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By on 2009-08-15 09:48:52

He's back. He's back. He's Paul "Romeo" Roma, the original Rogue Horsemen, with an all new edition of his controversial audio show, "Glorious!"
This week's show is hard-hitting, to say the least. Paul and James Guttman speak for 34 minutes about a ton of topics including the entire story behind his WCW pay-per-view beatdown of Alex Wright, how it lead to his release, the lie that caused it to happen, the people Roma called out on the way to the ring, Wright's reaction, the tense phone call with Ric Flair afterwards, and so much more. But that's not the only subject covered on "Glorious." Not by a long shot….
James kicks things off by asking Paul if his ears were ringing last weekend. After all, ther e was a big Horsemen Reunion in Charlotte. Roma responds…
"Yeah, you know. They didn't send me my invitation, man. I wonder what's up with that."
Guttman laughs and asks if he gets invites to things like that. After all, you'd think that a reunion would try to reach out to all former members, not just the originals. Why not bring in as many Horsemen as possible? Roma explains the reason to listeners:
"Listen. I have no issues with Ole (Anderson). I think Ole's a super nice guy. But when you have all the other old timers there, they don't want some good-looking guy like me walking in - still etched-out, you know? Hot body and all that good stuff. Lets face it. Why would they send me an invitation? So I could show them up? Show them how old and beat up they are?"
Paul and James go on to discuss the Horsemen reunion, "shots of Geritol," the politics of a group like that, Ric Flair's obsession with mooning bar-goers, various backstage cliques in wrestling, and more.
One thing Guttman brings up on the audio show is die-hard fans. He says that fans like that hold certain things near and dear to their heart - to the point of almost thinking they're real. He cites Japanese Wrestling, Lout Thesz, and the Horsemen as examples. It's those same fans that are venomous towards Paul for being a Horsemen when, in reality, he was just a guy playing a role. It seems mind-boggling how mad some people get over the fact that Roma was even in the group. Paul doesn't get it either.
"Yeah. I don't get it. I don't understand it. When you have your weekend warriors, you know, that want to talk football after the fact and never played the game, I can see how they speak up and have their jealousy. I just attribute it to that. A lot of these fans just wish they can be in my shoes for whatever reason. A lot of them were NWA fans for the longest time and there was such a big rivalry between NWA and WWF at the time. That's the only thing I can really point out."
Roma goes on to speak about how video games make people think they can be athletes, what all the Horsemen wish they were that Paul was, how they all ended up becoming that, the politics of Georgia and more.
One of the last things on the show was Tookie Tucker. JG laughs that on a show where Roma bashes John Cena, Triple H, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and tons more, they get heat for the one guy he tries to put over. Tookie is a trainee in FCW who worked with Paul for a while. The two even formed a cousins tag team. But, in reality, they're not related. Paul clears up the rumors once and for all.
"No. I'm not related to him. There was quite a few rumors that said that I was. But that's not the case at all."
There's so much more to check out right now on Remember this show and every other audio is available for MP3 download so you can take them on your phone or ipod. With tons of shows and over 180 interviews, you'll never be without something to listen to. Other shows feature Bull Buchanan's "Bullpen," Paul Roma's "Glorious," D-Lo Brown's "Lo-Down," Orlando Jordan's "Club O.J.," and show archives from Tom Prichard and Ivory.

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