By Brian Cannon on 2012-11-15 08:36:03
This is the OVW Report for the night of
Wednesday, November 14, 2012. Tonight at the Davis Arena, Trailer Park
Trash was on the hunt for his attacker, Heidi Lovelace defended the OVW
Women's Championship against a special opponent with a special referee,
the Best Team Ever defended the OVW Southern Tag Titles, and the Platoon
of Wayne grew stronger with a new addition to the group.
Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Match:
Gunn b. Dylan Bostic.
Dylan took the early advantage and after performing each move yelled
at the crowd "Who sucks now?" Tony fought back and hit a couple
monkey flips. He went for the airplane spin, but Dylan elbowed his
way out of it. He went to clothesline Tony, but Tony ducked and
rolled Dylan up with the backslide for the pin. After the match, the
crowd chanted back at Dylan "Who sucks now?".
MY TAKE: Tony didn't even need the bearhug tonight, as he gets back
to winning by pinning "Pink Dynamite". Happy birthday to the loser,
Dylan Bostic.
That was
tonight's only pre-show dark match. I always suggest watching the show
first before reading my full report. You can find the shows posted
online late Thursday afternoons/evenings at
Terry Boddie starts the show stopping Trailer Park
Trash and asking him about last week's attack. Trailer Park Trash said he
would find something out tonight.

OVW Southern Tag
Team Title Match: The Mascara Mafia (Espy & Paredyse)
vs. The Best Team Ever (Rudy Switchblade & "Mr.
Pec-Tacular" Jessie Godderz) [c]. The match starts
off with the Mafia in control, but quickly turns to the
favor of Rudy & Jessie. Espy is worked over for the
majority of the match as Jessie & Rudy keep him in their
corner and switch out without tagging. Paredyse is antsy
to get in. Jessie hits the Pec-tacular Press, but goes
for a legdrop and misses. Jessie & Espy both tag out,
and Paredyse comes in on fire. Paredyse goes off the
ropes, but is kicked in the back and hung up by Jessie.
Rudy comes over to poke Paredyse in the eyes, but
accidentally pokes Jessie. Paredyse throws Rudy into the
ropes and a blind Jessie kicks Rudy in the back.
Paredyse sends Rudy off the ropes again, and both men
clothesline each other. Rudy goes to tag Jessie, but
Jessie gets off the apron. Rudy turns around and meets
Espy and Paredyse who double team him. They set him up
for their finisher, but Jessie runs back in and nails
Espy in the back of the head and throws him out of the
ring. Jessie & Rudy then hit their double team finisher
on Paredyse for the victory.
TEAM EVER by pinfall.
MY TAKE: A smart move again on the part of the Best Team
Ever to use the trick of not getting along only to be on
the same page and pick up the win.
Trailer Park Trash has Jack Black in his
office and questions him about the attack. He said they go way back, but
he doesn't trust him and better not find out he had anything to do with
The Platoon of Wayne comes out for
action and Jason Wayne says Moose was an idiot to attack him
and start a war. He said it is important to have a strong
squad and plenty of backup, so he introduces the newest
member to the Platoon...TNA Superstar Kid Kash!
Kid Kash (w/The
Platoon) vs. Elvis Pridemoore. Kash controls most of
this match and wins rather quickly after finishing Elvis off
with the Tiger Driver. After the match, Jason Wayne called
the Platoon to order and recited the Pledge of Allegiance
replacing the United States of America with the "United
States of Wayne" and "one nation under God" with "one nation
under Wayne". WINNER: KASH by
MY TAKE: The Platoon got stronger with the acquisition of
Kid Kash. Will Moose need to call for more backup in his war
with Wayne?
Trailer Park Trash now has the
Wild Cards in his office and says they better not have had
anything to do with his attack last week, either. As they
exit, Rob Terry is in the hallway and shoves them saying
he'll see them later tonight. We then see Taeler Hendrix
further down the hallway talking to Dylan Bostic. I didn't
catch it all, but basically she has her referee's license
and will be refereeing tonight. We then see "The Mixtape"
with Eddie Diamond & Timmy Danger. They say it's not Dylan
Bostic, but Crimson for being weasly and allowing Rob Terry
to work his way back up in one night.
Special Challenge
Handicap Match: The Wild Cards ("Rudo" Raul LaMotta &
Shiloh Jonze) vs. Rob Terry. The Wild Cards get on
each side of Terry and attack going after his left leg.
They work over his leg for most of the match with
submissions and moves focused on wearing it down. They
try to do a double team maneuver on his leg, but Terry
uses his strength to kick them both off. He gets back to
his feet even though he is still hobbled and takes them
both down. He throws Shiloh out of the ring and hits a
massive powerslam on Raul for the pin. After the match,
Shiloh sneaks in with a lead pipe and attacks Terry's
leg from behind. Shiloh & Raul take turns taking shots
at Terry's leg.
WINNER: TERRY by pinfall.
MY TAKE: The Wild Cards are obviously trying to
soften Terry up before his match with their "buddy"
Crimson at the December SNS. What condition will Terry
be in after this vicious assault?
"The Jacked Knight" Joe Coleman [c] (w/The Platoon) vs.
Jamin Olivencia. Jamin returned to quite the ovation
from the OVW crowd. Cliff Compton came out on a crutch and
joined the commentary table with his own TV title. He wanted
to go on record that he never lost and is still champion.
Jamin was on fire to start the match until Wayne & Black
interfered from the outside allowing Coleman to take the
advantage. Jamin still fought back and took back control
until Wayne tripped him in the corner and racked him with
the ringpost. Espy & Paredyse ran out and chased Wayne &
Black to the back. Jamin was back up and started to take
advantage again when Coleman decided to take the easy way
out and throw Jamin over the top rope for the automatic
MY TAKE: The war rages on between the Mascara Mafia and the
Platoon, which will presumably include Moose. With the POW
having 4 members now, will Espy, Paredyse, & Moose be able
to find a fourth man to fight on their side? Maybe Jamin?
CHAMPIONSHIP: Taryn Terrell vs. Heidi Lovelace [c]
(SPECIAL REFEREE: Taeler Hendrix). Taeler made her
presence known in this match as she would only count or
break up moves if it involved Heidi in control. Heidi
was very frustrated. A decent back and forth match, but
in the end, Heidi was arguing with Taeler with Taryn
down on the mat. Taeler pushed Heidi, who fell over
Taryn. Taryn pinned her with a quick count from Taeler
and got the 3! WINNER and
MY TAKE: Very interesting role reversal. Taeler gets
back at Heidi who pinned her at the last SNS, but it was
Taryn who pushed her over Heidi to cause her to lose.
Regardless, we have a beautiful new champion.
Trailer Park Trash walks
into Jason Wayne's locker room and asks him about
the attack, but Wayne denies anything to do with it.
Trash is headed to the ring...

Trash comes out with Josette and says he wants to get to the
bottom of this tonight, and calls out the entire locker
room. All the wrestlers are out, but he says that means the
referees and even Dean Hill, Gilbert Corsey, & Michael Titus
at the announce desk, he's not excluding anyone. He asks
different guys at ringside who all deny knowing anything.
The Wild Cards say it had to be Rob Terry, because he is not
at ringside. Jamin grabs a mic and says he's known Rob for a
while now and as big as he is, he doesn't have to attack
from behind or hide behind a mask and tells them to shut up.
Doug Williams grabs a mic and says it has to be Johnny
Spade, because he loves to attack people from behind. Spade
gets in the ring and dives onto Williams on the outside.
They start brawling and as Doug gets up, he hits Ted McNaler
& Elvis Pridemoore. Suddenly, a melee breaks out and
everyone starts arguing and fighting with each other. Taeler,
Epiphany, & Jessie Belle are fighting, and even Terry Boddie
is arguing and pointing back and forth with Michael Titus.
While all this is going on, a masked man comes from out of
nowhere with a steel chair and lays Trash out with several
shots to the back and neck before he takes off through the
side door. Everyone stops and checks on Trash to end the
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Eddie Diamond, Timmy Danger, Bobbi Bardot, & Cinnamon Twist
come to the ring. Danger does his introduction for Diamond
and says they have some special ladies with them tonight and
it's time for a dance party. They start dancing as the
lights go out. When they come on, Danger & Diamond are
dancing with the Assassin. They try to get him to dance with
them, but he lays them both out with a clothesline and walks
away with the ladies.
Jessie Belle vs. Epiphany.
A back and forth match where neither one could score a pinfall.
Epiphany threw Jessie Belle out of the ring and went out on the ring
apron where Jessie Belle got up and pulled her off onto the floor.
They started battling on the outside and fought to the back as the
referee made his 10-count and we have a draw by double countout.
MY TAKE: These 2 ladies finished their last match in a draw as well.
Are they evenly matched or just unlucky?
Team Gutcheck (Sam Shaw &
Alex Silva) b. The Platoon of Wayne (Jason Wayne & Jack Black)
[w/Joe Coleman]. Shaw & Silva came out on fire working over
Wayne's arm and making quick tags in and out. The Platoon took the
advantage away after Coleman tripped up Shaw. Shaw was worked over
until he made the hot tag to Silva. Silva came in and took it to
Black. Wayne tried to come back in, but Silva & Shaw took him to the
outside. They hit a double atomic drop on Black which was followed
by the Silva Surfer and the cannonball leg drop for the win.
MY TAKE: Are we getting a glimpse of the next OVW Southern Tag Team
Champions in Silva & Shaw?
Jeremiah Plunkett b. Ace
Hawkins. A very quick match as Plunkett controlled most of it
with his size advantage. Ace tried to make a small comeback with
some kicks to the sides of Plunkett and one to his head in the
corner, but Plunkett was able to finish him off with a big DDT for
the pin.
MY TAKE: Plunkett picked up his first win that I'm aware of. He has
got the skills to make an impact.

CAREER MATCH: Chris Silvio b.
Raphael Constantine. A very technical match that went back and
forth, and Raphael proved why the tag team with Silvio was called
"Fighting Spirit". Silvio hit the rocket punch, but was conflicted
about pinning Constantine. He finally went for the cover, but
Constantine turned it into an inside cradle for 2. Constantine put
Silvio in a sharpshooter, but Silvio wouldn't submit. Silvio put
Constantine in the one leg boston crab, but still couldn't
get him to give up. They kept going back and forth like this until
Silvio put him in an armbar submission after Constantine had went
shoulder first into the ringpost. The ref had Silvio break the hold,
but Constantine still refused to give up. Silvio kept yelling at him
to just quit. Silvio won after reapplying the submission a second
time, and Constantine finally tapped.
MY TAKE: Ounce for ounce, Constantine was one of the best
entertainers in the OVW squared circle. "Fang"s
for the memories, and we will X2-C YA LATER.
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