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By Mike Johnson on 2024-10-21 16:05:00

Lilian Garcia is backstage at Raw in Philly.

One would think she's ring announcing tonight following the departure of Samantha Irvin.

Garcia spoke with back in August to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her WWE debut at this link.

Garcia's personal advice for those seeking longevity in their field during that discussion:

"First of all, don't ever burn a bridge.  Even if there is a reason to burn a bridge, don't do it. It's just, it will never get you anywhere. I, I didn't have that reason, which is great, but even if I would have, I wouldn't have done it. And never say never, I never thought after I left after 10 years, I didn't know that I was going to come back.  When I left and, At the end of 2009, I didn't realize that I was going to come back at the end of 2011. I just think it's important to always keep your options open and treat people with decency, respect,  be an employee that is dependable, that is a team player. I think those are some things that have been lost a little bit in our culture, where there's a lot of entitlement.  No, you need to be a hard worker.   You need to go out there and always, above and beyond of what your role is.  I think that's one of the reasons that I've had longevity with [WWE] and why I keep getting invited back is because I respect the business a lot, I respect my coworkers, and I just have a lot of love and passion for it.  I think that's what for anybody in any business, it will keep you there."

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