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By Mike Johnson on 2009-12-22 14:21:06
Online now in the Elite section is a 90 minute interview with former ECW Original Danny Doring discussing his hate for MTV reality series Jersey Shore, the angle where he calls out the cast to show up at this Saturday's ISPW event in New Jersey, keeping busy on the independents despite not being on television nationally for some time, the worst part about the independents today, training at the ECW House of Hardcore, first impressions of Taz and Perry Saturn, what the other graduates of the school are up to now, stories about the training, whether that background helped his longevity, his team with Roadkill, being asked to drop the ECW Tag belts on independents after the company closed, the Doring & Roadkill vs. FBI dark match at a WWE Raw taping that led to all four getting yelled at for having a good match, the ECW relaunch, why that period was his most miserable time in wrestling, trying to come up with ideas for himself during that time, hilarious backstage stories about the ECW talents being dropped into the WWE culture backstage, his reaction when he was released, why he didn't take an offer to become a referee when WWE offered it, the first episode of ECW on SyFy, Tommy Dreamer leaving WWE, his upcoming marriage, how he's feeling today, the career he's pursuing outside of wrestling, why doing motion capture work for wrestling games was one of his favorite gigs, why Myspace is creepy, the Sugar Mask Youtube series, competing in his first ladder match this weekend and much, much more.  For more information on subscribing to the Elite section, click here.

Matt sent the following....Just a quick note that the tallest of the Jurors last night in the Little People's Court and the subsequent attack on "Jeri-show" was Robbie "The Giant" Araujo who is part of the New England Championship Wrestling roster as "Mr. Mini-roe". This was his first time working with the WWE.

Jeff Everett sent the listed WWE the Music Volume 9 as part of their "least essential albums" of 2000, writing, "What could be less necessary than an album of wrestlers singing? How about a collection of wrestlers' walk-on music? Yet Voices is the ninthcollection of themes written by WWE house composer Jim Johnston. A league veteran since the 1980s, Johnston has a way with generating crowd-pumping bangers that sound great against the roar of an audience in the 30 seconds or so needed for the WWE�s slabs of beef to reach the ring. But as an album, Voices offers little but one clangy, repetitive ProTools anthem after another. Even Dice Raw and Punjabi MC do little to break up the grind. It's the perfect soundtrack to accompany kids injuring themselves while bodyslamming off the couch, but little else."

Our friends at sent the following images of the WWE Mattel Elite Series 1 action figure line:



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