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By Mike Johnson on 2012-06-04 08:00:00

June 4th

On this day in history in ....

1973 - Pablo Marquez, who worked in ECW and in the WWF as Babu, was born.

1973 - Mikey Whipwreck, the first man to hold the ECW Triple Crown, winning every championship in the company, is born.

1979 - A live event in Memphis, TN at the Mid-South Coliseum featured the following results:

Rick Oliver beat Bub Smith.
Tommy Gilbert, Jr. & Sr. drew Wayne Ferris & Larry Latham.
Ron Bass beat Tony Charles.
Bill Dundee beat Dick Slater in a "chain" match.
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee beat Mr. Fuji & Toru Tanaka to win the Southern Tag Title.
Robert Fuller beat The Mongolian Stomper in a "loser leaves town vs. title" match to win the Southern Title.

1979 - WWF ran Madison Square Garden in New York City with the following results

Tito Santana defeated Jose Estrada (Santana's MSG debut)
Hussein Arab (the future Iron Sheik) won a 20-man $10,000 battle royal at 8:17 by last eliminating Dominic DeNucci & Jimmy Valiant; other participants included: Gorilla Monsoon, Greg Valentine, Ivan Putski, Haystacks Calhoun, Nikolai Volkoff, Steve Travis, Jose Estrada, Gypsy Rodriguez, SD Jones, Mr. X, Johnny Rodz, Baron Mikel Scicluna, Tito Santana, WWF Tag Team Champions Johnny & Jerry Valiant, Bulldog Brower, & WWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase; order of elimination: Calhoun by several wrestlers; Rodriguez by several wrestlers; Putski by several wrestlers; Volkoff by several wrestlers; Brower by a Valiant; Estrada by Jones; Jones by several wrestlers; Scicluna by Arab; Rodz by Monsoon; Valentine by Johnny & Jerry Valiant; Johnny & Jerry Valiant by Dibiase & Santana with simultaneous dropkicks; Dibiase by Jimmy Valiant; Travis by Arab; Santana by Jimmy Valiant; X by DeNucci; Monsoon eliminated himself after grabbing Jimmy Valiant by the legs and spinning him round with the momentum knocking Monsoon over the top; stipulations stated the winner would earn a WWF World Title match later in the show (the first battle royal held at MSG)
Nikolai Volkoff pinned SD Jones at 6:50 after hoisting him up in a gorilla press slam and dropping him across his knee
Greg Valentine pinned Dominic DeNucci at 9:07 after reversing a monkey flip into a cover; prior to the bout, the Grand Wizard escorted Valentine ringside
Bulldog Brower pinned Mr. X at the 3-minute mark with an elbow drop
WWF World Champion Bob Backlund pinned Hussein Arab at 30:40 with an atomic drop; prior to the bout, Arnold Skaaland & Capt. Lou Albano (sub. for Freddie Blassie) accompanied Backlund and Arab, respectively, to ringside; as Albano went to leave ringside, he went up to Vince McMahon who threw his drink in Albano's face
Ivan Putski pinned Baron Mikel Scicluna at 4:28 after pushing him into the corner
WWF North American Champion Ted Dibiase fought Jimmy Valiant to a 15-minute time-limit draw in a non-title match
WWF Tag Team Champions Johnny & Jerry Valiant defeated Haystacks Calhoun & Steve Travis at 6:25 in a non-title match when Johnny pinned Travis with an elbow to the back off the top as Travis had Jerry in an abdominal stretch.

1984 - A live event in Memphis, TN featured the following results:

Rick Rude beat Ric McCord.
Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten beat The Nightmare #1 & Porkchop Cash.
Dutch Mantel & Scott Shannon drew Koko Ware & Norvell Austin.
Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler beat Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert via DQ.
Jim Neidhart beat Austin Idol via DQ.
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler beat Kimala (17:39) via countout.

1984 - Jim Crockett Promotions ran Greenville, SC featuring the following results:

Keith Larson defeated Doug Vines
Barry Hart defeated Paul Kelly
Sam Houston defeated Kurt Von Hess
Jimmy Valiant defeated Adrian Street
Angelo Mosca Jr. defeated the Outlaw
NWA Tag Team Champions Ivan Koloff & Don Kernodle defeated Wahoo McDaniel & Brian Adidas
NWA U.S. Champion Ricky Steamboat defeated Dick Slater in a falls count anywhere match
NWA World Champion Ric Flair defeated NWA World TV Champion Tully Blanchard

1985 - In what turned out to be the final WWF spot show in Staten Island, NY the following results took place:

Rene Goulet defeated Steve Lombardi
B. Brian Blair defeated Charlie Fulton
Rick McGraw vs. Larry Sharpe, draw
Tony Atlas defeated Terry Gibbs
The U.S. Express, Barry Windham and Mike Rotudno defeated The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff by countout

1986 - Kerry Von Erich is involved in a motorcycle accident in Argyle, Texas, crashing into the back of a police car while trying to pass a truck on a two-lane highway while wearing shorts and no shoes.  Von Erich suffers a dislocated hip and a severely damaged right foot and undergoes over 13 hours of surgery. Von Erich would later have the foot amputated, but returned to the ring with a prosthetic foot and continued his career.  To this day, there is no definitive answer as to whether Von Erich lost the foot at the time of the initial surgery, or had it amputated later (with some even saying it was removed after a failed early comeback attempt did further damage to it).  Von Erich and his family would claim he had his ankle fused to account for the lack of mobility in the foot, and it was not until after his death that his family would admit that he was wrestling without a foot (although in one Las Vegas match, his boot was pulled off accidentally, and several fans saw that he had no foot). 

1986 - Jim Crockett Promotions ran Raleigh, NC at the Dorton Arena featuring the following results:

The Italian Stallion defeated Zane Grey
Denny Brown defeated Steve Regal
Black Bart defeated Todd Champion
Jimmy Garvin defeated Hector Guerrero
NWA World Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey defeated Wahoo McDaniel & Ron Garvin via disqualification
Dusty Rhode & The Rock N' Roll Express defeated NWA World Champion Ric Flair, NWA TV Champion Arn Anderson & NWA National Heavyweight Champion Tully Blanchard via disqualification in an elimination match

1987 - Jim Crockett Promotions ran Raleigh, NC at the Dorton Arena featuring the following results:

 NWA U.S. Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane defeated the Italian Stallion & Todd Champion
NWA World Tag Team Champion Robert Gibson defeated Arn Anderson
NWA World Tag Team Champion Ricky Morton fought NWA World TV Champion Tully Blanchard to a draw
NWA US Champion Nikita Koloff defeated Lex Luger via disqualification

1987 -WWF ran Omaha, NE at the Civic Auditorium featuring the following results:

Hercules pinned Billy Jack Haynes in a chain match
Demolition fought The Can-Am Connection, Rick Martel & Tom Zenk to a 20-minute draw
Sika pinned Cpl. Kirchner
Ron Bass pinned Scott Casey
Butch Reed pinned Lanny Poffo
WWF Women's Champion the Fabulous Moolah pinned Debbie Combs
Ken Patera pinned Harley Race
Koko B. Ware pinned the Honkytonk Man with a roll up.  Although he was the WWF Intercontinental Champion at the time of the match, Honky's title win had not yet aired on TV, so he did not come out with the belt or was announced as champion.

1992 - Smoky Mountain Wrestling ran Tazwell, VA at the Middle School Gym with the following results:
Dixie Dynamite pinned Killer Kyle
Hector Guerrero defeated Buddy Landel via disqualification
SMW Heavyweight Champion Brian Lee defeated the Dirty White Boy
Brad & Bart Batten defeated Jimmy Golden & Dutch Mantell
Robert Gibson & Tim Horner defeated The Heavenly Bodies, Stan Lane & Tom Pritchard
Robert Gibson won a battle royal

1993 - WCW ran Spartanburg, SC featuring the following results:

Brad Armstrong & Johnny Gunn defeated the Wrecking Crew at 16:30 when Gunn pinned Rage with a Thesz Press
Johnny B. Badd pinned Michael Hayes at 19:32 with a punch
The Barbarian defeated Robbie V at 14:43
Keith & Kent Cole fought Shanghai Pierce & Tex Slazenger to a 20-minute time-limit draw
The Junkyard Dog pinned Dick Slater at 10:08 by using the ring ropes for leverage

1993 - WCW ran Cleveland, Ohio at the Convention Center with the following results:

Erik Watts defeated TJ Arion
Maxx Payne defeated Kensuke Sasaki
Ron Simmons defeated WCW World TV Champion Paul Orndorff at the 11-minute mark; the title was only at stake for the first 10 minutes
Arn Anderson (substituting for 2 Cold Scorpio) & Marcus Alexander Bagwell defeated Lord Steven Regal (substituting for injured WCW/NWA World Tag Team Champion Brian Pillman) & WCW/NWA World Tag Team Champion Steve Austin
Dustin Rhodes defeated Rick Rude
Davey Boy Smith defeated WCW World Champion Big Van Vader via disqualification

1994 - SMW ran Barbourville, KY at Knox County High School with the following results:
The Thrillseekers, Chris Jericho & Lance Storm defeated Well Dunn
The Dirty White Boy defeated Killer Kyle
Bruiser Bedlam defeated Tracy Smothers in a coal miner's glove match
SMW Tag Team Champions Brian Lee & Chris Candido fought The Rock N' Roll Express, to a no contest in a piledriver match

1999 - Extreme Championship Wrestling ran Dalton, GA at the Northwest Georgia Convention Center, featuring the following results:

Taka Michinoku pinned El Mosco
Jerry Lynn pinned Tony Devito
ECW World Tag Team Champions Buh Buh Ray & D-Von Dudley defeated Chris Chetti & Nova
Balls Mahoney defeated Rod Price
Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Little Guido
Skull Von Krush & Spanish Angel fought Danny Doring & Roadkill to a no contest
Sabu defeated Justin Credible
ECW World TV Champion Rob Van Dam defeated Spike Dudley

1999 - WCW ran Cincinatti, Ohio featuring the following results:

Chris Adams defeated Vampiro
Ernest Miller defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Juventud Guerrera defeated Kaz Hayashi
Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Hak in a hardcore match
Chris Benoit defeated Billy Kidman
WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Chris Jericho
Sting defeated Ric Flair

2002 - Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo defeated Rico & Rikishi for the WWE World Tag Team Title in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, starting Billy & Chuck's second title reign.

2002 - NWA:TNA announced the signing of Rick Steiner for their first PPV event.

2007 - WWE requested that Ric Flair not appear at a NWA live event where Flair was to be inducted into the NWA Hall of Fame.  Flair cancels his appearance, but his induction goes on as planned.

2003 - NWA: TNA held their weekly PPV series in Nashville, TN.  Mike Askounes filed the following PPV report:

Show opens with a look back at Glenn Gilberti winning the Anarchy in the Asylum match on April 7, giving him tonight’s title shot. Runs up to the events of last week where Vince Russo came in and clocked Raven with a baseball bat giving Gilberti the win.

Here comes JJ – met by security in their new red shirts. Security tells JJ that they are going to assure that JJ doesn’t act us like he has during the past few weeks. JJ tells the flunkie that he’s the champ, and he won’t take orders from them.

S.E.X. is doing a group prayer in their locker room. Gilberti of course asks for a blessing during his title match, and thanks God for Vince Russo coming back. He specifically asks for the strength to kick JJ’s redneck hillbilly ass tonight, and make pro wrestling a better place for everybody. Amen. Funny stuff.

Gilberti says Russo will be there tonight, and Sander wonders why Russo didn’t inform him about that. Giberti assures Mike that it’s true, but then gives a doubtful look after Sanders walks away.

Tenay and West hit the mic…

Match #1: 6-Man X Division Tag Match.
Kid Romeo, Damien, and Johnny Swinger vs. C.M. Punk, Matt Stryker and Frankie Kazarian

God give me the strength to cover this match… I don’t know who is who… Who are these guys?

Bell rings. Romeo and Stryker start off with good wrestling moves. Romeo rolls him up for a quick 2 count.

Stryker does an arm drag and a drop toe hold, followed by a high drop kick for the 2 count.

Stryker tags in Frankie. Romeo reverses an arm drag for a bulldog for the 2 count.

Romeo tags in Swinger, who delivers some hard rights to Frankie. Frankie delivers a drop kick and two arm drags, before tagging in Punk.

Punk hits a punch off the top and whips Swinger into the corner for a knee. Punch gets a boot up in the corner, but gets hit by “The Mood Swing” from Swinger for a 2 count.

Punk reverses a sleeper and hits a cross body for a 1 count. Damien tags in, and the two trade 2 counts. Lots of quick wrestling moves and reversals. Damien pokes Punk in the eyes, and holds him up for Swinger who he tags in.

Punk takes down Swinger and tags in Stryker who hits the Thesz press and a flurry of rights. Romeo cheap shots Stryker from outside, and Swinger reverses a Stryker maneuver into a sit out powerbomb. Swinger hits an inverted atomic drop, and Romeo comes in for a 2 count while Frankie runs in to break up the pin.

Romeo hits some Flair chops and a clothesline in the corner. Stryker sends Romeo airborne, who manages to tag in Damien. Damien puts Stryker in his corner to be worked over by his teammates. Damien hits a wicked Northern Light suplex into a bridge for the 2 count.

My fingers are smoking at this point.

Damien hits the tired Stryker for another 2 count, before Stryker comes back with Flair chops. Stryker rolls up Damien into a small package for a 2 count. Damien hits another nasty suplex for another 2 count. 

Damien tags in Swinger who delivers kicks in the corner to the now exhausted Stryker. The two duke it out in the center of the ring, before Stryker finally tags in Frankie, who hits a springboard back elbow for a 2 count.

Swinger nails a jawbreaker and tags back in Damien who both try a double move, which is reversed by Frankie into a Double DDT. Frankie hits a suicide dive over the top rope crashing into Swinger.

In the ring, Punk hits Romeo with a kick, and then back flips Damien over the top rope. Punk then hits a springboard from the top onto the three men outside the ring. Romeo flies off the top rope onto the pile, and Stryker figures he’ll join the fun with an Asai Moonsault onto the pile.

Stryker picks up Swinger and throws him back in the ring and hits a kick before Swinger hits the Swinger Stinger. Punk comes in and runs right into a Swinger powerbomb. Romeo hits a running powerbom on Punk, before Stryker hits a Stryker-driver on Romeo for a two-count.

Frankie hits “The Wave of the Future” on Damien for the 1-2-3. Great way to introduce some new talent. Lots of quick spots – great opener.

Winner: C.M. Punk, Matt Stryker and Frankie “The Future” Kazarian
Loser: My Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome

Tenay and West tell us about the upcoming matches, while I take a deep breath. How does Buck do this in real-time?

Goldilocks is with Raven, who starts out saying that the JJ has kept him out of the title match just so he can hold on to his belt. He says that JJ is the David Hasslehoff of wrestling, because neither have talent but both wound up being on hit TV shows. Raven says that Baywatch was a hit because of bikinis, and TNA is a hit because of the carnage that Raven is creating.

Raven then tells Russo that he’ll rip his face off and use his head for a flower pot if he touches him again.

Storm and Harris are shown in the back shaking hands, and Storm asks Harris if he’s made a decision about whether he’s going to use Storm in the tag match tonight, or if he’s going to choose X Division champ Chris Sabin.

Storm then notices that Harris isn’t wearing his America’s Most Wanted shirt, and Harris says maybe all good things must come to an end.

Borash introduces Mike Sanders out to the guest color commentary spot (AAAYYY!) for the upcoming Hard 10 match. There’s a quick promo which serves to get viewers up to speed on the hardcore style tournament.

Tenay aloud wonders why Sanders is out there…

Match #2: Hard 10 Tournament Match. 
Sonny “Ace in the Hole” Siaki vs. Vampire Warrior

Siaki grabs the mic and says every time he comes out, the ladies scream and get all wet between the legs (classy). He says he’s tired of being looked at as a piece of meat. He says he’s the baddest SOB in professional wrestling.

Crickets chirp. And Siaki’s nose grows.

He starts busting on Sandman, and calls him a little “pussy”.

Sandman hits the ramp with a kendo stick and a 12-pack. The red shirts (security) come out and tell Sandman to go back because he’s not in this match. Sanders puts over the security guards for throwing out Sandman, and says Siaki would’ve kicked his ass anyway. The match will start any time now, I’m sure.

Warrior starts off by hitting Siaki with a frying pan (1-0).Warrior then hits Sonny with a trashcan lid (2-0), and starts throwing all sorts of stuff in the ring. Gangrel… erm… Vampire Warrior throws Siaki into the ring and hits Siaki with a trash can (3-0). Twice (4-0). Sanders defends Siaki’s falling behind so quickly.

Warrior drops a trashcan lid, but then Vamp suplexes Siaki into a trashcan lid for no points (?) Siaki puts Vamp through a table by hitting him with a kendo stick for a nice 6-point combo [golf clap] (4-6). Siaki then dropkicks a trash can into Warrior (4-7).

Warrior hits a drop toe hold into a trash can on Siaki (5-7), and then hits an implant DDT. Vampire goes for the pin, when the ref reminds him there is no pinning in a hardcore match. The two take it out to the apron, and Siaki Siacolypses Warrior through a table for the win (5-12).

Winner: Siaki (12-5) 

Snadman hits the ring and cracks Siaki over the head with the kendo stick before popping a brewski and spitting it on the prone Ace in the Hole.

Tenay does a pre-taped interview with Raven.

Tenay asks about ECW, and Raven says that his feuds with Dreamer and Sandman were two of the best feuds in wrestling history.

Tenay then mentions Raven’s Flock from WCW. Raven said he got paid to sit in the front row with his friends and drink beer – good work if you can get it. Raven says that he didn’t have a big problem with Bischoff, but didn’t like that Eric singled him out in front of the boys in a meeting. So Raven quit.

Tenay goes into WWE, where Raven says he was “shit on”. Raven says the past is the past, and wants to talk about TNA.

Tenay puts over Raven, and Raven starts ripping on Jarrett wondering why someone with so little charisma and talent wound up holding the belt for so long. He then complains about not being in tonight’s #1 contender match tonight between A.J. Styles and D’Lo Brown

Raven then says Russo is just trying to live out a little fantasy life, and is trying to live vicariously through the wrestlers. He says that JJ could no more stop Raven then he could stop the coming of the dawn. Raven then cuts his standard “I’m erudite” promo, which makes sense only after I’ve smoked some oregano. “Jeff Jarrett… welcome to Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun.”

Hey! Look at that dancer shake her ass!!! Speaking of tuchuses, it looks as if Lollipop has called out sick tonight.

Goldi is with the SS Twins… erm… Harris brothers. Harris says he won’t be teaming with Killings tonight because he won’t tag with “their kind”. Elix Skipper takes offense to Harris’ comments, while the other Harris defends his brother by saying he’s cool with Skipper, but he just doesn’t like Killings because Killings always plays the race card.

Who will be Killings’ partner? We’ll find out in a second…

Match #3: Alliance Tournament Semifinal Tag Match
David Young and Tracy vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings 

Tracy is my favorite wrestler of all time, by the way.

Killings is going it alone!

The Truth and Young start out in the ring. Killings does a little dance before they lock into a test of strength. Some staring ensues, and the crowd starts chanting “Truth”. Young hits a headlock, Killings hits a rollup for a 2 count.

Killings hits some chops and some hip tosses followed by a running powerbomb. Killings lands several kicks and punches, followed by a body slam and a leg drop off the top rope. Tracy comes off the top rope and hits the “Pie in the Sky” on Killings (funny).

Young hits a running clothesline followed by a clean snap suplex for the 2 count. Young hits some punches and kicks in the corner, and tags in Tracy – much to her surprise.

Tracy works over Killing in the corner, and shows him her ass to distract him so he could tag Young back in. 

Young goes on the offense with some kicks and punches, but Tracy runs away when Young tries to tag her back in. Killings hits a rollup while Young argues with Tracy for a 2 count.

Young hits some more punches, and Killings s-l-o-w-l-y hits a float over in the corner into a face plant. Young misses a punch, and Killings gets a kick to the gut and nails a huge scissors kick for the 2 count.

Young runs Killings into the corner, who counters with a float over into the splits into a superkick for the 2 count. Tracy tries for another Pie in the Sky, but Killings catches her and hits a powerbomb.

Killings hits a move for a 2 count, while Veronica the Nurse comes in the ring to check on Tracy. Killings hits David Young with a face plant for the pin, but the ref is distracted by Desire.

Nurse Veronica runs in and hits a low blow on Killings (As God as my witness, I’m not making this up), and Young hits the spinebuster for the 1-2-3 to advance to the finals of the Asylum Alliance tournament.

WINNER: David Young and Tracy

Desire and Tracy get into a nice catfight over Davd Young’s affection (there’s hope for us all apparently), and the refs separate the two. Much to my chagrin.

Goldi is with JJ in the back. She goes on about how hard it much be for JJ, but Triple J says he’s just focusing on his title match against the D.I. Double G. (that’s Disco Inferno Glenn Gilberti, don’t ya know). JJ says if Gilberti wins the title, it would be a disgrace to TNA.

Eric Watts rolls in and slides up next to Goldilocks, who some reason protests to being locked in a storage room by Watts last week. Watts presents Goldi with a Fragile sign like you’d put on a packa… oh, who cares. I gotta go the bathroom.

A nice video package is shown about Triple X, which gives me a chance to go back and see if any of what I’ve typed up to this point makes sense.

Looks like Harris is going to pick his partner in the ring…

Harris grabs the mic and complains that all of AMW’s dirty laundry has been aired in public during the past few weeks. He says that when they first put Harris and Storm together, everyone thought they were a joke. But Harris says that they put the tag team division back into the business.

Harris insinuates that he doesn’t trust Storm anymore, and he repeats the “all good things must come to an end” line from earlier.

Harris then pulls a swerve and says, “The problem is, America’s Most Wanted has only just begun!” 

Sabin tries to attack the two after the announcement, but AMW clear Sabin and his cronies out of the ring.

Christopher Daniels assumes the color commentators position before the next match.

Match #4: Alliance Tournament Semifinal Tag Match
America’s Most Wanted vs. B.G. James and Konnan

All four men are in the ring to open up the bout – AMW clears Konnan and James out of the ring, and Storm springs off his partner to go over the top and hit Konnan and James. Harris planchas over to join the party.

Harris and James settle in the ring, but Konnan comes in and hits a baseball slide on Harris to block the suplex. Harris goes on the offense, but James counters with some hard rights and an elbow drop for the 2 count.

James drags Harris to his corner where he tags Konnan, who hits some strange looking submission hold that is broken up by Storm. Konnan hits a shoulder block on Harris, and the two men stay down on the mat, Rocky II style.

Storm and James are both tagged in, and Storm hits a flying head scissors on James. Storm 2 counts Konnan, and then double clotheslines James and Konnan. All four are back in the ring, and Konnan hits a sloppy suplex on Harris, followed by a rolling thunder clothesline on Storm. Harris hits a spear out of nowhere, and gets on Konnan for a 2 count.

James goes for a pump handle slam, but Storm reverses for a back kick and a 2 count.

Konnan covers Harris for a 2 count in the ring, while James and Storm brawl outside the ring. Storm confronts Daniels at the announcers table, and James attacks him from behind.

Konnan is going for the pin in the ring, when the Harris Brothers roll in and hit the H-Bomb on Konnan. Harris rolls up Konnan for the 1-2-3, and advance to the finals against David Young and Tracy.

Any bets on that one?

Winner: America’s Most Wanted

A video is aired showing the history between Kid Kash and Trinity (the mystery luchador). They manage to edit out all of Trinity’s missed spots in last week’s match, which makes the promo about 10 seconds long.

Goldi is in the ring and introduces “the controversial Kid Kash” who hits the ramp dragging an unhappy Trinity in some seriously tight jeans with him. Kash grabs the mic from Goldilocks, and tells Goldi that considers her a stick with a pair of tits. Someone get that guy a job at Hallmark.

As for Trinity, Kash complains that he’s sick of her trying to slander his good name. He also blames Trinity for losing the X Division title, and says he still considers himself the champion. Kash then gloats over pinning Trinity last week by dropping her on her head.

Kash says that if Trinity wants to get back in his good graces, she’s going to have to satisfy all the millions (and millions) of Kid Kash fans. He says she needs to “kiss the master’s ass,” and then he’ll forgive her. Trinity refuses, and Kash puts her in a choke hold, before Goldi jumps in and pushes Kash off of Trinity.

After Goldi yells at Kash, he grabs the mic and says that he now understands that Goldilocks and Trinity are… erm… “meeting up at the sushi bar” or “carpet munching”. Goldi grabs the mic back and says that Trinity would rather “bump donuts” with her then be unsatisfied with Kash’s little “limp biscuit.”

Kash hits Goldi, and Eric Watts comes in delivers a serious E-Bomb on Kash, and then clotheslines him over the top rope. Watts continues the beat down outside the ring, before Kash hits the smashmouth with the chair on Watts.

Kash crawls back into the ring, as Goldi hides behind Trinity. Watts climbs back in the ring, and hits another slam followed by a modified stinkface (no kidding). Watts gets the crowd hyped up, and then reverses a springboard dropkick by slamming Kash into the turnbuckle.

Trinity (is this going to end soon?) and Goldi get their licks in on the prone Kash in the corner. 

Giberti is shown on a cel phone asking (apparently Russo) “Where are you at? How much longer until you get here?” GG hangs up, and Sanders says that he doesn’t believe GG is actually talking to Russo.

GG tells Sanders that the two of them have always been a laughing stock, and the fans have always hated them. GG says that he’s finally got a chance to not be a joke in the wrestling business, and he’s going to give it his all. Sanders gives him a one-sentence pep talk and walks off.

Styles and D’ Lo are discussing their upcoming match, when Goldilocks rolls in and starts asking questions. Styles tells her to shut up (thanks), and Styles and D’Lo says that their match is going to impossible to follow.

Match #5: #1 Contender Match
A.J. Styles v. D’Lo Brown

The bell rings, and the two friends meet in the center and shake hands. Here we go…

Styles and Brown lock up, and Brown gets the best of it and puts A.J. into a headlock. Brown uses his size to hit two good shoulder blocks, before Styles hits a huricanrana on Brown. The two trade punches in the middle of the ring, and stare at one another to catch a breather.

The two lock up again, and Styles hits a flurry of girl punches before Styles and Brown go through a nice combo of moves ended by a double drop kick by Brown. Styles hops to the apron and comes over the top for an inverted DDT for a 2 count.

Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Brown blocks it with a boot and hits a running clothesline for a 2 count. Tenay does a nice job calling the moves and building psychology.

Brown hits a moonsault (!) out of nowhere for a 2 count. Styles recovers for a superkick on Brown, and then hits a springboard dropkick knocking D’Lo out of the ring.

Styles aborts a moonsault to the outside, and Brown catches him and back body drops him on the steel ramp. Brown climbs up to the top rope, and hits a long distance frogsplash onto Styles’ prone body. Man, Brown’s really pulling out all the stops tonight…

Raven enters in (w/ his buddies) and grabs a chair…

D’Lo and Styles roll back in the ring, and Styles escapes a pin by putting his foot on the ropes. D’Lo picks up Styles and the two trade punches, when Styles hits an amazing standing star press on Brown. Styles pulls Brown into the corner, and goes for the Tornado DDT, which is countered by Brown.

Styles goes for a flying cross body block from the top, which is reversed into a faceplant by D’Lo for a 2 count.

Styles rolls on the ground, and Brown goes up to the top rope. Styles goes up and tries for a superplex. Instead Brown hits a powerbomb off of the tope rope for the 2 count. Dinero pulls the ref out of the ring, and Raven ruins a perfectly good match by jumping in and hitting Brown with a chair.

Styles hits an incredible somersault splash off the top rope for a 2 count. Styles sets up for a Styles Clash into a chair. Styles hits the move, and scores the 1-2-3 to gain the #1 contender spot.

Of course, Raven comes in the ring and BREAKS a chair over A.J.’s head. Raven and his buds are escorted out by the Red Shirts, while Styles and Brown stay down in the ring.

Some chicks in cages dance.

Winner: A.J. Styles

Tenay and West announce that next week it’s David Young and Tracy vs. America’s Most Wanted for the #1 contender spot in the tag team division. They announce Sandman vs. a surprise opponent in the Hard 10 tournament. Tenay then announces (drumroll…) a three way dance for the Heavyweight title between Raven, Styles, and the winner of tonight’s match. I don’t think Styles is going to like that…

Boy, back to back championship matches in successive weeks?! What is this, a pay-per-view?

S.E.X.’s music hits, and Gilberti comes out from his locker room.

Double J has a new entrance video that shows off all the different places he’s wrestled. Unfortunately, he still comes out to that awful music.

Borash announces the combatants, and Glenn Giblerti stands almost babyface-like in the corner. Jarret paces the floor, and gets a mix of cheers and boos when he’s announced.

I got a bad feeling about this…

Match #6: Heavyweight Championship Match
Gifted Glenn Gilberti vs. Jeff Jarrett (C)

Jarrett takes off his shirt to reveal that he likes to drink beer and eat fried foods. He doesn’t look so good…

The bell rings, and the two circle one another. Jarrett chases GG into the corner, and the ref breaks them up. They finally lock up and struggle for quite a while before the more buff GG pushes JJ out. GG gloats before they lock up again. Gilberti hits a back heel trip on the champ, and gloats to the crowd. JJ looks confused.

They lock up AGAIN, and GG hits a shoulder block on the champ and follows it up with a high hip toss takeover. JJ looks more confused.

GG hits two deep arm drags and gloats before he hits JJ with a high knee. GG continues the offense with several rights around the ring. JJ finally fights back and knocks Gilberti outside of the ring with a spear. JJ throws GG into a chair, and then picks up the chair and hits GG over the noggin.

JJ runs GG into the guard rail twice, working on the lower back (thanks Mike Tenay). GG then gets dropped on the safety rail before JJ slams him with a chair. Mike Sanders sneaks in and hits a nice superkick (aaayy) which knocks down Jarrett, stopping his offense.

GG goes to the outside and starts working over JJ. JJ throws some elbows, but GG counters and hits a catapult into the ring post. GG rolls in the ring to break the count, and goes back out to work on the champ. GG throws JJ into the steel safety rail, and then puts his face into the camera man’s position.

The two get back in the ring and continue to brawl, where GG hits a drop kick on JJ’s knee. GG then continues to work the knee of Jarrett with a sit-out scissors drop and a falling leg stretch (I made that name up). GG hits a boot to the head, and then puts JJ into a spinning toe hold, further working the knee.

Folks, this is amazingly a good match with good storytelling, and some fantastic play-by-play by Mike Tenay.

JJ goes for GG’s knees, but GG turns it into an ankle lock. JJ tries to “hulk up” and inches towards the ropes to break the hold. JJ starts some offense, but GG counters and goes for a leg drop, which is stopped by JJ in mid move. JJ puts GG in the Figure 4 leg lock.

All the while, the cameras show everyone coming out of the locker room one-by-one to watch the title match.

GG goes back for JJ’s legs, before JJ counters with a DDT. JJ hits a swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count.

JJ then hits a spinning heel kick for a 2 count. JJ hits a cross body block, but GG counters it and rolls up JJ for a 2 count.

GG flips out of a backslide attempt, and hits a stunner on JJ for a… 2 count.

At this point, all the boys are out watching the match.

GG grabs a chair, and goes back to work on JJ’s knee. The ref tries to take the chair from GG, when JJ sneaks up and hits a stunner onto the chair for a… 2 count.

JJ and GG both block stunners, then GG hits The Stroke (!) for a… 2 count.

All the wrestlers are shown cheering their respective comrades on in the crowd. Tenay plays this up making the match seem very important, and putting some real emphasis on the belt.

JJ picks up GG and powerbombs GG onto the floor. GG hits with an elbow, and JJ throws GG into the ref (who gets knocked out), before they hit a double clothesline on one another.

Russo comes in the ring with a baseball bat, and hits GILBERTI with the bat! JJ hits The Stroke for the 1-2-3 to retain the title.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett.

2008 - Jim Ross posted a blog entry on his official website regarding his surprise move to Smackdown the previous night on Raw in the WWE draft.  You can read the full blog at  Here is an excerpt from the entry: 

As many of you know, I was “drafted” to Smackdown Monday night in the “random lottery”. Obviously that means I will be leaving Monday Night Raw and my long time partner Jerry Lawler.

I am not happy about this surprise development.

I also contemplated calling it a career Monday night and not going to Houston to tape SD.

After speaking with my wife and thinking on this matter until 6 a.m. Tuesday morning, I have decided to do the right thing for the fans who care and the talent who care and begin my new assignment.

It has been explained to me that the WWE’s Smackdown tenure on My Network is a high priority within the corporation. Allegedly, my presence is needed in that effort.

Many are speculating about when I learned of this development…the same time those of you were watching at home. I should have detected something with the demeanor of certain individuals either thru their plastic, poker faces or the perceived smirk that I thought I might have seen on some of their faces during the day.

As far as going to Connecticut each week to do Smackdown post production, that’s not going to happen. Either Mick Foley can handle it or the WWE can install a DSL line in my home to facilitate the work.

2008 -
WWE broadcast ECW on Sci Fi.  Mike Johnson filed the following TV report:

Yes, this week's ECW coverage is not live, but about 30 minutes late.  I apologize but a personal situation prevented me from posting live.  I am watching the show via DVR and will update as if it was/is live.  

We open with a video feature on Vince McMahon giving away money, then trying to do himself in.  I am sure WWE didn't think of this as the time they hatched the latest "Let's try and kill Vince and scare out stockholders" but it really was in absolutely terrible taste considering the death of the TNA crew member a few weeks back.  I don't believe they did it on purpose but it was one of those situations where someone should have spoke up, but didn't, likely because they didn't want to cross the boss.  No matter the intent, it doesn't make it feel any less sleazy for those who were aware of the TNA incident. WWE should pop whatever bubble the McMahons live in.

We then go to ECW General Manager Teddy Long says everyone has Vince in their thoughts, but he's restricted from giving out information due to family privacy.  He says that Vince would want the show to go on.  Oh Lord, isn't that what they claimed Owen Hart would want?  Horrible.  Long introduces the ECW champion, well, U.S. champion but all the other belts and stars were taken in the Draft (yet somehow Mike Adamle remains) Matt Hardy.  Adame tells us that Matt is Jeff Hardy's brother.  No kidding.  I'd like to tell Adamle the sky is blue.

CM Punk comes out.  Uh, didn't he get drafted to Raw?  We're four minutes into the show and already they've blatantly exposed the ineffectiveness of the draft and played off the Owen Hart tragedy.  WWE is coming out swinging tonight.

CM Punk & Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison & The Miz

So Punk is a Raw guy wrestling on ECW after leaving ECW..that as confusing Miz and Morrison representing ECW last night against Smackdown while holding the Smackdown tag belts.  

Hardy and Morrison go back and forth.  Punk and Hardy do some quick back and forth tag stuff. They don't even try to explain Punk being there - come on, say it's a farewell appearance, he had a contract already signed.....something, anything!  Morrison kicks Punk in the gut and the Tag champions work him over.  Punk drops under a Miz punch and hits several round kicks.    Hardy and Punk work over Miz in the corner.  

Morrison and Miz take control over Hardy and Miz rides him to the mat.  Hardy sits down into a jawbreaker and tags Punk, who hits several clotheslines and leg lariats on Miz.  He nails "Big John" (that's what Adamle calls him, apparently).  Punk ends up on the outside after Morrison holds the ropes.  

When we return from commercial, Miz and Morrison hit some sweet double-team moves on Punk for a two count.  Morrison drills Punk with a kick to the stomach and chokes him, getting admonished by the referee.  Morrison shows some aggression choking Punk against the apron and kicking him in the mush.  Miz slams Punk's head into the apron.  Miz and Morrison are really starting to remind me of the Midnight Express for some reason, which is crazy because I used to detest Miz and I love me the Midnights.  

Punk nails a back suplex on Miz.  "Both men go to the canvas", says Adamle.  I wish Joey Styles would just come out, slap him and throw him out of the booth.   Punk tries to get to Hardy to make a tag but is cut off and locked into a rear chinlock.   Punk tries to break free with elbows and teases a GTS.    

Hardy gets the tag and hits a series of clotheslines and a backdrop.  Hardy hits the Version 1 legdrop off the ropes for a two count on Morrison.  He hits the Sidewinder for another two count, but Miz breaks up the pinfall.  Punk nails Miz with a Cactus clothesline but they get caught up doing the rotation.  Oops.   

Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but is shoved off by Morrison.  Miz trips Hardy.  Morrison gets a two count.  Warwick Davis comes out from under the ring and trips Miz.  Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and scores the pin.

Your winners, Hardy and Punk!

A good tag match, but why was Punk wrestling here?  They never explained it; which is yet another example of those little things that make no sense and make fans roll their eyes while people in the business will say that those same fans - the ones who spend the most money - care too much.

Kofi Kingston vs. Shelton Benjamin - Extreme Rules

I have no problem with the Extreme Rules thing, but I don't get why WWE wouldn't announce this in advance. Kofi's pyro is pretty cool.  Kofi comes out aggressive early but Benjamin cuts him off.  Kofi did a Jushin Liger type spring off the ropes at one point, which they showed a replay.  

They ended up outside, where Benjamin nailed Kofi with the ring mic.  Benjamin whipped Kofi face-first into the ring steps.  Benjamin tosses the planted weapons-by-numbers into the ring, then tosses Kofi into the ring.  He drills Kofi with a chair.  Kofi tried to fight off Shelton but Benjamin punted him in the gut.  They announced a supplementary draft for the website.  I hope they draft Paul London to ECW so I can be 4 for 5 in picks.

Benjamin smacks a prone Kofi with a trash can.  Kofi started to fire back but had his face raked.  It feels like they are trying really hard.  They battle over a trash can but Benjamin gets the better of it and beats him with it.  Benjamin suplexes Kofi onto a trash can.  Joey Styles used to say, "That'll pop kidneys like water ballons."  What do you get from Adamle?  - "That's gotta hurt."  Not as much as your calls do, pal.

Benjamin locks in a side bearhug.  The crowd rallies Kofi, who starts to nail elbows trying to escape.  Benjamin drills Kofi in the corner.  He goes to do it again but Kofi smacked him in the face with a trash can lid as he charged.  Kofi begins beating Benjamin with the lid.  A glazy eyed Benjamin tries to escape but Kofi slips out of the ring and lands another shot.  

Kofi gets a chair.  Benjamin tries to beg off, then kicks Kofi.   Benjamin went for a powerbomb but Kofi turned it into a huranacanrana into a trash can that was lodged in the corner.  LOVED the spot.  Kofi hits the spinning round kick in the head and that was it.

Your winner, Kofi Kingston!

Not bad at all, except for Adamle's commentary.  You can see the crowd is really getting into Kingston as an up and coming guy.  Benjamin shows flashes of some really good heel work.  Hopefully one day he can finally be booked to the fullest of his obvious abilities.

We see Mark Henry lay out Kane on Smackdown.  Kane vs. Henry tonight.. NEITHER OF THEM ARE ON THE ECW ROSTER!!!!

We review the draft, including WWE's disgusting treatment of Jim Ross, then preview the PPV.  

We get a close-up of Kane looking demented.

Mike Knox vs. Evan Bourne

We see footage of Knox laying out Bourne last week, because you ALWAYS want to kill the guy with the huge upside two weeks into his run by having the lumbering monster attack him.

Borne runs around the outside and inside to wear Knox down.  Knox killed Bourne with a clothesline, Larry Zbyszko's favorite move.  Bourne is whipped into the corner and killed in the corner.  Knox tries up Bourne with a sick looking abdominal stretch.  Bourne screams but won't submit. 

Bourne ducks a big boot and kicks Knox in the leg.  He focuses his strategy on the legs and hits a missile dropkick off the ropes for a two count.  Bourne catches Knox with a rana and an elbow in the corner.

Knox catches Bourne with a backbreaker, and hits his finisher for the pin.

Your winner, Mike Knox!

The finish makes NO sense whatsoever.  You have a really talented young star that really impresses in every single one of his early appearances and have him losing this soon to Knox, who, let's face it, hasn't seen a major upside since he was stopping Kelly Kelly from stripping on the first episode when the Zombie, Sabu, RVD and the Vampire were all wandering around.  This just boggles my mind.  It's stuff like this that makes fans apathetic towards new guys and then when the company decides to finally push them, they wonder WHY they can't get over and blame the wrestler!

Big Show comes out to commentary.  Maybe he's going to eat Mike Adamle and put me out of my misery.  No such luck.

The ECW champ who isn't on the ECW roster Kane vs. Mark Henry who isn't on the ECW roster either.....

Tazz really deserves a special commendation for doing more in the first minute of this match to make the ECW title match at the PPV seem special than Mike Adamle did the entire hour to get anything, ANYTHING over.  I really need to learn Spanish so I can watch ECW with the Spanish commentary and forget Adamle exists.

Henry works over Kane in the corner early.  Henry nailed Kane with a clubbing charge, then worked his kidneys and back over with punches and clubbing blows.  Kane fought back but was caught in the bear hug o'doom.  Kane tries to escape but Henry squeezes and squeezes and squeezes and squeezes.  He squishes Kane in the corner, so he's now squeezes and squished him. 

Kane goes for a kick but Henry catches the boot.  Kane hits an enziguri, which looked damn impressive considering Kane's size.  Kane went to the top but was crotched when glaring at Big Show.  Show stood up at ringside.  Henry nails his slam on Kane and PINS HIM.  Yes, the defending ECW champ was pinned a few days before a PPV by someone he's not wrestling at the PPV and will not wrestle again BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ON THE SAME BRAND.  There are no words.

The wrestling was good tonight, especially the tag match.  Logic was out the window in my opinion and with that, I bid you goodnight.  Sorry for the late start again.

2009 -
World Wrestling Entertainment released second generation star Maverick Darsow (son of Barry "Demolition Smash" Darsow) and Lupe Santiago, both developmental stars stationed in Tampa, FL for FCW.

2009 -
TNA broadcast Impact.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off tonight’s show with a look back at last week’s show when Mick Foley announced that he is going to make his title defenses an annual event. We also saw Eric Young take out his frustration on Jeff Jarrett. Shane Douglas also returned to TNA.

We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Mike ‘NBA’ Tenay and Don ‘Lebron who’West.

Lauren stops Shane Douglas in the back and she wants to know why he attacked Daniels. Shane asks Lauren who she is and then he says that he is going to leave his mark on TNA.

Match Number One: Kiyoshi and Sheik Abdul Bashir versus Daniels and Suicide

Bashir and Daniels start things off and Bashir with a forearm to the back and then he sends Daniels into the turnbuckles. Daniels with punches to Bashir followed by a leg lariat for a near fall. Daniels with a gutwrench suplex and Suicide is tagged in and he hits a leg drop from the turnbuckles. Suicide with head butts to Bashir and Kiyoshi with a kick to the back and Bashir takes Suicide down. Bashir kicks Suicide in the corner and Kiyoshi adds some pressure. Kiyoshi tags in and chops Suicide in the head. Kiyoshi sends Suicide to the mat and then hits a thrust kick for a near fall. Bashir tags in and kicks Suicide. Suicide punches back. Bashir with a slam and he gets a near fall. Kiyoshi tags back in and he kicks Suicide in the back. Kiyoshi chops Suicide and punches him. Kiyoshi with a head butt but Suicide avoids a suplex and blocks a kick. Suicide takes Kiyoshi down to the mat. Daniels tags in and he knocks Bashir off the apron and then hits Kiyoshi with a kick. Daniels punches Kiyoshi but Bashir comes in and they double team Daniels. Daniels with a bulldog and clothesline combination. Suicide with a fireman’s carry slam followed by a moonsault for a two count on Kiyoshi. Suicide with a drop kick to Bashir and then Suicide with a pescado onto Bashir on the floor. Bashir has the referee check on his ankle and the Motor City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal, and Consequences Creed attack Suicide.

Back in the ring. Daniels with an uranage but Shane Douglas punches Daniels with the chain. Bashir with a miraculous recovery and Kiyoshi gets the three count.
Winners: Kiyoshi and Sheik Abdul Bashir

We go to commercial.

Shane Douglas is in the ring with a chair and we see Douglas attack Daniels. Douglas tells Daniels not to take any of it personally. He says that it is strictly business. Shane says that he is a huge fan of TNA wrestling. He says that he was sitting at home watching the show religiously and he was listening to Jeff Jarrett disrespect the legends by giving Daniels a second chance. Shane says that he walked out of TNA three years ago and he wants to know where is his second chance. Shane asks if it is coincidence that someone upstairs doesn’t like him. It is the same stinking politics. Whoever is making the decisions, he is here to serve notice. He demands his second chance. He says that he will continue to make Daniels’ life miserable until he gets his chance.

It is time to go to Jeremy Borash who is asking Foley if he is going to change the rule book to allow the title to be defended only once a year. Foley says that the Super Bowl is important and it is played every year. Foley talks about some other major events.

Kip James enters the office and he wants to get back on the roster. He reminds Mick that they go back a long way. Kip says that he has a family to feed and a kid going to college. Kip says that he will do anything despite the tough budgetary times in the company. Mick says that he will do what he can.

Nash and Jenna enter the office and Mick expects this is important. Nash wonders what Mick is smoking to make it a Lethal Lockdown match. Mick says that he was angry at Dixie and Spike so he took it out on Nash. Nash says that he ain’t doing it. Mick points out the ratings we will get. Nash says he does it for the money. Mick says that he will triple Nash’s payoff and Nash suggests four times. They shake on the deal.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Lauren is with Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Chris Sabin, and Alex Shelley. Sabin says that he does not like Creed and Creed probably does like him. They are going to put aside their differences to solve the Suicide mystery when it is the four of them against Suicide in the X Division King of the Mountain Match. Creed says that they don’t like Sabin and Shelley but they share a common goal. Tonight it is him and Sabin against Storm and Roode.

Match Number Two: Consequences Creed and Chris Sabin with Jay Lethal and Alex Shelley versus James Storm and Robert Roode

Sabin and Roode start things off and they lock up. Roode works on the arm and Sabin escapes with a thumb to the eyes. Roode with a shoulder tackle and hip toss. Roode chops Sabin and Storm makes the blind tag and they hit a double suplex and remind us their team name. Creed tags in and Storm punches him. Storm with a gutbuster and an uranage for a near fall. Storm and Creed exchange punches. Sabin pulls Storm down by the hair and Creed asks him why he did that. Sabin makes the blind tag and he punches Storm in the corner and chokes him. Sabin wants Creed to cheat but he hesitates to enter the ring. Creed with an Irish whip and a running clothesline. Sabin tags back in and he punches Storm in the ribs. Sabin with a snap mare and elbow to the head. Creed tags in and Sabin knocks Roode off the apron. Creed and Sabin work over Storm in the corner and then they try for a double springboard move and they collide. Roode tags in and he hits a double clothesline followed by punches. Roode with a back body drop to Sabin.

Roode with a David Young spinebuster for a near fall to Creed. Storm and Sabin fight outside the ring. Creed and Roode collide in the ring and the British come to the ring to get closer to the action. They all get on the apron. Team 3D come out and attack the British. Roode and Creed with a series of reversals and Sabin with a running boot to Creed. Storm with a super kick to Sabin and then they hit the DWI on Creed for the three count.
Winners: James Storm and Robert Roode

Lauren is in the back with Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Madison Rayne and they are looking for something. We found a commercial.

We are back Velvet, Angelina, and Madison are attacking Tara. Tara is able to fight off all three women. Velvet gets sent into the wall and then she hits Madison with a trash can lid. Tara pours some trash on Velvet. Angelina is so scared she runs into a wall before escaping Tara.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Lauren is with Daffney. Lauren says that she is doing this interview because it is her job. Lauren asks Daffney why she couldn’t deal with it in a normal way. Daffney says that crazy people don’t do things logically. Daffney says that Taylor wasn’t there when she needed her. Daffney asks Lauren who the crazy one is, but she has to hurt Taylor tonight. Daffney says that they are telling her and she cannot say no to them.

We go to an interview that Mike Tenay did with the Main Event Mafia. Mike asks them about the hit list that Joe made. He reminds Nash that he is first tonight. Nash says that the most important thing is being the World Champion. Nash points out that Joe has to get through him to finish the list. Nash says that he is being heavily compensated for the Lethal Lockdown Match. Nash says that he is not going to die tonight. Booker tells Nash that he is being politically correct. Booker says that they are going to take care of Joe. Steiner says that you have to look at the person who is making the threats. Steiner says that Joe is fat. Angle says that if Samoa Joe wants to threaten him. They are going to hurt Joe and annihilate Joe until his family cannot recognize him. Sting says that he is disappointed at them because they forgot who they are. Sting says that they are going to do it his way.

Taylor Wilde is walking and stretching as we go to commercial.

It is time to take a look at Daffney’s transformation from a fake governor to a real nutcase.

Match Number Three: Daffney versus Taylor Wilde

Taylor sends Daffney out of the ring and she punches Daffney on the floor. Taylor with an Irish whip into the ring steps. They get into the ring and Taylor with a near fall. Taylor punches Daffney but she stops when she sees Stevie Richards and Raven come to the ring. Daffney takes control and then she charges into the corner with a running forearm. Daffney misses an elbow drop in the corner and Taylor goes up top for a missile drop kick. Taylro with a rollup for a two count. Taylor with a slam and then she goes to the turnbuckles in front of Stevie Richards and Daffney pulls Taylor off the turnbuckles and then hits the Lobotomy for the three count.
Winner: Daffney

After the match, Daffney attacks Taylor and the referee asks Stevie to stop her. Stevie pulls Daffney off while Lauren comes to the ring.

Raven gets on the mic and he says that fans should be happy to see the reunion of Raven and Richards. Raven says that they are going after Abyss because he did not listen to doctor’s orders. Raven says that this will be the foulest tasting thing that Abyss has ever taken.

Jeff Jarrett is walking in the back on his Founder’s Phone. We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Founder’s Friendship with Eric Young.

Jeff Jarrett comes to his ring and he wants to introduce his good friend Eric Young. Eric comes to the ring. Jeff reminds Eric that they go way to far back to let things come to this. Jeff admits having a short fuse the last few weeks from having to run this zoo. Jeff points out that Eric got what he asked for, a shot in the ring to get to the King of the Mountain match. Jeff tells Eric that he has said it a thousand times that Eric is a great competitor, but Jeff reminds Eric that he won the match. Jeff says that on another night, Eric might have won. Jeff says that Eric should have acknowledged and respected that Jeff was the better man that night. Jeff calls Eric a thug for the attack after the match. Jeff says that last week could be chalked up to immaturity or inexperience or they can take this as far as Eric wants to take it. It is Eric’s call.

Eric asks if Jeff is going to give him some fatherly advice. Eric reminds Jeff that his father was not around. Eric says that Jeff was like a father figure and a role model. Eric says that he envied Jeff. He wrestled all over the world. He says that Jeff was ‘the guy’. He points out that Jeff used his money to start this company from the ground up and look where the company is. Eric says that Jeff gave the fans a better choice. Eric talks about Jeff’s family and how he lived the American Dream. Eric says that is when he figured it out. That is why they became friends. Their childhoods weren’t that different. Jeff’s dad didn’t have time for his own son. It was wrestling first and Jeff second. He never gave Jeff the time he needed or the love and Jeff hated him for that. They made a vow never to be them. They would never grow up to be their fathers. Forty years later, tragedy strikes because Jeff is losing that game and he is becoming just like Jerry. Eric tells Jeff that he is him. Everything in TNA revolves around him and it is first while everything else in his life comes second. Eric says that his concern and his heart goes out to Jeff’s daughters who Jeff is forcing to take second place, just like him.

Jarrett slaps Eric Young and Young fights back. They are separated by the referees but that doesn’t last too long. Jarrett punches Earl Hebner and then he goes after Young. TNA Security come to the ring to try to do a better job at their jobs than the referees.

Mick Foley is watching in the back and he says that he anticipated seeing Jarrett cracking. Mick says that he was going to need security. We see the artists Formerly Known as Main Event Mafia Security and we go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for Jesse Neal and the training that Rhino is doing with him.

Lauren is in the back with Rhino and Jesse Neal. She asks him if he is ready for Matt Morgan. Jesse says that he has been training hard. He says that this is some of the toughest work that he has done. He says that he is doing this for his friend.

Match Number Four: Jesse Neal with Rhino versus Matt Morgan

Jesse with a side head lock and kick as he avoids a big boot from Morgan. Neal with a rollup for a near fall and Neal with a side head lock but Morgan with a belly-to-back suplex. Morgan with elbows in the corner followed by a splash in the corner and a side slam. Morgan tosses Neal into the turnbuckles and then he grabs Neal by the hair and hits a drop kick. Morgan pulls Neal up before the referee can make the three count. Morgan gets too cocky and Neal with a punch or two but Morgan with the bicycle kick for the three count.
Winner: Matt Morgan

Mick Foley is walking with his security behind him as we go to commercial.

We are back with the ODB training camp for Cody Deaner. Cody presses some paint cans and then he lifts kegs.

Mick Foley comes to the ring and he says that before he deals with the Jeff Jarrett situation. Next week, the Samoa Joe Nation of Violence Murder Spree will be against Booker T and Scott Steiner. In King of the Mountain Qualifying Matches, Sting will face Kurt Angle. Mick says that he is lucky to have his current security. Mick says that he has been in matches where he has had to defy the odds in ways that are more than humanly possible. Mick says that he is scared because Jeff Jarrett is a man who is out of control. Mick says that Jeff has made him look like a liar because he told Earl Hebner that he had a job for a long time. Mick says that they know what Jeff is capable of. Every action has a reaction. Mick says that he will not take Earl Hebner being bludgeoned without a reaction. Mick says that his reaction next week will be hardcore.

Jeremy Borash is in the interview area with Sting and Jeremy wants to know what Sting’s thoughts are about having to face Kurt Angle. Sting says that he is dictating the direction of the family and they are stronger than they have ever been. Not even Mick Foley can screw that up. They are both professionals. Matt Morgan wants to know if Sting was watching him take care of the little sailor boy. Matt wants to know where the big contract is. Sting tells Matt to calm down and the Mafia has known each other for twenty years. Sting points out that the little sailor boy defended this country for four years. Sting says that the Mafia is about respect and Matt has no respect. Sting tells Matt to talk to him when he gets some respect.

Matt says that he is not in the Million Dollar Mafia because he is not a former champion. Matt vows to be in the Mafia. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jeremy is with Booker T and Scott Steiner to ask them about the First Blood stipulation for next week. Booker says that he wants to know who is making the rules around here. Booker says that this is real life, not a movie. Steiner says that they are not going to stand there like a punching bag. If Joe wants blood, he will get blood. Steiner says that there will be blood and it will be Joe’s. Steiner then comments on Joe’s weight again.

Sharmell enters the locker room and she is complaining about the time that Jenna has been spending in the make up chair.

We have the Lethal Lockdown music as the roof of the cage comes down.

We see Joe in the back talking to someone outside the Impact Zone during his entrance music. Joe finally comes to the ring for his match.

Match Number Five: Kevin Nash versus Samoa Joe in a King of the Mountain Qualifying Match under Lethal Lockdown Rules in the Nation of Violence I Hate the Main Event Mafia World Tour

They each have weapons as the bell rings and Joe hits the trash can lid that Nash holds. Nash is on the defensive and then Joe hits Nash in the leg and back. Nash responds with kendo stick shots. Nash with knees in the corner followed by punches. Nash chokes Joe with the kendo stick. Nash with the end of the stick to the ribs. Nash with elbows in the corner but Joe moves and Joe with punches and then he sends Nash into the cage as we go to commercial.

We are back and Joe hits Nash with a street sign. Joe with jabs to Nash followed by a punch that sends Nash to the mat. Nash with what appears to be a low blow. Nash gets a trash can lid and hits Joe in the head with it. Nash with a series of near falls. Joe hits Nash with the trash can lid. Joe gets hit in the head with a trash can lid. Nash with the kendo stick to the ribs. Joe with a Yakuza kick and a back senton and knee drop for a two count. Joe puts Nash in a choke. Joe releases the hold and he gets a hockey stick and he connects with a slap shot to the back for the three count.
Winner: Samoa Joe

After the match, Joe says it is done and we go to credits.

2009 - WWE signed Chris Masters to return to the company for a second run.  During the second run, Masters showed a ton of improvement as a worker, working an undercard babyface role.

- WWE broadcast Smackdown.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

Teddy Long starts off and says that he regrets to tell everyone that over the Memorial Day weekend, the Undertaker was found by his brother in a vegetative state. Teddy says that there is an ongoing investigation into who was responsible for this heinous and brutal attack.

We are live on tape from Dallas, Texas and your announcers are Todd ‘Dr. Pepper’ Grisham and Matt ‘I make Hogewood sound like Solie’ Striker.

We start off with solemn music as a casket is being pushed to the ring by hooded figures. Once the casket gets to the ring, Kane’s pyro goes off and he comes to the ring. He walks past the casket and then he enters the ring that has been adorned with a black carpet. Kane approaches the podium and there is a black wreath in the ring. Kane looks choked up before he talks. Kane says that he wants the coffin opened. Kane looks into the empty coffin and then he summons the strength to make some comments. He says that in all likelihood, the most feared, dreaded, and respected figure in the WWE, his brother the Undertaker will no longer walk amongst us.

He says that gone are the endless nights when the Undertaker would strike fear into those in his presence. Gone is the face of darkness. His brilliance extinguished by an act of cowardice. Gone is the specter that was beloved and admired by millions of creatures around the world. Gone from the WWE is its most iconic figure. Gone forever are the bonds of brotherhood. Kane says that his brother will rise from the dead no more. Gone is the Undertaker. Kane starts to laugh and he says that soon enough, those responsible for this atrocity will too be gone. They will be committed to the depths of hell. To a torturous existence that they cannot fathom. He says that he will personally prosecute and persecute anyone who had anything to do with this tragedy. Kane vows that there will be vengeance never before seen or felt, never before imagined. There will be swift, decisive, and terrible vengeance.

Kane gets on his knee and does his brother’s pose and then he collapses in the ring and cries as he crawls towards the coffin and says that he should have been there.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Jack Swagger versus Montel Vontavious Porter

Swagger with a take down into a waist lock but Porter tries to escape and he gets to his feet but Swagger with a take down as he holds on to the waist lock. Porter gets back to his feet and Porter with an elbow. Swagger yells at Porter and Porter slaps Swagger in the face. Swagger leaves the ring and he wants to leave but he returns to the ring. Swagger misses a clothesline and Porter with a flying forearm for a near fall. Porter with a side head lock take down. Swagger backs Porter into the turnbuckles and Swagger with knees on the break. Porter moves when Swagger charges into the corner. Swagger with a take down and Swagger with punches but Porter turns the tables and he punches Swagger. The referee pulls Porter off and then Porter with a running boot to the head and Swagger goes to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Porter gets a near fall. Porter with an elbow to the head. Porter with an arm bar and we see highlights from the commercial break when Porter hit a pescado. Swagger with punches to Porter after he got out of the hold. Porter responds with more punches but the referee pulls Porter off. Swagger with a kick and then he sends Porter into the ring post shoulder first. Swagger sends Porter into the ring post one more time and Porter goes to the floor. Porter gets back in before the ten count. Swagger kicks Porter in the injured shoulder and then he uses his knee to apply extra pressure to the shoulder. Swagger with an arm bar as he pulls Porter off the mat. Porter punches Swagger but Swagger with a big boot to the head and Porter goes down again. Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger punches Porter in the corner followed by crossfaces in the center of the ring before he returns to the arm bar. Swagger with a knee to the midsection but Porter with a kick to Swagger. Swagger misses a charge into the corner and Porter with a clothesline and punch. Porter tries to float over but Swagger catches Porter and hits a power slam for a near fall. Swagger sets for the double jump Vader Bomb and he gets a near fall after hitting it. Swagger goes back to the arm with a key lock. Porter gets back to his feet but Swagger takes Porter back to the mat. Porter returns to his feet and Porter with punches and then he hits the running kick into the corner and Swagger goes down. Porter goes to the mat due to the damage on the arm through the course of the match. Swagger charges into an elbow and then Porter with punches and clotheslines. Porter with the facebuster and it is time for the Ballin’ Elbow but Swagger gets up. Porter with an overhead belly-to-belly throw followed by an elbow but Swagger gets his hand on the rope to stop the count. Porter tries for the 305 but Swagger avoids it. Porter with a fisherman suplex and bridge for a near fall. Swagger with a jawbreaker followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger with a kick to the injured arm and Swagger sets for the double jump Vader Bomb but Porter trips him. Porter misses the running boot into the corner and Swagger gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Jack Swagger

After the match, Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer come into the ring. Porter fights off Hawkins but Archer with a big boot. Archer with an inverted DDT to Porter and Hawkins hits an elbow drop from the top turnbuckle.

Vickie tells Teddy Long that he needs to pick someone to take the Undertaker’s place so he needs to take some action. Vickie says that she has the perfect person in mind. Dolph Ziggler. Vickie says that he has the credentials of anyone on the roster. Teddy likes the word roster so he says that every Smackdown superstar will compete in a Battle Royal tonight for the Undertaker’s spot.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE receives a lot of awards from the military.

It is time for a look back at the season finale of NXT when Wade Barrett was proclaimed the first winner of the competition.

CM Punk is adjusting his mask when Kane comes in and he grabs Punk and wonders why Punk is so jumpy. Kane says that Punk has the stench of guilt. Punk says that the SES is all about family. Kane wants to know if Punk did it. Punk offers the help of the SES to help Kane. We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Kofi Kingston versus Drew McIntyre for the Intercontinental Title

Kofi with a waist lock but Drew with an elbow and forearm to the back. Drew sends Kofi head first into the mat and then he kicks Kofi in the head. Drew misses a punch and Kofi with forearms and punches. Drew with a kick and head butt to Kofi before sending Kofi into the turnbuckles and Drew with kicks and punches before the referee stops Drew. Drew tries to throw Kofi out of the ring but Kofi hits the ropes and hits a drop kick . Kofi counters a hip toss with a monkey flip and then he flies into the corner and punches Drew. Drew with punches but Kofi with kicks and more punches. Drew with a boot to Kofi and then Drew hits a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Drew with a European uppercut. Drew puts Kofi on the top rope and then Drew sends Kofi to the floor.

We see Matt Hardy come through the crowd and he takes a seat in the front row as we go to commercial.

We are back and Drew hits a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster and gets a near fall. Drew punches Kofi and then Drew yells at Matt in the crowd. Kofi punches Drew but Drew chokes Kofi in the ropes. Drew puts Kofi over the apron and connects with a forearm. Drew connects with another forearm. Drew with a kick to the head. Kofi kicks Drew and they are both on the floor. Drew runs Kofi into the ring steps and then Drew hits a snap suplex on the floor. Drew rolls Kofi back into the ring but Drew can only get a two count. Drew with cross faces and then he stretches Kofi with a surfboard. Kofi gets to his feet and he hits a mule kick. Kofi with forearms but Drew with a knee and he gets another near fall. Drew with a brief abdominal stretch and then he hits a few clotheslines in the corner. Drew hits a short arm clothesline and he turns his attention to Matt Hardy. Kofi with a rana and then he hits a clothesline and both men are down. Kofi with chops to Drew followed by a drop kick but he misses the leaping clothesline. Kofi with a crucifix and he gets a near fall. Drew hits the turnbuckles and Kofi goes up top for a cross body but he can only get a two count. Kofi with a forearm followed by a kick to the midsection. Drew with a neck breaker for a near fall. Kofi escapes a suplex attempt and he hits the leaping clothesline which leads into the Boom drop on Drew’s back. Kofi tunes up the band for Trouble in Paradise but Drew moves out of the way and goes to the floor. Kofi misses a pescado when Drew moves out of the way. McIntyre hits Matt Hardy and then he sends Kofi into the ring. Hardy tries to go over the ringside barrier and Drew is distracted long enough to allow Kofi to hit the SOS for the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

After the match, Matt Hardy avoids security and he hits the Twist of Fate on McIntyre before he escapes into the crowd.

Kane is in the back and he is with Rey Mysterio. Rey says that he wants to help Kane but Kane says that Rey is just covering his tracks because of what Taker did to Rey last week. Rey says that he did not do it. Kane says that maybe Rey didn’t, but maybe he did. He will not blindly accept anyone’s innocence.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jack Swagger is in the back and he tells everyone that it appears that some people doubt his accolades and doubt the University of Oklahoma. IN this state and city, the University of Oklahoma invented ‘swagger’. Swagger says that he was a two time All American Wrestler and he was a four year member of the football team that beat Texas every year. Swagger says that in honor of his upcoming win at Fatal Four Way, he wants everyone to get on their feet while he sings the Oklahoma fight song.

Kane interrupts the performance and he wants to know if it was Swagger. Jack doesn’t say anything else.

Match Number Three: Rosa Mendes versus Kelly Kelly

They lock up and Rosa with a knee and Irish whip but Kelly with a float over and handspring followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Rosa pulls Kelly down by the hair and then she gets a near fall. Rosa with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Rosa chokes Kelly in the ropes as we see Michelle and Layla mock her. Rosa pulls Kelly down and then she poses. Rosa with a suplex and a float over for a near fall. Rosa with a figure four head scissors. Rosa with a forearm to the back but Kelly with a Thesz Press and she slams Rosa’s head into the mat. Kelly with clotheslines and a forearm. Rosa with an Irish whip but Kelly with a boot and a cross body for a near fall. Rosa with a kick but she misses a neck breaker and Kelly hits the K2 for the three count.

Winner: Kelly Kelly

We go to commercial.

We are back and Big Show tells Hornswoggle that he got lucky last time as they play cards. Kane enters and he gets in Show’s face. Kane says that his brother always had Show’s number and he could never do anything about that. Show tells Kane that he didn’t have anything to do with the Undertaker. He tells Kane that would be a giant mistake.

Todd and Matt talk about Kane’s reaction to what happened to his brother. We run through the card for Fatal Four Way.

We go back to what happened at the start of the night when Kane vowed vengeance against the person or persons who did what they did to his brother.

Match Number Four: The Smackdown Battle Royal to determine the final participant in the Fatal Four Way Match for the World Title

Among the participants are Drew McIntyre, Montel Vontavious Porter, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Dolph Ziggler, Fit Finlay, JTG, Curt Hawkins, Vance Archer, Kane, Christian, Trent Barreta, Caylen Croft, Luke Gallows, Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero

Drew starts things off on the floor so he does not get throw out with all of the confusion going on at the start of the match.

It is pandemonium at the start as people try for the early eliminations. We have a series of punches and kicks as Christian tries to eliminate Trent Barreta. Kane almost has Croft eliminated. Finlay goes after Archer after he tries to work over Kofi. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline to Kofi. Gallows tries to eliminate Christian but he gets back into the ring after being sent over the top rope. Porter tries to eliminate Archer. Rey goes after CM Punk and he tries to take off the mask but Luke Gallows makes the save. Rey and Luke fight on the floor. Punk and Serena go to the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and the battle royal continues with Finlay sending JTG over the top rope but JTG returns to the ring. Finlay fights to stay in the match and he succeeds. Ziggler and Croft work over Kane in the corner while Chavo punches him. Hawkins and McIntyre kick Kane in the corner and a few more join in. Most of the wrestlers try to eliminate Kane but Luke Gallows pulls people off Kane. Kane eliminates Caylen Croft and then Kane eliminates Chris Masters. Trent Barreta is eliminated as well as JTG. Kane and Gallows meet in the center of the ring and they exchange punches. Kane with an uppercut to the throat and then he punches Luke. Kofi fights to stay in as we see Archer work over Finlay. Kofi and McIntyre are eliminated at the same time. Porter punches Ziggler while Chavo works over Christian. Porter with an Irish whip to Ziggler. Archer and Gallows try to eliminate Rey but Rey rolls back in. Porter works over Gallows. Ziggler with a sleeper on Finlay. Kane with an Irish whip but Chavo with a kick. Christian grabs Ziggler and eliminates him. Christian punches Finlay and Ziggler distracts Christian and Finlay eliminates him. We go to commercial.

We are back and eight men remain. Gallows and Archer work over everyone else in the match. Archer and Hawkins work over Kane and Gallows joins in. Rey sends Chavo into the ropes and then Chavo avoids the 619. Rey is sent to the apron and Rey eliminates Chavo with a head scissors. Finlay tries to eliminate Rey but Rey holds on and then he tries to eliminate Finlay with a front face lock. Gallows punches and kicks Porter but Porter with a punch. Porter has Gallows on the apron while Kane with an uppercut to Archer. Hawkins with punches to Porter. Porter pucnehs back. Porter with a facebuster to Hawkins and then he pucnehs Archer but Archer punches back. Finlay with forearms to Archer and a knee to the head. Finlay and Porter eliminate Archer and then Finlay eliminates Porter. Kane eliminates Finlay with a clothesline and we are down to fur. Rey with a rana that eliminates Hawkins.

We are down three as Kane, Luke Gallows, and Rey Mysterio remain. Kane and Gallows appear to be focusing on Rey. Kane with a boot to Rey. Gallows punches Kane and the masked man kicks Kane in the back of the head and Gallows throws Kane over the top rope but he stays on the apron. Kane sends the masked man to the floor and then Kane eliminates Gallows.

WE are down to the final two men and it is Rey Mysterio and Kane. Rey with kicks to the leg but Kane pushes Rey but Rey with a drop kick that sends Kane into the ropes. Kane with a clothesline when Rey tries for the 619. Kane punches Rey and kicks him in the head. Kane picks up Rey but Rey gets dropped on the top rope and he sends Rey over the top but he stays on the apron. Rey with a springboard seated splash but Rey runs into a big boot. Kane with an Irish whip but Rey with a knee and a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Rey with a drop kick to the back and you know where Kane goes. Rey hits the 619 but Kane grabs Rey by the throat but Rey with a rana to eliminate Kane.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

2011 - Although his TNA contract had some time to go, broke that Mick Foley had finished with TNA.  Foley would return to WWE after his deal had expired.

2011 - WWE announced the following sad news on their website:

WWE is saddened to learn of the loss of Betty George, first wife of WWE Hall of Famer Gorgeous George, who passed away peacefully today in Gearhart, Ore. She was 98 years old. All of us at WWE wish to extend our deepest condolences to Mrs. George's family and friends, including her three children, Carol Kelley, Donnie and Honey.

Betty's acceptance of the WWE Hall of Fame induction for Gorgeous George was one of the highlights of the 2010 WWE Hall.

2011 - Dragon Gate USA taped their Uprising 2011 PPV in Deer Park, Long Island, NY at the NYWC Sportatorium.  Mike Johnson filed the following live report from the PPV taping:

We are live at the NYWC and Dragon Gate USA doubleheader in Deer Park, Long Island at the NYWC Sportatorium.

Platinum Pat Buck vs. Kieran

Buck cleaned house early including bulldogging and hitting a sitdown slam on Kieran. He rammed Kieran into the turnbuckles and nailed a German suplex, then added another two more suplexes for good measure.

Buck ascended to the top rope and went for an Alabama Jam, but missed. Kieran rolled him up and pinned the stunned Buck.

Your winner, Kieran!

OK match. It was all Buck until the finish, where Kieran took advantage.

John Silver vs. Alex Reynolds

Silver came out to the theme song of Godzilla, so he's my new favorite wrestler.

Reynolds tried to work over Silver, who reversed. Silver flipped out of an armbar but was caught with a shoulderblock. Reynolds started to showboat and ended up eating a leg sweep. They did some nice back and forth wrestling and near falls.

Silver did a handspring into the corner and came out with a flying elbow, They battled on the top rope, where Reynolds, who had Silver in a Fireman's Carry, leapt off and pressed him into the air, dropping him into a Stun Gun-esque manuever for a two count.

Reynolds controlled Silver and locked in a side chinlock. The crowd rallied Silverr to make a comeback, which he did with several elbows. Reynolds locked Silver in a pendulum and smashed him upwards into the bottom turnbuckle.

Reynolds continued to control Silver, who battled back with shots to the mid-section. Silver went for a superkick and then nailed an enziguiri. Reynolds went for a suplex but Silver escaped and drilled him with forearms. Reynolds fired back with a Yakuza Kick. Silver fired himself up with one of his own.

Silver charged Reynolds in the corner and was kicked off hard. Reynolds covered him for a two count. He slammed Silver and went for a moonsault press, but missed. Silver drilled him with a kick to the head and a German suplex, followed by a roundhouse kick to the head, then another big shot, scoring the pin.

Your winner, John Silver!

Both guys really shined here. Excellent match!

NYWC champion Ryan Rush & Dmitrious Papadon vs. NYWC Fusion Tag Team champions Apollyon & Stockade

Papadon and Rush worked over the Fusion champions early. Papadon leapfrogged over Stockade but was nailed wth a clothesline. Papadon came back with oen of his own. The champs forced him into their corner and worked over Papadon.

The champs double teamed Papadon and forced him into a rear chinlock. He fired back with chops and punches but was cut off and pummeled in the corner. They attempted to pin Papadon but he kept kicking up.

Papadon finally made the hot tag to Rush, who hit the ring with an awesome flip and then nailed a dive to the floor. He was caught when he attempted a bodypress but was escaped and nailed a high knee for a two count.

Papadon and Rush nailed a double flying leg lariat for a two count. Apollyn caught Rush with a backdrop driver. Papadon nailed a death valley driver on Apollyn and then drilled Stockade with a series of kicks to the chest. Papadon looked very good.

They continued to go back and forth until Stockade caught Rush with a splash off the middle rope for the pin.

Your winners, NYWC Fusion Tag Team champions Apollyon & Stockade!

Another very good match. The babyfaces showed some great fire and the champs were awesome monsters.



Caleb Konley vs. Flip Kendrick vs. Jon Davis vs. Louis Lyndon vs. Pinkie Sanchez vs. Rich Swann vs. Sami Callihan vs. Scott Reed

Total chaos. Callihan demolished Sanchez on the outside. He returned to lay out Lyndon with a seres of chops. Lyndon fired back with a drop toehold in the corner and running boot to the face while on the apron. He then nailed a big kick off the ropes.

Davis caught him with a powerslam and elevated him into the air then slammed him. Reed worked over Davis but OK I give up. They all went into mach speed and did the most insane collection of high spots and stiff shots that I can recall in recent history. This was absolutely freaking insane.

Pinkie went for a dive but everyone nailed him. They then battled into a Tower of Doom spot and Pinkie tried to pin everyone afterward. That was funny. Sanchez played the role of the smallest guy who just got DECIMATED and took a ton of sick bumps.

In the end, Callihn forced Reed to tap out to the Stuff Muffler. Just insane stuff.

This was seriously one of the craziest opening matches I've ever seen in my life. Just mind blowing sequence after sequence.

Brodie Lee vs. Tony Nese

Lee threw a chair in the ring at Nese, who jumped out of the ring. Lee backed him into the corner but the referee forced a break. Lee controlled the match with power spots early and wailed away on Nese with chops.

Nese came back and sent Lee to the floor, then hit a suicide dive that nearly sent them both into the first row. They battled on the floor and Lee dropped him across the rail. As he argued with the referee, CIMA worked over Nese on the floor.

Back in the ring, Lee continued the beating, choking Nese against the ropes. Nese mounted a comeback with several bodyshots but was cut off and nailed with a big chop. Nese shoulderblocked Lee and went for a springboard cross body but was caught. He slipped out of Lee's arms and rolled him up for a two count.

Lee measured Nese with a big chop and stepped on his chest. Lee slammed Nese down and scored a two count. Nese came back, kicking off Lee as he approached in the corner. Nese nailed several running kicks followed by a knee in the corner but Lee kicked up.

He caught Lee with a kick to the chest and a running death valley driver, then covered him for a two count. Nese nailed another kick and came off the ropes with a springboard moonsault for a two count.

Nese fired himself up and continued the array of kicks to Lee but was chopped down. Lee went for a running boot but missed and crotched himself, going over the top to the floor. Nese dove off the top to the floor on Lee in the corner of the barriers.

Nese came off the top but was nailed with a big punch. He fought back and nailed a back suplex with a bridge for a two count. He went back to the top but Lee caught him on the rope and brought him in with a butterfly like superplex. Lee set up Nese and nailed a series of big boots in the corner, then a Black Hole Slam but Nese kicked up at the last second.

Lee pulled Nese up to the corner but was nailed with a kick. CIMA distracted the referee, allowing Austin Aries to interfere. Lee drilled Nese with a sitdown powerbomb for the pin.

Your winner, Brodie Lee!

Decent back and forth match. These guys worked well together and really busted their asses. Very underrrated talents on both sides.

Lee took his mic and said ripped on the music guy for messing up his music. Austin Aries said that he had some business to take care of and asked the other Blood Warriors to head to the back. He said that he didn't need any help because he's the greatest man who ever lived. The fans started to chant for him, so he told them to keep chanting because he'd wait all night. When were finished, he called out Yokosuka.

Austin Aries vs. Susumu Yokosuka

Aries heeled the crowd and stalled early. Aries went for a test of strength. Yokosuka started to get the better of it so Aries left the ring. When he returned, they did some nice back and forth matwrestling.

They locked up and Yokosuka caught Aries, scissoring his neck with his legs. Aries escaped and sent Yokosuka into the ropes but was shoulderblocked down. They started reversing headlocks and doing some good counter wrestling.

They rebounded off the ropes several times until Aries again bailed and sat on a chair at ringside. When he returned to the ring, they went back and forth. Aries hit a nice suicide dive to the floor that nearly took out a railing and the front row.

Yokosuka made a comeback with a suplex for a two count. He then nailed a sick looking shinbeaker. Yokosuka locked on a figure four leglock. Aries escaped and cut him off with a kick to the face and a running elbow in the corner.

Aries went to the top for a 450 splash but Yokosuka slipped out of the way. Aries was killed with a lariat but slipped out of a powerbomb attempt. Yokosuka killed him with another lariat that sent him upside down and scored the pin.

Your winner, Susumu Yokosuka!

The pace was a little deliberate early but when they got going, there was some good stuff here. Another solid bout.

Freestyle: Open the Freedom Gate champion YAMATO vs. CIMA vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Masato Yoshino

They all battled in the ring to start the bout. More chaos. This is probably going to be my worst PPV PBP ever because with all the Four Ways there's too much going on at once to accurately keep up typing.

CIMA worked over Gargano who caught him with a spear through the ropes. CIMA went to the floor, where Gargano hit a great dive through the ropes on him. Gargano then hit a nice flip off the apron onto YAMATO.

Back in the ring, Gargano nailed a series of kicks and drove his knees into YAMATO's face. YAMATO came back with a brainbuster and locked on a submission but Yoshino attacked him. They went back and forth and Yoshino locked on an Octopus.

CIMA hit the scene and nailed a double stomp on Yoshino. More crazy insanity ensued.

Yoshino went for a springboard move but was caught and suplexed by YAMATO. YAMATO and Gargano went crazy with back and forth strikes. Gargano nailed a spinning neckbreaker and locked on a submission on YAMATO.

CIMA sent Yoshino into the railing on the floor and broke up the submission with a missile dropkick. He finally nailed YAMATO with a package bomb for the pin.

Your winner, CIMA!

Papadon vs. Alex Reynolds

They went back and forth with some nice mat wrestling early. Papadon nailed a nice head scissor takedown. He backdropped Reynolds onto the apron but was nailed. Reynolds slingshot himself into the ring for a splash, getting a one count.

Papadon came back with a series of rights and whipped Reynolds into the corner. Reynolds kicked him off and scored a two count. Papadon came back with a series of rights and a kick, showing some nice fire. He kicked Reynolds off and nailed a nice leg lariat for a two count.

Reynolds caught him with a jawbreaker but Papadon nailed him with a piledriver for a two count. Reynolds snapped him into the ropes but Papadon kicked him and nailed a back suplex. He ascended to the top but missed a flying headbutt. Reynolds nailed him and scored the pin.

Your winner, Alex Reynolds!

Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Arik Cannon

Mochizuki drilled Cannon with a kick to start the match but Cannon came back with a big shoulderblock. They traded blows in the center of the ring. Mochizuki nailed a big running knee to Cannon's back as he sat on the apron.

Mochizuki slammed Cannon and then began working over his leg, working it for a submission and then cinching in a one legged crab. Cannon fought his way to the ropes. Mochizuki was nailed with a series of kicks and chops in the corner. Mochizuki whipped Cannon, who reversed it and then kicked Mochizuki down for a series of pinfall attempts.

Cannon began working over Mochizuki's leg and knee, trying to force a submission. Mochizuki made it to the ropes and then fought Cannon off. Mochizuki drilled Cannon with several kicks before scoring a two count.

He began unloading with stiff kicks to the chest as Cannon dared him to bring it. Cannon caught him in the corner and nailed a legwhip. He covered Mochizuki for a two count, then began choking him before locking in a figure four leglock.

Mochizuki made a comeback with a series of kicks to the head, covering Cannon for a two count. Mochizuki went for a suplex but Cannon fought back and reversed it. Mochizuki landed on his feet. They battled and finally Cannon nailed a suplex for a two count.

Cannon nailed a big running clothesline for a two count. Mochizuki nailed a running clothesline and a missile dropkick. Mochizuki nailed a big lariat and scored the pin.

Sami Callihan attacked Mochizuki but was nailed by Susumu Yokosuka. Pinkie Sanchez hit the ring and chopped at Yokosuka but was soon dispatched. Callihan laid out Yokosuka and told the Japanese stars that twice they have kicked their ass and next time (tomorrow), they are going to beat them.

Akira Tozawa vs. AR Fox

Some awesome wrestling early before they had a faceoff. Fox was really over. Tozawa began working on Fox's arm but was nailed with a leg lariat. Fox nailed a nice suplex and scored a two count.

Tozawa mounted a comeback with a slam and a back senton splash. He cinched in a side chinlock. Tozawa nailed a kick and forced Fox into the corner, working him over with stiff chops. Tozawa controlled him on the mat and tied up Fox like a pretzel.

Fox came back with a big missile dropkick and scored several near falls. Fox working over Tozawa with a series of kicks in the corner, then a slam. He nailed a springboard moonsault for a two count, followed by a twisting splash fo another.

Fox nailed a hard leaping clothesline in the corner. He tried to whip Tozawa who came back with a dropkick to the legs and another shit that sent Fox to the floor. Tozawa nailed two suicide dives. The crowd chanted for another. Tozawa nailed a flip dive off the apron.

Tozawa followed up with a big suplex for another two count. Fox avoided him and leapt off the ropes backwards into an Ace Crusher. He scored a two count off of that. Fox went for a back suplex but Tozawa ran him through the ropes. Tozawa landed on the floor and Fox nailed a standing shooting star onto him off the apron.

Fox set up Tozawa on the apron and nailed an Alabama Jam off the top onto the apron for another near fall. Tozawa cut him off with a big boot and a clothesline. He grabbed Fox for a back supplex but was shoved off. They traded kicks with a nice back and forth sequence that the crowd loved.

They traded forearms back and forth in the center of the ring. Tozawa scored with several kicks. Fox nailed him with a running kick on the ropes and hit a Spanish Fly for a near fall. The crowd started chanting, "This is awesome."

Tozawa nailed Fox with an insane belly to back superplex then nailed a running kick to the face. Tozawa nailed another back suplex but only garnered a two count. Tozawa went for another suplex but Fox elbowed his way out. Tozawa finally nailed a Dragon suplex for the pin.

Your winner, Akira Tozawa!

That was some GREAT STUFF!!

PAC vs. Ricochet vs. Rich Swann

They had a hot opening with a sick Swann dive that took out PAC on the floor. Swann controlled PAC with several sick looking kicks and locked on a side chinlock. He drilled PAC with a dropkick and a somersault into a frog splash for another two count.

Swann and Ricochet had a stiff exchange on the floor and Swann was sent into the rails. Ricochet and PAC went back and forth with Ricochet being on the offense.

They went into an absolutely insane series of dives and crazy moves to the outside. Ricochet whipped PAC into the railing. He spiked Swann with a sick looking DDT. More sick crazy aerial spots.

Swann and Ricochet battled back and forth with strikes. Swann was caight with a sick leaping kick to the head. PAC was then caught with a nasty throw.

There is so much insane stuff going on here, there is no way to cover it all. Ricochet finally scored the pin with a 630.

Your winner, Ricochet!

Ricochet said that he was the best, not PAC and started working him over. Yoshino made the save. PAC said that Yoshino would take care of Richochet tomorrow and that he was completely pathetic. PAC thanked everyone for their support.

Lots of CRAZY aerial stuff on this PPV. More spots than anyone can even begin to break down in their heads to process before it's over.

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