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By Buck Woodward on 2007-10-07 22:10:30

Welcome to's coverage of WWE No Mercy.  We will be updating this page throughout the evening with results from the show, so check back often. 

No Mercy opened with a video focusing on John Cena and his injury, putting over that Cena's title reign is over and that the "search for a champion begins" showing a montage of Raw starts. 

Live in Chicago, Vince McMahon and William Regal came out to the ring as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcomed us to the show.  A covered pedestal was in the ring. Vince McMahon announced that John Cena would be out for six months to a year, and that he was no longer the WWE Champion.  Vince McMahon guaranteed us that history would be made, and that we would have a WWE Championship match tonight.  Vince heeled the crowd a bit, then said he "makes decisions for you" because he "knows what you want".  The fans chanted "Y2J" and Vince said "I'm not going to give you that".  Vince uncovered the pedestal, and the WWE spinner belt was on it.  Vince then announced that Randy Orton was the new WWE Champion.  Randy Orton came out and held up the title belt as tons of pyro went off.  

William Regal congratulated Orton on being the new champion.  William Regal said that Orton must defend the title tonight, and said that Orton would be allowed to decide which WWE star he wanted to defend the title against.  "Y2J" chants started, and Vince told the crowd to shut up.  Orton said he would not be defending the title tonight against John Cena. Orton said he was supposed to have a Last Man Standing match with Cena, but due to Cena's injury, that would not happen.  Orton told Cena that it saved him the "embarrassment" of being defeated. "You suck" chant, and Vince told the crowd to shut up and show the champion respect.  Orton said getting the title was a "long time coming" and that no one deserves to be WWE champion more than him.  Orton bragged about putting Cena on the shelf, and said that there was "no one in the business that comes close to being..." and was cut off by Triple H's music.  

Triple H came out to a huge ovation.  He entered the ring and gave Orton a "golf clap".  Triple H said he wanted to congratulate Orton on being the new WWE Champion, and that he knew Orton would be a "fighting champion".  Triple H challenged Orton to defend the title against him "right here, right now".   Orton said "No", and Triple H said he figured on that, saying Orton wouldn't want his second title reign to be shorter than his first.  Vince reiterated that Orton said no.  Triple H asked the crowd if they wanted to see it.  They cheered.  Triple H pointed out that Vince said he "gives the people what they want".  Triple H noted that perhaps Vince was scared to give the people what they want, and that Vince was gutless and a coward.  Triple H said Vince has "no balls".  Triple H kept pushing Vince's buttons, including calling him an "old man" and that instead of grapefruits, he had "shriveled raisins".  He got to Vince, who said "You're on!" and called for the referee.  So much for Orton picking!  First match of the night will be Triple H vs. Randy Orton. 

WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Triple H

Orton ambushed Triple H as Vince distracted him, but Triple H quickly hit a back elbow and pounded Orton.  Orton tired to go to the floor and leave, but Triple H went after him and tossed him back in the ring.  Orton kicked Triple H as he got back in the ring, but Triple H ducked a clothesline and hit a jumping knee. Orton floated over a vertical suplex and hit a side backbreaker.  Orton hit some punches on the mat, then choked Triple H in the corner.  They exchanged punches, then Orton reversed a whip and hit a powerslam for a two count.  Orton did a variation of the Garvin Stomp, then hit a kneedrop to the chest for a two count.  

Orton applied a chinlock, but Triple H got to his feet.  Orton went for a backdrop, but Triple H kicked it away and hit a clothesline. Triple H hit two clotheslines in corners, then a running forearm to the back of the head for a two count. Triple H put Orton on the top rope and set up for a superplex.  Triple H nailed the superplex for a two count.  Triple H ran into an Orton elbow, but then Orton ran into a Triple H spinebuster for a near fall.  Orton left the ring, but Triple H went after him and tossed him back in.  Orton kicked Triple H as he was climbing in, then nailed a DDT with Triple H's feet hanging on the second rope.  Orton got a two count, then measured for the RKO.  Triple H kicked it away and went for a Pedigree, but Orton backdropped out of it. Orton missed a kneedrop, and Triple H applied a figure four leglock.  

Orton made the ropes to force the break. Orton grabbed Triple H by the trunks and pulled him through the ropes and to the floor.  Triple H got on the apron and yanked Orton throat first across the top rope.  Triple H went to the top rope, but Orton crotched him and Triple H fell into the ring.  Orton charged Triple H, but Triple H moved and Orton ran shoulder first into the ringpost.  Triple H cradled Orton and got the three count at the eleven minute mark.  The crowd went nuts for the pin. 

Winner and new WWE Champion: Triple H.

Triple H celebrated in the ring, and a dejected and upset Randy Orton walked up the aisle. Crowd went nuts for the title change and Triple H's celebration.  The celebration continued for a while, with Jim Ross noting we had two new WWE Champions crowned inside of 35 minutes to start the PPV. 

They cut backstage, where an upset Randy Orton walked up to Vince McMahon.  McMahon looked at Orton, then turned and walked away without saying a word.  Orton looked in total disbelief over what had happened. 

They announced a "special bonus six-man tag team match". 

Jeff Hardy, Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch & Mr. Kennedy. 

The babyfaces came out first, then Cade & Murdoch came out.  They said what happened last Monday was luck, and they had a new partner tonight, bringing out Mr. Kennedy.  Kennedy had his mic lowered on the stage for his intro. Kendrick hit Cade with a crossbody block to start, then London tagged in with a sunset flip for a two count.  Murdoch tagged in, then Hardy tagged in and hit a leg lariat in the corner and a jawbreaker, but Kennedy tagged in and went on offense on Hardy.  Kennedy missed a kick in the corner and Jeff tagged Kendrick, while Kennedy tagged Cade.  Kendrick hit some kicks, but Murdoch held the ropes open as Kendrick went to bounce off them and Kendrick fell to the floor. 

Cade slammed Kendrick in the ring, and Murdoch tagged in and Cade lifted him into a legdrop on Kendrick for a two count.  Murdoch stepped off the middle rope for a trio of kneedrops to Kendrick's gut.  Kennedy tagged in and stomped Kendrick, then hit a running kick to the head that almost knocked Kendrick to the floor.  Kennedy pulled him to the center of the ring for a two count, then applied a cravate.  Kennedy pulled Kendrick into his corner and tagged in Cade.  Cade set up for a superplex, but Kendrick headbutted and kicked Cade away and hit a flying DDT.  Murdoch tagged in, but Kendrick made the hot tag to Jeff Hardy.  Jeff hit Murdoch with a flying forearm and a Swingblade clothesline, then dropped Murdoch with a gourdbuster.  Jeff hit the Swanton Bomb, but Cade broke up the cover.  London ran in and gave Cade a rana.  Kennedy tagged in, but Hardy gave him a mulekick.  London tagged in and hit a springboard dropkick on Kennedy.  London hit some kicks, while on the floor, Jeff missed a dive on Cade off the security wall.  London tried to climb the top rope, but Murdoch went to stop him.  Kendrick took Murdoch off the apron with a bodypress.  London went to the top rope, but Kennedy grabbed him and hit the forward flip Samoan Drop for the pin at the eight minute mark. 

Winners: Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch & Mr. Kennedy. 

Backstage, Batista approached Triple H.  He congratulated him and told Triple H that "it's a lot harder to keep it than to win it" which is what Triple H told Batista last time they were face to face.  Triple H wished Batista luck in his match tonight, and Batista walked off.  Vince McMahon went up the Triple H and said he does give the people what they want, and they would get the advertised Triple H vs. Umaga match tonight.  Vince said the WWE Title would be on the line, and walked off.

ECW Champion CM Punk vs. Big Daddy V, with Matt Striker.

Tazz and Joey Styles talked about how Big Daddy V stole the title shot from Tommy Dreamer (saying Matt Striker convinced Armando Estrada to allow BDV to do it) as BDV came out.  CM Punk got a big pop from his hometown crowd.  They locked up at the bell and BDV threw Punk to the mat.  Punk rolled to the floor.  Punk got in and went for a leg, but Big Daddy V took him down to the mat and rode Punk on the mat, hitting crossface shots to the face.  Punk got out from under him and hit some kicks, including an enzugiri, but couldn't knock him down.  V shoved Punk into a corner and hit a chop, but missed an avalanche.  Punk hit a top rope dropkick and knocked Big Daddy V down.  Matt Striker, rather inexplicably, ran in and hit Punk, causing a DQ in about two minutes.

Winner via DQ: CM Punk.

An angry Big Daddy V gave Punk a Samoan Drop, then three elbowdrops, laying out Punk.  Striker gave Bid Daddy V the title belt, and he held it up and then threw it down on Punk before leaving.  Punk had to be helped from the ring, and was spitting up blood as fans chanted "CM Punk".  They played up that Punk had internal injuries from the elbowdrops.

Coverage continued on next page.

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