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By Matt ten-Hoeve on 2025-01-30 22:03:00

Welcome to’s TNA iMPACT! coverage for January 30, 2025! Scheduled for tonight's episode on AXS TV and TNA+ is the following:

*Nic Nemeth kicks off iMPACT!

*Ace Austin vs. Wes Lee

*Cora Jade in action

*Laredo Kid vs. Mustafa Ali

*Eric Young and Josh Alexander vs. The Northern Armory

*Brian Myers vs. Leon Slater

*We’ll hear from Sami Callihan

This week’s episode starts off with a recap of last week’s live iMPACT! - The Northern Armory turning on Josh Alexander, Mustafa Ali returning to TNA and interrupting Mike Santana, and Joe Hendry retaining the TNA World Title over Matt Cardona with the help of John Layfield.

Nic Nemeth comes to the ring to kick things off. He talks about how Genesis was a great night for TNA, but not for himself. Nemeth says that Joe Hendry was the better man at Genesis. Nemeth doesn’t want anyone to feel bad for him - it’s his job to get back up and go after the TNA Title again.

Ryan Nemeth interrupts his brother and says that Nic is not happy with what happened at Genesis. He says that Nic got robbed. Ryan says that Nic needs to realize that Joe Hendry got lucky. Hendry is a poser, a flash in the pan, and a two pump chump. It’s Nic who is the real champion and 2025 will be Nic’s year. Joe Hendry is a fraud! Nic tells his brother to stop. He appreciates the kind words, but Joe Hendry earned the title shot and champion. 2025 is going to be the years of the Nemeth Brothers! They can both go for championships.

First Class interrupts. AJ Francis agrees with Ryan Nemeth when it comes to Joe Hendry, but he’s here to talk to the Nemeth brother who matters. Francis feels like Nic doesn’t deserve to go after the TNA World Title again due to his loss against the “bum” Joe Hendry. Francis talks about signing the most lucrative deal in TNA history after his match against Nic Nemeth in December. First Class isn’t in TNA just for the money, though. They are in TNA for the spotlight. Francis is sick of old timers getting the spotlight. He’s ready for the TNAJ Era. Ryan Nemeth doesn’t appreciate Francis’ words and tries to defend his brother.

Nic Nemeth tries to take control of the situation, but Ryan Nemeth cuts him off and wants a match with First Class. Santino Marella comes out to the top of the ramp and makes it official for tonight’s main event!

Gia Miller is in the back with Ariana Grace. Just as Grace is about to talk about all the great things the TNA/WWE partnership will bring, Tessa Blanchard comes into the frame. Blanchard says that Grace doesn’t get to tell her what to do. Blanchard says that Grace was given everything she has because of her father and tells her to leave. Blanchard dismisses Miller, as well, and says that she answers to no one.

A commercial airs.

Cora Jade is shown arriving earlier in the day. Xia Brookside approaches Jade and welcomes her to TNA. Jade tries to dismiss her and Brookside brings up Jade getting trained by Robbie Brookside, Xia’s father. Jade and Brookside shove each other and get in each other’s faces until they are broken up by security.

Cora Jade vs. Hyan

They lock up and Hyan is quick to crank an arm. Cora Jade reverses it, but Hyan cartwheels out of the hold. Hyan tries to use her quickness, but Jade drops her and taunts Hyan. Jade stays in control, dragging Hyan down to the mat and using the ropes to stomp on her back. Jade uses the ropes again to choke Hyan and then hits a running attack on Hyan against the ropes.

Jade ties Hyan up in the ropes and hits her with a chop and a dropkick. Jade chokes Hyan on the ropes again and goes for another running attack, but Hyan moves out of the way. Hyan slams Jade down and gets a one count. Jade recovers quickly and hits a knee in the corner. Jade hits Jaded for the win!

Winner: Cora Jade

After the match, Cora Jade rains down punches on Hyan until Xia Brookside runs out. Jade rolls out of the ring. Brookside starts to check on Hyan, allowing Jade to slide back into the ring and hit Jaded on Brookside. Masha Slamovich runs out to go after Jade, but Jade rolls out of the ring and taunts Slamovich as she walks up the ramp.

Gia Miller is in the back with Wes Lee, Tyriek Igwe, and Tyson Dupont. Miller wants to know why Lee got involved in the match last week between The Rascalz and Fraxiom. Lee says it’s clear that he and The Rascalz are no longer aligned. Lee wants the NXT Championship and the NXT Tag Team Championships are reserved for Tyriek and Tyson. Anyone who stands in the way of that will be taken out - starting with Ace Austin tonight.

A TNA+ commercial airs.

Santino Marella is in the back and is approached by The Personal Concierge, along with Ash and Heather by Elegance. They tell Santino that they were robbed at Genesis in their attempt to win the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles. They want another shot and have evidence that the referee messed up.

Santino Marella says that he’ll review the evidence and announces that next week - there will be a Knockouts Battle Royal. The winner will get a shot at the Knockouts World Title. He says that Ash and Heather will be in the match. Spitfire interrupts and they want to know if they will be in the Battle Royal, as well. Santino confirms that they will be. The Elegances and Spitfire smack talk each other.

Brian Myers with The System vs. Leon Slater

They circle and lock up. Brian Myers goes behind and then cranks a headlock. Leon Slater sends Myers into the ropes and Myers hits a big shoulder block. They lock up again and Myers grabs another headlock. Slater reverses and is sent into the ropes. Slater hits a big shoulder block of his own. Myers gets up and angrily locks up with Slater again. Myers grabs Slater’s hair and forces Slater into the corner. Slater ducks under an attack and celebrates.

Slater uses his quickness to drop Myers down and again with a handspring back elbow. Slater goes after Myers in the corner, but Myers drags him down into the turnbuckle. Myers attempts to hit the Spear, but Slater moves out of the way. Myers rolls to the outside and Slater sets up for a dive. The System helps Myers move out of the way.

Slater goes to the outside and forces Myers back into the ring. The System distracts Slater, allowing Myers to gain control as Slater enters the ring. Myers sends Slater into the corner hard, with Slater flipping into the corner. Myers slaps on a chinlock. Slater briefly fights out of it, but then Myers trips up Slater and regains control with a kick to the back and a chop in the corner. 

Myers sends Slater into the corner hard again and gets a two count. Myers slaps on a chinlock again and works it on the mat. Slater fights out of it, but gets tackled down with a back elbow by Myers. Myers cranks Slater’s neck and head again, which Slater fights out of. Myers cuts off the comeback briefly, but Slater is able to jump over the top rope when whipped into the corner. Slater hits a springboard crossbody and then gains momentum with running attacks and a single leg dropkick.

Slater hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Slater climbs to the top rope, but Myers gets up. Slater rolls through his missed leaping attack and hits a leaping leg attack for a two count. Myers recovers and hits an enzuigiri and a DDT for a two count. Myers sets up for a Spear, but Slater is able to reverse it into a roll up for a two count. Slater sends Myers to the outside and goes for a dive. Myers moves out of the way, but Slater is able to stop himself. Slater adjusts his positioning in the ring and hits a dive onto Myers over the ringpost.

Slater sends Myers into the ring. The System members try to attack Slater. Slater avoids Moose. He takes out Edwards. He takes out JDC. Alisha Edwards slips Myers his ring. Myers is able to hit Slater with it and then hits the Roster Cut for the win!

Winner: Brian Myers

Steph De Lander and Mance Warner are in the back. De Lander talks about winning the TNA Digital Media Championship in the divorce. Warner talks about taking over TNA. Sami Callihan attacks Warner from behind.

A TNA Rebellion commercial airs.

Frankie Kazarian approaches Leon Slater in the back. Slater is nursing his wounds as Kazarian offers to take Slater under his wing. Slater doesn’t want to hear it and wants nothing to do with Kazarian. The System approaches. Moose says that Slater passed a big test tonight. Moose says that Slater shouldn’t carry Kazarian’s trophy, but he can carry The System’s bags. The System members keep coming up with ideas for what Slater can do for them until The Hardys interrupt. The Hardys and The System smack talk each other until Matt Hardy suggests a match for next week.

Sami Callihan and Mance Warner are shown fighting in the crowd. Callihan throws Warner over the guardrail to ringside. He throws Warner over his head and then sends Warner into the ring. Callihan gets a chair from under the ring and throws it into the ring. It hits Warner. Callihan grabs a bat and gets into the ring. He hits Warner with a chair and sets it up over Warner. Callihan goes to hit the set up with his bat, but Steph De Lander runs out and distracts Callihan. She slides the TNA Digital Media Championship to Warner, who uses it to take out Callihan. Warner hits Callihan with a big knee and then makes out with De Lander.

A commercial airs.

Eric Young is in the back and is approached by Steve Maclin. Maclin wants to know if Young is really going to go through with teaming up with Josh Alexander. Young wants Maclin to trust him. Maclin trusts Young, but doesn’t trust Alexander. Maclin tells Young to be safe, but won’t be sticking around to watch.

Laredo Kid vs. Mustafa Ali

Mustafa Ali ducks under a lock up and takes Laredo Kid’s back. Laredo Kid reverses and sends Ali to the ropes. Ali counters and hits a running head scissors. Laredo Kid then uses his quickness to hit an arm drag and a headscissors of his own. Ali rolls to the outside.

Ali gets back in the ring and kicks Laredo Kid in the midsection. Ali hits a chop and an elbow in the corner. Laredo Kid ducks another chop and hits some strikes of his own. Ali reverses a corner attack and puts Laredo Kid on the top rope. Ali climbs up, as well, but is pushed to the mat. Laredo Kid leaps off of the ropes, but eats a big dropkick in mid air. Ali gets a two count.

Ali cranks at Laredo Kid’s neck on the mat. Laredo Kid briefly fights it off, but Ali drags him back down to the mat. Ali calls Laredo Kid a “stupid luchador” and slaps him. Laredo Kid fires up and hits a big slam for a two count. Ali shakes it off and drags Laredo Kid into the corner. Ali hits a backslide with his feet on the ropes. The referee sees the feet just in time.

Laredo Kid recovers and hits some chops. Ali goes to the outside to avoid Laredo Kid, but Laredo Kid hits a big dive. On the outside, Laredo Kid tries to lift Ali, but Ali grabs his mask. Ali is able to drape Laredo Kid over the apron and hits a DDT on the outside. Ali rolls Laredo Kid back into the ring and hits a 450 Splash for the win!

Winner: Mustafa Ali

A TNA Rebellion commercial airs.

Mustafa Ali is in the back. He says that he was able to start off his campaign with a big win. Ali says that it’s clear that the fans love him. Mike Santana interrupts and wants to know if Ali has a problem with him. Santana is all about respect and didn’t feel much from Ali last week. Santana says that he and Ali can throw hands. Ali is willing to face Santana down the road, but not now. Ali does know someone who may be willing to face Santana, though, but doesn’t say who it is as he walks off.

Eric Young and Josh Alexander vs. The Northern Armory

Josh Alexander and Judas Icarus start things off with a lock up. Alexander is quick to send Icarus into the corner. Icarus tags in Travis Williams, who is also quick to get dropped by Alexander. Williams briefly gains control and Icarus tags in. He is hit with a rolling senton, though, for a two count.

Alexander chops Icarus in the corner a couple of times and whips him into the corner. Williams blocks the turnbuckle, though, and The Northern Armory gets control of Alexander. They send him to the outside and double team him. Alexander is sent back into the ring and Williams gets a two count. Icarus tags back in. The Northern Armory tries to double team Alexander, but he briefly fights it off. The numbers are too much, though, and The Northern Armory keeps control.

Williams tags back in and The Northern Armory double team Alexander again. He almost fights it off, but they get the better of him and drop him down to the mat. Icarus goes for a top rope splash, but Alexander moves out of the way. Alexander hits an overhead suplex. Williams tags in. Eric Young tags in.

Young goes after The Northern…NO! He turns around and lays out Josh Alexander.

Winners: No Contest

As the match gets thrown out, The Northern Armory beat on Josh Alexander. Eric Young hits Alexander with a piledriver. Eric Young stands with The Northern Armory, taking command of the group.

Wes Lee vs. Ace Austin

They lock up and Ace Austin grabs a headlock. He cranks it until Wes Lee is able to counter it. Austin is able to reverse and drops Lee down with an arm crank. Lee eventually uses the ropes to flip through and arm drag Austin. Lee then hits a big dropkick, but is tripped up and hit with a kick from Austin. Austin rolls Lee up for a two count and then hits a big dropkick.

Lee rolls to the apron and is able to flip over Austin into the ring. Lee rolls through an attack and hits an up kick on Austin. Lee charges Austin and eats a back body drop. Austin slaps on a headlock, but Lee lifts him up and drops him down on the ropes onto his nether region. Lee pushes Austin off of the ropes and to the outside. Lee hits a dive.

Lee sends Austin back into the ring and gets a one count on a cover. Lee works Austin over in the corner with a series of punches to the ribs and a big punch to the face. Austin tries to fight back, but Lee hits some more punches and a kick. Lee gets a one count. Lee kicks at Austin in the corner. Austin calls for more. Lee obliges with a spinning back kick. Lee gets a two count.

Lee works over Austin’s arm on the mat. Austin fights out of it, but Lee holds on. Austin hits some forearms, but eats some shots to the ribs. Strikes are exchanged until Austin hits a big clothesline. Austin misses a springboard kick, but is able to hit a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Austin hits Click Click Boom.

Austin hits a series of short clotheslines on Lee in the corner and then hits a springboard kick for a two count. Austin hits a gutwrench powerbomb for a two count. Austin sets up for The Fold, but Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe run out. Austin is able to avoid their attack and sends Lee to the outside. Austin hits a dive on Lee and Dupont and sends Lee back into the ring. Igwe grabs Austin as Ace tries to get back into the ring, though. This distraction allows Lee to hit the Cardiac Kick for the win!

Winner: Wes Lee

After the match, Wes Lee, Tyriek Igwe, and Tyson Dupont beat on Ace Austin until The Rascalz make the save.

A commercial airs for the live TNA iMPACT! on February 20th at Full Sail University.

Joe Hendry is in the back. He talks about winning the TNA World Title and being a fighting champion. He’s not sure who is next, so why not give the fans some fun experiences? Next week - there will be a Joe Hendry concert!

A commercial airs for next week’s iMPACT!

Nic and Ryan Nemeth vs. First Class

Ryan Nemeth and AJ Francis start things off. They lock up and Francis throws Ryan off immediately. Francis wants Nic Nemeth and the Nemeth Brothers are cool with it. Nic comes in and takes Francis’ back. Nic slaps on a headlock. Francis throws him off, but Nic uses his agility and speed to recover. KC Navarro wants in and tags Francis.

Navarro uses his quickness to drop Nic. Nic recovers, though, and hits a big dropkick. Francis comes in and eats a dropkick. Francis doesn’t go down, so Ryan comes in and the Nemeth Brothers hit a double dropkick. Francis goes to the outside. Navarro is sent out with him.

Back from commercial, Francis has control of Ryan and is working him over in the ropes. Francis clubs at Ryan and hits Tennessee Whiskey. Navarro tags in during the move and keeps control of Ryan. Navarro hits a dropkick and the 305. Navarro hits a double stomp on Ryan for a two count.

Francis tags in and whips Navarro into Ryan in the corner. Francis hits a big boot on Ryan for a two count. Francis clubs down on Ryan and cranks his neck. Ryan fights back, but is sent back down to the mat by Francis. Francis works Ryan over in the corner. Francis attempts to throw Ryan, but Ryan counters it into a sleeper. Francis hits a side slam for a two count.

Francis whips Ryan into the corner and hits another side slam for a two count. Francis knocks Nic off of the apron and goes for another side slam on Ryan. Ryan counters it into a DDT. Both men are slow to get up. Navarro tags in. Nic tags in.

Nic comes in hot and drops Navarro. Nic hits a splash in the corner, followed by a neckbreaker. Nic hits Ten Shots to the Heart. Francis breaks up the cover on Navarro. Francis tries to hit the Down Payment on Nic, but Nic wiggles out and hits a superkick. The Nemeths send Francis over the top rope. Ryan hits a dive on Francis.

In the ring, Navarro is able to attack Nic from behind. Navarro hits some quick strikes and a superkick for a two count. Nic counters a Navarro attack into a slam. Nic hits the Fame-Asser and sets up for Danger Zone. Ryan tags himself in. Nic hits Danger Zone and Ryan makes the cover for the win!

Winners: Nic and Ryan Nemeth

Thank you for following along with’s coverage of TNA iMPACT! What did you think of this week’s iMPACT!? Let me know at See you next time!

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