Thank you for checking out the TV report for Episode 2 of LFG on February 23, 2025!
Before I get started with talking about tonight’s episode, I just want to take a brief look back at last week. I had intended on adding some thoughts, but I was not feeling well at all and just wrote up the report - leaving it at that. As it turns out, I was suffering from a health issue, so a big thanks to the PWInsider crew for their support and a bigger thanks to Mike Johnson for filling in on TNA iMPACT! last week.
Anyway, my thoughts on the debut episode of LFG aligned quite nicely with Mike Johnson’s in his audio about it. If you haven’t had the chance to listen to his thoughts, I suggest that you do at this link:
However, just to add a few quick thoughts of my own…I really enjoyed the episode. I was a big fan of Tough Enough (both the original and more “recent” version). I am also a sucker for reality TV, so this is a nice blend of both of those worlds for me. I am very much enjoying the production on the show. The shots and edits are crisp. I love seeing and hearing the coaches as things are happening - both inside and outside of the ring. The coaches are really fun, too. Seeing Bubba Ray Dudley doing stuff with WWE is really cool and having The Undertaker do anything like this continues to blow my mind. If you were to tell me back in the early to mid 90s that The Undertaker would be a coach on a show like this, I’d laugh in your face.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how the show progresses, so without further ado, let’s check out Episode 2 of LFG…
Episode 2 starts off with last week’s Future Great standouts having a mixed tag team match in front of a live crowd. It will be Shiloh Hill and Dani Sekelsky vs. Anthony Luke and Tyra Mae Steele.
Shiloh Hill and Dani Sekelsky vs. Anthony Luke and Tyra Mae Steele
Tyra Mae Steele and Dani Sekelsky start things off with a lock up. Steele shoves down Sekelsky immediately. Steele then uses some of her amateur wrestling to almost get a pin. She is then able to get the better of Sekelsky on some exchanges. The men then tag in.
Anthony Luke gets the early advantage on Shiloh Hill until Hill comes off the ropes with a tackle and a neckbreaker. Sekelsky tags back in and brings Steele in the hard way. She gets a quick roll up for a two count and then uses her athleticism to get a headscissors. The men tag back in.
Luke is quick to work Hill’s arm and tags in Steele. Steele tries to drop down on Hill’s arm, but he moves out of the way, lifts up Sekelsky, and launches her at Steele. Luke then distracts the referee, allowing Steele to grab the hair and get the advantage back on Sekelsky.
Sekelsky works out of a chinlock and tags in Hill. Hill comes in hot, dropping Luke with a clothesline and a shoulder tackle. He hits a running attack in the corner and a running bulldog. Steele breaks up the pin and then accidentally spears Luke. Sekelsky hits Steele with a spear while Hill hits a double underhook slam on Luke for the win!
Winners: Shiloh Hill and Dani Sekelsky
It is announced that the Legends will soon be drawing their Future Greats and Joe Tessitore breaks down the rules of the show again.
The fourteen Future Greats without a coach will now get selected via a blind draw (aka Royal Rumble tumbler).
Zena Sterling draws Bubba Ray Dudley
Chris Island draws Mickie James
Troy Yearwood draws Mickie James
Penina Tuilaepa draws Booker T
Drake Morreaux draws Bubba Ray Dudley
Shiloh Hill draws The Undertaker
Jasper Troy draws Booker T
Leigh Laurel draws Booker T
Tatyanna Dumas draws Bubba Ray Dudley
Dani Sekelsky draws Mickie James
Bailey Humphrey draws The Undertaker
Sirena Tinton draws Mickie James
Bubba Ray and The Undertaker are shown discussing the last two Future Greats - Brayden “BJ” Ray and Elijah Holyfield. They talk about how Ray gave them some attitude last week and if he deserves a clean slate.
Brayden “BJ” Ray draws Bubba Ray Dudley. Ray says that he wanted Bubba Ray all along. He goes to shake Bubba Ray’s hand and doesn’t get a handshake. Bubba Ray says that Ray will earn everything he gets and Brayden agrees.
Elijah Holyfield draws The Undertaker and he is very happy about it.
A brief deeper look into Elijah Holyfield is shown that talks about him growing up as Evander Holyfield’s son.
After that, the teams are shown with their coaches and each coach has nice things to say about their roster. The Legends are then shown getting a closer look at their team. They spend some time in the ring with their rosters. The coaches are shown giving some advice to their team members. The curtain is pulled back with the advice, which is really cool.
A brief deeper look into Tatyanna Dumas is shown that covers her younger years in Australia and her basketball background. After the video, she is shown getting inside of her own head in the ring, with Bubba Ray giving her a talk outside of the ring.
The next day, the coaching continues. Bubba Ray tells Zena Sterling that she is one of two big personalities on the show and to make the spotlight find her. She earns a handshake and Bubba Ray does not enjoy her sweaty hands.
A brief deeper look into Zena Sterling is shown that covers her crazy feats in the gym and fitness.
Shawn Michaels arrives at the Performance Center and wants the Future Greats to focus on presence, charisma, and energy - popping off the screen. He announces that there are going to be four matches and it’ll be up to the teams to decide. The teams are then shown discussing who should wrestle.
The Undertaker wants Shiloh Hill to wrestle as a monster heel. Brayden Ray wants to wrestle an approaches his coach, Bubba Ray, about it. Bubba brings the idea to his team and the team decides cut promos to decide.
The Legends then meet to decide on the matches. They decide on the following matches:
Tatyanna Dumas vs. Leigh Laurel
Jasper Troy vs. Chris Island
Shiloh Hill vs. Troy Yearwood
Zena Sterling vs. Penina Tuilaepa
Tatyanna Dumas is nervous about this being her first match ever, but Bubba Ray wants her to get past her fears. Booker T thinks highly of Leigh Laurel and Laurel just wants a safe match.
Booker T thinks highly of Jasper Troy, who is doing it all for his family. A brief deeper look into Jasper Troy is shown, which covers a look at him as a family man. Chris Island is ready to take on the big Troy.
Shiloh Hill is excited for a quick second opportunity. Troy Yearwood gets in Shiloh Hill’s face and Hill gives him a healthy shove. Yearwood wanted to show that he fears no man and Hill was following The Undertaker’s advice of being more of a heel. The Undertaker dug it.
Zena Sterling is excited to have a match while Brayden Ray doesn’t. Brayden is not thrilled. Penina Tuilaepa isn’t ready to back down.
Brayden Ray isn’t thrilled about not being picked. Bubba Ray tries to explain it to him and doesn’t appreciate Brayden’s smirk. They continue to not see eye-to-eye.
The coaches are then shown talking to their Future Greats about the match, giving them advice about the psychology behind the match. Bubba Ray wants Sterling to focus on the entertainment aspect of things.
It’s time for the matches with Vic Joseph and Jeremy Borash on commentary…
Zena Sterling vs. Penina Tuilaepa
Penina Tuilaepa is working as the heel and doesn’t care about the boos. Zena Sterling is working as a bubbly blonde face. Sterling uses her speed to avoid Tuilaepa at first. They then lock up, though, with Tuilaepa getting the best of Sterling, until Sterling gains the advantage back. It doesn’t last long, as Tuilaepa grabs a side headlock and takes Sterling over. Sterling works out of it and grabs a headlock of her own. She hits the ropes and they stand each other up with a tackle.
Tuilaepa grabs a hold of Sterling, though, and drops her hard with a Samoan-like drop. She then hits a bunch of kicks and a splash in the corner. Tuilaepa hits a body slam for a two count. Sterling is sent into the corner and Tuilaepa charges. Sterling blocks it and gets a quick roll up for the win!
Winner: Zena Sterling
The coaches tell Tuilaepa to lay things in more because she can be quite the monster. Bubba Ray approaches Sterling in the back and tries to compliment her. She has a hair in her mouth, though, and they have an awkward, but fun fist bump.
Jasper Troy vs. Chris Island
Jasper Troy is playing the big, bruising heel. Chris Island is playing the smaller, athletic face. The bell rings and they lock up. Troy drives Island into the corner right away, showing his power. They lock up again and Troy drops Island quickly. Troy goes for a chokeslam, but Island fights out of it. Troy throws Island to the corner. Island tries to use his quickness to avoid Troy. Island is able to use his speed to grab a headlock. Troy picks him up, but with some effort, Island is able to work Troy over and crank the head.
Troy works out of it and then ends up leveling Island with a big tackle and bodyslam. Troy hits a big splash for a two count. Troy clubs down on Island and then slams his head down on the turnbuckle. Troy stretches Island’s arm and neck, but Island works out of it and gets in some strikes, including a running one that knocks Troy down. Island then hits a big crossbody for the win!
Winner: Chris Island
Mickie James was happy with the match, but just wanted to see a little bit more before the comeback. Booker T wasn’t thrilled with the comeback at all by Island. He was very happy with Jasper Troy, though. In his interview, Chris Island isn’t happy about being told that Jasper Troy was the lead in the match.
Shiloh Hill vs. Troy Yearwood
Shiloh Hill is playing the intense heel. Troy Yearwood is playing the fiery face. They lock up quickly and work it until Hill pushes out of it. Yearwood pushes him back and then takes his back. They stand and Yearwood hits an arm drag and cranks it. Hill works out of it and sends Yearwood into the corner. Yearwood blocks an attack, but doesn’t block Hill grabbing his leg…pulling him off of the ropes.
Hill then hits a series of punches and sends Yearwood to the opposite corner. He hits Yearwood with a shoulder attack and then a slam. Yearwood is able to grab a roll up, though, for a two count. Hill hits a clothesline and gets a two count. Hill cranks at Yearwood’s arm down on the mat. Yearwood is able to fight out of it with a hip toss. Yearwood then makes his comeback with some strikes and a dropkick for the win!
Winner: Troy Yearwood
The Undertaker likes what he saw athletically and the beginning of the match. Booker T wants to see improvement on the small things. Mickie James wants them to work on shifting gears. Bubba Ray liked one of Hill’s clotheslines and wants to see more of that from him.
A brief deeper look into Leigh Laurel is shown that showcases her background in cosplaying. Booker T is then shown pumping her up. Bubba Ray is shown talking to Tatyanna Dumas and trying to help her not get in her own head.
Tatyanna Dumas vs. Leigh Laurel
Tatyanna Dumas is playing the heel. Leigh Laurel is playing the face. They stare each other down and circle each other. They lock up and Laurel quickly drags Dumas over with a side headlock. Dumas works out of it and they stand. Dumas cranks an arm. Laurel pushes Dumas into the ropes, but eats a tackle. Laurel is then sent into the ropes and eats a back elbow. Dumas slams Laurel and taunts her. Dumas goes for another slam, but Laurel gets a quick roll up for the win!
Winner: Leigh Laurel
Laurel is happy with the match and Dumas’ effort. Dumas is proud of herself. The crowd enjoyed the match. The Undertaker is super impressed with the match, given the amount of experience in the ring (Dumas - one week/Laurel - five months). He sees stars in them. Mickie James was happy with the match and thought Laurel did a great job of leading Dumas in the match despite being the face. Booker T and Bubba Ray also enjoyed the match.
Shawn Michaels is happy with the match ups and it’s time to award the points for the episode…
For the men…
Booker T picks Jasper Troy
Mickie James picks Troy Yearwood
The Undertaker picks Troy Yearwood
Bubba Ray Dudley picks Jasper Troy
That means that Shawn Michaels has to break the tie. He awards the point to Troy Yearwood (Team Mickie James) based on star power.
For the women…
Bubba Ray Dudley picks Leigh Laurel
Mickie James picks Leigh Laurel
The Undertaker picks Leigh Laurel
Booker T does not need to pick, as Leigh Laurel (Team Booker T) mathematically gets the point.
Team Mickie and Team Booker T each have one point now, with Team Undertaker and Team Bubba Ray having zero points.
To close the episode, we get Bubba Ray worried about Brayden Ray while Brayden Ray continues to be full of himself. The coaches then talk about their points. The Undertaker wants to win!
Next week’s preview shows the coaches pushing their team to earn their matches and there may be a possible injury in one of the matches.
ten-Hoeve’s Quick Thoughts
There was a lot going on in this episode, but in a good way. The four matches took up a lot of time, but also gave a unique inside look into what the Legends are looking for and what they feel makes a good match (or as good of a match as one can be with the experience levels that the Future Greats have).
I did enjoy the episode, though. I am really hoping that things start to slow down soon, though. I want to see more of the advice that is given - both inside and outside of the ring. That’s one of the things I loved the most about Tough Enough…which I know this show isn’t. I get that. I think we may get that, though, with some visits coming up on future episodes from current and former greats in the industry.
Who stood out to me? I think everyone worked hard, but if I have to pick and keep it to one or two people - I really do think that Tatyanna Dumas and Leigh Laurel were the most impressive this week, which is crazy to say since they did the least amount of moves and had the least amount of time. However, it’s not about the moves - it’s about the energy and the moment. I have to agree with what the coaches said about them…that staredown at the beginning of the match was a really cool moment and they looked really good for their experience levels. I was definitely most impressed by them.
Overall, though, a really solid watch. Definitely not a waste of time and I actually might re-watch it if I have some time to see if I missed any minor intricacies that happened while I looked down for a moment to type something.
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