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By Larry Goodman on 2010-07-29 09:14:55
Recap of Jerry Lawler’s Memphis Wrestling for July 24.

Brandon Baxter and Lauren Jenkins hit the high points from ringside. Lauren reflexively grabs the mic rather than allowing Baxter to hold it for her. It looks clumsy. Thank God everything else about her is so easy to look at.

(1) Kid Nickles & Eric Wayne beat Derrick King & Johnny Dotson in 7 minutes. This was faster paced and stiffer than any match on JLMW up until this point. Dotson clipped his knee for a good heat spot. Dotson hit a sweet leg lariat. Nickles got his nose busted open charging into King’s boot. On commentary, Boss Winters said negotiations were proceeding to make King and Dotson the new & improved industrial strength Rough & Ready. Winters said he was drawn to their “pure athleticism”. Baxter said he had done the research and was hard pressed to find the original Rough & Ready winning matches in Memphis Wrestling. Finish was weird. King leveled Wayne with a superkick and had him pinned for way more than a three count, but Bruno totally ignored it. Winters jumped up on the apron to hold Wayne. He ducked and King decked Winters, but King kicked out of Wayne’s rolling reverse cradle. Dotson then nailed King with Winters’ shoe on a “miscalculation” and Wayne pinned King.

Dissension raged between Winters and his new dream team. Winters begged King & Dotson for one more chance and told them they would not regret it. They agreed absent of any enthusiasm.

This week’s WWE segment (presented by Frankie’s Cars) was the closing minutes of Miz winning the US Title in a fatal four way over Champion R-Truth, Zach Ryder and Morrison from the June 14 RAW.

Excerpts from the same Tom Savini video aired, except they sensationalized it by censoring the bad names he called Lawler.

The camera panned from a shot of the Southern Heavyweight Title on the desk to Lauren, who introduced the Tax Solutions Superstar Hotline featuring Rocky “The Soul Man” Johnson. Johnson said his favorite match with Lawler was the boxer vs. wrestler deal when he knocked Lawler out. A brief classic clip of Johnson aired. Johnson then said he didn’t know Jerry Calhoun was still alive, much less refereeing. Johnson warned Calhoun not to get in his way again when he came back to Memphis. “You were an old man then and you’re an old man now.”

A video clip of Ben Roethlisberger saying that Grandmaster Sexay was his favorite wrestler aired. It was the third time they’ve used it.

Brian Christopher came to the desk with his partners. Tommy Mercer and Josepehus. Christopher ordered Jenkins to let go of the mic. “She’s learning. Slowly but surely little Miss Priss is learning.” Christopher said he was a superstar, not some jabroni like Matt Boyce. Christopher tried to fire up Mercer and Josepehus by smacking them on their respective chests. Mercer returned the favor, and Christopher’s pained reaction was the funniest moment of the show, drawing a huge burst of laughter from the crowd.

Koko B. Ware, Wolfie D and Matt Boyce made their way to ringside. Wolfie rapped. Koko B. Ware sang “Piledriver”.

(2) Koko B. Ware & Wolfie D & Matt Boyce beat Brian Christopher & Tommy Mercer & Josephus in 8:05. Bert Prentice joined Baxter on commentary. Prentice said Boyce had committed two felonies on him, and he was just there minding his own business. Bert wanted to now what that munchkin Guy Coffey had done with Buddy Wayne. He intimated that Baxter was favoring Boyce because they both lived in Arkansas. Ware was in only briefly. Boyce took the heat. Christopher was in the gutter, delivering a low blow and biting Boyce’s fingers. Bert said if Josephus ever got the killer instinct, he would be deadly. True that. Christopher did a flip bump after taking a gut shot coming off the ropes. Wolfie cleaned house. All three faces did their finishers on Josephus, with Ware scoring the pinfall with a brainbuster.

In the distance, Lauren celebrated by doing “The Bird” with Koko.

Christopher and Mercer destroyed Jocephus as punishment for losing the match. Christopher finished the beatdown with the Hip Hop Drop.

The bumper was Florence Henderson sending a shout out to Lawler.

White said his version didn’t agree with Baxter’s version of the events involving Su Yung. White said Lawler was sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. He knew what was best for Yung and she would be much better of if she had kept her mouth shut.

Lawler and Yung did a prematch interview. Lawler asked Jenkins for her opinion of Ga Ga Girl. Jenkins said if Lady Ga Ga was the fame monster then Ga Ga Girl was the ugly monster. Lawler ripped on Ga Ga with a slew of ugly jokes. Stuff like Ga Ga was so ugly when she was born that her incubator had tinted windows and when she got a little older, her mother had to get drunk to breast feed her.

(3) Jerry Lawler & Su Yung beat Kevin White & Ga Ga Girl in 5:45. Lawler tagged Yung in so she could pop White. Yung humiliated Ga Ga. White heeled on Lawler. When White gave Lawler a rope burn to the eyes, Jenkins said she could almost smell it. Baxter was disgusted by White socking Yung in the face. Ga Ga got some offense, if you can call it that, until Yung hit a Thesz Press. Yung pinned Ga Ga with a flying body press.

Back with Baxter and Jenkins at ringside to close out the hour. This must have been the final episode from the second taping because they were taking the ring apart in the background. Baxter teased something between Yung and White for next week.

Afterthoughts: A definite improvement over the last two weeks. For in ring wrestling, this was the best JLMW episodes so far. Not that it was great. The bar had been set very low. The opening tag match was very good except for the screwy finish. The six man was fine. The main wasn’t good, but at least putting Ga Ga Girl in a tag made her infinitely more bearable to watch. Christopher’s interviews having been very entertaining the last two weeks. He’s such a jerk as a heel. The thing with Mercer slapping Christopher’s chest was hilarious. It was a better show for storylines as well. The focus was on the young talent (Boyce, Mercer, Rough & Ready, Yung) with far less time devoted to WWE-related footage. The Kaufman angle wasn’t mentioned at all. The only evidence of it was the clip of Savini. That’s a good thing.

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