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By Mike Johnson on 2012-07-26 10:00:00
I saw online that Roddy Piper was upset about a garbage story involving his actions backstage at Raw 1000. That got me wondering, with all the NEWZ sites out there that steal your content, obviously they hurt because you have fans reading poached versions of your material, but do you ever have issues with gaining credibility with promotions and wrestlers because NEWZ sites hurt the credibility of the online sites overall?

First of all, anyone who makes up stories that can hurt someone is disgusting and doesn't deserve whatever small readership they have. As far as NEWZ sites hurting's credibility, no. We have enough brand awareness that the major promotions are familiar with us and/or work with us. It's obvious that our material is sourced and from credibile sources and well, we let our track record speak for itself. Very few other outlets can claim to have broken as many legitimate, reputable stories as we do. I do believe that poor work and crappy sites do hurt the overall credibility of the online medium, because it falls on the shoulders of those who are legitimate to work harder to overcome the stupidity of the morons. But, blaming legitimate sites for something idiotic sites do is like blaming an entire Arena for something one moron did. Sadly, as long as NEWZ sites that make up news and/or doesn't double source their material exist, it's something we will always have to deal with.

Prior to the roster split, what was the old WWE touring groups? I mean, I know that there were two groups like now with RAW and Smackdown, but how was the division made? What group was the WWE champion in?, and how was his absence compensated for?

WWF actually had three touring groups. The largest was usually the one featuring the current champion. A second tier group would often feature the IC and Tag titles as well as a heated rivalry. A third tier, usually running small venues, would be undercard talents.

In the recent WWE magazine they had a picture and a small blurb on a WCW tag team named the Blackhearts.I have never heard of this team before.They were 2 black wrestlers wearing Phantom of the Opera type masks.Who were the 2 wrestlers and did they wear the masks while they wrestled?

The Blackhearts were a masked Dave Heath (aka Gangrel) and partner Dave Johnson. The duo toured All Japan and worked a lot of Florida indies before their WCW run in 1993.

Was really enjoying Ring Ka King until the whole Jeff Jarrett, "We're out to destroy Ring Ka King" plot line. Don't they realize how stupid these kind of stories are. Would anyone show up to an Iron Man movie if Tony Stark started yelling about how he was going to take down Marvel? What company employs people who are trying to destroy the company?

I disagree with your logic. Pro wrestling is supposed to be fantasy and in this case, Jeff Jarrett was the evil villain trying to take over the world.

Do you think TNA (Impact Wrestling) should now refer the Knockout title to the TNA's Womens World title?

No. They've already put a lot of time and effort into branding the division.

Now that Garrett Bischoff has eliminated his father Eric Bischoff from TNA (for right now) where does he go from here? Back to being to referee? A full time wrestler? If he chooses to be a wrestler will he be given a push just like he has been getting or just slowly fade into the B or C group? Is the Garrett Bischoff express about to pull into the station?

Obviously, he's continuing as a wrestler. TNA has moved him into a lesser position as he learns and grows as a performer, which I think was the smartest strategy.

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