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By Jeremiah Eric on 2025-02-11 21:59:00

Ongoing AEW Dynamite Spoilers from Austin, Texas at the H-E-B CENTER:

*Ring announcer: Justin Roberts.

*Announcers: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur.  There was a big "Tony" chant for Schiavone.

*AEW President came out dressed in a dapper suit and the same haircut as Clark Kent in James Gunn's Superman.  He did his Timecop speech saying we will be in two places at once this Wednesday since we can see ourselves on Max and TBS.  Wouldn't that mean we would be in THREE PLACES AT ONCE TONY??????

Dynamite opens with Max Caster coming out showcasing his trademark for "Best Wrestler Alive."  The crowd chanted "Shut the F Up."  He's doing an Open Challenge.  He said he ran his partners out of the company and he was the true mastermind behind The Acclaimed.  He wanted to see who can survive the best wrestler alive.   Hangman Page came out to answer the challenge.  It wasn't long before Page got the pinfall with the Buckshot Lariat.  Short but sweet.  The crowd chanted for "Cowboy Sh-" after the match.  Caster was out of it on the floor, clutching his trademark paperwork as referee Bryce Remsberg helped walk him to the back.

Next referee is ...RICK KNOX!  Oh boy!

AEW Trios Champions The Death Riders - Pac & Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli defending against The Undisputed Kingdom's Adam Cole & Roderick Strong & Kyle O'Reilly.  No Jon Moxley or Marina Shafir...yet.  Everyone brawls at ringside.  It settled down into a traditional six man.  Strong was worked over for a long time trying to get a tag but was held down.  Cole finally got the hot tag and cleaned house on Yuta and then Pac.  Kingdom triple-teamed Pac but Claudio broke up the pinfall attempt.  Claudio showed some vicious strength on O'Reilly.  He used a Rocket Launcher, sending Yuta off the top but Kyle pulled his knees up.  They went into some crazy fun near falls.  Claudio smashed Strong into the barricades.  The finish saw Rick Knox take forever to remove a steel chair, allowing Yuta to low blow and small package Kyle.  Great match until the ending, I'd say.  The Death Riders beat down The Kingdom but Daniel Garcia and 2.0 ran out to clear the ring.

The lights went out as Justin Roberts asked us if we were having a good time.  

Backstage, Renee interviewed MJF.  He knocked Texas and Dustin Rhodes.  He told Rhodes to get on his knees and pray to The Devil.  Hangman Page showed up and demanded he leave.  MJF told him he smelled like Jack Daniels.  Hangman asked if that's the best he has.  MJF then said the reality is Hangman lost his friends and sanity because he didn't get a little apology and the worst part is the fans buy his crap.  He told Hangman that unlike him, MJF is going to become a two time Champion and walked off.  Page just stood there pissed.

Our referee is........Paul Turner!

Samoa Joe & Hook & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Jon Cruz & Aaron Solo & Grillo.  Big reaction and chants for Samoa Joe.  Quick beatdown!  Joe cut a promo and basically said they will hunt everyone who messes with them down in the streets and in the ring.  He said all Christian Cage and his crew had to do was take their beating like men, but they keep hiding in their dressing room.  The crowd chanted "Chicken Ass" about Christian.  He challenged The Patriarchy to face them with the winners getting a shot at the Trios titles.  Good, passionate promo from Joe.  He kept calling their group "The Ops" so I guess that's a new stable name?

Chris Jericho did an interview where he challenged Bandido to meet him in the ring for a "showdown."

The Showdown is right now as Ring of Honor World Champion Chris Jericho came to the ring.  No Big Bill or Bryan Keith...yet!  Theu put a spotlight on them and a bell rang.  They then went back to back and walked paces like an old school Western shoot out.  The bell rang again and they faced each other., but before anything else could happen, Bryan Keith attacked him from behind.  They were beatinh him down two on one but The Outrunners ran out and they brawled.  Big Bill came out carrying The Bandido Wanted Poster.  He entered the ring and went to chokeslam him, but NO, Powerhouse Hobbs hits the ring and they battle.  Hobbs nailed a big spinebuster.  

Backstage, Cope and Jay White teamed to attack Jon Moxley and steal the briefcase that holds the AEW World Championship belt.  

Our next referee is....Bryce Remsberg!

Backstage, Dustin Rhodes did an interview saying MJF was about to find out why Dustin is the last of his kind.  Big reaction to the promo live.

MJF vs. Dustin Rhodes.  Dustin gets massive ovation as he's from Austin.  Dustin caught him with a big powerslam at the bell and beat him down with punches.  MJF escaped the ring but Dustin caught up to him in the aisle and dragged him back to the ring.  MJF came back and was a total d--- in how he nailed moves on Rhodes.  He mocked Dustin but was caught and powerbombed off the corner buckles.  The crowd was SUPER into Dustin, clapping for him to make a comeback.  MJF teased going for a CrossRhodes but Dustin reversed it and nailed it himself.  That was great and set up a two count.  Everyone at ringside was standing at this point chanting "Let's Go Dustin!"  MJF catches him with a piledriver but Dustin kicks out at the last second.  This is real good wrestling.  MJF teases smashing a chair on Dustin's arm, but the referee removed it.  This allowed Rhodes to set up MJF in the ropes for The Shattered Dreams kick.  Rhodes nailed the Final Reckoning but MJF kicked out.  We all thought that was the ending here live.  MJF nailed it on Dustin, who kicked out at the last second.  MJF locked an an armbar submission.  He changes it to a crossface and the referee calls for a stoppage as Rhodes wasn't responding.

MJF was going to torment Dustin some more but Hangman Page hit the ring and faced off with MJF.  MJF acted as if he was going to back off but tackled Hangman.  They battled in the ring with security pouring into the ring with Jerry Lynn to stop it.  They kept breaking free and brawling.  They battled into the crowd and kept going up above the entrance for one of the sections.  They kept trying to toss the other one off.  They were finally separated.  Austin chanted to let them fight!!!

Page was dragged backstage somewhere.  MJF returned to the ring and took the mic, saying Page was gutless and afraid of him.  He dared Page to come back but said he won't because he's a loser.  Page charged back down and we were back to another brawl.  Security and officials were trying to keep them apart but they kept fighting.  They were finally held apart.  Chuck Taylor was also at ringside for all this.

MJF was pulled to the back so Page just started beating the sh-- out of all the security guards.  Hell of a way to make a living.  I hope there's medical insurance that comes with that paycheck!

A fun, chaotic scene.

Our referee is Rick Knox!

Backstage, Swerve Strickland was interviewed.  Prince Nana was upset over everything Ricochet has done but wanted Swerve to focus on getting back to the World title.  Swerve said he will but he has to take care of this first.  Nana walked off.  They aren't on the same page.  

Megan Bayne defeated Maya World.  Wow, Bayne has some presence live!  Love the She-Ra look!  It wasn't long for The World to end.  Bayne wins.

As Megan was leaving, out came Kris Statlander for the next match.  They meet in the aisle and face off for a moment, teasing something for down the line.

Our referee again is Bryce Remsberg!

Penelope Ford vs. Kris Statlander.  Competitive bout.  Statlander nailed a big dropkick and a Jacknife slam.  Ford sent her catapulted into the ropes and scored several two counts.  The momentum swung back and forth.  Ford nailed a PoisonRana but was hit with a lariat and pinned with a Leaping Tombstone Piledriver.  Statlander wins!

Bayne returned and attacked Statlander in the aisle, hitting an F-5 on her.

Backstage, Rene interviewed Willow Nightingale, who was immediately attacked by Marina Shafir.  Jon Moxley took the interview and said White and Cope were dead men walking.  Couldn't he have just asked his wife politely for interview time?

They played a Harley Cameron promo.  She closed it with "Feel the Wrath" so Austin chanted it.

Our referee for the main event is...........Paul Turner!

AEW World Tag Team Champions The Hurt Syndicate with MVP vs. The Gunns.   The Gunns looked good in the ring.  The time off freshened them up.  They looked good especially against Shelton Benjamin.  The crowd was into The Business, chanting "We Hurt People" as Shelton tossed Gunns in the air with suplexes.  Lashley almost murdered a Gunn with an evil chokeslam.  They double-teamed and pinned Colton (I THINK!) after a Bobby spear into next week.  Hurt Business as the monsters is a hell of a deal.  What was HHH thinking letting this go?

Brian Cage and Lance Archer came out at the entrance, looking down at the Tag Champions to give us a cliffhanger for the episode I guess?  

They then had a segment where Cope and Jay White came out with the briefcase they stole from Moxley.  The crowd wanted them to open the case.  Cope went under the ring and pulled out "his old friend Spike" and said that if Moxley doesn't accept his challenge for Revolution, Cope is going to destroy the case and take the title.



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