It is Wednesday and AEW Dynamite is at the Knoxville Coliseum, in Knoxville, TN. Our commentary team is Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz.
The show starts with Tony Schiavone in the ring to call Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega to the ring. Will thanks Kenny for joining him and glad he isn’t dead. He says a lot has changed since Kenny went away and he’s trying to change the place from within and he’s broken away from Don Callis. Will says he’s trying to free the title belt from Mox, but the Don Callis Family keeps getting in the way.
Kenny grabs the mic from him and says they faced each other at Forbidden Door, and Will stabbed him with a screwdriver and that makes him no better than Callis. Kenny says he did it because he was trying to prove he is the best. Kenny didn’t believe he was better than him back then and he doesn’t believe it now, and it took being out of the company for people to notice him. Kenny says he will never trust someone like him. Will grabs him and we get the Don Callis Chord of Doom.
Don shows up on the stage and barely gets a line out before Kenny runs right at him. Kyle Fletcher and Takeshjita cut him off. Will and Kyle fight in the ring and Shibata pulls Will off Kyle, but Kenny pulls Shibata off of Will and as he goes to dive, Kyle hits him with a thrust kick. Kenny is tossed to the floor and Kyle goes back to fighting Will.
Kyle dives onto Will in the crowd. Brian Cage joins the fight as does Lance Archer and the fight goes into the crowd. Archer and Will fight through the crowd and into the concourse. Cage and Kenny also fight to the concourse. Kenny and Will join together to suplex Archer through a merch table. Cage, Kyle and Takeshita take over and beat down Kenny and Will. Kenny and Takeshita fight back to the arena as everyone but Archer joins them.
Kenny climbs the lighting truss and Ospreay climbs to the second tier of seats and they both dive onto their opponents. Kenny and Will climb the lighting truss again and Callis comes to the stage. Kenny has a mic and says next time they see Callis, they will put him six feet under. Kenny says he should have trusted him and says they challenge the Don Callis Family at Grand Slam in Australia.
We then get a hype video for Pac.
We then get a promo in the back from Jon Moxley, who says Cope went to sleep and woke up in a world he doesn’t understand where the animals are more dangerous. Mox says Cope’s neck is hanging on by a thread. He says Darby Allin had a death wish, so they put him out. Mox then says he will send Cope to the doctor for bad news.
Private Party (Zay and Quen) AEW Tag Team Champions vs Hurt Syndicate (Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin) w/MVP
MVP joins commentary.
Bobby and Quen start. Bobby gets a slam and Quen gets a Pele kick. Zay tags in and Lashley cuts him off quickly and tags in Benjamin. Zay is able to get the silly string and tags in Quen who hits a senton for one. All four men are fighting when Private Party dives onto the Syndicate. They are caught. Zay is driven through the announce desk and we go to picture in picture as they stalk Quen.
When we return to full screen, Quen is the babyface in peril and the crowd is COMPLETELY on the Syndicate’s side, to the point when Zay breaks up a pin, the crowd boos. Quen finally gets an insigiri and gets the hot tag. Zay throws punches at Benjamin and then gets a drop-kick on Benjamin. Benjamin misses a splash in the corner and Quen gets a 450 splash. Zay goes for the pin and Lashley breaks it up at two.
Lashley tags in and Private Party are able to ping pong him with kicks until he drops and Zay covers for two. Lashley hits a spear on Zay for two, broken up by Quen. Benjamin and Lashley toss Private Party with suplexes and Lashley hits a spear on Zay for the pin and the win.
Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions: The Hurt Syndicate
We then get a video setting up the upcoming match between Mariah May and Toni Storm.
Renee Paquette is with Toni Storm and Harley Cameron interrupts her immediately. Toni says she could have a match at Grand Slam as well, and they talk Aussie slang and Renee says she understands anything they say.
In the back, Alex Marvez is with Jeff Jarrett, but they are interrupted by Karen and she tells him not to get down in the mud with MJF anymore and he says he’s got this.
Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring and says he was thinking about Jerry Lawler. He was working an early match and got his ass beat physically and verbally. When he was done in the locker room, Lawler told him never to get in the gutter with his opponent. He says it’s great to come back home to remember who you are. He says they will settle this Southern Style, no lights, no rings, he will just kick his ass.
Jarrett puts over the fans. He then tells Moxley to get out to the ring and talk.
Instead, we get Claudio Castagnoli attacking Jarrett from behind. Claudio then says no one gets to Mox without getting through him. He then tells Jarrett to stay out of their business.
Jarrett recovers as Claudio is going through the crowd and says they will have to kill him to stop him. Jarrett then says if he beats Claudio’s ass next week to get that title shot. Claudio says beating him lifeless is an interesting proposition and he will see him next week.
We get a hype video for Megan Bayne.
AR Fox vs Severe Strickland w/Prince Nana
They start by throwing hands and then attempt brain busters, but instead Fox is knocked to the floor and Swerve hits a moonsault onto him. They return to the ring and Swerve is supposed to come off the top into a kick, but instead it’s a bit of a mess.
Didn’t quite get all of it.
Swerve gets a shoulder tackle after Fox gets a series of quick elbows strikes. Swerve gets an alligator roll and then a suplex as we go to picture in picture.
When we return to full screen, Fox is trying to hit kicks, but Swerve is blocking them. We are also told that Ricochet is here and has scissors with him. Fox goes to the floor and when Swerve follows, Fox returns to the ring and gets a DDT on Swerve when Swerve gets in the ring. Fox then hits a running moonsault launching off the ringpost into Swerve. Swerve is rolled into the ring.
Fox goes for a hurricanrana and Swerve catches him and turns it into a power slam. Swerve gets a leaping elbow to the back of Fox’s head. Ricochet gets on the apron and swings with the scissor. Swerve avoids it and Nana chases Ricochet off with a lead pipe to the back. Fox attacks Swerve from behind and hits Lo Mein Pain for two. Fox goes for a splash, but Swerve avoids it. Fox gets a rollup for two.
Swerve gets a flatliner and a house call. Swerve goes to the top for the stomp, the pin, and the win.
Winner: Swerve Strickland
As Swerve is helping Fox up, we get Ricochet on the big screen saying he wants revenge for last week as he holds scissors to Nana’s neck.
Next up a New York Minute from the Learning Tree. It's a somber minute since they last last week. Large Williams says that failures are the signposts on the road to success, and Jericho is not happy with it and says learning moments only work if you learn from them and William needs to show he’s learning.
Williams then challenges Powerhouse Hobbs.
MJF comes to the ring as someone is already in the ring to get beaten for the next match. MJF tells him to leave and he does.
He says that Jeff Jarrett needs to give an apology to the fans after his actions last week, but no one deserves the apology more than….MJF. MJF says he offered to help Jarrett because he’s the easiest to manipulate and the easier to beat. He then says Claudio will beat his brains in. He then says that Jarrett thinks if he grinds hard enough, he’ll get to keep working as a wrestler, but wrestling doesn’t love him anymore.
He says Jarrett is about to learn that sometimes you are better off making a deal with the devil instead of defying him. As MJF starts to go, Hangman Adam Page comes to the ring, as MJF interrupted his squash match.
Page goes face to face with MJF and MJF backs out of the ring.
Adam Page vs Tyler Shoop
That lasted about 30 seconds.
Winner: Adam Page
Page then hits an Angel’s Wings on Shoop.
We then get Christopher Daniels coming to the stage with a neck brace. Daniels says he wanted to be a friend, but he screwed that up. Daniels says he let his ego drive him to accepting the most violent match against the most violent man. Daniels says he regrets it because he’s been told to never wrestle again. He says he is here to tell Page he wins and this is goodbye. He then says he hopes Page can be happy now and leaves.
We get a brief recap of the show so far and then it’s time for Mercedes Mone to celebrate having four titles with Renee. Harley shows up and sings that she wants to face Mone at Grand Slam.
Mone says Harley hasn’t won a match yet, so it’s a hard No.
Jamie Hayter vs Julia Hart
Already a rematch with such a stacked women’s roster? Weird.
They immediately brawl outside the ring with Hart benign tossed repeatedly into the barricade. Hart gets whipped into the steel steps after Hart drives Hayter into the ring. They return to the ring and Hayter gets a missile drop-kick from the top for two. Hart gets a jawbreaker and then a clothesline in the corner. Hart sweeps a leg on Hayter when Hayter was on the second turnbuckle and covers for two as we go to picture in picture.
When we return to full screen, Hart climbs to the top and Hayter clips her knee. Hayter joins Hart on the top and hits a back super plex. They throw hands in the middle of the ring and then run the ropes and Hayter gets a hair pull takedown followed by a German suplexes. Hayter gets a spine buster for two. Hayter gets a single leg crab and Hart crawls to the ropes for the break.
Hayter grabs Hart and Hart grabs an octopus hold. Hayter turns it into a backbreaker and Hart gets a hair pull to escape the hold and covers for two. Hart gets a crucifix bomb for two. Hart gets an elbow to the back of Hayter’s head and Hayter gets a backbreaker followed by a Hayterade for the pin and the win.
Winner: Jamie Hayter
The announcers put over that they are now one win each. Hayter grabs a mic and says she has a respect for women like her who follow the beat of their own drum. She doesn’t like the spitting poison or shooting arrows. But, even without two men beside her, she is still tough. They each have a win, and whenever Hart wants a tiebreaker, she’s got it.
Powerhouse Hobbs accepts the challenge from Big Bill and he will be waiting for him Saturday, in the parking lot.
We get a promo in the back from Swerve Strickland who is shouting so loud he gets echo and he is going to get his hands on Ricochet in two weeks, but maybe he will catch him sooner than that.
Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Julia Hart have a video promo about who their leader has gone silent and now, no leader, it’s just violence and when they bark, they bark together.
Cope vs Pac
They lock up after stalking around the ring and Cope forces them to the corner and then breaks. Pac gets a kick to Cope’s leg. They lock up and Pac grabs leg and they trade holds on the mat. They work to their feet and then go back to the mat and Pac gets to the ropes for a break. They lock up with a greco roman knuckle lock and Cope takes Pac down for a quick one count.
They lock up and go to the ropes again and Pac breaks for a kick. They run the ropes and fight back and forth in the ropes. Cope grabs Pac with a casadora on the floor and drops him into the steel steps. Cope runs Pac into the barricade and then drops him, stomach first on the barricade. Cope then slams Pac’s face into the announcer’s table.
They return to the ring and Pac rolls to the outside. Cope follows and Pac pays in kicks to Cope’s knee. He then lays in the boots The ref forces Pac to back off and the crowd boos as Pac returns to the ring. Pac then dives on Cope on the floor as we go to picture in picture.
When we return to full screen, Pac has a bulldog choke on Cope on the mat. Cope works to his feet and breaks out with elbows. Pac gets a snap suplex. Pac runs into a big boot from Cope in the corner and Cope gets a drop-kick and both men are down. They struggle to the feet and Cope runs into a back elbow from Cope. Cope hits a flapjack on Pac and again, both men struggle to their feet.
Pac gets a jawbreaker in the ropes. Pac runs the ropes and runs into a sky-high power slam from Cope for two. Cope pulls Pac up and Pac crumples to the mat. Pac gets to his feet and starts kicking Cope’s legs. Cope is able to come off the ropes with a big lariat and then hits the impaler on Pac. Cope waits and goes for a pear, which Pac leaps over and then Pac is able to get the brutalizer from Cope putting him in the fireman’s carry. Cope basically falls into the ropes for the break.
Pac goes for a suplex, but Cope fights out. Pac gets a pair of pump kicks to the back of Cope’s head and then hits a German suplex. Pac puts on a brutalizer in the middle of the ring. Cope slowly works to his feet and turns it into a sidewalk slam. Cope sets for the spear, and Cope hits two spears back to back. Cope picks him up for a spinning cutter for the pin and the win.
Winner: Cope
We see in the back the Death Riders are beating up the Rock and Roll Express and Dax. They then head to the ring. The Death Riders surround the ring and get on the apron. They attack and beat down Cope.
Jay White’s music hits and he comes to the ring and starts throwing hands. After the rest of the Death Riders are dispatched, White grabs Mox and Yuta hits a low blow on him. Mox puts on a bulldog choke on Cope as White is held down in the corner. Mos lets go yelling he will break Cope’s neck. They leave through the crowd and we are out of time.
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