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Are Some Numbers Really Luckier Than Others?

By Kendall Jenkins on 2025-02-12 07:16:00

The ‘Lucky Number’ Theory: Does It Work in Gambling?

Do you have a lucky number? Most gamblers do: they use things like birthdays, anniversaries, or other numbers that are important to them to try their luck. But for some players, these numbers are more than a superstition: they believe that they are indeed fortunate, meaning that they think certain numbers are “better” than others. People who believe in this theory often use their lucky numbers in lotteries, roulette, or other gambling games, hoping to increase their chances of winning. But is there any truth to this theory? Can you win more by using them when playing games on sites like Maggico Casino online? Let's answer these questions.

The Psychology Behind Lucky Numbers

There is no single reason why people believe in lucky numbers. If the results are indeed randomized, picking a number and believing it to be fortunate provides a sense of control. This is why most of us believe that some numbers are better than others. But we also tend to think that a number that has paid us big in the past is also lucky, and sometimes superstition and cultural traditions play a role. For example, interestingly, 7 represents luck in most cultures.

But whatever the reasons for their existence, the important question is this: is there a scientific basis for believing that one number is luckier than others?

Gambling Games Are Based on Randomness

Believing that a number is “lucky” means thinking that you have a better chance of winning if you bet on it. However, since randomness is inherent in gambling games, it is not possible to say that a particular outcome is more valuable/prioritized than others. Let's try to explain this simply. There are basically two types of gambling games:

  • Luck Based: Games where the player's knowledge and experience are not important. Only Lady Luck determines whether you will win or not. For example, slots Maggico casino, craps, roulette, keno, and bingo.

  • Skill-Based: Games where players can increase their chances of winning based on their knowledge and experience. The influence of luck still exists, but can be manipulated to a certain extent. For example, poker, baccarat, blackjack.

Let's take an example of the first one and imagine you are playing roulette. If you are playing European roulette, you have a total of 37 numbers on the wheel. Suppose you think that 7 is “lucky”. Mathematically, 7 has a 1/37 chance of winning. We can also express this as 2.70%. The problem is that this probability is the same for all other numbers: no matter which one you choose, your chances of winning will never change.

But does this remain the same even if you play 1,000 times? For example, if the result is never 7 for 1,000 spins, does the probability of 2.70% increase on the 1001st spin? Unfortunately, no – in games based on luck, all odds are reset with every spin/round. Spin the roulette wheel a million times if you want, the probability of a 7 will always remain at 2.70%. It is neither better nor worse than others.

Lucky Numbers in Skill-Based Games

You might think that the situation is different in games where skill can be used to manipulate luck, but again you will be disappointed. Let's take an example similar to the one above: a professional poker player can make a fairly consistent guess as to which hand is more likely to draw a 7, or whether his opponent has a 7 or not. However, this does not mean that 7 is a lucky number, it just means that the player is pretty good at the game.

Multiple scientific studies have also concluded that there are no such things as lucky numbers. Even professional players cannot change the random nature of gambling games, and where there is randomness, it is impossible to know which outcome will increase the chances of winning.  

Therefore, the best thing you can do is to focus on the outcome(s) that offers you the best chance of winning. For example, if you're playing roulette, even money bets offer just over a 48% chance of winning on single zero wheels. This is because these bets cover 18 numbers and there are 37 possible outcomes in total: 18/37 = 48,64%. If you are playing craps, the come or pass bet has a chance of just over 49%. If you are playing blackjack, you have to decide whether or not to take a new card based on the dealer's up card and your total score.

There are games where this won't work: for example, slot machines have an almost infinite number of possibilities to choose from, so you can't bet on an outcome that will give you a higher chance of winning. But in the vast majority of traditional casino games, it's much better to try to increase your chances of winning rather than chasing lucky numbers. Doing so also helps you play responsibly. Believing in lucky numbers can lead you to take unnecessary risks and chase losses. Knowing which outcome offers a higher chance, on the other hand, will help you manage your budget much more efficiently.

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