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By Matt ten-Hoeve on 2025-03-16 22:41:00

Welcome to’s coverage of Episode 5 of WWE LFG on A&E!

After a short recap of last week’s events, tonight’s episode kicks off at the Performance Center with Team Mickie and Team Booker doing push ups together. The standings for the season are shown, and Team Bubba still has zero points. 

Tatyanna Dumas is shown struggling with her emotions. She is dealing with a lack of confidence and a wrist injury. Bubba Ray checks on her, but is also done with her tears. He tells her to stop crying.

Shawn Michaels gathers everyone up and tells them that they will be focusing on their characters. He introduces who will be helping the Future Greats today…CM Punk! A video package is shown that covers CM Punk’s career and ability to showcase storytelling.

CM Punk sits down with the Future Greats. He is happy to be there, but wants to know a simple question: Do they know who the f*ck they are? He holds up a microphone and tells the Future Greats that it’s a tool to tell stories. The Pipe Bomb Promo is talked about and CM Punk talks about how, even though he has respect for other wrestlers, he is great at using the microphone.

CM Punk then challenges someone to cut a promo. Bubba Ray tells Zena Sterling to go, but Jasper Troy takes the microphone. Troy talks about how he dreamed of being CM Punk and wanting to tell him a story. Troy talks about CM Punk leaving and tearing the company down. Now he’s back, though, and Troy can’t cheer him on. He wants CM Punk to bend the knee. The coaches seem to enjoy Jasper Troy’s promo. Bubba Ray and Booker T say that the promo felt real and organic. CM Punk talks about how this is a tough spot for the Future Greats because they are doing things for the first time on national television.

Tatyanna Dumas cuts a promo next. She talks about losing her grandfather and using what he taught her. It’s an emotional promo. Leigh Laurel cuts a promo about being different from everyone else growing up, but it helped her get to where she is. CM Punk thinks there is something in Laurel. Cutler James cuts a promo that is intense, but CM Punk feels that it came out flat. 

BJ Ray walks in and takes the microphone. He sits down cross legged and talks about how he keeps hearing how there’s some sort of camaraderie in LFG. However, no one has checked on him since he hurt his shoulder - including Team Bubba. He takes jabs at Anthony Luke, Zena Sterling’s intelligence, Tatyanna Dumas’ emotions, Drake Morreaux only being known because he is the boyfriend of Roxanne Perez, and Cutler James simply being a replacement. BJ Ray then says that he won’t be shaking any hands - he’s in this for himself. He then walks out.

Bubba Ray says that he had no idea BJ Ray would be there today. He says that it was the wrong place and wrong time, but…he loved the promo. He also likes that BJ Ray learned why Bubba wouldn’t shake his hand on Day 1. CM Punk feels that BJ Ray shouldn’t have focused on cutting people down. The idea is to build people up so that it’s impressive when you beat them.

Tyra Mae Steele finally gives cutting a promo a try. Bubba Ray gets on her case a bit and Steele doesn’t appreciate it. She spins her frustrations into the promo about people discrediting her in the past. However, she used those emotions to become an Olympic star. The Undertaker loved the promo.

Jasper Troy tries to motivate Chris Island to cut a promo, saying that Chris is scared. Island doesn’t appreciate what Troy is doing. Booker T even gets on Island’s case a bit, agreeing with Troy’s analysis that Chris is scared. Island doesn’t cut a promo. Bubba Ray says that they are noticing everything - people who are and are not taking opportunities.

Shiloh Hill didn’t realize that the promo was a test and regrets not giving it a go. The Undertaker expresses disappointment in Hill. CM Punk says that anyone who didn’t give the promo a try - it’s on them. 

Dani Sekelsky is disappointed in herself and teammates for not doing a promo. Team Mickie asks her team why they didn’t do a promo. Troy Yearwood says that he hasn’t found himself yet. Chris Island felt like he couldn’t get to a deep enough place for the promo. 

The Legends and CM Punk gather to decide who will be in the matches. CM Punk will also be deciding who gets the points. Booker T pushes for Jasper Troy to get a match. Mickie James thinks that Chris Island should get a shot, but as a heel. She also thinks that maybe Sirena Linton could be Island’s manager. The Undertaker wants Tyra Mae Steele to get a match and Bubba Ray suggests that Steele goes against Dani Sekelsky. Tatyanna Dumas and Leigh Laurel are thrown out as options, as well. CM Punk wants to reward the people who stood up for the promos with matches. Cutler James and Shiloh Hill are brought up (even though Hill didn’t stand up).

The matches end up being: Leigh Laurel vs. Tatyanna Dumas, Shiloh Hill vs. Cutler James, Tyra Mae Steele vs. Dani Sekelsky, and Jasper Troy vs. Chris Island with Sirena Linton. The wrestlers in the matches are then shown going over the matches with the coaches. The coaches give advice and pep talks.

Time for the matches! Vic Joseph and Jeremy Borash are on commentary.

Jasper Troy (Team Booker T) vs. Chris Island with Sirena Linton (Team Mickie)

Chris Island ducks a lock up to start. He ducks a second one, but ends up getting cornered by Jasper Troy. Troy hits a splash and then brings Island down to the mat with a side headlock. Island stands out of it. Troy reverses an Irish Whip and a hip top with a hip toss of his own. Troy stalks Island, but Island moves out of the way and distracts the referee. Sirena Linton takes a shot at Troy’s leg, allowing Island to gain control and work over Troy’s leg on the mat. Troy kicks Island off and kips up. Troy hits a series of punches and a bodyslam. Troy hits a big splash and now begins selling the leg. Troy hits a chokeslam for the win!

Winner: Jasper Troy

Booker T likes what he saw from Chris Island. He also still loves Jasper Troy. The Undertaker thinks Troy has presence and likes Island’s work as a heel. Bubba Ray didn’t like how Sirena Linton got in Troy’s face before the match. CM Punk was looking at the basics and he felt like all three did well. Island is happy to finally get good comments from Booker T.

Dani Sekelsky (Team Mickie) vs. Tyra Mae Steele (Team Undertaker)

They shake hands to start. Dani Sekelsky goes for a lock up, but Tyra Mae Steele clips her with some amateur wrestling. Steele stays in control, taking Sekelsky down. Steele showboats a little bit and then works over Sekelsky’s arm. Sekelsky uses her quickness to reverse things and works over one of Steele’s arms. Steele tries an arm drag, but Sekelsky holds on. Sekelsky sends Steele to the outside and showboats a little bit herself.

Steele gets back in the ring and Sekelsky tries to shake her hand. Steele grabs it, but then drops Sekelsky neck-first over the top rope. Steele then drops down some strikes on Sekelsky for a two count. Steele trash talks Sekelsky a bit and then tries a slam. Sekelsky wiggles out and fires off some strikes. Steele begs off, but then is able to grab Sekelsky and send her into the corner. Steele slaps on a chinlock, but Sekelsky hits a jawbreaker to get out of it. Sekelsky hits some strikes and a monkey flip. Sekelsky hits a couple of running strikes and ducks down for a possible back body drop. Steele reads it and sends Sekelsky to the mat. Steele rolls up Sekelsky and grabs the tights for the win!

Winner: Tyra Mae Steele

Mickie James says that Tyra Mae Steele didn’t look comfortable as a heel. CM Punk says that he could tell who and what they were. He wants them to lean into who they are outside of the ring more. The Undertaker saw the story being told. Steele talks about how she had to forget who she was when she started and now has to bring it back into her character.

Leigh Laurel (Team Booker) vs. Tatyanna Dumas (Team Bubba)

They lock up and Leigh Laurel is quick to go behind and crank an arm. Tatyanna Dumas reverses, but Laurel pushes her off. Dumas hits a tackle off of the ropes. She charges at Laurel in the corner, but eats a back elbow. Laurel then targets the injured hand of Dumas. Laurel hits a side slam for a two count. Laurel goes back to the injured arm, but Dumas is able to pick Laurel up. Laurel wiggles out, but Dumas ends up rolling Laurel up for the win!

Winner: Tatyanna Dumas

CM Punk feels that Leigh Laurel is very reserved and wants her to let it out more. He feels that there is a lot of work to do for both competitors, but he liked their hard work. Mickie James feels like they worked hard, but rushed things. Bubba Ray thinks they both didn’t have the right frame of mind today and it showed in the ring. Laurel talks about how she knows she’ll be able to come out of her shell eventually.

Cutler James (Team Bubba) vs. Shiloh Hill (Team Undertaker)

They circle and lock up. Cutler James grabs a side headlock. Shiloh Hill tries to push him off, but James holds on. James hits a side headlock takeover. Hill stands out of it and reverses. Hill hits the ropes and hits a tackle. Hill hits the ropes again, but James hits a hip toss. They high five and lock up. Hill is able to grab an arm and crank it. James hits the ropes and hits a tackle. Hill then reverses and sends James into the corner. Hill charges in and James hits him with a big right hand. Hill falls to the mat like he did a couple of episodes when his match had to be stopped. The referee checks on him.

Hill is slow to get up and shakes James’ hand once he’s on his feet. It was all a ruse, though! Hill hits James with a hard cheap shot and then works him over with clubbing shots. Hill gets a two count and then goes back on the attack. James starts to fight back, but Hill hits a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Hill slaps on a neck and arm stretch. James fights out of it and is able to knock Hill down with a series of strikes. James hits a clothesline and slams Hill down for the win!

Winner: Cutler James

The coaches thought that the knockout spot was well executed. Mickie James is impressed with the handprints on Cutler James’ back. Mickie and CM Punk felt like Hill should have hit James from behind with his cheap shot.

It’s time for CM Punk to award the points!

Shawn Michaels says that he was looking for range today. CM Punk is going to award one point to a male and one point to a female. CM Punk was impressed with whoever stood up for a promo.

For the women, CM Punk awards the point to Tyra Mae Steele (Team Undertaker). For the men, CM Punk awards the point to Jasper Troy (Team Booker).

Team Booker - 4 points

Team Mickie - 2 points

Team Undertaker - 2 points

Team Bubba - 0 points

CM Punk talks about how BJ Ray might have gotten a point if he were to have wrestled. He also says that Shiloh Hill may have gotten a point if he cut a promo. The Undertaker says that he’s going to have a discussion with Hill about not cutting a promo.

Shiloh Hill is asked to share his thoughts about The Undertaker having a lot of faith in him. He’s upset at himself about not cutting a promo. He gets heated about people focusing on their emotions when it comes to promos. He’s there for real violence. The Undertaker sees the interview and thinks that Hill is money.

Next week, The Undertaker talks to Shiloh Hill and Future Greats who have not wrestled in front of a crowd before will do so for the first time.

What did you think of this week’s LFG episode? How are you enjoying the show? Let me know at and let’s talk about it! See you next time!

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