Welcome to PWInsider.com’s coverage of Episode 3 of LFG on March 2, 2025!
After a short recap of what happened last week, the episode picks up at the Performance Center with the coaches talking to their teams about last week and what to focus on going forward, including a look at The Undertaker working on lock ups with his team. Bubba Ray tries to pump up Drake Morreaux a bit - trying to get his personality to come out. Zena Sterling, one of Drake’s teammates, outs him about a dance he has, which Bully Ray makes him perform. Bully Ray tells him to lean into things like that because it’s the personality that stands out more than moves.
Some classic promo moments are shown with Matt Bloom talking about how important it is to be able to speak on the microphone. Bubba Ray and The Undertaker also talk about the importance of the promo.
Shawn Michaels then gathers everyone for an announcement, which is made by BJ Ray. He announces that, unfortunately, while wrestling at a live event, he injured his shoulder. He is not sure how long he is going to be out for. He says that the number one spot just opened up, which makes Shawn Michales smirk.
Shawn Michaels says that since BJ is out, he’s going to replace him. There will be a tag team match and Bubba Ray Dudley will get to choose who the replacement is. Bubba Ray talks about how injuries happen all the time and tells BJ that “everything happens for a reason.” He offers BJ the opportunity to help him find his own replacement, which BJ Ray agrees to.
Josh Black and Drake Starks vs. Case Hatch and Cutler James
This is the match to find BJ Ray’s replacement.
Drake Starks and Cutler James start things off with a lock up. They break immediately and then James gets the advantage with a couple of arm drags. He cranks an arm and tags in Hatch. Hatch grabs a side headlock and cranks it. He hits the ropes and gets a tackle for a two count. He then headlocks Starks over, but Starks fights out of it. Starks eats an uppercut and then gets tackled down again. Hatch starts working Starks’ leg and then an arm. Hatch throws Starks to the corner and tags James back in.
James starts working Starks’ arm, but Starks works out of it and tags in Josh Black. Black’s hot tag isn’t very hot and gets tackled down. He fights back, though, and drops Hatch down and then drops an awkward leg drop. Starks tags back in.
Starks hits a suplex. Black tags back in, as does James. James comes in hot and drops down both of his opponents multiple times. Starks becomes legal. James bodyslams his opponents and then hits a big slam on Starks for the win!
Winners: Case Hatch and Cutler James
During the match, the coaches were giving their thoughts. It’s worth the watch to hear their thoughts as the match happens. I can’t do it justice with a write up. Also during the match, Bubba Ray made BJ Ray sit away from him and help from a distance. However, after the match Bubba Ray says that he was impressed with all four men at times. He’s surprised they all didn’t make the show.
Bubba Ray Dudley calls BJ Ray over just before he makes his decision and tells the four competitors that BJ has a say in their destiny. Cutler James says that BJ Ray and him do not have the best history. BJ Ray likes Drake Starks, but Bubba Ray picks Cutler James. BJ Ray isn’t thrilled about that. Cutler James is excited to work with Bubba Ray and Bubba Ray seems happy to help mold Cutler James.
Shawn Michales gathers everyone up again. He says that they’ve been working a lot in the ring, but cutting a promo is super important. He asks if they know what he’s talking about. “OHHH…you didn’t know?!” Road Dogg comes in to help with the promos. A video package for Road Dogg is shown - covering his career and current behind the scenes job.
Road Dogg pumps up the Future Greats and sits down to talk about the verbal aspect of wrestling. His big lesson is to believe the words that come out of your mouth. They don’t have to be real, but they have to be believed. You also have to be able to talk some trash.
Road Dogg asks Shiloh Hill who he’d talk trash to. He says that he’d want to pick Chris Island and then takes a shot at Island’s big head. Road Dogg has Hill and Island stand up and do a promo battle. A quick background video on Chris Island is shown. It covers his background in sports and how he got into WWE with his athleticism.
The promo battle starts with Island mostly telling Hill that he needs to spend more time outside. Hill comes back with some trash talk and Island talks about Hill’s missing tooth and being worried about Hill biting his ear, which Elijah Holyfield covers his face to after hearing it.
Dani Sekelsky picks Penina Tuilaepa to battle. A quick background video on Penina Tuilaepa is shown, which covers her background in rugby. Sekelsky is happy with her performance, but feels like Tuilaepa got the better of her.
Zena Sterling steps up next and Leigh Laurel comes up to face her. Laurel says that Sterling has a copy and pasted look. Sterling delivers a…promo, which Bubba Ray interrupts and says they’ll work on.
Drake Morreaux steps up and Anthony Luke faces him. Luke talks about Morreaux dating Roxanne Perez and asks Drake how it feels to know that he’ll never be the wrestler that Perez is. Drake tries to come back at Luke with trash talking him about dating Maxxine Dupri.
After the promo, Road Dogg calls for a group hug. The coaches then talk about the promos. Mickie James expected more from Chris Island. Bubba Ray thought all the promos sucked. The Undertaker wants to see how they all follow it up. It is then decided that the promos should lead to the matches for tonight.
Mickie James is shown talking to Dani Selesky, who will be wrestling later. Fit Finlay and Molly Holly are also in the ring with them. James then introduces Michelle McCool, who comes in to help talk to Selesky. The Undertaker sees this and is not thrilled. McCool, though, talks to Selesky about coming up with a finishing move and suggests the Hell’s Gate. McCool tells Selesky to ask The Undertaker to use the move.
Drake Morreaux is shown asking Bubba Ray for advice on how to connect with the audience. Bubba Ray says that he’s not sure yet and needs to see Drake in the ring first. A quick background video on Drake Morreaux is shown, which focuses on his life outside of the ring.
Dani Sekelsky is then shown asking The Undertaker about using Hell’s Gate. The Undertaker is happy that Sekelsky had the courage to ask him and gives her his approval.
It’s time for the matches! The commentary team is Jeremy Borash and Vic Joseph.
Shiloh Hill vs. Chris Island
Shiloh Hill’s goal is to show more aggression while putting on a good match with Chris Island. Chris Island just wants to show improvement.
They start with a lock up and Shiloh Hill pushes Chris Island into the corner with a clean break. They lock up again with Island grabbing a side headlock, which he pulls Hill over with. He cranks the head, but Hill works out of it by sending Island to the ropes. Island hits a tackle, though, and blocks a hip toss. Island hits a hip toss of his own and a couple of fireman’s carries. He lifts Hill up, but Hill wiggles out and chop blocks Island.
Hill charges Island in the corner with a shoulder and then hits a knee breaker and a clothesline. Hill charges Island with a shoulder again, but Island moves out of the way. Hill recovers and drops Island for a two count. Hill grabs Island’s leg and Island hits an enzuigiri. The kick looks stiff and Hill stays down.
Road Dogg calls for the match to end as officials and doctors check on Hill. Hill recovers and wants to continue, but everyone advises him not to continue. Mickie James coaches Chris Island what to do in this type of situation - to always check on your opponent and make sure they are ok. Island seems to understand.
Winner: No Contest
After the match, The Undertaker calls all the Future Greats over to discuss what to do in a situation like what happened with Shiloh Hill. Road Dogg talks about always protecting each other.
Michelle McCool joins the coaches for the next match.
Dani Sekelsky vs. Penina Tuilaepa
Penina Tuilaepa wants to focus on her aggression and making things bigger. Dani Sekelsky wants to focus on using her smaller size as an advantage.
They circle and lock up. Penina Tuilaepa is quick to drop Dani Sekelsky down to the mat. They lock up again and Sekelsky grabs a side headlock. She cranks the head and neck and then uses the ropes to drag Tuilaepa over and down to the mat. Tuilaepa is able to stand out of it and tackles down Selesky hard.
Sekelsky tries to fight back, but Tuilaepa cuts off the comeback and hits a hip attack on the down Sekelsky in the corner. Tuilaepa hits a big bodyslam and a leg drop for a two count. Tuilaepa puts Sekelsky in a camel clutch and then an arm and neck stretch. Tuilaepa clubs down on Sekelsky’s back and then lifts her up, but Sekelsky wiggles out. Sekelsky then uses her quickness to get in some kicks to the leg and a dropkick. Sekelsky hits some running strikes, but gets caught for a backbreaker by Tuilaepa. Tuilaepa goes to pick up Sekelsky, but Sekelsky locks on Hell’s Gate for the win!
Winner: Dani Sekelsky
Bubba Ray points out to The Undertaker that Sekelsky used his finish. Michelle McCool liked the match. The Undertaker felt like Penina Tuilaepa took too many bumps, but enjoyed the match.
Before the next match, Drake Morreaux is shown talking to his girlfriend, Roxanne Perez. Anthony Luke smack talks him before heading out for their match.
Drake Morreaux vs. Anthony Luke
Anthony Luke wants to focus more on his character moments. Drake Morreaux feels the love and support from Roxanne Perez. His entrance shows some of his personality and wants to focus more on treating each match like it could be his last.
They jaw at each other and lock up. Drake Morreaux backs Anthony Luke into the corner and breaks cleanly. Luke does some calisthenics before going back at Morreaux. Luke grabs a side headlock and hits the ropes. He tries to tackle Morreaux down, but Morreaux doesn’t budge and brings Luke down. Morreaux alligator rolls Luke around and then hits an inverted atomic drop and a clothesline. Morreaux includes some shimmying and hits a big splash for a two count.
Morreaux charges Luke in the corner, but Luke moves and goes on the offensive. Luke hits a suplex for a two count. Morreaux fights back with some strikes and a roll up for a two count. Luke recovers, though, and hits a big back elbow for a two count. Morreaux tries to fight back and is able to whip Luke into the corner. Morreaux hits a big boot to the face and a bodyslam. Morreaux then hits a chokeslam for the win!
Winner: Drake Morreaux
Bubba Ray wants to know if Drake Morreaux did the best he could do. Drake says “yes” and Bubba Ray is happy with the answer. Overall, Bubba Ray is happy with the match.
It’s now time to talk about who did the best and who will get the points. Shawn Michaels asks the coaches what they think. The Undertaker feels bad for Shiloh Hill and thinks he would have won today. The Undertaker picks Anthony Luke.
Mickie James thinks Drake Morreaux did a great job and Bubba Ray agrees. Road Dogg goes with Anthony Luke. Shawn Michaels stirs the pot a little bit with Michelle McCool and The Undertaker about the Hell’s Gate finish.
It’s time to award the points!
For the women, The Undertaker announces that Dani Sekelsky (Team Mickie) gets the point.
For the men, Mickie James announces that Anthony Luke (Team Booker T) gets the point.
Drake Morreaux talks about being disappointed with not getting a point.
Booker T and Mickie James now have two points each. The Undertaker and Bubba Ray Dudley still have zero points.
Bubba Ray talks about continuing to work hard for his team. Penina Tuilaepa wants to keep working hard. Chis Island wants to run it back with Shiloh Hill when he’s ready. Dani Sekelsky is happy with her performance.
Next week on LFG, Shawn Michaels announces a Fashion Face Off. There will be more matches and there is a very fast tease about the issues between Bubba Ray and BJ Ray continuing.
ten-Hoeve’s Thoughts
If nothing else, this show is worth the watch for a look behind the scenes at the coaches - both when they are interacting with their teams and when they are talking to each other as matches and promos are happening. It’s tough for me to throw what they are saying into the match write ups, but I love hearing their thoughts as it gives a unique look at what they think works and doesn’t work. It both solidifies what I see and also gives me more insight into the business at the same time.
Road Dogg’s appearance was fun. I mean, it’s tough to not enjoy Road Dogg talking. He’s so smooth and quick. I may be biased, as he was one of my favorites when I was a teenager, but I really loved his work on tonight’s episode. I also really enjoyed his recent appearance on the Chris Van Vliet podcast. Worth a watch/listen!
Speaking of the promos, though, they were definitely…not strong. I actually would have liked to see more of this episode dedicated to strengthening promos. I know that they want to have matches and whatnot, but I think having this week’s points dedicated to whoever delivers the best promo or shows the most improvement would have been really cool. Maybe that’s just me, though…I’m a sucker for listening to certain greats talk about how they go about delivering promos. While I enjoyed Road Dogg’s appearance, hearing him talk more about promos and then helping the Future Legends tweak their talking would have been pretty cool.
The Shiloh Hill injury was unfortunate, but interesting in how everyone approached it. It’s definitely 2025 in the WWE. In the past, so many wrestlers would try to fight through an injury and it would usually be allowed. In today’s wrestling, it’s all about protection in a moment like this. It’s good to see.
Who stood out to me this week? My pick is Drake Morreaux. For me, he’s the clear pick. He showed the most personality. I didn’t fall in love with what he did, but I think he showed the most this week with everyone else trying hard, but still kind of going paint by numbers with most things. Morreaux, though, offered something slightly different and, I think, took the biggest chances with his character development.
What did you think of this week’s LFG episode? How are you enjoying the show? Let me know at matt.tenhoeve@gmail.com and let’s talk about it! See you next time!
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