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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-10-18 23:10:00

Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Blake Howard.

Match Number One:  Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe versus Niko Vance and Harlem Lewis

Igwe and Niko start thing off and Niko with an elbow and shoulder.  Lewis tags in and they connect with shoulders.  Igwe with a wrist lock and Lewis goes for the hair.  Lewis with an uppercut and Niko tags in and connects with a knee off the turnbuckles.  Lewis tags in and he returns to the wrist lock.  Lewis with a shoulder tackle.  Igwe with a drop kick.  Igwe with a splash into the corner and Dupont tags in and Dupont with a shoulder tackle.  Dupont with a clothesline into the corner.  Igwe tags in and they connect with forearms.  Igwe with a knee and Dupont tags in and knocks Niko off the apron.  Lewis is sent to the floor.  Niko distracts Tyson and Lewis clips Dupont and he works on the leg.  Lewis with a shoulder in the corner and Niko tags in.

Niko with kicks and a Saito suplex for a near fall.  Dupont with a back elbow but Lewis and Niko catapult Dupont into the bottom rope and they get a near fall.  Dupont with an inside cradle for a near fall. Lewis with a dragon screw.  Dupont with a knee to Lewis and Lewis trips Dupont and Niko with a head butt.  Niko with a single leg crab.  Dupont kicks Niko and Igwe tags in and he punches Lewis and Niko.  Igwe with kicks.  Niko pulls Lewis off Igwe but Igwe sends Niko over the top rope to the floor.  Dupont with a spear to Niko on the floor.  Lewis gets a near fall with a rollup.  Igwe with a slam and Dupont tags in and they hit Heartstopper for the three count.

Winners:  Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe

Byron talked to Malik Blade earlier today.  He says Tavion is the real deal.  Malik tells Byron that he was an amateur wrestler and he has a twin brother.  He says he doesn't have a quitting bone in his body.  Tavion will get to see what he is all about.

Match Number Two:  Layla Diggs versus Lainey Reid

They lock up and Reid backs Diggs into the corner and Diggs with a break.  Reid with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Reid tries to send Layla's knee into the mat but Layla gets to her feet.  Reid with a hammer lock and Diggs with an arm drag.  Reid escapes a Boston Crab attempt but Diggs lands on her feet.  Diggs with a wrist lock.  Reid with a side head lock and Diggs with a reversal.  Reid with a forearm.  Diggs goes to the apron and connects with a shoulder.  Diggs flips into the ring and hits a drop kick for a near fall.  Reid sends Diggs face first into the ropes and she follows with kicks.  Reid with a running double knee strike to the back.

Reid with a neck breaker.  Reid works on the back and hits a twisting brainbuster for a near fall.  Reid with a reverse chin lock and then she grabs Diggs' leg and locks her hands together to stretch her.  Diggs powers out of the hold and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Diggs with punches and forearms.  Diggs with more punches and a flying clothesline.  Diggs with a jumping side kick and a second one.  Diggs with a spinning back heel kick into the corner.

Diggs catches Reid on a cross body and hits a power slam and moonsault for a near fall.  Diggs misses a drop kick when Reid holds on to the ropes.  Reid witha  knee and a step up splash to the back and a rollup with her hand on the rope for the three count.

Winner:  Lainey Reid

Lainey Reid is asked about what happened and she says she did what she had to do to win and she showed it.

Layla Diggs comes over and says this isn't over.

Match Number Three:  Malik Blade versus Tavion Heights

They lock up and Blade with a wrist lock and he goes for the leg but Tavion blocks it.  Tavion with a rollup for a near fall.  Blade with a waist lock and Tavion with a waist lock take down and he rolls through.  Tavion with a rollup for a near fall.  Blade leap frogs Tavion and connects with a few arm drags and follows with a drop kick.  Blade with a side head lock take down.  Tavion picks up Blade but Blade counters and takes Tavion to the mat.  Blade holds on to the side head lock when Tavion tries to send him off the ropes.  Tavion backs Blade into the corner and Blade with kicks.  Tavion with a knee and Irish whip.  Blade with a cross body for a near fall.  Tavion goes for a back body drop and Blade gets a near fall with a sunset flip.  Blade with an inside cradle for a near fall.  

Tavion avoids an O'Connor Roll and Tavion with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Tavion with a clothesline into the corner followed by forearms.  Tavion with a gutwrench suplex.  Blade backs Tavion into the corner and Tavion with forearms and a front face lock suplex for a near fall.  Tavion with a head lock and a knee.  Tavion gets Blade up for a delayed vertical suplex and Tavion gets a near fall.  Blade with punches but Tavion with a forearm.  Blade with punches and Tavion avoids a clothesline and Tavion with a clothesline of his own for a near fall.  Tavion with a full nelson.  Tavion pulls Blade to the mat and he gets a near fall.

Tavion returns to the full nelson.  Tavion gets Blade on his shoulders but Blade counters with a crucifix for a near fall.  Blade with punches and a flying forearm.  Blade with a flying forearm and a blockbuster.  Blade goes up top and Tavion catches him.  Blade counters a uranage with a tornado DDT for a near fall.  Tavion blocks a kick but Blade with an enzuigiri.  Blade goes up top and Tavion leaps to the turnbuckles.  Blade punches Tavion and leaps over Tavion.  Tavion with a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

Winner:  Tavion Heights

We go to credits.


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