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By David Tees on 2025-02-11 22:04:00


- Joe Galli & Danny Dealz preview tonight’s show.

NWA World Tag Team Championship: Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Daisy Kill & Talos

The match begins with a four way brawl between all the competitors in the match, Murdoch and Knox trap Talor in the corner before landing multiple avalanches. Talor sets up for a double choke slam before Murdoch and Knox fight back to send him out of the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Knox working over Kill with some strikes. Knox then chokes Kill along the middle rope before landing a seated senton, Murdoch tags in and he nails a trapped Kill with some chops. Kill fights back and Murdoch drops him with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Murdoch goes after Talos and Talor fights back by knocking him off the middle rope. Kill gets up and he stomps away on a downed Murdoch, Talor tags in and he nails a cornered Murdoch with strikes. Talor follows up by nailing Murdoch with a few avalanches, Talor then drops Murdoch with a side slam.

Kill tags in and he focuses his attack on the arm of Murdoch, Kill then drops Murdoch after landing a few strikes. Talos tags back in and he nails Murdoch with a slam, Kill tags back in and he nails a downed Murdoch with more strikes. Talos tags back in and he nails Murdoch with another slam, Kill tags in and he again nails Murdoch with strikes for a near fall. Murdoch recovers and he drops Kill with a big boot, Knox tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Knox nails Talos with a low blow before landing a uranage on Kill for a near fall, Talos gets back in the ring and Knox drops him with a cross body block. Talos misses a big boot attempt and Knox knocks him to the arena floor, Knox and Murdoch hit Kill with a High/Low for a three count.

Winners: Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch, still your NWA World Tag Team Champions

No Limits Match: Kerry Morton vs. Colby Corino

The match begins with a striking exchange between Corino and Morton, Corino winds up dropping Morton with a boot to the face. Corino then hits Morton with multiple hard Irish whips followed by an Olympic Slam, Corino then hits Morton with a Sunsetter Senton for a near fall. Morton goes to the ring apron before dropping Corino neck first on the top rope, Morton grabs a chair and Corino takes it from him after landing a baseball slide drop kick. Corino tosses the chair at Morton before landing a suicide dive, Corino goes for a suplex on the entrance ramp and Morton counters by dropping him on the barricade. Morton follows up by slamming Corino onto the entrance ramp, Morton stands Corino up before sending him into the barricade. Morton fishhooks Corino as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Morton trash talking to ring announcer Kyle Davis. The referee blocks Morton from attacking Davis before Corino sends him into the ring steps, Corino grabs a bunch of weapons and he tosses them all into the ring.

Corino gets Morton back in the ring and Morton winds up slamming him onto a bunch of chairs, Morton grabs a chair and he attacks Corino with it. Corino fights back and Morton quickly drops him before raking his back and face, Morton gets Corino in a rear naked choke. Corino gets free and he nails Morton with a drop toe hold onto a chair for a near fall, Corino looks for a DDT and Morton defends before landing a slingshot suplex onto a bunch of chairs. Morton holds Corino down while stomping on his hand, Morton grabs Corino and he places him on the top rope before following him up there. Morton goes for a superplex and Corino defends before knocking Morton off the ropes and onto a chair, Morton gets up and he sends Corino off the ropes before landing chair shots. Morton grabs a chair and he attacks Corino with it again, Corino fights back and he drop kicks a chair into Morton.

Corino cracks Morton with some strikes and back elbow strikes, Morton looks for a tombstone piledriver and Corino reverses it by nailing Morton with a tombstone piledriver onto a pile of chairs for a near fall. Morton gets up and he nails Corino with the Kiss It Goodbye knee strike into a chair, Morton then power bombs Corino onto some chairs for a three count. The referee overturns his decision after discovering that Corino broke the count by grabbing the ropes, the match resumes with Corino and Morton trading strikes. Morton places Corino on the top rope and he follows him up there, Corino hits Morton with a super Steamroller onto a pile of chairs. Corino then hits Morton with a driver for a three count.

Winner: Colby Corino

- Kylie Paige, Big Mama & Tommy Henry make their way to the ring before the next match begins, Paige says she is injured and cannot compete tonight. Paige says she has been forced to not compete tonight, Paige says she has a replacement partner to team with Mama and that person is NWA World Women’s Champion Kenzie Paige.

NWA World Women’s Tag Team Championship: The It Girls (Ella Envy & Miss Starr) (c) vs. Kenzie Paige & Big Mama w/Kylie Paige

The match begins with a shoving contest between Paige and Envy, Paige trips up Envy before rolling her up for a few pin attempts. Paige then drops Envy with a head scissors takedown, Mama tags in and she drops Envy with a shoulder block. Mama misses a charge in the corner and Starr tags in, Starr tries dropping Mama with a shoulder tackle and Mama stays on her feet. Mama catches a leaping Starr before landing a power slam for a near fall, Paige tags in and Envy interferes to help Starr land a clothesline on her. Starr then stomps away on a downed Paige before choking her, Envy continues attacking Paige while Starr distracts the referee. Starr slams Paige out of the corner for a near fall, Starr traps Paige in the corner before landing an avalanche followed by a kick to the back. Starr follows up by smashing Paige’s head into the mat multiple times for a near fall, Envy tags in and she nails a cornered Paige for a near fall. Envy then nails a cornered Paige with a cannonball for a near fall, Envy chokes Paige again while Mama argues with the ref.

Envy traps Paige in the ropes while landing some strikes, Starr tags in and she nails Paige with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Starr goes for a DDT and Paige defends before then both drop each other with simultaneous face busters, mama tags in and she starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Mama drops Envy with an avalanche before nailing Starr with a jaw breaker, Paige tags in and she nails Envy with a cutter for a three count.

Winners: Kenzie Paige & Big Mama w/Kylie Paige, your new NWA World Women’s Tag Team Champions

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