Welcome to PWInsider.com’s March 12, 2025 coverage of WWE EVOLVE on Tubi!
This week’s episode starts off with Peter Rosenberg and Robert Stone introducing Stevie Turner, who is appearing on behalf of NXT General Manager Ava. Turner announces that tonight’s main event - Riley Osborne vs. Oro Mensah. Both men are now officially a part of the WWE EVOLVE roster. Also announced for tonight is Kylie Rae vs. Zara Zakher, who are both WWE ID prospects. Turner also teases that you never know who might show up in WWE EVOLVE.
In the VIP section is Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright. It’s Gal forces his way in, which does not please Grey and Bright.
A video package airs for Harlem Lewis, which focuses on his background of getting into fights and his athletic achievements
A video package airs for Braxton Cole, which focuses on his time playing football in college at Brown University and Villanova. He’s family focused and knows he has the smarts to succeed.
Harlem Lewis vs. Braxton Cole
Braxton Cole offers a handshake to Harlem Lewis to start. Harlem Lewis offers a hard clothesline and a gorilla press. Cole fights back with some chops, but then falls to a hard forearm. Lewis lifts Cole, but Cole wiggles out and strikes Lewis. Lewis drops Cole again with a hard right hand. Cole hits the ropes, but Lewis catches him and powerslams Cole for the win!
Winner: Harlem Lewis
Chuey Martinez is with Harlem Lewis after the match. Lewis says that no one in the locker room can touch him…which brings out Keanu Carver. Carver and Lewis jaw at each other. Referees come out to keep them apart.
It’s Gal grabs the microphone and gets into the ring. He says that next week, it’s him vs. Keanu Carver. It’s Gal mouths off to Carver, which Carver doesn’t appreciate. Carver gets into the ring and wants to fight now. A referee gets into the ring and rings the bell for the match to start!
It’s Gal vs. Keanu Carver
Keanu Carver stalks towards It’s Gal as Gal struggles to take off his suit jacket. Gal hits Carver with some forearms, but Carver pushes him off and hits a big clothesline. Carver drives Gal into the corner and hits him with two big shoulder strikes. Carver attempts to Irish Whip Gal, but Gal blocks it. Gal hops off of the ropes, but Carver catches him and throws him overhead.
Carver lifts Gal, but Gal wiggles out and hits an enzuigiri. Gal hits the ropes, but Carver lifts him up and drops him down. Carver hits Sky High for the win!
Winner: Keanu Carver
A face off between Javier Bernal and Luca Crusifino is announced for later in the show.
A video package airs for Kylie Rae, which focuses on her long road to WWE EVOLVE. She just wants everyone to be happy, so she’s motivated to keep everyone happy - including herself.
A WrestleMania commercial airs.
Peter Rosenberg is at the VIP Section to talk to Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright. Bright is still healing up from last week, but she is honored to be in EVOLVE. Grey says that there is no competition in EVOLVE and she’s just looking to show how good she is. Bright says, “How good we are, right?”
Zayda Steel interrupts and wants to know why she doesn’t have a match. She sits down in the VIP Section.
A video package airs for Zara Zakher, which focuses on her overcoming expectations due to being small, a person of color, and a woman. She’s an accomplished athlete and performer, though - a petite powerhouse.
Kylie Rae vs. Zara Zakher
They shake hands to start off and then lock up. Kylie Rae hits an arm drag, but Zara Zakher is quick to counter and escape. They lock up again and Rae grabs a side headlock. She hits the ropes and hits a tackle. Rae then tries some roll ups before locking on a Crossface. Zakher gets to the ropes quickly.
They lock up again and Rae grabs a side headlock. She is sent into the ropes, but Zakher follows her and ends up hitting a tackle. Zakher gets two quick two counts and Rae begs off. They lock hands and Rae is able to grab an arm. She cranks it and then grabs a side headlock. She pulls Zakher over, but Zakher gets up quick and sends Rae into the corner. Zakher hits a running clothesline, then a back elbow. She snapmares Rae and hits a dropkick to Rae’s back for a two count. Zakher tries to lift Rae, but Rae strikes out of it. Rae sends Zakher into the corner and hits a running European Uppercut. Rae then hits a cannonball for a two count. Rae slaps on a chinlock.
Zayda Steel stands up in the VIP Section and complains that she should be in the ring right now.
Zakher fights out of the hold and hits a couple of running strikes and then a big right hand. Rae moves out of a running strike, but succumbs to a spinebuster from Zakher for a two count. They exchange blows until Zakher hits a knee strike. Zakher tries a piledriver, but Rae rolls her up for a two count. Rae ends up being able to lock on the Crossface again, but Zakher turns it into a roll up for a two count. Rae hits a big kick and then lifts up Zakher. Zakher wiggles out and rolls up Rae for the win!
Winner: Zara Zakher
Chuey Martinez is with Zara Zakher after the match. Martinez says that many people may think that her win is an upset. Zakher agrees - Kylie Rae is a great wrestler. Zakher is going to keep working so that next time, a win by her won’t be considered an upset. Rae is walking by and Zakher stops her for a handshake, which Rae gives.
Zayda Steel interrupts and starts jawing at Zakher and Rae when Wendy Choo’s music hits. Choo comes out and gives Rae a stuffed bear and a note before getting into the ring.
A video package airs for Aria Bennett, which focuses on her being a mother, overcoming obstacles, being a gymnast, being a stunt actress, and her time in WOW.
Wendy Choo vs. Aria Bennett
Wendy Choo ducks a lock up and goes behind on Aria Bennett. She brings Bennett to the mat, but Bennett escapes. Bennett uses her athleticism to avoid Choo at first, but then Choo is able to hit a Spear to Bennett’s back as Bennett is doing a handstand. Choo hits some big shoulder strikes in the corner, which drops Bennett. Choo then snaps Bennett’s neck with her twisting legs.
Choo whips Bennett into the corner and hits a cartwheel forearm. She then hits a boot to Bennett’s face. Bennett tries to fight back, but Choo shakes it off and hits a Half Nelson Slam. Choo locks on a choke for the win!
Winner: Wendy Choo
After the match, Wendy Choo covers Aria Bennett with a blanket.
In the VIP Section, Brinley Reece approaches Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright. Reece gives them compliments and then talks about how she’s excited for her match next week.
Javier Bernal and Lucas Crusifino have their face off in a secluded area. Bernal says he doesn’t have a problem with Crusifino or the family - he just wants a new start in EVOLVE. He took offense to what Crusifino had to say in his VIP Section interview last week. Maybe his message wasn’t about Bernal, but he couldn’t let it go.
Crusifino appreciates Bernal being willing to sit down with him this week. He says that his message was not about Bernal. He doesn’t even think about Bernal. Bernal isn’t a threat because he can’t get out of his own way.
Bernal agrees. This is a new start for him, so he wants to show the world that he’s changed. Crusifino says that actions speak louder than words. Bernal challenges Crusifino to a match next week and Crusifino agrees.
A WWE ID/WWE EVOLVE video package airs.
Sean Legacy, Cappuccino Jones, and Jack Cartwheel are shown in the VIP Section. Kali Armstrong approaches them. She’s looking for Carlee Bright and Kendal Grey, but the guys are no help in knowing where they went.
Riley Osborne vs. Oro Mensah
They shake hands and lock up. Oro Mensah hip tosses Riley Osborne right away. They lock up again and Osborne hits a hip toss of his own. They lock up again and Mensah is able to take down Osborne. Osborne grabs Mensah’s head, but Mensah turns it into a roll up for a one count. Osborne reverses into a front facelock, but Mensah counters and cranks an arm. Osborne reverses and cranks an arm of Mensah. Mensah kicks out of it. They then exchange arm drags until Mensah avoids an arm drag and almost gets a roll up win.
Mensah then locks on an arm bar, but Osborne works out of it and rolls up Mensah multiple times with two counts. Mensah has had enough and pushes Osborne. Osborne pushes Mensah back. Mensah hits a forearm and a kick to the cut. Mensah follows it up with a headscissors. Mensah whips Osborne into the corner, but Osborne flips out of the attack and hits a dropkick. Mensah recovers and hits a twisting DDT variation that snaps Osborne’s neck over the top rope. Mensah then hits a springboard kick on Osborne, which sends Osborne to the outside.
Back from commercial, Mensah hits a slam for a two count. Mensah slaps on a chinlock, which Osborne uses a jawbreaker to get out of. Mensah recovers with a suplex, though. Osborne rolls to the apron. Mensah goes for a kick through the ropes, but Osborne moves. Osborne comes into the ring and Mensah blocks Osborne’s plan. Osborne is able to hit a rolling hurricanrana for a two count, though.
Mensah blocks Osborne’s whip and hits a spinning kick and a Full Nelson Suplex for a two count. Osborne fights back, but Mensah hits him with a hard right hand. Osborne is able to lift Mensah to the apron, but Mensah hits Osborne with a kick. Mensah climbs to the top rope, but Osborne takes him out. Mensah rolls to the outside and eats a dive from Osborne.
Osborne sends Mensah back into the ring and hits a Michinoku Driver on him for a two count. Osborne lifts Mensah, but Mensah wiggles out. Osborne blocks Mensah’s piledriver attempt. Osborne rolls Mensah up for a two count. Mensah recovers and hits an overhead throw for a two count. They exchange some strikes and big kicks. Osborne drops Mensah with an enziugiri and climbs to the top. Mensah back flips into a kick to knock Osborne down. Mensah then hits Call of Autumn for the win!
Winner: Oro Mensah
Swipe Right comes running from the back. The camera goes into the back. Gallus is causing a ruckus as Joe Coffey is yelling that it’s time for them to evolve.
What did you think of this week’s episode of WWE EVOLVE? Who or what stood out to you? Let me know at matt.tenhoeve@gmail.com. See you next time!
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