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By Cory Strode on 2024-10-26 22:55:00

It is Saturday and AEW Collision is live!  It’s from the Alliant Energy PowerHouse in Cedar Rapids, IA.  Our commentary team is Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness.

We get a video from the end of Dynamite after Chuck Taylor is stretchered from the ring. Orange Cassidy yells at Daniel Garcia saying he KNEW Mox’s team would attack Chuck Talyor and Cassidy says he will take care of it next Wednesday. 

Jay White w/Juice Robinson vs Shane Taylor w/Lee Moriarty

They lock up and White can’t move Taylor, who then shoves him to the corner. White is able to evade and get a chop, but Taylor slaps him down. Taylor shoves White to the corner again, and White grabs a side headlock. White is shot into the ropes and comes off with a chop block and then a drop-kick to Taylor’s knee. White keeps up the attacks and Lee gets on the apron. Juice then gets on the apron, which distracts the ref, so Lee can trip White.

Taylor works over White in the ropes with stomps. Taylor then gets a big leg drop on the apron as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, White beats down Taylor with kicks and then chops. He tries for a subset flip, but Taylor tries to fall onto him and White dodges. White goes to work on Taylor’s ankle to keep Taylor down. White lays in chops in the corner and then gets a Dragon Screw Leg Whip when he can’t whip Taylor across the ring. White gets a DDT for two. 

Taylor stops White with an uri nage for two. Taylor scoops White up, but White escapes out the back and hits a flatliner. White tries for a German Suplex, but Taylor blocks it. The second time he gets a side suplex and then he gets an uri nage of his own for two. Lee gets on the apron again and Juice pulls him off. Taylor gets a running knee lift, but it's Taylor’s injured knee. Taylor can not follow up and White gets a Blade Runner for the pin and their win.

Winner: Jay White

White has the mic and says Taylor hits harder than he does. He then says Adam Page hits harder than he does, which is why White gets under his skin. He says at every bend of their careers, White had been ahead of him and he has a 5 and 0 record against Page. He hopes Page is rehabbing his injury. He says if Page comes for him, he had best not miss. He’s giving Page one last chance at redemption with a match at Full Gear.

Lexi Nair is with Ricochet and Ricochet says he has a history with MVP and he came to AEW to do his own thing. Lio Rush shows and says he got a card from MVP so it’s not special. Ricochet says he doesn’t care about MVP. Rush says if he loses tonight, he doesn’t get a ticket to the international title. He goes to the back of the line.

Kyle Fletcher is with Lexi and he’s here to watch Ricochet. He then talks about how he has called out Will Ospreay for Wednesday. If Will shows he will destroy him and if he doesn't show, he’s a coward. Kyle then says he is challenging anyone for a match next Saturday.

Penelope Ford vs Robyn Renegade

Ford immediately forces Renegade to the corner and slaps her down. Ford gets an elbow strike and a running boot. She hits a front flip on Renegade for two. Renegade grabs Ford’s leg and lays in chops before pulling Ford down to the mat for two. Ford bends under a clothesline and then hits a stunner for two. 

Ford keeps a foot on Renegade’s throat and then chokes Renegade in the ropes with a leg lock. Renegade gets a rollup for two and Ford follows with a lariat for two. Ford gets a rear chinlock and then a reverse butterfly stretch. She then pulls Renegade down by her hair. Ford runs into a big boot in the corner, and then Renegade gets a leg drop on Ford in the ropes for two.

Renegade tries for a pump handle slam, but Ford escapes, hits a casadora into the ropes and then a drop-kick to Renegade’s back. Ford gets a gut buster. Ford puts on a Muta Lock and Renegade has to tap.

Winner: Penelope Ford

Jamie Hayter shows up on the Big Screen and says that on 11/6, Ford gets a chance to face her on Dynamite. 

Lexi is with FTR and the Outrunners. The Outrunners give an 80s promo and FTR say that Rush shouldn’t have messed with the Outrunners and they will show them later tonight. Dax;s seeming a little confused by the Outrunners and Cash buying in fully is a great bit.

The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) vs MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason Madden)

Truth and Mansoor run the ropes. Neither can shoulder tackle the other. Truth flexes up every time he isn’t moved, and they then have a pose down. Truth finally gets Mansoor down with a shoulder tackle and Turbo tags in. The Outrunners work with quick tags. Mason gets in and chops Truth down. Didn’t see a tag, but it could have been a blind tag. 

Turbo tags in and Mason gets a scoop slam. Mason and Floyd have a Greco roman knuckle lock and Turbo goes to his knees, but when he gets back up, Mason gets a knee to the midsection. Truth tags in and gets a drop-kick and Turbo gets one as well. The Outrunners get an atomic drop on Mansoor and tosses him out of the ring into Mason’s arms as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Truth has been the babyface in peril through the break. MxM misses a double bicep drop and Truth is able to get the hot tag and Turbo runs wild. When Turbo runs into trouble and needs some help, he tags in Truth. Mason grabs both of them for a chokeslam, but they fight him off. They get a two-man slam and it’s time for body slams. They get a double drop toe hold on Mason, who fights as long as he can before dropping in the 69 position on Mansoor. The Outrunners hit the double bicep droop on both Mansoor and Mason. 

Mason tags in and gets a spin slam on Turbo. They then hit a two man neckbreaker on Truth for two. Mansoor is tagged in and they set for the doomsday Device, but Truth gets out and runs Mason into Mansoor. The Outrunners hit Total Recall on Mansoor for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Outrunners. 

Nigel McGuinness has a pre-taped interview with Wheeler Yuta. Yuta says very smugly that Nigel must be mad that he took out Bryan Danielson before Nigel could. Yuta then says they gave him a warrior’s death because he doesn’t have the stomach for this. The American Dragon we knew was long dead and they had to do it for the greater good. Nigel asks where it stops. Yuta says he doesn’t enjoy any of this, but he has to. He then says if he hadn’t joined with Moxley, he’d be sitting behind someone with a dead career. He says he is doing it for the greater good and storms off. 

In the back, Jake Roberts is with La Faccion Ingobernables. He says FTR are great wrestlers, but the men he is with are assassins. He explains what they will do physically to FTR. 

Ricochet vs Lio Rush

Well, this is going to be nearly impossible for me to keep up with. 

They take their time to hook up and Lio nails Ricochet with an elbow shot instead. Lio gets another big blow and then goes for a series of quick strikes in the corner. They dodge attacks from each other until Lio knocks Ricochet off the apron. When Ricochet gets in the ring he is able to get a spin kick to Lio. Ricochet gets a running elbow drop for one. They fight in the corners.

Lio throws hands again and then Ricochet does the same and then runs Lio into the turnbuckle. Ricochet gets a running knee lift and Nigel says Lio was knocked out briefly. Ricochet pulls Lio up and Lio pulls Ricochet out of the ring and then dives onto him as we go to picture in picture. 

When we return to full screen, they are fighting on the top and Lio leaps, slamming Ricochet’s head into the top rope. Ricochet gets a flying forearm and then a storm breaker with a shooting star press for two. Ricochet gets a headlock and Lio gets out of it and hits a stunner. Lio gets a clothesline after Ricochet gets a superkick. Ricochet catches Lio, who springboarded from the bottom rope with a blue thunder bomb for own. 

Lio gets a shoves Ricochet into the ref, but Ricochet stops short and Lio gets a rollup for two. Lio gets a poisonrana and a spin kick for two. Rush is frustrated, yells and rolls to the floor to gather himself. He grabs a chair and heads to the ring. Ricochet hits a baseball slide into the chair and then dives onto Lio. Ricochet hits a hidden blade for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ricochet

It was better than the spotfest I expected by having Lio being super aggressive and Ricochet starting the match thinking they would have a friendly competition.

Lexi is with Harley Cameron and now she is Thunder Harley with face paint.  Like a cat down by someone at the fair. Rosa shows up and Harley cowers in fear. Rosa says she won't attack her now, but she has to teach her what her face paint means, and 11/2, they will have a Día de Muertos match. Harley being unstable is working well for her, helping her stand out and making her promos be entertainingly funny.

Lexi is now with the Undisputed Kingdom and Mortos, and the Undisputed Kingdom has a gift basket for Mortos. They say they aren’t getting through to him so now they are going to give him sweets. Mike Bennett shows up with Mortos’s mask and he growls at Mortos and they invite Mortos to go trick or treating with them. 

Anna Jay vs Viva Van

They lock up and Van forces them into the corner. They break clean, they trade arm bars and waistlocks. Van is able to take Anna down and grounds and pounds as Anna covers up. When they get to thriller feet, Anna lays in blows and gets a snap mare. She then gets a snap suplex for two. Anna gets a shoulder tackle off the ropes and then gets a running kick in the corner. Anna gets a swinging neckbreaker for two.

Anna works over Van in the corner, but Van is able to get a running leg whip after coming off the ropes as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Anna lays in blows and then comes off the ropes with a series of attacks. Anna puts Van on the top and hits the iconoclasm into a pin for two. Van lays in chops, but Anna whips her to the corner. Van dodges, gets an upkick and then a back fist for two. Anna hits a question mark kick into a backstabber for two. 

They fight in the corner and Van hits a leaping crossbody for two. Van puts Anna on her shoulders, but Anna escapes and hits the Widow’s Peak for the pin and the win.

Winner: Anna Jay

Mariah May gives a pre-taped promo about hwo Anna hasn’t ever beaten a champ, but she is a Champ who will step on every dream she’s ever had. Anna said it’s sink or swim, which is fine because Anna is going to drown. 

We then get a video to hype Adam Cole vs Buddy Matthews.

Lexi is with Kyle O’Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii and they say Ishii is coming for Jericho. Kyle says that Orange Cassidy is angry, something that Kyle has never seen. Kyle then says he is not interested in joining the Undisputed Kingdom. 

FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) vs Rush and Dralistico w/Mortos and Jake Roberts

GREAT to see Jake back at ringside. 

Dax starts with Dralistico, Dralistico takes Dax down and then walks over him. They lock up again and run the ropes with Dax getting a shoulder tackle. Dralistico picks the leg and walks On Dax again. This time Dax fires strikes at him and gets a snap leg drop for one. Cash is tagged in and then gets a two man facebuster for two. Rush tags in and he jacks his jaw at Cash.

They lock up and go to the corner where they throw hands. They run the ropes and neither moves from a shoulder block. Cash throws hands and then Rush gets a running slap. Rush then gets a haymaker sending Cash into the corner and spits at him. Rush gets a chop and they fight in the corners. Cash gets a big lariat and this sets off the tag team siren and FTR gets double German suplexes on Rush and Dralistico.

All four men go to the floor to brawl. Cash and Rush return to the ring and Cash gets a one count. Dax tags in and is whipped into the ropes. Dralistico is on the apron and Dax gives him a hard blow. Rush then whips Dax into the ringpost through the ropes as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Dax has been the babyface in peril through the break. Rush pulls Cash off the apron and then takes Dax to the floor and runs him into the barricades. Dax is able to drop Dralistico when he jumps into the ring and Dax crawls to his corner, so Cash can get the hot tag and clean house. 

After he has gotten a two count on Dralistico, they brawl in the corner. Dralistico gets a springboard crucifix bomb and both men are down. Dax tags in as does Rush and Dax is able to clothesline. Rush gets a dropdown shoulder breaker and Dralistico is tagged in. Cash gets a diving clothesline off both Rush and Draloistico and all four men fight. Dralistico gets an arm bar and Rush fights with Cash to keep him from being able to tag. Rush is whipped into the ring steps as Dax gets to the ropes for the break.

Dax and Dralistico go to the top and Dax gets a superplex from the top and both men are down again. Dax is up first and Cash gets in the ring. They set for the Shatter Machine and Rush pulls Cash out of the ring. Dralistico gets a jack knife for two. Dralistico then gets a rollup after Cash is knocked to the floor for two. Rush and Dralistico lay in chops on Dax. Rush sets for the Bull’s Horns, but Cash breaks it up. Dralistico leaps onto Dax, but Dax uses the top rope for a rebound slam for two.

Rush and Dax throw hands in the middle of the ring and Dax goes for a sharpshooter. Mortos hammer Dax and Rush gets a small package for two. Cash catches Dax when Rush and Dralistico try a double man back body drop. He shoves Dralistico into Rush, and then shoves Dralistico into Mortos. FTR hits the Shatter Machine for the pin and the win./

Winners: FTR

Mortos hits the ring and attacks FTR after the bell. Rush joins them and FTR is laid out in the corners. Rush grabs the cable and the Outrunners hit the ring and LFI bail. This allows the Outrunners and FTR to pose and we are outta time!

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