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By Adam Cardoza on 2025-01-24 13:21:00

Wrestling Open “Grand Finale”

1/23/25 from The World Famous White Eagle in Worcester, MA

ONE LAST TIME we are at the White Eagle before we close out this chapter of Worcester wrestling and head across Kelly Square to Electric Haze on 1/30. 2 huge title matches and a pair of Tournament for Tomorrow semifinal matches highlight the card tonight. It’s starting to get crowded in here already…

Spotlight Match: Ray Jaz vs CPA

Jaz is frustrated early by a huge flurry of CPA shenanigans. He doesn’t WANT this fight…he doesn’t LIKE this fight. He finally dodges a 1099 and lays a long beating on the taxman. Jaz working working a full Nelson. CPA with a trip up and finally lands the 1099. Codebreaker for two! Jaz dodges the number crunching and hits a full Nelson brain buster for the win! For our final outing at the Eagle, Jaz has added a new weapon to the arsenal.

Match 1: The Rude & Lawless Residency (RJ Rude, Rex Lawless & Nick Robles) vs Church of Greatness (Tyree Taylor, Sammy Diaz & Ichiban) 

Nick Robles is still bonking a cowbell and RJ clearly wants him to keep in his place. Brother Greatness is still among the missing after Lucas Chase’s great betrayal at The Last Stand. The church starts hot and lights up Robles with a high speed run through and Tyree sailing through the air like he’s a Hardy doing poetry. A pounce to RJ and Sammy with the torpedo to the floor! Robles plays sacrifice and RJ finally gets Sammy with a hangman’s ddt. We finally get the meat on meat action we want after Tyree tosses RI into Robles. Huge collision between Tyree and Rex! Discus lariat! Church of Greatness triple bomb to Robles ends the match with a well earned and well needed victory!


Tyree on the mic. It’s their first time together since the cage match. He says he consulted with Brother Greatness. He loves Sammy and Ichiban…but the big boy from Brooklyn needs to forge his own path. Huge reception from the crowd for Tyree. Sammy takes the mic and says he is ALSO going his own way. He respects Ichiban for all he’s done at Open…and he wants it too. Ichiban is left alone…as the lights go out. MAX CASTER IS ON THE SCREENS! Max remembers how Ichiban took his 20,000 dollars. He says he’s putting 50k of his money up for the wrestler who puts Ichiban through the worst physical and emotional damage of his career. Oh my god. 

“FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?” Screams Rain Conway as he hits the ring and blindsides Ichi. A forearm to the back of the head isn’t nearly enough and an Ichi Bankai drops the BIOPro grad. Ichiban is gonna be looking over her shoulder going forward.

Match 2: Julius “Ironside” Draeger vs Handyman Jake Gray (Tournament For Tomorrow Semifinals)

Handyman starts hot and this just makes Draeger mad. An errant landing tweaks Gray’s knee and Draeger swarms on that limb. Jake trying to fight but Julius is just kicking, stomping, chopping and driving that knee into the canvas. A couple of quick rolls up turn the tide. A sliced bread drops Draeger but landing on that knee was painful for Gray. Draeger takes the knee out one more time and slaps on a half crab for the tap out. Draeger is headed to the finals!

Match 3: Eye Black Jack vs DJ Powers (Tournament For Tomorrow Semifinals)

DJ Powers is projecting his usually unearned confidence but is shaken up as the undefeated Jack Pasquale bowls him over and pops right up behind him. DJ with a trip to the buckles and has some time to try and wear down the BioPro standout. Powers has done his homework and is trying to take out the arms. Jack keeps trying for that uranage though and finally catches DJ out of the air and drops him for the finish!

The finals are set! Draeger is out here to face down his opponent…as Brett Ryan Gosselin blindsides Jack and they give this kid a two on one beating. Draeger with a kimura and sinks it DEEP. Will Jack be able to make it to the final next week???

Match 4: Swipe Right (Brad Baylor & Ricky Smokes)(c) vs Jermaine Marbury & Dezmond Cole (for the Wrestling Open Tag Team Championships) 

Marbury has two countout wins over each of the champs. They are BIG MAD about that. Marbury starts hot and passes the torch to Boofa. A timely leg grab from

Baylor and a flatliner into the buckles stuns Cole and sets up the beatdown. It’s a long one as Boofa gets pulled into the bad place over and over. Benny’s riling up the D Fence chants but it’s a hard battle until he finally gets the tag to Marbury! Huge cutters! Body splashes! Brad tries a sleeper but Cole cuts him off! Doomsdays crossbody to Smokes! Brad breaks up the pin! Everyone trying to land the kill shot but they all go down! They brawl to the outside…and they can’t get control…it’s a double countout. swipe Right retains. Boooooooo!!! Fire match…but booooooooo!!!!


Cole isn’t having this. Swipe Right didn’t win. This is a cheap way to retain. And next week, he dares them to put the belts on the line again…but this time anything goes! We may have another title match at Electric Haze! 

Match 5: Tiara James vs Spike Nishimura

Spike has a chance to get revenge for her cheap loss last week against James. Spike charges out and thez presses the top tier star. James weathers the early storm and gets a few good shots in but this is all Spike getting her vengeance. A huge Michanoku driver almost ends things. James tries a rollup with the feet on the ropes but Ref Bill is wise to this tactic. While he’s admonishing Tiara, Paris Van Dale runs out and hairsprays Spike’s eyes. A backstabber from James gets the three. Booooo! Tiara steals another W!

Match 6: Bobby Orlando vs Jariel Rivera

Bobby with some big slams early but Jariel is showing off tonight. Hard shots to our mom as he taunts the packed Worcester crowd. Lariat out of nowhere and an AA for two! He wants a sick trick cutter but Jariel stays down…he comes off the ropes and gets baited into a blue Thunder bomb for two! Bobby with the stun…sick trick cutter! Kick out! Jariel tries to come back but Bobby tosses him off the top and hits a dab elbow for the win!

Bobby on the mic talks about how this is the 137th match in this building for him. But next week…it’s official. Shock Crew is back. 

Match 7: Stetson Ranch (Danny Miles & Lucas Chase w/ Hammer Tunis) vs Pedro Dones & Dustin Waller

The ranch are making a statement at their opponents expense. They have the numbers. They have the power of Lucas Chase now. They don’t NEED the suspended Steven Stetson right now. Dones takes a LOT of punishment. Flash in and going hot but Hammer distracts and Chase quickly puts him away with a Lucas driver for three. What?!? Booooo!!!!


Main Event: Fancy Ryan Clancy(c) vs TJ Crawford (w/ Love Doug) (for the Wrestling Open Championship)

These old tag partners and former friends go right into each others faces (after Worcester showers TJ in toilet paper). This immediately spills out to the floor. TJ with a bomb into the apron! They fight through the crowd! Clancy cannonballs off the stairs into Doug! TJ is staying on the attack, letting his rage propel him forward. Clancy with a snap release German! Hard lariats and forearms! Vertical facebuster and a senton to the back! Reverse angle slam for two! Lighting each other up with chops! TK tries a sus rollup….Clancy escapes the tight pull! TJ with a tornado blockbuster out of the ring! Styles Bomb for two! TJ drop kicked off the top! Clancy dives out at TJ and Doug! Fancy splash into the ring for two!!! TJ won’t stay down! Fancy misses a moonsault! TJ with the PK! Clancy hits a bomb into a half crab! TJ is screaming! Doug’s in the apron…Clancy is distracted! TJ with a burning hammer! Side Russian stolen from the fancy playbook but he doesn’t cover him?!? Clancy is limp. TJ with a piledriver off the top! Clancy barely kicks out!!! TJ is making a sense about his knee…this lets Doug grabs a chair and…he can’t do it! He throws the chair away! TJ is furious! Doug is sobbing as he gets thrown out of the building! TJ has the chair..Clancy takes it…..He accidentally blasts Ref Scott! Both guys going hard for the kill but they both get dropped! Crowd is on fire! Hit the Big Business music?!? It’s Brad Hollister! TJ looks shocked. Brad looks MAD at TJ. Doug tries to play peacemaker! Clancy tries to capitalize but TJ hits him with - silver bullet and Bacon’s tornado jackhammer! Ref Scott makes the slow count but Clancy kicks out! TJ and Doug in each other’s faces on the apron. Clancy shoves TJ into Doug! Crawford tries another silver bullet but Clancy connects with the KO dropkick! Doug tries to stop the pin but Bacon holds him back! One. Two. Three! Clancy retains as Big Business leaves a fallen TJ Crawford in the ring! This was wild. 




Tonight was 160 consecutive weeks of Wrestling Open at the White Eagle. Fantastic way to go out. FULL house, hot crowd, wild show. Thank you, White Eagle. Next week is our return to Electric Haze!


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