Welcome to PWInsider.com’s TNA iMPACT! coverage for March 13, 2025! Scheduled for tonight's episode is the following:
*Last stop before tomorrow's TNA Sacrifice
*TNA Champion Joe Hendry defends the TNA World Title
*Leon Slater vs. Eddie Edwards for the man advantage in the TNA Sacrifice Steel Cage Match
*Tessa Blanchard & NXT's Cora Jade vs. Masha Slamovich & Léi Yǐng Lee
*Mustafa Ali and Mike Santana Summit
*Laredo Kid vs. Wes Lee
*Xia Brookside vs. Rosemary
*JDC vs. Cody Deaner
This week’s episode starts off with a recap of last week’s iMPACT! - Mike Santana’s payback on Mustafa Ali for making him take a drug test and the chaos between Team Hendry and The System.
Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt welcome everyone to Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida.
Leon Slater vs. Eddie Edwards with Alisha Edwards
The winner of the match will gain the man advantage in the 10-man tag team Steel Cage Match at TNA Sacrifice tomorrow between Team Hendry and The System.
Eddie Edwards rushes at Leon Slater during Slater’s ring entrance, but Slater reads it and flips out of the way. He hits a jumping kick and then rains down punches on Edwards in the corner. Slater hits the ropes, but eats a tackle by Edwards. Edwards hits a big chop on Slater and then whips him into the ropes. Slater comes off the ropes with a kick. Slater then hits a headscissors, which sends Edwards to the outside. Slater sets up for a dive, but Edwards moves out of the way and drops Slater with a strike.
Edwards tries to send Slater into the ring steps, but Slater jumps over them. He then uses the steps to propel himself at Edwards for a hurricanrana. Slater sends Edwards back into the ring. Alisha Edwards briefly distracts Slater, allowing Edwards to yank Slater’s arm down over the top rope. Slater drops to the floor. Edwards goes to the outside, as well, and sends Slater hard into the ring steps.
Edwards sends Slater back into the ring and cranks his arm. With Slater’s arm twisted, Edwards whips him into the corner hard. Edwards drops down a knee on Slater and then covers him a few times, but isn’t able to keep Slater down. Edwards locks on a shoulder stretch. Slater is able to fight out of it, but Edwards cuts him off with an arm twist. Slater escapes with an athletic flip out, but Edwards grabs him and hits an overhead belly-to-belly for a two count.
Edwards continues to work over Slater’s arm by yanking on it, sending Slater back down to the mat. Edwards slaps on a shoulder stretch again. Slater is able to fight out of the stretch again and arm drags Edwards over. Edwards catches a Slater kick, but Slater is able to kick Edwards with his free foot. Both men are slow to get up.
Slater is able to get in a couple of punches, but Edwards snaps Slater’s arm again. Slater hits the ropes and is able to hit a leaping kick. Slater hits a springboard crossbody for a two count. Edwards yanks on Slater’s arm again and charges at Slater in the corner. Slater blocks it and hops up to the second rope. Edwards tries the backpack stunner, but Slater slips out and almost gets a roll up.
Slater slips out of Edward’s grasp, but ends up succumbing to a Blue Thunder Bomb by Edwards. Slater kicks out at two on the pin. Edwards stretches Slater’s arm in the ropes and goes for a running strike, but Slater reads it and hits a jumping kick. Slater climbs to the top rope, but Edwards cuts down Slater with Alisha distracting the referee. Slater is able to push Edwards off and goes for the Swanton 450. Edwards rolls out of the way and hits the Boston Knee Party for the win!
Winner: Eddie Edwards
With Eddie Edwards winning, The System will have the man advantage in the 10-man tag team Steel Cage match at TNA Sacrifice tomorrow.
An ad airs for the WWE Topps Chrome trading cards.
Sami Callihan is in the back and doesn’t think people know who they are dealing with. He’s the Death Machine. Mance Warner has one more night with his wife before Callihan gets his hands on him. Steph De Lander and Mance Warner interrupt and remind Callihan that he can’t touch Warner until tomorrow night. De Lander pie faces Callihan and Warner gets in his face before backing away.
Laredo Kid vs. Wes Lee with Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe
They circle and lock up. Laredo Kid goes behind, but Wes Lee is able to grab an arm. Laredo Kid works out of it and cranks Lee’s arm. Lee tries to counter, but Laredo Kid keeps his hold of Lee’s arm. Lee is then able to work out of the hold, but rolls to the outside, claiming he got poked in the eye. Laredo Kid goes to the outside, but Lee rolls back into the ring. They hit the ropes and Laredo Kid hits a tackle and then a headscissors. Lee rolls out of the ring. Laredo Kid hits a kick from the apron and then a springboard moonsault onto Lee.
Laredo Kid sends Lee back into the ring, but Lee rolls back out and is still complaining about his eye. Laredo Kid hits a palm strike and sends Lee back into the ring. Laredo Kid climbs to the top rope and hits a crossbody for a two count. Lee tries to send Laredo Kid into the corner, but Laredo Kid blocks it. Lee tries again and it works. He follows that up with a superkick and kicks while Laredo Kid is down.
Lee hits a flurry of strikes, a snapmare, and then a dropkick to Laredo Kid’s back. Lee then hits some strikes on Laredo Kid in the corner. He whips Laredo Kid into the opposite corner and rushes in. Laredo Kid blocks the charge and climbs to the top rope. Lee clips Laredo Kid and then hits a brainbuster for a two count.
Lee locks on an arm bar. Laredo Kid fights out of it and the two competitors exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Laredo Kid hits a big open palm strike and then a neckbreaker. He charges Lee in the corner and hits a Superman forearm and a sitout driver. Laredo Kid hits a twisting splash off of the ropes twice for a two count.
Laredo Kid brings Lee to the corner and brings him to the top turnbuckle. Lee slips out and hits a big strike. Lee lifts Laredo Kid, but Laredo Kid slips out and almost gets a pin on a roll up. Laredo Kid charges at Lee, but he moves and kicks Laredo Kid in the back of the head and then hits an overhead throw. Lee hits the Kardiak Kick for the win!
Winner: Wes Lee
As Wes Lee celebrates his win with Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe, The Rascalz and Ace Austin come out. Trey Miguel says that they waited for Lee to be done with his match so that they didn’t jump him like cowards. Lee, Dupont, and Igwe have 24 hours before The Rascalz and Austin come for them. Zachary Wentz says that they’ll be sending Lee, Dupont, and Igwe back to NXT.
A commercial for Queen of the Ring airs.
Santino Marella is approached by Spitfire in the back. They complain about The Elegance Brand and, as they do so, The Elegance Brand interrupts and complains about Spitfire. Marella solves the issue by making a 2-on-3 match at TNA Sacrifice: Spitfire vs. The Elegance Brand and The Personal Concierge.
Xia Brookside vs. Rosemary
They go for a lock up, but Rosemary slips behind and then works Xia Brookside over in the corner. Rosemary charges at Brookside, but Brookside gets her legs up and is able to fight off Brookside. In the opposite corner, Brookside is able to hit a monkey flip. Rosemary recovers and hits a big clothesline on Brookside. She then rains down punches on Brookside down on the mat. Rosemary then sends Brookside into the corner and charges at her. Rosemary hits a splash and then an overhead throw for a two count.
Rosemary hits Brookside with a knee and then stomps a mudhole in her in the corner. Rosemary slaps on a chinlock. Brookside works out of it and drives Rosemary into the corner. Rosemary catches Brookside with a back elbow and then locks on the Upside Down. Rosemary climbs to the top rope, but Brookside clips Rosemary who drops down to the mat. Brookside hits a flurry of strikes and then hits a headscissors. Rosemary blocks a charge, but Brookside catches it and hits a back elbow. Brookside then hits double knees and a crossbody. Brookside hits a big kick to the head and Rosemary rolls to the outside.
Rosemary grabs a chain from underneath the ring. She brings it into the ring, but Brookside stomps on Rosemary’s hand and takes the chain. Brookside wraps the chain around her hand, but is hit with green mist from Rosemary.
Winner: Xia Brookside by Disqualification
After getting hit with the green mist, Xia Brookside rolls to the outside and the referee checks on her.
An ad airs for the WWE Topps Chrome trading cards.
Steve Maclin is shown journaling by a fire as music plays. Eric Young sits down next to him and they share a drink. Maclin says that as long as The Northern Armory is with Young, Maclin can’t be with him, too. Young is fine with that, but wants to know what happens when their paths cross. Maclin says that they have respect for each other and Young agrees. Maclin leaves and Young smiles as he takes another sip from his drink.
JDC vs. Cody Deaner
On his way to the ring, Cody Deaner says that it feels great to have TNA back in Orlando. Deaner can’t believe he’s where he is now. His personal life has been great, but his professional life hasn’t been great due to bad decisions. Now…he’s putting his decisions in the hands of the people and he’s having so much fun. That fun continues now as he beats the crap out of a member of The System.
JDC grabs the microphone from Deaner and says that the people don’t care about him. The crowd begs to differ. JDC only cares about his match tomorrow at Sacrifice. He asks Deaner to be reasonable. He wants Deaner to leave the ring and let the referee declare JDC the winner by countout. He tells Deaner to stop being a disappointment and take the loss. Deaner starts to leave the ring, but then says the choice isn’t his - it’s the people’s choice. The people want him to fight, so…
Deaner punches JDC and sends him into the top turnbuckle of two corners. He then rains down punches on JDC until JDC slips out and sends Deaner into the top rope throat-first. JDC chops Deaner and sends him hard into the corner. JDC hits another chop and then rains down punches on Deaner in the corner until Deaner picks him up and hits an inverted atomic drop.
Deaner hits two running strikes and rains down punches on JDC in the corner. Deaner connects with a big punch for a two count. Deaner goes for a DDT, but JDC slips out. JDC ducks Deaner, who almost hits the referee. JDC allows the distraction to poke Deaner in the eye. JDC hits a Falcon Arrow for the win!
Winner: JDC
A Queen of the Ring commercial airs.
Arianna Grace joins the commentary table.
Tessa Blanchard and Cora Jade vs. Masha Slamovich and Lei Ying Lee
Masha Slamovich and Cora Jade start things off with some smack talk, but then Cora Jade tags Tessa Blanchard in. Blanchard and Slamovich circle, jaw at each other, and then Blanchard pie faces Slamovich. Slamovich charges Blanchard, but Blanchard ducks and slaps Slamovich. Slamovich then hits a series of running strikes. Blanchard backs off to her corner and tags in Jade.
Jade requests Lei Ying Lee and Slamovich obliges. Lee blocks Jade’s attempt at a strike and then uses her athleticism to avoid Lee and hit a strike that sends Jade to the corner. Lee rains down some punches and hits a suplex for a two count. Lee picks up Jade, but Jade wiggles out and sends Lee into the corner. Blanchard tries to get her boot up, but Lee reads it. However, Jade hits Lee hard from behind and takes the advantage. Jade hits a gutwrench suplex for a two count. Blanchard tags in.
Blanchard snapmares Lee and then kicks her in the head. Blanchard hits a basement dropkick for a two count. Blanchard and Jade briefly have words. Blanchard clubs at Lee’s back and tags in Jade. Jade knocks Slamovich off of the apron and then double teams Lee with Blanchard. They take turns striking Lee in the corner. Blanchard hits a variation of Magnum and Jade makes the cover. She gets a two count.
Jade locks on a chinlock, which Lee fights out of. They hit a double clothesline and both women are slow to get up. Slamovich tags in and comes in hot. Blanchard becomes legal. She sends Blanchard into Jade. Slamovich clotheslines Jade, who DDTs Blanchard. Slamovich gets a two count. Slamovich goes for Requiem, but Blanchard slips out. Slamovich recovers and hits a running strike in the corner. She lifts Blanchard up to the top rope, but Jade pulls Slamovich down from behind and hits a step up enzuigiri.
Lee comes in and takes out Jade. Blanchard hits Magnum on Lee, but Slamovich then hits a running strike on Blanchard. Everyone is down until Jade and Lee get up and exchange strikes. Lee sends Jade to the outside and then hops over the top rope to the apron. Lee hits Jade with a knee to the back of the neck.
In the ring, Slamovich and Blanchard exchange strikes. Slamovich lifts Blanchard, but Blanchard slips out and rakes the eyes. Blanchard sets up for Buzzsaw, but eats Thunderstruck by Lee. Jade uses the Knockouts World Title to hit Slamovich with the referee distracted. Blanchard hits Slamovich with Buzzsaw for the win!
Winners: Tessa Blanchard and Cora Jade
An ad airs for the WWE Topps Chrome trading cards.
Mike Santana is with Tom Hannifan for his Summit with Mustafa Ali. Ali is late and arrives with The Great Hands and Tasha Steelz. Hannifan talks about them both pursuing the TNA World Title. Ali says that TNA is on the precipice of greatness and the company needs a great leader. He wants to knock down walls for future generations to come. He can handle the pressure, but knows that Santana cannot do the same
Santana says he’s been living with pressure his entire life. He’s the face of his family and has been dealing with pressure since the first day he walked into TNA. He went through the entire System. He made Josh Alexander say “I Quit.”
Hannifan points out that no one has beaten Santana one-on-one in six months. Ali says that Santana faces no obstacles and continues to have great days. That’s not pressure. Pressure is when you meet failure. Ali says that Santana doesn’t care about TNA. If Santana were to become champion, TNA wouldn’t be able to rely on him. Santana isn’t a leader, he’s a liability and an addict.
Santana tells Ali that he’s full of sh*t. Ali isn’t here for the locker room or TNA. He’s in TNA for himself. Everyone sees it, including The Great Hands and Steelz. Ali just feeds people lies and misinformation. Santana says he is an addict and has accepted that reality a long time ago. But today…he’s an addict for the fans, the company, and being true to himself every single day. He’s proud to be an addict. He is showing all addicts that you can hit the bottom and rise up. At Sacrifice, Ali can talk all the sh*t he wants…his hands better cash those checks.
Ali understands Santana has hit rock bottom. He feels like there’s too much tension right now. Everyone needs to calm down, so he takes out a drink and offers it to Santana. Santana takes off his sunglasses, but Ali says it’s just a kind gesture. It’s foreshadowing because Santana is going to lose at Sacrifice. When he does, he’s going to break and take a sip. Then, he’s going to finish the bottle and find another one. And another one. And another. He’s going to let everyone, including himself, down. He’s going to break his daughter’s heart.
That sets Santana off. He attacks Ali. Tasha Steelz gets in the way. Santana moves her out of the way and The Great Hands beat Santana down. Ali stops them and pours a drink. He sets it next to the downed Santana for when he wakes up. Santana comes to and stares at the drink.
A Queen of the Ring commercial airs.
A teaser for Joe Hendry’s episode of Immersed airs.
Announced for the Countdown to Sacrifice: First Class vs. Laredo Kid and Octagon Jr.
Frankie Kazarian joins the commentary table. Tom Hannifan tells Kazarian that he’s learned that Frankie will be in action tomorrow at Sacrifice against Steve Maclin.
Joe Hendry comes to the ring for his match. He says it’s time to find out who his opponent is. He knows that “Say his name and he appears” works for him, but what about Santino Marella? Hey, it does work!
Marella comes to the top of the ramp and has someone very special to compete against Joe Hendry. Ryan Nemeth’s music hits and he is dressed to compete. He says that his biiiiig brotherrrrr returns to TNA Wrestling in one day at Sacrifice. His biiiig brotherrrrrr hates Joe Hendry just as much as he does. That’s why his biiiiig brotherrrr has granted Ryan his contractually obligated rematch for the TNA World Championship.
TNA World Champion Joe Hendry vs. Ryan Nemeth
Ryan Nemeth runs into the ring and Joe Hendry immediately hits Standing Ovation for the win!
Winner: Joe Hendry
Santino Marella says that Ryan Nemeth is not who he had in mind for Joe Hendry’s match tonight. If Joe Hendry doesn’t mind, he’s going to wrestle again…against Hammerstone!
An ad airs for the WWE Topps Chrome trading cards.
TNA World Champion Joe Hendry vs. Hammerstone
They circle and meet each other in the center of the ring. They exchange some words and then lock up. They fight for control and then break the lock up when neither can gain the advantage. They lock up again and Hammerstone backs Hendry into the corner. The referee calls for a break and Hammerstone doesn’t do so all that cleanly. They lock up again and Hendry grabs a side headlock. Hammerstone punches out of it and sends Hendry into the ropes. Hendry tries a tackle, but Hammerstone stands up to it. They exchange chops and Hammerstone hits Hendry with a kick to the gut.
Hammerstone hits the ropes and Hendry follows him in. Hendry tries another tackle, but Hammerstone won’t go down. Hendry then eats a tackle from Hammerstone. Hammerstone hits the ropes and Hendry avoids him. Hendry hits a flying knee, but Hammerstone only stumbles. Hendry goes for a suplex, but Hammerstone blocks it. Hammerstone sends Hendry into the corner shoulder-first through the ropes. Hendry hits the ring post and falls to the outside.
Hammerstone goes to the outside, as well, and hits Hendry in the back with a forearm. Hammerstone slams Hendry’s head on the apron, but Hendry fights back and slams Hammerstone’s head into the apron. Hammerstone rolls back into the ring and then back to the outside. Hendry follows him and Hammerstone is able to grab Hendry and drive him into the side of the ring. Hammerstone then lifts Hendry and drops him down onto the apron.
During the commercial break, a Queen of the Ring Commercial airs.
Back from commercial, Hammerstone is in control in the ring, but Hendry fights back with chops. Hendry is whipped into the corner, but gets a boot up. Hendry rushes at his opponent, but eats a spinebuster by Hammerstone. Hammerstone gets a two count on the pin. Hendry hits a jawbreaker and an uppercut. Hammerstone strikes back at Hendry and they continue to exchange strikes until Hendry hits a series of uppercuts and a clothesline. Hammerstone shakes it off with a back elbow and a single leg dropkick. Hammerstone goes for a suplex, but Hendry reverses it with a suplex of his own. Both men are slow to get up.
They both get to their feet and Hendry gets in a couple of punches and a clothesline. Hendry hits a Fallaway Slam and kips up. Hendry goes for Standing Ovation, but Hammerstone goozles Hendry. Hendry tries to fight back, but Hammerstone hits an overhead toss and a powerslam for a two count.
Hendry tries to lift Hammerstone, but Hammerstone wiggles out and hits a German Suplex. Hammerstone hits a powerbomb for a two count. Hammerstone transitions into a Boston Crab. Hendry is able to make it to the ropes to break the hold. Hammerstone goes for the Nightmare Pendulum, but Hendry rolls Hammerstone up. Hammerstone kicks out and Hendry hits a German Suplex. Hendry hits the Attitude Adjustment and the Standing Ovation for the win!
Winner and STILL TNA World Champion: Joe Hendry
The System and The Colons hit the ring and attack Joe Hendry. Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Leon Slater, and Elijah run out to make the save. During the chaos, Moose sends Jeff Hardy into Frankie Kazarian. Jeff Hardy then sends Moose into Frankie Kazarian. The chaos ensues as the episode fades to black.
Thank you for following along with PWInsider.com’s coverage of TNA iMPACT! What did you think of this week’s show!? Let me know at matt.tenhoeve@gmail.com and let’s talk about it. See you next time!
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