Gilbert Corsey, Dean Hill, & Michael Titus are all on commentary with Shannon the Dude as the ring announcer. Shiloh Jonze (w/Tony Gunn, Nick Dumeyer, & "Rudo" Raul LaMotta) vs. "Primetime" Robbie Walker. Shiloh was not in a good mood and dominates. He chops, hits, and chokes Robbie. He flings him across the top rope, and then throws him through the ropes, onto the apron. He pounds Robbie across the chest with forearms, and then hits a neckbreaker back into the ring. He locks in a mandible claw for the win.
WINNER: SHILOH by submission. After the match, Chris Sharpe tries to confront Josh Ashcraft, but Josh continues walking to the back. The Marauders are then interviewed by Gilbert Corsey. Shiloh says the Marauders are suffering from the inside and blames Tony Gunn for their loss at the Saturday Night Special, because it was Gunn's actions that got himself suspended. He says Gunn has a shot at redemption tonight in a TV Title match and he better bring the TV Title back to the Marauders.
"The Justin Bieber of Professional Wrestling" Dylan Bostic & "The Mexicutioner" Robo De Luna come to the ring pushing a wheelchair, laughing and making fun of Michael Hayes. They are interviewed by Gilbert Corsey, and Bostic tells Gilbert that him and Dean Hill stuck their noses where they didn't belong. Had they not ran in the ring, they would have ended Hayes for good. He goes on to say that they honorably won the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles, and retired Michael Hayes. He says if Hayes needs a job, he heard IHOP is hiring.
Hayes & Mohamad Ali Vaez come out to ringside and Ali has a Louisville Slugger in hand. Bostic & the Mexicutioner leave ringside. Hayes says they made a mistake, because he is still moving. When he heals, he will be their worst nightmare. Ali then says they want to talk about honor, but there is no honor in taking out Hayes, and winning the titles 2-on-1. He thanks Gilbert & Dean for their help in saving Hayes.
Adam Revolver comes out and says that he knows they have history, but when they were fighting over the tag titles, they never tried to take Hayes out. Yes, they did lie and cheat, but they never tried to injure him. He wants Ali to consider him to fill in as his partner if Hayes isn't cleared to wrestle before the next Special. Ali declines and says that Hayes is his partner.
Backstage, the new OVW Women's Champion, Jessie Belle, is interviewed by Stephon J. Baxter. She says that she is smarter than everyone thinks she is, and as long as she has money, she wouldn't mind calling on Randy Royal again for help if she needs it. This leads us into...
Leon Shelly vs. "The Double R Superstar" Randy Royal. Royal makes pretty quick work of Leon, finishing him off with a forearm shot to the back of the head for the 3.
WINNER: ROYAL by pinfall.
Timmy "Talks Too Much" Danger comes to the ring with OVW Heavyweight Champion, Marcus Anthony. He talks about Marcus winning and the fact that Jamin Olivencia will have to work his way back up from the bottom if he ever wants another shot.
Referee Chris Sharpe comes out to the ring and confronts Danger. He says he left his job, because in the middle of that match, Josh Ashcraft (who still won't give him any answers), told him there was a family emergency. He says there wasn't one, and tells Timmy Danger that he knows he has to be behind it and is a lying piece of money crap. Timmy says he doesn't know anything and asks how his family is doing. Sharpe says he's a cheater and knows that Jamin would have won had he not left. Timmy gets mad about the accusations and tells Marcus to lock Sharpe in the Crimson Omen.
Jamin runs out and makes a beeline at Timmy, chasing him around the ring. Marcus gets out and blocks Jamin's path, and Timmy and Sharpe try to hold back Marcus and Jamin. Jamin says he wants to talk facts. Fact: he should be the OVW Heavyweight Champion. Fact: he was screwed by Timmy Danger. Fact: roll the footage, because he has video proof. (The ending to the main event where Danger holds Jamin's foot to keep him from reentering the ring before the 10 count is shown). Jamin says someone else saw this footage, too. OVW Owner, Danny Davis! He says next week, Danny will be here to make a special announcement regarding the next Special. He says he can promise 2 things that will happen at the Special. He is going to take the title away from Marcus, and he is going to break Timmy's face!
OVW TELEVISION TITLE: Tony Gunn vs. "Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus (c). Melvin throws Gunn around and goes for the bearhug, but Gunn rolls out of the ring. He grabs Melvin and pulls him out, ramming him into the side of the ring. Back inside, he goes off the ropes, but runs into the bearhug from Melvin. He elbows Melvin in the head to break out. Gunn takes Melvin's knee out and works it over. He tries to pin him, but Melvin kicks out. Melvin rolls Gunn up for 2 as Gunn argues with referee Joe Wheeler. Gunn hits Melvin and tries to suplex him, but Melvin reverses. Melvin clubs Gunn across the back, hits a powerslam, and locks him in the bearhug for a tapout.
After the match, Shiloh Jonze walks out to ringside evil eyeing Gunn, before returning to the back.
"The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stu Miles comes to the ring once again to say the cleansing is coming. Today's word of the day is holy. As in, all the fans' mouths are missing teeth, and all their clothes have holes in them from buying them at Goodwill. He says the fans cheer for scum. For instance, they cheer the devil's music with Ryan Howe. They cheer the vanity of Melvin Maximus. They cheer a murderer like Michael Hayes. They cheer for someone full of envy, like Jamin Olivencia, who just can't get the OVW Heavyweight Title he covets so much. He says he cleansed OVW of the most disgraceful wrestler of all in Paredyse, and now OVW is more of a "paradise" without him. He blesses the fans, hallelujah.
Eddie F. Diamond vs. The Bodyguy.
The Bodyguy's music hits, but he doesn't come out. It plays a second time and he is pushed out by Melvin Maximus. Everyone laughs and the "Bodygirl" chants start again. EFD lifts up his dress for added humiliation. EFD puts him away with the Cripwalk Crossface and the Bodyguy must continue wearing the dress until he wins a match.
WINNER: EFD by submission.