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From Blogs to Books: How AI Writing Tools Are Changing the Game

By Kendall Jenkins on 2025-01-09 06:23:00

Image Credit Mysticsartdesign by Pixabay

AI technology has been a huge boon for writers over the past couple of years. Virtually nobody used AI before 2022. However, the vast majority of bloggers are using it these days. One survey found that 75.7% of bloggers use AI in some capacity.

Writers aren't just using AI to create blog posts. Many have started using it to write books as well.

One fairly popular writer has used AI to create 87 books so far. There are a lot of great ways that authors can take advantage of AI technology.

However, they still have to be careful. Many people are wary of supporting books written with AI, because they feel that it devalues human content creators. Authors need to ask themselves can AI content be detected and how they can make sure their work stands up to scrutiny. 

Coming Up with Ideas for Plots And Characters

Most authors believe that the first major challenge when writing a book is coming up with the plot and an overview of the characters. This is the first huge benefit of using AI as an author.

One aspiring author used an AI text generator to come up with the synopsis and character overview for a detective novel. It provided an interesting storyline about a famous painter that was murdered in New Orleans. The overview of the three main characters was pretty basic, but it was a good starting point that would work for most detective stories. The author said that they probably could have created a richer background for the characters by providing additional prompts.

They asked an AI text generator to come up with a motive for the antagonist, which wasn't what the reader would initially suspect. They used a prompt asking the AI tool to suggest that the valuable art that was missing was a red herring, when the real motive was revenge for a crime the artist committed 20 years earlier.

Using AI to come up with a plot can be a great way for people that don’t have an idea for their stories already to get started. They can use the plot as a starting point, which will make the actual writing process easier. 

Creating a Compelling Outline

Coming up with a great idea for a story is the first major hurdle when writing a new book. Unfortunately, it is far from the biggest challenge.

The author needs to create a clear storyline. They must consider character arcs, timelines of events and how different factors are catalysts for each other.

Some writers tried to create their book without developing this structure at the beginning. While this works for some of them, it is usually a huge mistake. They end up having a lot of loose ends and inconsistencies, which can ruin this story.

However, these problems can still happen when developing an outline, because the process can take a while when writing a large book and it is easy to lose track of things. This is one of the reasons that AI can be very helpful in the writing process. Authors can use artificial intelligence to create cohesive outlines where everything makes sense and ensures the story flows easily from one chapter to the next. 

Developing Awe-Inspiring Descriptions of the Milieu

The milieu is the setting that the story takes place in. Many literary experts suggest that it is the first thing that authors should focus on. One author coined a writing formula known as “MICE”, which is an acronym for milieu, idea, characters and events. They listed milieu first, because the setting pulls the reader in and sets the stage for the rest of the story.

Creating a captivating setting is challenging for many authors. They have a hard time finding stunning descriptions of the world this story takes place in without sounding too cliche.

This is another huge benefit of using AI to write a book. Authors can use AI tools to come up with unique descriptions of the setting, which will keep the readers engaged.

Identifying Grammatical and Spelling Errors

One of the most painful parts of writing a book is checking for spelling and grammatical errors. Very few writers enjoy this process. However, it is essential for creating a great story. After all, nobody wants to read a book riddled with mistakes.

This is one of the oldest and most common ways that authors use AI to create books. The best grammar and spell-checking tools have used AI for a long time. They are better than ever at catching these types of mistakes, which saves writers countless hours that they would otherwise have to spend on proofreading.

AI Has Made It Easier than Ever to Write a Book

There are a lot of great benefits of using AI to write a novel or manuscript. We are going to see more authors publishing books made with the assistance of AI in the years to come. This is going to lead to higher quality books, since writers will be able to focus more on the creative process and less on proofreading or developing the structures for their stories. 

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