Any chance of Ken Shamrock in the WWE Hall of Fame this year?
I have heard talk of that but nothing officially confirmed. Given it's being held in Nevada, where he resides and given he's a legitimate UFC Hall of Famer and a name that has a ton of appeal to Attitude Era fans, I can absolutely see this being his year. Whether it is, we'll see.
Is the Homicide retirement some sort of angle?
No. I wish it was, because then he wouldn't be dealing with a very scary health issue.
Will Fenix be starting out on the same brand as Penta or will they be separated for now given how over Penta is right now as a singles guy?
Obviously anything can change until they debut him, but we have heard the plan is for Fenix to be on Smackdown.
Who is Bozilla?
Bozilla is the daughter of former European and ECW star Ulf Hermann.
Between WWE and WCW which of the 2 started holding monthly ppvs first specifically who in each company thought it was a good idea to go from doing quarterly ppvs to monthly.Also what were the names of the first monthly shows from each and did ECW also do monthly ppvs?
It was Eric Bischoff who first moved WCW from quarterly to monthly PPVs as way to increase revenue for the company, which was a success for that company. It started in September 1994 with Fall Brawl. WWF followed suit in 1995 starting with May 1995's In Your House PPV, which was obviously a Vince McMahon call. ECW was moving towards monthly PPVs at the end of their run, starting with October 2000 but were done running shows after January 2001.
Have you heard anything about Stephanie’s place being able to be seen in Canada?
Not as of this writing.
Why did you make it a big deal that AEW was running in that blizzard yesterday? It was weird you had to run a separate article announcing they were running - we all knew they were running.
I ran the article because the ARENA ANNOUNCED THE SHOW WAS OFFICIALLY STILL GOING TO HAPPEN. Until then, there was always a chance the city could have pulled the plug on the show given everyone was being advised locally to not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary and areas of Nebraska lost power for almost 100,000 people. So, gee, I wonder why would I run multiple articles advising readers of the weather conditions, warning them to be safe and then advising them the show was indeed going to happen. Oh, I don't know! Empathy for readers I guess? The fact is was newsworthy I guess? I can assure you that the fact that you would write me was not one of those reasons, but hey, it takes some longer than others to decipher common sense.
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