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By Adam Cardoza on 2025-03-02 08:45:00

ACTION Wrestling “Prepare for Battle”
2/28/25 Tyrone, GA

It’s been a minute since I’ve covered an ACTION show. All sorts of wild things happening on their title scene in the last couple of months, from: 

  • Bobby Flaco’s emotional championship win over Manders in November
  • A sudden title loss to Warhorse in his first defense
  • TWE favorite Tim Bosby capturing the ACTION belt from Warhose the very next night
  • Tim Bosby debuting in Tyrone as a heel champion, putting down Bobby Flaco in a controversial 38 seconds and aligning himself with ACTION announcer and TWE booker Dylan Hales, in a sort of invasion/takeover storyline.
  • Since then, Bosby has turned away Rob Killjoy and tonight, looks to do the same to fan favorite Big Dave. 

We open with ACTION’s match card, set to “Sonic Catharsis” by show sponsors “DnA’s Evolution” (check us out at - I will plug us when I remember to do it and it’s VERY top of mind this year). Dylan Hales and MOSE are on commentary. Scott Hensley is your announcer. It’s time to “Prepare for Battle”! 

Match 1: Jameson Shook vs Notorious BBJ (Big Booty Judy)

BBJ is a competitor from ACTION’s training show “Next Up”. This is a cool match as Jameson Shook is the current ACTION Futures winner so having him give a spotlight match to another up and comer is super cool. She’s smaller but definitely more powerful than Shook out the gate, let’s him TRY to drop her and Jameson just bounces off. Judy a little too focused on posing and flexing and Shook uses that to his advantage….until BBJ just yeets him to the floor. Hales seems to be laying some groundwork on the mic about how ACTION management is forcing Shook into a gatekeeper role here. Shook finally drops her into the corner. Cannoball and double knees to the back! Both trying to finish this off with one big move but Shook finally spikes her with a DVD for the win. This was a VERY fun opener. 

Scott Hensley announces ACTIONS next show is March 21st….and it’s first announced match? Colby Corino vs Paul Walter Hauser!

Match 2: Joe Black vs Tank

Joe Black making his ACTION debut. Almost surprising really, considering his long resume on the Southeast scene. Hales makes SURE to criticize CEO Matt Griffin about this long delayed booking. Tank is stepping in last minute for Kody Manhorn so he is without the Reverend tonight. Tank doing a good job firing up the crowd before we ring the bell. And they start trading shots. It’s a meaty match, for sure, and they’re showing those chops. Tank with an eye poke but Joe sends him to the floor. Big dive into the front row! Tank baited into chopping the post. Headbutts to Black in the seating area. Mose reminds us this is NOT a No-DQ affair. Maybe this is one of those Krule-esque “referee’s discretion” scenarios. Lol. Back to the center and they are just slapping back and forth. Tank connects with a backfist! Black eats about half of a chokeslam and that probably saved him from the three. Joe trying to drop the behemoth with lariats and a spear! Tank up to his knees but Joe Black meets him with a discus elbow to the back of the head. The lights on Tank goes out and Joe Black gets a DEFINITIVE win. Hell yeah.

Both men respect violence and anyone who can bring it. Joe with a full bow to the big man and Tank reciprocates with a handshake and takes a knee. This was a blast. 

Match 3: Adam Priest vs Kasey Owens (w/ Alex Kane)

Dylan Hales complaining about the announcing. He’s complaining about the camera work. Hales says he was way ahead of the curb on Adam Priest’s potential and that he’s number two behind his man, Tim Bosby. But Hales also recognizes that Kasey Owens is starting to show the same signs of greatness that Priest did a couple years ago. Any Style and Owens grapple early on, neither really getting a real advantage…but then Priest with a snap suplex out of nowhere before going right back into a grind. Alex Kane trying to keep Owens in it and coaching him to the ropes on a figure four. Priest settles into a rhythm of slamming and stretching Kasey, sending him bouncing out of the ring to the floor for dear life. Kasey tries to quit the match but Priest sends him into the wall. Owens leg wrapped into the post. Owens finally posts Priest. He traps his arm in the bottom buckle and dropkicks the thing. Great spot. Owens has his chance and trying to put the former 2-time Action champ away. He stomps out the elbow. Priest trying to fire back but his chopping arm is rekt. Kasey focuses even harder on that arm and shoulder. Priest with a desperate grab and dumps Kasey over the top to the floor! Priest with a chop flurry, pain be damned. He throws an uppercut and Owens is rocked. German off the second! Owens barely grabs the rope. Flying headbutt for two from Owens! He locks in a fujiwara armbar! Priest fighting hard but Kasey had that hold locked in hard. Finally a foot on the bottom rope breaks it up.  Kane passes a club to Kasey. Swing and a miss! Priest shoves Owens into Kane, Owens stumbles back and right into the Adam Priest Kill shot DDT for the three!  Priest is victorious but Kasey Owens showed that he is definitely a star on the rise, hanging with the two-time champ. Dylan Hales abandons commentary after this match. He’s gotta go talk to his man.

Match 4: The Good Hand (Suge D & The Wall Tyler Stevens) vs Top Team (Jay Lucas & Terry Yaki) vs The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) (for the ACTION Tag Team Championships)

The Infantry originally had a date with Culture Inc (which would have been a f***ing banger) but with Culture Inc pulling out of the show due to travel issues, The Infantry gets a chance to put their mark on ACTION tag title history in this 3-way lucha rules championship match, while maybe adding to their own pile of championship belts. Nick J Holiday (manager of Culture Inc) joins Mose at commentary, to replace the absent Dylan Hales. Not to be outdone though, The Good Hand and Suge D in particular are definitely in belt collection mode as well. Too bad this isn’t winner take all? Top Team and Infantry keeping the crowd happy, tagging in and out against each other, leaving the hated Good Hand on the apron. Suge with a blind tag to get in there but clearly no one wants THAT. The Top Team/Infantry clash is all anyone wants right now. What an opportunity for this young team. Wall pulls the Infantry out of the ring, leaving Lucas to get swarmed by Suge. Lucas eating big Wall clotheslines. Suge keeping Lucas isolated and blasts Terry off the apron. Lucas makes his escape and Carli flies in to pummel on Suge. Double backbreaker to Suge from infantry! Kick out! Terry flies into the ring into the arms of Wall. Huge toss across the ring! Stevens settles in and pummels Bravo. Suge with a baseball slide into the tree of woe! Dean taken off the apron but Bravo tags out to Terry Yaki! Terry sends the champ to the floor and hits a moonsault into the crowd!!! Yaki with a boot sets up Suge for a Jay Lucas clothesline for two! Suge with a lariat of his own! Bravo back and on fire! The Infantry unloading the clip on Wall! Top Team takes their best shots but he’s still up. Bravo with a scissor kick and Dean hits a splash on Wall…but Top Team and letting THAT be the finish. Magic Killer to Shawn! Bravo saves the captain! Shawn and Jay brawling in the ring! Bravo out of nowhere with a flying clothesline! Tandem curb stomp from the Infantry. Suge runs in, double stomp to Bravo and steals the pin on Shawn Dean to retain their championships! Fantastic chaotic match!

Infantry on the mic. They call out Matt Griffin, saying they HAD THE WIN IN THE BAG but were robbed. They want another shot. Matt gives them a handshake. This sure looks like the Infantry will be back! 

Match 5: Alex Kane (w. Kasey Owens) vs Jaden Newman (Tables & Doors Match)

Tyrone doesn’t see proper violence often but when they do it, it’s generally a blast. Jaden wastes NO time. He superplexes Kane as he’s getting into the ring! Shotgun dropkick through a door! Kane escapes to the floor…but Jaden chases him down and slams the Suplex Assassin through another door! Back in the ring, Jaden sets up another one but Kane blasts him with a spear right through it! Apron splash from Kane! Ref Shiny Shoes has joined Mose at commentary for this one. Kane starting to spin up the suplex machine, folding Jaden up over and over. Jaden getting mad, Kane blasts him with a plank of door and that just fires him up! Jaden shatters a door over Kane’s head! Huge lariat from Kane and they’re both down! Crowd loving this. Kane kicks out of a tornado ddt! Jaden heads up top,,,he tries a meteora….but Kane bombs him and hits ANOTHER for good measure into a door! Jaden kicks out but Kane is NOT done with him. Jaden floats over a clothesline….powerbomb for two! Jaden sets up Kane on a door and chairs….he heads to the top but Kasey Owens hops up and pushes him off the perch….right through a door! Kane quickly makes the pin and Jaden is down for the three!

Alex Kane seems upset with Owens for what he did. He shoves Kasey down! Suge D and Wall run down to calm this situation down. Suge makes a case for Owens not being the problem in the Good Hand. Suge makes the strategy for the Good Hand and this was HIS plan. Kane says he’s mad at them both. Suge tells Kane to stick to the suplexes….Kane says he will…but they better stay OUT of his business going forward. The crowd is loving this drama within their most hated faction. Suge trying to keep the peace. Suge says he has a big match planned for Kane at the next ACTION show. Before he can say more….enter Dylan Hales and ACTION champion Tim Bosby.

Suge doesn’t want them intervening here. Dylan young boys Kasey and tells him to clean the ring. Hales says he respects and knows the Good Hand is great….but he HATES Alex Kane. He’s disappointed that since he “handed” Alex Kane to Suge, all the work Dylan put into raising Kane up went sideways. He dismisses Good Hand from the ring because “the main event is HERE”. What is happening here?!?

Main Event: Tim Bosby (w/ Dylan Hales) vs Big Dave (for the ACTION Championship)

  • Hales running CEO Matt Griffin down for now having the ring cleared…despite the fact that they stormed into the room. The crowd is HATING Tim Bosby. “Not Our Champ!” they chant. Hales runs down Dave. He runs down Georgia. Tennessee above all. Tyrone is more than ready for another new champ. Bosby powders repeatedly as Dave comes in, getting in his head. Dave finally gives chase, putting Hales on the backpedal….leaving Bosby to catch him distracted and rakes the eyes. Huge German in the ring! Bosby making sure to flex and hydrate in between germans. Big Dave is looking loopy after every ride and Bosby is barely breathing hard. Bosby taking his time with this. This strategy finally backfires as Dave catches him on the top rope and powerslams him down! Hales distracts the ref as Bosby blasts Dave with a water bottle. He spits in Big Dave’s face….and that finally fires Dave up! Bosby eating piles of turnbuckle smashes! Whips and body splashes! A trio of shoulder tackles from Big Dave sends the champ to the floor! Bosby weathers the storm and almost steals the win with a rollup! Dave’s blasting big boots! Belly to belly slam! Bosby gets a foot on the rope! Hales becoming a factor again and the ref is turned away as Bosby blasts Big Dave in the head with Dylan’s backpack. Bosby picks up Big Dave and hits a F5 for the win. BOOOOOOOO, says Tyrone, GA!

    Bosby goes for another F5 to put a cherry on top of the win but Bobby Flaco runs in to make the save! Flaco grabs the mic. He’s back and says he’s missed Tyrone while he was down in South America. He was SUPPOSED to be bringing a World Championship with him but he says he let everyone down. The crowd still believes Flaco is their champion and he’s coming to reclaim his belt on March 21st! Hales and Bosby don’t want this fight but Matt Griffin is certainly going to book this and make Dylan miserable. But the real question is: Can they ensure this will be a fair fight this time?

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