messiah’ Timothy Thatcher

Gulak with a single leg take down but Thatcher returns to his feet. They lock up and Thatcher backs Gulak into the turnbuckles and he gives a clean break. They lock up Gulak backs Thatcher into the ropes. They have a test of strength and Gulak with a wrist lock. Thatcher with a reversal and take down. Gulak with a kick to the back but Thatcher with a shot to the head. Thatcher with a chop on a break. Gulak with a single leg take down. Thatcher with a short arm scissors and Gulak with a bridge. Gulak starts to work on the leg and Thatcher backs up on the mat. Gulak continues to work on the leg with kicks to the hamstring. Gulak with a step over toe hold. Thatcher with a European uppercut and a hip lock take down.

Gulak with a head scissors. Thatcher escapes and he applies a wrist lock. Gulak with a single leg take down into a single leg crab but Thatcher gets to the ropes. They lock up and Thatcher with a single leg take down. Thatcher works on the wrist. Gulak tries for a shoulder tackle but he cannot take Thatcher down. Gulak with a knee bar on Thatcher and Thatcher with kicks to get out of the hold.

Thatcher backs Gulak into the corner and he connects with shoulders. Thatcher with a European uppercut and then he applies an arm bar submission but Thatcher rolls through. Gulak gets a near fall and Thatcher works on the arm. Gulak escapes with a head scissors and he slaps Thatcher in the back. Thatcher with forearms to Gulak and he gets a near fall.

Thatcher slams Drew’s head into the mat. Gulak and Thatcher exchange slaps and then they do headstands and they slap each other. Gulak has Thatcher in the air for a crucifix strech but Gulak has his shoulders on the mat and Thatcher gets a near fall. Thatcher with European uppercuts to Gulak that stagger him but Gulak stays on his feet. Gulak with a forearm and head butt to the midsection.

Gulak puts Thatcher on the turnbuckles. Gulak with a belly-to-belly superplex and both men are down. Gulak gets a near fall. Gulak goes to the turnbuckles and hits a double sledge. Gulak gets a near fall. Gulak goes up top and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Drew kicks Thatcher in the hamstring and hits a KneeDT. Gulak with an ankle lock but Thatcher rolls through.

Gulak goes to the apron and Thatcher suplexes him back into the ring. Thatcher gets a near fall. Thatcher with kicks to Gulak in the corner. Thatcher with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Thatcher tries to suplex Gulak back into the ring but Gulak blocks it and Drew tries to suplex Thatcher into the ring. Thatcher sends Gulak onto the turnbuckles and he hits the Tower of London for a near fall.

Gulak with slaps to Thatcher and Thatcher slaps back. Thatcher with a suplex for a near fall. Thatcher with a Fujiwara arm bar but Gulak escapes and hits a piledriver but only gets a two count. Thatcher with a dead lift side salto and he holds on and applies a Fujiwara arm bar. Gulak gets to the ropes and Thatcher has to release the hold. Gulak with chops and then they exchange slaps again.

Gulak with a wrist clutch suplex for a near fall. Thatcher kicks Drew into the turnbuckles. Drew tries for a figure four leg lock but Thatcher kicks him away. Thatcher with European uppercuts but Drew takes Thatcher to the mat and he slaps him in the head. Gulak with an ankle lock and he grapevines the leg and Thatcher taps out.

Winner: Drew Gulak

After the match, Roderick Strong comes into the ring and he offers his hand to Gulak. They shake hands in the center of the ring. Drew and Roderick push each other.

Gulak wants Strong to get into the ring instead of waiting until Saturday night in Orlando. Strong gets one foot into the ring but then he goes back to the floor.

FIP returns to the Orpheum on May 2, 2014.

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