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By Adam Cardoza on 2024-10-22 08:30:00

Beyond Wrestling “Nyarlethotep”

10/29/24 Providence, RI

Spotlight Match: Handyman Jake Gray & Julius Draeger

We’re close to Halloween and Gray is a Ghostbuster tonight. Draeger costume is…well, he’s wearing red trunks and not his normal singlet. He’s got a kind of Dan Severn look today. Jake is mad about what Draeger did to Brett Mettro. Draeger promises to do likewise to the handyman. Jake is very game, almost putting Draeger away with a hammerlock lariat. Draeger with a double throat chop and a kick to the knee drops Jake and he chokes Gray into submission. Decent clash for the BioPro students with a capital-B Brutal finish. 

Lauren st. James is on the announcer’s mic tonight. Paul Crockett & Brother greatness are in the commentary station above the ring. I’m ringside for this one. Let’s go!

Match 1: Marcus Mathers vs Bryce Donovan 

Bryce is instantly distracted by a small child he made cry at the beach show and the story of the match is SET. Mathers is trying to beat Bryce for this small child…and Bryce is more than happy to make this kid mad while he pummels the IWTV Number One contender. High energy back and forth. Bryce looks like he might have this wrapped up several times but he can’t stop antagonizing this kid and when Marcus has the chance, he rolls him up, traps the legs and gets the three! Bryce is FURIOUS. This kid is elated. Great start. 

Match 2: The Batiri (Kodama & Obaryion) vs Shot Through the Heart (TJ Crawford & Love Doug) 

The Batiri are such tag team vets in the east cost indies and they are going toe to toe with one of the northeast’s best tandems. Batiri fighting hard and keeping them on the defense. Doug finally hits a Rebound to clear one opponent and while he eats a backtracker right after, Shot through the heart hit a falcon arrow bomb to end a hotly contested match. 

Match 3: Ichiban vs Big Trouble Ben Bishop

Jaaaayyyyyzuz, Bishop is f***ing huge. Ichiban knows he has a tall task as Bishop just manhandles him. Ichiban gets a few shots in but Ben just chooses him out of the air. This is all Ben Bishop, who is just throwing his muscle around and making a case for matches against Beyond regulars like Dijak and Krule. Ichiban can barely get a hand on the rope to prevent the three. Bishop caught up in the top rope! Ichiban takes out the knee! Bishop catches dive but Ichiban reverses and sends him into the support post! Ben catches the Ichi Bankai and spine busters for two! Ichiban rana’s Ben into the post! A TRIO of Ichi Bankai’s put the big man down! Good David Goliath contest here. The crowd clearly appreciated Bishop and he gets the Please Come Back nod from the Beyond faithful. Dude’s impressive. 

Match 4: Bulk Bronson (w/ Gabby Forza) vs Megan Bayne

“Jesus, she’s strong” says Bulk as he collides with Megasus for the first time. This is a straight up meat match. Bulk and Bayne just going power for power here. Gabby gives Bulk a motorboat to power him up. Megan initially has trouble lifting Bulk but after he properly insults her, Bayne can slam and suplex the savage at will. Bayne with a high crossbody for two! BAYNE WITH A F-5!!! Bulk kicks out! Hard chops and tackles back and forth! Double chokebomb for two! Bayne answers with a bomb of her own and a Bow Down Tombstone for the win! Gabby tries to help her fiancée back to life but SLADE IS HERE FOR THEIR MATCH.

Match 5: Gabby Forza (w/ Bulk Bronson) vs SLADE

Gabby has a gnome hat for SLADE but he just pummels her. And immediately SLADE pulls out a door and chairs. “SHE WANTED THIS”. It would seem this is a “referee’s discretion” scenario as they both take chair shots. Gabby is game for this as she rains chair shots down on SLADE! Huge spear and a suplex into the corner! GABBY WITH A POWERSLAM THROUGH A DOOR! SLADE kicks out! SLADE with a shot with some lumber as he grabs the chair and unloads on Gabby. He keeps it up until Bulk Bronson throws in the towel for her. 

Gabby is hurting but SLADE shakes her hand and tells her that was impressive. THIS IS HIGHLY IRREGULAR FOR THE MAN FROM RIKERS ISLAND.  “Toughest gnome in the world” says Gabby as she hugs a relieved Bronson as they go to prep for their impending wedding.

 It’s a Big Business Open Challenge as they want a warm up before destroying the Church of Greatness in a 5-on-5 match this Thursday!

She Match 6: Big Business (Big Bacon Brad Hollister, Victor Chase & Julio Cruz) vs Bobby Orlando, Pedro Dones & Fancy Ryan Clancy

Bacon does NOT want to accept these three (probably because this is a REAL match and not a bunch of Gillbergs). Unfortunately, that’s not how this works. They get taken into the floor and beat up. BB has to use all their stupid cheap triple team BS to isolate Pedro for a long form beatdown. Fancy with the tag in and tries to tap Julio with a sharpshoot but the triple teaming cuts that off. Bobby’s in! Dones is back. Bacon caught in the middle of the trio and getting beat up! Victor eats a 3D! Julio blasted with a dab elbow drop and that’s the match! Big Business might need to do some project planning and a retro meeting before Thursday.

Match 7: Aaron Rourke vs Allie Katch

Rourke starting off with their usual flashy bravado but well early. Katch, for completely unexplainable reasons, decides to start antagonizing the kid from the first match. Katch just angrily mauling Rourke. This is going hard back and forth and the crowd is in it. Rourke just unloading some butt based punishment. Allie with a hangman’s cutter for two. She rakes the eyes and tries a rollup but no dice. Rourke with a figure four, Allie won’t submit so we transition to the figure eight and Katch has to quit. This was a blast.

 Match 8: Krule(c) vs World Class Channing Thomas (for the IWTV independent wrestling world championship)

Last time Channing fought Krule, it was in Chattanooga and he was without his backup. Tonight he has his backup in the form of DJ Powers and a wheelchair-bound Sidney Bakabella who also has a Krule-masked tiny wheelchair pusher). This is going to be a thing. This is the best chance Channing has. The crowd think he has no chance. Channing baits Krule to the outside and quickly hits a heatseeker piledriver for a near fall! Flying forearm for another near fall! Krule with a huge fallaway slam! Bakabella sends his minion, NAMED DROOL, into the fight but he killed instantly. Channing hits a tornado ddt to the concrete! DJ distracts the ref as Channing blasts Krule with the title belt! Krule just grabs his throat and pummels Channing. Jawjacker escape of the Scorched Earth! Dropkicks aplenty. Top rope elbow! Krule kicks out again!  Chokebreaker! DJ runs in and eats a chokeslam! Channing off the top….right into an inside out chokeslam! Bakabella powders Krule’s eyes! Channing piledrives Krule into the belt! He’s got this?!? LITTLE MEAN KATHLEEN BREAKS UP THE PIN! Channing is completely bewildered as LMK pushes Sidney to the back! Krule hits Scorched Earth and that’s the ball game. World Class out on his a** for the three. AND STILL. 

Main Event: Drew Gulak vs Masha Slamovich

Gulak clearly thinks he is above this matches he manhandles Masha in the early going. An enraged Slamovich uncorked a wild slap to show she is still in this. That kid is back at it and Drew Gulak is just amazed at how cars this child is. He tries to tap Masha right into front of this “demon”. Gulak wants her to just give this up and isn’t letting up. Masha with a quick grab and traps Gulak in a cross armbreaker! Crucifix pin almost gets there! Masha with stiff kicks to the chest and side as Gulak tries to recover. Another armbreaker and Gulak grabs the rope and escapes to the floor…Masha with an armbreaker on the apron!!! Gulak does not want to get back in the ring for more of this. Masha just pummeling that arm. Gulak traps her in the corner and stomps her hard. Masha with a rolling kick to the head…Gulak with the rope break again. Superplex! Kick out! Gulak barely up as Masha hits a flying kick for two more. Gulak with a quick dragon sleeper…Masha rolls it into the ropes! Gulak with a sunset flip…Masha with a buzzsaw kick! Another cross armbreaker….Gulak tries to power up…Masha with a crucifix takedown….she traps the arm and Gulak takes the three count for the L! He is furious….but he accepts the loss.

Gulak on the mic. He compares Masha to his old student Kimber Lee. He says Kim’s demons got the better of her and he feels like he failed her. But he sees the same potential in Masha. Gulak seems to want to do an interview format…He asks why Masha took the match. Masha says she wanted to prove how far she has come and how her potential is boundless. He asks Masha if he ever made her uncomfortable in wrestling or in the locker room. …Oh. She says “no”. He says “well you should have” before he gut kicks her and slams her down. He could have done more but Megan Bayne comes out and runs him off! Blink blink. Wrestling sure does walk that fine line sometimes, doesn’t it? Video of this whole segment: 


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