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By Mike Johnson on 2024-10-24 12:30:00

Former WWE NXT and Impact Wrestling star Kimberly Frankele (Kimber Lee) latest pre-trial hearing before Highlands County Court in Florida yesterday was pushed back to 11/6 at 8:30 AM, can confirm.    She has filed a waiver of appearance, so only her attorney will be at the hearing representing her.

Frankele was arrested on 5/11/23 in Sebring, Florida, charged with DUI, Resisting an Office with Violence and Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer.  Frankele entered a plea of not guilty to all charges on 7/7 after being officially charged that same day.   Frankele has already waived her right to appear as well as her right to a speedy trial. 

According to the police report for the May 2023 incident, officer P.J. Roberts wrote that at 4:54 PM that date, he was traveling on U.S. 27 when he noticed the Northbound lane was stopped in traffic despite there being a green light.  He noticed a gray Kia Soul facing the wrong direction stopped in the roadway.  Roberts stated that he activated his emergency equipment and made a U-Turn to make a traffic stop on the vehicle.  The vehicle started to move and as it made a left turn onto Alternate U.S. 27 South, it drove over the lane onto the paved shoulder and "almost collided with the face of the guard rail."  The vehicle then made a left turn into the parking lot of a shopping center, failing to stop until it made its way to a parking space.

Officer Roberts stated he made contact with Frankele, who was identified by her Florida Driver's License.  He described Frankele as having "blood shot watery eyes, and she slurred as she spoke."  Roberts wrote that after explaining to her why he was pulling her over, Frankele kept "forgetting why and asked me several times when (sic) I was messing with her."

Roberts stated he attempted several times to obtain Frankele's driver's license before finally being given it.  Roberts stated that Frankele tried "several times" to leave the area and get what she claimed was her laundry from a laundry mat.  Roberts explained to her that she was not to leave but was to remain in her vehicle as she was suspected of being under the influence.

At 5:02 PM, Roberts stated that he attempted to place Frankele in handcuffs when "she struck in the chest to prevent me from doing so."  Roberts then explained to her that she was now under arrest for battery on a "LEO" (Law Enforcement Officer.)  Roberts was able to place one of the restraints on Frankele but when he attempted to cuff the other, Frankele "began kicking me in the chest and in my face, busting my lip and the gums in my mouth.  At one point, the subject grabbed the cell phone and after I removed it from her hands and after I removed it from her hands, again I tried to place the restraints on her, and she my left hand twice hard enough to break my skin a (sic)  bleed from it."

At 5:13 PM, a Highlands County Deputy arrived on scene, and as he opened the passenger door to Frankele's vehicle, that action took enough attention from Office Roberts and he was able to finally place the other restraints.  At 5:14 PM, Frankele was taken into custody by the Sebring, Florida Police Department in order to transport her to the Highlands County Jail.

Roberts wrote in the report that after he was seen at a hospital for his injuries, he made contact with Frankele at the Highlands County Jail and "read her implied consent and asked for her to submit to a breath test to determine her alcohol content."  Frankele gave a sample of .140 at 10:22 PM, five hours after the initial traffic stop.  The legal limit in the State of Florida would .08.  Frankele was asked to give a second sample, but according to the police report, failed to comply the directions and failed to "give a sample on purpose."

On 1/31, it was recorded in court records that the dash camera for Officer's Roberts' patrol car as well as camera footage inside the car have been submitted as trial exhibits.

A conviction for a first-time DUI offense in the state of Florida could bring as much as six months in jail, the possible revocation of a driver's license, 50 hours of community service and fines of up to $1,000.

The more serious issue facing Frankele is the charge of Resisting an Officer with Violence, which is considered a third degree felony in Florida.  Frankele, if convicted, could face up to five years in prison or five years of probation, as well as a $5,000 fine.  The battery of a law enforcement officer charge is also considered a third-degree felony, punishable in the State of Florida, should Frankele by convicted, by a maximum of five years in prison and a $5,000 fine as well.

A former CHIKARA Grand Champion, Frankele announced her retirement from performing just three days before her arrest.  Frankele had runs in WWE NXT and Impact Wrestling but had only wrestled sporadically since Impact stopped using her in January 2022. reported in January of that year that Lee had departed Impact and would not be used going forward.  At the time, she denied our report, citing that she was still under contract.  However, she never returned to the promotion as they opted to, as we reported, no longer utilize her.  She had only wrestled four times since Impact stopped using her, and had most recently performed in October 2022.

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