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By Adam Cardoza on 2024-10-19 08:50:00

ACTION Wrestling “Manders vs Flaco 2”

10/18/24 Tyrone, GA

 Dylan Hales and Mose are on commentary! Scott Hensley is your announcer! We have a huge title rematch in our main event. Let’s go!

Match 1: Rico Gonzalez vs Rob Killjoy

We kick of with a SCI 2024 first round rematch. Can the Ugly Duckling get the W back from Rico? Rob WANTS THIS and flips right out of the ring onto Rico before he even makes it through the ropes. Gonzalez is weathering a huge storm, right now as Killjoy is trying to put this opener to bed early. Rob is proving that he knows what Rico brings to the table, reversing every comeback. Huge powerbomb out of the corner for two! Rico with a spike DDT almost steals it back. Springboard missile dropkick from Rob! Killjoy with a Quack the Ripper! Rico kicks off the corner….huge lariat! Rico escapes a single crab….hard kick to the mush! Rico off the corner….destroyer! Killjoy rolls to the apron but Rico comes off the top with a double stomp…..Killjoy dodges…..Rico’s leg gets tweaked…Killjoy grabs the knee and drives it into the apron! Killjoy pulls Rico in for the Joy Driller for the win! Killjoy stands over Rico and wants a handshake from his fallen opponent. Rico struggles to his feet but gives that mark of respect. This was a blast. 

Match 2: Colby Corino vs Matt Sells

Corino îs more than happy to heel it up while the Mayor of Tyrone eats up the crowd support. Sells doing some Bushwacker struts around the ring to throw Colby off before humping his head into the canvas. This spot has gotten a little more mainstream viewing lately but Matt Sells is a vet of this sequence. Colby is stunned and almost eats the palm strike early. Colby trying to control Sells but Matt rolls him up so quick the ref is clearly stunned and misses getting into position for what could have been a three. Colby drops Sells, springboard into….well nothing really. Then he drops a nonchalant knee. Corino working over that lower back. Sells starts dodging, knee to the face…neck breaker! Flyback cutter for two! Colby dodges the palm strike again and rolls Sells up…..with a hand on the rope and gets the three. Boooooo! Good match….the crowd did NOT like this blatant cheap finish. 

Match 3: Alex Kane (w/ Kasey Owens) vs Jaden Newman

Kane used to have a bunch of gold. Now he doesn’t and he has a huge clash tonight with the moral compass of professional wrestling, Jaden Newman; a man who has no small history with Kane’s Good Hand faction leader, Suge D. Mose points out that these two met on Season 4 of Uncharted Territory and it was Jaden who came out on top that time. And Jaden is the new H20 champion! Jaden goes right at the Suplex Assassin. He gets him down on the outside and tries to blast him in a chair….and Kane uses the delay to catch him and bombs him into the post and apron. Kane just suplexing and bombing Newman at will. Jaden is trying to fight back but Kane keeps making him pay. Hard exploder into the top buckle! Newman with a shotgun. Kane is stunned. Moonsault for two! Owens talking so much crap from the outside. Kane is clearly hurting but he picks up Kane and crotches him right into the post. I ain’t seen THAT before! Jaden thrown back in an a Mark of Kane ends the night for Newman. 

 Match 4: Darian Bengston vs Alexander Lev (w/ Grayson Pearce) (2 out of 3 Falls)

Lev is VERY confident that’s he’s gonna go 2-0 against Bengston, the current TWE champion. Also, Bengston has beaten Lev here before. Lev is not being even remotely sneaky at his willingness to take cheap shots on Bengston…..and while the TWE champ has an answer for everything Lev himself can throw…..Lev and Grayson together make a roll up stick and it’s 1-0 very quickly. Bengston is clearly fighting an unofficial 2 on 1. Grayson interferes again and Bengston gets dropped on his head and folded up for a VERY close two count. Lev choking Bengston with his own wrist tape. Darian fighting back…Lev pokes him in the eye. Bengston with a mule kick up but Lev drops him again. Bengstone with a running kick up and over takes out both guys! Lev with a lariat for two! Bengston with a butterfly lock and Lev taps but Grayson is distracting the ref! Lev grabs the TWE championship and blasts Bengston with it. Hard brain buster gives Lev the three count and….he did it. Credit where credit is due…Alexander Lev pulled it off. Dylan Hales is audibly shocked on commentary. Lev tries to further embarrass Bengston but Adam Priest hits the ring with a chair and runs them off…sticking Grayson with a pair of DDT’s for good measure. As one might say, ROLL TIDE BAY BAYYYYY.

 Match 5: Out of This World (Arik Royal & BK Westbrook w/ Ella Envy) vs Squatting Dragons (Erron Wade & Kody Manhorn) (Losing Team Must Disband)

Ella Envy has a ring. Oh god is BK locking that down? The ACEGAWD introduces the happy couple while the Dragons wait for this wrestling match to actually start. Ella mocks the Dragons and Wade’s girlfriend in particular. Ella wants to reenact the proposal. No one wants this. NO ONE WANTS THIS. The Dragons finally just attack because everyone hates this and wants to see Out of This World get pummeled into breaking up. Double Squat Suplex on Westbrook! Wade accidentally boots Kody…..and BK wastes no time in pummeling the coach. OOTW just isolates Manhorn in their corner and beat him down. Ella makes no bones about getting involved when the ref ain’t looking…as one would expect. Royal in with some huge shots. Big leg drop to Kody  for two. Royal tries to drop Westbrook from on high but his rear meets knees. Wade tagged in! Westbrook laid out. Royal stunned with a tornado kick! Manhorn hits a DVD on Royal!!! Wade with a frog splash but BK cuts off the pin! Running sliced bread to Manhorn! Wade with another kick! Ella back up on the buckles! She sprays something in Erron’s eyes! The ref misses it! OOTW hits a Cosmic Kobe for the win!!! The Squatting Dragons are DONE here at ACTION Wrestling! The Dragons bow to each other…and Wade blasts his now former partner with a head kick! BOOOOOOOOO! 

Match 6: Suge D (w/ Kasey Owens) vs Jamesen Shook

Shook called out Suge and the whole Good Hand recently. Instead of working his way up the ladder, he is going right for the head of the snake….especially at a time where Alex Kane has already wrestled, Kevin Ryan isn’t here and The Wall? That dude’s in literal Europe. Suge has Kasey Owens tonight and will that be enough? “I’m not letting a CHILD beat me” yells Suge. Shook does NOT like that and gives Suge that little head pat reserved for big brothers and super bullies. This devolves into a brawl on the outside.  Suge is very focused on Shook’s spot compared to his. “He doesn’t deserve this!” He yells as he pummels the upstart. Mose refers to this as Suge playing with his food. The lock up the wrists and just unload back and forth with chops and forearms! Reminder: Jamesen Shook won the ACTION Futures Tournament. He has definitely earned a spot on the main show. Suge is taking this match dead serious though and just pummeling this kid…who I just now realized looks like the child of Gary Jay & Timothy Thatcher (I mean this in the best way possible). Anyways, while I was typing that, Kasey Owens got on the apron to distract the ref. Dude with a low blow….he tries for a pile driver but Shook snaps him up and hits a DVD for the three! He just pinned Suge clean for the three!!!! Shook wants some respect from the veteran….but Suge just has Kasey Owens pummel Shook. Alex Kane is out here….Jaden Newman intercepts the Suplex Assassin! Wait……Finesse is out here?!? Finesse takes out Suge and Owens and TOTALLY SHOOK IS HERE AT ACTION!!! And the hottest rising team in the Southeast is thinking they might have claim to become the ACTION tag team champs after tonight’s win. The Good Hand has a target on their foreheads!

Main Event: 1 Called Manders vs Bobby Flaco (ACTION Wrestling World Championship Match)

As much as AC Mack was considered the FACE of ACTION Wrestling from holding this belt initially for 2 years…Bobby Flaco, a day 1 ACTION guy, is very much the HEART of ACTION. After the controversial finish at Sharpsberg Showdown….can Bobby put it together, get the win and cement his spot in ACTION’s championship history. The crowd is well split here. Both competitors are well loved and well respected by the Tyrone faithful. The lock up and Manders just deposits Bob on his rear. Does Manders think last time wasn’t as close as it was? Bob with a head scissor and baseball slides right to the floor. HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!! Big cowboy chops from the champ. Flaco traps Manders and lets loose a series of his own chops. Cross body for two! Flaco tries a tornado DDT…but Manders catches him and deposits him into the top rope. Manders arm is starting to act up. Is this a target? Bob dodges an elbow drop and Manders is just hurting himself. If Manders lariat arm is toast….what’s he got? He DOES have another arm….but he have the instinct to swing from his off-hand? Bobby gets the crowd up….dives to the floor but Manders walks off…Stampede onto the apron! Bobby with a top rope cutter for two! He’s going for the A-YO DRIVER…..Manders wants none of that. HUGE lariat from Manders but he used the bad arm. Flaco kicks out! Manders with a left arm lariat! Flaco kicks out at ONE! Flaco riled up but Manders hit another lariat….Bob kicks out at two!!!! Manders doesn’t know what to do here! Flaco avoids a Super Stampede into a tornado DDT! Bobby Flaco hits a double stomp from the top and GETS THE THREE BOBBY FLACO JUST WON THE ACTION WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!! Manders interrupts the celebration but he just wants a handshake. He’s clearly hurting but he knows Flaco just earned the hell out of this accolade. The new champ? He is hanging out on the floor with his new gold and some people and some babies. He promises that Bob is taking this championship on a world tour. What a moment!


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